
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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MORE DETAILS 175<br />

8.2 MORE DETAILS<br />

In this section, we will explore parameter estimation in more detail and examine<br />

radio aspects.<br />

8.2.1 Parameter estimation<br />

In the previous section, we introduced the notion of indirect adaptation, in which<br />

intermediate parameters are estimated and used to compute linear equalization<br />

weights. Another option is to estimate the weights directly, referred to as direct<br />

adaptation. One way to do this is with an adaptive filtering approach that adaptively<br />

learns the best set of weights. An example is the least-mean squares (LMS)<br />

algorithm. Using known or detected symbols, it forms an error signal at symbol<br />

period m given by<br />

em = s m -hHr m + i»i(m)r m _ 1 ], (8.6)<br />

where we've added index m to the weights to show that they change in time. Ideally,<br />

we would like this error to be as small as possible. This can be achieved by updating<br />

the weights for the next symbol period using<br />

w 2 (m+l) = w 2 {m) + ßr m e m (8.7)<br />

wi(m+l) = wi(m)+ / ur rn _ie m . (8.8)<br />

The quantity μ is a step size, which determines how fast we adapt the weights.<br />

When we are tracking rapid changes, we want μ to be large. When the error is<br />

mostly due to noise, we want μ to be small, to minimize changing the weights from<br />

their optimum values.<br />

Returning to indirect adaptation, there are actually two types. Consider again<br />

MMSE LE. Recall that the weights can be obtained by solving a set of equations<br />

Rw = h, where R can be interpreted as a data correlation matrix. With parametric<br />

estimation of R, we estimate the channel response and noise power and use them<br />

to form a data correlation matrix. The term parametric is used because we form<br />

the data correlation values using a parametric model of the received samples and<br />

estimate its parameters.<br />

Another option is to estimate R directly form the received samples. For example,<br />

E{rir 2 } « (1/4)(Γ!Γ 2 + r 2 r 3 + r 3 r 4 + r 4 r 5 ). (8.9)<br />

This approach is also indirect adaptation, but it is nonparametric in the sense that<br />

we do not need a model of the received samples to determine the data correlation<br />

values.<br />

Parametric and nonparametric approaches also exist for channel estimation. In<br />

general, particular tracking approaches are based on a model of the channel coefficient's<br />

behavior over time.<br />

The overall set of design choices for adaptive MMSE LE is summarized in Figure<br />

8.1. Note that the channel response h can also be computed using a parametric or<br />

nonparametric approach.

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