Das Mittel Ihrer Wahl – Floxal

Das Mittel Ihrer Wahl – Floxal Das Mittel Ihrer Wahl – Floxal

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<strong>Das</strong> <strong>Mittel</strong><br />

<strong>Ihrer</strong> <strong>Wahl</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Floxal</strong> ®<br />

Bausch Bau Bausch ch + Lomb Lom Lombb Swiss SSwis<br />

w s AAG,<br />

AG, G, Dam Dammstrasse am a am ammst am mst ms mst mmst m mst ms st<br />

st s st t<br />

ras asse s 19, 119, CH-6301 Zug<br />

Bausch + Lomb Swiss AG AG, CH CH-6301 6301 Zug<br />

<strong>Floxal</strong>®/-UD. Zusammensetzung: Wirkstoff: Ofl oxacinum. Hilfsstoffe: Augentropfen, Fläschchen zu 5 ml: Conserv.: Benzalkonii chloridum; Excip. ad solutionem. Augentropfen, Unidosen (UD): Excip. ad<br />

solutionem. Augensalbe: Adeps lanae; Excip. ad unguentum. Indikationen/Anwendungsmöglichkeiten: Behandlung bakterieller Infektionen des vorderen Augensegmentes und der Adnexe, wie Konjunktivitis,<br />

Blepharitis und Blepharokonjunktivitis, welche durch empfindliche Keime hervorgerufen werden. Dosierung/Anwendung: Erwachsene: Augentropfen: 4xtgl. 1 Tropfen in den Bindehautsack<br />

einträufeln. Die Dosierung kann je nach den pathologischen Gegebenheiten erhöht werden. Augensalbe: 3xtgl. einen 1 cm langen Salbenstrang in den Bindehautsack einbringen. Kinder und Jugendliche:<br />

Die Dosierung bei Kindern unterscheidet sich nicht von der Erwachsener. Die Erfahrung bei Kindern ist allerdings begrenzt. Dosisfi ndungsstudien liegen nicht vor. Kontraindikationen: Überempfi ndlichkeit<br />

gegenüber dem Wirkstoff oder einem der Hilfsstoffe (siehe «Zusammensetzung») oder gegen chemisch verwandte Chinolonderivate. Warnhinweise und Vorsichtsmassnahmen: Nicht anwenden bei Infektionen<br />

mit Beteiligung der tieferen Augenstrukturen. Während der Behandlung mit <strong>Floxal</strong> ist unnötige Sonnen- oder Ultraviolettlicht-Exposition (z.B. Höhensonne, Solarium o.ä.) zu vermeiden (mögliche<br />

Photosensibilität). Hinweise für Kontaklinsenträger: Bei bakteriellen Augeninfektionen sollen generell keine Kontaktlinsen getragen werden. Dies gilt auch für die Zeit der Anwendung von <strong>Floxal</strong>. Interaktionen:<br />

Während der Behandlung mit <strong>Floxal</strong> sollten keine anderen Augenpräparate, die Schwermetalle (z.B. Zn) enthalten, verwendet werden, da mit einem Wirkungsverlust von <strong>Floxal</strong> zu rechnen ist.<br />

Schwangerschaft/Stillzeit: Tierstudien haben dosisabhängige unerwünschte Effekte der oralen Anwendung von Ofloxacin auf die Föten gezeigt (Teratogenität). Es existieren jedoch keine kontrollierten<br />

Humanstudien. Obwohl bei lokaler Anwendung keine Anhaltspunkte für eine fruchtschädigende Wirkung bestehen, und die täglich lokal applizierte Menge des Ofloxacins nur etwa 0.2% der therapeutisch<br />

notwendigen oralen Dosis entspricht, soll die Anwendung während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit nur bei zwingender Indikation und unter Berücksichtigung der therapeutischen Alternativen erfolgen.<br />

Unerwünschte Wirkungen: Augen: Gelegentlich vorübergehendes Stechen oder leichte Schmerzen nach Applikation. Lichtempfindlichkeit. Immunsystem: Gelegentlich, systemische anaphylaktische<br />

Reaktion wie Asthma, Dyspnoe, Urticaria, Erythem, Pruritus sowie lokale Überempfi ndlichkeitsreaktionen. Allgemeine Störungen: Gelegentlich, Geruchs- und Geschmacksstörungen. Sonstige Hinweise:<br />

Haltbarkeit: <strong>Das</strong> Arzneimittel darf nur bis zu dem auf der Packung mit «Exp» bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden. <strong>Floxal</strong> Augentropfen (Tropfflasche)/<strong>Floxal</strong> Augensalbe (Tube): Nach erstmaligem Öffnen<br />

nicht länger als einen Monat verwenden. <strong>Floxal</strong> UD Unidosen: Für jede Anwendung einen neuen Behälter verwenden und diesen nach Gebrauch sofort wegwerfen. Besondere Lagerungshinweise: Bei<br />

Raumtemperatur (15-25°C) aufbewahren. Augentropfen (Tropfflasche und Unidosen): Um die Augentropfen vor Licht zu schützen, sollen sie nach jeder Anwendung wieder in der Faltschachtel aufbewahrt<br />

werden. Hinweise für die Handhabung: Um die Sterilität der Augentropfen/Augensalbe zu erhalten, Tropferspitze/Tubenspitze weder mit den Händen noch mit dem Auge berühren. Liste: A (Kassenzulässig)<br />

