Midstream Newsletter DRAFT April 2013.pub - Claremont Yacht Club

Midstream Newsletter DRAFT April 2013.pub - Claremont Yacht Club

Midstream Newsletter DRAFT April 2013.pub - Claremont Yacht Club


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The Official Publicaon of <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> (Inc.)<br />

APRIL 2013<br />

Sail Courses New Member Report Jetty Maintenance Report<br />

New Courses here at CYC p19 Welcoming the new members to CYC p15 Finger Jetties, Mooring piles p10

Front Page: ‘Warlord’ - Skipper Peter Robertson.

<strong>Club</strong> Trading Hours<br />

Office<br />

Monday - Friday<br />

9am to 5pm<br />

Members Bar<br />

Monday/Tuesday/Thursday<br />

4pm - 8pm<br />

Wednesday and Friday<br />

4pm onwards<br />

Saturday and Sunday<br />

11.30am- 8pm<br />

Restaurant Hours<br />

Wednesday Twilight Buffet<br />

7pm onwards<br />

Friday Night Veranda Menu<br />

6:30pm onwards<br />

Saturday Lunch Veranda Menu<br />

11:30am onwards<br />

Contact Us<br />

4 Victoria Avenue, <strong>Claremont</strong> WA 6010<br />

PO Box 11, <strong>Claremont</strong> WA 6910<br />

Phone: (08) 9384 8226 Fax: (08) 9384 9990<br />

Email: recepon@claremontyachtclub.org.au<br />

Website: www.claremontyachtclub.org.au<br />


10 Jey Maintenance and<br />

Construcon Report<br />

17 Upcoming Events at CYC<br />


4-5 Commodore’s Report<br />

6-7 Vice Commodore’s Vice Column<br />

8-9 Funcons Corner<br />

12-13 A Word from the Manager<br />

15 Membership Report<br />

16-17 Out and About<br />

Laser States, Tackers Program<br />

18-20 Power Secon<br />

21 Blowin in the wind Recap<br />

22 Sail Report<br />

23 New Sailing Courses at CYC<br />

24 Dinghy Report<br />

26 The Archive Crew<br />

27-29 Member’s Services Directory


Dominic Papaluca reports:<br />

My fellow members,<br />

We’ve had some magnificent boang weather during March and so far in <strong>April</strong>. I’ve been compeng in quite a few<br />

offshore sailing events, so I haven’t been around the club as much as usual lately. I hope you’ve been taking<br />

advantage of this glorious Autumn weather – although who knows what “ol’ Huey” will serve up (weather-wise) by<br />

the me you get this report!<br />

The half yearly meeng of members has come and gone. It was a fairly reduced turnout – but we had a quorum –<br />

which is the main thing. I put the “no-shows” down to the fact that the Treasurer and I followed the constuon to<br />

the leer – and got our reports out two weeks before the meeng – so I gather you could all work out for yourself<br />

that the club is in a healthy financial posion.<br />

Finance<br />

The General Commiee has been squirreling money away so that we have a reasonable buffer to allow us to launch<br />

into the building of H Jey and prepare ourselves for the possible repair of A-West Jey (hopefully, these won’t<br />

occur at the same me!). As menoned previously, the “use by date” of A-West has been esmated at 2017. We<br />

are basing our calculaons on that. All things considered – the club is in a healthy financial posion. The January to<br />

June period usually poses some financial challenges for us – mainly reduced funcon revenue – however, our<br />

General Manager and Funcons Manager have plans to migate any losses in this respect. The signs so far are<br />

good.<br />

Capital Works Program<br />

We are just waing on the demolion approval and the Coage will be gone; the upstairs ladies toilets are next on<br />

the list and then we can have a good look at the downstairs toilets/change-rooms. We have been liaising with the<br />

Swan River Trust regarding the H Jey approval…but have not received final approval at this stage…we are waing<br />

for them to get back to us at this point.<br />

Sail Commiee<br />

We currently have a “two-speed” sailing division. On the one-hand, parcipaon (whilst sll over 50%) in Saturday<br />

racing has declined…and the drop off in Wednesday twilights has declined even further. On the other hand, our<br />

training division is growing faster than expected. We are currently running Saturday morning classes for Adults in<br />

the 420 dinghies you see parked outside – this is providing a steady stream of crew for the keelboats. Also, our<br />

junior training division is really taking of – since the introducon of the “Tackers Program”. If you have kids (or<br />

know people with children from 7 years up) who might be interested in having a go, contact the Office and Dean<br />

Caple will book them in. This has been a real credit to Dean and his helpers. We think that this “boom up”<br />

approach will feed our fleets well into the future.<br />

Dinghy Commiee<br />

The Dinghy secon has also been kicking goals. We hosted the Laser State Titles and also the Laser Metro State<br />

tles this year. These events came to us as a result of the Dinghy secon doing such a good job of the Metro series.<br />

The Laser fleet at our club is sll going from strength to strength, and I think with John Rasmussen’s and Dean<br />

Caple’s input – along with their acve commiees, the future of sailing at CYC is safe.<br />

Power Commiee<br />

The Power season is almost upon us, I am really looking forward to what Peter Wilkinson and his team have in store<br />

this year. They have already demonstrated that they are taking a fresh approach to power events – beginning with<br />

me-trialing. If you haven’t done it before (or you have tried it but fell by the wayside) have a look at what they<br />

have planned…I’m sure you’ll be impressed.

