OSPITALITA Magazine SEPT 2013 - Italian Industry & Commerce ...

OSPITALITA Magazine SEPT 2013 - Italian Industry & Commerce ...

OSPITALITA Magazine SEPT 2013 - Italian Industry & Commerce ...


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VOLUME 4<br />

OCTOBER <strong>2013</strong><br />


Piero Ricotti<br />

A message to the readers from<br />

the President of the <strong>Italian</strong> Chamber of <strong>Commerce</strong> in the UAE<br />

It is with pleasure that I introduce you to the 7th Edition of the <strong>Italian</strong><br />

Festival Weeks in the UAE organized by the <strong>Italian</strong> Chamber of<br />

<strong>Commerce</strong>.<br />

The festival runs between the 6th of November and the 7th of December<br />

<strong>2013</strong> across various locations of the three main emirates of<br />

Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah, and is held under the auspices of<br />

the <strong>Italian</strong> Ministry of Economic Development, ENIT - the <strong>Italian</strong> Government<br />

Tourist Board and the <strong>Italian</strong> Embassy to the UAE.<br />

Over the past 6 years since its inception, we have organized a festival<br />

that celebrates true <strong>Italian</strong> culture and lifestyle, bringing to you<br />

many rich cultural and business events related to art, tourism, food,<br />

music, films and many others. The <strong>Italian</strong> Festival Weeks has become<br />

the focal point for the <strong>Italian</strong> community and for all those interested<br />

in the many facets of cultural and multicultural activities of the<br />

world’s oldest and richest civilization.<br />

<strong>Italian</strong> food and cuisine could not but be the core focus of this years’<br />

program. Our Chamber is in fact deeply engaged in the promotion<br />

of <strong>Italian</strong> quality food and culinary traditions in the UAE all over the<br />

year, through various tools such as the Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a project<br />

and this magazine.<br />

Among the events of the IFW13, many are those related to the Made<br />

in Italy food: the Festival starts with the <strong>Italian</strong> Cuisine World Summit<br />

(6th to 10th November), followed by the “Calabria Night in the<br />

UAE”, a Calabrese buffet offered by PromoCatanzaro on the 16th<br />

November at the Al Fresco restaurant. From the 17th till the 19th November<br />

<strong>Italian</strong> companies will be exhibiting at the Speciality Food<br />

Festival, DWTC, the biggest gourmet food show represented in Italy<br />

for the second consecutive year by our Chamber. But that is not all:<br />

we will have two seminars on the Mediterranean Diet in collaboration<br />

with PromoCatanzaro on the 16th and 19th November, and a<br />

number of Aperitivo Parties and <strong>Italian</strong> dinners along the month. Last<br />

but not least, the awarding of the new Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a certified<br />

restaurants during the closing event of the Festival, the 7th December<br />

at the Armani Hotel, Burj Khalifa.<br />

Closing event of the IFW13, wherein the most successful <strong>Italian</strong> entrepreneur<br />

and Emirati personality of the year <strong>2013</strong> will be awarded<br />

with a prize from the Presidency of the <strong>Italian</strong> Republic. Our Chamber<br />

will also announce the <strong>Italian</strong> Restaurants certified with ‘Ospitalita’<br />

<strong>Italian</strong>a’ during the year <strong>2013</strong>, and ENIT, the <strong>Italian</strong> State Tourism<br />

Board, hosted in the UAE by the IICUAE, will promote Italy through an<br />

info-point, the distribution of promotional material and the display of<br />

videos.<br />

Further information on the program of events can be found in the<br />

IFW13 brochure inside this magazine.<br />

We look forward to your presence and to welcoming you at our upcoming<br />

IFW13 events!<br />

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TO THE UAE<br />


IN THE UAE<br />

Our commitment to Made in Italy food<br />

Mauro Marzocchi Segretary General of <strong>Italian</strong> Chamber in the UAE<br />

The UAE is Italy’s number one export market in the Arab world. In fact, <strong>Italian</strong> food and beverages exports to the United<br />

Arab Emirates were valued at 136 million Euros (Dh667 million) in 2012 and in the first seven months of <strong>2013</strong> the export of<br />

<strong>Italian</strong> food products has reached the amount of 80 million Euros.<br />

The below chart shows the most dynamic regions for <strong>Italian</strong> food products export in the UAE. The data reveal that the first<br />

3 best performing regions are: Marche, Lombardia and Piemonte. Regione Marche ranks number one with an export<br />

worth 36.429.489 Euros in 2012, and an increase of 86,7% compared to 2011.<br />

Lombardia ranks second, with 22.353.954 million Euros, while Piemonte is the third <strong>Italian</strong> region for food export in the<br />

UAE, for a value of 19.517.413 € in 2012, with a 15,8% increase compared to 2011.<br />

Just a step from the podium we find Campania, ranking first among the regions from southern Italy, with an export equal<br />

to 15.604.006 million Euros.<br />

Regions 2010 in € 2011 in € 2012 in €<br />

Abruzzo 555.537 732.698 734.008<br />

Basilicata 0 0 3.773<br />

Calabria 124.382 305.519 663.99<br />

Campania 11.385.446 13.743.099 15.604.006<br />

Emilia-Romagna 7.620.375 9.381.152 14.334.358<br />

Friuli-Venezia-Giulia 1.538.112 1.857.905 1.930.077<br />

Lazio 1.728.773 2.765.701 2.605.219<br />

Liguria 668.117 1.357.910 2.392.435<br />

Lombardia 9.376.290 11.109.759 22.353.954<br />

Marche 3.087.481 19.507.988 36.429.489<br />

Molise 522.402 797.616 953.415<br />

Piemonte 22.052.462 16.850.197 19.517.413<br />

Puglia 908.747 1.236.898 2.133.298<br />

Sardegna 26.655 36.109 15.163<br />

Sicilia 357.89 664.512 805.671<br />

Toscana 1.560.041 2.009.755 2.814.899<br />

Trentino-Alto Adige 4.654.567 4.502.618 5.538.113<br />

Umbria 1.864.765 2.627.668 1.900.926<br />

Valle d'Aosta 0 22.45 13.12<br />

Veneto 4.636.804 6.132.543 5.686.081<br />

<strong>Italian</strong> cuisine is the result of a centuries-old historical process of <strong>Italian</strong> society,<br />

always leading to significant moments of human civilization. For an<br />

innate <strong>Italian</strong> inclination to care about human relationships and life quality,<br />

the culture of the table has become in the course of time the symbol<br />

of hospitality and welcome, where food has taken on a value like art and<br />

music.<br />

For these reasons, <strong>Italian</strong> food should be considered a contribution to the<br />

heritage of humanity and should be defended and protected from adulteration<br />

and falsification to preserve its history, culture, quality and authenticity.<br />

