The Boiling Pot - Moriel Ministries

The Boiling Pot - Moriel Ministries The Boiling Pot - Moriel Ministries


Feature Article – Continued Recently in England, at the Anglican Synod in London, one hundred twenty Anglican pastors—vicars, put their signatures to a document demanding the right to perform same-sex marriages. Remember, America was evangelized by Britain, the mother country spiritually as well as politically. The Church of England (also called the Anglicans or Episcopalians), the United Reformed Church, the Church of Scotland, the Presbyterian Church and the Methodist Church are all ordaining homosexuals and lesbians, but even the Roman Catholic Church would not officially do that. What they do and what they teach are two different things, but if we were to look at a Roman Catholic book of theology, we would not find a single Roman Catholic scholar or theologian who would deny the historicity of the virgin birth or a literal resurrection. Not one. But we have no shortage at Yale Divinity School, or Princeton Divinity School, or Harvard, or so-called Protestants denying these truths. Protestantism has become worse than Catholicism, worse than what it set out to reform. It is more morally depraved and spiritually bankrupt than what it came from. So, too, Oholibah became worse than Oholah; Judah became worse than Israel. Look at the money preachers, what they do, and their complete lack of ethics. There are unsaved people who would not prey on the poor and uneducated and elderly the way those money preachers do on TV. There are unsaved people who have more ethics than those predators of Satan. This is what took place in the last days of Judah, and that is what happens in the Last Days, full stop. It is what happens in the last days of the Church, and it is what happens in the last days of the Jews before the Messiah comes. This is the background of “Ezekiel”—“the strength of God.” The Beginning of the End And the word of the LORD came to me in the ninth year, in the tenth month, on the tenth of the month, saying, (Ezekiel 24:1) I do not speculate on dates of the return of Jesus, but this is a superscription—it tells us the timeframe in which these events took place when this prophecy came true. I only mention this in passing, but that date by the Hebrew calendar and how far it was into the Captivity may be an indication about the time when the Antichrist will be revealed. “…the word of the LORD came…” Jesus is the Word. In Greek He is the “Logos,” in Hebrew He is the “D’var.” False prophets will always give us a word which is not prophecy but clairvoyance. “The word came”—Jesus came. It was an Old Testament revelation of Christ by the Holy Spirit. Unlike in the New Testament, of course, in the Old Covenant the Holy Spirit was only for certain people at certain times: high priests, prophets, kings, judges and patriarchs. The message came from an encounter with the Lord. If a message does not come from an encounter with the Lord, it is a false message; they are putting the focus on the message instead of on the Lord. The focus should be on the Lord, not the message. False prophets will always give someone a word; true prophets will always point them to the Word. There is nothing the Lord has to reveal to any of us, predictively or otherwise, that will not be doctrinally based on what is already revealed in Scripture, and the focus will always be on the Lord Himself, not on the message. Once that happens, then the message is real and we can act on it. The King of Babylon “Son of man…” (Again, this is an eschatological type of Christ. When we see “son of man,” it is pointing to the Last Days in some way.) “… write the name of the day, this very