durrow abbey co. offaly conservation plan - Offaly County Council

durrow abbey co. offaly conservation plan - Offaly County Council

durrow abbey co. offaly conservation plan - Offaly County Council


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585 – 597AD<br />

Seventh century<br />

Ninth century<br />

Twelfth century<br />

c.1186<br />

c. 1213/1214<br />

1570<br />

1540s<br />

1553<br />

c.1561<br />

1574<br />

1712<br />

1733<br />

1802<br />

1815<br />

1829<br />

1831<br />

1832<br />

1837<br />

1839, January<br />

1843, January<br />

1854<br />

18??<br />

1888<br />

1899<br />

1899-1922<br />

1913<br />

1914<br />

1923, May<br />

Foundation of monastery at Durrow by St. Columcille<br />

Book of Durrow written<br />

High Cross of Durrow created<br />

Foundation of Augustinian priory of St. Mary<br />

Construction of motte at Durrow by Hugh de Lacy<br />

Re-<strong>co</strong>nstruction of castle at Durrow by the English<br />

Monastery of Durrow dissolved by Henry VIII.<br />

The lands of Durrow regranted to the prior of the now dissolved monastery,<br />

Contan O’Molloy, on a 21 year lease.<br />

Contan O’Molloy was killed. (Obits of Kil<strong>co</strong>rmac)<br />

The lands of Durrow were leased to Nicholas Herber t<br />

Nicholas Herber t received full grant of the proper ty, succeeded by Richard and<br />

in turn by George, the Third Baronet.<br />

George Herber t, Third Baronet died. His sister Frances Herber t, married to<br />

MajorPatrick Fox, succeeded to estate.<br />

Ac<strong>co</strong>rding to the ac<strong>co</strong>unt of the diocese made by Bishop Mant, the church was out<br />

of repair ‘but ye said Mrs Fox pulled it down and rebuilt it at her own expense.’<br />

The estate of Durrow Abbey passed to Herber t Rawson Stepney. The church a<br />

venerable structure, was repaired in 1802, by a gift of £450, and a loan of £50,<br />

from the Board of First Fruits; and <strong>co</strong>ntains monuments to the Stepney and Armstrong<br />

families. (Lewis’ Topographical Dictionary, 1837)<br />

Proper ty sold to John Toler, First Lord Norbury.<br />

Drawings prepared by architect, William Murray for embellishing and extending<br />

Durrow House.<br />

Hector John Toler succeeded as Earl of Norbury.<br />

Barony of Norbury passed to Hector John Norbury.<br />

Plans for a larger <strong>co</strong>untry house in a Gothic Revival style prepared.<br />

A new mansion house being built at Durrow Abbey house similar in style to<br />

Pain’s Castle Bernard (Kinnitty Castle) built a few years earlier but not as grand.<br />

(Lewis’ Topographical Dictionary, 1837) Following <strong>co</strong>mpletion of the new building<br />

in 1837 the house (Durrow Park) was renamed Durrow Abbey.<br />

Hector John Toler assassinated. Work to house probably stopped. Eulogy given<br />

by Lord Oxmantown of Birr stated that ‘He was in he act of building a splendid<br />

residence, to be permanent residence of his family, and <strong>co</strong>nsequently the center<br />

of a great expenditure...’<br />

Durrow House burnt and demolished<br />

The Countess of Norbury owned the <strong>abbey</strong> by 1854. At the time there were<br />

two gatehouses occupied by Mary Reilly and William Lyons. Total acerage of<br />

the demesne was 605 acres 1rd. 16per. Remains of a row of houses in the high<br />

wood.<br />

Estate passed to Hector Rober t Toler.<br />

Durrow <strong>abbey</strong> church abandoned and new church built on another site.<br />

Hector Rober t Toler died. Otway Scarlett Toler succeeded to Estate.<br />

House <strong>co</strong>mpleted with a four storey gabled break front, with entrance hall at<br />

ground level. Doric por te <strong>co</strong>chere built at front.<br />

Cemetery closed by order of the local government board.<br />

Reference to new avenue and new terraces being built by Toler at Durrow.<br />

Durrow Abbey house burned down.<br />


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