Conversation Transcript - Ignite Realtime

Conversation Transcript - Ignite Realtime

Conversation Transcript - Ignite Realtime


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<strong>Conversation</strong> <strong>Transcript</strong><br />

Participants: 36<br />

Start Date: Jan 30, 2008 11:57:00 AM<br />

Duration: 1 h, 10 min<br />

Message Count: 230<br />

[11:57 AM] Guest81 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] Guest316 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] fingerhut (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] Guest220 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] technick (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] Guest71 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] Guest448 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] wid (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] Daniel (daniel.henninger@jivesoftware.com/spark) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] archer (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] profx (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] wid_ (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] Gabriel (gabriel.guardincerri@jivesoftware.com/spark) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] slushpupie (jay@jabber.slushpupie.com/maple) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] raton (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] wid_: I am creating a REST-like interface to make a message gateway for<br />

our php fronts, I want to set the presence of a user without having a session for him in<br />

my plugin<br />

[11:57 AM] Dawn (dawn@jivesoftware.com/Adium) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] wid_: how can I do ?<br />

[11:57 AM] Guest268 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] Guest268 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[11:57 AM] rob (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[11:57 AM] Dawn: hi all!<br />

[11:57 AM] rob: Hello everybody<br />

[11:58 AM] David (david@jivesoftware.com/spark) has joined the room<br />

[11:58 AM] Gato (gato@jivesoftware.com/spark) has joined the room<br />

[11:58 AM] David: hi folks<br />

[11:58 AM] Dawn: hey David & Rob.<br />

[11:58 AM] rob: guest242, eu falo portugues<br />

[11:59 AM] ken.wiesner (ken.wiesner@xmpp.openfax.com/macbook) has joined the room

[11:59 AM] Daniel: Hi Folk! As you may have seen from our blog post on<br />

igniterealtime.org, we've got a lot of fun new features on the roadmap! On top of that<br />

we've gotten a lot of great suggestions in the comments! It's been quite helpful to us<br />

to get a feel for what's really important to everyone right now.<br />

[12:00 PM] Gato: rob - vs pode facer a seu pergunta em portugeus.<br />

[12:00 PM] nate (nate@jivesoftware.com/spark) has joined the room<br />

[12:00 PM] Guest155 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:00 PM] Daniel: on an amusing sidenote, you may have noticed in the past that<br />

some of our posts on igniterealtime.org were not displaying well. ;) This was due to<br />

an odd CSS setting and has been fixed now, so you shouldn't be seeing weird<br />

overlapping text anymore.<br />

[12:00 PM] rob: gato, voce fala portugues tambem?<br />

[12:00 PM] axelsena (axelsena@jabber.uww.edu/Office) has joined the room<br />

[12:01 PM] Gato: rob - eu falo espaniol mais eu podo comprender portugues<br />

[12:01 PM] wroot (wroot) has joined the room<br />

[12:01 PM] wroot: hi<br />

[12:01 PM] ken.wiesner (ken.wiesner@xmpp.openfax.com/macbook) has left the room<br />

[12:01 PM] David: hi wroot<br />

[12:01 PM] slushpupie: so has anyone had any luck with the AOL XMPP server?<br />

[12:01 PM] David: slushpupie: yeah, for about 15 minutes<br />

[12:02 PM] David: then it turned into a smoking crater from digg<br />

[12:02 PM] rob: Gato, this is Rob from WGU. I speak Portuguese but I understand<br />

Spanish, too. :)<br />

[12:02 PM] wroot: Daniel - what about utf text in forums?<br />

[12:02 PM] Daniel: slush: i have but i stopped messing with it after my first logins to it<br />

[12:02 PM] wroot: it becomes ????? after a day<br />

[12:02 PM] Daniel: wroot: i have nothing to do with that ;D Dawn?<br />

[12:02 PM] slushpupie: David: how well did it work while it was still reachable?<br />

[12:02 PM] David: slushpupie: slow, didn't support avatars, but otherwise not too<br />

shabby<br />

[12:03 PM] Daniel: course if you ask me, it would be ideal if: was charset=utf-8<br />

but hey =)<br />

[12:03 PM] nate: I can look<br />

[12:03 PM] nate: should be set to utf8<br />

[12:04 PM] Dawn: I'm guessing the db and clearspace aren't playing nicely together<br />

on utf<br />

[12:04 PM] Dawn: I have full confidence in Nate :-)<br />

[12:04 PM] Daniel: excellent!