Bausch & Lomb Swiss AG. Zulassungsinhaberin: Bausch & Lomb Swiss AG. Stand der Information: Juni 2006. Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Arzneimittel-Kompendium der Schweiz


Welcome from the Chairman, Co-Chairmen, Scientific Committee 4<br />

Venue 5<br />

General Information 5-7<br />

Credit Allowances (CME credits) 6<br />

Scientific Program <strong>–</strong> SSTED: Wednesday, December 8th 8<br />

Thursday, December 9th 8<br />

Friday, December 10th 10, 12<br />

Saturday, Dec 11th 12, 14, 16<br />

Scientific Program <strong>–</strong> SISAD: Wednesday, December 8th 9<br />

Thursday, December 9th 9<br />

Friday, December10th 11, 13<br />

Saturday, December 11th 13, 15, 16<br />

Patient Plenary Session Saturday, December 11 th 17<br />

Social Program and Hotel Information 18<br />

Index of Faculty 19<br />

Acknowledgements of Sponsors, Exhibitors and Advertisers 23<br />

Congress and<br />

Event Center RONDO<br />

Pontresina is located in a valley that branches off from the Upper Engadin, a unique alpine landscape.<br />

It is a sunny place situated on a slope opening towards the southwest and with a wonderful<br />

view of the mountains and glaciers. Pontresina continues to be a typical Engadin village,<br />

embedded in dense woods of larch and stone pine trees. Do you know of a single conference<br />

venue that sits atop an incomparable lake plateau, at the foot of a glacier, surrounded by an imposing<br />

mountain panorama?<br />


4<br />


On behalf of the Co-Chairmen and members of the Scientific Committee I cordially invite you to<br />

the 2nd Swiss Symposium on Thyroid Eye Disease (SSTED) from December 8 to 11, 2010<br />

in Pontresina/St. Moritz. It is aimed at residents in training, fellows and clinicians from endocrinology<br />

and ophthalmology, internists and general practitioners, being an educational clinical symposium<br />

discussing mainly diagnostic and therapeutical issues of Graves’ orbitopathy.<br />

On Saturday, Decemer 11, the Patient Plenary Session will be held at 13:30, answering the<br />

most frequent questions encountered from interested patients with Graves’ orbitopathy. This session<br />

will be videotaped and uploaded on our website (www.basedow.ch) after the symposium.<br />

The SSTED is paralleled by a Special Interest Symposium on Autoimmune Disease (SISAD),<br />

discussing mainly pathogenetic issues of autoimmune disease in general and its implications on<br />

novel therapies of Graves’ orbitopathy in particular. The SISAD is aimed at basic and clinical scientists<br />

in immunology, rheumatology, endocrinology and ophthalmology. Keynote lectures will be<br />

given by key opinion leaders from different specialities, followed by ample discussions to engross<br />

arising questions and controversies. For sustained impact, minutes of all sessions and discussions<br />

will be distributed to the participants at the end of the symposium and be later published.<br />

It is a special honor for the organizing committee, to host the faculty and executive committee of<br />

the European Group on Graves’ Orbitopathy (EUGOGO), which will hold its scientific executive<br />

meeting in Pontresina during our symposium. Its members are worldwide renowned experts<br />

in the field and guarantee for outstanding lectures and discussions.<br />

On behalf of the Scientific Committee, I would like to warmly welcome all participants, particularly<br />

all our lecturers and colleagues from EUGOGO in the highest-altitude conference centre in Europe,<br />