day. The king of Babylon has laid siege to Jerusalem this very day. (Ezekiel 24:2) Nebuchadnezzar was worshiped in the Book of Daniel as God. Whenever we see a human being other than Jesus deified and worshiped, be it the pagan emperors of Rome or in this case the king of Babylon, it is a shadow or picture of the Antichrist. As Jesus was God and became a man who was worshipped, the Antichrist will be Satan, as it were, in an incarnated form, seeking worship. That the king of Babylon is directly associated with Satan is further confirmed by other Scripture. that you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon, and say, “How the oppressor has ceased, And how fury has ceased! The LORD has broken the staff of the wicked, The scepter of rulers (As we see in Daniel, when Jesus comes back, He will put an end to human government.) Which used to strike the peoples in fury with unceasing strokes, Which subdued the nations in anger with unrestrained persecution. The whole earth is at rest and is quiet; They break forth into shouts of joy. Even the cypress trees rejoice over you, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, ‘Since you were laid low, no tree cutter comes up against us.’ Remember, the trees of the field will clap their hands (Is. 55:12); we shall be trees of righteousness (Ps. 1). These cypress trees and cedars that Hiram sent down from Lebanon were used in the main construction of the Temple. The Church is described seven times in the New Testament as the temple, and these “Gentile” trees which came from Hiram when the Gentiles were at peace with the Jews under David and Solomon are figures of believers. When Jesus opened the eyes of the blind man, the man saw men as trees walking (Mk. 8:24). A good tree cannot bear bad fruit (Mt. 7:18). The trees are going to be happy when Satan is judged. “Sheol from beneath is excited over you to meet you when you come; It arouses for you the spirits of the dead, all the leaders of the earth; It raises all the kings of the nations from their thrones. They will all respond and say to you, ‘Even you have been made weak as we, You have become like us. Your pomp and the music of your harps Have been brought down to Sheol; Maggots are spread out as your bed beneath you And worms are your covering.’ God has a sense of humor which is sardonic and satirical; He mocks His enemies. On the cross, Jesus, the King of kings, was mocked. The way Jesus was mocked on the cross is the way Satan is going to be belittled and ridiculed for all eternity. Part of the judgment of Satan is that he is going to be perpetually mocked, ridiculed and belittled for all eternity (Is. 14:16). His first sin was pride and that is where judgment is going to fall on him in large part. Your pomp and the music of your harps Have been brought down to Sheol; (This very closely parallels Daniel 2 when they had to worship the image.) “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations! Notice how Satan tries to counterfeit Jesus. Whereas Jesus is “the bright and morning star,” (Rev. 22:16) what is Satan called here? “Star of the morning” and “son of the dawn.” Jesus rose at dawn. Antichrist will attempt to counterfeit Christ and he will put on a resounding imitation. When we understand Luciferian theosophy, their argument becomes (and this is even incorporated into elements of Freemasonry) that they see God and Satan as the same. Because we are imago dei, beings made in God’s image and likeness, and because there is good and evil in us, they think there must be good and evil in God. They reason, “How can we have light without dark? How can we have good without evil? God requires evil so there can be Moriel Quarterly • June 2012

