The Boiling Pot - Moriel Ministries

The Boiling Pot - Moriel Ministries The Boiling Pot - Moriel Ministries


Moriel Israel – Continued normative human government looks like we need to look at our nearest totalitarian regime. That will tell us all about the future of Europe and the West. All the surveillance, financial systems and data collection technology have been in place for some time now, to equip a government, so desiring it, with unprecedented control over the citizenry. The tools of surveilllance, control, media-manipulation and propaganda that are available now look like the Christmas wish-list of the Antichrist. At the same time on the back of “anti-hate speech”, “anti-discrimination” “human-rights”, and “tolerance” legislation so-called, dissenting voices are being silenced and democratic freedoms of speech, conscience and belief are disappearing down the plug-hole of past-tense. We desperately need to abandon the wishful thinking that the Tribulation couldn’t happen to us, we need to smell the coffee and understand the signs of the times. The first Passover from Egypt tells us much about what the Last Days will be like. The Book Of Revelation to some extent reiterates the features of the Exodus. Though the Israelites were kept safe from the plagues sent by God, they still suffered under Pharaoh’s hand, until the final deliverance. We all as the commonwealth of Israel need to arm ourselves with this mindset that we may have to endure the rule of the one who Pharaoh typifies, -the Antichrist. We need to start looking at the Book of Revelation and the Olivet Discourse as applying to us, so that we may be properly equipped to stand in the times that are coming. Paul in speaking of our common salvation in Romans 15 quotes from Psalm 117, “Rejoice ye Gentiles with His people”. The next verse is even more telling. “for his lovingkindess has prevailed over US”, that little word ties Jewish remnant and Gentile believers together as fellow recipients of God’s grace in the Messiah. Even though difficult times are ahead, we must look beyond them to the return of our glorious King. We can rejoice together in the shared glory and inheritance that will be ours when the Messiah returns. If I understand Zech. 12 correctly this will be after the battle of Armageddon near the end of the Tribulation. John Walvoord and others openly admitted that Pretribulationism is a doctrine “derived from inference.” This is a simply another way of saying that it has no solid exegetical/contextual basis and is produced by reading a preconceived idea into the Scriptures. The technical term for this is eisegesis. May the LORD bless you all, Elon and Hadass moriel’s prayer closet A Small corner of rest from the chaos and tumult of the world around us.... “But thou, when thou prayest, enter onto thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in Secret; and thy Father which seeth in Secret will reward thee openly.” – Matthew 6:6 – “If two of you shall agree in touching anything they shall ask, it shall be done of them by my father which is in heaven.”– Matthew 18:19 • Prayer - Moriel & Jacob Prasch Lee Wardle from Sydney has been diagnosed with an aortic valve failure. His condition is serious and the DRs are trying to arrange an operation as soon as possible. Please pray God will heal him or that He will guide the hands of the surgeons. • PrayER - Moriel & Jacob Prasch request prayer for Annie N, a believer and mother of three in Galilee in Israel who is currently addressing an undiagnosed illness of a very painful nature.Their appears to be some suspician that her condition is related to a previous head injury but the situation remainss difficult. • PrayER - Moriel & Jacob Prasch request urgent prayer for Virginia, sister of Chuck and Paul Smith who is in a very serious battle with cancer that appears pre terminal. We likewise request prayer for Damien Kyle, pastor of Calvary Chapel Modesto in California. Damien has advanced stage lukemia. Please pray for God’s intervention. • PrayER - Moriel & Jacob Prasch request prayer for Dr X - Dr. X is an Iraqi military surgeon who worked with the US when we went into Iraq, and thus, has weathered death threats against himself, and also fears for his family (wife, and four kids). X applied for a special immigrant visa, and - despite being highly recommended by the US colonel he served under, being approved for that visa by the US Embassy in Baghdad, being approved by two US homeland departments, and having a successful interview at the US Embassy in Amman (Jordan) way back in September, Dr. X and his family are still waiting to come to the US. They were living in Jordan for several months, as they are safer there - but, after waiting five months or so to get their final ok’s and fly out of Jordan to Pittsburgh, it is too expensive to live as a family of six, and so have returned to Iraq to wait. Only the situation is now worse, because, formerly Fouad was in the ‘green zone’ there in Baghdad (the section the US had secured). But as the US has since pulled out, and X had to resign in order to move to Jordan before, he is thus now living outside the green zone and so lives in much real danger. i have just (again) written to the US Embassy in Jordan - politely, but very firmly as well - trying to get them to resolve his case. Please pray for X and his family! It would be a tragedy beyond words that, having already lost his brother-inlaw to terrorists for him having also helped the US (he was X’s driver, and terrorists killed him), and having had another brother-in-law held and tortured by terrorists for a year before being released (Y, who, by the way, has also been waiting in Jordan with his wife and two young children - one of which has a very critical heart problem and needs US medical attention - for months on end to be resettled here)... It would be a tragedy unspeakable that this man, while waiting for our nation’s whatever-else-in-the-world-other-paperwork they apparently might need or whatever (even after the US Embassy in Iraq, and two homeland US departments approved him) to finally quit dragging their feet and help this man who has risked so much for helping them. • Prayer - Moriel & Jacob Prasch request urgent prayer for Chuck Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel. Chuck Smith announced on New Years Day he has been diagnosed with lung cancer requiring a biopsy this week followed by pulmonary surgery. Chuck , now in his mid eighties, is a friend of Jacob Prasch with whom he has shared conference platforms, and a friend of many people in Moriel. We request prayer for his health at this time and for The Lord’s wisdom and guidance for his physicians. • Prayer - Moriel & Jacob Prasch request prayer for Pastor Steve Mitchell, a friend of Moriel in Virginia, who is battling Leukemia. Steve is a fairly young gentleman originally from Hawaii. He is undergoing a variety of therapies including chemo and is in considerable discomfort. We pray that in His mercy The Lord will graciously intervene. On behalf of all at Moriel we comtinue t0 thank our brethren for their prayers, wonderful letters and comments ! 20 Moriel Quarterly • June 2012