Table of Projects Under Consideraon<br />

No Project Comment Value Funding OH&S Fin.<br />

Memb<br />

Maint<br />

Aesthec<br />

Contr.<br />

Benefit<br />


1 H Jey Applicaon<br />

Applicaon submied<br />

$50K Internal<br />

X<br />

X<br />

2012<br />

Dec 2012<br />

Funding<br />

6 H Jey Building<br />

Pending acquial of<br />

$3.5M<br />

Mix of<br />

X<br />

X<br />

Program 2012<br />

requirements (yet to be<br />

internal &<br />

advised) by SRT<br />

external<br />

8 Carpark Stage 2 May be required to<br />

sasfy SRT<br />

11 A West Jey 2007 Stabilisaon should<br />

2017<br />

hold unl 2017.<br />

Increased the cost<br />

esmate to $1.2M<br />


TBA Internal X X X X<br />

$1.2M Internal X X X X<br />

2 Mens Change<br />

Create some extra room<br />

Under<br />

Internal X X X X<br />

Rooms<br />

(which was reduced by<br />

$10K<br />

office upgrade)<br />

inallly<br />

3 Coage Demo & site Council paperwork needs $20K Internal X X<br />

rehab<br />

to be re-wrien (their<br />

fault not ours) then can<br />

go ahead<br />

4 Upper Ladies Toilets Embarrassing Condion TBA Internal X X X X<br />

compared to mens’<br />

5 Lower Toilets Poor Condion TBA Internal X X X X<br />

7 Carpark Stage 1 Reclaim Slipway and<br />

resurface that area<br />

9 Security Gate Quotes in hand. Timing<br />

is the issue, carpark<br />

refurb etc<br />

10 Enclosed Staircase Cost greater than<br />

benefits unless<br />

membership increases<br />

first. There may be a<br />

beer way of doing this<br />

as part of upstairs<br />

upgrade.<br />

TBA Internal X X<br />

$18K Internal X X<br />

TBA Internal X X X X<br />

Summary<br />

The club connues to build on its strong financial posion. We are ready to tackle H-Jey (when it is<br />

approved) and the future is looking bright for CYC. Unl next me, I wish you all fair winds, and good<br />

fortune.<br />

Dominic Papaluca<br />



PETER MAYHEW reports:<br />

Hi again!<br />

It was good to catch up with many of you at the half yearly meeng the other week and my apologies if I did not<br />

get a chance to speak to you all.<br />

Some of you may know that fishing is close to my heart and I can oen be found tying a lure or gearing up ready for<br />

the next fishing trip. This me of year we oen find juvenile salmon in the river and up and down the shoreline<br />

giving an excellent opportunity to catch a few “king sized herring”<br />

The breeding ground of the salmon is roughly the Esperance to Albany area and as cooler waters replace the warm<br />

currents of the Perth summer, large schools invade the metro area and congregate around Ronest Island in huge<br />

numbers.<br />

The herring and Australian salmon are not really true herring or salmon and it is believed that they were named by<br />

early selers aer the fish they most resembled. Rather than being a true salmon, they are actually a member of<br />

the sea perch family and the WA and east coast fish are apparently different species!<br />

Juvenile salmon so closely resemble a herring that the only real way of telling them apart is through their eyes.<br />

Herring have a much larger eye than a salmon which is quite small in comparison to most fish.<br />

How to catch them!<br />

I have found that trolling cheap metal lures or shallow running minnows around reefy ground is a good way, and I<br />

always use berley to get them feeding. Larger fish can also be caught casng unweighted mulies into the wash<br />

however I find using mulies messy and oen me consuming.<br />

There is nothing like flicking a metal lure!<br />

The peak ocean fishing me around Perth is from March to June when large schools of 3-6kg fish take up residence<br />

around reefs from Rockingham to Ronest in parcular. Spots to try include Coventry Reef near Rockingham and<br />

Fish Hook Bay at Ronest’s West End.<br />

Well we did not get a winner last month, Rob the Boson guessed again but unfortunately as you are not a club<br />

member (and you don’t drink) you are not eligible for a bole of wine!<br />

The Item was a close up picture of the vent on a Waeco fridge!


I have made this month’s quiz easier for you all!<br />

Remember the pictures are always from items that you might find around your boat!<br />

If you think you know what it might be, please send your answers to Cass by email:<br />

recepon@claremontyachtclub.org.au …… and we will publish the answer and winner next month, so good luck!!!<br />

Ooh!" said the presenter, looking at a pair of stuffed German<br />

Shepherds.<br />

"This is a very rare set, produced by the celebrated Johns<br />

Brothers, taxidermists who operated in London at the turn<br />

of last century.<br />

Do you have any idea what they would fetch if they were in<br />

good condion?" asked the owner<br />

"Scks?" the presenter said.


