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A<br />

Index<br />

adding (continued)<br />

commands to Quick Access Toolbar, 462–463<br />

comments, 90–91<br />

data series to a chart, 398–399<br />

data to outlines, 496<br />

digital signatures, 140<br />

hours, minutes, or seconds to a time, 246–247<br />

legend (charts), 389<br />

records to databases, 588<br />

rows to tables, 101<br />

rows to worksheets, 66–67<br />

scenarios, 644–645<br />

text to Shapes, 444<br />

worksheets to workbooks, 57<br />

AddinInstall event, 747<br />

add-ins<br />

Add-In Manager, 772<br />

Analysis ToolPak add-in<br />

analysis of variance, 669–670<br />

correlation, 670<br />

covariance, 670<br />

Data Analysis dialog box, 668<br />

descriptive statistics, 670–671<br />

exponential smoothing, 671<br />

features, 667–668, 773<br />

Fourier analysis, 672<br />

frequency distributions, 263–264<br />

F-Test, 671–672<br />

histograms, 672<br />

installing, 265, 668<br />

moving average, 673<br />

percentiles, 675<br />

procedures, 668–669<br />

random number generation, 673–674<br />

ranks, 675<br />

regression, 675<br />

sampling, 676<br />

t-Test, 676–677<br />

z-Test, 677<br />

Analysis ToolPak—VBA add-in, 773<br />

closing, 772<br />

Conditional Sum wizard add-in, 270, 773<br />

converting workbooks into add-ins, 771–774<br />

creating, 773–774<br />

defined, 771<br />

downloading, 773<br />

Euro Currency Tools add-in, 773<br />

examples, 775–781<br />

installing, 775, 780–781<br />

Internet Assistant VBA add-in, 773<br />

Lookup Wizard add-in, 773<br />

opening, 772<br />

PDF add-in, 34, 546–547<br />

Power Utility Pak add-in, 229<br />

Solver add-in<br />

appropriate problems for, 652<br />

constraints, 654–655<br />

defined, 649, 773<br />

examples, 653–666<br />

Frontline Systems Web site, 662<br />

installing, 652<br />

user interface, 773, 779–781<br />

uses, 771–772<br />

Add-Ins dialog box, 772<br />

Add-Ins tab (Ribbon), 9<br />

AddinUninstall event, 747<br />

addition (+) operator, 176<br />

ADDRESS function, 792<br />

addresses of ranges<br />

defined, 7<br />

examples, 71<br />

specifying, 71<br />

adjusting<br />

footer distance from the bottom of the page, 162<br />

header distance from the top of the page, 162<br />

margins, 156, 160–161<br />

page breaks, 157, 159<br />

Adobe Systems, 546<br />

alert messages in VBA, 767<br />

aligning<br />

headers and footers with margins, 168<br />

Shapes, 446<br />

text, 115–116<br />

allocating resources, 662–664<br />

alternate-row shading, 436–437<br />

alternatives<br />

to comments, 92<br />

to UserForms, 716–720<br />

AMORDEGRC function, 789<br />

AMORLINC function, 789<br />

amortization schedule, 297–299<br />

Analysis ToolPak add-in<br />

analysis of variance, 669–670<br />

correlation, 670<br />

covariance, 670<br />

Data Analysis dialog box, 668<br />

descriptive statistics, 670–671<br />

exponential smoothing, 671<br />

features, 667–668, 773<br />

Fourier analysis, 672<br />

frequency distributions, 263–264<br />

F-Test, 671–672<br />

histograms, 672<br />

installing, 265, 668<br />

moving average, 673<br />

percentiles, 675<br />

procedures, 668–669<br />

random number generation, 673–674<br />

ranks, 675<br />

regression, 675<br />


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