Microsoft Office

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Part II<br />

Working with Formulas and Functions<br />

Let a Wizard Create Your Formula<br />

Excel ships with an add-in called Conditional Sum Wizard. After you install this add-in, you can invoke the<br />

wizard by choosing Formulas ➪ Solutions ➪ Conditional Sum.<br />

You can specify various conditions for your summing, and the add-in creates the formula for you (always an<br />

array formula). The Conditional Sum Wizard add-in, although a handy tool, is not all that versatile. For example,<br />

you can combine multiple criteria by using an And condition but not an Or condition.<br />

To install the Conditional Sum Wizard add-in:<br />

1. Choose <strong>Office</strong> ➪ Excel Options to display the Excel Options dialog box.<br />

2. Click the Add-ins tab on the left.<br />

3. Select Excel Add-Ins from the drop-down list labeled Manage.<br />

4. Click Go to display the Add-Ins dialog box.<br />

5. Place a check mark next to Conditional Sum Wizard.<br />

6. Click OK.<br />

Summing values based on a date comparison<br />

The following formula returns the total invoice amounts that have a due date after May 1, 2007:<br />

=SUMIF(DateDue,”>=”&DATE(2007,5,1),Amount)<br />

Notice that the second argument for the SUMIF function is an expression. The expression uses the DATE<br />

function, which returns a date. Also, the comparison operator, enclosed in quotes, is concatenated (using<br />

the & operator) with the result of the DATE function.<br />

The formula that follows returns the total invoice amounts that have a future due date (including today):<br />

=SUMIF(DateDue,”>=”&TODAY(),Amount)<br />


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