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National Feed-In Info Day in the course of the Intelligent Energy Europe Project<br />

<strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong><br />

Report on 2nd National Feed-In Info Days held in all partner countries<br />

June 2013<br />

Compiled by the Austrian Energy Agency<br />

Deliverable 4.2 WP 4<br />

The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect<br />

the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EACI nor the European Commission are responsible for any<br />

use that may be made of the information contained therein.

The <strong>report</strong>s of the national feed-in Info Days were contributed by the following<br />

project partners:<br />

Austria<br />

Alfred Schuch<br />

Herbert Tretter<br />

AEA<br />

Croatia Robert Fabek EIHP<br />

France Olivier Théobald ADEME<br />

Germany Alexandra Lermen dena<br />

Hungary<br />

Kornel Kovacs<br />

Attila Kovacs<br />

University Szdeged<br />

EBA<br />

Italy Lorenzo Maggioni CIB<br />

Netherlands<br />

Matté Brijder<br />

Matthieu Dumont<br />

Agentschap NL<br />

Poland Maria Dobrowolska KAPE<br />

Slovakia Pavel Starinský SIEA<br />

United Kingdom John Baldwin CNG Services Ltd<br />

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Table of Content<br />

Introduction ................................................................................................ 4<br />

Aim of National Feed-In Info days .................................................................. 4<br />

2nd National Feed-In Info Day in Austria ........................................................ 5<br />

2nd National Feed-In Info Day in Croatia ........................................................ 8<br />

2nd National Feed-In Info Day in France ....................................................... 11<br />

2nd National Feed-In Info Day in Germany ................................................... 14<br />

2nd National Feed-In Info Day in Italy .......................................................... 17<br />

2nd National Feed-In Info Day in The Netherlands ......................................... 22<br />

2nd National Feed-In Info Day in Slovakia .................................................... 30<br />

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Introduction<br />

The role of biomethane in the European energy market is about to change. Energy<br />

from biomass makes a significant contribution towards reaching the EC targets for<br />

renewable energies by 2020. And the field of application can still be expanded. As<br />

biomethane features the same characteristics as natural gas the possibilities of<br />

usage are many. At the moment the development in this field is slow or in many<br />

European countries still has to be initiated.<br />

The <strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong> project aims to support the biomethane market, help ‘starter’<br />

countries to establish the technology and thereby increase the European<br />

biomethane production. Accordingly, throughout the duration of the project the<br />

following measures are undertaken:<br />

Hand-on know-how transfer to ‘starter’ countries<br />

Support finding solutions to market barriers<br />

Bring together potential business partners<br />

Promotion of biomethane in the countries with high potential but few<br />

activities.<br />

Aim of National Feed-In Info days<br />

In course of the GGG project a total of two national feed-in Info days will be held in<br />

each of the partner countries. The aim of the Info Days is bring together national<br />

stakeholders of different areas of expertise and to inform them about the<br />

opportunities the biomethane production presents.<br />

For the forerunner countries (Austria, Germany, France, The Netherlands, United<br />

Kingdom) these Info Days present the opportunity for business match-making,<br />

bringing together stakeholder and discussion of the current and future situation of<br />

the national biomethane market.<br />

For the starter countries (Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia) the Info Days<br />

have the aim to provide decision-makers with technical and legislative advice for<br />

the implementation of biomethane projects. Further the occasion should be used for<br />

knowledge transfer from experts of forerunner countries to the stakeholders of the<br />

starter countries.<br />

By XXXX 2013 the second National Info Days – based on the experience of the first<br />

National Info Day and taking the progress of the project into consideration - were<br />

carried out in each of the partner countries. The main topics - dealt with at the<br />

second National Info Days - result from the ongoing work and the thereby<br />

upcoming issues. Of course technical progress or upcoming new technologies – if<br />

given – are taking into account as well. The following <strong>report</strong> gives a summary of<br />

each event and presents the results and conclusions obtained.<br />

The programme of each of Info Day, the presentations held and the list of<br />

participants can be downloaded in the respective country section of the project<br />

website www.greengasgrids.eu.<br />

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2nd National Feed-In Info Day in Austria<br />

Introduction<br />

The Austrian 2 nd National Info Day took place on 11 June 2013, starting at 9:00 am<br />

to 5:30 pm. The Info Day took place – like the 1 st National Info Day - in a<br />

conference room of the Arcotel Wimberger in Vienna.<br />

More than 40 people were registered for the Info Day. 42 people attended the<br />

meeting. Very similar to the 1st National Info Day, besides the speakers, several<br />

operators, other stakeholders like lawyers specialized on biogas/biomethane,<br />

experts from the financing industry, consultants, marketing experts etc. attended<br />

the meeting and contributed to interesting discussions.<br />

All in all 12 experts contributed as active speakers and/or round table participants -<br />

including representatives of all four Austrian Social Partners attended, public<br />

authorities (federal ministry of finance), a representative of the European Biogas<br />

Association, producers of biogas upgrading plants, experts dealing – among otherswith<br />

related certificates etc., thus contributing to a successful 2nd National Info Day<br />

in terms of substance as well as in terms of networking activities.<br />

Through the wide area of expertise presented by the various speakers topics of all<br />

interests were covered and a detailed insight into the market situation obtained.<br />

The conference was held in German.<br />

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Programme<br />

The programme of the Info Day was based on presentations of experts in the<br />

biomethane sector, which stimulated lively discussions. In the late afternoon an<br />

open debate took place in the framework of a round table discussion – in which<br />

high level representatives shared their views and the potential pathways ahead. Of<br />

course this discussion included the audience as well. Likewise the breaks were<br />

intensively used for network activities and for the recognition of potential business<br />

activities.<br />

The Info Day started with the welcome of the participants by the CEO of the<br />

Austrian Energy Agency opening the second National Info Day. The programme<br />

consisted of four main parts:<br />

The first part focused on sustainability issues, like the ongoing discussion in<br />

the ILUC process and the availability of sustainable substrate.<br />

The second part was dedicated to activities on European level in terms of<br />

harmonization efforts dealing in particular with trade and technical<br />

standards – whereas<br />

The third part concentrated on different topics which do have or will have<br />

an impact on the biomethane sector, like the proposed directive dealing<br />

with infrastructure for alternative fuels or on progress of technologies which<br />

enable a higher specific biogas earning per ton substrate input.<br />

The fourth part consisted of a round table discussion which mainly dealt<br />

with incentive mechanism needed to boost the biomethane sector. Of<br />

course the framework was more or less provided by the 20/20/20 goals,<br />

taking the latest German developments into consideration concerning. The<br />

discussion was not restricted to the topic electricity generation by RES but<br />

was extended to all energy carriers – taking socio economic impacts into<br />

account.<br />

The main results of the discussion are summarized below identifying the conclusion<br />

drawn in the course of the Info Day.<br />

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Of course opportunities for business match making were offered/given. Business,<br />

authorities and other stakeholders had the chance to connect and exchange<br />

opinion.<br />

Conclusions of the event<br />

In relation to the outcome of the round table discussion it can be concluded that the<br />

most urgent hurdles for the realization of plants are – from the viewpoint of the<br />

debaters – as follows:<br />

Enhanced legal provisions in relation to sustainable feed in tariffs are<br />

needed; lessons learned from the deployed system have to be considered;<br />

Potentials of the role of the public (government, authorities etc.) as model<br />

should be exploited and at the same time credibility of the commitments to<br />

lower greenhouse gas emissions could be strengthened;<br />

Regulatory risks have to be diminished as much as possible;<br />

The investment sentiment has to be increased in relation to<br />

security/guarantee for long term investments subsidies;<br />

Unstableness in relation to tax treatments (biogas plants are investments of<br />

long term nature) has to be avoided, since investors need a stable longterm<br />

