
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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Notice we used the Markov property to drop Y*~ from the conditioning.<br />

We can interpret (7.48) as a recursive way of computing alpha terms at time t<br />

using alpha terms at time t — 1. To see how to get started, we substitute t = 1 into<br />

(7.48) and realize that Yj" is an empty set, giving<br />

:(<br />

Ql(m) = Σ<br />

Pl i S " = m'bi(m',m). (7.49)<br />

m'=()<br />

To keep the same form as (7.48), (7.49) implies<br />

a n {m) â Pr{5n = m'}, (7.50)<br />

the initial state probabilities. If b\ is preceded by a set of known symbols, then the<br />

initial state probability for the state m! associated with those symbols would be 1<br />

and the remaining initial state probabilities would be zero. If b\ is preceded by a<br />

set of unknown symbols, then the initial state probabilities would all be equal to<br />

1/4.<br />

Thus, (7.48) and (7.50) define a forward recursion (start with t = 1 and increase<br />

t forward in time). Similarly, one can derive a backward recursion for computing<br />

the beta values (see homework problems). Specifically,<br />

:(<br />

ßt(m) = £A +1 (mb(m,m) (7.51)<br />

m=()<br />

ß T (m) = Pr{5 T = rh\S T -i = m). (7.52)<br />

If b T and 6 T _! are known symbols, then S T is known and only one of the conditional<br />

final state probabilities ß T (m) will be nonzero. If these last two symbols are<br />

unknown, then all conditional final state probabilities (for valid state transitions)<br />

will be equal to 1/4.<br />

It is common to implement (7.37) in the log domain, so that multiplies becomes<br />

additions. This is sometimes referred to as log-MAP. Notice that the log domain<br />

cannot be used throughout, due to the summations in alpha and beta recursions.<br />

Also notice that such conversions require knowing iVo or the SNR, so that exponentials<br />

are formed properly. However, if we approximate these summations with<br />

the largest term in the summation (the maximum term), then log domain calculations<br />

can be used throughout (and we do not need to know N (t ). This is sometimes<br />

referred to as the log-MAX approximation. Observe that in this case, the forward<br />

recursion becomes the Viterbi algorithm, in which the log of the alphas are the<br />

path metrics and the log of the gammas are the branch metrics. Unlike MLSD, the<br />

Viterbi algorithm must be run twice, once forward and once backward.<br />

Once the joint state transition/data probabilities have been computed, symbol<br />

likelihoods can be determined by summing the transition probabilities that correspond<br />

to a particular symbol value.<br />

7.3.2 Soft information<br />

With M-ary modulation, bit-level soft information can be extracted from the symbol<br />

metrics by summing the symbol metrics corresponding to a certain bit value.

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