good. God requires dark so there can be light.” But there is no darkness within Him we are told (1 Jn. 1:5). These are the convoluted theories to which Luciferians ascribe. And looking at it from a human perspective, it appears to make sense. Satan manifests himself as an angel of light (2 Co. 11:14), and we see that here very clearly. It is almost the same in Hebrew as what Jesus would be called. “But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ (Is. 14:9-14) Satan as the Antichrist Who is that? Who wants to be God? It is obviously speaking about Satan who is called “the king of Babylon” is Isaiah 14:4, but it also says “the recesses of the north”— which can also be read as the “sides” of the north. It is the same as Psalm 48: Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, In the city of our God, His holy mountain. Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, Is Mount Zion in the far north, The city of the great King. (Ps. 48:1-2) This is talking about the temple. Antichrist in his human form will take his seat in the temple of God (2 Th. 2:4). He wants to be worshiped both by Israel and the Church. He will take his seat within Christendom and he will apparently take his seat in Jerusalem in the rebuilt tribulational temple according to 2 Thessalonians and Revelation 11. This is the king of Babylon. “Son of man, write the name of the day, this very day. The king of Babylon has laid siege to Jerusalem this very day. (Eze. 24:2) That may be the day by the year of the lunar calendar that the Antichrist sets up the “shiqutz ha meshomem”—the abomination of desolation. (I am not being dogmatic about this, I am only saying it is a possibility that has to be weighed into account as something that could possibly be.) Ezekiel is talking about Satan, but he is talking about Satan coming in a human form; he is talking about Antichrist. What happened then is a picture of what is going to happen. The Babylonians desecrated the first temple as the Romans did the second temple on the same day of the year—T’sha B’Av. The Parable of the Boiling Pot “Speak a parable to the rebellious house and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Put on the pot, put it on and also pour water in it; Put in it the pieces, Every good piece, the thigh and the shoulder; Fill it with choice bones. Take the choicest of the flock, And also pile wood under the pot.Make it boil vigorously. Also seethe its bones in it.” ‘Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD, “Woe to the bloody city, To the pot in which there is rust And whose rust has not gone out of it! Take out of it piece after piece, Without making a choice. For her blood is in her midst; She placed it on the bare rock; She did not pour it on the ground To cover it with dust. That it may cause wrath to come up to take vengeance, I have put her blood on the bare rock, That it may not be covered.” (Eze. 24:3-8) Remember, the life is in the blood (Gen. 9:4). The Jews were not to consume the blood or get into the ritual consumption of blood (Lev. 17:14). This in part, of course, has a New Testament meaning for the Roman Catholic abomination of the Mass where they claim wine is transubstantiated into blood and they drink the blood in a vampire ritual. The Apostles condemned the consumption of blood in Acts 15. It is a complete vampire religion. It is cannibalism and is utterly condemned by both the Old and New Testaments, what Paul calls “the cup of demons” (1 Co. 10:21). If it was the real blood of Jesus, no one should be drinking it because the Apostles said not to drink the blood (Acts 15:28-29), but they get into these blood-sipping rituals. It is also making an allusion to the human sacrificing of their children, sacrificing the blood of their children which was a big thing. Well, it is also a big thing today. In supposedly what is an evangelical country, we have aborted 50 million babies. A country that is supposedly the most founded on New Testament principles is just as guilty of the same thing being spoken about by Ezekiel. The Physical Nature of the Pot God says, “boil the pot.” Today we have a mixture of ceramic and diamonds, and before that we had Teflon ® , invented by the American space program. In the ancient world they did not have this; what they had were two other metals: “barzel”—“iron” and “nachosheth”—“copper” or “bronze.” (The Nehushtan—the bronze serpent in Numbers 21 which Moses raised in the wilderness, has the same root.) In the same way that we would coat a pot or skillet with Teflon ® , they would use bronze. That is as far as metallurgy went in those days; they did not have alloys much as this was just after the Bronze Age. Long before the advent of microbiology, Feature Article – Continued God knew that microbes have a capacity to induce corrosion by oxidation. If we go back to high school or the first year of college, we learned that if we react iron with heat we are going to get iron oxide gas which will be noxious. If a welder does not wear protective equipment, he is an ultra-high candidate for emphysema. It is dangerous to breathe iron oxide gas; it is lethal. By not cleaning the pots correctly, microbial film would build up and begin to oxidize the metal. In chemistry, when something is being oxidized, something else is being reduced. This is true even with us. By breathing we are destroying tissue—it will kill us, but by not breathing it will kill us quicker. Because of sin, bio-entropy has set in and oxidation will kill us. We eat, but to convert carbon to energy our body requires energy in Krebs Cycle—this requires oxygen. Eating will kill us, but not eating will kill us quicker. We are under a curse because of sin. They would not clean the pots correctly, allowing the grime to build up and build up and build up, and it began to oxidize the iron. The iron would then rust, and then when boiling water was poured into it, the rust particles would go into the boiling water. But then they would boil meat in it, so the particles permeated the muscle tissue of the animal. The Condition of the PotTherefore, thus says the Lord GOD, “Woe to the bloody city! I also willmake the pile great. Heap on the wood, kindle the fire, Boil the flesh well And mix in the spices, And let the bones be burned. Then set it empty on its coals So that it may be hot And its bronze may glow And its filthiness may be melted in it, Its rust consumed. She has wearied Me with toil, Yet her great rust has not gone from her; Let her rust be in the fire! “In your filthiness is lewdness. (Again, using the sexual illustration.) Because I would have cleansed you, Yet you are not clean, You will not be cleansed from your filthiness again Until I have spent My wrath on you. (Eze. 24:9-13) They got to the point where the pot was so filthy it began to corrode, but then something happens: God commands to make it corrode even faster. The rust is already coming off, but even so put boiling water into it; turn it up as hot as you can get it to make even more rust go into it. God gives it over to its filth. “You want it to be an unclean vessel? I will make it an unclean vessel!” Make it worse by turning up the heat on the vessel—make sure the copper is glowing, then place it empty on the coals June 2012 • Moriel Quarterly