“tax” framework for such investments;<br />

R&D activities in relation to the 2 nd and 3 rd generation biofuels/biogas<br />

generation processes need to be intensified.<br />

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2nd National Feed-In Info Day in Croatia<br />

Introduction<br />

Due to its advantages, biomethane is becoming more important on the political<br />

agenda and also as a business opportunity in various EU Member States. Despite<br />

the high interest and willingness of policy-makers and market actors to increase<br />

bio-methane production, developments are slow and support is still highly needed.<br />

The <strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong> project addresses the most hindering barriers for biomethane<br />

market deployment and thus leads to a direct increase in biomethane production. It<br />

aims to substantially change the EU market situation for biogas feed-in to allow<br />

enfolding its <strong>full</strong> potential.<br />

Know-how transfer and implementation of project results on national level are some<br />

of the most important tasks of the Project. Biomethane feed-in info days on<br />

national level are one of defined ways for informing national stakeholders about the<br />

opportunities GGG provides to them and to disseminate the project results on the<br />

national level.<br />

This <strong>report</strong> provides an overview of the second Croatian biomethane feed-in info<br />

day, which was held in Zagreb, addressing the authorities responsible for energy,<br />

environmental and agricultural sector as well as gas industry and project<br />

developers. It was held as a joint event with Bio-methaneRegions and Biomaster<br />

projects.<br />

The biomethane info day in Croatia was organised by Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar.<br />

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Programme<br />

The 2 nd Croatian feed-in info day for ministries, regulators, state agencies, gas<br />

industry, plant constructors, project developers and other participants interested in<br />

bio-methane production was implemented on May 28, 2013, at the Energy Institute<br />

Hrvoje Požar. It was organized as a joint event with Bio-methaneRegions and<br />

Biomaster projects.<br />

The program of the info-day is divided in three sections.<br />

First section comprised information about biogas projects and promotion policy in<br />

Croatia, contribution of biogas to EU 20-20-20 targets and socio-economic aspects<br />

of biogas projects.<br />

Second section covered experiences related to biomethane market development in<br />

forerunner countries. There were presented best practices for integration of biomethane<br />

into markets for policy makers and best practice guidelines for market<br />

actors as well as information on national biogas activities. A final version of<br />

Croatian bio-methane roadmap which was previously discussed with the<br />

stakeholders was also presented.<br />

Afterwards, biomethane production technologies, financial aspects of biomethane<br />

production and technical aspects of injection of biomethane into the natural gas<br />

grid where presented.<br />

Invitations for the biomethane feed-in info-day were sent to all relevant national<br />

and regional administrative bodies, including Ministry of Economy, Labour and<br />

Entrepreneurship (MINGORP), Croatian Energy Market Operator, Croatian Energy<br />

Regulatory Agency, Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection (MZOP),<br />

Ministry of Culture - Directorate for Nature Protection, Ministry of Agriculture,<br />

Fisheries and Rural Development, Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and<br />

Rural Development, and all other relevant bodies in Croatia.<br />

Response to the invitation was very good, so that representatives of almost all<br />

relevant bodies and institutions took part at the event. More than 50 people were<br />

registered for the Info Day and 41 people attended the meeting.<br />

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Conclusions of the event<br />

2 nd biomethane feed-in info-day in Croatia comprised an overall overview of the<br />

biogas/biomethane projects and promotion policy in Croatia as well as experiences<br />

in market development, permitting procedures and financing options in EU<br />

countries.<br />

The event continued with the presentation on the biomethane production<br />

technologies, financial aspects of biomethane production and technical aspects of<br />

injection of biomethane into the natural gas grid.<br />

A draft final version of Croatian bio-methane roadmap was presented and discussed<br />

with all participants.<br />

In relation to the outcome of the discussion it can be concluded that the most<br />

urgent hurdles for the realization of new plants are as follows:<br />

Lack of legal provisions in relation to feed in tariffs;<br />

Incomplete technical standards applied to biomethane injected into the gas<br />

grid;<br />

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2nd National Feed-In Info Day in France<br />

Introduction<br />

The second French Info Day took place on 21st February 2013 during the great<br />

event on Renewable Energy in Lyon and his specialized zone, “Expo Biogaz”,<br />

completely dedicated to biogas. 160 people, so slightly less than 2102, attended<br />

the 2nd National Feed-In Info Day in France.<br />

Most of the participants came from France and at a lower number from Germany,<br />

Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands and Tunisia.<br />

83 firms, 33 associations, public institutions, universities etc. attended the event.<br />

The recent decrees and ordinances, published at the end of 2011 and during the<br />

first semester of 2012, have created a big interest for the injection of biomethane<br />

into gas grids. Nearly 400 projects of injection are today in instruction by the grid<br />

operators (distribution and transport networks). 2 units are in operation and one<br />

plant is in the construction phase.<br />

Four different workshops were organized and animated by the French Biogas<br />

Association-Club Biogaz. One out of the four workshops focused on biomethane and<br />

the injection in the grid, and the CNG use.<br />

Attendees of the biomethane workshop had the possibility for face-to-face<br />

encounters with representatives of gas suppliers, grid operators, cars and trucks<br />

manufactures, engineering offices, investors and administration.<br />

The programme focused on two issues: conditions of injection and feedback<br />

experiences (morning), and CNV offers (afternoon); please find below more details.<br />

Wed. 21st of February morning<br />

Opening session (SOLAGRO)<br />

Strategy for biomethane in a rural area (Rhône Alpes Energie Environment)<br />

Regulations and laws on injection ; Technical and economic conditions,<br />

costs, delays, feed-in procedures (Gaz réseau Distribution France)<br />

Manage the production to respect the contract (Naskéo)<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> cleaning : technologies and solutions by a French supplier (Air Liquide)<br />

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Example on the on-farm project “Bioénergie de la Brie” (French Association<br />

for AD Farmers)<br />

Particularity of injection from the Strasbourg WWT unit (réseau GDS,<br />

Degrémont and Lyonnaise des Eaux)<br />

Suppliers offers (Total Energie Gaz and GDF SUEZ)<br />

The presentations are made in the context of increase of the French biomethane<br />

market.<br />

Grid operators have emphasized the following point: the number of projects is<br />

continuously increasing, as well as distribution or transport grids.<br />

A focus was made on the WWT biomethane injection project in the east of France :<br />

