
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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to achieve spatial multiplexing (MIMO). Because subcarriers are orthogonal, we<br />

can use the simple MIMO model introduced in Chapter 1, in which the decision<br />

variables for a particular subcarrier collected over multiple receive antennas can be<br />

modeled as<br />

r f= Hs + n. (7.53)<br />

Unlike Chapter 1, we will assume complex-valued quantities.<br />

Let's consider MAPSD assuming no prior information about the two symbols.<br />

For symbol si, we need to form the MAP symbol metrics specified in (7.20). For<br />

the case of only two M-ary symbols drawn from a set S — {Sj\j = 1... M}, this<br />

becomes<br />

M<br />

P{ 8l =Sj\r} = ^Pr{r|e 1 =S j) e 2 = Sfc} (7.54)<br />

Assuming n is zero-mean Gaussian with covariance matrix C n , then<br />

fc=l<br />

Pr{r| Sl = S jt s 2 = S fc } = N) exp {(r - Hs^C^r - H Sj -. fc )} , (7.55)<br />

where Sjj. — [Sj Sk\ T ■<br />

To compute soft information for a particular bit í>¿ included in s\, we divide<br />

the set of possible symbol values S into two subsets: the set B+ corresponding to<br />

bi = +1 and the set B¿~ corresponding to 6» = — 1. The log-likelihood ratio for 6¿<br />

can then be determined using<br />

LLRi = log I 53 P{ Sl = Sjlr} j - log j ^ P{ Sl = Sj\r) J . (7.56)<br />


7.6.1 MAP symbol detection<br />

The relation between MAPSD and minimizing symbol error rate is pointed out in<br />

[Abe68j. A structure for MAPSD is given in [Gon68]. Fixed-lag (finite decision<br />

depth) MAPSD forms are developed in [Gon68, Abe70), and a parallel architecture<br />

is given in [Erf94]. Early work on MAPSD is surveyed in [Bel79]. Like MLSD,<br />

MAPSD can be formulated using an MF front end [Col05].<br />

The BCJR algorithm is described in [Bah74]. It can be viewed as a special<br />

case of Pearl's belief-propagation algorithm [Mce98]. Like the Viterbi algorithm,<br />

reduced-complexity versions of the BCJR, algorithm exist. The log-MAX approximate<br />

form that uses a forward and backward Viterbi algorithm is developed in<br />

[Vit98]. Reduced-state approximations have been proposed [ColOl, Vit07] as well<br />

as only considering a subset of symbols, treating the others as colored noise [P0088].<br />

7.6.2 Soft information<br />

In wireless communications, typical FEC codes are convolutional codes (proposed<br />

in [Eli55] according to [Vit67]), turbo codes [Ber96], and, more recently, low-density

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