
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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THE IDEA 155<br />

detected value. Thus, the signed soft value would be +428. Similarly, the signed<br />

soft value for s 2 would be +640.<br />

The approach just described is optimistic, in that it implicitly assumes the other<br />

detected symbol values are correct. This is why we only change one symbol value.<br />

More accurate soft information can be obtained by defining the second sequence<br />

metric as the best metric corresponding to the set of possible sequences for which<br />

52 is opposite to its detected value.<br />

What we're really doing is approximating the MAPSD approach for soft information<br />

generation with the MLSD metrics. Specifically, we are assuming that for<br />

the set of sequences for which the s 2 is the detected value, the detected sequence<br />

dominates. Similarly, for the set of sequences for which s^ is not the detected<br />

value, one sequence dominates. This notion of considering only dominant terms<br />

when forming soft information is referred to as dual maxima or simply dual-max.<br /> Coding In general, some form of forward error correction (FEC) encoding<br />

is used to protect the message symbols. One way to achieve this is to send additional<br />

symbols that are functions of the message symbols. This adds extra information<br />

or redundancy to the packet, which can be used to correct symbol errors during<br />

the decoding process. Coding is also used for forward error detection (FED). In<br />

general, some codes are designed for FEC and some for FED. However, they need<br />

not be used the way they were intended to be used.<br />

A simple example of a code for either FEC or FED is a parity check code. In<br />

the Alice and Bob example, we sent two symbols, si and s 2 . We could send a third<br />

symbol, S3 = S1S2· First, suppose the coding is used for FED. At the receiver, we<br />

would check whether S3 is equal to S1I2· If not, an error would be declared. (One<br />

way to handle such an error is to have the packet sent a second time.) Second,<br />

suppose the coding is used for FEC. At the receiver, we would use r\, r 2 and<br />

r.-j to form soft information. For example, suppose the MMSE linear equalization<br />

decision variables have values z\ — —0.18914, 22 = 0.26488, and Z3 = 0.16822.<br />

In the decoding process, we would form message metrics for each possible metric.<br />

For example, message 1 has si = +1 and s 2 = —1· The parity symbol would be<br />

53 = (+1)(—1) = —1. The message metric would be (+l)«i + (—1)22 + ( — 1)^3,<br />

which equals —0.622246. For messages 2 and 3, the message metrics would be<br />

0.092477 and 0.243956. We would declare the third message the detected message<br />

as it has the largest message metric.<br />

7.1.3 Joint demodulation and decoding<br />

With MLSD and MAPSD, we take advantage of the fact that the symbols can only<br />

take on the values +1 and —1. There is further signal structure that we can use<br />

to our advantage. We can use the fact that there are a finite number of possible<br />

messages or packet values. All symbol sequences are not possible.<br />

The best way to use this information would be to perform maximum likelihood<br />

packet detection (MLPD). Like MLSD, we consider all possible packet values (a<br />

subset of all possible symbol sequences) and form a metric for each one. The<br />

packet with the best metric is the detected packet value or message.

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