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5/68 Actu<strong>at</strong>ing voltages<br />

DILMC contactors with springloaded terminals<br />

<strong>Moeller</strong> HPL0211-2004/2005<br />

AC<br />

DILMC17-10<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC17-01<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC25-10<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC25-01<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC32-10<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC32-01<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC40<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC50<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC65<br />

(...)<br />

Standard voltages<br />

Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1)<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Contactors<br />

12 V 50 Hz – – – – – – – – –<br />

24 V 50 Hz 277570 277600 277630 277660 277690 277720 277954 277984 278014<br />

48 V 50 Hz 277571 277601 277631 277661 277691 277721 277955 277985 278015<br />

240V 50Hz 277572 277602 277632 277662 277692 277722 277956 277986 278016<br />

500 V 50 Hz 277573 277603 277633 277663 277693 277723 277957 277987 278017<br />

24 V 60 Hz 277574 277604 277634 277664 277694 277724 277958 277988 278018<br />

110 V 60 Hz 277575 277605 277635 277665 277695 277725 277959 277989 278019<br />

115 V 60 Hz 277576 277606 277636 277666 277696 277726 277960 277990 278020<br />

208 V 60 Hz 281442 281444 281446 281448 281450 281452 281454 281456 281458<br />

600 V 60 Hz 281443 281445 281447 281449 281451 281453 281455 281457 281459<br />

42V 50Hz<br />

277577 277607 277637 277667 277697 277727 277961 277991 278021<br />

48V 60Hz<br />

110V 50Hz<br />

277578 277608 277638 277668 277698 277728 277962 277992 278022<br />

120V 60Hz<br />

190V 50Hz<br />

277579 277609 277639 277669 277699 277729 277963 277993 278023<br />

220V 60Hz<br />

220V 50Hz<br />

277580 277610 277640 277670 277700 277730 277964 277994 278024<br />

240V 60Hz<br />

230V 50Hz<br />

277581 277611 277641 277671 277701 277731 277965 277995 278025<br />

240V 60Hz<br />

380V 50Hz<br />

277582 277612 277642 277672 277702 277732 277966 277996 278026<br />

440V 60Hz<br />

400V 50Hz<br />

277583 277613 277643 277673 277703 277733 277967 277997 278027<br />

440V 60Hz<br />

415V 50Hz<br />

277584 277614 277644 277674 277704 277734 277968 277998 278028<br />

480V 60Hz<br />

24V 50Hz/60Hz 277585 277615 277645 277675 277705 277735 277969 277999 278029<br />

42V 50Hz/60Hz 277586 277616 277646 277676 277706 277736 277970 278000 278030<br />

110V 50Hz/60Hz 277587 277617 277647 277677 277707 277737 277971 278001 278031<br />

220V 50Hz/60Hz 277588 277618 277648 277678 277708 277738 277972 278002 278032<br />

230V 50Hz/60Hz 277589 277619 277649 277679 277709 277739 277973 278003 278033<br />

380V 50Hz/60Hz 277590 277620 277650 277680 277710 277740 277974 278004 278034<br />

Non-standard voltages with the<br />

exception of the previously<br />

st<strong>at</strong>ed standard voltages 2)<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

Price/See<br />

price list<br />

...V 50Hz (12 – 600V) – – – – – – – – –<br />

...V 50Hz (24 – 600V) 277593 277623 277653 277683 277713 277743 277977 278007 278037<br />

...V 60Hz (12 – 600V) – – – – – – – – –<br />

...V 60Hz (24 – 600V) 277594 277624 277654 277684 277714 277744 277978 278008 278038<br />

DC<br />

DILMC17-10<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC17-01<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC25-10<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC25-01<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC32-10<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC32-01<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC40<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC50<br />

(...)<br />

DILMC65<br />

(...)<br />

Standard voltages<br />

Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1) Article no. 1)<br />

Price/See Price/See Price/See Price/See Price/See Price/See Price/See Price/See Price/See<br />

price list price list price list price list price list price list price list price list price list<br />

RDC 24 3) 277595 277625 277655 277685 277715 277745 277979 278009 278039<br />

RDC 60 4) 277596 277626 277656 277686 277716 277746 277980 278010 278040<br />

RDC 130 5) 277597 277627 277657 277687 277717 277747 277981 278011 278041<br />

RDC 240 6) 277598 277628 277658 277688 277718 277748 277982 278012 278042<br />

Notes<br />

1) The article no. is formed from the <strong>com</strong>bin<strong>at</strong>ion of type and actu<strong>at</strong>ing voltage.<br />

Devices with dual-voltage coils must be ordered using one order number.<br />

2) When ordering non-standard voltages, st<strong>at</strong>e the required actu<strong>at</strong>ing voltage from the selected range (...–...V).<br />

3) 24 – 27 V DC<br />

4) 48 – 60 V DC<br />

5) 110 – 130 V DC<br />

6) 200 – 240 V DC<br />

Availability of DILMC40... to DILMC65...: from December 2004<br />

<strong>For</strong> <strong>Immedi<strong>at</strong>e</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>call</strong> <strong>KM<strong>Parts</strong></strong>.<strong>com</strong> <strong>at</strong> (866) 595-9616

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