hopefully with lots of snow and a few sunny days.<br />

George F. von Arx, Symposium Chairman<br />

Co-Chairmen:<br />

Beat Hammer, Hirslanden Medical Center,<br />

Aarau<br />

Jürg Lareida, Aarau<br />

Scientific Committee:<br />

Marian Ludgate, University of Cardiff, UK<br />

(Chair)<br />

Rebecca S Bahn, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,<br />

USA (Co-Chair)<br />

J. Paul Banga, King’s College, London, UK<br />

Ulrich Bürgi, University Hospital Berne, CH<br />

Mario Salvi, University of Milan, IT<br />

Matthias Stahl, Kantonsspital Olten, CH<br />

Alan Tyndall, University of Basel, CH

Venue<br />

Congress and Event Center RONDO<br />

CH-7504 Pontresina/Switzerland<br />

Ph +41 (0)81 838 83 12<br />

Fax +41 (0)81 838 83 10<br />

Opening hours of registration desk<br />

Wednesday, Dec. 8 th (10:00 <strong>–</strong> 18:00)<br />

Thursday, Dec. 9 th (12:00 <strong>–</strong> 17:30)<br />

Friday, Dec. 10 th (08:00 <strong>–</strong> 17:15)<br />

Saturday, Dec. 11 th (08:00 <strong>–</strong> 15:00)<br />

Dates SSTED<br />

Thursday, Dec. 9 th (14:00 <strong>–</strong> 18:00)<br />

Friday, Dec. 10 th (09:00 <strong>–</strong> 18:00)<br />

Saturday, Dec. 11 th (09:00 <strong>–</strong> 15:00)<br />

Dates SISAD<br />

Thursday, Dec. 9 th (14:00 <strong>–</strong> 18:00)<br />

Friday, Dec. 10 th (09:00 <strong>–</strong> 18:00)<br />

Saturday, Dec. 11 th (09:00 <strong>–</strong> 15:00)<br />

EUGOGO Executive Meeting<br />

Wednesday, Dec. 8 th (14:00 <strong>–</strong> 18:00)<br />

Thursday, Dec. 9 th (08:00 <strong>–</strong> 13:00)<br />

Official Language: English<br />

Scientific Secretariat<br />

George F. von Arx<br />

basedow.ch <strong>–</strong> Interdisciplinary<br />

Center for Thyroid Eye Disease<br />

ADMEDICO Orbital Center<br />

Fährweg 10, CH-4600 Olten<br />

Ph +41 (0)62 206 87 37<br />

Fax +41 (0)62 206 87 38<br />

georg.vonarx@admedico.ch<br />

Central Organization/Administration<br />

Meister ConCept GmbH<br />

Bahnhofstrasse 55, CH-5001 Aarau<br />

Ph +41 (0)62 836 20 90<br />

Fax +41 (0)62 836 20 97<br />

meister@meister-concept.ch<br />


Registration<br />

Online: www.basedow.ch<br />

The registration will automatically be<br />

confirmed by Email.<br />

Registration is possible until November 28,<br />

2010 or on-site. For reduced fees however<br />

please register before October 31, 2010.<br />

Registration Fees<br />

Early Bird until October 31 st<br />

Participants CHF 550.00<br />

Residents 1) CHF 450.00<br />

Regular until December 11 th<br />

Participants CHF 650.00<br />

Residents 1) CHF 550.00<br />

Official Opening Ceremony free of charge<br />

(we kindly ask you to register)<br />

Registration fee includes: symposium<br />

documents, admission to all sessions, coffee<br />

breaks, lunches, get-together party<br />

1) A certificate of the head of the department is mandatory<br />

Social Events<br />

Gala Dinner at the Hotel Saratz CHF 90.00<br />

Residents 1) CHF 70.00<br />

Payment<br />

Payment is accepted in Swiss Francs only.<br />

Online by credit card or by bank transfer to:<br />

Aargauische Kantonalbank<br />

CH-4600 Olten<br />

IBAN: CH69 0076 1016 1127 7578 9<br />

Beneficiary:<br />

ADMEDICO Augenzentrum GmbH<br />

basedow.ch, Fährweg 10<br />

CH-4600 Olten<br />

All bank fees must be paid by the participants<br />

and will not be covered by the beneficiary.<br />


6<br />


Cancellation<br />

Cancellation of registration: written notification<br />

to the Central Organizer. No refund of registration<br />

fee.<br />

Disclaimer<br />

The Symposium and the Central Organizer<br />

cannot accept any liability for the acts of any<br />

supplier to the symposium or the safety of any<br />

attendee while in transit to or from the event. All<br />

participants are strongly advised to carry the<br />

proper travel and health insurance as the symposium<br />

and the Central Organizer cannot accept<br />

liability for any accidents or injuries that<br />

may occur.<br />

Hotel Accommodation<br />

Online reservation can be made until October<br />

15, 2010 at www.basedow.ch, under 2 nd<br />

Swiss Symposium on Thyroid Eye Disease →<br />

Hotelreservation, or by down-loading the form.<br />

An adequate number of rooms has been<br />

blocked and special rates have been obtained<br />

to your advantage.<br />

The congress is not responsible for no shows<br />

or cancellation fees.<br />

Meals<br />

Coffee breaks and lunches will be served during<br />

the intermission in the exhibition area and<br />

are included in the registration fee.<br />

Industrial Exhibition<br />

The industrial exhibition is an integral part of the<br />

symposium. It will be open every day throughout<br />

the meeting.<br />

Credit Allowance<br />

CME certificates will be handed out at the registration<br />

desk.<br />

The Symposium is accredited by the following<br />

societies with an estimated credit amount of<br />

the following:<br />

American Medical Association<br />

AMA: 13 credits<br />

European Accreditation Council for<br />

Continuing Medical Education<br />

EACCME and<br />

European Union of Medical Specialists<br />

UEMS: 13 credits<br />

Swiss Society of Endocrinology and<br />

Diabetology<br />

SGED: 13 credits<br />

Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine<br />

SGIM: 16.5 credits<br />

Swiss Society of General Medicine<br />

SGAM: fully accredited<br />

Swiss Society of Ophthalmology<br />

SOG 13 credits<br />

Technical aspects/presentations<br />

Authors are requested to deliver their Power-<br />

Point presentations on a USB stick or CD at<br />

the registration desk at least 1 hour prior to<br />

their presentation in order to check with the<br />

technical support.

