The Boiling Pot - Moriel Ministries

The Boiling Pot - Moriel Ministries The Boiling Pot - Moriel Ministries


Feature Article – Continued Jesus Christ went to the cross to magnify His ego! That church belongs dead! Who cares? It is not coming back. They always talk about these things coming back, but they rot to death. Notice they do not disappear all at once; they die a long, slow, painful death, experiencing a steady period of decline. They just rot and rot and rot and rot. The iron corrodes, corrodes, corrodes; the rust oxidizes, oxidizes, oxidizes. It just rots away. I am not saying that all of these movements are going to disappear overnight; they are going to rot. And the rot has already set in for many of them. This is only the beginning. This is what we are going to see in the next ten years. Do not even mourn. But then what? What does this mean for us? A Time for the Word ‘As for you, son of man, will it not be on the day when I take from them their stronghold, the joy of their pride, the desire of their eyes and their heart’s delight, their sons and their daughters… (They are going to lose the youth.) …that on that day he who escapes will come to you with information for your ears? ‘On that day your mouth will be opened to him who escaped, and you will speak and be mute no longer. Thus you will be a sign to them, and they will know that I am the LORD.’ ” (Eze. 24:25-27) To understand this, we have to go back Ezekiel 3 where the Lord told Ezekiel, “I will make your tongue cling to the roof of your mouth. You will not be able to warn them anymore until I open your mouth” (Eze. 3:26-27). Until now we have not been able to warn them—it does not work. God has given them over to it and these movements will not listen. The Lord makes our tongue cling to the roof of our mouth, it says in Ezekiel 3, but a time is going to come when He is going to put His Word in our mouth and our tongue will no longer cling to the roof of our mouth. A message is going to be given and then they are going to know a prophet has spoken (Eze. 33:33). The Near-Term Future for Us That is the future for them, but what is the future for us? What should we be looking at in the next decade or so if the Lord does not come back? “I will take from the desire of their eyes and their heart’s delight; he who escapes will come to you with information for your ears.” There are going to be people walking through our door in Australia, South Africa, around the United States, in Great Britain—all over the place—who have had enough of the mainstream churches and denominations. I go all over the world and I see the same thing everywhere: more and more people are meeting together in homes and in small groups, or meeting in American Legion halls or schools—they have just had enough. If they cannot find a decent church, they will go meet in a home. They will find fellowship with others who still believe the Scriptures. They will meet in a home if they have to. Sometimes the home groups grow and they have to go find a hall or something like that, but one thing is for sure—they are a semi-underground church and not part of the mainstream, and they tend to be populated with refugees. “Those who escape will come to you with information.” There will be those who will walk through the door and say, “I used to go to the Assemblies of God; do you know what has happened over there? Do you know what they are teaching now?” Yes, we know. They are always going to come with information. At some point the epiphany comes and they realize what has been going on and finally get the point. It is about those who escape. What do we do? We are here for those who escape. They are going to come through our door. There is a problem with this, a problem that I have been going on about for at least fifteen years: such groups can tend to become like refugee camps for people who leave bad churches. I think it is altogether fitting and scriptural to fulfill that function. It is necessary to be here for those people the same way as there was somebody here for us. The danger is we become introspective; it becomes based on what we experienced in some bad church. It becomes like Alcoholics Anonymous who are always talking about their past, bad experience instead of looking to the future. Yes, that is one-half of the equation in that we have to re-evangelize the church and get people out of these loony churches—that is true, but not at the expense of evangelism. It cannot be based solely on “they’re wrong,” it has to be based on, “they got it wrong, we have to get it right.” We should be growing by evangelism as well as picking up refugees. That is the problem such groups are facing: they tend to become self-help centers for people who were burned in bad churches. But pick up refugees we will. Those who escape are going to come through our door confused, looking for answers. “You mean I’ve been believing error for ten years?” “I’ve been believing and following false doctrine for twenty years?” “I got saved twenty years ago and 90% of all this junk is false?” They do not know what to believe. They have been misled, they have been lied to, very often exploited financially, and they are confused and hurt, but they managed, by God’s grace, to escape. They walked through that door looking for somebody to talk to, looking for somebody who will just listen, looking for somebody who can understand what they are saying and who can be used by the Lord to give them a perspective and a sense of direction. Conclusion Those guys in these backslidden movements and denominations are waiting for the king of Babylon. That is their future. They are waiting for the coming of the Antichrist. They may not know it, they may not believe it, but that is what they are waiting for. They are being set up for it. By following these false prophets, they are being set up for the Antichrist. They are waiting for Antichrist; we are waiting for Christ. They are about the past; we, the remnant though we are, are about the future. They are about error—false doctrine; we are about the truth. They are about a compromised gospel; we are about a straight Gospel. They are about a compromised standard of morality; we are about an uncompromised scriptural standard of morality. Remember, we are far better off—infinitely better off, being part of something that is growing slowly than being a part of something that is dying quickly. Once she dies, who cares? Who among us has lost a night’s sleep over what has happened to the Crystal Cathedral? Who among us lost a night’s sleep when Jim and Tammy went down the tubes? Of course not; it is not worth crying over! That is the past, we have to think about the future. Ezekiel 24 is the future—what the next ten or so years are going to be like. God bless, James Jacob Prasch ††† GodlyConferences About Godly Conferences: This website provides information about upcoming and ongoing Christian Conferences focused on expounding and teaching the Word of God. For each conference listed, we provide a schedule, information on the speakers present at the conference, and links to the conference’s live internet broadcast (when available). 10 Moriel Quarterly • June 2012