The <strong>Italian</strong> Chamber of <strong>Commerce</strong> has decided to engage itself in the<br />

promotion of the Bel Paese food in the UAE market. To fulfill this commitment,<br />

it operates through several activities having a common goal: to<br />

stress the excellence of Made in Italy.<br />

To facilitate the incoming of <strong>Italian</strong> products into the UAE, the Chamber<br />

organizes business missions, putting in contact local buyers with the best<br />

<strong>Italian</strong> producers and distributors.<br />

For the third consecutive year, it collaborates with the National Tourism<br />

Research Institute (ISNART) and Unioncamere for “Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a”, a<br />

project that aims to award all the restaurants that are able to respect the<br />

quality standards and the image that make <strong>Italian</strong> cuisine loved all over<br />

the world.<br />

To try to understand and possibly eliminate the obstacles in exporting <strong>Italian</strong><br />

food, the Chamber has fostered the creation of a Committee that<br />

reflects on these problems as well as the certification of the COREIS from<br />

Milan as a body in charge of ensuring that the exported <strong>Italian</strong> meat has<br />

been butchered following the Islamic rules.<br />

Also for <strong>2013</strong>, the Chamber has confirmed the partnership with the Dubai<br />

World Trade Center to participate with <strong>Italian</strong> delegations to two of the<br />

most famous food and ichthyic fairs in the Gulf area, respectively Speciality<br />

Food and Seafex.<br />

The Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a magazine is another platform for the Chamber to<br />

promote <strong>Italian</strong> food; and last but not least, this new communication tool<br />

will bring you each month fresh information on <strong>Italian</strong> and Arabic food<br />

markets and aims to be an important showcase for the <strong>Italian</strong> restaurants<br />

and importers in the UAE.<br />

The Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a magazine: numbers, facts, opinions and suggestions<br />

regarding the food world, all with an <strong>Italian</strong> taste!<br />

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NEWS<br />


NEWS<br />


Eataly and FAO together in the fight against<br />

hunger<br />

FAO and Eataly (a high quality food and beverage chain present<br />

throughout the world) will collaborate in support of small<br />

property owners in Africa and Latin America in the context of<br />

the upcoming International Year of Family Farming in 2014.<br />

The agreement between the Director General of the Food<br />

and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Jose Graziano da Silva,<br />

and the CEO of Eataly, Nicola Farinetti, was signed on the<br />

18th October <strong>2013</strong> in Rome.<br />

The project includes a series of initiatives in order to improve<br />

the market access and productivity for small producers.<br />

Moreover, part of the profits from the sale of specific products<br />

in the Eataly establishments will go to FAO projects in developing<br />

countries.<br />

Eataly and FAO will also develop knowledge sharing and<br />

learning activities: FAO technical experts will participate in<br />

Eataly’s activities to promote good practices in nutrition, food<br />

waste and responsible use of natural resources amongst consumers,<br />

families and students.<br />

According to the article published on FAO official website,<br />

Jose Graziano da Silva said: “This agreement allows us to join<br />

forces to support family agriculture, food security and to promote<br />

sustainable development by harnessing the advantages<br />

that FAO and partners such as Eataly can offer”.<br />

Zeppole: the sweetest <strong>Italian</strong> dessert<br />

Zeppole is a traditional <strong>Italian</strong> dessert consisting of fritters<br />

made with a sort of bread-dough and fried in olive oil.<br />

This doughnut is usually topped with powdered sugar, and<br />

may be filled with custard, cannoli-style pastry cream or<br />

dipped in honey.<br />

The dimension of zeppole varies from region to region but typically<br />

they have a 10 cm long diameter. They are also named<br />

in different ways, such as Sfinge, and Bignè di San Giuseppe.<br />

Every 19th March, at St Joseph’s Day, Zeppole are prepared<br />

and served in many places in Italy, especially in Rome, Naples<br />

and the southern regions like Sardinia and Sicily. Throughout<br />

the celebration, this delicious <strong>Italian</strong> pastry is sold on the<br />

streets and presented as gift.<br />

The legend says that this tradition begun in Sicily in the Middle<br />

Ages during a severe drought, in which people prayed to<br />

Saint Joseph to bring rain. Their prayers were answered and<br />

the rains came.<br />

To celebrate the event, people from Sicily organized banquet<br />

tables for the poor people of the town, zeppole being<br />

cooked for the first time.<br />

Saint Joseph’s day was and still is considered a day of kindness<br />

and generosity and an opportunity to share the good<br />

fortune with other people.<br />

As the <strong>Italian</strong> proverb says: “When you have zeppole...you are<br />

one bite away from the perfect day”.<br />

Presidential taste. Eat as a king, with <strong>Italian</strong> royal menus<br />

Have you ever thought about what food did <strong>Italian</strong> Kings and later on Presidents<br />

eat?<br />

Thanks to the “Accademia <strong>Italian</strong>a della Cucina”, an <strong>Italian</strong> Cultural Institution that<br />

promotes and defends the <strong>Italian</strong> Food Tradition, now you can have access to the<br />

secret menus of the greatest and most influential personalities of the <strong>Italian</strong> history.<br />

From King Victor Emmanuel II to the late President of the <strong>Italian</strong> Republic, Giorgio<br />

Napolitano, the Accademia <strong>Italian</strong>a della Cucina collected habits and customs of<br />

