
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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converts the continuous-time r(t) into a set of one or more discrete variables referred<br />

to as statistics. Each statistic is the result of integrating r(i) with a particular basis<br />

function. A set of sufficient statistics is one in which no pertinent information is lost<br />

in reducing the continuous time r(t) into the set of statistics. Once these statistics<br />

are obtained, MLD involves finding the hypothetical value for s that maximizes the<br />

likelihood of what is observed (the statistics).<br />

We are going to take a less rigorous approach which leads to the same result in<br />

a more intuitive way. Let's hypothesize a value of s, denoted Sj. Also, suppose for<br />

the moment we only have a single sample of r(t) to work with, r(t\). With MLD,<br />

we want to find the value of Sj that maximizes the likelihood of r(t\) given that<br />

s = Sj.<br />

From our model, we know that r{t\) is complex Gaussian with mean h{t\)s.<br />

Because r{t\) is a continuous r.v., its "likelihood" will refer to its PDF value. The<br />

PDF value conditioned on s — Sj is given by<br />

1 f-|rfti)-5^(*i)l a \ (2. 23)<br />

Now suppose we have a second sample r(Í2). It will have a similar likelihood form.<br />

Since the noise on these two samples are uncorrelated (white noise assumption),<br />

the likelihood of both occurring is simply the product of their likelihoods.<br />

Maximizing the likelihood is equivalent to maximizing the log-likelihood. The<br />

product of two likelihoods becomes the sum of two log likelihoods. Thus, given two<br />

received samples r(ii) and r(

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