I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net


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image has a tendency to change drastically. Its size will alter, it will change<br />

color, it may even become something else altogether. As the mind wanders<br />

from the original image upon which you were concentrating your attention,<br />

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you will realize that the object is a clear visual symbol of how difficult it is to<br />

focus for any prolonged period on any one thought form without distraction.<br />

As your ability to control the visualization of the image improves, so will the<br />

related capability for maintaining a chosen thought, an invaluable aid to<br />

magical work.<br />

Repeatedly practice your ability to keep the imagined object from<br />

transforming, attempting to entirely stabilize the appearance of the image.<br />

When you can reliably visualize the object in your mind's eye with no<br />

subsequent transformation of its appearance – an achievement that might well<br />

require a great deal of practice – begin cautiously experimenting with<br />

deliberately changing the appearance of the image. Select different colors for<br />

the object, or modify its size and shape. When you have attained the ability to<br />

decide what the object will look like at will with your eyes closed, try to<br />

visualize the object with your eyes open. Note that this is also best attempted<br />

in darkness; light provides needless distraction.<br />

Test your ability to recall visual data accurately. Study a photograph<br />

until you believe you've memorized its appearance in detail. Close your eyes<br />

and try to see the photograph in its entirety. <strong>The</strong>n open your eyes and locate<br />

the details of the image that you somehow failed to include in your mental<br />

image. You will learn that the mind tends to absorb visual information in a<br />

kind of impressionistic shorthand, often glossing over major factors,<br />

preferring to see what it wants to see rather than what's really there. One of<br />

the most useful techniques for perfecting your inner visualization is simply to<br />

painstakingly train the eye to be a more precise recording device. Persons<br />

gifted with a so-called photographic memory are endowed with a great<br />

advantage that can he exploited for magical work.<br />

When you are satisfied that you've achieved reasonable proficiency<br />

with controlled visualization, attempt to combine this exercise with autoerotic<br />

stimulation and orgasm. Your aim should be to retain keen and detailed<br />

sensory awareness of the visualized image even in a heightened state of erotic<br />

excitement, and especially at the peak of orgasm. Initially, you may find that<br />

the augmentation of deep breathing and sexual arousal diverts your attention<br />

from the image, causing the visualized object to flicker or vanish completely.<br />

Some are able to successfully keep the image within view only until the<br />

instant of orgasm. Others find that the mental focus needed to concentrate on<br />

the image substantially reduces sexual desire, not allowing for climax.<br />

With repetition, you should be able to achieve both fully controlled<br />

visualization and forceful orgasm with no appreciable diminishing of sexual<br />

arousal or mental concentration. Although we have not yet added the crucial<br />

factor of a resolute desire to this exercise, the ability to balance the<br />

generation of a consistent mental image with simultaneous build-up and<br />

release of sexual energy has introduced you to the basic psychosexual<br />

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functions needed for sexual sorcery. Once you have conquered this difficult<br />

facility, the remainder of your sex-magical training consists primarily of<br />

refining this ability and adding increasingly personal layers of meaning to<br />

your sex magic experiments. Once you have attained a consistent level of<br />

success at projecting one visual image on your mental screen, you should<br />

make a habit of frequently utilizing other images, adding increasing<br />

complexity to your exercises. Once inanimate objects have been mastered,<br />

move on to less easily fixed images, such as human beings. Practice the<br />

realization of accurate visualizations of people you know well, as well as of<br />

individuals you haven't seen in years.<br />

During autoerotic exercises, attempt to project believable threedimensional

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