JENIFFER TROLLIP reports:<br />

Hello everyone, I hope you had a safe and wonderful long Easter weekend!<br />

Penfolds Recap<br />

I would just like to recap on a magnificent event; our exclusive<br />

Penfolds Wine Night that the club hosted on the 8th March - it<br />

was such an amazing success!! We had a full house of members<br />

aending, and I would just like to say that it was a wonderful<br />

experience, with much learnt about Penfolds and their beauful<br />

range. The Penfolds booklets are currently sll displayed in the<br />

bar so please be sure to grab one next me you are in.<br />

Below are a few comments from some of the guests below who<br />

aended the evening:<br />

“Thank you for organising a lovely meal for me on Friday. It was a real treat to be confident that the meal<br />

was Gluten Free. The whole night was exceponal and we thoroughly enjoyed being at the <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.”<br />

- Claire Nockolds<br />

“Hi Jennifer, Thank you for a very enjoyable evening on Friday last. Our other guests won the $300 display<br />

box of Penfolds wines! I might add, both couples are Freshie members and all enjoyed the hospitality @<br />

CYC.”<br />

- Paulee Savage<br />

On that note we would like to say congratulaons to Lalka Adams who<br />

won the big Penfold price worth $300.00 Presented by Vince Salpietro<br />

from Grandciu wines. Enjoy!!<br />

Members Funcons<br />

I would just like to say thank you to all the members that support the club with their special funcons; its<br />

wonderful to see your support and know we are also helping you achieve an amazing funcon!<br />

I also have been able to get to know a few of you and its been such a great pleasure to work with you.<br />


Let us help organize your next funcon. From corporate<br />

meengs for your company to your birthday,<br />

anniversary, engagement, wedding or any other special<br />

event, we can re-assure you that it will be a day you will<br />

never forget. Short noce bookings welcomed (subject<br />

to availability).

Staff Wine Training<br />

Just recently, on Tuesday evening, 2nd <strong>April</strong> 2013, our staff aended a wine training night at Vince<br />

Salpietro’s private cellar in Liquor Barrons Cellar, Mount Lawley.<br />

All the staff of the <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> had the amazing opportunity to taste and learn about the new wine list that<br />

is coming soon.<br />

I don’t want to give away to much but its an excing list that will cater for all taste and delights.<br />

Fawlty Towers<br />

You’ve loved them for decades, now the legendary Basil Fawlty, Sybil and Manuel are coming to serve you<br />

at <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.<br />

Saturday the 11th of May is set to be an absolutely amazing day - with not only the Power Open Day and<br />

first me trial of the season, but also a hilarious evening brought to you by the cast of the Fawlty Towers<br />

Tribute Show. Fresh from the UK, the Naonal tour of the very popular and internaonally acclaimed<br />

Fawlty Towers dinner theatre is coming to Australia, and we’re one of the few venues where you’ll be<br />

able to see it. Performed as you dine, Fawlty Towers – The Dinner Show is a spectacular tribute to the<br />

iconic Brish sitcom and you’re not going to want to miss it. The cast of highly acclaimed professional equity<br />

actors have perfected the character’s mannerisms to a tee and use a high energy mix of unparalleled<br />

improvisaon and perfect comedy ming to deliver a fast paced and delicious evening of unforgeable<br />

entertainment.<br />

Goa Cuisine Night<br />

On Friday 12th <strong>April</strong>, <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> will be hosng special guests Karen Assumpon and Valenne<br />

D’Souza, whom will present a three course meal of selected delights from the fascinang and divers region<br />

of Goa in India. This is a totally unique culinary experience, and an evening not to be missed! Get<br />

your bookings in ASAP to Cassie on 9384 8226 or email: recepon@claremontyachtclub.org.au. Each<br />

guests will receive a gi for aending the evening and there will also be a raffle on the night. At $45 per<br />

person; how could you go wrong!? Please note there will be no veranda menu on the night.<br />

Mothers Day<br />

This year we will be holding a Lunch for Mother’s Day, please see page 14 for further details. The menu<br />

will be emailed in our Monday Newsleer shortly, so keep an eye out for it.<br />

Thank you and have a wonderful month!



Midweek visitors to the club this summer will have noced that major maintenance works are connuing on our<br />

jey infrastructure thanks to Bosun Rob Depiazzi. Between major undertakings like rebuilding C jey, our first<br />

priority for Rob is jey maintenance which has been keeping us all very busy.<br />

Finger Jees<br />

Finger jees have been replaced or rebuilt at A13,<br />

A 18, AW 3 and we have built three more for<br />

replacement on A South.<br />

Mooring Piles<br />

Our pens on A South were installed in the early 80’s<br />

and were the first steel piles used as mooring and<br />

finger jey piles. Unfortunately pile protecon was<br />

neglected for many years unl our commiee was<br />

formed nearly 10 years ago.<br />

During that decade parcular aenon was given to<br />

damage which mooring line weights have done to<br />

many piles from constant contact as well as<br />

corrosion around the wave and dal area around<br />

the piles. As a result, the use of weights was banned and piles were protected with anodes, paint and dal zone<br />

protecon. Piles were cleaned and painted and regular inspecons maintained with anodes being replaced yearly<br />

as required.<br />

In our latest inspecon we noted that the original piles needed further work and that the rising water levels have<br />

lied the dal corrosion zone. Many of these piles have required half plates or full collars to be welded to prolong<br />

the pile life and all steel piles have had dal zone protecon lied an addional 400 mm. The newer E jey had the<br />

higher protecon already. Piles are also treated and wrapped with special plasc lining.<br />

