
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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Let's look at the Alice and Bob example. From Table 1.1, we see that there are<br />

three messages encoded with two binary symbols. The combination si = — 1 and<br />

«2 = +1 is not a valid message. Thus, with MLPD, we would not consider that<br />

combination when forming metrics. In Table 6.1, we would not look at rows 3 and<br />

7. It turns out that in this case, we wouldn't have selected rows 3 or 7 anyway,<br />

because their metrics are too large. However, in the general case, there are times<br />

when the noise would cause the metrics in rows 3 or 7 to be the best. By using<br />

knowledge that these rows cannot occur, we would avoid making a packet error at<br />

such times.<br />

In general, MLPD is fairly complex, as there are usually a lot of possible packet<br />

values. As a result, a lower-complexity iterative approach has been developed, in<br />

which equalization and decoding are performed more than once, with each process<br />

feeding information to the other. This approach is referred to as turbo equalization.<br />

7.2 MORE DETAILS<br />

7.2.1 MAP symbol detection<br />

Notice that when we compute each metric, there is one term in the summation that<br />

is larger than the rest. To reduce complexity, we can approximate the summation<br />

by its largest term, i.e.,<br />

L(s 2 = +1) « e ( - 4,l/lll0) = 0.8187 (7.5)<br />

L(s 2 = -1) « e ( - r,4/1(,l,) = 0.7261. (7.6)<br />

While the approximation is not that accurate in this example, it does lead to the<br />

same detected value. This approximation is referred to as the dual maxima approximation.<br />

The name comes from the fact that there are two (dual) summations, and<br />

we keep the maximum exponent (closest to zero) in each case. The approximation<br />

works best at high SNR (low σ 2 ).<br />

There is a numerical issue with MAPSD. At high SNR, σ 2 becomes small, making<br />

the exponents negative numbers with large magnitudes. This makes the result<br />

close to zero, which may end up being represented by zero in a machine, such as a<br />

calculator or computer. This is sometimes called the underflow problem.<br />

How do we solve this? If we scale both symbol metrics by the same positive<br />

number, we don't change which one is bigger. In the example above, what if we<br />

scaled each metric by exp(40/100), where we've used the notation exp(a:) = e x .<br />

This would cause the largest term in the summation to be 1 and all other terms to<br />

be less than one. This would guarantee that at least one term would not underflow,<br />

which is enough to determine a detected value with MAPSD.<br />

However, if we perform the scaling after computing the individual terms, it would<br />

be too late. So, we use the fact that<br />

exp(o) exp(6) = exp(o + b). (7.7)<br />

Since we will ultimately negate the sequence metric, we need to subtract 40 from<br />

each sequence metric before forming the exponentials. In general, we would find the

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