
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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THE MATH 163<br />

Figure 7.1<br />

MAPSD trellis diagram, three-path channel.<br />

are 0, 1,2, and 3. One possible transition is S t -i = 0, S t = 0. This corresponds to<br />

the sequence 6t-2 = +1> öt—i = +1, bt = +1. Notice from the trellis diagram that<br />

not all state transitions are possible, as the values for b t -i for states at times ί — 1<br />

and t must be consistent.<br />

Now we are ready to write the symbol metric in terms of state transition likelihoods.<br />

Recall the fact from probability theory that<br />

Ρτ{Α} = Σ PI{A\BÍ}PI{BÍ} (7.26)<br />

i<br />

where the ß; are independent and span the probability space. By defining the B¡<br />

to be the state transitions, the symbol metric in (7.25) becomes<br />

3 3<br />

P(bt-i = +1) = Σ Σ ϊΜ 5 «-! = m '> S * = m < 6 *-i = +1 > y i T }· ( 7·27 )<br />

Prom the trellis diagram, we see that half of the terms on the right-hand side will<br />

be zero, as the state transition and bt-i value are inconsistent. When they are<br />

consistent, we have the added requirement that bt-i = +1. Thus, we can write<br />

(7.27) as<br />

3 3<br />

P(6 t _! =+1) = J2 ^ Pr{5 t _i =m',S t = m,F T 1 }Tr(m',m)/(m',m,+l),<br />

τη'=0 m=0<br />

(7.28)<br />

where Tr(m', m) denotes a function based on the trellis that is 1 if the transition<br />

is valid and zero otherwise. The term I(m',m, +1) is 1 if the transition is valid<br />

and 6 t _i = +1. While the term Tr(m',m) is redundant in this case, we will find it<br />

useful later.

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