Strasbourg.<br />

Injection of biomethane from WWT sludge is still forbidden; this project intends to<br />

change the perspective on this. The Strasbourg unit will serve as a good example<br />

for elaboration of two studies, namely on sanitary and physic-chemical aspects,<br />

which are the main reasons to refuse injection of WWT sludge biomethane into the<br />

grid yet. This operation received subsidies from the UE program Life+<br />

(www.biovalsan.eu).<br />

The second main topic dealt with was the Bioénergie de la Brie unit; this is the 3rd<br />

injection French project in France which will inject biomethane into the grid;<br />

operation is envisaged in the second part of 2013. The responsible of the project<br />

spokes stressed the following strategic points:<br />

Technologic innovation (membrane)<br />

Seasonality of bio-methane production<br />

New rules<br />

<strong>Gas</strong> analysis and THT odorisation<br />

This project will process 12.000 t/y from agricultural and agro-food industries<br />

activities. The injection capacity will be 100 Nm3/h.<br />

Main discussions<br />

Questions were asked in relation to the minimum size of such projects in order to<br />

become economically viable. In other words, is there a minimum size for injection<br />

projects?<br />

Related to distribution grids one can say that there are basically no rules related to<br />

the required size but assessment has to be done on a case by case base, since<br />

constraints might be different for each project. An upgrading supplier argued that<br />

the minimal size is around 40 Nm3/h of biomethane.<br />

In transportation grids, an operator mentioned 100 Nm3/h as a limit, while others<br />

argued for higher capacities like 200 to 800 Nm3/h, depending on the geographical<br />

location of the project.<br />

Wed. 21st of February afternoon<br />

Opening session (GrDF)<br />

Mobility: ADEME-GrDF agreement for 2013-2015: action plan to develop<br />

CNG? (ADEME)<br />

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French market for CNG and LNG vehicles and perspectives (IVECO)<br />

Status quo for CNG filling stations (GNVert)<br />

Status quo for LNG : feed-back on the US and Canadian experiences<br />

(WESTPORT)<br />

Feed-back on SYDEME AD plant (SYDEME)<br />

Focus on CNG filling stations and bio-CNG vehicles (GREENFIELD)<br />

Post equipment on a Renault vehicle (RM GAZ)<br />

Enhance the performances of CNG buses Euro 2 and 3 (CRMT)<br />

How to develop CNG and bio-CNG in a rural area (GrDF)<br />

The excellent CO2 balance and the absence of emission of particles and NOx are<br />

clearly in favour of developing CNG and bioCNG infrastructure on local level.<br />

The equivalence – in term of quality – between bioCNG and CNG was highlighted.<br />

2012 was stressed as a remarkable year in relation to extended application of CNG<br />

and bioCNG, since in the future, the demand for CNG and bioCNG will increase, in<br />

parallel with the apparition of LNG vehicles.<br />

Conclusions of the event<br />

The second Info Day on biomethane in France was very successful as the first. The<br />

event was organized to give an overview of the biomethane situation and<br />

perspectives in France as well as in neighbouring markets. The topics focused on<br />

new rules and regulations, technical projects and development of new technologies<br />

for the fuel market (bioCNG and bioLNG).<br />

In the near future, some tasks or works must be started or continued like:<br />

The large consultation which started in 2009 – launched by the ministry for<br />

Ecology and Energy - and which continued from 2010 onwards under the<br />

responsibility of ADEME and the main gas distribution system operator<br />

GrDF. This working group is very active and efficient in the promotion of<br />

biomethane (www.injectionbiomethane.fr).<br />

Preparation of the French ROADMAP on biomethane – based on the<br />

contributions of the relevant stake holders, namely DSOs, TSOs, upgrading<br />

technologies experts, gas suppliers, engineering offices, consultants,<br />

federations of cities, French biogas association, etc.<br />

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2nd National Feed-In Info Day in Germany<br />

Introduction<br />

On April 18th 2013, the second German <strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong> bio-methane info day took<br />

place at the Altes Rathaus Hannover (Lower Saxony). Organised by the German<br />

Energy Agency (dena), around 50 interested market actors and stakeholders<br />

discussed the actual situation and future development of the German bio-methane<br />

market. Actual numbers showed a significant growth of plants and capacity: By<br />

April 2013, 116 plants were feeding into the natural gas grid with an hourly feed-in<br />

capacity of 70,000 cubic meters of bio-methane. Currently a growth up to 187<br />

plants with 110,000 cubic meters per hour is planned. This growth, steep also in<br />

comparison with other European countries, is at least in part a direct consequence<br />

of past and ongoing changes of the political framework in Germany.<br />

Statements summarizing the info day results<br />

The bioenergy potential is limited – Bioenergy is the all-rounder among<br />

the renewables. But: its potential is finite and needs to be used efficiently.<br />

Bio-methane injection offers a very efficient field of application.<br />

There is no competing for land due to bio-methane production – In<br />

contrast to current discussions bioenergy production is not the source of<br />

famine and rising food price. On the contrary: agriculture in the industrial<br />

nations produces a surplus which is being exported to developing countries.<br />

Versatile input material is important – Energy crops currently are the<br />

dominant choice for bio-methane production. Still, bio-methane is already<br />

being generated from a growing part of waste material and a varying mix of<br />

plants. This share will further increase in the future.<br />

The bioenergy potential is limited<br />

Biogas is generated via fermentation of varying input material such as waste or<br />

energy crops. In Germany, 2.1 million hectares of energy crops have been grown in<br />

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2012, representing an 18 percent share of the total 11.8 million hectares used for<br />

agriculture. Many studies see a growth potential for the coming decades that will<br />

not interfere with the supply of food. The majority of these studies expect 2.5 to 4<br />

million hectares to become available, allowing 23 percent of the German primary<br />

energy consumption in 2050 to be met with domestic biomass, assuming a strong<br />

reduction of energy consumption.<br />

Despite these potentials expanding bioenergy production from energy crops is<br />

limited in terms of land capacity, environmental aspects and other uses of biomass.<br />

No competing for land due to bio-methane production<br />

In Germany there is ongoing debate about competition between food and fodder<br />

production on the one hand and bioenergy generation on the other, in Germany<br />

and especially world-wide. The sources of famine, though, are poverty, civil wars<br />

and the effects of climate change, above all. In addition, agriculture in industrial<br />

countries produces a surplus of food being exported to developing countries where<br />

it interferes with local agriculture and increases famine.<br />

In Europe, already today big amounts of foodstuffs that are thrown away are being<br />

used for bioenergy production instead of going into a waste treatment path. Thus a<br />

lot of biomass is available in a non-competitive manner. Still, changes in<br />

agricultural policy and consumer behaviour can help to seize untapped potential.<br />

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Versatile input material is important<br />

In most German bio-methane plants energy crops are used, such as maize,<br />

beetroot and grass. There have been controversial discussions about these<br />

contributing to monoculture and a rise of rent for fields. For Germany and Europe<br />

this cannot be confirmed: Only in a few areas e.g. maize is grown more than 50<br />

percent and this is due to fodder production. A rise of rent could also be seen only<br />

in a small number of regions. Here, reasons are rather loss of land due to street<br />

construction, industrial areas, water protection and an increasing demand of land<br />

for livestock husbandry.<br />

Concerning bioenergy production, constant increases of harvesting efficiency and<br />

the use of fallow land are leading to better agricultural efficiency and to a decrease<br />

of conflict potential. Additionally, bio-methane plant owners put a lot of effort into<br />

using waste material from fodder production such as manure, as well as household<br />

waste. Feeding bio-methane plants with so far unused material is expected to<br />

increase further in the future.<br />

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2nd National Feed-In Info Day in Italy<br />

