The league of the Iroquois and other legends : from the Indian muse

The league of the Iroquois and other legends : from the Indian muse

The league of the Iroquois and other legends : from the Indian muse


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Onondagas,<br />

Ye, whose habitations nigh<br />

By <strong>the</strong> Great -Hills peaceful keep ;<br />

Near by Yo-nond, beetling high,<br />

Shadowed by its cragged steep ;<br />

For in that in you I see<br />

In you all<br />

<strong>the</strong> gifted speech,<br />

Yours <strong>the</strong> second place shall be ;<br />

Great to lead <strong>and</strong> great to teach.<br />

Senecas,<br />

Ye, whose dwelling-place<br />

is where<br />

Wakes Ku-ha-go's sough <strong>and</strong> moan,<br />

Ye whose homes are builded fair<br />

Tn <strong>the</strong> forest dark <strong>and</strong> lone ;<br />

For in that you greatly show<br />

Cunning in <strong>the</strong> hunter chase,<br />

For your mighty hunter-bow,<br />

Third shall be your Council-place.<br />

Oneidas,<br />

Ye who in <strong>the</strong> Council shine<br />

On <strong>the</strong> war-path mighty grown ;<br />

Ye who strong <strong>and</strong> great recline<br />

By <strong>the</strong> Everlasting Stone ;<br />

That you counsel always wise,<br />

Nei<strong>the</strong>r weak nor over-bold,<br />

Shall you great in Council rise,<br />

Fourth your place in Council hold.

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