<strong>Italian</strong> heads of State with menus and information provided by the Historical Archive<br />

of the Presidency of the <strong>Italian</strong> Republic.<br />

But who was King Victor Emmanuel II? And what did the royal menus look like more<br />

than 150 years ago?<br />

Victor Emmanuel II was the last king of Sardinian Kingdom (from 1849 to 1961), and<br />

the first king of Italy (from 1861 to 1878). Ascending the throne on his father’s abdication,<br />

Victor Emmanuel II consolidated his position by suppressing the republican left<br />

and paying an indemnity to Austria, while securing Venetia and Rome to Italy. In 1852<br />

he made the decision to turn the government over Count Cavour.<br />

Regarding culinary habits, the king always appreciated simple dishes. During royal<br />

dinners, Victor Emmanuel II used to eat almost nothing, keeping the hands on his<br />

sword, hence generating embarrassment in his guests.<br />

The menus of the King are endless. Undoubtedly amazing was the one of the 15th<br />

May 1862 in Naples, a year after Victor Emmanuel II became king of Italy. In the<br />

menu we can notice that one “s” is missing next to the name of the wine “Grave”,<br />

and “Pacaret”, a specialty from Malaga, was served accompanying the desserts.<br />

This is one of the menus of Victor Emmanuel II, first king of Italy and named by <strong>Italian</strong>s<br />

“The Father of the Homeland”.<br />

Truffle: the <strong>Italian</strong> white gold<br />

The white truffle is one of the world’s<br />

most expensive and delicious ingredients<br />

of the <strong>Italian</strong> cuisine.<br />

It grows into the wooded areas of the<br />

Piedmont region in northern Italy, in<br />

particular in the countryside around<br />

the cities of Alba and Asti, but it can<br />

be found also in Molise, Abruzzo and<br />

San Miniato, a small medieval town in<br />

the heart of Tuscany.<br />

November is the month for the delicious<br />

fungi to get to the climax of their<br />

ripening. During this period <strong>Italian</strong> truffle<br />

hunters head out into the forests<br />

with dogs to seek out the white “gold”<br />

(Tuber magnatum) and truffle fairs are<br />

held in several <strong>Italian</strong> Regions.<br />

The hugest white truffle was discovered<br />

by Luciano Savini and his dog “Rocco”<br />

for a weighing of 1.5 kilograms. A retail<br />

investor from Hong Kong and his<br />

wife brought home this truffle paying<br />

$160,000.<br />

Not by chance the white truffle is considered<br />

one of the most delicious and<br />

expensive foods in the world.<br />

White truffle is best served raw as it loses<br />

its flavour and fragrance during the<br />

cooking process. It can be served on<br />

pasta, risotto, potatoes, eggs, sauces,<br />

or with poultry or other white meats<br />

such as rabbit or veal. White truffle<br />

pairs well with hard <strong>Italian</strong> cheeses too,<br />

and of course, foie gras.<br />

Truffle lovers can start their hunt for <strong>Italian</strong><br />

“white gold” taking into account<br />

that the year <strong>2013</strong> - according to Mauro<br />

Carbone, General Manager of the<br />

company Tu Langhe Roero - is the best<br />

white truffle harvest of the 21st century.<br />

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S.Pellegrino celebrates Luciano Pavarotti<br />

S.Pellegrino pays homage to the unforgettable Maestro Luciano Pavarotti with a Limited Edition bottle dedicated to him and<br />

to the magnificence of <strong>Italian</strong> Opera.<br />

(XXX – insert place), date <strong>2013</strong> – In <strong>2013</strong>, a year of momentous celebrations and anniversaries in the Opera world, the iconic<br />

S.Pellegrino bottle will feature a surprising new look, celebrating with a Special Edition Luciano Pavarotti, the greatest tenor of<br />

all time, and the <strong>Italian</strong> Opera, the art form that was forever changed by him.<br />

The Maestro brought Opera to the appreciative ears of a larger audience worldwide and exported the same joy of being <strong>Italian</strong><br />

that S.Pellegrino communicates on the best tables of over 130 countries.<br />

S.Pellegrino and its still-water companion, Acqua Panna, share Luciano Pavarotti’s devotion to the ideals of <strong>Italian</strong> excellence,<br />

such as talent, passion, culture, togetherness, beauty. Like the two <strong>Italian</strong> waters, the radiant tenor acted as a worldwide ambassador<br />

of the <strong>Italian</strong> way of living, with his grand, yet simple approach to life, his conviviality and his authentic passion for<br />

people, life and above all, music.<br />

The special tribute, “S.Pellegrino celebrates Luciano Pavarotti”, takes place during an year that stands out for its wealth of<br />

important events and anniversaries in the world of Opera: in <strong>2013</strong>, the world commemorates the 200th anniversary of both<br />

Giuseppe Verdi’s and Richard Wagner’s births, with opera theatres across the globe featuring programs in memory of the two<br />

composers; this is also the year the Arena di Verona Lyric Festival celebrates its 100th year of performances. Last but not least,<br />

2011 marked the year that Luciano Pavarotti, the global symbol of <strong>Italian</strong> opera, would have celebrated the 50th year of his<br />

illustrious career.<br />

During his career, the Maestro was invited to sing in the most important theatres in the world, in addition to giving spectacular<br />

open-air concerts and celebratory shows. Today, his name and influence live on through the Luciano Pavarotti Foundation,<br />

which was founded by his wife, Nicoletta Mantovani, after the Maestro’s passing. The Foundation operates with the double<br />

goal of keeping his memory alive and of supporting talented emerging singers who are keen to take their very first steps onto<br />

the opera scene.<br />

It is this passion for talent scouting that the Pavarotti name continues to share with S.Pellegrino: just as the Maestro always paid<br />

close attention to young auditioning singers and took care to give singing lessons to deserving students, S.Pellegrino has always<br />

supported aspiring young chefs in the fine dining world.<br />

“This Limited Edition bottle represents a new and important landmark in the <strong>Italian</strong> Talents project, which S.Pellegrino launched<br />

in 2010, aimed at nurturing and creating synergies between the most excellent <strong>Italian</strong> companies & celebrities, symbols of style,<br />

innovation, culture and prestige,” says Stefano Agostini, CEO of Sanpellegrino. “Following the special editions that S.Pellegrino<br />

launched with Missoni and Bulgari,” Agostini continues, “in a year full of extraordinary happenings in the world of music and<br />

