Community Standards - Sun City Anthem

Community Standards - Sun City Anthem Community Standards - Sun City Anthem


Tennis Look on the Tennis Club bulletin board at the tennis courts or in your email for club event details. Our club time is from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. year-round for 5 days each week Tuesday through Saturday on 6 of 8 courts (courts #1 and #2 are open to all residents). Members can enjoy playing either doubles or singles. All courts are subject to a signin procedure during the busy morning hours to ensure fair court usage when people are waiting. Note: Wednesday club time is designated as Ladies Round-Robin Day when ladies can meet for round-robin play. During non-club time, the tennis courts are for the use of all SCA residents and their guests and the guest policy requires that residents must accompany their guests and guests must be at least 14 years old. Information about the club can be found at our website: Information about joining the club can also be found at the Fitness Center. Monthly club meetings are the first Wednesday of the month, 4:00 p.m. at the Anthem Center. Dues are $5.00 per year. Please leave membership information and check, made payable to SCA Tennis Club, in the Tennis Club mailbox at the Anthem Center office. Need a string job? Call Tom Soong at 837-2605. Travel The Travel Club will not be having formal meetings during July and August. However, we anticipate having a social event during this period. Our normal meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Anthem Center. Some of our members have made reservations for trips that have come to our attention. Bob and Diane Collins are hosting a 10 night cruise to the Mexican Riviera and Sea of Cortez during February 2008. Also, some members are taking hosted bus trips to various locations within the Southwest. Our meetings include an opportunity for members to talk about trips that they have recently taken or are planning for the future. For more information, contact Jim Mackie at 617-8626. Women’s Complete information on all Women’s Club activities can also be found on our website, If you are a member of the Women’s Club and are not receiving the club’s monthly newsletter, The Chatter, please send your correct email address to Women’s Club 2008 Board Nominations. The co-chairwomen of the Women’s Club Nominating Committee are looking for active, fun seeking and dedicated women to volunteer to be nominated for a Board position for the 2008 Women’s Club Board. The Board has the following positions: President Elect; Recording Secretary; Corresponding Secretary; Treasurer; Charity Director; Activity Director; Membership Director; Director of Coordinators; Publicity and Media Director; Charity Raffles Director; Facilities Director and greeters director. Some of these positions are shared by two co-officers and Co-Directors. Those interested must submit their name by July 15. If you would like additional information or want to submit your name please contact Co- Chairwomen, Kay Frank, or 505-9959 or Kathy Matson, or 373-9039. Join the Women’s Club in July for savings!! New members who join the Women’s Club from July through December will pay only $10 though the end of 2007. This gives our new residents a chance to enjoy our exciting programs scheduled in the fall. Charity Opportunity! Register with Albertson’s Community Partners Program at Click on “In the Community” link, then click on the “See also: Community Partners” link. By registering your card number, shopping at Albertson’s will benefit both HACA and Nathan Adelson Hospice. Village Activities: Arroyo Vista: Tuesday, August 1, 1:00 p.m., Bingo Bash at the home of Claudia Stebbins. Canyon Crest: Friday, July 20, “Ladies of Leisure” afternoon from 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. A surprise activity will be planned and those who are adventurous are invited to attend. Call Fran Gardberg at 914-6863 to RSVP by July 13. Desert Sky: Wednesday, July 18, Pot Luck, Independence Hall, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Contact Irene Pasquale, 553-1992. Ridgecrest: Wednesday, August 29, 2007, Ms. Senior Nevada Pageant, Suncoast Hotel & Casino, 1:00 p.m. Cost is $10. Contact Virginia Requa at 263-6761 or for more information. 9-5ers/Working Women: Saturday, July 14, Florentine Tea at Firenze Lobby Lounge, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Lake Las Vegas, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Call Stella Giordano 492-9923. Save The Date! Thursday, September 6, Bingo and Lunch!! Event will be held in Independence Center with sign up deadline on Sunday, September 2, 2007. Reservations will be taken in advance for those leaving for the summer. Members $20, non-members $25. More information in future issues of the Spirit. 42 Sun City Anthem • July 2007

