Monitor Vol 39 08_Final_Nov08.pdf - tips

Monitor Vol 39 08_Final_Nov08.pdf - tips

Monitor Vol 39 08_Final_Nov08.pdf - tips


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11.<br />

The decline in exports to the preferential-giving destination suggests<br />

that producers would choose to export under most favored<br />

nation status. In the illustrative simulations reported here, with<br />

constant elasticity throughout and smooth substitution possibilities<br />

across the origin for intermediate good purchases and export<br />

destination sales, producers pass on cost increases to consumers.<br />

12.<br />

The authors of this article are aware of concerns voiced by the<br />

private sector in the course of the EU review about the practical<br />

difficulty of a value content criterion for small firms and, if based<br />

on costs, its potential to force unwanted disclosure of strategic<br />

information to powerful EU buyers that would enhance their<br />

ability to squeeze rents from developing country producers.<br />

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