Introduction<br />

The Italian 2nd national feed-in info day was held on Friday 05 May 2013, starting<br />

at 9:30 am to 6:00 pm.<br />

The info day took place in Milano, within the setting of “The Innovation Cloud”1, the<br />

new exhibition platform which includes all the innovative energy technologies:<br />

photovoltaic and renewable power generation, energy storage and smart grid,<br />

sustainable mobility, renewable heat generation and energy efficiency. A multitechnology<br />

concept envisaged to encourage and promote all possible synergies over<br />

the entire spectrum of new energy technologies. A significant part of the exhibition<br />

– within the sector b>>energy - was devoted to biogas respectively bio-methane.<br />

The conference, entitled “Second bio-methane day – The European projects<br />

SEBE and <strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong>”, was organized by the following important institutions<br />

and organizations, which cooperate in the field of renewable energy, agriculture and<br />

environmental protection, namely:<br />

Consorzio Italiano Biogas - CIB 2<br />

CRPA 3<br />

Environment Park 4 .<br />

All in all 14 experts, including four representatives of foreign countries and of<br />

European Institutions (O. Panic - University of Stuttgart; A. Kovacs European<br />

Biogas Association; J. Del Alamo's NVGA; M. Dumont - NL Agency) contributed as<br />

active speakers.<br />

The topics, dealt with by various speakers, covered a wide area of expertise, thus<br />

all of the interests were coped with and a detailed insight into the market situation<br />

could be obtained.<br />

One of the main focuses of the conference was the idea to combine in one event<br />

two different EU-funded programmes, namely the:<br />

project.<br />

<strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong> 5 and<br />

SEBE 6<br />

The "SEBE" programme, financed by Central Europe Programme, is a project that<br />

encourages transnational cooperation in order to improve innovation, accessibility<br />

and the environment in Central Europe and to enhance the competitiveness of its<br />

cities and regions. "SEBE" aims at a coordinated further development of biogas<br />

utilization, technology and transnational competence knowledge. The various<br />

operating environments (legal, economical and logistical, technical), shortages on<br />

qualified and specialized human resources (planning, operation, support and<br />

maintenance) as well as several regional factors (e.g. available resources, logistics,<br />

1 http://www.innovationcloud-expo.com/<br />

2 www.consorziobiogas.it<br />

3 www.crpa.it<br />

4 http://www.envipark.com/<br />

5 www.greengasgrids.eu<br />

6 http://www.sebe2013.eu/home/about<br />

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or failed biogas plants from past projects) throughout the member states in the<br />

CENTRAL area form a challenging environment to work in.<br />

By using a transnational approach the project consortia establishes a common<br />

understanding of possibilities, policies and frameworks (legal, economics, finance,<br />

technical, R&D, logistics and human resources) throughout the programme area,<br />

coordinates these frameworks and research via the Transnational Knowledge<br />

Management (TKM) tool. On top, the transnational approach establishes guidelines<br />

and a transnational strategy for future education and training on the biogas sector<br />

as a whole. Regional developments - based on consulting and guidelines, selected<br />

pilot actions and recommendations on policy developments for stakeholders on the<br />

transnational/national/regional level - will complete the package.<br />

Outcomes such as the political concept paper, action plans and strategy papers, the<br />

TKM tool, the CKC, pilot actions in specialized research areas and feasibility studies,<br />

policy recommendations, framework descriptions for each partner country, cooperations,<br />

technology & know-how transfers, regional development consulting,<br />

draft explorations of potential research paths, specific educational programs in<br />

combination with common project dissemination tools - such as project website,<br />

newsletters, national and transnational conferences, energy fairs, brochures,<br />

booklets, study results - will form the sustainable core elements of our project.<br />

The chosen partnership covers the CENTRAL program area, consists of partners<br />

with complementary and diversified core competencies, aims at the sustainable<br />

development of biogas within Europe, has good relationships to<br />

transnational/national/regional networks, key players and stakeholders and<br />

establishes a communication and operating environment - able to last beyond the<br />

project<br />

The conference was held in Italian and English<br />

89 people (operators, other stakeholders like lawyers specialized on biogas/biomethane,<br />

experts from the financing industry, consultants, marketing experts)<br />

attended the meeting.<br />

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The second Italian info day<br />

The lunch break during 2nd Italian info day<br />

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Programme<br />

The programme 7 of the “Second bio-methane day – The European projects SEBE<br />

and <strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong>”, (second Italian info day) consisted of two main parts.<br />

The first part of the conference was opened by Sergio Piccinini (CRPA), who<br />

characterised the Italian situation related to biogas (at the end of 2012 about 1,000<br />

biogas plants with an installed electrical power of >750 MWe were in operation).<br />

The subsequent presentations of the first main part dealt with SEBE, the situation<br />

and future prospects of the sector biogas / bio-methane in Germany (Olga Panic,<br />

University of Stuttgart) and the regulatory framework for the biogas sector in Italy<br />

(by Sofia Mannelli - President of <strong>Green</strong> Chemistry Bionet).<br />

The President of the Italian Biogas Consortium, Piero Gattoni, concluded with a<br />

speech the first part of the conference and introduced the discussions on the<br />

contents of the morning.<br />

The second part of the conference focused on the project <strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong>. The main<br />

topics dealt with were the state of art of bio-methane in Europe with particular<br />

attention to its use in the transport sector.<br />

Lorenzo Maggioni (Italian Biogas Consortium), opened with a presentation on the<br />

project <strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong> the second main part of the 2nd National Info Day in Italy -<br />

followed by speeches from some partners of the GGG project, namely Attila Kovacs,<br />

representative of European Biogas Association; Jaime Del Alamo, NGVA Europe and<br />

Mathieu Dumont, NL Agency.<br />

The presentations and speeches lead to discussions about the opportunities for biomethane<br />

as transport fuel (Paolo Vettori – Assogasmetano and Flavio Merigo – NVG<br />

System) and about applied technologies in a successful purification of biogas to bio<br />

methane process (Lorenzo Spada – Air Liquide Italia).<br />

The second Italian info day was concluded with the presentation of the operator of<br />

the first Italian upgrading plant (Chiatra Gamberini – SAFE).<br />

The conference was moderated by a famous journalist who is an expert on the<br />

renewable energy sector.<br />

Throughout the conference, there was the possibility for open discussion among the<br />

participants and with the speakers.<br />

Conclusions of the event<br />

For Italy, the Consorzio Italiano Biogas estimates a demand potential of 7-8 billion<br />

nm 3 of bio-methane per year – which is equal to the production of natural gas in<br />