Before Treatment<br />

Aer Treang and Wrapping<br />

To do this work we have needed to<br />

remove the boat fenders that many<br />

pen holders have fied and, providing<br />

they are of an approved material i.e.<br />

not carpet, they can be refied. You<br />

can liaise directly with Bosun Rob who<br />

will assist with refing.<br />

Without this ongoing maintenance<br />

our steel piles would have failed, with<br />

enormous financial and property<br />

consequences, so we are pleased at<br />

the progress and thank pen holders<br />

for their paence and understanding.<br />

Future Projects<br />

The design for H jey is complete and we are working with the authories to get approvals to commence this<br />

important addion which we expect to receive before the end of the year. Members aending the recent Half<br />

Yearly General Meeng were advised of progress in these plans including financial consideraons.<br />

Minor work connues on A West to keep it going for as long as possible, enabling us to build up sufficient funds for<br />

replacement which will be necessary within the next 10 years.


DOUG HANNAFORD reports:<br />

Aer months of negoaon and administraon, this month I take great<br />

delight in introducing a new generaon of restaurant and entertainment<br />

pleasure!<br />

Great Food<br />

I am excited to welcome aboard Gavin Wright who has been tantalising<br />

members and funcon-goers alike with his extraordinary personalised food<br />

experiences. Gavin came highly recommended aer long career spells at<br />

Heyder and Shears and the Windsor Hotel and most importantly he has<br />

experienced the unique flavour of club life at The University <strong>Club</strong> at UWA.<br />

Gavin’s insights and his engagement with the food industry bring more than<br />

just great food. He is keenly aware of good value in food purchasing and<br />

staff management and is already engaged in reviewing many of our facilies and pracces.<br />

As members I would urge you to help Gavin to work his magic for you by booking as early as possible.<br />

Even a couple of days noce makes a big difference in food ordering and staffing which go hand in hand in<br />

producing value and service.<br />

Great Wine<br />

Another big welcome goes out to one of Perth’s foremost wine enes Vince Salpietro who has agreed to<br />

become Wine Sommelier to <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>. Vince already manages cellars and wine selecons for<br />

many high profile people in our neighbourhood and along ‘the Terrace’ and I believe his parcipaon is<br />

an extraordinary coup. Likewise he is very excited to be involved in bringing our relavely blank wine<br />

canvas to maturity and with it, I believe, a major influx of social members and funcon aendees.<br />

Vince has already been instrumental in holding the release of the 2013 Penfolds Bin Series at <strong>Claremont</strong><br />

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, which sold out in just a week – something of a record I believe. He has also been involved in<br />

training our staff in service, general wine knowledge and the art of food pairing.

Within the next week or two Vince will roll out a new wine list at the club, generously using his great<br />

buying power as MD of one “Grand Cru Wines”, one of Perth’s leading private wine outlets. Some of the<br />

potenal benefits to us include his provision of higher volume wines at beer prices and presge wines<br />

which would not ordinarily be available to relavely low volume outlets such as ours.<br />

Vince’s involvement also brings his experience to train our staff and to bring the members along on an<br />

educaonal journey to complete the dining experience. I invite you to embrace this romanc experience<br />

by trying some new wines at prices equivalent to our current structure or to let your hair down within our<br />

Presge Range which now includes the world famous Penfolds Grange.<br />

Tasng notes will be included in the new wine list to assist you in this new journey.<br />

In the Press<br />

“Vince Salpietro is the third generaon manager of Western Australia’s oldest family-owned liquor retailer.<br />

Vince recently launched a new division of the business called Grand Cru Wineshop & Cellar specifically catering<br />

to corporate and high profile clients. Vince’s profound knowledge and experse stems from a real<br />

passion for wine and the wine industry, and a strong network of suppliers both naonal and internaonal”<br />

Coming Events<br />

You will see elsewhere in this month’s <strong>Midstream</strong> an array of events at the club over coming months.<br />

Please note the following highlights.<br />

Goan Cuisine<br />

This Friday’s Goan Cuisine night brings to <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> the flavours of one of India’s most diverse<br />

regions. During its long history, Goa has been home to a broad range of religious and tradional<br />

influences, a long period of Portuguese development and more recently a laid-back bohemian lifestyle to<br />

travellers from all around the world.<br />

In what is a rare public offering your hosts on the night Karen Assumpon and Valenne d’Souza will bring<br />

you their own rendion of this sensory delight.<br />

Fawlty Towers<br />

A reminder to power boat owners that the hilarious Fawlty Towers night also celebrates the opening of<br />

the Power Boat season, so you will need to be quick to guarantee your experience of personalised service<br />

by Basil, Manuel and Sybil. All members and friends of the club are most welcome.


<strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> would like to say a big welcome to our new Members of the club for March!<br />

We hope you enjoy our facilies and relaxed atmosphere.