Traveling by Rail<br />

Arriving at Zurich International airport as well as<br />

from all other destinations you first travel to<br />

Chur by Swiss Rail (SBB/CFF). In Chur, board<br />

one of Rhaetian Railway's state-of-the art fast<br />

trains to take you through curving tunnels and<br />

across breathtaking bridges. To make your<br />

train journey even more comfortable, use the<br />

combined air-and-rail baggage service.<br />

The trip from Zurich to Pontresina will take<br />

about 3 hours.<br />

Milan <strong>–</strong> Pontresina 175 Km 3hrs<br />

Munich <strong>–</strong> Pontresina 300Km 4hrs<br />

Basel <strong>–</strong> Pontresina 250Km 4hrs<br />

Traveling by Air<br />

We strongly recommend to fly to Zurich International<br />

Airport, but there are services from international<br />

airports to Samedan/St. Moritz and<br />

air-taxi connections to many other national and<br />

international destinations.<br />

The regional Airport, operated by Engadin Airport,<br />

lies in Samedan, 4km from Pontresina at<br />

a height of 1707 meters above sea level. It is<br />

the highest airport in Europe.<br />

Engadin Airport, CH-7503 Samedan<br />

Ph +41 (0)81 851 08 51<br />

info@engadin-airport.ch<br />

www.engadin-airport.ch<br />

Car Rentals<br />

Avis Autovermietung AG, 8048 Zürich<br />

Ph +41 (0) 848 81 18 18<br />

Fax +41 (0) 848 81 18 04<br />

reservations@avis.ch<br />

Hertz AG, 8004 Zürich<br />

Ph +41 (0)848 82 20 25<br />

Fax +41 (0)44 242 25 86<br />

www.hertz.ch<br />


Taxis<br />

A taxi will bring you directly to your desired<br />

destination, day- and night time.<br />

Taxi Bernina, CH-7504 Pontresina<br />

Ph +41 (0)79 786 19 17<br />

Pontresina Tourist Information<br />

CH-7504 Pontresina<br />

Ph +41 (0)81 838 83 00<br />

Fax +41 (0)81 838 83 10<br />

www.engadin.stmoritz.ch/mice<br />

Skiing and leisure<br />

Would you like to combine your educational<br />

stay in Switzerland with a few leisure days in<br />

the beautiful area of Pontresina/Engadine?<br />

Hotels offer the same room rates for prolongation<br />

of your stay. Advantageous rates for skitickets<br />

are available as well.<br />

The Sporthotel Pontresina offers<br />

Ski & Snowboard Specials.<br />

The Hotel Saratz offers<br />

a «Winterpackage First Snow.»<br />

Please contact:<br />

Engadin St. Moritz<br />

Via San Gian 30<br />

CH-7500 St. Moritz<br />

Ph +41 (0)81 830 00 01<br />

Fax +41 (0)81 830 08 18<br />

allegra@estm.ch<br />

www.engadin.stmoritz.ch/ferien<br />


8<br />





14:00 EUGOGO Executive Meeting I (Hotel Saratz)<br />

20:00 Dinner at the Hotel Saratz<br />

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2010<br />

08:00 EUGOGO Executive Meeting II (Hotel Saratz)<br />

14:00 Opening Ceremony & Introduction<br />

George F. von Arx, Symposium Chairman, Olten, Switzerland<br />

Petros Perros, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom<br />

Session I<br />

14:15 Basics in Graves’ Disease for Ophthalmologists, General Practitioners & Residents<br />

Matthias Stahl, Olten, Switzerland<br />

15:00 Basics in Graves’ Orbitopathy for Endocrinologists, General Practitioners & Residents<br />

Nicole Fichter, Olten, Switzerland<br />

15:45 Coffee Break<br />

16:30 Quality of Life & Social Impact on Health Systems<br />

Susanne Pitz, Mainz, Germany<br />

17:00 Motility Restrictions in GO: Impact on Quality of Life & Treatment<br />

Anja Eckstein, Essen, Germany<br />

17:30 Round Table: GO <strong>–</strong> Focus on the Essential!<br />

Chair: James A. Garrity, Rochester, MN, United States of America<br />

18:00 Get Together Party





14:00 EUGOGO Executive Meeting I (Hotel Saratz)<br />

20:00 Dinner at the Hotel Saratz<br />

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2010<br />

08:00 EUGOGO Executive Meeting II (Hotel Saratz)<br />

14:00 Opening Ceremony & Introduction<br />

Marian Ludgate, Cardiff, United Kingdom<br />

Rebecca S. Bahn, Rochester, MN, United States of America<br />

Session I<br />

14:10 Disease Markers<br />

Introduction & Chair: Rebecca S. Bahn, Rochester, MN, United States of America<br />

14:15 Antibodies in Autoimmune Disease with special emphasis on TSH-Antibodies in GO<br />

Matthias Schott, Düsseldorf, Germany<br />

14:50 Role of the T-Cell in the Eye Muscle Component of Thyroid Eye Disease<br />

Jack Wall, Penrith, NSW, Australia<br />

15:15 Discussion<br />

15:45 Coffee Break<br />

16:30 Antigen Specific Therapies<br />

Introduction & Chair: Marian Ludgate, Cardiff, United Kingdom<br />

16:35 Interaction of the TSH-Receptor with Auto-Antibodies: New Prospects for Treatment<br />

Jane Sanders, Cardiff, United Kingdom<br />

17:15 Discussion<br />

18:00 Get Together Party<br />


10<br />




FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2010<br />

Session II<br />

Assessment of Patients with GO, Part I<br />

09:00 Assessment of Patients with GO, Introduction<br />

Jane Dickinson, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom<br />

09:20 Assessment of Disease Activity and Severity<br />

Carol Lane, Cardiff, United Kingdom<br />

09:40 Standardized Orthoptic Assessment as proposed by EUGOGO<br />

Hinke-M. Jellema, Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

10:10 Imaging in GO <strong>–</strong> MRI-TIRM: The basedow.ch Pilot Study<br />

Eberhard Kirsch, Aarau, Switzerland<br />

10:30 Orbital Fat and Muscle Volume Measurements in GO<br />

Wilmar Wiersinga, Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

11:00 Round Table: What is the State of the Art in Assessing Patients with GO?<br />

Chair: Maarten Mourits, Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

11:30 Lunch<br />

Session III<br />

Assessment of Patients with GO, Part II<br />

12:30 Optic Nerve Involvement <strong>–</strong> Dysthyroid Optic Neuropathy (DON)<br />