Italy.<br />

In relation to the outcome of the round table discussion it can be concluded that<br />

bio-methane is a great opportunity for Italy because of:<br />

Environmental reasons<br />

<strong>Green</strong>house gas emissions by vehicles and electricity/heat generation in the<br />

urban area can be reduced in terms of maximum reduction at the lowest cost<br />

in relation to avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions and in terms of<br />

7<br />

http://www.innovationcloud-expo.com/files/convegni/convegni-eseminari/2013/Innovation%20Cloud%202013_CIB-CRPA_Biogas%20e%20biometano.pdf<br />

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mitigation of environmental impacts of conventional agricultural practices<br />

(reduction of synthetic fertilizer, livestock manure management);<br />

Economic effects<br />

Construction and operation of bio- methane plants could have a significant<br />

impact on the economic sector of the country, both in agriculture and<br />

industry;<br />

Consumers benefits<br />

The production of bio- methane could drastically reduce the expenses on<br />

natural gas imports and the biomass technologies could be improved even<br />

more. In addition, bio-methane could provide an alternative fuel, at<br />

competitive prices, in particular in the transport sector.<br />

For these reasons it is important that the Italian Government publishes new<br />

decrees (economic incentives and technical parameters) for the production of biomethane<br />

provided by Legislative Decree 28/2011.<br />

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2nd National Feed-In Info Day in The Netherlands<br />

Introduction<br />

In accordance with its Sustainability theme, the NL Agency programme entitled<br />

‘Sustainable Energy in the Netherlands’ collaborated with the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Netherlands Foundation to organise the ‘<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> Symposium 2012 in Fort<br />

Voordorp in Groenekan, on 14 December 2012’: ‘Innovative technology for biogas<br />

and green gas’. This was prompted by a “National Info day” within the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><br />

<strong>Grids</strong> project.<br />

Attracting around 230 visitors, the symposium was a great success and many<br />

positive comments have since been heard during networking moments.<br />

The purpose of the symposium was to inform all visitors about the situation<br />

concerning innovative technology for the production of biogas and green gas. Part<br />

one of the symposium provided an overview of the current-day technology, which is<br />

now already available. Part two dealt with the innovations supported by the top<br />

sector policy for gas. The plenary part of the afternoon programme paid attention<br />

to the role played by the top sector for gas in the innovations for development of<br />

green gas. In subsequent parallel sessions, attention was paid to the presentation<br />

of new projects which enjoy financial support from the top sector for gas.<br />

Programme<br />

The symposium was kicked off with a presentation by Jeroen Althof ‘Could the grass<br />

be greener on the other side?’ This was followed by a presentation by Ulco<br />

Vermeulen on the TKI <strong>Gas</strong> (Top consortium for Know-how and Innovation) and the<br />

innovation contracts, in the hope of stimulating those present to enter into an<br />

innovation contract themselves. A variety of interesting workshops were organised<br />

throughout the day. The presentation of each workshop was subsequently posted<br />

on the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> Netherlands website for anyone interested in reading the<br />

information at a later date.<br />

The workshops given were:<br />

Round I: ‘Currently Available’<br />

• Pretreatment of biomass<br />

• Biogas upgrading<br />

• Digestate processing<br />

Round II: ‘Ready for the Future’<br />

• Fermentation<br />

• <strong>Gas</strong>ification<br />

• Measuring technology and <strong>Gas</strong> network access<br />

The following pages give a brief impression of the<br />

workshops.<br />

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Workshop on pretreatment of biomass<br />

Robert Bakker – WUR – Summary of pretreatment of biomass<br />

Mr. Bakker gave a summary of the various methods for treatment of biomass, prior<br />

to fermentation. This preprocessing is also aimed at treating high lignin<br />

/lignocellulose biomass in such a manner that the biomass output from the digester<br />

is increased and the residence time shortened. Besides treating the digester<br />

feedstock, the same techniques can be applied to treat biomass between the<br />

fermentation and post-fermentation processes. He discussed:<br />

1. Mechanical preprocessing;<br />

2. Base / alkaline decomposition;<br />

3. Weak acid decomposition;<br />

4. Thermal decomposition;<br />

5. Enzymatic decomposition.<br />

The conclusion was that the alkaline, weak acid and<br />

thermal decomposition processes require great heat,<br />

which can possibly be provided via the residual heat of<br />

CHP plants. Alkaline and thermal decomposition processes<br />

seem the most suitable for increasing the biogas output of<br />

a digester.<br />

Lex van Dijk – Sustec BV – Thermal pressure hydrolysis and recycling<br />

Sustec has developed a system called Turbotec, which uses thermal pressure<br />

hydrolysis technology. This is intended to increase the biogas output of the digester<br />

feedstock. When heat and pressure is applied to biomass (active sludge, for<br />

example), it decomposes, thus increasing the contact surface area and speeding up<br />

the process by which anaerobic bacteria can produce biogas. In this case, the<br />

residence period was reduced from 20 to 12 days. The residual product proved to<br />

have a dry matter content of 35%, and to contain 2.5 times as much nitrogen as<br />

the active sludge feedstock. The first Turbotec plant was built in Venlo, for the<br />

processing of sewage sludge. The payback period of the plant is less than five<br />

years. Turbotec is also involved in a project for struvite production at the RWZI<br />

Industrial water treatment plant in Apeldoorn. This plant is currently under<br />

construction.<br />

Klaas de Jong – <strong>Green</strong>move – Production of enzymes using <strong>Green</strong>step<br />

Mr. De Jong presented <strong>Green</strong>step, a system for the production of enzymes for the<br />

fermentation process. The enzymes are produced by a cocktail of various moulds<br />

which compete with each other. Tests have been conducted together with the WUR<br />

and E-kwadraat in Goutum (Leeuwarden), which showed the enzymes to increase<br />

the biogas output of the digester by 20 to 30%. BioClear from Groningen has<br />

validated the system. <strong>Green</strong>step introduced the system on the market at a biogas<br />

plant in Holwerd early in December 2012, and results are expected in two weeks'<br />

time.<br />

Benefits mainly lie in the hydrolysis phase of the fermentation process, due to<br />

enzymes being required for digestion of cell wall material (cellulose).<br />

Consequently, the residence period of the biomass is considerably reduced. The<br />

greatest profits can be booked in the fermentation of cattle manure, pig manure,<br />

roadside grass and green waste, which have a relatively high cellulose content. The<br />

feedstock of such biomass comprises 1 to 2% enzymes.<br />

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These enzymes are added automatically, which limits the work to 1 to 2 hours per<br />

week. Once the enzymes have been depleted, they are decomposed in the digester<br />

and converted into biogas.<br />

The system costs approximately € 120,000 per MW unit annually. On top of this,<br />

approximately € 15,000 of nutrients must be purchased annually as a growth<br />

medium for the mould.<br />

Biogas upgrading<br />

The great interest in the workshop is a sign of<br />

the increasing importance of this component of<br />

the green gas chain. Three companies presented<br />

their solutions for biogas upgrading. They each<br />

chose a specific solution, and it was clear that<br />

technological developments were still very much<br />

underway.<br />

Coen Meijers – DMT- The biogas upgrading plant<br />

in Poundburry<br />

Coen Meijers of DMT-ET provided insight into the pilot plant which is operational in<br />

the UK. It is an example of the success enjoyed by Dutch companies abroad.<br />

Despite many years of experience, or perhaps precisely for that reason, the plant is<br />

still able to improve its efficiency.<br />

Mathieu de Bas – GTS - Future Energy – flexible products from biogas upgrading<br />

plants<br />

Their patented gas freezing system allows GTS and Future Energy to upgrade<br />

biogas at a low cost price. The energy consumption of this upgrading technique is<br />

around 3%. As far as further development of the plant is concerned, they<br />

particularly recognise advantages in greater flexibility of the process. This will<br />

provide a solution to variations in the biogas feed, which was originally the case at<br />

waste dump sites but nowadays is also increasingly applied at plants which process<br />

fluctuating biomass flows.<br />

Niels den Heijer – Pentair Haffmans- Turning biogas into bio-methane and green<br />