<strong>Italian</strong> opera, we would be remiss not to celebrate the greatest, most illustrious representative whose splendid voice and great<br />

personality helped to develop a strong, positive image of Italy and of the <strong>Italian</strong> way of living throughout in the world, just as<br />

S.Pellegrino and Acqua Panna have done ever since.”<br />

“I am especially proud of this Tribute to Opera and to Maestro Pavarotti, which falls on a special, symbolic year for this art<br />

form, to which Luciano contributed in a way that made it known and loved all over the world for the immediacy, simplicity<br />

and passion that always set it apart,” says Nicoletta Mantovani. “As S.Pellegrino has done on the haute cuisine scene, Luciano<br />

conveyed the idea of <strong>Italian</strong> excellence every day with strength and enthusiasm through his love for music and for the magnificence<br />

of <strong>Italian</strong> lyric opera.”<br />

The exclusive Special Edition “S.Pellegrino celebrates Luciano Pavarotti” will temporarily replace the standard S.Pellegrino bottle<br />

in the most refined restaurants around the world for a grand total of 50 million bottles.<br />

About S.Pellegrino and Acqua Panna<br />

S.Pellegrino, Acqua Panna and Sanpellegrino Sparkling Fruit Beverages are international trademarks of Sanpellegrino S.p.A.<br />

which is based in Milan, Italy.<br />

Distributed in over 120 countries through branches and distributors in all five continents, these products represent quality excellence<br />

by virtue of their origins and perfectly interpret <strong>Italian</strong> style worldwide as a synthesis of pleasure, health and well-being<br />

Founded in 1899, Sanpellegrino S.p.A. is the leading company in the beverage sector in Italy with its range of mineral waters,<br />

non-alcoholic aperitifs, drinks and iced teas. As a major <strong>Italian</strong> producer of mineral water, it has always been committed to<br />

enhancing this primary good for the planet and works responsibly and passionately to ensure that this resource has a secure<br />

future.<br />

For more information:<br />

Sanpellegrino SpA<br />

Antonella Stefanelli - Ph. +39.02.31972796/ Mob. +39.346.6064722 Antonella.Stefanelli@waters.nestle.com<br />

Exclusively distributed by Horeca Trade L.L.C<br />

Tel: + 971 4 340 3330 Fax: + 971 4 340 3222<br />

mail@horecatrade.ae<br />

Ketchum<br />

Annalisa Leuce - Ph. +39.02.62411942<br />

Paola Chiasserini – Ph. +39.02.62411948<br />

annalisa.leuce@ketchum.it<br />

paola.chiasserini@ketchum.it<br />

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NEWS<br />


Dubai based companies attend<br />

“Anuga Food Fair” in Germany<br />

Dubai Exports, the export promotion agency of the Department<br />

of Economic Development (DED) of Dubai, along with<br />

15 companies from the UAE attended the “Anuga Food Fair”<br />

in Germany.<br />

The Anuga Food Fair is the world’s largest food and beverage<br />

fair. The exhibition took place in Cologne from the 5th to<br />

9th of October and has brought together nearly 7,000 suppliers<br />

from the food and related sectors, along with visitors from<br />

nearly 185 countries. In <strong>2013</strong> Anuga ended after welcoming<br />

approximately 155,000 visitors to 6,777 trade stands.<br />

The CEO of Dubai Exports, Saed Al Awadi, said:<br />

“The food and beverages sector in Dubai and the UAE as a<br />

whole are capable and confident of aiming for export markets<br />

far and wide. Anuga is the latest of a series of international<br />

platforms in which the local food trade has displayed<br />

its strengths recently with remarkable success”.<br />

Mr. Saed Al Awadi added that “Dubai’s increasing emphasis<br />

on manufacturing and the expanding facilities for exports<br />

and re-exports have also enabled the local food and beverage<br />

industry to compete globally. Dubai Exports itself facilitated<br />

AED605 million worth of food exports in 2012 and that<br />

was 11 per cent of the total export deals concluded with our<br />

assistance”<br />

The next Anuga Food fair is scheduled to take place between<br />

10 and 14 October 2015.<br />

UAE leads the rank of per capita<br />

food consumption in the GCC<br />

According to Alpen Capital’s revised <strong>2013</strong> GCC Food <strong>Industry</strong><br />

Report, by the end of 2017 the Gulf countries will consume<br />

approximately 49.1 million tonnes of food annually, with a<br />

3.1% annual increase.<br />

The research shows that UAE will become the largest consumer<br />

in per capita terms of the GCC area. In fact, Saudi<br />

Arabia currently consumes 872kg of food per capita, Qatar<br />

852kg, Kuwait 634kg, and Bahrain 453kg.<br />

According to an article published by “Trade Arabia Business<br />

new information”, considering its large population, Saudi<br />

Arabia will continue to be the biggest food consumer by volume,<br />

accounting for 59% of GCC food consumption by 2017<br />

(29 million tonnes), while Qatar’s appetite will outpace that<br />

of other Gulf countries, increasing by 5% by 2017 and reaching<br />

two million tonnes.<br />

Mohammed Jalal Al Rayssi, Director of Communication and<br />

Community Service at Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority<br />

