Dates for your Diary - The Royal Scots

Dates for your Diary - The Royal Scots

Dates for your Diary - The Royal Scots


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As We Were<br />

As the final act of the 350th Anniversary activities a time<br />

capsule containing various documents was sealed and<br />

placed in the vaults of <strong>The</strong> Bank of Scotland with the<br />

intention that it should be opened on the 400th<br />

Anniversary. In the event <strong>for</strong> obvious reasons it was<br />

opened on our 373rd birthday and the documents<br />

distributed early to the intended recipients. In the bottom<br />

of the box was a letter from the late Colonel Bill Fargus of<br />

which the following is an extract:<br />

“As the capsule is sealed, I have a memory of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Scots</strong><br />

dating back 60 years, starting at Aldershot in 1923 where my<br />

father was 2IC of the 2nd Battalion. We lived in Wellesley<br />

Road, and I clearly remember being taken by my governess<br />

to see a CO’s parade in Goojerat Barracks, and to see my<br />

father’s charger “Fusilier” and give him some sugar. Later I<br />

lived at Glencorse Barracks, Maryhill Barracks, Glasgow and<br />

Talavera Barracks, Aldershot until my father retired as CO of<br />

the 1st Battalion in 1933.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was then a 4 year gap until I was commissioned.<br />

I served in the Regiment from 1938 until retirement in 1973<br />

and subsequently <strong>for</strong> 10 years, until 31 August 1983, was<br />

firstly Assistant Regiment Secretary and then Regimental<br />

Secretary at Regimental Headquarters in Edinburgh Castle.<br />

I should like to record a few thoughts and memories,<br />

covering those 60 years, first of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Scots</strong>, and then of<br />

Army Life in general.<br />

I spent most of the war with the 8th Battalion, who were quite<br />

magnificent. I came home from Hong Kong in mid 1941, and<br />

after a year instructing at an Officer Cadet Training Unit in<br />

Dunbar was posted to the 8th Battalion and soon became<br />

Adjutant, a post I held throughout the NW Europe campaign.<br />

We trained hard, under Lt Col “Jumbo” Delacombe. He was<br />

ruthless and a martinet. We did not like him, but he did a<br />

wonderful job, and raised the standard of training to such a<br />

pitch that when he was wounded in Normandy in July 1944,<br />

the Battalion survived nearly 5 months, under a totally<br />

incompetent (non-<strong>Royal</strong> Scot) CO, without any disaster<br />

occurring. In 11 months of this campaign, the rifle companies<br />

had 200% casualties. No officer and only one sergeant<br />

survived from Normandy to the end. <strong>The</strong> fighting spirit of the<br />

battalion never flagged. Never once did they fail to capture<br />

their objective; we were the only battalion in the Army who<br />

did assault crossings of the 3 major water obstacles, the<br />

Seine, the Rhine and the Elbe.<br />

It is strange that in my whole career, I only spent 9 months<br />

with the 1st Battalion, commanding a company over a period<br />

which included the ill-fated ‘Suez’ expedition of 1956. <strong>The</strong><br />

general public now believe this to have been a military<br />

failure. This was far from the case. Militarily it was a<br />

complete success, despite being launched by the politicians<br />

at a moment designed to give the army impossible<br />

administrative and logistic problems. It was sad that such a<br />

fine officer as David Pinkerton, undoubtedly destined to be<br />

a General, was killed so unnecessarily.<br />

During my 10 years in Regimental Headquarters from 1973-83<br />

I have seen more of the 1st Battalion than at any time in my<br />

life. This has covered the tenures of 3 Colonels, Bill Campbell,<br />

David Young and Bob Richardson, and 5 CO’s, Nigel Stisted,<br />

Philip Davies, Stuart McBain, Francis Gibb and Mike Ashmore.<br />

<strong>The</strong> battalion has been outstanding throughout this period.<br />

It has been a busy time with seven tours in Northern Ireland,<br />

and two major ceremonial events, the presentation of new<br />

colours by HRH <strong>The</strong> Princess Anne in 1980, and the 350th<br />

Anniversary Review by HM <strong>The</strong> Queen. Both events were<br />

outstanding successes.<br />

But there can have been no more splendid parade that the<br />

Trooping of the Colour, and the firing of a Feu de Joie on 30<br />

June 1983. Colonel Johnnie Johnston, a Grenadier, from the<br />

Lord Chamberlain’s Office came several months in advance,<br />

on behalf of <strong>The</strong> Queen, to approve the <strong>for</strong>mat of the parade,<br />

and said quite openly that he thought we were being overambitious.<br />

But he certainly had to eat his words. <strong>The</strong> Feu de<br />

Joie was the greatest success. Few had ever seen this done<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e, and it was fired with breathtaking precision, and it<br />

sounded all the more impressive with Salisbury Crags behind<br />

as a backdrop. During the review the Queen leant over to<br />

Princess Anne who was sitting beside her, and remarked<br />

“You will never see a better parade than this!”<br />

I cannot help reflecting that in the 45 years since I joined the<br />

Army, more changes must have come about than at any<br />

other time in history. I joined the 2nd Battalion in Hong Kong<br />

in March 1938. Little progress had been made since World<br />

War One. <strong>The</strong> tempo was slow. ‘Professionalism’ in the Army<br />

was non-existent. Apart from about 6 weeks in Camp each<br />

year, and when firing on the range, work stopped at lunch<br />

time, and thereafter time was devoted to fatigues, under<br />

Sergeant Majors, and sport. Wednesday was a whole holiday<br />

each week. But as subalterns we had to dine in Mess five<br />

times a week, wearing Mess Kit on Mondays, Tuesday,<br />

Thursdays and Fridays. <strong>The</strong> Regiment was at this time a<br />

Machine Gun Regiment. We had three companies of Vickers<br />

Guns, and one company, in theory, an Anti-tank company –<br />

but in the absence of anti-tank weapons they were armed<br />

with Lewis Guns. <strong>The</strong> Bren Gun was introduced into the Army<br />

in 1939. We did our first training on the Bren Gun with<br />

Czechoslovakian made guns captured from the Chinese as<br />

they escaped over the border into Hong Kong from the<br />

Japanese.<br />

We had no mechanical transport, no radios and no mortars.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first MT, about 8 trucks, and the first mortars arrived in<br />

1938 and 1939. Movement on exercises was all on foot.<br />

Baggage and stores were carried on mules of the Hong Kong<br />

Mule Corps, with Indian leaders. In the more difficult terrain<br />

we normally had to allot one entire company to mule<br />

leading, the allotment <strong>for</strong> the Battalion being about 180.<br />

<strong>The</strong> signal platoon communicated with signal flags and<br />

heliographs. In static positions cable was laid <strong>for</strong> field<br />

telephones.<br />

A private soldier’s basic pay was 2/- (10p) per day. <strong>The</strong> only<br />

extras he could get were 3d (just over 1p) a day Educational<br />

Proficiency Pay, 3d Military Proficiency Pay and 3d Special<br />

Proficiency Pay. After compulsory stoppages <strong>for</strong> Barrack<br />

Damages and other items, it was rare <strong>for</strong> more than 10/-<br />

(50p) a week to be paid over the pay table.<br />

Since 1900 there has been a ‘Fargus’ serving in or on behalf<br />

of the Regiment <strong>for</strong> 79 years. I now pass on and the only<br />

family connection is my nephew by marriage Ian MacKichan.<br />

I hope his career will be as enjoyable as mine.”

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