EURADA News no. 288

EURADA News no. 288

EURADA News no. 288


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ANNEX 1 – p. 1<br />


The 2008 working programme of the European Commission is structured around 2 types of<br />

initiatives : the strategic initiatives (12) and priority initiatives (48).<br />

Regarding the major fields of interest of RDAs, we identified the following list with eight<br />

initiatives :<br />

• White Paper on Adaptation to Climate Change<br />

• Green Paper on European territorial cohesion<br />

• Communication « Small Business Act (SBA) for Europe »<br />

• Communication and Action Plan on Sustainable Industrial Policy (SIP)<br />

• Sustainable Production and Consumption (SPC) Action Plan<br />

• Green Paper on developing agricultural product quality policy<br />

• Council Regulation – Review of the Less Favoured Areas Scheme<br />

• Communication on anticipating and managing change<br />

Also <strong>no</strong>teworthy is that the European Commission will continue its work for the adoption of a<br />

general block exemption regulation under the legislation on regional aid in favour of SMEs,<br />

R&D, environment, employment and training.<br />

The following is a brief description of the challenges as well as the roadmap for each of the<br />

initiatives that have come to our attention.<br />

Brief description of the initiatives<br />

White Paper on<br />

Adaptation to<br />

Climate Change<br />

Policy statement covering measures to ensure adaptation to climate<br />

change in a broad range of areas fundamental to the EU way of life<br />

(e.g. industry, agriculture, energy, fisheries, forestry, tourism, social<br />

policy), reduce their vulnerability, increase their resilience to the<br />

inevitable negative impacts of climate change and anticipate and<br />

accompany those changes.<br />

The objective is to avoid significant effects on human health,<br />

biodiversity and habitats, and on EU citizens' quality of life. Measures<br />

in the White Paper will also imply changes in existing Community<br />

policies.<br />

Green Paper on European<br />

territorial cohesion<br />

The objectives of this action are:<br />

• to analyse from an institutional, political and operational<br />

perspective the way in which Member States understand and<br />

apply the concept of territorial cohesion. This work will be mainly<br />

based on questionnaires and analysis of operational programmes.<br />

• to provide a common definition of the concept and to propose<br />

possible tools for a better integration of this territorial dimension<br />

in the Structural funds and in some sectoral policies having a<br />

territorial impact.<br />

• to initiate an in-depth dialogue between Member States and the<br />


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