(ADFCA) and Chairman of the SIAL Middle East organizing<br />

committee said:<br />

“Population growth, increasing income per capita and a<br />

booming tourism industry are the main drivers of food consumption<br />

in the GCC region, while food is currently the largest<br />

segment of consumer expenditure in the entire region.<br />

All reports indicate a fast growing market, with consumer<br />

spending on food in the GCC expected to reach $106 billion<br />

in the next five years”<br />

“This clearly underlines huge opportunities for private sector<br />

players to expand within the region, and SIAL Middle East<br />

provides the all important stage to capitalize on the opportunities<br />

that lay ahead.” he added.<br />

SIAL Middle East is one of the region’s fastest growing B2B<br />

events for food, drink and hospitality industries and will take<br />

place at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre from 24th<br />

to 26th November<strong>2013</strong>. More than 15,000 trade visitors are<br />

expected to attend the event.<br />

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EVENTS<br />

IN ITALY<br />

Italy hosts interesting festivals all over the year; attending them<br />

is a great way to experience <strong>Italian</strong> culture. To enhance your<br />

stay in Italy, here are some hints for the upcoming food festivals.<br />

Orto in Condotta Festival<br />

Various locations, Italy<br />

Schools and communities participating in Italy’s Slow Food national<br />

education project ‘Orto in Condotta’ (Convivium Food<br />

Gardens) will celebrate farming history and food culture. More<br />

than 9,000 children took part to this annual celebration in 2012<br />

and this year more than 400 gardens will host the event.<br />

Terra Madre Day<br />

worldwide locations<br />

The <strong>Italian</strong> Slow Food convivia and Terra Madre food communities<br />

celebrate all over the world the association’s anniversary<br />

on December the 10th.<br />

Rassegna Gatronomica del Lodigiano<br />

From 5th October to 8th December<br />

The 25th edition of the largest culinary event of the southern<br />

province of Milan will take place in a number of restaurants,<br />

taverns and ‘osterie’ of the Lodi Province area. In each of<br />

these, it will be possible to taste traditional dishes from Lodi<br />

cuisine or themed menus dedicated to seasonal products.<br />

San Miniato Truffle Fair -<br />

La Sagra del Tartufo Bianco<br />

The San Miniato Truffle Fair is held in the medieval town of San<br />

Miniato on the second, third and fourth weekend of November.<br />

About 25% of Italy’s white truffles are produced in this territory,<br />

and November is the heart of truffle season. Visitors will<br />

enjoy food, crafts and entertainment while the local restaurants<br />

will feature truffle menus.<br />

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EVENTS<br />

IN THE UAE<br />

In collaboration with the Catanzaro Chamber of <strong>Commerce</strong>, Ms. Giovanna Ceccherini will present to the public of Dubai the<br />

value of the Mediterranean Diet, introducing <strong>Italian</strong> culinary traditions from the Calabria Region.<br />

On 17th November 2010, the fifth session of the UNESCO Inter-Governmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the intangible<br />

cultural heritage of mankind enrolled the Mediterranean Diet in the prestigious list of intangible cultural heritage of mankind.<br />

The Mediterranean diet constitutes a set of skills, knowledge, practices and traditions ranging from the landscape to the table.<br />

This important award allows for the accreditation of the wonderful and balanced example of cultural and natural contamination<br />

represented by the Mediterranean and hence <strong>Italian</strong> way of life as a world excellence.<br />

Calabria night in the UAE is a special occasion to discover one of the most beautiful regions in Italy through its flavors and<br />

colors.<br />

Calabria is a land of strong and intense emotions; such is no less true when it comes to cuisine. The region is known for its delicious,<br />

natural, preservatives free, gluten free and extremely good quality cheeses, cured meats, olive oils, herbs, seasonings<br />

and of course its chilly products and ‘Nduja. In fact, Calabria is one of the main producers of chili which is added in almost<br />

every local dish.<br />

The Province of Catanzaro is famous for both maritime - especially on the Ionian Coast - and mountainous - e.g. the area of<br />

the Sila - tourism.<br />

The foundational ingredients of Catanzaro’s cuisine are simple and genuine: think olive oil, hot chili pepper (peperoncino) and<br />

whole wheat bread. The local specialties are the pasta chjna, a pasta filled with provola cheese, boiled eggs, soppressata<br />

and dressed with meat sauce and grated cheese; and the ciambrotta, a vegetarian dish made with pasta and a dressing of<br />

fried eggs and pecorino cheese. The most famous dish among the second courses is u murzeddhu, a special tripe cooked in<br />

a spicy sauce and served in a typical local round-shaped focaccia bread (pitta).<br />

The stigghiole – entrails cooked with tomatoes, vegetables and chili peppers – are also to be mentioned, as well as sausages<br />

like the soppressata and cheeses like the butirri, a caciocavallo with butter inside. Typical pastries are the crocette, dry figs<br />

filled with nuts, cinnamon and candied cedar cooked in the oven.<br />

During the event the chefs from Catanzaro will delight guests by creating spectacular and unique bread and chocolate<br />

sculptures.<br />

20 21

EVENTS<br />

IN THE UAE<br />



Promocatanzaro partecipates with 10 companies to Speciality Food Exhibition Dubai.<br />