2013 Laser State Championships - March 2 - 4th<br />

Kids Tackers Program intro - March 17th

Commodore’s Cup 2013 - Winners Oliver Marshall and Crew in Dale ΙΙ<br />

<strong>April</strong> 12<br />

Goan Cuisine - A taste of India's<br />

most diverse cultural regions.<br />

May 11<br />

Fawlty Towers Dinner and<br />

Power Boat Opening Day<br />

May 12<br />

Mothers' Day Brunch<br />

- Family fun day<br />

June 14<br />

Wine Experience Compered by Ray Jordan with 3 guest speakers: winemakers<br />

from Cape Mentelle, Vasse Felix and Fogarty Wine Group<br />

July 27<br />

Commodore's Ball:<br />

Christmas in July -<br />

A Winter Wonderland


Peter Wilkinson reports:<br />

This is an insight to the possible future of Time Trialling in WA.<br />

While Bill McLeod was holidaying in Morton Bay Queensland in late 2012 he noced a large number of power boats with numbers<br />

aached to the front of their vessels, it looked as if they were compeng in some form of me trialing however he didn’t<br />

noce any check point boats on the course. Bill informed me of what he had seen so I contacted both the Royal Queensland<br />

<strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> and Southport <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong> to find out if what Bill had seen was in fact a Power Time trial. Bill was correct it was a<br />

navigaon event similar to our me trialling using GPS tracking and Timing where the competors nominate there boat speed<br />

and have a given start me. They travel over a set course and each mark is med to the second ( no check pointers needed),<br />

you only require a start boat to monitor the start and a boat to collect the transponders at the end of the event. The data is<br />

then uploaded to Tacktracker and results are produce instantly. I have since spoken to PCYC commiee members and will be<br />

taking the informaon to our next commiee meeng in February, hopeful this will be the future for me trialling in WA.<br />

A complete tracking solution for everyone<br />

Our goal at Tacktracker is to make tracking easy and accessible for everyone. We have the soluon for you whether you’re an<br />

individual sailor who wants to use a tracker to improve his/her sailing a coach who wants a new de- brief tool or club running<br />

regaas and now for Power Boaters. A navigaon Rally (Time Trialling) is a test of charng and boat handling skills as well as<br />

being great fun for all competors. Now with TACKTRACKER, running a Nav Rally (me Trial) is no longer a volunteer intensive<br />

operaon and everyone can join in and parcipate .At many places. Tacktracker has helped the club reinvigorate the sport<br />

geng more members compeng<br />

Nav Rally Setup<br />

To run Navigaon rally (me trial) with TackTracker<br />

1 Create your rally event ahead of me in Tack tracker, specifying<br />

the course as starng locaon followed by a series of bearings and<br />

distance to travel.<br />

2 Add “gates” or individual check points .Boats receive penales<br />

for each second they are early or late through a gate. You can add<br />

as many or few gates (checkpoints) as you wish.<br />

3 Complete the schedule, lisng each competor, their nominated<br />

speed and start me.<br />

The course setup dialog looks like this --->

The schedule dialog looks like this:<br />

With the rally definion in place you can publish the course to your competors

Nav Rally Operation<br />

On the day of the event, each competor is provided with a QStarz GPS logger configured for 1 second tracking interval, and<br />

competes as normal. At the conclusion of the rally , competors return there loggers to the organizers, who upload the track<br />

into TackTracker .On uploading TackTracker automacally computes the competors score awarding penalty points for each<br />

second early or late through each gate (check point)<br />

At the post-rally funcon there is no longer a long wait for results and a replay can be shown on the big screen for<br />

entertainment, Aerwards the rally may be published to the Tacktracker Cloud for competors and friends to review online<br />

As well, you can generate a report of the rally results for prinng. The report can also be copied and pasted into Excel<br />

Notes<br />

TackTracker computes all mes to millisecond resoluon and gate mes are interpolated between logged points for accurate<br />

scoring. Penalty points are awarded for each full second early or late- fraconal seconds do not contribute to the score.<br />

Tacktracker also allows you to configure the fixed penales awarded for missing the start or missing a gate and even change of<br />

speed.<br />

Consideraon Please<br />

Warning to all Power boat owners<br />

We have had complaints from our neighbours at RFBYC<br />

that some CYC Power boat owners have not shown due<br />

consideraon when passing there marina<br />

Please slow down and reduce the wash.<br />

Thank You<br />

Peter Wilkinson



Labor Day Long Weekend 2, 3, 4 March 2013<br />

I have not worked that hard for sailing in a long long me. Maybe back to the heady days of the Australia Day Regaas, when there<br />

was always a long weekend around the 26 th of January. In all honesty, this weekend showed off sailing at CYC that has not been<br />

seen in 10 years.<br />

Anyway, I was assigned the task of driving the Finish Boat and I thought it would be drive a team of race officers out and anchor<br />

where I was told to. Done and dusted. No, it wasn’t. The boat driving was there alright, but add to that, observer, videographer,<br />

sound signalman, flag puller. My original roster had me down to drive on Day 1 only but for reasons I am not sure off I was asked<br />

back on Days 2 and 3.<br />

Day 1, Race 1 was a nightmare as I got the boat into posion OK, but even aer 3 aempts was unable to hold anchor. Ann Caddick<br />

(my sister, aboard as a recorder) and I ended up with mud all over our clean white CYC shirts. I had to wrestle the Lloyd Anderson<br />

under motor to maintain the finish line in strong SW winds. For Race 2 we got some kind assistance from RC Dean Caple to get us<br />

locked into posion for the finish.<br />

Ann ended up wearing her sailing gloves any me she called on to set and retrieve the anchor for the weekend.<br />