[12:04 PM] Gato: Rob - same story here but the opposite :)<br />

[12:04 PM] wroot: so, i have asked in the forums, but nobody replied, about issues to<br />

fix for every Spark release, Daniel?<br />

[12:04 PM] Dawn: we set it to UTF & changed some settings on the db, but it's really<br />

picky.<br />

[12:04 PM] Guest155 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:04 PM] Daniel: what about them?<br />

[12:05 PM] wroot: Daniel - isnt it too much? even for you :) 45 issues for 2.5.9<br />

[12:05 PM] Daniel: well i mean just because you create the issues doesn't mean I'm<br />

doing them for 2.5.9 =) mostly it's important and helpful to get them recorded so we<br />

know there's an issue!<br />

[12:05 PM] wroot: i dont speak about mine, i mean roadmap<br />

[12:06 PM] Guest485 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:06 PM] wroot: 45 are sheduled for 2.5.9<br />

[12:06 PM] Daniel: i'm hoping to get some time to package up 2.5.9 in the near future<br />

and get it out. lots of reworking and improvements. there's at least one "big<br />

improvement" I'd like to get in that revolves around chat history and less sucking ;)<br />

[12:07 PM] Daniel: i'll be adjusting a lot of those away from 2.5.9 most likely<br />

[12:07 PM] Guest485 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:07 PM] todd (mtstravel) (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:07 PM] Daniel: i started gathering together groups of issues that appeared to be<br />

related<br />

[12:07 PM] wroot: Daniel, i see<br />

[12:07 PM] slushpupie: Daniel: any advancements on packaging for spark?<br />

[12:07 PM] Daniel: no unfortunately =/ i think it's a matter of needing to sit down and<br />

devote some time to it<br />

[12:07 PM] Daniel: it's not going to be easy, that's for sure<br />

[12:07 PM] Daniel: BUT<br />

[12:07 PM] Daniel: since i'm in portland right now, I'm hoping to tackle Derek and have<br />

him show me what ninja magic he does to do the existing package<br />

[12:08 PM] Daniel: so maybe we can at least get a manual built release out<br />

[12:08 PM] slushpupie: I wish there was an easy and free tool for building .msi files<br />

[12:08 PM] Daniel: yeah i know =/<br />

[12:08 PM] wid_ (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:08 PM] Daniel: the microsoft stuff is complex as hell<br />

[12:08 PM] Daniel: wix<br />

[12:08 PM] Daniel: hehehe<br />

[12:08 PM] David: /me wishes Windows had drag & drop installs... ;)<br />

[12:08 PM] Daniel: lol<br />

[12:08 PM] slushpupie: *cough*MAC*cough*

[12:09 PM] Daniel: it does have drag and drop installs it's a drag to install and you<br />

end up dropping your laptop out of annoyance<br />

[12:09 PM] David: slushpupie: to be fair, getting the dmg styled right was an exercise<br />

in frustration<br />

[12:09 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[12:09 PM] David: mostly due to the Finder being a buggy POS about remembering<br />

view settings<br />

[12:09 PM] slushpupie: which was mostly cosmetic, and did not require special costly<br />

tools<br />

[12:09 PM] ken.wiesner (ken.wiesner@xmpp.openfax.com/macbook) has joined the room<br />

[12:09 PM] David: true!<br />

[12:10 PM] David: just applescript, ant, and patience<br />

[12:10 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[12:10 PM] Daniel: It's very odd to me to be in this chat outside of my normal time. ;)<br />

[12:11 PM] wroot: Daniel - but you are still in USA :)<br />

[12:11 PM] Daniel: this is true ;)<br />

[12:11 PM] wroot: at least :)<br />

[12:11 PM] wroot: it's 8 PM here :)<br />

[12:11 PM] todd (mtstravel): visiting the actual office eh Daniel<br />

[12:11 PM] Daniel: hehe yup for the entire week<br />

[12:12 PM] todd (mtstravel): Got you out of the house<br />

[12:12 PM] Daniel: it's is a cold and rainy place here =/<br />

[12:12 PM] todd (mtstravel): The light it burns......<br />

[12:12 PM] wroot: office is a kind of house :)<br />

[12:12 PM] David: light? in portland? during the winter?<br />

[12:12 PM] slushpupie: at least its warm where you are<br />

[12:12 PM] Daniel: warm?<br />

[12:12 PM] slushpupie: yes. warm.<br />

[12:13 PM] slushpupie: as in, not -20 with a -45 windchill<br />

[12:13 PM] David: !cold != warm :P<br />

[12:13 PM] Dawn: I was about to complain about the cold, but I'll withdraw the snarky<br />

comments :-)<br />

[12:13 PM] Daniel: =P<br />

[12:13 PM] axelsena: if was close in wisconsin to that last night! around -15 with a -35<br />

winshield!<br />

[12:13 PM] Dawn: 37 (F) seems cold to me<br />

[12:14 PM] Dawn: todd - I fixed the issue in the community with the cut off avatars.<br />