Antonella Boschi, Brussels, Belgium<br />

12:50 Color Contrast Sensitivity Testing <strong>–</strong> A Useful Tool in Diagnosing DON?<br />

Nicole Fichter, Olten, Switzerland<br />

13:10 Graves’ Orbitopathy & Glaucoma<br />

Ivan Haefliger, Basel, Switzerland<br />

13:30 Differential Diagnosis of Graves’ Orbitopathy<br />

Maarten Mourits, Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

13:50 Lecture in Honor of Prof. Wilmar Wiersinga<br />

Achievements & Perspectives in GO<br />

Luigi Bartalena, Varese, Italy




FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2010<br />

Session II<br />

09:00 Animal Models<br />

Introduction & Chair: Rebecca S. Bahn, Rochester, MN, United States of America<br />

09:05 Evidence of Orbital Involvement in Graves’ Disease Animal Models using<br />

Immunization against the TSH-Receptor<br />

Anja Eckstein, Essen, Germany<br />

09:45 State of the Art Animal Models of Graves’ Disease: A Novel Murine Model of GO<br />

J. Paul Banga, London, United Kingdom<br />

10:30 Discussion<br />

11:30 Lunch<br />

Session III<br />

12:30 Innate Immunity & Commensal Infection<br />

Introduction & Chair: Marian Ludgate, Cardiff, United Kingdom<br />

12:35 Microbial Influences in Autoimmunity <strong>–</strong> Pathogens versus Commensals<br />

Susan F. Wong, Bristol, United Kingdom<br />

13:15 Discussion<br />

13:50 Lecture in Honor of Prof. Wilmar Wiersinga<br />

Achievements & Perspectives in GO<br />

Luigi Bartalena, Varese, Italy<br />


12<br />




FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2010<br />

14:50 Compliments by Mrs. Barbara Janom Steiner, Chur, Switzerland<br />

State Councillor and Head of the Department of Justice, Health and Safety<br />

15:00 Coffee Break<br />

Session IV<br />

Treatment of Graves’ Disease<br />

15:30 Treatment Concepts in Graves’ Disease<br />

Laszlo Hegedüs, Odense, Denmark<br />

16:00 Antithyroid Drugs <strong>–</strong> Titration versus Block & Replace Therapy?<br />

John Lazarus, Cardiff, United Kingdom<br />

16:25 Radioiodine <strong>–</strong> Do’s and Don’ts in Clinical Practice<br />

Hans C. Steinert, Zürich, Switzerland<br />

16:50 Thyroidectomy and Radioiodine <strong>–</strong> The Concept of Total Thyroid Ablation<br />

Claudio Marcocci, Pisa, Italy<br />

17:15 Round Table: Is there a «Best Treatment?»<br />

Chair: Gerasimos Krassas, Thessaloniki, Greece<br />

20:00 Gala Dinner at the Hotel Saratz<br />

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2010<br />

Session V<br />

Medical Treatment of Graves’ Orbitopathy<br />

09:00 Pathogenesis and General Concepts<br />

Terry J. Smith, Ann Arbor, MI, United States of America<br />

09:30 Steroids <strong>–</strong> The Irreplaceables!<br />

Petros Perros, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom<br />

10:00 Selenium <strong>–</strong> Results of the EUGOGO Multicenter Study<br />

Claudio Marcocci, Pisa, Italy




FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2010<br />

14:50 Compliments by Mrs. Barbara Janom Steiner, Chur, Switzerland<br />

State Councillor and Head of the Department of Justice, Health and Safety<br />

15:00 Coffee Break<br />

Session IV<br />

15:30 Genetics<br />

Introduction & Chair: Marian Ludgate, Cardiff, United Kingdom<br />

15:35 Advances in the Genetics of Autoimmunity: Have these translated back to the Clinic?<br />

Simon Pearce, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom<br />

16:05 Discussion<br />

16:30 Epigenetics<br />

Introduction & Chair: Wilmar Wiersinga, Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

16:35 Epigenetics in Autoimmunity<br />

Steffen Gay, Zürich, Switzerland<br />

17:15 Discussion<br />

20:00 Gala Dinner at the Hotel Saratz<br />

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2010<br />

Session V<br />

09:00 Dendritic Cells<br />

Introduction & Chair: Jacques Orgiazzi, Lyon, France<br />

09:05 An Overview of Molecular & Cellular Pathways in Organ-Specific Autoimmunity,<br />

Possibility of Drug Targeting<br />

Hemmo A. Drexhage, Rotterdam, The Netherlands<br />

09:50 Discussion<br />


14<br />




SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2010<br />

10:30 Novel Therapies <strong>–</strong> The Mayo Clinic Experience<br />

Rebecca S. Bahn, Rochester, MN, United States of America<br />

11:00 Round Table: Should we treat the Orbit or the Underlying Systemic Autoimmune Disease?<br />

Chair: Mario Salvi, Milano, Italy<br />

11:30 Coffee Break<br />

Session VI<br />

Surgical Treatment of Graves’ Orbitopathy<br />

12:00 General Concepts, Introduction<br />

Peter Dolman, Vancouver, BC, Canada<br />

12:20 Individualized, Anatomy Based Surgical Concepts for Orbital Decompression <strong>–</strong><br />

Results of the AO Trial<br />

Beat Hammer, Aarau, Switzerland<br />

12:40 Orbital Decompression <strong>–</strong> Does one fit all?<br />

James A. Garrity, Rochester, MN, United States of America<br />

12:55 Fat Decompression <strong>–</strong> Alternative or Amendment to Bony Decompression?<br />