I was asked to maintain a video log of the finishes. A backup of a backup of a backup. And blow me down the back checking for<br />

each race nearly always required a video review. Deb the Race Officer had a topsy-turvy me with some of my shots as I had inverted<br />

the camera in my aempts to prevent my big hands from breaking any thing. I had to hand it to the race officer and the recorders<br />

as they were able to write down and collate all the numbers that were announced during all the finish sequences.<br />

Overall, I was impressed with the organizaon and control needed to sail an event containing 9 races, over 3 days, with around 100<br />

competors.<br />

To all my fellow volunteers, congratulaons on a job well done.<br />

Rob Jeffery<br />

“FROM THE START BOX” - Sunday 17 th March 2013<br />

Two massive yacht race events in a month. First it was the WA Laser Assoc State Championships with 99 zippy centerboard dinghies<br />

over 9 races.<br />

This week we had around 50 keelboats and 10 Lasers compeng for CYC’s Commodore’s Cup. A simple course, based on the very<br />

first yacht race at CYC some 108 years ago.<br />

The Commodore’s Cup was first sailed for during the <strong>Claremont</strong> <strong>Yacht</strong> <strong>Club</strong>’s Centenary celebraons in 2005 and has been a popular<br />

invitaonal race ever since. Vising Class Fleets like Farr 9.2 and Red Witches join with cruisers from CYC, NYC, PFSYC, RPYC,<br />

RFBYC and the Old Gaffers Associaon.<br />

A superb SW wind plus a pleasant 29 degree day ensured a great day of sailing. With 3 cruiser fleets plus two class fleets and the<br />

CYC Lasers made for a very busy start box. We managed to remain on track despite having so many unfamiliar yachts to account<br />

for.<br />

Comm Dom was chasing the honour of his name on ‘his’ trophy and Wild Bull made a great start, leading Div 1 on the 2 nd circuit of<br />

the course. He got caught by the catamaran Whip It on the third circuit.<br />

The Farr 9.2 Elusive was impressive with its yellow and red kite leading the associaon around the course. In the Red Witch fleet<br />

Oliver Marshall on Dale 2 also lead around the first 2 legs of the course only to be overtaken by State Red Witch Champion John<br />

Rayner during the 3 rd leg. Nigel Paul led Mal Mckercher across the line in the Lasers.<br />

Ollie was rewarded for all his hard work by being awarded both the Commodore’s Cup (Overall result) and Deep Dene Trophy<br />

(CYC only result)


Dean Caple reports:<br />

Well the season is almost finished , with only 2 more twilights and 4 more races and the ANZAC Day race<br />

remaining, it seems like yesterday that we had opening day. The Commodores Cup was a great success with<br />

vising boats and associaons coming to race, thanks to all those who supported the day and the hard work put in<br />

by the sailing commiee and our club staff. For some of us who had the opportunity to see some of the unique<br />

applicaon of the rules of sailing by some vising yachts resulng in a few protests my recommendaon for next<br />

year it to study up on the rules so we can protest out some of these boats doing the wrong thing, protesng is a<br />

valid part of the sport and should be encouraged to keep people honest and make it fair for all, you may have by<br />

now picked up that I had one of those unique incidents with a boat on the Commodores Cup which le both Ma<br />

Read and I “Beyond Belief “ at the alleged incident, but I’m not bier or twisted about it at all, and will be making<br />

sure I know all the rules and have my red protest flag ready next me I sail at NYC.<br />

Our training courses have been going well which had had a posive spin off for both dinghy and keel boats with<br />

new sailors and crew. My plan is to increase the tempo of training for next season to have more people parcipang<br />

in sailing. We have also started the Tackers junior parcipaon sailing program, our first inial introducons<br />

went very well and allowed the club to recruit new instructors for the future. We have also developed a pool<br />

members who are now instructors.<br />

As I have previously menoned this is my last term as the Rear Commodore of Sailing, we need someone to step up<br />

and nominate for the posion, sailing at CYC is sll in a good posion and no different to any other club on the river,<br />

the sailing commiee and I have put a plan in place for the first your first season. We are also desperate for<br />

new people to volunteer to help us out, there is so much we could do but so few hands to make it work.<br />

Don’t forget the combined Keel Boat and Dinghy Prize night is on Saturday the 18th May, so mark it in your diary<br />

now, it is a great night and an opportunity to thanks all those people who work so hard to make sailing happen at<br />




John Rasmussen reports:<br />

February and March were busy months for the dinghy secon with CYC hosng the last of the Laser<br />

Metro Series races on February 17 th and then the Laser State Championships two weeks later. Aer more<br />

than 6 months of ancipaon and a few concerns about how we’d pull off a large, complex regaa,<br />

everything worked out well in the end. The races ran like clockwork, parking and marshalling caused no<br />

problems onshore and we even had a decent 10 – 15 knot wind to fill our sails. According to one young<br />

trophy winner, the regaa put CYC on the map!<br />

None of this (except the wind of course) would have been possible without the help of many volunteers<br />

inside and outside the club. Thank you all very much. The Dinghy Secon and the WA Laser Associaon<br />

are especially grateful to John Steinhardt for the use of his vessel as a start boat – a crical component in<br />

the regaa!<br />

Even as the sailing season winds down, the dinghy fleet connues to grow. The Tackers Programme is<br />

now sharing the bay with the Laser and Mirror sailors on a Sunday morning. Tackers is being run by a<br />

dedicated commiee separate to the Dinghy Commiee but has the full support of the dinghy secon.<br />

