June 2009 - Kitchener Waterloo Aquarium Society

June 2009 - Kitchener Waterloo Aquarium Society June 2009 - Kitchener Waterloo Aquarium Society


Meeting Minutes Submitted by Al Ridley, KWAS General Meeting on May 5th, 2009 President Geoff Money called the meeting to order at 7:37 pm using the microphone and sound system provided by the Adult Recreation Centre. There were 41 people present. Executive Present: Geoff Money (Vice President), Brad McClanahan (Treasurer), Al Ridley (Past President) BOD Present: Cam Turner (Newsletter), Phil Maznyk (Webmaster/CAOAC), Mary Lynne Lucier (Membership), Quigley Family (Raffle), Anthony Mc Aslin (Jar Show) Ed Koerner (Auction), Zenin Skomorowski (Exchanges/Name That Fish), Katie McClanahan (Lunch) Absent: Lezley Smith (Secretary), Filipe Martin (HAP) Geoff welcomed our guests and invited them to sign the guest book with Mary Lynne and to help themselves to a complimentary newsletter. The members were also reminded to pick up their newsletters from Mary Lynne during the meeting. There were seven members present who will be attending the CAOAC Convention on the May long weekend. Geoff explained the award that will be presented in Miecia Burden’s name and what that award means to the hobby. The summer picnic will be held July 19 th at the picnic pavilion in Waterloo Park. Enter the park off of Westmount Road. Members are encouraged to bring a salad or dessert to share. BAP and HAP – nothing to hand out Geoff asked if there was anyone who wanted to forward their name to run for an Executive position. Nobody replied and a motion to close the nominations for KWAS Executive was made by Rein Breitmaier. Seconded by Jamie McDougall. J U N E 2 0 0 9 None of the positions needed an election so by acclimation, the following people were appointed. Geoff Money – President Phil Maznyk – Vice President Brad McClanahan – Treasurer Al Ridley – Secretary Kevin Reimer – Past President Geoff thanked the previous Executive for their commitment and hard work and congratulated the new Executive. It was announced that anyone (including the current BOD) who wanted to be on the Board Of Directors needed to forward their intentions to Mary Lynne so that the Executive could appoint the BOD prior to the May Business meeting. Zenin hosted our “Name That Fish” event. The sweep from last month’s NTF was discussed as Griffin was not in the room. The Dwarf Neon Rainbows donated by The Tropical Fishroom in Brantford was won by Jamie McDougall after two questions. The TWO Red Calico Plecos were won by Terry Clements. Zenin advised of next months Tank Give- Aways at the June meeting. Everyone must bring their valid KWAS membership cards to use as the actual draw ticket. Family memberships will be allowed two membership cards in the draw. Half of the auction goods were sold. Our program was Bob Wright speaking on the American Livebearer Association convention. It was an excellent presentation and we thank Bob for being available at short notice after our scheduled speaker had to postpone. We will attempt to reschedule Kate (Shrimp) for later in the year. Geoff again plugged the CAOAC Convention using Bob’s presentation to show the camaraderie and quality of speakers. Zehrs tapes have netted us $86.00 towards our library fund. Members were asked to submit ideas for books, DVDs or other items to the Executive for consideration. June meeting will feature our annual pizza night. All regular features will be in place but there will not be a program. We call it… “Friendship and Fellowship Evening”. There will be a slide show of people, places and things KWAS that will play throughout the evening. The balance of the auction goods were sold. Raffle was held with Geoff Money wining the Library Draw ($16.00), Diane Daigle winning the power filter and Ryan and Kelli Barton winning the starter kit and heater. Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 pm. Business Meeting on May 12th 2009 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm at the home of Geoff Money. Executive present: Geoff Money, Phil Maznyk, Brad McClanahan, Al Ridley BOD present: Zenin Skomorowski, Mary Lynne Lucier, Katie McClanahan, Ed Koerner, Ryan Barton Guests present: Kelli Barton Absent: Cam Turner, Quigley family, Anthony Mc Aslin, Diane Daigle, Beth Graham Motion to accept the April Business meeting minutes as published made by Ed, seconded by Phil… V&C Motion to accept the May General meeting minutes as emailed made by Zenin, seconded by Ryan… V&C Future Business meetings – June at Zenin’s and September at Cam’s. 20

