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The Meaning of Sufficiency Economy <br />

International Conference<br />

The Sufficiency Economy offers a way to avoid mindless growth through<br />

application of a set of principles which can seem disarmingly simple, but<br />

which are rooted in observation of the real world, and underwritten by<br />

humanist theory. The appeal of the approach is that the principles are easy to<br />

grasp, but the daunting fact is that the application demands high standards of<br />

commitment and integrity. But then, if development were easy.... 5<br />

Implementation of this philosophy is the challenge. As has been amply<br />

demonstrated here in Thailand in a rural context, with access to arable land, an<br />

individual, a family, or even a community can agree together to adopt this<br />

philosophy and implement it into their lives with relative ease. <br />

In a different setting, for example in an urban setting, the challenge increases.<br />

Holding to moderation and reasonableness are achievable for an urban individual.<br />

Establishing a self-immunity system would seem to present a challenge. In living<br />

moderately, one can save financial resources but in a severe economic downturn or<br />

in the case of a crisis or natural disaster, it is not nearly so clear that one would be<br />

protected. Having a social network to help support each other is one way to address<br />

the safety net but requires an infrastructure to support building a community from a<br />

group of strangers where everyone comes from families far removed from the urban<br />

area.<br />

Having an education that provides a person with ownership of skills that can<br />

produce a livelihood is also important. This however also requires access to capital<br />

to enable formation of a business.<br />

Ultimately, the critical piece of the puzzle is individual understanding of<br />

moderation, reasonableness, and the personal traits of honesty, integrity,<br />

perseverance, harmlessness, and generosity. The current economic culture is not<br />

particularly supportive of many of those things. Corporate mentality tends to look at<br />

labor as a commodity. The stated goal is to maximize profit which is often<br />

accomplished by building artificial need and encouraging immoderation, taking<br />

from the environment with total disregard to sustainability, and discarding wastes<br />

into the environment with no regard to the damage caused. Rights and wrong take a<br />

back seat to maximization of profits. The encouragement of consumerism has<br />

resulted in the encouragement of over-extended credit as opposed to the<br />

encouragement of savings for both businesses and individuals.<br />

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Sufficiency economy outside of Thailand<br />

The talk to this point has been centered on Thailand. Being American and<br />

living in Thailand as I studied the Sufficiency Economy philosophy, one of my<br />

concerns was how do the concepts apply in the the US where in 2000, over 79% of<br />

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