Michael Kazim, New York City, NY, United States of America<br />

13:10 Lateral Wall Decompression<br />

Rudolf Guthoff, Rostock, Germany<br />

William Katowitz, Philadelphia, PA, United States of America<br />

13:30 Squint Surgery<br />

Michael Schittkowski, Göttingen, Germany<br />

13:45 Lid Surgery in GO <strong>–</strong> Functional versus Aesthetic Lid Surgery<br />

Kostas Boboridis, Thessaloniki, Greece<br />

14:05 Round Table: Functional <strong>–</strong> Cosmetic <strong>–</strong> Rehabilitative Surgery<br />

Chairs: Lelio Baldeschi, Pisa, Italy<br />

James A. Garrity, Rochester, MN, United States of Amercia




SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2010<br />

10:20 B-Cells<br />

Introduction & Chair: Alan Tyndall, Basel, Switzerland<br />

10:25 B-Cell Function and Depletion in Autoimmune Disease<br />

Peter M. Villiger, Bern, Switzerland<br />

11:15 Discussion<br />

11:30 Coffee Break<br />

Session VI<br />

12:00 Stem Cells<br />

Introduction & Chair: Terry J. Smith, Ann Arbor, MI, United States of America<br />

12:05 Ablation and Reconstitution of the Immune System in Autoimmune Disease by<br />

Mesenchymal Stem Cells?<br />

Alan Tyndall, Basel, Switzerland<br />

12:50 Discussion<br />

13:20 New Treatment Modalities <strong>–</strong> Biologics: Are they safe?<br />

Introduction & Chair: Mario Salvi, Milano, Italy<br />

13:40 Pros & Cons of Novel Therapies<br />

Laszlo Hegedüs, Odense, Denmark<br />

14:10 Discussion<br />


16<br />



SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2010<br />

14:30 Summary and Closing Ceremony<br />

∙ What did we learn about GO and its management?<br />

∙ Is there a change in paradigms since the 1 st SSTED in 2007?<br />

∙ What are the future perspectives in the management of GO?<br />

Petros Perros, EUGOGO Chairman, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom<br />

Marian Ludgate, Cardiff, United Kingdom<br />

Rebecca S. Bahn, Rochester, MN, United States of America<br />

Maarten Mourits, Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

Beat Hammer, Aarau, Switzerland<br />

Final statement by a Graves’ Orbitopathy patient<br />

14:45 Farewell & Announcement of the 3 rd SSTED/SISAD from December 4 to 7, 2013<br />

George F. von Arx, Symposium Chairman, Olten, Switzerland<br />

See you in Pontresina 2013!<br />

Schneeschuhwanderer im Morteratsch (Pontresina-Engadin). Dezember 2008, Fotograf: Christoph Sonderegger, St. Gallen, Copyright: Pontresina Tourismus


SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2010<br />

13:00 Open Forum for Patients with Graves’ Disease/Graves’ Orbitopathy<br />

Terry J. Smith, Ann Arbor, MI, United States of Amercia<br />

George F. von Arx, Symposium Chairman, Olten Switzerland<br />

Dear Patients<br />

As the symposium chairman I would like to warmly invite you to your Patient Plenary Session in<br />

the beautiful Engadin valley.<br />

It is our aim to provide a special forum for patients amidst an international symposium with the<br />

world's most renowned, medical and scientific experts in Graves' Orbitopathy.<br />

The discussions will be recorded and uploaded to the website after the symposium.<br />

Key opinion leaders from medical centres and clinics from all around the world will meet patients<br />

with Graves' Disease/Graves' Orbitopathy to discuss and answer your questions.<br />

The entrance to the Patient Plenary Session is free for all to attend.<br />

For patients who wish to participate in the entire symposium, please register online<br />

(www.basedow.ch) as a resident at the early bird rate of CHF 450.00. Special symposium flat<br />

rates are provided for your accomodation in the Pontresina Symposium Hotels.<br />

For more information, travel and accommodation assistance please refer to our homepage<br />

www.basedow.ch or mail to the central organization and administration office.<br />