Treasurers’ report read by Brad. Accepted on a motion made by Zenin, seconded by Phil. V&C Signing authorities are currently Brad, Geoff and Kevin. We need to change them to Brad, Geoff and Phil. Minutes showing the new Executive (May General meeting minutes) and the letter for the bank (Geoff has) are needed to make the change. Brad to follow up. Correspondence – Waterloo Inn has emailed requesting new pleco(s) to replace the one that has died. Al has posted a request on the forum and will follow up. Committee Reports Newsletter (Cam) – Chair absent, no report. Webmaster (Phil) – traffic on forum is slowing down due to the nice weather (regular trend). Things have settled down and we hope that a positive focus continues through the summer. Our forum license renewal is due by May 31 st , 2009. Zenin motioned that the club spend the $40.00US to renew the vBulletin forum support license for the next 12 months. Seconded by Ryan. V&C Email from Tracey and Greg Riddell from Elmira looking to advertise on the website. Phil has responded suggesting our Licensed Vendor Section and Geoff has forwarded the contact information to Cam for newsletter considerations. Program (Al) – June; pizza evening, tank/filter draw, possibly a U of W researcher. Al will contact Pepi’s about pizza for 75 people delivered between 7:30 to 7:45 pm. Zenin will bring photo slide show on a stick and Geoff will supply the laptop. September: Phil and Matt on aquarium photography, October: Kate Gallagher on Shrimp; November: Jamie McDougall on running and ordering stock for a LFS; December: our annual Awards night/ Christmas party, January: Zenin has posted on the forum that he is looking for J U N E 2 0 0 9 loach stories and pictures for his program. Phil to ask about a longer microphone cord. Sue Money announced that Geoff is an expecting Grandpa. Congratulations to both of you from KWAS. Oktoberfish (Al) – First meeting to be held June 16 th at Al Ridley’s. Sponsorships for fish show classes will be opened up on June 1 st . Class sponsorship will cost $30 per class and Geoff will maintain the sponsorship listing. Geoff has contacted the same judges as last year and they have agreed to participate. Carl McCleary CDAS has advised us that they are looking at October 25 th as a date for CDAS’s auction. Exchanges (Zenin) – Emailing newsletter to Canadian clubs and most American clubs and we are receiving more newsletters electronically also. CAOAC (Phil) – Convention reports 80 rooms booked. CAOAC elections will be held Sunday morning and KWAS has two votes. Geoff will attend with Phil. We discussed all contested positions and our votes have been decided. NOTE – we have two available CAOAC Rep positions and only one rep. Auction (Ed/Jamie) – the split format has received no negative feedback. Auctioneers have been asked to use microphone. Membership (Mary Lynne) – two family and one adult renewal. One new family membership. Do we have a policy for NSF cheques? Do we get charged? MLL needs to keep track of number of members for CAOAC membership and insurance. We advised MLL of the elevator at the ARC for bringing all the newsletters upstairs. MLL asked to purchase a handcart for transportation of membership boxes. Approved, she will bring receipt into Brad. Discussion of who should receive the KWAS membership list. Should it go to all KWAS Executive and BOD members or just the KWAS Executive and Membership chair? Library (Beth and Diane) – chairs absent. Advise to display books and DVD’s. Advise of committed funds and keys. Geoff will email them with information. Raffle (Quigley’s) – chair absent. Geoff picked up the balance of items from Charity, There is not a lot of product available. We discussed the old policy of buying goods and a gift cards at different stores. We discussed a $40 budget per month if needed. HAP (Ed) – There is a huge backlog to be completed. BAP (Ryan) – Geoff has a box of BAP documents including a disc with many files on it. We also received a letter from the Ottawa Valley Aquarium Society (Mark Warmington) asking our permission to use our BAP program as a guide in revamping their program. Name That Fish (Zenin) – In June, there will be one bag o fish and one bag o nonfish. Show Jar (Anthony) – Chair absent. Need to confirm the position with Anthony. A reminder that beanie boxes are available for $3 each or two for $5. Lunch Counter (Katie) – Donut crisis!!! The City of Wtaerloo has written us asking if we are selling food and drink at our meetings. We have received documentation about charges that will apply due to a conflict with their catering contract. A suggestion that we ask for donations for donuts and coffee rather than charging for it. Pet Store Liaison (Zenin and Al) – see Cam’s thread on the forum for pet store locations. Calendar (Mary Lynne and Phil) – MLL passed all responsibility to Phil. We will be moving forward with this project regardless of past issues. Phil is expecting a CD of photos from Brad Smith and Terry Clements. Phil made arrangements to schedule shoots of people’s fish. 21

