I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net


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aphrodisiac refers to the goddess Aphrodite, just as venereal is derived from<br />

Venus. <strong>The</strong> magical origins of the word "fetish" are also fairly well known –<br />

it derives from the Portuguese feitico, for sorcery or charm. Who can deny<br />

that the powerful hold in which a sexual fetish enthralls the fetishist is<br />

anything but a fascination, a glamour, entirely magical in nature? <strong>The</strong> lefthand<br />

path, in all of its forms, consciously returns Eros to the formerly exalted<br />

place it once held in human life, recognizing the dormant divinity of sex even<br />

in practices recoiled from as sordid and shameful by the profane.<br />

Underneath its sometimes contradictory examination of sex-magical<br />

symbols and premises from various cultural and religious traditions, Demons<br />

<strong>Of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Flesh postulates a universal biological phenomenon seemingly<br />

hardwired into human consciousness and sexuality. As we shall see, the<br />

Indian Tantric phrase left-hand path describes this psychosexual anomaly<br />

with great precision. However, we also use the phrase "sinister current",<br />

which indicates its non-indigenous, omnipresent existence, not only in a<br />

specific cultural tradition, but as a force located in the body itself.<br />

8<br />

We've now indicated how central a role sex plays to the left-hand<br />

path, but presumably, you may be wondering where the "magic" referred to<br />

in the sub-title of this book comes in. Just as the god-like power inherent in<br />

sexual pleasure has been diminished to its currently debased state, so has the<br />

once royal art of magic suffered a similar decline in the modern world. If<br />

one does not immediately associate the word with show business trickery<br />

and prestidigitation, then it conjures up the vulgar consumer occultist,<br />

dressed up in the obligatory "magic" robe, credulously reciting doctrinaire<br />

"magic" spells, usually hoping in vain to summon up the money he or she<br />

lacks the skills to earn, or to attract a given object of desire without<br />

acquiring the social graces to even strike up a conversation. In other words,<br />

magic, at least in the Western world, has become an exotic plaything for<br />

losers, the acting out of delusive wishful thinking to achieve transient goals<br />

more efficiently realized through the mundane development of personal<br />

competence.<br />

Magic, from the left-hand path perspective outlined here, is far<br />

removed from the crude commodity it has become in the modern occult<br />

milieu. We are focused here on the Great Work, the sex-alchemical<br />

transformation of human to demi-divinity, not the development of a few<br />

parlous parlor tricks. In the Indian left-hand path, the greatest magicians are<br />

the divya or the bodhisattva, who need not resort to anything resembling a<br />

ritual to create radical transformation of maya, the substance of which mind<br />

and matter are both composed. Magical powers, as understood in the West,<br />

are sometimes a consequence of erotic initiation, but they are secondary to<br />

the radical remanifestation of self to higher modes of being which is the<br />

raison d'etre of the left-hand path. In the ancient Hellenic and Gnostic<br />

traditions we will also consider as expressions of the sinister current, a divya<br />

is known as a magus, a being whose magical power is based on the internal<br />

cultivation of the self to daemonic levels of consciousness.<br />

As this state of being is the goal of all sinister current sex magicians,<br />

we do not provide the reader with presto-change-o spells, curses or scripted<br />

rituals. We also don't furnish you with the names of demons guaranteed to<br />

fulfill your every command nor sure-fire charms that will snare the targets of<br />

your lust. If you're gullible enough to be searching for such instant panaceas,<br />

our emphasis on the importance of self-directed magical work as an internal<br />

process of self-deification will probably be extremely frustrating. This book<br />

will make clear the perennial left-hand path methods that activate the eternal<br />

course of development taken by the divya or the magus of the left-hand path,<br />

but it deliberately refrains from leading the reader mechanically through a<br />

checklist of external gimmickry. You won't find anything like: 1) Open<br />

vagina. 2) Insert penis. 3) Say the magic word with conviction.

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