Margret Godwin Moriel Australia AUSTRALIANnews Australian Report June 2012 The Southern Hemisphere Moriel has been extremely hectic, primarily due to the impending visits by Dave Royle (Missions South Africa) and of course Jacob to both Australia and New Zealand. Dave was also to join Geoff Toole of Moriel Japan on his inaugural trip to our ministry in Manila. But crisis/sadness struck us. Firstly we had the passing of our dear brother Nigel Nicholson (Moriel New Zealand) on the 5th of March and then we had the news of Dave Royle’s ill health. I will come back to Dave and his health problems but would like to share a little about my dear friend and brother Nigel. In loving memory N i g e l r o d n e y n i c h o l s o n may 7 1935 – march 5 2012 Nigel had heart problems since child hood but had (Praise the Lord) lived a full life, however, the past couple of years had seen his health decline with the wear and tear on his heart, but he had always rallied round and was quickly back at the helm of Moriel. But this time it was “his time” to go home to his Beloved Saviour. His role in Moriel will be extremely difficult to fill and he will be so very sadly missed - by none more than myself. I was privileged to share a special relationship with Nigel, his beautiful late wife Jenny and his daughters Debbie, Kirsty, Jacquie, their husbands, Jonathan, Linford, Scott and grandchildren Michael (dec) Ennae, Kezia & Tamsyn. Nigel was laid to rest beside his beloved Jenny following a wonderfully attended “Celebration” of his life. Whilst there were lots of tears this was overwhelmed with spiritual warmth & joy with the knowledge that he was with the Lord. Lots of stories of his life were shared, the main theme being his love of the Lord and his work with Moriel. This led to a wonderful “Salvation” message and an invitation for those who had until now not had a relationship with the Lord. I had gone over to Napier to be with his family and to represent Jacob & Moriel. I took a pile of emails and wonderful messages from dear brothers & sisters from other ministries; to name just a few, Pst Bill Randles, Philip Powell, Elder Mike Shafton, Mike- Oppenheimer & Deborah (Studio Scotland) the producers of the Daniel Project. EPITAPH FOR NIGEL NICHOLSON – by Jacob Prasch Nigel needs no obituary. Obituaries are for the dead, Nigel is alive. His remains are asleep awaiting resurrection. He is in the conscious presence of Jesus with his beloved Jen waiting to return with Jesus to co-reign for 1000 years on this earth in a resurrected body before our eternal reward. Nigel needs no eulogy. The Greek term “eulogia” merely means “blessing,” and Nigel is blessed where he is now and has always been a blessing to the rest of us. We all know this. Nigel would prefer his funeral be used as an opportunity to explain the Gospel message of salvation to unbelieving family & friends so that they too will be blessed. What Nigel does need however is a suitable epitaph for the marker stone where the house he used to live in is being kept until he moves back into it again. This is the EPITAPH I always recommend for true believers in Jesus; NIGEL NICHOLSON, TEMPORARILY CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS, WILL RE-OPEN SOON JESUS SAID: “If a Man Believes In Me, Although He Die, Yet Shall He Live” In the past Nigel had been in a Pipe Band and the girls had engaged a Piper to play as the casket was taken from the Chapel & again at the committal. The Napier cemetery is set high on a hill. In the background is the sea and the other direction the most beautiful mountain range. I cannot begin to explain to you the most serene and peaceful feeling I experienced (as did many others) when the piper played out “Amazing Grace” The afternoon sun was shining on a sparkling sea and reflected a stunning purple hue on the mountains and as I stood there with the music echoing around the hills I could not help but recall the words of the hymn that had opened the service “It is well” and as you know the chorus goes, It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul. I felt that was my dear friends farewell to us all. The Royle Family Dave & Lyn spent a few weeks in the United Kingdom both for a little break but also to be there for the arrival of their two new grandchildren. How Dave & Lyn arranged it I don’t know but these two new little lambs arrived on the same day, only two hours apart. Anthony & Liz had a little girl Hannah (new little sister for Levi & Abigail) and Erin & Aaron had a little boy named Ethan. Although they missed the children at home in South Africa, as a Grandma I can just imagine how hard it must have been for Lyn June 2012 • Moriel Quarterly 21

