Download IFRS Financial Statements 2006 - Marquard & Bahls AG

Download IFRS Financial Statements 2006 - Marquard & Bahls AG

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*)<br />

M arquard & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> <strong>2006</strong><br />

I F R S F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s<br />

7 5 . 0 0 0<br />

2.352.3591 . 6 5 2 .<br />

7 . 0 70 4 0<br />

7 5 . 4 16 4. 6 5 1 45 20<br />

. 34 . 64 45 6<br />

1 5 0 . 2 4 6 1 . 6 5 2 . 0 4 0

*)<br />

<strong>IFRS</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Statements</strong> <strong>2006</strong><br />

C o n t e n t s<br />

03 , C o n s o l i d a t e d S t a t e m e n t o f I n c o m e<br />

04 , C o n s o l i d a t e d B a l a n c e S h e e t<br />

06 , C h a n g e s i n S t o c k h o l d e r s´<br />

08 E q u i t y<br />

, C o n s o l i d a t e d S t a t e m e n t s o f C a s h F l o w s<br />

09 , N o t e s t o t h e I F R S C o n s o l i d a t e d<br />

F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s 2 0 0 6<br />

27 , C o m m e n t a r y o n t h e C o n s o l i d a t e d I n c o m e<br />

S t a t e m e n t<br />

34 , C o m m e n t a r y o n t h e C o n s o l i d a t e d<br />

I n c o m e B a l a n c e S h e e t<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

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page 02_03

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<strong>Marquard</strong> & Bah ls <strong>AG</strong><br />

I F R S- C o n s o l i d a t e d S t a t e m e n t o f I n c o m e fo r t h e P e r i o d J a n. 1 – D e c. 3 1 , 2 0 0 6<br />

( K) N o t e s<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

1. * Revenues (8 ) 11,803,172<br />

* less Petroleum-tax-settlement (8 ) –969,144 10,834,028 8,510,279<br />

2. * Own work capitalized 4,682 2,600<br />

3. * Other operating income (9 ) 79,993 37,037<br />

4. * Cost of sales (1 0 )<br />

a) Cost of raw materials and supplies<br />

and purchased goods –10,205,979<br />

b) Cost of purchased services –91,712 –10,297,691 –8,086,839<br />

5. * Personnel expenses (1 1 )<br />

a) Wages and salaries –130,060<br />

b) Social Security –18,936<br />

c) Social benefits (defined contribution plans) –3,729<br />

d) Social benefits (defined benefit plans) –2,636 –155,361 –131,595<br />

6. * Amortization and depreciation on intangible and<br />

tangible fixed assets –74,361 –68,961<br />

7. * Other operating expenses (1 2 ) –178,187 –149,989<br />

R e s u lt f r o m o p e r a t i o n s 213,103 112,532<br />

8. * Income from investments in subsidiaries 171 146<br />

9. * Income from securities and financial assets 813 278<br />

10. * Interest income and similar income 5,850 4,804<br />

11. * Depreciation on financial assets and marketable<br />

securities –259 –54<br />

12. * Interest expenses and similar expenses –44,560 –37,596<br />

13. * Result from equity valuation 2,689 3,089<br />

14. * Gain/loss on revaluation of hedged foreign currency loans 1,132 838<br />

15. * Result from changes in value of financial instruments 2,315 –1,220<br />

F i n a n c i a l i n c o m e (1 3 ) –31,849 –29,715<br />

N e t i n c o m e f r o m o p e r a t i o n s b e f o r e<br />

i n c o m e t a x 181,254 82,817<br />

16. * Income tax (1 4 ) –31,008 –21,681<br />

C o n s o l i d a t e d n e t i n c o m e 150,246 61,136<br />

* thereof:<br />

* Profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 133,597 51,525<br />

* Profit attributable to minority interest 16,649 9,611

*)<br />

M arquard & Bah ls <strong>AG</strong><br />

I F R S - C o n s o l i d a t e d B a l a n c e S h e e t a s o f D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 6<br />