[12:14 PM] wroot: what about cut off icons?<br />

[12:14 PM] David: Dawn++<br />

[12:14 PM] Dawn: someone posted a thread with almost no space in the subject line

[12:14 PM] Dawn: our template puked on it<br />

[12:14 PM] Guest63 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:14 PM] Dawn: the avatars were being pushed off the side of the page in the<br />

community<br />

[12:15 PM] ken.wiesner: any idea what would cause the fastpath user chat window to<br />

throw a javascript error: room is not defined /webchat/queue.jsp<br />

Line 76?<br />

[12:15 PM] wroot: i have reported this long time ago<br />

[12:15 PM] wroot: in wrong place though :)<br />

[12:16 PM] Dawn: we'll be doing some work on the templates when we migrate to<br />

Clearspace 2.0 in a couple of months. Hopefully we can get these fixed more cleanly<br />

[12:16 PM] todd (mtstravel): I got the PM thanks Dawn<br />

[12:16 PM] todd (mtstravel): Just my anal side kicking in when I saw that in the<br />

community<br />

[12:17 PM] rob: this chat still doesn't work for me in IE 7 - just says "Loading Chat"<br />

[12:18 PM] rob: but it works fine in Firefox<br />

[12:18 PM] todd (mtstravel): welcome to the wonderful world of IE sux<br />

[12:19 PM] wroot: IE 8 got through the acid test..<br />

[12:19 PM] todd (mtstravel): we will see<br />

[12:19 PM] rob: yes, and welcome to the wonderful world of IE still has by far the most<br />

market share in businesses<br />

[12:19 PM] todd (mtstravel): probably will only support half of css 2<br />

[12:19 PM] David: wroot: IE8 is an entirely new engine<br />

[12:19 PM] David: which is turned off by default<br />

[12:19 PM] David: even in IE8<br />

[12:20 PM] Guest233 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:20 PM] rob: as much as developers don't like IE, business apps should be made<br />

to work in it<br />

[12:20 PM] David: rob: we rewrote sparkweb in flash to achieve that<br />

[12:20 PM] Daniel: rob: I've been able to use the chat with IE just fine in the past. =)<br />

Weird.<br />

[12:21 PM] rob: cool, David. Yeah, I like the flash SparkWeb much better. :)<br />

[12:21 PM] rob: Daniel, on 2 different computers over the past couple months IE 7 has<br />

never worked for me for this chat<br />

[12:21 PM] slushpupie: flash makes my computer crash- I want the ajax version back<br />

:-)<br />

[12:21 PM] wroot: btw<br />

[12:22 PM] todd (mtstravel): Daniel don't forget to drop my name a few times while<br />

you are out there.<br />

[12:22 PM] Guest488 (anonymous) has joined the room

[12:22 PM] todd (mtstravel): It's lunch time and I could use a few of those bone<br />

[12:22 PM] wroot: what do you think, how should active tab chat look like? lightewr or<br />

darker?<br />

[12:22 PM] todd (mtstravel): ;-)<br />

[12:23 PM] wroot: in Spark it's dark, in SparkWeb it's lighter<br />

[12:23 PM] Guest488 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:23 PM] Daniel: i'll start yelling todd spastically as i walk by people<br />

[12:23 PM] todd (mtstravel): I don't care as long as it is consistent<br />

[12:23 PM] Daniel: rob: really? wow i wonder how i lucked up ;D<br />

[12:24 PM] todd (mtstravel): LOL<br />

[12:24 PM] rob: I like the tabs are highlighted in SparkWeb better - I've posted a<br />

feature request to change that behavior in Spark<br />

[12:24 PM] Daniel: slush: clearly you need a new computer ;D ;D ;D<br />

[12:24 PM] todd (mtstravel):<br />

I got the law college running on openfire/spark<br />

[12:24 PM] Daniel: sweet!<br />

[12:24 PM] todd (mtstravel): next the guy wants me to help him with SSO<br />

[12:25 PM] wroot: Daniel, what do you think? (about tab colors)<br />

[12:25 PM] David: wroot: the metaphor in sparkweb is that the active tab is "in the<br />

front", and as such illuminated directly<br />

[12:25 PM] Daniel: i don't particularly see anything wrong with them<br />

[12:25 PM] David: the background tabs are in shadow<br />

[12:25 PM] Daniel: i don't think they're anything special either ;)<br />

[12:26 PM] David: also, just for the record, they're both horrid and I want to rewrite<br />

them ;)<br />

[12:26 PM] Daniel: i could spend a full time job improving spark LOL oh well<br />

