christian religious education paper 2 marking scheme. - KCSE Online

christian religious education paper 2 marking scheme. - KCSE Online

christian religious education paper 2 marking scheme. - KCSE Online


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1.<br />

a) Describe the vision of Zachariah in the temple as stated in Luke 1:8 – 25. (8mks)<br />

- Angel Gabriel appeared to Zachariah while he was burning incense in the temple.<br />

- He stood at the right hand side of the altar.<br />

- The rest of the people were outside praying. Zachariah was disturbed and overcome with fear at the sight of<br />

the angel.<br />

- The angel told Zachariah not to be afraid because his wife Elizabeth was going to bear him a son/John.<br />

- He would be filled with Joy and gladness.<br />

- The angel stated the important role John would play.<br />

- Zachariah could not believe the angel’s message since he was an old man and his wife was barren. He<br />

therefore asked for a sign.<br />

- When Zachariah refused to believe the angel, he was struck dumb until the day God fulfilled his message to<br />

him.<br />

- Meanwhile the people were waiting for Zachariah & wondered why he had taken so long in the temple.<br />

- When he came out, he could not speak to them and they realized that he had received a vision in the<br />

temple.<br />

- He went home and after sometime his wife conceived and for five months she kept to herself.<br />

b) State six occasions when Jesus prayed. (6mks)<br />

- During his baptism.<br />

- Before choosing the 12 disciples.<br />

- During the feeding of the five thousand.<br />

- During the last supper<br />

- Jesus prayed for Peter.<br />

- Jesus prayed at Mt. Olive.<br />

- When he taught the disciples how to pray.<br />

- During the transfiguration.<br />

- After the return of the 12 disciples.<br />

- On the cross<br />

- After his resurrection<br />

c) What is the importance of prayer to a Christian life? (6mks)<br />

- To show dependence of God<br />

- Christians get an opportunity to repent.<br />

- Parents should consecrate their children to God for God’s blessings.<br />

- Christians should respect and obey the commandment of God.<br />

- God is always ready to receive us when we go to him.<br />

- We should sacrifice to God what we have since he is the source of all blessings.<br />

2.<br />

a) Relate the incident when Jesus healed the demon possessed man in Capernaum as stated in<br />

Luke 4: 31 – 37.<br />

(8mks)<br />

- Jesus was teaching in the synagogue on a Sabbath.<br />

- People were astonished at his teachings because of Authority.<br />

- In the synagogue there was a man who was possessed by an evil spirit.<br />

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- He cried out with a loud voice.<br />

- What have you to do with us Jesus of Nazareth?<br />

- He asked whether he had come to destroy them<br />

- He said he knows who he was.<br />

- Jesus rebuked him/told him to be silent and come out of him.<br />

- The demon threw him on the ground.<br />

- He came out of him without harming him.<br />

- The people were amazed and wondered what kind of person Jesus was.<br />

- The report spread the whole region.<br />

b) From the early life of Jesus what evidence is there to show that he came from a poor background?<br />

(6 mks)<br />

- His mother was a simple village girl.<br />

- His father was a carpenter<br />

- The first people who visited him were shepherds.<br />

- He was laid in a manger.<br />

- He was born in a small town of Bethlehem<br />

- His birth was revealed to Simeon and Anna who were simple people.<br />

- During dedication the parents offered two birds.<br />

- He grew up in Nazareth.<br />

c) What lessons does modern Christian learn from the incident when Jesus was dedicated. (6mks)<br />

- Christians should thank God for what he has in our lives<br />

- God has a plan and mission for every child and confess their sins.<br />

- Ask for their needs<br />

- Show gratitude to God<br />

- It enables one to seek God’s will and receive His revelation.<br />

- It enables one to face temptation with courage.<br />

- Christians uses prayer to intercede for the needs of others<br />

- Prayer promotes unity for believers as they fellowship together.<br />

- Virtues of patience and persistence are acquired through prayers.<br />

3<br />

a) Identify five parables that teach about the kingdom of God. (5mks)<br />

- The parable of the sower<br />

- The parable of the mustard seed<br />

- The parable of the yeast.<br />

- The parable of the great feast<br />

- The parable of the lost sheep, son and coin.<br />

- The parable of the unfruitful fig tree.<br />

b) State four accusations that were made against Jesus during his trial Luke 22:66 23: 1 – 23. (8mks)<br />

