I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net


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adically holistic vision of Tantra.<br />

Unlike other esoteric schools, Tantrics view the world of inconstant<br />

material appearance (maya) as identical with the eternal core reality that lays<br />

beyond the perception of waking consciousness. Among Shakti's many dual<br />

functions, she hides the nature of reality from the bewitched perceiver in her<br />

spellbinding form of maya while simultaneously serving as the force that<br />

reveals reality to those illuminated through her.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> epidemic syndrome that compels so many mystics and<br />

magicians to recoil from the physical world as if from a loathsome and<br />

impure contagion is alien to the left-hand path. Rather than condemning the<br />

illusory nature of maya as a destructive delusion that adepts should<br />

assiduously detach themselves from through ascetic purification, maya is<br />

delighted in as an enchanting manifestation of the female power. In fact, the<br />

dream-like but paradoxically real substance of the world is approached with<br />

the previously mentioned attitude of play, or lila, a disposition that<br />

encourages the prevalent practice of magic in Tantric circles. This<br />

understanding transcends the body = bad, consciousness = good duality,<br />

freeing the Tantric of the left-hand path to operate the carnal body as an<br />

agency of illumination.<br />

<strong>The</strong> stationary male/active female dichotomy of left-hand path<br />

sexual polarities is most dramatically illustrated in depictions of Shakti in<br />

her destructive guise of midnight-black Kali, squatting with necrophiliac lust<br />

to absorb the erection of the dead corpse-white Shiva, prostrate upon a<br />

funeral pyre. Tantrics say that Shiva without Shakti is a corpse; male<br />

consciousness, without female power, is inert. <strong>The</strong> Kamakalavilasa Tantra<br />

states that "Bodiless Shiva, being of the nature of pure consciousness, must<br />

have Shakti for his body." Her body, which transfixes Shiva during their<br />

blissful coupling, is really Shiva's consciousness made visible.<br />

Kamakalavilasa Tantra means "Tantra about erotic joy in the movements of<br />

love"; the fascinating delight of these mag<strong>net</strong>ic cosmic forces as they come<br />

together. Ultimately, the left-hand path initiate seeks to become this bisexual<br />

twin godhead, activating a state of perpetual sexual ecstasy within his/her<br />

own consciousness. In Western Hermeticism, the idea of the inner<br />

androgyne is a direct correspondent.<br />

In left-hand path metaphysics, the real and secret power of any<br />

male initiate is his shakti as incarnated in his female consort and as a living<br />

force within him. This essential left-hand path concept is not limited to<br />

India; it can be observed clearly in those legends in which a powerful male<br />

magician draws his hidden force from a female companion, or dark muse,<br />

possessed of extreme erotic sex-magical energy. In the modern Western sexmagical<br />

tradition, perhaps the figure of the Scarlet Woman, a human avatara<br />

of the Whore of Babylon, or Ishtar, is the best-known approximation of this<br />

idea.<br />

Christianized Western spirituality has been content to assign womankind a<br />

limited repertoire of a few supposedly antithetical roles: madonna/virgin,<br />

worshipped from afar as a untouchable vision of purity, and<br />

whore/seductress, condemned as the source of all sin and the cause of all of<br />

man's maladies. <strong>The</strong> left hand of Tantra, the way of woman, views the<br />

feminine principle of Shakti as a infinitely complex living principle; virgin<br />

70<br />

and whore at the same time, hideous hag, ravishing beauty, alternately<br />

creative, annihilative, merciful, fickle, cruel, loving, and indifferent – an<br />

endless surge of transformative female energy, a matrix from which all<br />

matter is emanated as well as the mysterious night into which all matter is<br />

consumed.<br />

71<br />

In many ancient cultures, even those commonly described as

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