Feature Article – Continued<br />

Recently in England, at the Anglican<br />

Synod in London, one hundred twenty<br />

Anglican pastors—vicars, put their signatures<br />

to a document demanding the right to<br />

perform same-sex marriages. Remember,<br />

America was evangelized by Britain, the<br />

mother country spiritually as well as politically.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Church of England (also called<br />

the Anglicans or Episcopalians), the United<br />

Reformed Church, the Church of Scotland,<br />

the Presbyterian Church and the Methodist<br />

Church are all ordaining homosexuals<br />

and lesbians, but even the Roman Catholic<br />

Church would not officially do that. What<br />

they do and what they teach are two different<br />

things, but if we were to look at a Roman<br />

Catholic book of theology, we would<br />

not find a single Roman Catholic scholar<br />

or theologian who would deny the historicity<br />

of the virgin birth or a literal resurrection.<br />

Not one. But we have no shortage at<br />

Yale Divinity School, or Princeton Divinity<br />

School, or Harvard, or so-called Protestants<br />

denying these truths. Protestantism<br />

has become worse than Catholicism, worse<br />

than what it set out to reform. It is more<br />

morally depraved and spiritually bankrupt<br />

than what it came from. So, too, Oholibah<br />

became worse than Oholah; Judah became<br />

worse than Israel.<br />

Look at the money preachers, what they<br />

do, and their complete lack of ethics. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

are unsaved people who would not prey<br />

on the poor and uneducated and elderly<br />

the way those money preachers do on TV.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are unsaved people who have more<br />

ethics than those predators of Satan.<br />

This is what took place in the last days<br />

of Judah, and that is what happens in the<br />

Last Days, full stop. It is what happens in<br />

the last days of the Church, and it is what<br />

happens in the last days of the Jews before<br />

the Messiah comes. This is the background<br />

of “Ezekiel”—“the strength of God.”<br />

<strong>The</strong> Beginning of the End<br />

And the word of the LORD came to me<br />

in the ninth year, in the tenth month,<br />

on the tenth of the month, saying,<br />

(Ezekiel 24:1)<br />

I do not speculate on dates of the return<br />

of Jesus, but this is a superscription—it<br />

tells us the timeframe in which these events<br />

took place when this prophecy came true. I<br />

only mention this in passing, but that date<br />

by the Hebrew calendar and how far it was<br />

into the Captivity may be an indication<br />

about the time when the Antichrist will be<br />

revealed.<br />

“…the word of the LORD came…” Jesus<br />

is the Word. In Greek He is the “Logos,”<br />

in Hebrew He is the “D’var.” False<br />

prophets will always give us a word which<br />

is not prophecy but clairvoyance. “<strong>The</strong><br />

word came”—Jesus came. It was an Old<br />

Testament revelation of Christ by the Holy<br />

Spirit. Unlike in the New Testament, of<br />

course, in the Old Covenant the Holy Spirit<br />

was only for certain people at certain times:<br />

high priests, prophets, kings, judges and<br />

patriarchs. <strong>The</strong> message came from an encounter<br />

with the Lord. If a message does<br />

not come from an encounter with the Lord,<br />

it is a false message; they are putting the focus<br />

on the message instead of on the Lord.<br />

<strong>The</strong> focus should be on the Lord, not the<br />

message. False prophets will always give<br />

someone a word; true prophets will always<br />

point them to the Word. <strong>The</strong>re is nothing<br />

the Lord has to reveal to any of us, predictively<br />

or otherwise, that will not be doctrinally<br />

based on what is already revealed<br />

in Scripture, and the focus will always be<br />

on the Lord Himself, not on the message.<br />

Once that happens, then the message is real<br />

and we can act on it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> King of Babylon<br />