CO2<br />

Niels den Heijer of Pentair Haffmans demonstrated how a completely different<br />

sector can become involved in the biogas world. The Haffmans company roots lie in<br />

the recycling of CO2 from beer. This sector has developed membrane technology to<br />

such an extent that it is now success<strong>full</strong>y applied in biogas upgrading. CO2 issues<br />

are becoming ever more important from an environmental point of view. A positive<br />

side effect is that there is great demand for technical solutions.<br />

The general conclusion of the workshop was that plenty of technological progress is<br />

still being booked in the Netherlands. Ongoing technological innovation is essential<br />

due to the limited margins in most biogas business cases. In this workshop, three<br />

successful companies proved how much perspective lies in biogas upgrading.<br />

Digestate processing<br />

Fridhof De Buisonjé – WUR – Digestate, the pros and cons<br />

De Buisonjé explained one of the main problems to be the requirement expressed<br />

by the biogas and cattle sector that "digestate be regarded as a replacement for<br />

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artificial fertilizer". Regarding digestate as a fertilizer, waste product or compost,<br />

regardless of its composition, is seen as being a restriction to its application. Our<br />

manure surplus is first and foremost a phosphate surplus, which must be exported.<br />

De Buisonjé provided a summary of the techniques used for digestate separation<br />

and drying, and how these can be achieved using the heat from bio CHP or<br />

industrial residual heat. A dried fraction rich in phosphate has a monetary value.<br />

The CHP from combined fermentation generally only produces enough heat to dry<br />

the thick fraction. When industrial residual heat is applied for example, the thin<br />

fraction can also be dried. The system of using dried pellets is mainly seen outside<br />

of the Netherlands, as arable farmers generally have a free supply of slurry on their<br />

land. The increased price for artificial phosphate fertilizers offers opportunities for<br />

the sale of phosphate pellets. The price band for these dried pellets varies greatly,<br />

depending on their quality. Another option for digestate processing is the export of<br />

the complete digestate, following cleaning, with heat from the bio-CHP.<br />

Gijs van Selm – Waterstromen – Digestate, the situation<br />

Gijs van Selm demonstrated how Waterstromen efficiently processes and increases<br />

the economic value of industrial waste water at four production locations. Biogas is<br />

converted into electricity and heat in a CHP plant, and part of the biogas is supplied<br />

directly back to the industry. Phosphor and a small percentage of the nitrogen is<br />

recycled as struvite and exported as a fertilizer. A member of the audience<br />

remarked that the Dutch agriculture sector requires 90% water soluble phosphate,<br />

for which struvite is not suitable. Waterstromen sales have not been affected by<br />

this, as it is a specialty market so far. The company is positive regarding the<br />

application in arable farming. Digestate must be pasteurised, according to the<br />

European regulations on animal by-products. The digestate may be exported<br />

following pasteurisation.<br />

Wim Kuster – BiogasPlus – Pasteurisation and drying of digestate<br />

Wim Kuster of BiogasPlus gave a summary of the company's modular<br />

pasteurisation system, in 15m3tanks. BiogasPlus also has an innovative solution for<br />

evaporation and drying of the digestate. The evaporator works according to a<br />

concept of vertical belts picking up a thin layer of digestate, which is subsequently<br />

air dried. The evaporator (up to 80-95% dry matter) comprises two stacked<br />

horizontal drying belts, the product falls from the first belt onto the second belt.<br />

The drying process takes place using hot air. Sensor technology ensures that the<br />

product does not leave the belt until it has reached the required degree of dryness.<br />

The conclusion is that there are interesting technical solutions for processing<br />

digestate to produce suitable fertilizers. There are restrictions to their use in Dutch<br />

arable farming due to legislation, and competition from manure slurry. While there<br />

are still plenty of export opportunities, De Buisonjé is quoted as saying: “Digestate<br />

is a challenge”.<br />

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Afternoon programme with an explanation of the role played by the top sectors<br />

policy for gas in the development of the green gas market in the Netherlands, by<br />

the Chairman of TKI gas (Top consortium for Know-how and Innovation in <strong>Gas</strong>), Mr.<br />

Ulco Vermeulen.<br />

Fermentation<br />

Arjan Prinsen – Groot-Zevert - Increasing the economic value of nutrients<br />

The Groot-Zevert biogas plant supplies 600 kW units (via the former MEP<br />

Environmental Energy Production subsidy scheme). The feedstock used is<br />

independently sourced. The company works in short, regional cycles and makes use<br />

of locally available biomass rather than food products. Groot Zevert operates on<br />

95% manure, which guarantees the sale of digestate to the farming community.<br />

The target is to quadruple the current capacity in order to be able to produce for<br />

66ct/Nm3. This is not yet possible, hence the need to increase the economic value<br />

of manure and/or nutrients. Fermentation of all manure is essential in order to<br />

realise the <strong>full</strong> potential. This can be achieved using an open ring for gas or an open<br />

ring for manure, along with centralized upgrading of biogas to bio-methane.<br />

Increasing the economic value of nutrients: Protein from duckweed has been<br />

improved from 21% to 40%. The mineral-rich thin fraction can be processed into<br />

fertilizer. The low-mineral thick fraction can be used for improving soil structure.<br />

Jan-Evert van Veldhoven – De Dommel water board- RWZI as a logistics centre<br />

The water board has conducted a survey of the manure processing possibilities in<br />

the region. One of the conclusions is that there is considerable leaching of minerals<br />

to surface waters. Improvements in this nitrogen leaching situation can only be<br />

achieved if all manure in the region becomes processed, and this will be<br />

unsuccessful if only the surplus manure is treated. The survey also considered how<br />

a water board can contribute to processing manure in a region. Until now, there is<br />

little added value to be achieved when processing manure at RWZI industrial waste<br />

treatment plants. Business cases are being studied however, to determine whether<br />

a combined effort is worthwhile. Sewage slurry and other biomass flows could be<br />

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combined at the front, for example, and the residual flow jointly used in utilities.<br />

The Energiefabriek (energy factory) project is already underway at the RWZI plant<br />

in Tilburg. A further 2 hectares of land is available there, directly adjacent to the<br />

Attero production location, for a manure processing initiative.<br />

René Cornelissen – CCS - Small-scale biogas production<br />

There is great interest in small-scale fermentation, at the individual farm level.<br />

