I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net


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films in your mind, peopled with a cast of your choice. During<br />

this phase of your self-initiation, meaning is less important than accurate<br />

visualization. Allow these internal scenarios to run wild, pushing the<br />

boundary of your imagination to its furthest frontier. Success in this exercise<br />

will have been reached when your visualizations are as vivid and as detailed<br />

as your most memorable dreams. Indeed, magical visualization might he<br />

thought of as a kind of dream, differing from ordinary dreams in that you are<br />

fully awake and that you are deliberately orchestrating and controlling the<br />

visual content you observe.<br />

Do not be dissuaded if your initial attempts are rather flat, marked by<br />

dim color, and a general murkiness in the fine points. Daily practice will<br />

enhance your efforts tremendously As your visualization powers become<br />

more refined, your first clumsy attempts will give way to much greater<br />

clarity, vividness of color, detail, and depth of perspective. In creating an ever<br />

more sophisticated and complex inner world composed. of visualizations, you<br />

are developing something much more than a sharpening of imagery. You are<br />

actually exercising the god-like ability to create an accurate mirror of the<br />

world. This magical reflection of reality will soon he altered by your sexually<br />

energized will, thus creating alterations in the world itself.<br />

Autoerotic Evocation <strong>Of</strong> Sexual Elementals<br />

We are astonished at the frequency with which modern magical manuals and<br />

Orders teach that the invocation and evocation of deities is a simple little<br />

thing, one of the most elementary of tasks, as effortlessly accomplished as<br />

picking up the phone to order a pizza to be delivered.. <strong>The</strong> aspiring magician<br />

is often led to imagine that theurgy consists of nothing more than obligingly<br />

addressing a pre-written text to the divine or demonic intelligence in question.<br />

Whether by lackluster delivery or with earnest Shakespearean bellows, the<br />

recitation alone is often presumed to be powerful enough to bridge the<br />

immense gap between the human and the divine realms. That the<br />

invoker/evoker may know next to nothing about the God or Goddess being<br />

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summoned, and has learned none of the objective body of lore needed to form<br />

a sacerdotal link with the divinity seems to be of little concern.<br />

"Dear Aphrodite/Set/Lucifer/Lakshmi/Tiamat/Whoever," the<br />

magician may implore, "1 beseech you to appear and grace me with your<br />

powers." Now why the hell would any self-respecting deity show up in a total<br />

stranger's living room, just because He or She was invited? Don't gods and<br />

demons have better things to do with their time than entertaining the<br />

whimsical needs of curious humans? In contrast to this casual approach to<br />

communication with the Gods, we believe that a genuine theurgic working is<br />

one of the most difficult of magical undertakings. <strong>The</strong>urgy necessitates a<br />

great deal of disciplined education concerning the precise nature of the intelli-<br />

-gence sought, and an intense preparatory period of opening up one's body<br />

and consciousness to the deity's particular spiritual attributes. Ideally, setting<br />

a solid groundwork for human communication with the divine may require<br />

pilgrimage to the places in the world that were once shrines to the god/dess,<br />

study of the language most associated with the deity, and other liminal<br />

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experiences that attune the psyche of the magician to the theogonic energy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> left-hand path adept ultimately invokes divine forces to dwell in<br />

his or her own body during ritual sex as a phase that ultimately leads to the<br />

adept's own self-deification. However, this is an experience best worked up<br />

to in stages; to expect immediate results with sexual theurgy is to greatly<br />

underestimate the gulf between human and divine states of consciousness.<br />

However, the novice to the sinister current can begin the tricky business of<br />

communicating with non-human spiritual intelligences with a far more<br />

modest goal: the autoerotic summoning of sexual elementals. We have<br />

described the Eastern form of this practice, which in Vajrayana Tantricism

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