- Claiming to be the son of God.<br />

- Opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar.<br />

- Claiming to be Christ and king<br />

- He was equating himself to God/blasphemy<br />

- Inciting people to revolt against the emperor.<br />

c) Why should Christians be discouraged from taking part in mob justice? (7mks)<br />

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- It does not give room for reason.<br />

- It is impulsive / based on emotions<br />

- It can lead to destruction of property / life.<br />

- It is ungodly /violent / it lacks love.<br />

- It can be fuelled by lies / malice / incitement.<br />

- The victim is denied chance to defend himself / herself.<br />

- It does not give room for forgiveness / reconciliation.<br />

- The punishment given is not equivalent to the offence committed<br />

4.<br />

a) State the teachings of Peter concerning the people of God 1 st peter 2: 9 – 10. (7mks)<br />

- Holy nation<br />

- Royal priesthood<br />

- God’s own people<br />

- They have received God’s mercy.<br />

- Proclaim the wonderful deeds of God.<br />

- Have been brought to the light.<br />

- Chosen race<br />

- They belong to God; they form a family / God’s possession.<br />

b) Explain seven problems faced by the church of Corinth. (8mks)<br />

- Splinter groups.<br />

- Misuse of spiritual groups<br />

- Issue of resurrection<br />

- Covering of heads<br />

- Setting disputes in civil courts<br />

- Abuse of the Lord’s supper<br />

- Eating of meat offered to idols<br />

- Issue on marriage & divorce.<br />

- Sexual immorality<br />

c) Give five ways through which Christians can promote unity among themselves in Kenya today. (5mks)<br />

- Paying together /joint rallies / seminars<br />

- Providing for the less fortunate in the society.<br />

- Financial contribution to the building of the churches / hospitals.<br />

- Providing social amenities to all.<br />

- Forgiving one another.<br />

- Condemning evils in the society.<br />

- Fight against discrimination<br />

- Different denominations are represented in the Bible society of Kenya.<br />

5.<br />

a) State four similarities between Christian and Traditional African view on marriage. (8mks)<br />

- In Both marriage is ordained by God.<br />

- In Both the husband is the head of the family.<br />

- In Both the status of those involved is promoted.<br />

- In Both divorces is discouraged.<br />

- In Both sex outside marriage is not allowed.<br />

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) How should Christians prepare for marriage? (6mks)<br />

- Identifying the partner<br />

- Courting<br />

- Payment of dowry/arrangement s.<br />

- Counseling / seminars.<br />

- Inform the parents<br />

- Proposed to the partner<br />

- Inform church elders<br />

- Fix the dates<br />

- Identify the marriage witnesses<br />

- Ensure availability of finances resources.<br />

c) Identify six ways the church is helping to solve the problem of domestic violence in Kenya today.<br />

(6mks)<br />

- Providing family life programmes.<br />

- Praying for the families<br />

- By playing reconciliatory role when there is a quarrel between a couple.<br />

- Preaching to the couple<br />

- Organising seminars / workshops on marriage.<br />

- Preparing study materials and books on family life.<br />

6.<br />

a) Explain African traditional attitude towards work. (8mks)<br />

- Division of labour<br />

- Work was valued as a way of life<br />

- Work promoted the life of people<br />

- Laziness / idleness condemned.<br />

- Work was communal.<br />

- Work was linked to leisure / people sing as they work.<br />

- Work was closely related to <strong>religious</strong> work / God ordained work.<br />

- No work was despised.<br />

- Children were trained /educated to understand the importance of work.<br />

- Work was influenced by the environment.<br />

- Only the sick / weak/old/children were exempted from work.<br />

b) State the moral duties & responsibilities of the employee. (7mks)<br />

- Carry out their duties effectively.<br />

- Work for the welfare of the country<br />

- Show respect & loyalty to the employer<br />

- Observe & respect the terms of the contract / agreement.<br />

- Use the employers’ property with care.<br />

- Show Good will to the employer.<br />

- Co-operate with other employees for the success of the firm.<br />

- Perform your duty with honesty & integrity.<br />

- Pray for success of the company / firm.<br />

c) Discuss the role of a Christian during a strike. (5mks)<br />

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- A Christian should not take part in a strike.<br />

- Encourage other people to find better means of solving the problem.<br />

- To inform the authority of any grievances if they are not aware.<br />

- To pray for a solution to the problem.<br />

- Should not take part in a violent demonstration / encourage peaceful demonstration.<br />

- To report the matter to the nearest police station.<br />

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