Contact the coordinators below for activity and village information: Spare Timers (Bowling): Irene Pasquale 553-1992, Foresomes (Golf): Terry Tewes 914-2222, 9-5ers/Working Women: Stella Giordano 492-9923, Village Friends: Arroyo Vista: Helen Huff 365-9064,, Barb Draper 294-4157,; Big Sky: Linda Krivec 260-3534,; Black Mountain: Pat Fleury 270-0215,; Debbie Evans 492-0983,; Canyon Crest: Fran Gardberg 914-6863,; Desert Sky: Joan Prince 889-8221,; Mary Lee Duley 433-5554, Golf Mesa: Loretta Lacenere 269-9626,; Gayola Borzick 407- 4121,; Pinnacle: Mary Lou Smith 614- 5380,; Ridgecrest: Pat Carrell 260- 3383,; Shadow Canyon: Claudia Brown, 407-1920,; Marilyn Doran 556-1053,; also; Southridge: Karen Etienne 407- 2988,; Ema Strasner 270-9825,; Tall Mesa/Meadow Vista: Elly Roberts 260-7274,; Shirley Zeiner 492-1150, We are looking for women interested in organizing events for their village. If your village does not have a coordinator and you would like to help, please contact Nina Nowicki 896-3331, Women’s Golf August is a great time to come out and enjoy the low, low rates and wide open fairways.. Play early and often, but be sure to take plenty of water. Revere provides bottled water for all golfers; pick some up before you hit the first tee. Try freezing a wet cloth in a plastic bag the night before you play. It provides cool relief for the face and neck as the day goes on. August Ladies Days start with a 7:30 a.m. shotgun. Please note: We play on Monday on August 6th then Tuesday, on 8/14 and 8/21. Tuesday, August 28 is the first Revere Invitational open to all players. The cost is $75 per person and the format will be 1-2-3 Jokers Wild. It is a fun day with a great lunch at Buckman’s and lots of raffle prizes. Pick up an application in the Club House! Woodchips Woodchips general membership meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Independence Center. The general meeting date is the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in Independence Center. The August shop hours are: Thurs - Sat 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Interested in woodworking? We have many talented people who will be happy to assist you with your desired project. Bookshelves, pull out drawers, patio furniture, spice racks, a poker table and a knife holder are just a few of the many projects we have completed recently. Woodchips Woodworking Club dues are $25.00 for the year and a $5.00 materials fee for training. Training is mandatory on all equipment you want to use so experience is unnecessary as you will be shown the safe and correct way to operate the machinery. Contact Chuck Luckey @897-2089 or stop by the shop during open hours to become a member. Sun City Anthem • July 2007 43

Contact the coordinators below for activity and village information:<br />

Spare Timers (Bowling): Irene Pasquale 553-1992,<br /> Foresomes (Golf): Terry Tewes<br />

914-2222, 9-5ers/Working Women:<br />

Stella Giordano 492-9923, Village<br />

Friends: Arroyo Vista: Helen Huff 365-9064,,<br />

Barb Draper 294-4157,; Big Sky: Linda<br />

Krivec 260-3534,; Black<br />

Mountain: Pat Fleury 270-0215,;<br />

Debbie Evans 492-0983,; Canyon Crest:<br />

Fran Gardberg 914-6863,; Desert<br />

Sky: Joan Prince 889-8221,; Mary Lee<br />

Duley 433-5554, Golf Mesa: Loretta<br />

Lacenere 269-9626,; Gayola Borzick 407-<br />

4121,; Pinnacle: Mary Lou Smith 614-<br />

5380,; Ridgecrest: Pat Carrell 260-<br />

3383,; Shadow Canyon: Claudia Brown,<br />

407-1920,; Marilyn Doran 556-1053,<br />; also;<br />

Southridge: Karen Etienne 407- 2988,;<br />

Ema Strasner 270-9825,; Tall<br />

Mesa/Meadow Vista: Elly Roberts 260-7274,;<br />

Shirley Zeiner 492-1150,<br />

We are looking for women interested in organizing events for<br />

their village. If your village does not have a coordinator and<br />

you would like to help, please contact<br />

Nina Nowicki 896-3331,<br />

Women’s Golf<br />

August is a great time to come out and enjoy the low, low<br />

rates and wide open fairways.. Play early and often, but be sure<br />

to take plenty of water. Revere provides bottled water for all<br />

golfers; pick some up before you hit the first tee. Try freezing<br />

a wet cloth in a plastic bag the night before you play. It provides<br />

cool relief for the face and neck as the day goes on.<br />

August Ladies Days start with a 7:30 a.m. shotgun. Please<br />

note: We play on Monday on August 6th then Tuesday, on<br />

8/14 and 8/21. Tuesday, August 28 is the first Revere<br />

Invitational open to all players. The cost is $75 per person and<br />

the format will be 1-2-3 Jokers Wild. It is a fun day with a<br />

great lunch at Buckman’s and lots of raffle prizes. Pick up an<br />

application in the Club House!<br />

Woodchips<br />

Woodchips general membership meetings are held the<br />

second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m.<br />

in the Independence Center.<br />

The general meeting date is the<br />

second Thursday of each<br />

month at 7:00 p.m. in<br />

Independence Center. The<br />

August shop hours are: Thurs - Sat 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.<br />

Interested in woodworking? We have many talented people<br />

who will be happy to assist you with your desired project.<br />

Bookshelves, pull out drawers, patio furniture, spice racks, a<br />

poker table and a knife holder are just a few of the many projects<br />

we have completed recently.<br />

Woodchips Woodworking Club dues are $25.00 for the year<br />

and a $5.00 materials fee for training. Training is mandatory on<br />

all equipment you want to use so experience is unnecessary as<br />

you will be shown the safe and correct way to operate the<br />

machinery. Contact Chuck Luckey @897-2089 or stop by the<br />

shop during open hours to become a member.<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • July 2007 43

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