Several people commented on how great it is to see this programme take off and how useful the<br />

regenerated lawn immediately east of the club has been for Tackers acvies.<br />

I’d encourage all dinghy sailors to try and aend the end of season Sail Prize Night on May 18 th . If past<br />

years are any indicaon, it should be a fun night with great food and a few laughs.<br />

I wish all sailors the best of luck in their last races (anything can happen) and the Power Secon a<br />

successful me trialling season.<br />

John Rasmussen<br />

CYC Dinghies Needs Your Help!<br />

If you or anyone you know could possibly help with<br />

dinghy start dues on Sunday mornings from<br />

October unl <strong>April</strong> 2013/2014, please let the RC<br />

Dinghies (jdrasmussen2003@yahoo.com) or the<br />

office know. Benefits include:<br />

Race management training<br />

prior to the season!<br />

Free RST, First Aid and other<br />

courses as required!<br />

Complimentary food and coffee<br />

Great locaon and atmosphere<br />

You’re guaranteed to stay warmer and drier than in<br />

a sailing dinghy or rescue boat!

The Old Salts Group meet at CYC on the first Thursday morning of each month, where they<br />

volunteer their time to assist with maintenance duties around the <strong>Club</strong>. Scrumptious morning<br />

tea is provided . If you are interested in joining, please call the Office!<br />

A note from the Archive Crew<br />

The Archives have received many queries regarding members, and their contribuon to, and parcipaon<br />

in club acvies both on and off the water over the years, and in one case recently a family member was<br />

tracing a Great Uncle who had been a CYC member over a period dang from about 1927. We were<br />

successful, and the enquirer was able to add to the history she was wring.<br />

We would like past and present members, and their families to assist us and contribute to the archival<br />

records informaon about their contribuon to, and parcipaon in CYC acvies.<br />

Thank you<br />

The Archive Crew<br />

Email – Archives@claremontyachtclub or Telephone (08) 9384 8226 Fax (08) 9384 9990<br />

- recepon@claremontyachtclub<br />

For a copy of the Archiving Form, please ask the Office or have a look on our website!


Archives@claremontyachtclub.org.au<br />

Checkpoint ~<br />

◊ To update our archive records have attached a member survey relating to club activities you have<br />

been involved in at CYC. This information would include on water involvement and also contribution to<br />

club activities in house, and committees that you have served on during your years of membership,<br />

including social activities. This information will be for archive reference only.<br />

◊ We welcome contributions from members for the Archive news, we can be contacted by email<br />

through the office or directly to us - Archives email address included at the top of this page .<br />

The Archive Crew<br />

‘Jolly Roger’<br />

“Jolly Roger “was built around 1936 for Arnold, on the banks of the Swan River at<br />

Fremantle, by Bill Langley who was a shipwright with the RAN. “Jolly Roger “<br />

was sailed by Arnold and proved to be very fast, it was later bought during the War<br />

by Reg Bourne, a master pearler from Broome.Reg Bourne sailed her mainly from<br />

RFBYC except for a year when he was suspended and sailed her from CYC. She was<br />

a fast yacht and won many races during this time. At this time races were run alternately<br />

by CYC and RFBYC until there were enough boats for each club to run their own races.<br />

“Jolly Roger” is a typical open cockpit semi-rater style centreboard boat of the day. She had a big centre<br />

board and a crew of about twelve, one or two younger boys for bailing out the water which came over the<br />

side in their frequent sailing from Freo to Rottnest. During the late 1940’s early 1950’s the centreplate was<br />

taken out and deadwood with external lead ballast installed. A Stuart Turner 2-stroke motor was installed<br />

with the propeller shaft coming through the hull at an angle on the port side. It was later replaced by a<br />

small 10hp diesel Nanni. A cabin was also fitted with two bunks, and an ice box for supplies.<br />

Around 1970 two geologists sailed her out of EFYC, and is at this time Peter Boykett and Michael Snedden<br />

found her, with her decks covered in malthoid tar based roofing material.<br />

She was sailed to CYC in 1972 and has remained here ever since.<br />

The Boykett family have continued sailing her over the years, being awarded<br />

the ‘finishing gun’ on completing the course, much to the pride of the<br />

‘Jolly Roger Crew’, her family and friends.<br />

Late in 2012 she had a major overhaul and was been stripped back to bare<br />

boards<br />

and re-caulked and painted, and now she is safe in her pen waiting for the<br />

ongoing renovation to be completed, before once again sailing with the CYC fleet.<br />

~ ~ ~ Contributed by the Boykett Family ~ ~ ~


Keeping you in the loop here at CYC<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