George F. von Arx, Symposium Chairman<br />


18<br />


Get-Together Party<br />

Thursday, December 9, at 18:00. Meeting point: Symposium Venue<br />

Gala Dinner<br />

Friday, December 10, at 20:00 at the Hotel Saratz<br />


Welcome to the Hotel Saratz<br />

The 4-star-superior Hotel Saratz in Pontresina is elegant yet informal,<br />

modern yet charming <strong>–</strong> and its blend of old and new<br />

exudes one thing above all else: atmosphere. Here, a contemporary<br />

lifestyle merges with Engadin hotel tradition, grandezza<br />

with design, nature with architecture. Experience a holiday in<br />

unique surroundings in the midst of the Engadin mountain<br />

world. www.saratz.ch<br />

The Sporthotel Pontresina is located in the heart of Pontresina.<br />

Our friendly atmosphere with a smile and the personal service<br />

as well as our additional services underline our standard.<br />

The renovated bed-rooms are bright and friendly (bath or shower<br />

and toilet, Sat-TV, radio, phone). The wellness oasis above<br />

the roofs of Pontresina with marvelous view into the valley Rosegg<br />

offers a great opportunity to relax. Or enjoy the sun on our<br />

terrace.<br />

www.sporthotel.ch<br />


Genf (480 km)<br />

Basel (290 km)<br />


Frankfurt (590 km)<br />

Schaffhausen<br />

Landquart<br />

Bern (330 km)<br />

Davos<br />

Disentis<br />

Chur<br />

Zernez<br />

Filisur<br />

Andermatt<br />

Thusis<br />

Samedan<br />

St. Moritz Pontresina<br />


Mals<br />

Brig<br />

Poschiavo<br />

Chiavenna<br />

Tirano<br />

Zermatt<br />

Arrival from Airports<br />

Glacier Express<br />

Bernina Express<br />

UNESCO-Welterbe Albula/Bernina<br />

Venedig <strong>–</strong> St. Moritz Tour<br />

Palm Express (BusTrail)<br />


Lugano (125 km)<br />

Lecco<br />

München (300 km)<br />

Friederichshafen (210 km)<br />

Zürich (200 km)<br />


St. Gallen (190 km)<br />

Innsbruck (190 km)<br />


Meran<br />

Bozen<br />

Trento<br />

Bergamo (145 km)<br />

Mailand (175 km) Verona<br />

Vicenza<br />

Padova<br />

Venedig<br />

Copyright: Pontresina Tourismus


Bahn Rebecca S. Prof., Mayo Clinic, College of Medicine, Department of<br />

Endocrinology, 200 First Street S.W., Rochester, MN, 55905,<br />

United States of America<br />

Baldeschi Lelio M.D., Via Putignano 315/C, 56100 Pisa, Italy<br />

Banga J. Paul Prof., King’s College, School of Medicine, Department of Diabetes<br />

and Endocrinology, The Rayne Institute, Denmark Hill Campus,<br />

SE5, 9NU London, United Kingdom<br />

Bartalena Luigi Prof., Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica, Endocrinologia,<br />

Via O. Rossi 9, 2100 Varese, Italy<br />

Boboridis Kostas MD, Phd, Panagia General Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology,<br />

Orbita Unit, N. Plasira 22, 551 32 Thessaloniki, Greece<br />

Boschi Antonella Dr., Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Avenue Hippocrate 10,<br />

1200 Brussels, Belgium<br />

Bürgi Ulrich Prof. Dr. med., Inselspital Bern, Klinik und Poliklinik für Allgemeine Innere<br />

Medizin, 3010 Bern, Switzerland<br />

Dickinson Jane Prof., The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,<br />

Ophthalmology Department, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Queen<br />

Victoria Road, NE1 4LP Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom<br />

Dolman Peter Prof., University of British Columbia, Department of Ophthalmology,<br />

2550 Willow Street, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 3N9 Canada<br />

Drexhage Hemmo A. M.D., Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Immunology,<br />

Erasmus MC, PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands<br />

Eckstein Anja Prof. Dr. med., Universitätsklinikum Essen,<br />

Zentrum für Augenheilkunde, Orbitazentrum, Hufelandstrasse 55,<br />

45147 Essen, Germany<br />

Fichter Nicole Dr. med., ADMEDICO Augenzentrum, basedow.ch <strong>–</strong> Interdisziplinäres<br />

Zentrum für Endokrine Orbitopathie, Fachärztin FMH, Okuloplastische,<br />

Rekonstruktive und Orbitachirurgie, Fährweg 10, 4600 Olten, Switzerland<br />

Garrity James A. Prof., Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic,<br />

Department of Ophthalmology, 200 First Street S.W., Rochester,<br />

MN, 55905, United States of America<br />


20<br />


Gay Steffen Prof. Dr. med., Universitätsspital Zürich, Rheumaklinik & Physikalische<br />

Medizin, Gloriastrasse 25, 8091 Zürich, Switzerland<br />

Guthoff Rudolf Prof. Dr. med., Universitätsaugenklinik Rostock, Doberaner Strasse 140,<br />

18057 Rostock, Germany<br />

Haefliger Ivan Prof. Dr. med., Merian Iselin Spital, Augenabteilung,<br />

Leimenstrasse 76, 4051 Basel, Switzerland<br />

Hammer Beat Prof. Dr. med., Facharzt FMH für Gesichts- und Kieferchirugie,<br />

Hirslanden Medical Center, Rain 34, 5000 Aarau, Switzerland<br />

Hegedüs Laszlo M.D., D.M.Sc., Odense University Hospital, Department of<br />

Endocrinology and Metabolism, 5000 Odense C, Denmark<br />

Jellema Hinke-M. PhD., Universiteit van Amsterdam, Academisch Medisch Centrum,<br />

Orbita Centrum, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

Katowitz William Prof., Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Ophthalmology, Orbital Unit,<br />

324 S34th Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19104, United States of America<br />

Kazim Michael Prof., Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, Edward S. Harkness<br />

Eye Institute, Dept. of Ophthalmology, 635 West 165th Street,<br />

New York City, NY, United States of America<br />

Kirsch Eberhard PD Dr. med., Hirslanden Klinik, Institut für Radiologie,<br />

Schänisweg, 5000 Aarau, Switzerland<br />

Krassas Gerasimos Prof., Panagia General Hospital, Department of Endocrinology,<br />

N. Plasira 22, 55132 Thessaloniki, Greece<br />

Lane Carol Prof., University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff Eye Unit, Oculoplastic,<br />

Reconstructive and Orbital Surgeon, Heath Park 144, Cardiff,<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Lareida Jürg Dr. med., Facharzt FMH für Innere Medizin, speziell Endokrinologie,<br />