<strong>Moriel</strong> Israel – Continued<br />

normative human government looks like<br />

we need to look at our nearest totalitarian<br />

regime. That will tell us all about the future<br />

of Europe and the West. All the surveillance,<br />

financial systems and data collection<br />

technology have been in place for some<br />

time now, to equip a government, so desiring<br />

it, with unprecedented control over the<br />

citizenry. <strong>The</strong> tools of surveilllance, control,<br />

media-manipulation and propaganda<br />

that are available now look like the Christmas<br />

wish-list of the Antichrist. At the same<br />

time on the back of “anti-hate speech”,<br />

“anti-discrimination” “human-rights”, and<br />

“tolerance” legislation so-called, dissenting<br />

voices are being silenced and democratic<br />

freedoms of speech, conscience and belief<br />

are disappearing down the plug-hole of<br />

past-tense. We desperately need to abandon<br />

the wishful thinking that the Tribulation<br />

couldn’t happen to us, we need to smell<br />

the coffee and understand the signs of the<br />

times.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first Passover from Egypt tells us<br />

much about what the Last Days will be<br />

like. <strong>The</strong> Book Of Revelation to some extent<br />

reiterates the features of the Exodus.<br />

Though the Israelites were kept safe from<br />

the plagues sent by God, they still suffered<br />

under Pharaoh’s hand, until the final deliverance.<br />

We all as the commonwealth of Israel<br />

need to arm ourselves with this mindset that<br />

we may have to endure the rule of the one<br />

who Pharaoh typifies, -the Antichrist. We<br />

need to start looking at the Book of Revelation<br />

and the Olivet Discourse as applying<br />

to us, so that we may be properly equipped<br />

to stand in the times that are coming.<br />

Paul in speaking of our common salvation<br />

in Romans 15 quotes from Psalm 117,<br />

“Rejoice ye Gentiles with His people”. <strong>The</strong><br />

next verse is even more telling. “for his<br />

lovingkindess has prevailed over US”, that<br />

little word ties Jewish remnant and Gentile<br />

believers together as fellow recipients of<br />

God’s grace in the Messiah. Even though<br />

difficult times are ahead, we must look<br />

beyond them to the return of our glorious<br />

King. We can rejoice together in the shared<br />

glory and inheritance that will be ours when<br />

the Messiah returns.<br />

If I understand Zech. 12 correctly this<br />

will be after the battle of Armageddon near<br />

the end of the Tribulation.<br />

John Walvoord and others openly admitted<br />

that Pretribulationism is a doctrine<br />

“derived from inference.” This is a simply<br />

another way of saying that it has no solid exegetical/contextual<br />

basis and is produced by<br />

reading a preconceived idea into the Scriptures.<br />

<strong>The</strong> technical term for this is eisegesis.<br />

May the LORD bless you all,<br />

Elon and Hadass<br />

moriel’s<br />

prayer<br />

closet<br />

A Small corner of rest from the chaos<br />

and tumult of the world around us....<br />

“But thou, when thou prayest, enter<br />

onto thy closet, and when thou<br />

hast shut thy door, pray to thy<br />

Father which is in Secret; and thy<br />

Father which seeth in Secret will<br />

reward thee openly.”<br />

– Matthew 6:6 –<br />

“If two of you shall agree in touching<br />

anything they shall ask, it shall<br />

be done of them by my father which<br />

is in heaven.”– Matthew 18:19<br />

• Prayer - <strong>Moriel</strong> & Jacob Prasch Lee<br />

Wardle from Sydney has been diagnosed with<br />

an aortic valve failure. His condition is serious<br />

and the DRs are trying to arrange an operation<br />

as soon as possible. Please pray God<br />

will heal him or that He will guide the hands<br />

of the surgeons.<br />

• PrayER - <strong>Moriel</strong> & Jacob Prasch request<br />

prayer for Annie N, a believer and mother of<br />

three in Galilee in Israel who is currently addressing<br />

an undiagnosed illness of a very painful<br />

nature.<strong>The</strong>ir appears to be some suspician<br />

that her condition is related to a previous head<br />