Treasurers’ report read by Brad. Accepted<br />

on a motion made by Zenin, seconded by<br />

Phil. V&C<br />

Signing authorities are currently Brad,<br />

Geoff and Kevin. We need to change them<br />

to Brad, Geoff and Phil. Minutes showing<br />

the new Executive (May General meeting<br />

minutes) and the letter for the bank<br />

(Geoff has) are needed to make the<br />

change. Brad to follow up.<br />

Correspondence – <strong>Waterloo</strong> Inn has<br />

emailed requesting new pleco(s) to<br />

replace the one that has died. Al has<br />

posted a request on the forum and will<br />

follow up.<br />

Committee Reports<br />

Newsletter (Cam) – Chair absent, no<br />

report.<br />

Webmaster (Phil) – traffic on forum is<br />

slowing down due to the nice weather<br />

(regular trend). Things have settled down<br />

and we hope that a positive focus<br />

continues through the summer.<br />

Our forum license renewal is due by May<br />

31 st , <strong>2009</strong>. Zenin motioned that the club<br />

spend the $40.00US to renew the<br />

vBulletin forum support license for the<br />

next 12 months. Seconded by Ryan. V&C<br />

Email from Tracey and Greg Riddell from<br />

Elmira looking to advertise on the<br />

website. Phil has responded suggesting<br />

our Licensed Vendor Section and Geoff<br />

has forwarded the contact information to<br />

Cam for newsletter considerations.<br />

Program (Al) – <strong>June</strong>; pizza evening,<br />

tank/filter draw, possibly a U of W<br />

researcher. Al will contact Pepi’s about<br />

pizza for 75 people delivered between<br />

7:30 to 7:45 pm. Zenin will bring photo<br />

slide show on a stick and Geoff will<br />

supply the laptop.<br />

September: Phil and Matt on aquarium<br />

photography, October: Kate Gallagher on<br />

Shrimp; November: Jamie McDougall on<br />

running and ordering stock for a LFS;<br />

December: our annual Awards night/<br />

Christmas party, January: Zenin has<br />

posted on the forum that he is looking for<br />

J U N E 2 0 0 9<br />

loach stories and pictures for his<br />

program.<br />

Phil to ask about a longer microphone<br />

cord.<br />

Sue Money announced that Geoff is an<br />

expecting Grandpa. Congratulations to<br />

both of you from KWAS.<br />

Oktoberfish (Al) – First meeting to be<br />

held <strong>June</strong> 16 th at Al Ridley’s.<br />

Sponsorships for fish show classes will be<br />

opened up on <strong>June</strong> 1 st . Class sponsorship<br />

will cost $30 per class and Geoff will<br />

maintain the sponsorship listing. Geoff<br />

has contacted the same judges as last year<br />

and they have agreed to participate. Carl<br />

McCleary CDAS has advised us that they<br />

are looking at October 25 th as a date for<br />

CDAS’s auction.<br />

Exchanges (Zenin) – Emailing newsletter<br />

to Canadian clubs and most American<br />

clubs and we are receiving more<br />

newsletters electronically also.<br />

CAOAC (Phil) – Convention reports 80<br />

rooms booked. CAOAC elections will be<br />

held Sunday morning and KWAS has two<br />

votes. Geoff will attend with Phil. We<br />

discussed all contested positions and our<br />

votes have been decided. NOTE – we<br />

have two available CAOAC Rep positions<br />

and only one rep.<br />

Auction (Ed/Jamie) – the split format has<br />

received no negative feedback.<br />

Auctioneers have been asked to use<br />

microphone.<br />

Membership (Mary Lynne) – two family<br />

and one adult renewal. One new family<br />

membership. Do we have a policy for<br />

NSF cheques? Do we get charged? MLL<br />

needs to keep track of number of<br />

members for CAOAC membership and<br />

insurance. We advised MLL of the<br />

elevator at the ARC for bringing all the<br />

newsletters upstairs. MLL asked to<br />

purchase a handcart for transportation of<br />

membership boxes. Approved, she will<br />

bring receipt into Brad. Discussion of<br />

who should receive the KWAS<br />

membership list. Should it go to all<br />

KWAS Executive and BOD members or<br />

just the KWAS Executive and<br />

Membership chair?<br />

Library (Beth and Diane) – chairs absent.<br />

Advise to display books and DVD’s.<br />

Advise of committed funds and keys.<br />

Geoff will email them with information.<br />

Raffle (Quigley’s) – chair absent. Geoff<br />

picked up the balance of items from<br />

Charity, There is not a lot of product<br />

available. We discussed the old policy of<br />

buying goods and a gift cards at different<br />

stores. We discussed a $40 budget per<br />

month if needed.<br />

HAP (Ed) – There is a huge backlog to be<br />

completed.<br />

BAP (Ryan) – Geoff has a box of BAP<br />

documents including a disc with many<br />

files on it. We also received a letter from<br />

the Ottawa Valley <strong>Aquarium</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

(Mark Warmington) asking our<br />

permission to use our BAP program as a<br />

guide in revamping their program.<br />

Name That Fish (Zenin) – In <strong>June</strong>, there<br />

will be one bag o fish and one bag o nonfish.<br />

Show Jar (Anthony) – Chair absent.<br />

Need to confirm the position with<br />

Anthony. A reminder that beanie boxes<br />

are available for $3 each or two for $5.<br />

Lunch Counter (Katie) – Donut crisis!!!<br />

The City of Wtaerloo has written us<br />

asking if we are selling food and drink at<br />

our meetings. We have received<br />

documentation about charges that will<br />

apply due to a conflict with their catering<br />

contract. A suggestion that we ask for<br />

donations for donuts and coffee rather<br />

than charging for it.<br />

Pet Store Liaison (Zenin and Al) – see<br />

Cam’s thread on the forum for pet store<br />

locations.<br />

Calendar (Mary Lynne and Phil) – MLL<br />

passed all responsibility to Phil. We will<br />

be moving forward with this project<br />

regardless of past issues. Phil is expecting<br />

a CD of photos from Brad Smith and<br />

Terry Clements. Phil made arrangements<br />

to schedule shoots of people’s fish.<br />


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