Vordere Vorstadt 16, 5000 Aarau, Switzerland<br />

Lazarus John Prof., Cardiff University, Centre for Endocrine & Diabetes Sciences,<br />

CF14 4XN Cardiff, United Kingdom


Ludgate Marian Prof., Cardiff University, Main Building School of Medicine, Centre<br />

for Endocrine & Diabetes Sciences, Heath Park, CF14 4XN Cardiff,<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Marcocci Claudio Prof., Università di Pisa, Dipartimento di Endocrinologia e di Metabolismo,<br />

Via Paradisa 2, 56124 Pisa, Italy<br />

Mourits Maarten Prof., Academic Medical Center, Orbital Center, Oculoplastic,<br />

Reconstructive and Orbital Surgeon,<br />

Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

Orgiazzi Jacques Prof., Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, Médecine interne,<br />

Endocrinologie et Métabolisme, 69495 Pierre Benite, France<br />

Pearce Simon Prof., Institute of Human Genetics, International Centre for Life,<br />

Central Parkway, NE1 3BZ, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom<br />

Perros Petros Prof., Freeman Hospital, High Heaton, NE7 7DN,<br />

Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom<br />

Pitz Susanne PD Dr. med., Johannes Gutenberg Universitätsklinikum, Augenklinik,<br />

Orbitazentrum, Langenbeckstrasse 1, 55131 Mainz, Germany<br />

Salvi Mario Prof., Università degli Studi di Milano, Unità di Endocrinologia,<br />

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Via Sforza 15, 20122 Milano, Italy<br />

Sanders Jane Prof., FIRS Laboratories, RSR Ltd, Parc Ty Glas, Llanishen,<br />

Cardiff CF14 5DU, United Kingdom<br />

Schittkowski Michael PD Dr. med, Universitätsklinikum Göttingen, Augenklinik,<br />

Georg-August-Universität, Robert-Koch-Strasse 40,<br />

37075 Göttingen, Germany<br />

Schott Matthias Prof., Klinik für Endokrinologie, Diabetologie und Rheumatologie,<br />

Stv. Direktor der Klinik, Leiter Endokrinologie, Morenstrasse 5,<br />

40225 Düsseldorf, Germany<br />

Smith Terry J. Prof., University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center, 1000 Wall Street,<br />

Ann Arbor, MI, 48105, United States of America<br />


22<br />


Stahl Matthias Dr. med., Solothurner Spitäler AG, Kantonsspital Olten,<br />

Stv. Chefarzt der Klink für Innere Medizin, Endokrinologie,<br />

Baslerstrasse 150, 4600 Olten, Switzerland<br />

Steinert Hans C. Prof. Dr. med., Universitätsspital Zürich, Klinik für Nuklearmedizin,<br />

Rämistrasse 100, 8091 Zürich, Switzerland<br />

Tyndall Alan Prof. Dr. med., Universitätsspital Basel, Chefarzt Rheumatologische<br />

Universitätsklinik, Felix Platter Spital, Burgfelderstrasse 101,<br />

4012 Basel, Switzerland<br />

Villiger Peter M. Prof. Dr. med., Universität Bern, Inselspital, Universitätsklinik für<br />

Rheumatologie, Klinische Immunologie, 3010 Bern 15, Switzerland<br />

von Arx George F. Dr. med., ADMEDICO Augenzentrum, basedow.ch <strong>–</strong> Interdisziplinäres<br />

Zentrum für Endokrine Orbitopathie, Facharzt FMH, Okuloplastische,<br />

Rekonstruktive und Orbitachirurgie, Fährweg 10, 4600 Olten, Switzerland<br />

Wall Jack Prof., University of Sydney, Nepean Hospital,<br />

Department of Academic Medicine, Penrith, NSW, 2751, Australia<br />

Wiersinga Wilmar Prof., University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center,<br />

Department of Endocrinology, Meibergdreef 9,<br />

1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands<br />

Wong Susan F. Prof., University of Bristol, Dept. of Cellular & Molecular Medicine,<br />

School of Medical Sciences, BS8 1TD Bristol, United Kingdom



The Chairman, Co-Chairmen and Scientific Committee members wish to express their gratitude<br />

to all companies for their generous contribution and support to the 2 nd Swiss Symposium on<br />

Thyroid Eye Disease and the Special Interest Symposium on Autoimmune Disease as<br />

well as the Patient Plenary Session<br />

AMO Switzerland GmbH, Abbott Medical Optics, 8808 Pfäffikon<br />

Anklin AG, 4102 Binningen<br />

Bausch & Lomb Swiss AG, Pharmazeutische Produkte, 6312 Steinhausen<br />

Essilor (Suisse) SA, instruments d'optique, 1211 Genève 26<br />

Eyemetrics Optic Service AG, 4053 Basel<br />

Hirslanden Klinik Aarau, 5001 Aarau<br />

Huco Vision SA, 2072 St-Blaise<br />

Interpharma, Kontaktgruppe für Forschungsfragen, 4056 Basel<br />

Laubscher & Co AG, 4434 Hölstein<br />

medilas ag, 8954 Geroldswil<br />

Merck Sharp & Dohme Inc., Ophtalmologie, 8152 Opfikon-Glattbrugg<br />

Novartis Pharma AG, Scientific Affairs Basel Pharma Operations, 4056 Basel<br />

Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG, 3001 Bern<br />

sanofi-aventis (suisse) sa, produits et services pharmaceutiques, 1217 Meyrin<br />

Siemens Schweiz AG, Healthcare, 8047 Zürich<br />


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