
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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A survey of early work on linear equalization can be found in [Luc73, Bel79]. Early<br />

work on LE for cochannel interference suppression can be found in [Geo65].<br />

According to [Mon84], LE with multiple receive antennas is considered as early<br />

as [Bra70j. In [Bal92], an MF front end is used to collapse the multiple streams<br />

of data into one (symbol-level equalization). Cochannel interference can be suppressed<br />

by modeling it as spatially colored noise [Win84, Cla94]. To avoid temporal<br />

processing (multiple processing delays), multiple antennas can be used to suppress<br />

ISI due to dispersion (as well as cochannel interference) [Won96]. A mix of temporal<br />

and spatial processing to suppress ISI from dispersion is also possible [Fuj99].<br />

Different forms of interference suppression result, depending on what aspects of the<br />

interference are known or estimated (amplitude, channel response, symbol values)<br />

[Aff02, Han04].<br />

As for different criteria, development of minimum distortion linear equalization<br />

is provided in [Pro89]. Work on minimum BER linear equalization can be found<br />

in [WanOO]. Block linear equalization for TDM is considered in [Cro92] and is<br />

extended to include cochannel interference suppression in [Gin99].<br />

When the number of processing delays is limited, different strategies can be<br />

used to select the delays. Such strategies apply to both LE and the forward filter<br />

of DFE, so literature on both is discussed here. One strategy is to find a set of<br />

delays that minimizes MSE [Rag93b, LeeOl] or maximizes SNR, (or an approximation<br />

to it [Ari97] (DFE)). An order-recursive approach can be used, in which<br />

processing delays are added one at a time to maximize SNR, or an approximation to<br />

it [Kha05, Zhi05] (LE), [Sui06, Kut07] (LE, DFE). Another approach is to find the<br />

locations that have the largest weight magnitudes [Bun89] (DFE) or are expected<br />

to have the largest weight magnitudes [Lee04] (LE, DFE). Another is a mirroring<br />

approach [Kut05, Ful09], which can be related to approximate inverse channel filtering<br />

[Ful09]. This approach is similar to the idea of placing fingers where copies<br />

of interfering symbols are present [Has02, Sou]. A matching pursuit-based strategy<br />

is proposed in [Zhi05|. Strategies for addressing dispersive cochannel interference<br />

are discussed in [Ari99].<br />

Sometimes the cochannel interference can be better modeled as noncircular (improper)<br />

noise. For example, BPSK interference occupies only one dimension in<br />

the complex plane. When this occurs, there are two, equivalent approaches for<br />

formulating the linear equalization problem. One is linear conjugate linear (LCL)<br />

filtering [Bro69], also known as widely linear filtering [Pic95], in which the equalizer<br />

processes both the received signal and its conjugate. The other is to break apart the<br />

complex received signal into its real and imaginary components [Bro69]. Such filtering<br />

has been applied to BPSK cochannel interference [Yoo97] and GMSK cochannel<br />

interference in GSM [Ger03, Mey06]. In this latter context it is sometimes called<br />

single antenna interference cancellation (SAIC) because it allows interference suppression<br />

similar to that obtained with two receive antennas but without the need<br />

for a second antenna. Such filtering can also be applied to CDMA systems employing<br />

BPSK [BuzOl], including early versions of the US CDMA (IS-95) standard that<br />

employ BPSK with QPSK spreading [Bot03b].

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