David Royle Moriel South Africa Dear Friends Greetings in Jesus, Such a lot to report this month so lets crack on with family news. First of all thank you for those who supported in prayer the birth of Hannah and Ethan. Both came through on the same day just two hours apart and we congratulate Liz and Anthony and Erin and Aaron on the birth of our beautiful Grandchildren. Behind the births though was a fair amount of stress, if you recall Ethan was supposed to have Edwards syndrome and we put this out on a prayer request. God was wonderful and the next tests showed no sign and we God all the glory. Liz a year earlier had the trauma of losing a baby which lay heavy on both Anthony and Liz and so you can imagine the upset when far into the pregnancy the midwife could not find a heart beat. But again the next time after much prayer the little one was fine. It was great to be in the UK at the time of the births and celebrate Gods goodness to all of us. All the above happened on our UK deputisation so it was a frantic time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our hosts on this visit for their kindness and understanding and also say sorry to people we could not visit due to the impending births. We came back to South Africa with DR Calvin Smith who is a long term friend of Moriel and our ministry so we hit the ground running so to speak with a conference in Hermanus and a Sunday at Garden city, Somerset West. Thank you to Graham and Pastor Thomas and to Andre from Christ Church Hermanus for helping s arrange Calvins itinerary. While here Calvin also did an article on our new mission here in the Western Cape as well as providing council concerning future plans, these will be reported on a later date. While away the children did fine under the supervision of Chris and a back up team of local friends who we are very grateful for. School work went ahead as normal and the childrens health remained stable. S’phiwe though remains a concern to us and we have being trying to get his issues sorted with our pediatrician although things are not advancing in this respect as much as we would like. Australia Tour & Manila mission Trip “Dear Aussie friends I really wanted to be with you this May and set about planning an itinerary that would take me to see the babes at the mission in the Philippines and then a tour that would take me to see beloved friends in Sydney, Melbourne, Tasmania, Rockhampton and the Sunshine coast. I really wanted to share with you from Gods word and the vision we have for the Western Cape. However at this last minute we have been hindered in our attempt. Firstly to my ongoing health issues. My Neuropathy is getting worse and unless I have a strict and specific diet I struggle to keep it under control. This is difficult to do while traveling. The affect on my eyesight is also a factor to this. Secondly as you know our dear brother and friend Nigel (from Moriel New Zealand) went to be with the Lord recently. This has meant that Marg has had real pressure upon her sorting out New Zealands change in admin, running two offices etc. After talking to Marg we came to the consensus that if we are going to do this for the Lord, it must be done well and in good order and take into consideration all the issues at hand and so after much though and prayer we decided to hold back the tour for a little while more. I do hope you understand and that you will continue to uphold us in prayer over the next few months in the hope that God will shine His face upon us in our situations. Again I am so disappointed as I do not like to cancel anything in ministry, but at the same time I have the Lords peace this is the right thing to do. Acts 2: 42 – 47 TRUE FELLOWSHIP “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and the prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common; and they sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all, according as any man June 2012 • Moriel Quarterly 11