17-19 November <strong>2013</strong>. Visit them at Hall 5. sector K.<br />

A.D. SRL<br />

HALL 5 STAND K -11<br />

Zona PIP, Cropani Marina (CZ),<br />

88050 – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0961 960990<br />

Fax: +39 0961 960990<br />

Email: info@aiellobio.it<br />

Website: www.aiellobio.it<br />

All the products of Aiello Bio are the fruit of<br />

passionate work, simple and respectful traditions.<br />

Located in the municipality of Cropani<br />

Marina, a small town on the Ionian coast of<br />

Catanzaro, Aiello has been in the field of<br />

pastry and baked goods for almost two generations.<br />

The artisan activity was launched 40<br />

years ago by the patriarch Natale Aiello, who<br />

transmitted it to his son through daily work,<br />

traditional values and a passion for the art of<br />

fresh pastries. Aiello Bio produces bakery products,<br />

chocolate, nougat torrone, chocolate<br />

covered candied fruits.<br />


HALL 5 STAND K – 5<br />

Contrada Argadi, Amaroni,<br />

88050 – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0961 913439<br />

Fax: +39 0961 913157<br />

Email: info@oliobova.it<br />

Website: www.oliobova.it<br />

Azienda Agricola Bova Paolo’s main product<br />

is extra virgin olive oil from organic farming.<br />

It also produces and distributes black olives<br />

pâté, green olives, sun dried tomatoes and<br />

artichokes, black and green olives in brine,<br />

Calabrese and Cerignola green olives, artichokes<br />

in oil, red onion mustard and onions in<br />

olive oil and honey (all from organic farming).<br />



HALL 5 STAND K – 7<br />

SS 106 Jonica, Cropani M.na,<br />

88050 – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0961 961171<br />

Fax: +39 0961 961171<br />

Email: ligarop@tiscali.it<br />

Website: www.casaligaro.it<br />

Casa Ligaro’ is a Calabrese farmhouse that<br />

has had a presence in several European<br />

countries since 1948. It is also present in the<br />

US market. The company is led by a young<br />

entrepreneur who decided to continue and<br />

improve its activities while staying true to family<br />

traditions. The company cultivates, collects<br />

and grinds only olives located in its properties<br />

on the Ionian coast of Catanzaro. In Its modern<br />

bottling plant, it packs the oil and delivers<br />

it to the market. Thanks to the extension of its<br />

lands, Casa Ligaro’ grows vegetables as well,<br />

and sells them packaged, respecting the typical<br />

tradition of the area.<br />

C.G.F. FOOD SRL<br />

HALL 5 STAND J – 8<br />

Loc. Rinelli, sns, Soverato,<br />

88068 – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0967 21294<br />

Fax: +39 0967 528439<br />

Email: info@oliomigliarese.it<br />

Website: www.oliomigliarese.it<br />

The Migliarese family is keen on finding new<br />

recipes and recovering traditional ones in order<br />

to propose new products to be savored<br />

both with family and friends. C.G.F. Food Srl<br />

produces: extra virgin olive oil, dressings, marmalades<br />

and extra jams, pickles in extra virgin<br />

olive oil, creams and pates, tomato preserves,<br />

tomato sauces, olives, sweet and sour products,<br />

dried products.<br />




HALL 5 STAND J – 12<br />

Localita’ Trovante, Cortale (CZ),<br />

88020 – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0968 76773<br />

Fax: +39 0968 441824<br />

Email: info@oliobiociriaco.it<br />

Website: www.oliobiociriaco.it<br />

Biological extra virgin olive oil. The oil produces<br />

by our company is strictly organic and preserves<br />

the organoleptic properties of the best<br />

extra virgin olive oil.<br />


HALL 5 STAND J – 4<br />

C/DA Pratora Squillace, Squillace,<br />

88069 – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0961 024299<br />

Fax: +39 0961 303114<br />

Email: info@dedoni.it<br />

Website: www.dedoni.it<br />

Fratelli Dedoni are the third generation of a<br />

Sardinian family settled in Calabria region,<br />

with profound expertise in sheep farming and<br />

cheese production. The family has enhanced<br />

sheep farming and the Calabrese pecorino<br />

production over the past 30 years. Nowadays<br />

it produces sheep cheese, fresh, semi-matured<br />

cheese, mozzarella, ricotta cheese, provola<br />

cheese, caciocavallo cheese, burrata,<br />

stuffed bites and yogurt.<br />


HALL 5 STAND J – 10<br />

Via Barrena SNC, Badolato – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0967 814716<br />

Fax: +39 0967 730216<br />

Email: info@dolcefraietta.it<br />

Website: www.dolcefraietta.it<br />

Dolce Fraietta: high quality biscuits and cookies.<br />

The company produces three lines of<br />

products. Doppio Gusto: a line of biscuits and<br />

short-bread made without margarine and<br />

only fresh butter. Sicilian almonds, Bronte DOP<br />

pistachio, Roman hazelnuts, pure chocolate,<br />

fresh eggs, without additives, artificial flavors<br />

and preservatives. Dolceria Dei Tre Fraietta:<br />

<strong>Italian</strong> speciality sweets, crunchy and dried<br />

figs, Panettone and Pandoro, made with<br />

fresh raw materials collected and processed<br />

using traditional techniques. Antiche Ricette<br />

di Mamma Vittoria: represents the top of the<br />

typicality of our territory, with 5 references<br />

completely handmade in elegant boxes, with<br />

different perspectives on the medieval town<br />

of Badolato. They are immortalized by shots<br />

of international photographer Eva Muller. The<br />

recipes are 1.000 years old.<br />


HALL 5 STAND K – 9<br />

Localita’ Pietro Gualtieri,<br />

Cicala (CZ), 88040 – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0968 85314<br />

