SSM: Poster Presentation

SSM: Poster Presentation

SSM: Poster Presentation


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College of Medical and Dental Sciences<br />

Special Study Module: Conference <strong>Poster</strong> 2010-11<br />

Supervisor Guidelines<br />

Aims and learning objectives<br />

The aim of this project is for students to undertake an audit or service<br />

evaluation in a clinical setting and to present the audit and its outcome as a<br />

conference style poster.<br />

The poster is summatively assessed and students are required to achieve a<br />

pass before entering the final year of the MBChB.<br />

<strong>Presentation</strong>s will take place on Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 March 2011<br />

The audit/service evaluation should be meet a real need<br />

Although the primary purpose of this project is educational, it is clearly<br />

beneficial (both to the students and to you) if the audit they undertake is<br />

meaningful: i.e. meets a real need.<br />

Supervisors are therefore asked to identify one or more aspects of service<br />

provision that could usefully be audited or evaluated and which are<br />

appropriate to be carried out by students. Where more than one audit is<br />

offered to a student / pair of students, they will choose which one to<br />

undertake.<br />

Students are required to submit a 200 word abstract to the MBChB Office by<br />

Thursday 6 January 2011.<br />

Approval & access<br />

Different Trusts have varying requirements for approval of audits prior to their<br />

being undertaken and varying requirements for access to records.<br />

Supervisors are asked to facilitate student applications for approval and<br />

student access to records.<br />

Supervisor support<br />

The students should be expected to undertake the detailed work required for<br />

the audit and to take the major role in drawing and presenting conclusions,<br />

However, it is important to remember that they are inexperienced and they<br />

(and the audit) will benefit from an opportunity to discuss their ideas with you.<br />

Supervisors may therefore expect to meet with the student(s) on at least three<br />

occasions to discuss:<br />

the structure of the audit / service evaluation and the criteria against which<br />

the service is being measured;<br />

the findings of the audit /service evaluation and the conclusions that can be<br />

drawn;<br />

the presentation of audit and its outcome in the form of a conference poster.<br />

In all of these aspects, although students will benefit from your guidance, it is<br />

important that they motivate themselves to engage intellectually with the issues and<br />

undertake the work professionally and with enthusiasm.<br />

M4-SSP-Y10<br />

Supervisor Guidelines

If it is feasible and you feel it is appropriate, you can expect the students to present<br />

the audit to the medical team / staff in the Unit<br />

<strong>Presentation</strong> and Assessment<br />

<strong>Presentation</strong>s take place on Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 March 2011.<br />

Students are required to give a 10 minute presentation on their poster and will be<br />

assessed on the basis of the poster, the verbal presentation and their ability to<br />

answer assessor questions. The formal assessment of poster presentations will be<br />

based on:<br />

1. the quality and clarity of the poster presentation (30%)<br />

2. the relevance, originality and correctness of the subject matter (30%)<br />

3. the ability of the student(s) to explain and defend their findings (40%)<br />

Students are required to obtain an overall mark of 50 to pass the module.<br />

M4-SSP-Y10<br />

Supervisor Guidelines

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