Feature Article – Continued<br />

Jesus Christ went to the cross to magnify<br />

His ego! That church belongs dead! Who<br />

cares? It is not coming back.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y always talk about these things coming<br />

back, but they rot to death. Notice they<br />

do not disappear all at once; they die a long,<br />

slow, painful death, experiencing a steady<br />

period of decline. <strong>The</strong>y just rot and rot and<br />

rot and rot. <strong>The</strong> iron corrodes, corrodes,<br />

corrodes; the rust oxidizes, oxidizes, oxidizes.<br />

It just rots away. I am not saying that<br />

all of these movements are going to disappear<br />

overnight; they are going to rot. And<br />

the rot has already set in for many of them.<br />

This is only the beginning. This is what we<br />

are going to see in the next ten years. Do<br />

not even mourn. But then what? What does<br />

this mean for us?<br />

A Time for the Word<br />

‘As for you, son of man, will it not be<br />

on the day when I take from them their<br />

stronghold, the joy of their pride, the<br />

desire of their eyes and their heart’s<br />

delight, their sons and their daughters…<br />

(<strong>The</strong>y are going to lose the youth.)<br />

…that on that day he who escapes will<br />

come to you with information for your<br />

ears? ‘On that day your mouth will<br />

be opened to him who escaped, and<br />

you will speak and be mute no longer.<br />

Thus you will be a sign to them, and<br />

they will know that I am the LORD.’ ”<br />

(Eze. 24:25-27)<br />

To understand this, we have to go back<br />

Ezekiel 3 where the Lord told Ezekiel, “I<br />

will make your tongue cling to the roof of<br />

your mouth. You will not be able to warn<br />

them anymore until I open your mouth”<br />

(Eze. 3:26-27). Until now we have not<br />

been able to warn them—it does not work.<br />

God has given them over to it and these<br />

movements will not listen. <strong>The</strong> Lord makes<br />

our tongue cling to the roof of our mouth,<br />

it says in Ezekiel 3, but a time is going to<br />

come when He is going to put His Word in<br />

our mouth and our tongue will no longer<br />

cling to the roof of our mouth. A message is<br />

going to be given and then they are going to<br />

know a prophet has spoken (Eze. 33:33).<br />

<strong>The</strong> Near-Term Future for Us<br />

That is the future for them, but what is<br />

the future for us? What should we be looking<br />

at in the next decade or so if the Lord<br />

does not come back? “I will take from the<br />

desire of their eyes and their heart’s delight;<br />

he who escapes will come to you with information<br />

for your ears.” <strong>The</strong>re are going<br />

to be people walking through our door in<br />

Australia, South Africa, around the United<br />

States, in Great Britain—all over the<br />

place—who have had enough of the mainstream<br />

churches and denominations.<br />

I go all over the world and I see the same<br />

thing everywhere: more and more people<br />

are meeting together in homes and in<br />

small groups, or meeting in American Legion<br />

halls or schools—they have just had<br />

enough. If they cannot find a decent church,<br />

they will go meet in a home. <strong>The</strong>y will find<br />

fellowship with others who still believe the<br />

Scriptures. <strong>The</strong>y will meet in a home if they<br />

have to. Sometimes the home groups grow<br />

and they have to go find a hall or something<br />

like that, but one thing is for sure—they are<br />

a semi-underground church and not part of<br />

the mainstream, and they tend to be populated<br />

with refugees. “Those who escape<br />

will come to you with information.”<br />

<strong>The</strong>re will be those who will walk<br />

through the door and say, “I used to go to<br />

the Assemblies of God; do you know what<br />

has happened over there? Do you know<br />

what they are teaching now?” Yes, we<br />

know. <strong>The</strong>y are always going to come with<br />

information. At some point the epiphany<br />

comes and they realize what has been going<br />

on and finally get the point. It is about<br />

those who escape. What do we do? We are<br />

here for those who escape. <strong>The</strong>y are going<br />

to come through our door.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a problem with this, a problem<br />