“Son of man…”<br />

(Again, this is an eschatological type of<br />

Christ. When we see “son of man,” it is<br />

pointing to the Last Days in some way.)<br />

“… write the name of the day, this<br />

very day. <strong>The</strong> king of Babylon has laid<br />

siege to Jerusalem this very day. (Ezekiel<br />

24:2)<br />

Nebuchadnezzar was worshiped in the<br />

Book of Daniel as God. Whenever we see<br />

a human being other than Jesus deified and<br />

worshiped, be it the pagan emperors of<br />

Rome or in this case the king of Babylon, it<br />

is a shadow or picture of the Antichrist. As<br />

Jesus was God and became a man who was<br />

worshipped, the Antichrist will be Satan, as<br />

it were, in an incarnated form, seeking worship.<br />

That the king of Babylon is directly<br />

associated with Satan is further confirmed<br />

by other Scripture.<br />

that you will take up this taunt against<br />

the king of Babylon, and say, “How<br />

the oppressor has ceased, And how<br />

fury has ceased! <strong>The</strong> LORD has broken<br />

the staff of the wicked, <strong>The</strong> scepter<br />

of rulers<br />

(As we see in Daniel, when Jesus comes<br />

back, He will put an end to human government.)<br />

Which used to strike the peoples in<br />

fury with unceasing strokes, Which<br />

subdued the nations in anger with<br />

unrestrained persecution. <strong>The</strong> whole<br />

earth is at rest and is quiet; <strong>The</strong>y<br />

break forth into shouts of joy. Even the<br />

cypress trees rejoice over you, and the<br />

cedars of Lebanon, saying, ‘Since you<br />

were laid low, no tree cutter comes up<br />

against us.’<br />

Remember, the trees of the field will clap<br />

their hands (Is. 55:12); we shall be trees of<br />

righteousness (Ps. 1). <strong>The</strong>se cypress trees<br />

and cedars that Hiram sent down from Lebanon<br />

were used in the main construction of<br />

the Temple. <strong>The</strong> Church is described seven<br />

times in the New Testament as the temple,<br />

and these “Gentile” trees which came from<br />

Hiram when the Gentiles were at peace with<br />

the Jews under David and Solomon are figures<br />

of believers. When Jesus opened the<br />

eyes of the blind man, the man saw men as<br />

trees walking (Mk. 8:24). A good tree cannot<br />

bear bad fruit (Mt. 7:18). <strong>The</strong> trees are<br />

going to be happy when Satan is judged.<br />

“Sheol from beneath is excited over you to<br />

meet you when you come; It arouses for you<br />

the spirits of the dead, all the leaders of the<br />

earth; It raises all the kings of the nations<br />

from their thrones. <strong>The</strong>y will all respond<br />

and say to you, ‘Even you have been made<br />

weak as we, You have become like us. Your<br />

pomp and the music of your harps Have<br />

been brought down to Sheol; Maggots are<br />

spread out as your bed beneath you And<br />

worms are your covering.’<br />

God has a sense of humor which is sardonic<br />

and satirical; He mocks His enemies.<br />

On the cross, Jesus, the King of kings, was<br />

mocked. <strong>The</strong> way Jesus was mocked on the<br />

cross is the way Satan is going to be belittled<br />

and ridiculed for all eternity. Part of the<br />

judgment of Satan is that he is going to be<br />

perpetually mocked, ridiculed and belittled<br />

for all eternity (Is. 14:16). His first sin was<br />

pride and that is where judgment is going<br />

to fall on him in large part.<br />

Your pomp and the music of your harps<br />

Have been brought down to Sheol;<br />

(This very closely parallels Daniel 2<br />

when they had to worship the image.)<br />

“How you have fallen from heaven,<br />

O star of the morning, son of the dawn!<br />

You have been cut down to the earth,<br />

You who have weakened the nations!<br />

Notice how Satan tries to counterfeit Jesus.<br />

Whereas Jesus is “the bright and morning<br />

star,” (Rev. 22:16) what is Satan called<br />

here? “Star of the morning” and “son of the<br />

dawn.” Jesus rose at dawn. Antichrist will<br />

attempt to counterfeit Christ and he will put<br />

on a resounding imitation.<br />

When we understand Luciferian theosophy,<br />

their argument becomes (and this is<br />

even incorporated into elements of Freemasonry)<br />

that they see God and Satan as<br />

the same. Because we are imago dei, beings<br />

made in God’s image and likeness,<br />

and because there is good and evil in us,<br />

they think there must be good and evil in<br />

God. <strong>The</strong>y reason, “How can we have light<br />

without dark? How can we have good without<br />

evil? God requires evil so there can be<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • June 2012

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