Generally speaking, the generation of electricity (in a CHP plant) is not attractive<br />

unless you can utilise the heat. Moreover, small-scale fermentation entails<br />

considerable investment. This project looks at ways of reducing these costs.<br />

Injection and quality control are relatively expensive, especially for smaller<br />

volumes. The main advantage of the small scale is that the manure remains within<br />

the farmyard, thus dispensing of the need for disposal (transport). The question in<br />

hand is: How to develop a small-scale and economical biogas upgrading<br />

installation? The result? A combination of pressure-free H2S and removal of CO2.<br />

The process therefore requires little energy but part of the gas produced is<br />

necessary for the heating process. All in all, it yields € 50,000 per annum. The<br />

payback period will be 7 to 9 years, depending on the use of fiscal instruments.<br />

<strong>Gas</strong>ification<br />

Gerton Smit – Gensos - Super-critical gasification of wet waste flows<br />

Gensos has been working on the development of a super-critical gasifier since<br />

2006, and has concentrated on the gasification of manure right from day one.<br />

Minerals which cannot be separated from the manure in a "dry" process, can be<br />

reclaimed in this gasifier. The company is now also exploring opportunities for<br />

gasification of sewage slurry and algae. The gasification process results in a<br />

conversion rate of more than 95%. A pilot plant is currently under construction,<br />

and expectations are that the initial results from that plant will be available by early<br />

2013.<br />

Marten Alkema – Synvalor - Synvator® direct gasification for green gas production<br />

Synvalor introduced an application for gasification of poultry manure in the late<br />

1980s, and has been concentrating on torrefaction of biomass since 2006. Attention<br />

has now been turned to a fluidized bed gasifier in order to produce syngas, from<br />

which heat and electricity can then be generated via a CHP plant. A Synvator<br />

gasifier has been built in Vlissingen (3.5 MW) utilising wood as feedstock. The<br />

installation has few problems with large volumes of ash: reeds, straw, manure,<br />

slurry and digestate can all be gasified. The pyrolysis gas is recirculated in order to<br />

provide the required heat and generate sufficient vortex. Natural gas is therefore<br />

only required during the start-up process.<br />

Herman Klein Teeselink – HoSt - En route to greater efficiency<br />

There is enough grain straw available in Europe to produce biogas equivalent to no<br />

less than 350 billion m3 natural gas. Ninety percent of this straw is currently only<br />

used for ploughing into the soil. HoSt advocates gasification, as this results in a<br />

greater volume of gas than fermentation for this type of feedstock. HoSt is also<br />

involved in small-scale upgrading of biogas to form bio-methane, through the use<br />

of membranes.<br />

The HoSt gasification technology could also be deployed for the production of<br />

ethanol, for example. Direct fermentation only gives one-third of the conversion<br />

rate which can be achieved using gasification. Less oxygen is added to the gasifier<br />

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system, resulting is considerably less flue gases, which therefore no longer need to<br />

be removed before emission.<br />

In the gasification system, 20-25% of the energy is converted into heat. The main<br />

bottleneck lies in the reliability of the system, which is currently around 6000 hours'<br />

availability, whereas HoSt plans to improve this to 7800 hours.<br />

<strong>Gas</strong>ification is particularly suitable versus incineration when a fuel cannot be easily<br />

placed on the grid, when the emission will be too costly or when an incineration<br />

permit cannot be easily obtained.<br />

Measuring technology and <strong>Gas</strong> network access<br />

This popular workshop was opened by Mathieu Dumont of NL Agency, who sketched<br />

the importance of the innovation contracts for the themed influences, of which a<br />

number of examples were presented in this workshop.<br />

Arthus Scheffer – Adsensys – Biokeep<br />

The workshop was kicked off by Arthur Scheffer of the Adsensys company, which is<br />

working on small-scale biogas applications under the Chempat label. Within the<br />

framework of TKI Know-how and Innovation in <strong>Gas</strong>, the company is working on<br />

development of a "cheap" monitoring system for quality control of the green gas<br />

feedstock in the network grids. The use of gas chromatographs renders the<br />

conventional systems relatively expensive in both purchase and operation for smallscale<br />

injection into the grids. Adsensys expects to be able to develop a monitoring<br />

system which will cost less than € 50,000, and which is also much less expensive to<br />

operate than the conventional systems, thanks to the lack of GC. They believe this<br />

can be achieved thanks to a modular system design, with gas analysis based on a<br />

hybrid of various measuring techniques and sensors. Monitoring of the odorization<br />

level of the gas will also be part of the system, while the use of a PLC and web<br />

portal will give the network companies and the suppliers insight into all the<br />

necessary information. Another question concerned the OPEX, which have not yet<br />

been calculated but are expected to be low. The issue of whether the monitoring<br />

process should become the responsibility of the network company remained<br />

unanswered, this currently lies with the supplier and there are no signs of this<br />

changing. Mr. Scheffer concluded with the comment that the TKI is a nice stimulus<br />

for Adsensys to develop the Biokeep system more extensively.<br />

Leo Brummelkamp and Gideon Blij – Bionet – Central heating on biogas<br />

Leo Brummelkamp of Alliander and Gideon Blij of<br />

ATAG gave a combined presentation. They are<br />

working jointly on a concept of "BioNet, the next<br />

step". As owner of a large regional gas network,<br />

Alliander is all too aware of the developments in gas<br />

production, the decline of the Slochteren gas field<br />

and the establishment of sustainable energy<br />

projects. On the one hand, they see more and more<br />

producers of biogas/green gas, and on the other<br />

hand devices (gas engines, for example) being<br />

converted to make them suitable for combustion of<br />

alternative gases. Liander wishes to use a BioNet to<br />

demonstrate that it is possible to tailor energy<br />

consumers to an available source, and that not only<br />

Groningen natural gas but also gases with a<br />

different Wobbe index and caloric value can be<br />

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distributed and calculated. In their planned pilot, a residential neighbourhood will<br />

be provided with a biogas/natural gas mixing station, adapted condensing boilers<br />

and an alternative system for price calculation. The pilot also includes the basic<br />

design for the mixing station and the development of a pricing system. The<br />

independently developed technique will be brought together, in order to<br />

demonstrate that the entire system can operate as a chain. If this is successful,<br />

there are no longer any technical restrictions to the network company offering the<br />

BioNet product to newly built residential neighbourhoods. With regard to the<br />

question of how to tailor the capacity of the biogas producer to the consumption, a<br />

field test was chosen which included a large-scale user as the basis for gas<br />

consumption. Hot items are the odorization of the gas and the caloric pricing for<br />

customers in the region. Alliander believes that these challenges can be met. The<br />

potential of the project is that when applying a Bionet biogas, it is not always<br />

necessary to upgrade to the <strong>full</strong> G-gas quality, and the existing infrastructure can<br />

be used.<br />

Atag Heating Corporation was represented by Gideon Blij, who began by describing<br />

the background of ATAG as a global player in the field of heating systems such as<br />

condensing central heating boilers, heat boilers, solar boilers, heat pumps, etc.<br />