[12:26 PM] wroot: most of the apps (clearspace editor, firefox) use lighter colors for<br />

active tabs<br />

[12:26 PM] wroot: it's confusing for new users<br />

[12:26 PM] David: wroot: ah, well... I'm not on a platform that does that<br />

[12:27 PM] David: Spark is the confusing one here<br />

[12:27 PM] wroot: yeah<br />

[12:27 PM] Daniel: intellij acutally looks exactly like spark<br />

[12:27 PM] Daniel: in terms of colors of it's tabs<br />

[12:27 PM] wroot: :)<br />

[12:27 PM] David: Daniel: more than a fulltime job, actually. Evan alone has made<br />

>11,000 commits to Adium over five years<br />

[12:27 PM] Guest271 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:27 PM] Daniel: i've seen about equal of both styles<br />

[12:27 PM] David: and many of those improvements would apply to any IM client

[12:27 PM] Guest280 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:28 PM] SmilingJ (smilingj@smilingj.net/jgrimm12) has joined the room<br />

[12:29 PM] David: sigh... speaking of internet explorer, Francisco just helped pin<br />

down an IE bug in sparkweb flash<br />

[12:29 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[12:29 PM] David: Even when not directly involved, it STILL manages to thwart me<br />

[12:29 PM] Daniel: lol<br />

[12:30 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[12:30 PM] todd (mtstravel): Daniel: on a side not I finally got my CSS nightmare fixed<br />

for IE, for the site I am writing.<br />

[12:30 PM] todd (mtstravel): I can now sleep at night<br />

[12:31 PM] Daniel: lol awesome that's a challenge and a half!<br />

[12:32 PM] todd (mtstravel): had to ditch more than half my code and restructure but I<br />

got it<br />

[12:33 PM] ken.wiesner (ken.wiesner@xmpp.openfax.com/macbook) has left the room<br />

[12:33 PM] Daniel: wow<br />

[12:33 PM] Daniel: that's a new one<br />

[12:34 PM] Daniel: i just got some spam that flagged -itself- as spam<br />

[12:34 PM] David: hahaha<br />

[12:34 PM] Daniel: reverse psychology?<br />

[12:34 PM] todd (mtstravel): hehe<br />

[12:36 PM] Daniel: not a lot of questions or anything today =)<br />

[12:36 PM] wroot: you want me to start asking?? :)<br />

[12:37 PM] David: heck, I can ask some if people are bored ;)<br />

[12:38 PM] Daniel: One of the ejabberd issues is referring to our IRC transport<br />

implementation as good. Discuss. ;)<br />

[12:38 PM] David: transparent bridging of xmpp to irc would be so sweet :)<br />

[12:38 PM] Daniel: hehehe i'd still like to implement my IRC "front end" to XMPP<br />

some day =) I know it's not the same but hey<br />

[12:38 PM] Daniel: lord<br />

[12:38 PM] Daniel: so many "fun things" on my plate<br />

[12:39 PM] Daniel: so little time<br />

[12:39 PM] David: yup :( I've got a todo list longer than I can remember<br />

[12:39 PM] David: probably will never get to most of it<br />

[12:39 PM] Daniel: run david! francisco is on his way to show you something else!<br />

[12:39 PM] wroot: yeah..<br />

[12:39 PM] wroot: i think i'll delete my todo someday :)<br />

[12:40 PM] Daniel: LOL start fresh =)<br />

[12:40 PM] slushpupie: Daniel: you mean like bitlbee ?<br />

[12:40 PM] Daniel: *drag to trash, right click, empty trash* OOOPS that was totally by<br />


[12:40 PM] wroot: of course there is always a backup :)<br />

[12:40 PM] Daniel: slush: not really bitlbee is something else if i recall correctly. kind<br />

of it's own protocol with XMPP and IRC interfaces. similar in concept though. XMPP<br />

with IRC interface.<br />

[12:41 PM] Daniel: one of my friends swears by some bitlebee<br />

[12:41 PM] David: man. Having Francisco in the office is great<br />

[12:41 PM] slushpupie: bitlbee is an irc server that connects to protocols, xmpp being<br />

one of them<br />

[12:41 PM] slushpupie: think pidgin in irc form<br />

[12:41 PM] Daniel: hrm *looks at list of spark issues* what would happen if i created<br />

a new JIRA project for spark and forgot about all of these ones ;)<br />

[12:41 PM] Daniel: kidding<br />

[12:41 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[12:42 PM] Daniel: it's kinda funny to see him hopping up and dashing about<br />