that I have been going on about for at least<br />

fifteen years: such groups can tend to become<br />

like refugee camps for people who<br />

leave bad churches. I think it is altogether<br />

fitting and scriptural to fulfill that function.<br />

It is necessary to be here for those people<br />

the same way as there was somebody here<br />

for us. <strong>The</strong> danger is we become introspective;<br />

it becomes based on what we experienced<br />

in some bad church. It becomes like<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous who are always<br />

talking about their past, bad experience instead<br />

of looking to the future. Yes, that is<br />

one-half of the equation in that we have to<br />

re-evangelize the church and get people out<br />

of these loony churches—that is true, but<br />

not at the expense of evangelism. It cannot<br />

be based solely on “they’re wrong,” it has<br />

to be based on, “they got it wrong, we have<br />

to get it right.” We should be growing by<br />

evangelism as well as picking up refugees.<br />

That is the problem such groups are facing:<br />

they tend to become self-help centers for<br />

people who were burned in bad churches.<br />

But pick up refugees we will. Those who<br />

escape are going to come through our door<br />

confused, looking for answers. “You mean<br />

I’ve been believing error for ten years?”<br />

“I’ve been believing and following false<br />

doctrine for twenty years?” “I got saved<br />

twenty years ago and 90% of all this junk is<br />

false?” <strong>The</strong>y do not know what to believe.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have been misled, they have been lied<br />

to, very often exploited financially, and they<br />

are confused and hurt, but they managed,<br />

by God’s grace, to escape. <strong>The</strong>y walked<br />

through that door looking for somebody to<br />

talk to, looking for somebody who will just<br />

listen, looking for somebody who can understand<br />

what they are saying and who can<br />

be used by the Lord to give them a perspective<br />

and a sense of direction.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Those guys in these backslidden movements<br />

and denominations are waiting for<br />

the king of Babylon. That is their future.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are waiting for the coming of the Antichrist.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y may not know it, they may<br />

not believe it, but that is what they are waiting<br />

for. <strong>The</strong>y are being set up for it. By following<br />

these false prophets, they are being<br />

set up for the Antichrist. <strong>The</strong>y are waiting<br />

for Antichrist; we are waiting for Christ.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are about the past; we, the remnant<br />

though we are, are about the future. <strong>The</strong>y are<br />

about error—false doctrine; we are about<br />

the truth. <strong>The</strong>y are about a compromised<br />

gospel; we are about a straight Gospel.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are about a compromised standard of<br />

morality; we are about an uncompromised<br />

scriptural standard of morality.<br />

Remember, we are far better off—infinitely<br />

better off, being part of something<br />

that is growing slowly than being a part of<br />

something that is dying quickly. Once she<br />

dies, who cares?<br />

Who among us has lost a night’s sleep<br />

over what has happened to the Crystal Cathedral?<br />

Who among us lost a night’s sleep<br />

when Jim and Tammy went down the tubes?<br />

Of course not; it is not worth crying over!<br />

That is the past, we have to think about the<br />

future. Ezekiel 24 is the future—what the<br />

next ten or so years are going to be like.<br />

God bless,<br />

James Jacob Prasch †††<br />

GodlyConferences<br /><br />

About Godly Conferences: This website provides<br />

information about upcoming and ongoing<br />

Christian Conferences focused on expounding<br />

and teaching the Word of God. For<br />

each conference listed, we provide a schedule,<br />

information on the speakers present at the conference,<br />

and links to the conference’s live internet<br />

broadcast (when available).<br />

10 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • June 2012

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