They foresee a diversity of gas types being introduced on the basis of supply<br />

surety, market effect and increased sustainability. Their contribution in terms of TKI<br />

is the development of the ATAG Multi gas boiler. This Multi gas boiler is a<br />

condensing boiler which functions well regardless of the available gas composition<br />

(from biogas to extremely high calorie gases). The solution was found in the<br />

relationship between the burner temperature and the ratio of gas/air to the burner.<br />

The company's participation in the BioNet project with a test location in Eerbeek in<br />

which the boilers could be installed in the households, resulted in an ideal pilot test<br />

which combined the network company's experience of an alternative type of gas<br />

with the actual consumption of that gas. One of the reasons for the application of a<br />

BioNet is that the use of biogas also contributes positively to the EPC (energy<br />

performance certificate) value of the houses in the region.<br />

The conclusion was that this workshop gave effective insight into the field of<br />

measuring techniques and gas network access, and that TKI is a good instrument<br />

for preparation of the parties involved in the green gas sector for the future<br />

situation.<br />

In accordance with its Sustainability theme, the NL Agency programme entitled<br />

‘Sustainable Energy in the Netherlands’ collaborated with the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><br />

Netherlands Foundation to organise the ‘<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Gas</strong> Symposium 2012 in Fort<br />

Voordorp in Groenekan, on 14 December 2012’: ‘Innovative technology for biogas<br />

and green gas’. This was prompted by a “National Info day” within the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Gas</strong><br />

<strong>Grids</strong> project.<br />

Attracting around 230 visitors, the symposium was a great success and many<br />

positive comments have since been heard during networking moments.<br />

The purpose of the symposium was to inform all visitors about the situation<br />

concerning innovative technology for the production of biogas and green gas. Part<br />

one of the symposium provided an overview of the current-day technology, which is<br />

now already available. Part two dealt with the innovations supported by the top<br />

sector policy for gas. The plenary part of the afternoon programme paid attention<br />

to the role played by the top sector for gas in the innovations for development of<br />

green gas. In subsequent parallel sessions, attention was paid to the presentation<br />

of new projects which enjoy financial support from the top sector for gas.<br />

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2nd National Feed-In Info Day in Slovakia<br />

Introduction<br />

The aim of this info day was to present the actual status of the <strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong><br />

project, provide information on the current status in the field of biogas and<br />

biomethane, their potential, prospective, production and utilization in Slovakia. Also<br />

it was intended to give information about possibilities to use biomethane as a fuel<br />

in the transport sector, indications of barriers for the usage of biomethane in the<br />

transport sector as well as to provide information on the 2nd draft of the National<br />

Road Map for Biomethane and incorporation of last notices.<br />

Invitations were sent to stakeholders involved in the biogas/biomethane/gas sector<br />

(representatives of public bodies, biogas producers, research institutes,<br />

universities, servicing companies, consultants, gas industry, distribution system<br />

operators, regulatory office, developers and other stakeholders from the biogas<br />

market) according up-dated stakeholder list. Altogether 80 stakeholders were<br />

invited to attend the second Info Day.<br />

The chosen information/dissemination channels were evaluated as satisfactory,<br />

because total 62 people have signed up for the Info Day and the real number of<br />

attendees was 46 - including speakers. Moreover the event attracted attendees<br />

from other business areas as well (heat producers, companies dealing with new<br />

technologies, energy service companies, renewable association). As these<br />

companies were not contacted directly, this can be regarded as interest in the<br />

further development process of the biogas/biomethane sector.<br />

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Programme<br />

Speakers were chosen in accordance with the requirements of the scope of the<br />

<strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong> project as well as the target groups. The seminar was divided into<br />

three main parts – following the lines within the scope of the <strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong><br />

project.<br />

The first part was dedicated to the actual biogas/biomethane situation in<br />

Slovakia - embedded in the general context of renewable energy policies –<br />

in particular the RED targets in the transport sector - and in the context of<br />

the forthcoming large amendment of the Act on the promotion of renewable<br />

energy and high-efficiency cogeneration which should come in to force from<br />

Jan. 1st 2014.<br />

In addition the deliverables of the <strong>Green</strong><strong>Gas</strong><strong>Grids</strong> project were to be<br />

discussed and explained.<br />

The second part was dedicated to the utilisation of biomethane in transport<br />

as a biofuel taking the economics of biogas production (initial investment,<br />

planning-feasibility study, substrate preparation, technology of the BP,<br />

installed power of the cogeneration unit) – into account and emphasizing<br />

the complementarity needs of CNG and CBG;<br />

The Third part dealt with the progress and the related input to the drafting<br />

process of the National biomethane Road Map.<br />

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Conclusions of the event<br />

Generally, the 2nd feed-in Info Day can be considered as successful, because of<br />

quite high attendance and their positive and active approach. Very important was<br />

the participation of relevant authorities, namely the Ministry of Economy, who are<br />

responsible for preparation of the new amendment to the Act on promotion RES<br />

and high efficient CHP. The same authorities are also active in preparation of the<br />

National Road map.<br />

In relation to the outcome of the round table discussion it can be concluded that the<br />

most urgent hurdles for the realization of plants are – from the viewpoint of the<br />

debaters – as follows:<br />

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The intention of the Slovak government is to focus on lowering the fixed<br />

prices for electricity produced from RES, thus shifting biogas/biomethane to<br />

other sectors like the space heating and transport sector, taking the<br />

available potential for biogas/biomethane in Slovakia into consideration;<br />

The New Legal Act in the context of the forthcoming large amendment to<br />

the Act on the promotion of renewable energy and high-efficiency<br />

cogeneration - which should come in to force from Jan. 1 st 2014-<br />

intends to support construction of small agricultural biogas plants, in order<br />

to also support rural development;<br />

Energy from RES must substitute 10% of energy used as petrol, diesel and<br />

biofuels consumed in road and rail transport and electricity used in all forms<br />

of transport by 2020 while the share of energy from biofuels produced from<br />

cereal and other starch rich crops, sugars and oil crops shall be no more<br />

than the final consumption of energy in transport by end of 2011 in 2020 or<br />

5% of the energy used in transport in 2020, respectively;<br />

The Development of the CBG market is not possible without development of<br />

the CNG market. As CNG market is not very well developed (11 filling<br />

stations of which only 8 ones are public and about 1 500 vehicles of which<br />

300 are buses – Urban transport), it creates one of the barriers for the CBG<br />

market development;<br />

High initial investment costs for biogas/biomethane production facilities,<br />

missing long-term feedstock availability with predictable prices, insufficient<br />

effective national legal frameworks and policies and support schemes on<br />

both national and regional level, missing harmonised EU standards for<br />

biomethane use in transport and for injection into natural gas grids,<br />

missing mutually recognised guarantees of origin and procedures for<br />

international trade of biomethane are the main hurdles for further<br />

development of the biogas/biomethane market;<br />

There is a need for further constructive input concerning the development<br />

of the National Road Map in Slovakia;<br />

The final version of the National Road Map for Biomethane will be sent<br />

together with GGG Guide for decision makers to all decision makers on both<br />

national and local level.<br />

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