I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net

I. VAMA MARGA Foundations Of The Left-Hand Path - staticfly.net


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independent consciousness and the body it inhabits remains an essential lifelong<br />

quest of the sinister current. <strong>The</strong>re are facets of the erotic-magical self<br />

that can only be understood in solitude. This is not to say that the initiatory<br />

benefit of sex magic performed with partners is not equally valid. <strong>The</strong>re has<br />

been, however, a persistent tendency among some sex magicians to maintain<br />

that a reliance on autoerotic techniques is somehow less advanced than<br />

working with partners. It must be stated that while the advantages of partners<br />

– and even groups of magicians – in sex magical rites is important to a<br />

complete erotic initiation, the solitary autoerotic magician should bear no<br />

stigma at all. That such a disclaimer even needs to be made illustrates the<br />

distrust generally felt for the deliberate isolationist in a compulsively social<br />

and collectivist culture.<br />

Just as the left-hand path sorcerer/initiate is determined to maintain<br />

the ferocious independence of his or her autonomous consciousness, so must<br />

the actual physical practice of this form of sex magic begin in that state of<br />

aloneness that is sacred to the left-hand path. By inaugurating your erotic<br />

initiation through acts of self-pleasure, you take sole responsibility as the<br />

magical technician in charge of your own ecstasy. To embark on this quest<br />

through autoeroticism, rather than sex magic with others, serves as a<br />

reminder that the left-hand path initiate can never truly be initiated by<br />

another; he or she is ultimately undergoing a process of self-initiation. Even<br />

in the traditional guru-student relationship of the Tantric Vama Marga, it is<br />

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understood that the guru or initiatrix merely guides the adept until the point<br />

he or she can hear the voice of the inner guru.<br />

According to the cosmogony of ancient Egypt, the first divine<br />

intelligence was Atum. His consciousness existed alone in the entire<br />

universe, rising from the primeval waters of Nou, the first matter, to come<br />

into being as an independent entity. Atum, according to a Pyramid text, "put<br />

his penis in his hand that he might obtain the pleasure of emission thereby."<br />

His masturbatory hand was revered as a goddess, Atum's female partner in<br />

the rite. From this first act of autoerotic magic, Atum was said to have<br />

ejaculated all creation in successive stages, beginning with the incestuous<br />

siblings representing air and moisture, Shu and Tefnut. Similarly, the lefthand<br />

path sex magician, isolated in the universe, creates his or her magic<br />

from self-pleasure, beginning the semi-divine process of self-creation<br />

through an autoerotic deed. A modem understanding of this may be gleaned<br />

in the concept of self-love so central to the sometimes abstruse theories of the<br />

magical artist Austin Osman Spare, who we have already described as using<br />

autoerotic workings to communicate with transhuman entities he described as<br />

"astral."<br />

<strong>The</strong> awakening of Self-love, as expressed through magical<br />

autoeroticism, can in itself be a rite of passage, separating the initiate from a<br />

culture whose emphasis is overwhelmingly focused on altruism and selfdenial.<br />

Sexuality is often excused, or tolerated, only with the condition that<br />

Eros is directed toward another human being, ideally under the guise of love.<br />

Eros directed toward the self, however, is still condemned as a sterile act of<br />

selfish narcissism. Exploring this expression of sexuality, free from any<br />

connection to others, can he a key to left-hand path consciousness and the<br />

creation of a fully individuated psyche.<br />

Your first physical exercise is simply to experience orgasm in a more<br />

self-aware and focused manner than you have formerly attempted. This will<br />

he your first deliberate attempt to know the orgasm not merely as an intense<br />

physical pleasure familiar from non-magical sexual stimulation, but<br />

apprehending its magical potential as an altered state of consciousness.<br />

During ordinary sex, we are usually so beguiled by pleasure alone that we pay<br />

little or no attention to the subtle psychic changes that orgasm engenders,

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