injury but the situation remainss difficult.<br />

• PrayER - <strong>Moriel</strong> & Jacob Prasch request<br />

urgent prayer for Virginia, sister of Chuck<br />

and Paul Smith who is in a very serious battle<br />

with cancer that appears pre terminal. We<br />

likewise request prayer for Damien Kyle, pastor<br />

of Calvary Chapel Modesto in California.<br />

Damien has advanced stage lukemia. Please<br />

pray for God’s intervention.<br />

• PrayER - <strong>Moriel</strong> & Jacob Prasch request<br />

prayer for Dr X - Dr. X is an Iraqi military<br />

surgeon who worked with the US when we<br />

went into Iraq, and thus, has weathered death<br />

threats against himself, and also fears for his<br />

family (wife, and four kids). X applied for a<br />

special immigrant visa, and - despite being<br />

highly recommended by the US colonel he<br />

served under, being approved for that visa by<br />

the US Embassy in Baghdad, being approved<br />

by two US homeland departments, and having<br />

a successful interview at the US Embassy<br />

in Amman (Jordan) way back in September,<br />

Dr. X and his family are still waiting to come<br />

to the US. <strong>The</strong>y were living in Jordan for several<br />

months, as they are safer there - but, after<br />

waiting five months or so to get their final<br />

ok’s and fly out of Jordan to Pittsburgh, it is<br />

too expensive to live as a family of six, and so<br />

have returned to Iraq to wait.<br />

Only the situation is now worse, because,<br />

formerly Fouad was in the ‘green zone’ there<br />

in Baghdad (the section the US had secured).<br />

But as the US has since pulled out, and X had<br />

to resign in order to move to Jordan before,<br />

he is thus now living outside the green zone<br />

and so lives in much real danger. i have just<br />

(again) written to the US Embassy in Jordan<br />

- politely, but very firmly as well - trying to<br />

get them to resolve his case. Please pray for X<br />

and his family! It would be a tragedy beyond<br />

words that, having already lost his brother-inlaw<br />

to terrorists for him having also helped<br />

the US (he was X’s driver, and terrorists killed<br />

him), and having had another brother-in-law<br />

held and tortured by terrorists for a year before<br />

being released (Y, who, by the way, has<br />

also been waiting in Jordan with his wife and<br />

two young children - one of which has a very<br />

critical heart problem and needs US medical<br />

attention - for months on end to be resettled<br />

here)... It would be a tragedy unspeakable<br />

that this man, while waiting for our nation’s<br />

whatever-else-in-the-world-other-paperwork<br />

they apparently might need or whatever (even<br />

after the US Embassy in Iraq, and two homeland<br />

US departments approved him) to finally<br />

quit dragging their feet and help this man who<br />

has risked so much for helping them.<br />

• Prayer - <strong>Moriel</strong> & Jacob Prasch request<br />

urgent prayer for Chuck Smith, founder of<br />

Calvary Chapel. Chuck Smith announced<br />

on New Years Day he has been diagnosed<br />

with lung cancer requiring a biopsy this<br />

week followed by pulmonary surgery.<br />

Chuck , now in his mid eighties, is a friend<br />

of Jacob Prasch with whom he has shared<br />

conference platforms, and a friend of many<br />

people in <strong>Moriel</strong>. We request prayer for his<br />

health at this time and for <strong>The</strong> Lord’s wisdom<br />

and guidance for his physicians.<br />

• Prayer - <strong>Moriel</strong> & Jacob Prasch request<br />

prayer for Pastor Steve Mitchell, a friend of<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> in Virginia, who is battling Leukemia.<br />

Steve is a fairly young gentleman originally<br />

from Hawaii. He is undergoing a variety of<br />

therapies including chemo and is in considerable<br />

discomfort. We pray that in His mercy<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lord will graciously intervene.<br />

On behalf of all at <strong>Moriel</strong> we<br />

comtinue t0 thank our brethren for their<br />

prayers, wonderful letters and comments !<br />

20 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • June 2012

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