Centre energetice subtile in diferite traditii spirituale de ... - Mirahorian

Centre energetice subtile in diferite traditii spirituale de ... - Mirahorian

Centre energetice subtile in diferite traditii spirituale de ... - Mirahorian


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Aceasta abilitate poate fi dobândită numai după cateva sed<strong>in</strong>te <strong>de</strong> <strong>in</strong>struire practică <strong>in</strong><br />

relaxarea pilotată.<br />

Anyone can learn to consciously absorb prana from these trees through the palms, so<br />

that the body would t<strong>in</strong>gle and become numb due to the tremendous amount of prana<br />

absorbed. This skill can be acquired after only a few sessions of practice.<br />

Anumite zone sau locuri t<strong>in</strong>d să aibă mai multă <strong>de</strong> prana <strong>de</strong>cât altele. Unele d<strong>in</strong>tre<br />

aceste zone extrem <strong>de</strong> pl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>de</strong> energie au tend<strong>in</strong>ţa <strong>de</strong> a <strong>de</strong>veni centre <strong>de</strong> v<strong>in</strong><strong>de</strong>cări<br />

miraculoase către care se fac peler<strong>in</strong>aje (Lour<strong>de</strong>s, fotografiile facute <strong>in</strong> imprejurimile<br />

localitatii Abadiânia <strong>in</strong> statul Goiás, Brazilia, un<strong>de</strong> João <strong>de</strong> Deus realizeaza v<strong>in</strong><strong>de</strong>carile<br />

miraculoase, evi<strong>de</strong>ntiaza particulele pranice aeriene).<br />

Certa<strong>in</strong> areas or places tend to have more prana than others. Some of these highly<br />

energized areas tend to become heal<strong>in</strong>g centers.<br />

In timpul condiţiilor meteorologice nefavorabile sau <strong>de</strong> vreme rea, mulţi oameni se<br />

îmbolnăvesc, nu numai d<strong>in</strong> cauza schimbărilor <strong>de</strong> temperatură, dar şi d<strong>in</strong> cauza<br />

scă<strong>de</strong>rii energiei vitale, ca urmare a micsorarii pranei solare şi aeriene. Astfel, o<br />

multime <strong>de</strong> oameni simt lentoarea mentala si fizică sau <strong>de</strong>v<strong>in</strong> sensibili la boli<br />

<strong>in</strong>fecţioase. Acest lucru poate fi contracarat pr<strong>in</strong> absorbtia conştienta <strong>de</strong> prana sau <strong>de</strong><br />

ki d<strong>in</strong> aer şi d<strong>in</strong> pamant. S-a observat pr<strong>in</strong> clarve<strong>de</strong>re că există mai multa prana <strong>in</strong><br />

timpul zilei, <strong>de</strong>cât pe timp <strong>de</strong> noapte. Prana sca<strong>de</strong> la un nivel foarte scăzut la<br />

aproximativ la orele trei sau patru dim<strong>in</strong>eaţa.<br />

Dur<strong>in</strong>g bad weather conditions, many people get sick, not only because of the changes<br />

<strong>in</strong> temperature, but also because of the <strong>de</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> solar and air prana (vital energy).<br />

Thus, a lot of people feel mentally and physically sluggish or become susceptible to<br />

<strong>in</strong>fectious diseases. This can be counteracted by consciously absorb<strong>in</strong>g prana or ki<br />

from the air and the ground. It is clairvoyantly observed that there is more prana<br />

dur<strong>in</strong>g daytime than at night. Prana drops to a very low level at about three or four <strong>in</strong><br />

the morn<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

In rezumat, corpurile sau <strong>in</strong>velisurile <strong>subtile</strong>(kosha, sharira), centrele<br />

<strong>energetice</strong>(chakra, tantien) si canalele <strong>energetice</strong>(nadis, j<strong>in</strong>g luomeridianele<br />

longitud<strong>in</strong>ale si transversale d<strong>in</strong> acupunctura) sunt <strong>in</strong>ter<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nte.<br />

Ele formeaza un fel <strong>de</strong> schelet energetic subtil al fi<strong>in</strong>tei umane şi <strong>de</strong>term<strong>in</strong>ă<br />

condiţiile psiho-fiziologice(maladiile mentale si somatice), caracterul,<br />

comportamentul , constituţia , funcţiile organice şi metabolice.<br />

En résumé, Corps Subtils, Chakras et Nadis sont <strong>in</strong>terdépendants. Ils forment en<br />

quelque sorte le squelette énergétique <strong>de</strong> l'être huma<strong>in</strong> et déterm<strong>in</strong>ent ses<br />

conditions psychophysiologiques, son caractère, son comportement, sa<br />

constitution, ses fonctions organiques et métaboliques.<br />

氣 [ 气 ] qì qi4 ki Wa<strong>de</strong>-Giles: ch’i; EFEO: ts'i; khi:R:respiratie, suflu, suflare; energie,<br />

aer,vapori,abur; fluid vital, temperament, energie; mana; energia vitala ;" vaporii unduitori se<br />

ridica <strong>de</strong> la sol si formeaza norii" --Wieger. Forma traditionala 氣 cupr<strong>in</strong><strong>de</strong> "orezul" 米 mǐ, si<br />

vaporii sau aburul 气 care se ridica <strong>de</strong> la gatirea orezului 米 . omul 人 rén ; localizare: campul <strong>de</strong><br />

c<strong>in</strong>abru mijlociu 中 丹 田 zhóng dāntián 3.8; 10.11; Explicatia etimologica a formei caracterului<br />

/i<strong>de</strong>ogramei qi <strong>in</strong> forma sa traditionala 氣 este "abur" ( 气 ) care se ridica d<strong>in</strong> orezul ( 米 ), care<br />

este copt "; Acest cuvant, care mai este tradus drept: "vapori", "abur", "expiratie", "fluid",<br />

"<strong>in</strong>flux", "energie", "suflu", este un concept esential al culturii ch<strong>in</strong>eze; E: air, gas, steam,<br />

vapor, breath, spirit, smell, weather, vital breath, to make sb. angry, to get angry, to be<br />

enraged ether, haze, breath, atmosphere, <strong>in</strong>fluence, flow<strong>in</strong>g out, power, vitality, spirit, feel<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

anger, mood, nature, manner, Behavior, condition, energy; corresponds to Jung´s <strong>de</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ition<br />

of libido as life energy. It is precious to recognize <strong>de</strong>eply that these concepts of J<strong>in</strong>g( 精 ) .<br />

Qi( 氣 ). Sh<strong>in</strong>( 神 ). Hun( 魂 ). Po( 魄 ) play an important part which mediate between the<br />

unconscious and consciousness, psyche and body as symbols. 氣 車 bus; F: Qi 气 ( 氣 ) qì,<br />

énergie vitale; gaz ; air; souffle ; souffle vital; o<strong>de</strong>ur ; vigueur; énergie; irriter; "Les vapeurs<br />

ondulantes s'élèvent du sol et forment les nuages" --Wieger. La forme complexe 氣<br />

comprend un "riz" 米 mǐ, la vapeur 气 s'élève <strong>de</strong> la cuisson du riz 米 . homme 人 rén ;<br />

champ <strong>de</strong> c<strong>in</strong>abre moyen 中 丹 田 zhóng dāntián; G:Luft, Gas, Äther, Dunst, Dampf, Hauch,<br />

Atem, Atmosphäre, E<strong>in</strong>fluß, Ausfluß, Macht, Lebenskraft, Geist, Gefühl, Zorn, Laune, Wesen,<br />

Art, Benehmen, Zustand, Energie; 10.11;

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