I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net


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era, transmogrified into Vrowe Hulda of medieval Germany, a tangle-haired<br />

sexual demoness sharing many of the grislier attributes of the Indian Kali or<br />

the Mesopotamian Lilith.<br />

Kundalini's ascent to open the third eye at the crown chakra has been<br />

compared in a Western context to the dazzling emerald that falls from<br />

Lucifer's crown during his mythical War in Heaven. According to von<br />

Eschenbach's telling of the Parsifal legend, Lucifer's fallen emerald was<br />

eventually fashioned into the Graal sought by Western adepts. <strong>The</strong> Holy<br />

Grail, cup of never-ending plenty, wisdom and eternal youth quested for by<br />

European initiates for centuries, is clearly a desexualized emblem of Shakti's<br />

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yoni. <strong>The</strong> Grail legend of Parsifal underscores a common mythical<br />

symbolism that links European and Indo-Iranian magical veneration of the<br />

vagina. <strong>The</strong> initiatic regaining of Lucifer's crown jewel in the form of the<br />

Graal – that enigmatic symbol of boundless feminine wisdom – can be<br />

understood as an analogue of the Kundalini experience.<br />

Contemporary New Age distortions of Kundalini have often<br />

degenerated into banal methods of simply increasing normal levels of energy<br />

or alertness; a harmless diversion for wearied housewives with time to kill.<br />

This is all well and good. But such simplified Westernized derivations, like<br />

so many latter-day versions of left-hand path techniques, miss the point. <strong>The</strong><br />

awakening of Kundalini, whether through sexual rites or otherwise, is at its<br />

most profound level, a world-shattering initiatory experience.<br />

Kundalini-like ideas circulate throughout the world's esoteric<br />

traditions, indicating that Tantricism is but the local recognition of a<br />

universal phenomenon. Intimations of the kundalini phenomenon were<br />

recorded in Western hermetic literature long before knowledge of the Indian<br />

left-hand path had reached Europe. <strong>The</strong> Caduceus serpent is a well-known<br />

symbol of serpentine sexual power in hermeticism and alchemy. More<br />

specifically, Gichtel, a disciple of the German mystic Jakob Böhme, wrote in<br />

his 1696 occult treatise <strong>The</strong>osophia Practica of an illuminating "serpentine<br />

fire" located at the base of the spine. Such specific European references to a<br />

snakelike consciousness-expanding anomaly located in the human body<br />

reveal that experience with kundalini extended far beyond the borders of<br />

India. Gichtel described this spinal fire as taking the form of a mighty<br />

dragon. <strong>The</strong> dragon as guardian of hidden feminine wisdom is a mythic<br />

symbol that can be traced beyond European folklore into the Mesopotamian<br />

legend of the goddess Tiamat, which later developed into the Biblical shedragon<br />

Leviathan, the Beast of Revelations.<br />

Tantric symbolism envisions Kundalini as a feminine serpent<br />

revealing secret, potentially dangerous knowledge. <strong>The</strong> same symbolism is<br />

also apparent in the heretical Gnostic interpretation of the myth of the snake<br />

in the garden of Eden. <strong>The</strong> serpent thought to be the Devil by orthodox<br />

Christians was understood by some Gnostics as the divine Sophia taking on<br />

the form of a serpent to bestow immortality and the ability "to be like gods"<br />

upon mankind. Part of the female serpent's teaching is that gnosis can be<br />

attained through non-procreative sexual ecstasy – the forbidden fruit of the<br />

perennial left-hand path.<br />

<strong>The</strong> vertebral bone above the pelvis where the kundalini fire<br />

serpent is thought to lay coiled is still known in English as the sacrum,<br />

which derives from the Latin os sacra, or sacred bone. Exoterically,<br />

the sacrum's proximity to the genital organs is generally thought to be<br />

the reason for its sacred status. However, a knowledge in pre-Roman<br />

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culture of the sacrum as the seat of some power approximating that of<br />

kundalini cannot be ruled out.<br />

In ancient Egypt's cult of Set – a violently dissident outsider god

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