Fax: +39 0968 95313<br />

Email: frateli@muraca.it<br />

Website: www.muraca.it<br />

Muraca Srl was established in 1983 and is<br />

based in Cicala, a small mountain town in the<br />

province of Catanzaro, Calabria. The farm<br />

where Muraca Srl is based is not far from the<br />

Sila National Park. The farm is surrounded by<br />

greenery and ancient chestnuts trees. The<br />

company specializes in processing and marketing<br />

of a variety of food products: homemade,<br />

bronze-extruded pasta, 100% <strong>Italian</strong><br />

extra virgin olive oil, spreads and pates, sweet<br />

and spicy pepper extracts, tomato sauces,<br />

pickles, vegetable products in oil, oregano,<br />

chestnuts and derivates.<br />


HALL 5 STAND J – 6<br />

Via Borsellino 4, Petrona’ (CZ),<br />

88050 – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0961 933150<br />

Fax: +39 0961 933833<br />

Email: salpa@funghiecastagne.it<br />

Website: www.funghiecastagne.it<br />

A gift of nature from the woods: exquisite<br />

mushrooms. The company is located in Petrona,<br />

a little town surrounded by green chestnuts<br />

woods on the slopes of the Sila Piccola, in<br />

Catanzaro province. It operates in the field of<br />

processing and marketing of fresh and dried<br />

mushrooms and chestnuts, processing of tomatoes,<br />

olives, eggplant and other natural<br />

products, oil canning, dried and frozen products.<br />

TARGET S.P.A.<br />

HALL 5 STAND K – 3<br />

Contrada Profeta Z.I.,<br />

Caraffa di Catanzaro (CZ),<br />

88050 – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0961 954781<br />

Fax: +39 0961 954828<br />

Email: Amministrazione@panedore.it<br />

Website: www.pizzacalabrisella.it<br />

Target Spa is a modern company specialized<br />

in the production of frozen bakery products. It<br />

was established in 2005 in Calabria, a land rich<br />

in history and ancient food traditions. From the<br />

beginning it followed a path of research and<br />

development with the production of several<br />

types of specialty breads, focaccia and pizza<br />

processed using DOP and IGP raw materials<br />

from Calabria Region. Its main products are<br />

pizza, focaccia, snacks, bread and Marsuka<br />

(halal). With Target Spa, five minutes cooking<br />

in an oven at 230C is enough to have a soft<br />

and amazingly delicious pizza.<br />




HALL 5 STAND J – 7<br />

Via Menniti Ippolito n. 16,<br />

Catanzaro, 88100 – Italy<br />

Tel: +39 0961 888234<br />

Fax: +39 0961 721236<br />

Website: www.promocatanzaro.it<br />

Main Ingredients<br />

??<br />

Asparagus (400 grams);<br />

??<br />

Broth;<br />

??<br />

Butter (40 grams);<br />

??<br />

One onion;<br />

??<br />

Olive oil (1 spoon);<br />

??<br />

Pepper;<br />

??<br />

Rice (350 grams);<br />

??<br />

Salt;<br />

??<br />

Taleggio cheese (150 grams);<br />

??<br />

Truffle<br />

For: 4 people<br />

Level of difficulty: 2/5<br />

Duration: 20 mins<br />

Risotto asparagus,<br />

taleggio cheese<br />

& truffle<br />

Wash the asparagus and leave them soaking for few<br />

minutes. After that, chop the asparagus into bite<br />

sized pieces of a couple of inches each, eliminating<br />

the final part of the stem and putting aside the tips.<br />

Remove the rind from the cheese and cut it into<br />

cubes. Put a finely chopped onion in a saucepan and<br />

let it wither with the oil.<br />

Before it changes color, add the asparagus pieces, the<br />

salt, cover and cook over moderate heat for about ten<br />

minutes, adding, if necessary, a bit of hot water.<br />

At this point put the rice in the saucepan, stir and<br />

add the hot broth little by little; after 5 minutes add<br />

the tips. Cook the rice for about fifteen minutes,<br />

turn off and stir with cold pieces of butter and taleggio<br />

cheese.<br />

Mix thoroughly and after few minutes, just before<br />

serving, complete with shaved black truffles.<br />

22 23<br />


Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a:<br />

the certified <strong>Italian</strong> restaurants<br />

The Chamber Restaurants<br />

Al Fresco<br />

Crowne Plaza<br />

Sheikh Zayed Road<br />

Dubai<br />

Don Corleone<br />

Metropolitan Hotel Deira<br />

Deira,Dubai<br />

DUBAI<br />

Al Fresco<br />

Crowne Plaza<br />

Sheikh Zayed Road<br />

La Bussola<br />

Westin Dubai Mina Seyahi<br />

Beach Resort & Marina, Jumeirah<br />

Casa Mia<br />

Le Méridien Dubai,<br />

Garhoud<br />

Rococo<br />

Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah<br />

Beach, Dubai Marina<br />

Bice<br />

Hilton Dubai Jumeirah<br />

Dubai Marina<br />

Certo<br />

Radisson Blu Hotel<br />

Dubai Media City<br />

Prego’s<br />

Media Rotana,<br />

TECOM<br />

Caffe’ Giolitti<br />

EMAAR Plaza, Tower 1<br />

Mall Metro Link Corner<br />

Dubai<br />

Donatello<br />

Sheikh Zayed Road<br />

Dubai<br />

Rosso<br />

Amwaj Rotana,<br />

Dubai Marina<br />

Cucina<br />

JW Marriott Dubai<br />

Deira<br />

Stefano’s<br />

Dubai Marina<br />

Frankie’s <strong>Italian</strong> Bar & Grill<br />

Oasis Beach Tower,<br />

Dubai Marina<br />

CERTO<br />

Radisson Blu Hotel<br />

Dubai Media City<br />


Nais Kitchen<br />

Jumeirah Lakes Towers<br />

Dubai<br />


Frankie’s <strong>Italian</strong> Bar & Grill<br />

Fairmont Bab Al Bahr,<br />

Bain Al Jessrain<br />


Cavalli Club<br />

Fairmont Hotel,<br />

Sheikh Zayed Rd.,<br />

Dubai Marina<br />

Amalfi<br />

Le Royal Meridien Hotel<br />

Sheikh Khalifa Street<br />

Amici<br />

Yas Viceroy Abu Dhabi<br />

Yas Island<br />

L’Olivo<br />

Rixos The palm Dubai,<br />

The Palm Jumeirah,<br />

Dubai<br />

Amici<br />

Bocca<br />

Hilton Abu Dhabi,<br />

Al Khubeirah<br />

Nais Kitchen<br />

Jumeirah Lakes Tower,<br />

Dubai<br />

Filini<br />

Radisson Blu Hotel,<br />

Yas Island<br />

Cucina Mia<br />

Trident Gran Residence,<br />

Shop G05,<br />

Jumeirah Beach<br />

Giolitti<br />

EMAAR Plaza, Tower 1,<br />

Mall Metro Link Corner,<br />

Dubai<br />

Dante<br />

Grand Millennium Dubai,<br />

TECOM, Dubai<br />

Stefano’s<br />

Dubai Marina<br />

These restaurants have recognized the work of our Association in promoting <strong>Italian</strong> quality food in the UAE. For this reason<br />

they have decided to become Chamber members in order to help us growing and reaching our goals.<br />

A common denominator comes along with these restaurants, an incredible sense of respect of the quality standards<br />

and of the atmosphere that has made the <strong>Italian</strong> cuisine loved in every corner of the world.<br />

Stated this, each one has its own tasty offer that can satisfy any kind of appetite!<br />

So let’s love <strong>Italian</strong> food!<br />

Pizzaro<br />

Emaar Boulevard<br />

Old Town BurjKhalifa<br />

Burj Res II, Dubai<br />

Not to forget, these restaurants offer a 20% discount to the members of<br />

the <strong>Italian</strong> Chamber of <strong>Commerce</strong> in the UAE and the Juventus Club DOC Dubai<br />

