Josh Silverman - 2011 GreenGov Symposium

Josh Silverman - 2011 GreenGov Symposium

Josh Silverman - 2011 GreenGov Symposium


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<strong>2011</strong> <strong>GreenGov</strong> <strong>Symposium</strong> <br />

Oct. 31 -­‐ Nov. 2, <strong>2011</strong> <br />

Washington Hilton Washington, DC <br />

Controlling Fugitive Emissions to<br />

Achieve GHG Reduction Goals<br />

<strong>Josh</strong> <strong>Silverman</strong> <br />

Chair, DOE Fugi.ve Emissions Working Group <br />

Director, Office of Sustainability Support <br />

Office of Health, Safety and Security <br />

Department of Energy <br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

Tracking Fugitives<br />

Fugitive, 1964<br />

Fugitive, 1993<br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

What are Fugitive GHG Emissions?<br />

GHG emissions resul.ng from produc.on, processing, <br />

storage, transmission, and use of fluorinated gases <br />

• Sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6 ) <br />

• Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) <br />

• Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) <br />

• Nitrogen Triflouride (NF 3 ) <br />

Releases may be inten.onal or uninten.onal <br />

Considered Scope 1 GHG (direct emissions), along with <br />

on-­‐site fuel combus.on <br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

High Impact Gases<br />

Greenhouse Gas<br />

Global Warming Potential<br />

(100 year time span)<br />

SF6 23,900<br />

HFC 12 – 11,700<br />

PFC 0 – 17,340<br />

NF 3 17,200<br />

Global Warming Poten0al: the ability of a greenhouse gas to trap heat in the <br />

atmosphere, rela0ve to the same unit of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). <br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

If this represents<br />

the global<br />

warming potential<br />

a unit of CO 2 …<br />

This represents the global warming<br />

potential of the same unit of SF 6<br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

DOE 2008 Scope 1 and 2 GHG<br />

Emissions Baseline (by Source)<br />

Fossil Fuel<br />

21%<br />

Electricity<br />

62%<br />

Fugitive<br />

Emissions<br />

14%<br />

Transportation<br />

2%<br />

Total: 4.6 million mTCO 2 e<br />


DOE 2008 Fugitive Emissions<br />

Baseline (by Type)<br />

HFC<br />

5%<br />

PFC<br />

2% NF3<br />

< 1%<br />

Other<br />

0.02%<br />

SF6<br />

92%<br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

Implementation Plan to Reduce<br />

Fugitive Emissions<br />

Establish Fugi.ve Emissions Working Group to guide <br />

Departmental approach and share informa.on <br />

Reduce SF 6 releases from maintenance ac.ons <br />

• Install and use capture and storage equipment <br />

Strengthen leak detec.on and repair programs <br />

• Focus on SF 6 systems <br />

Conduct opportunity assessments to iden.fy reduc.on <br />

opportuni.es for use/release of high-­‐GWP GHGs <br />

• Focus on facili.es using large quan..es of SF 6 <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

Fugitive Emissions Reductions:<br />

42% drop from FY08 to FY10<br />

70<br />

1000 mTCO 2 e<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

2008<br />

2010<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Fugitive<br />

Emissions (x10)<br />

SF6 (x10) HFC PFC NF3 Other: CO2,<br />

CH4, N2O<br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

Challenges—and<br />

Opportunities<br />

SF 6 is mission-­‐cri.cal at several sites <br />

• No subs.tutes for DOE’s highest-­‐volume applica.ons <br />

• Price vola.lity and increased regulatory pressure likely <br />

Business case for reducing fugi.ve emissions <br />

• Regulatory and price vola.lity require <br />

greater aUen.on to SF 6 management <br />

• DOE has found low-­‐cost emissions abatement <br />

opportuni.es at most sites <br />

• Fugi.ve reduc.ons will contribute substan.ally to the <br />

Department’s overall reduc.on goal for Scope 1 and 2 GHGs <br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

What We’ve Learned<br />

Precision and certainty are not required to take ac.on <br />

• Taking steps to reduce emissions was more important <br />

than resolving data discrepancies <br />

Line responsibility is essen.al to successful implementa.on <br />

It’s a team sport—success is defined by the <br />

strength of our rela.onships <br />

• Problem was quickly defined because HQ and field had <br />

longstanding, effec.ve working rela.onships <br />

• Site success stories typically cross organiza.onal boundaries <br />

• Fugi.ve Emissions Working Group was recognized <br />

last week with a Secretarial Achievement Award <br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

Contact Information<br />

<strong>Josh</strong> <strong>Silverman</strong> <br />

Chair, Fugi.ve Emissions Working Group <br />

Director, Office of Sustainability Support <br />

Office of Health, Safety and Security <br />

U.S. Department of Energy <br />

202-­‐586-­‐6535 <br />

<strong>Josh</strong>.<strong>Silverman</strong>@hq.doe.gov <br />

Climate Risk & Resilience – Session 4 <br />

Comprehensive Climate Metrics <br />

Controlling FugiKve Emissions <br />

November 1, <strong>2011</strong>

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