A1 Marine<br />

Brian Rynhoud<br />

Ph: 0417 982 084<br />

E:<br />

A: 133B Cobb St, Wembley Downs WA 6019<br />

AJ Auto and Marine Upholstery<br />

Tony or Laurie Maers<br />

Ph: 9381 5881 M: 0408 959 864<br />

E:<br />

A: 216B Stubbs Tce, Shenton Park WA<br />

Aquadisiac Marine Services<br />

Rowan Horch<br />

Ph: 0400 171 624<br />

E:<br />

A: 11 Dundee Court, Duncraig WA 6023<br />

Blue Water Boat Cleaning<br />

David Howe<br />

Ph: 0408 952 176<br />

E:<br />

A: 14 Pimelea Crest, Mount <strong>Claremont</strong> WA<br />

Bluewater Marine Refrigeraon<br />

John Holligan<br />

Ph: 0418 921 561<br />

E:<br />

A: 7/153 Rockingham Rd, Hamilton Hill WA 6163<br />

The Boatmen<br />

John Arnold<br />

Ph: 0412 167 524<br />

E: theboatmen@iinet.net.au<br />

A:<br />

Ches Diesel and Marine Services<br />

Glen Roberts<br />

Ph: 9335 9211<br />

E:<br />

A: 10 Stack Street, Fremantle WA 6160<br />

CJW Marine Maintenance<br />

Chris Woodward<br />

Ph: 0418 943 367<br />

E:<br />

A:<br />

<strong>Claremont</strong> Boat Detailing<br />

Shane Cook<br />

Ph: 0466 360 395<br />

E:<br />

A: 129 Lockhart St, Como WA

D<br />

E<br />

J<br />

M<br />

Doyle Sails WA<br />

Will Hammond<br />

Ph: 9430 5366<br />

E:<br />

A: 82 Srling Hwy, North Fremantle WA<br />

East-West Marine WA<br />

Gordon Bruce Calder<br />

Ph: 9490 2126 M: 0417 903 691<br />

E:<br />

A: 9 Greenhood court, Gosnells WA 6110<br />

Exclusive Design Upholstery<br />

Julian Iuliano<br />

Ph: 0419 831 223<br />

E:<br />

A: 1/17 Forsyta St, O’CONNOR WA 6163<br />

Joysea Services<br />

Andrew Joyce<br />

Ph: 0403 254 101<br />

E:<br />

A: 12 Cypress Road, Willeton WA<br />

Marime Electronic Services<br />

Peter Turner<br />

Ph: 0401 039 432<br />

E:<br />

A: 28 Mews Rd, Fremantle WA 6160<br />

Marn Box Marine<br />

Chris Box<br />

Ph: 9336 1466 M: 0403 578 049<br />

E: sales@marnboxmarine.com.au<br />

A: 1 Capo D’Orlando Dr. Fremantle WA 6160<br />

Ma Marn Shipwrighng<br />

Ma Marn<br />

Ph: 0433 486 666<br />

E:<br />

A: 4/266 Srling Hwy, <strong>Claremont</strong> WA 6010<br />

Mason Marine Trimmers<br />

Craig Mason<br />

Ph: 0418 923 787<br />

E: craig@masonmarine.com.au<br />

A: 3 Jarvis Rd, O’Conner WA<br />

Mach Marine<br />

Shay Mach<br />

Ph: 9339 7722<br />

E: info@machmarine.com.au<br />

A: Aquarama Marina, Riverside Rd East Fremantle, WA, 6158<br />

Mel Taylor Marine Trimmers<br />

Alex Swalding<br />

Ph: 0418 959 855<br />

E:<br />

A: 12/22 Presge Parade, Wangara WA 6065

P<br />

R<br />

S<br />

U<br />

Motor and Marine Engineering<br />

John Becker<br />

Ph: 9457 1760 M: 0407 571 760<br />

E: breb5@bigpond.com<br />

A: 2 Bathurst Court, Willeon WA 6155<br />

Pleisure Marine Maintenance<br />

Damon Johns<br />

Ph: 0403 740 001<br />

E: pleisuremarine@iinet.net.au<br />

A: 10 Winchester Way, Leeming WA<br />

Presge Marine<br />

Mark Mawby<br />

Ph: 0439 900 540<br />

E: mark@presge-marine.com.au<br />

A: 43 Gurney Rd, Spearwod WA 6163<br />

Ridgeback’s Mobile Mechanical Marine<br />

Richard Hanekom<br />

Ph: 0401 580 152<br />

E: ridgebacks1@msn.com<br />

A: 8 Day Road, Mandurah WA 6210<br />

R Marine Perth<br />

Tim Wright<br />

Ph: 9339 8877 M: 0418 774 798<br />

E: info@rmarineperth.com.au<br />

A: 10 Riverside Rd, East Fremantle WA<br />

Stem 2 Stern Marine<br />

Andrew Wright<br />

Ph: 0422 017 324<br />

E:<br />

A: 1 Ness Rd, Applecross WA<br />

Universal Marine and Automove Upholstery<br />

Vito Palimeno<br />

Ph: 9314 1770 M: 0419 913 692<br />

E: sales@universalupholstery.com.au<br />

A: 2/15 Zeta Crescent, O’Connor WA<br />

Please remember to fill in the date on your<br />

Ice Chit when you take Ice… it makes it a lile<br />

easier for us when we place it on your<br />

member account.<br />

Important!<br />

If any member is going over to Ronest<br />

for the upcoming fesval of sail - please<br />

let our Office know as a few of our Staff<br />

would love to ride over with our<br />


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