Ciao Pizza Ciao<br />

Jumeirah Lakes Towers,<br />

Dubai<br />

Aldente<br />

Byblos Hotel Tecom<br />

Dubai.<br />

Roberto’s<br />

Gate Village Building N.<br />

1, DIFC, Dubai<br />

Pizzaro<br />

Emaar Boulevard, Old<br />

Town BurjKhalifa, Burj<br />

Res II, Dubai<br />

Positano<br />

Amwaj Rotana,<br />

Dubai Marina<br />

<strong>Italian</strong>issimo<br />

Mercato Mall,<br />

Jumeirah, Dubai<br />

24 25


Ospitalità <strong>Italian</strong>a in tour <strong>2013</strong><br />

Promotion of the territory of Salento in Qatar and the UAE<br />

As part of the “Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a in Tour” project, the <strong>Italian</strong> Chamber of <strong>Commerce</strong> in the UAE, in collaboration<br />

with the Lecce Chamber of <strong>Commerce</strong>, orginizes three “salentina” dinners for tour operators, operators of<br />

the HORECA sector, journalists, food importers, to promote Salento as a territory rich in history, art and culinary<br />

traditions.<br />

When and Where:<br />

Doha (Qatar) - 4 DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />

The objectives of the project are:<br />

The <strong>Italian</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> & <strong>Commerce</strong> Office in the UAE is glad<br />

to announce the launch of the VIII edition of the Ospitalita’<br />

<strong>Italian</strong>a Award, an event specifically created to<br />

enhance media visibility of <strong>Italian</strong> Hospitality certified facilities.<br />

The Award is divided in two phases: the first dedicated to<br />

the collection of customers’ votes (up until February 28,<br />

2014) and the second step dedicated to the selection of<br />

the finalists and the announcement of the winners during<br />

a gala party in Italy.<br />

Last year’s edition of the award was won by “Soffritto<br />

<strong>Italian</strong> Grill” restaurant in Newark (USA), while the Dubai<br />

based “Certo” at Blu Radisson Media City received the<br />

prize as Best Authentic <strong>Italian</strong> Restaurant in the Middle<br />

East, Europe and Africa.<br />

<strong>Italian</strong> culinary tradition has always been an important<br />

tool to undertake the promotion of Italy and its culture.<br />

For this reason, <strong>Italian</strong> cuisine needs to be protected to<br />

preserve its quality and authenticity.<br />

“Ospitalità <strong>Italian</strong>a” is an initiative which aim is to certify<br />

authentic and quality <strong>Italian</strong> restaurants all over the<br />

world.<br />

The project is promoted by the <strong>Italian</strong> Chambers of <strong>Commerce</strong><br />

Abroad in collaboration with Unioncamere, Federazione<br />

<strong>Italian</strong>a Pubblici Esercizi (FIPE) and with the support<br />

of Istituto Nazionale Ricerche turistiche (ISNART).<br />

To develop and promote the traditions of <strong>Italian</strong> agricultural<br />

and food products and appreciate <strong>Italian</strong> gastronomic culture;<br />

To value the image of <strong>Italian</strong> restaurants abroad which guarantee<br />

a respect of the standard of quality of <strong>Italian</strong> hospitality;<br />

To create new opportunities and promotion for the restaurants<br />

of the Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a network.<br />

Requisites for certification<br />

The criteria for the evaluation of <strong>Italian</strong> restaurants abroad,<br />

are collected in specific rules and are valid all over the<br />

world:<br />

- Identity<br />

- <strong>Italian</strong> distinctiveness<br />

- Menu<br />

- Gourmet offer<br />

- Recipes<br />

- Wine list<br />

- Extra virgin olive oil<br />

- <strong>Italian</strong> cuisine experience and competence<br />

- Promotion of products of protected origin<br />

- Food and wine products having DOP and IGP designations<br />

Il Teatro Restaurant<br />


Doha – Qatar<br />

Abu Dhabi (UAE) - 5TH DECEMBER <strong>2013</strong><br />

Dubai (UAE) - 7 DICEMBRE <strong>2013</strong><br />

Oro Restaurant<br />


Abu Dhabi<br />

For further information on the Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a project and Award,<br />

please contact our office at: tr_analyst@iicuae.com.<br />


We are waiting for new restaurants to enroll in Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a!<br />

G.L.01<br />

G.L. has 20 years experience as Restaurant & Bar Manager. After 7 years at Garga Restaurant in Florence he decided<br />

to move abroad and gain international experience. He become Restaurant Manager at “La vecchia signora”<br />

restaurant in Copenhagen, “Il crostino Wine & Bar” in New York City, “Belgo” Restaurant in London and “Utopia<br />

and casa Tito” Restaurant in Goa (India). In <strong>2013</strong> he worked as “Outlet Manager” in Dubai at Villa Romana<br />

St. Tropez-The Habtoor Grand Beach Resort. He is able to maximize profitability efficiency and customer service<br />

through operational KPI’s.<br />

Armani Hotel<br />


DUBAI - UAE<br />

The third dinner of the Ospitalita’ <strong>Italian</strong>a in Tour, will take place on the occasion of the closing event of the <strong>Italian</strong> Festival<br />

Weeks in the UAE <strong>2013</strong>, organized by the <strong>Italian</strong> Chamber of <strong>Commerce</strong>. During the Gala Dinner, in the presence<br />

of <strong>Italian</strong> and Emirati personalities and VIPs, typical food products from the Salento territory will be tasted by guests at<br />

the Armani Hotel in Burj Khalifa with a huge media coverage.<br />

26 27

Suite No. 903, 9th Floor, Al Batha Tower<br />

Buhaira Corniche, P.O. Box 48558 - Sharjah, U.A.E.<br />

Tel : +971.6.5747099 Fax: +971.6.5481100<br />

E-mail: info@iicuae.com<br />

Web: www.iicuae.com<br />

“Project realized with the contribution of the Fondo Intercamerale di Intervento di Unioncamere”

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