[12:42 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[12:43 PM] Guest267 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:44 PM] Guest267 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:44 PM] todd 2 (mtstravel) (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:44 PM] todd 2 (mtstravel): Web chat bumped me but I am still there<br />

[12:44 PM] todd 2 (mtstravel): I feel like Daniel from past weeks<br />

[12:45 PM] David: oops. Getting my languages crossed here, just tried to return a<br />

BOOL in actionscript >.<<br />

[12:45 PM] Daniel: =P hey man Daniel2 was an institution<br />

[12:46 PM] David: s/was an/was in an/g<br />

[12:46 PM] Daniel: =P<br />

[12:46 PM] todd 2 (mtstravel): hehe<br />

[12:46 PM] todd 2 (mtstravel): but not exclusive I guess<br />

[12:47 PM] todd 2 (mtstravel): I can do anything you can do but better ;-)<br />

[12:47 PM] Guest450 (anonymous) has joined the room<br />

[12:47 PM] Guest271 (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:48 PM] Daniel: lol<br />

[12:48 PM] Dallas (dallasgutauckis) has joined the room<br />

[12:48 PM] todd 2 (mtstravel): and on my 7 year old mac at that<br />

[12:51 PM] rob: Daniel, here's the URL of the thread with my feature request to reverse<br />

the tab highlighting in Spark: http://www.igniterealtime.org/community/thread/29058<br />

[12:51 PM] technick (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:52 PM] wroot: i can give another URL, recent request about the same :)<br />

[12:52 PM] Daniel: wroot: have oyu already created an issue for this?<br />

[12:53 PM] wroot: no<br />

[12:53 PM] Daniel: would you mind? ;)

[12:53 PM] wroot: but i wount be able to VOTE!!! :)<br />

[12:53 PM] wroot: ok, i can create this<br />

[12:53 PM] Daniel: anyone know what happened to LG btw? he's been kind of<br />

invisible!<br />

[12:54 PM] wroot: rob - i'kk reply<br />

[12:54 PM] Daniel: creating it is a vote in itself LOL<br />

[12:54 PM] wroot: rob - i mean in your thread<br />

[12:54 PM] wroot: Daniel - only in chat<br />

[12:54 PM] rob: I'll vote for it. Thanks, wroot.<br />

[12:55 PM] wroot: i've seen him in forums not so long ago<br />

[12:56 PM] rob: it's been fun, kids. TTYL.<br />

[12:56 PM] David: bye rob<br />

[12:56 PM] rob (anonymous) has left the room<br />

[12:56 PM] wroot: # Last Logged In: Jan 20, 2008 9:08 PM<br />

[12:57 PM] wroot: i'm going too, have to create that ticket :)<br />

[12:57 PM] wroot: bye<br />

[12:57 PM] David: bye wroot<br />

[12:57 PM] wroot (wroot) has left the room<br />

[12:57 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has left the room<br />

[12:59 PM] Exxter (daniel@dlsz.org/abbeit) has joined the room<br />

[1:00 PM] David: could someone say something? I'm testing<br />

[1:00 PM] Dawn: hi david!<br />

[1:00 PM] David: thanks :)<br />

[1:01 PM] Dawn: ok, bye everyone!<br />

[1:01 PM] David: bye Dawn<br />

[1:01 PM] Daniel: ok folk, well it looks like we're coming to an end this week =) not a<br />

lot to talk about this time! but that's ok =D hope to see y'all next week!<br />

[1:03 PM] Armando (armando.jagucki@jivesoftware.com/Psi) has joined the room<br />

[1:04 PM] Dawn (dawn@jivesoftware.com/Adium) has left the room<br />

[1:05 PM] Dallas: Damn<br />

[1:05 PM] Dallas: I missed it.<br />

[1:05 PM] Dallas: By like 4 minutes<br />

[1:05 PM] Dallas: What a shame.<br />

[1:05 PM] David: sup? I'm still around<br />

[1:06 PM] Daniel: i am too actually<br />

[1:06 PM] Dallas: heh<br />

[1:06 PM] Dallas: So, does gateway not allow for the blocking of users?<br />

[1:06 PM] Dallas: On separate transports<br />

[1:06 PM] SmilingJ (smilingj@smilingj.net/jgrimm12) has left the room<br />

[1:07 PM] Daniel: it doesn't specifically have any support for that, no. i don't know if<br />

openfire "intercepts" blocks and handles them itself though

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