Microsoft Office

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Part II<br />

Working with Formulas and Functions<br />

Searching for Dates<br />

I<br />

f your worksheet uses many dates, you may need to search for a particular date by using the Find And<br />

Replace dialog box (which you can access by choosing Home ➪ Editing ➪ Find & Select ➪ Find or by<br />

pressing Ctrl+F). Excel is rather picky when it comes to finding dates. You must enter a full four-digit year into<br />

the Find What field in the Find dialog box. In addition, you must enter the date in the same format used to display<br />

dates in the Formula bar.<br />

Understanding time serial numbers<br />

When you need to work with time values, you simply extend the Excel date serial number system to<br />

include decimals. In other words, Excel works with times by using fractional days. For example, the date<br />

serial number for June 1, 2007, is 39234. Noon (halfway through the day) is represented internally as<br />

39234.5.<br />

The serial number equivalent of one minute is approximately 0.00069444. The formula that follows calculates<br />

this number by multiplying 24 hours by 60 minutes, and dividing the result into 1. The denominator<br />

consists of the number of minutes in a day (1,440).<br />

=1/(24*60)<br />

Similarly, the serial number equivalent of one second is approximately 0.00001157, obtained by the following<br />

formula: 1 divided by 24 hours times 60 minutes times 60 seconds. In this case, the denominator represents<br />

the number of seconds in a day (86,400).<br />

=1/(24*60*60)<br />

In Excel, the smallest unit of time is one one-thousandth of a second. The time serial number shown here<br />

represents 23:59:59.999 (or one one-thousandth of a second before midnight):<br />

0.99999999<br />

Table 13.2 shows various times of day along with each associated time serial numbers.<br />

TABLE 13.2<br />

Time of Day<br />

Times of Day and Their Corresponding Serial Numbers<br />

Time Serial Number<br />

12:00:00 AM (midnight) 0.00000000<br />

1:30:00 AM 0.06250000<br />

3:00:00 AM 0.12500000<br />

4:30:00 AM 0.18750000<br />

6:00:00 AM 0.25000000<br />

7:30:00 AM 0.31250000<br />

9:00:00 AM 0.37500000<br />


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