I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net


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405<br />

406<br />

Rome, the chronicler Livy wrote disapprovingly to the senators of the capitol<br />

of the Empire: "You know well, senators, that the Bacchanalia, which have<br />

long been widespread in Italy, are now flourishing in Rome: you know this<br />

not only by hearsay but by the noises and shrieks which resound through the<br />

city at night."<br />

When the ecstatic and fundamentally antisocial nature of the Bacchanalian<br />

orgy was deemed to have gone too far, over seven thousand bacchantes were<br />

prosecuted, resulting in mass executions. <strong>The</strong> festival was banned outright in<br />

186 B.C., not because of any perception of erotic immorality but because the<br />

mysteries were considered to he a threat to the state's ability to control its<br />

citizenry or draft young men involved in the cult into the Roman army Even<br />

in the relatively more permissive sexual atmosphere of antiquity, erotic rites<br />

could be seen as fundamentally threatening to the established order, a fact<br />

which still pertains to the general distrust and suspicion in which the sex<br />

magician is held today.<br />

407<br />

Basic Principles <strong>Of</strong> Group Sex Magic<br />

We turn from these considerations of the ancient orgy and its potential<br />

application to the modem magician's work to the core magical principles at<br />

the root of all orgiastic rites. Julius Evola, in his <strong>The</strong> Metaphysics <strong>Of</strong> Sex,<br />

sums up the underlying magical foundation of the orgy admirably He wrote:<br />

"<strong>The</strong> most immediate and obvious purpose of orgiastic promiscuity is the<br />

neutralization and exclusion of anything concerning the 'social individual' ...<br />

Whether they are orgies of primitive and outlandish peoples or kindred<br />

festivals of Western antiquity, the common denominator is the temporary<br />

removal of all prohibitions, all differences of social status, and all bonds that<br />

normally hinder the manifestation of eros in its elementary form. In principle,<br />

the practice of promiscuity excludes not only the conditional qualities of the<br />

social individual but even qualities of the deeper layer of the individual as a<br />

personality. It tends, therefore, to bring out an almost total freedom."<br />

<strong>The</strong> left-hand path orgy draws some of its initiatory effect from deliberately<br />

bringing the chaotic power of chance into magical play. One effective<br />

method to disrupt established social structures within the group is to borrow<br />

a procedure from the traditional Tantric Choli Marga rite. <strong>The</strong> celebrants can<br />

select their consorts using any system of chance to assure that the orgiastic<br />

energy created is generated through the union of randomly coupled sexual<br />

partners rather than pre-established affinity. <strong>The</strong> random pairing of men and<br />

women in the Choli Marga was partially designed to break the taboo of<br />

caste, and sometimes incest. In the contemporary left-hand path orgy, the<br />

same depersonalization of sexuality is cultivated, permitting the initiate to<br />

experience the eternal essence of male and female sexual powers in their<br />

purest state. Once removed from the familiar specifics of name, biographical<br />

details, and known identity, the adept can more easily approach his or her<br />

consort as a divine being.<br />

For the magician, a taste of the absolute liberty accessible through<br />

the sex-magical orgy can potentially reveal and transform previously<br />

undiscovered strata of the psyche, opening his or her eyes to possibilities of<br />

self-creation and self-identity that other forms of sexual congress may<br />

obscure. However, from the frankly elitist standpoint of the sinister current, it<br />

is understood that allowing the ordinary and uninitiated person to experience<br />

"total freedom" – an experience of profoundly disorienting and destabilizing<br />

potential – can sometimes he akin to handing an infant a loaded revolver. If<br />

the sexual magic of the left-hand path can he profoundly disturbing and<br />

unexpectedly life-transforming for even the experienced and prepared<br />

practitioner with only one sexual partner, the added complications that the<br />

magical orgy can bring to hear on the unguarded consciousness might well

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