A s s e t s ( K)<br />

N o t e s<br />

D e c. 3 1 , 2 0 0 6<br />

D e c. 3 1 , 2 0 0 5<br />

A . N o n - c u r r e n t a s s e t s<br />

I. * Intangible assets (1 6 ) 21,758 25,472<br />

II. * Tangible assets (17 ) 982,745 918,993<br />

III. * Investments accounted for using the equity method (1 8 ) 18,861 18,700<br />

IV. * Other investments (1 8 ) 26,771 11,985<br />

V. * Deferred taxes (1 4 ) 18,935 17,521<br />

VI. * Other non-current assets and receivables (1 9 ) 42,735 23,442<br />

tota l n o n - c u r r e n t a s s e t s 1,111,805 1,016,113<br />

B . C u r r e n t a s s e t s<br />

I. * Inventories (2 0 )<br />

1. * Inventories, raw material and supplies 4,951 4,405<br />

2. * Inventories, goods and finished products 452,518 432,012<br />

3. * Advance payments 492 4,004<br />

457,961 440,421<br />

II. * Current receivables and other assets (2 1 )<br />

1. * Trade receivables 536,728 624,530<br />

2. * Receivables – affiliated companies 1,440 1,236<br />

3. * Receivables – associated companies 3,710 3,023<br />

4. * Receivables owed by related companies 9 0<br />

5. * Current tax assets 24,298 22,165<br />

6. * Other receivables and current assets 27,824 29,164<br />

7. * Construction contracts 8,596 5,678<br />

602,605 685,796<br />

III. * Derivative financial instruments (2 2 ) 104,524 22,450<br />

IV. * Treasury stock (2 3 ) 2,554 2,554<br />

V. * Cash and cash equivalents (2 4 ) 72,910 86,181<br />

tota l c u r r e n t a s s e t s 1,240,554 1,237,402<br />

T o t a l 2,352,359 2,253,515<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

page 04_05

L i a bilit ie s a n d St o c k h old e r ´ s E q u it y (K)<br />

N o t e s<br />

D e c. 3 1 , 2 0 0 6<br />

D e c. 3 1 , 2 0 0 5<br />

A . E q u i t y (2 5 )<br />

I. * Common stock 75,000 75,000<br />

II. * Additional paid in capital 8,280 8,280<br />

III. * Revenue reserve 127,967 125,670<br />

IV. * Reserve for changes in value –1,037 –4,105<br />

V. * Reserve for revaluation 336 336<br />

VI. * Retained earnings 322,184 200,837<br />

VII. * Currency translation adjustments –3,513 15,553<br />

VIII. * Minority interests in consolidated subsidiaries 49,995 38,896<br />

tota l E q u i t y 579,212 460,467<br />

B . N o n - c u r r e n t l i a b i l i t i e s<br />

I. * Non-current liabilities (2 6 )<br />

1. * Non-current liabilities due to banks 252,139 236,722<br />

2. * Non-current liabilities due to associated companies 951 0<br />

3. * Other non-current liabilities 146,196 163,092<br />

399,286 399,814<br />

II. * Non-current provisions (2 7 ), (2 8 ) 75,073 74,872<br />

III. * Deferred taxes (1 4 ) 107,797 99,161<br />

Tota l n o n - c u r r e n t l i a bi l i t i e s 582,156 573,847<br />

C . C u r r e n t l i a b i l i t i e s<br />

I. * Current liabilities (2 9 )<br />

1. * Current liabilities due to banks 280,391 363,439<br />

2. * Trade accounts payable 556,628 538,870<br />

3. * Current liabilities due to affiliated companies 1,228 750<br />

4. * Current liabilities due to associated companies 404 826<br />

5. * Current liabilities due from related companies 1 0<br />

6. * Current tax liabilities 126,142 140,345<br />

7. * Liabilities due from construction contracts 7,989 1,841<br />

8. * Other current liabilities 35,418 25,424<br />

1,008,201 1,071,495<br />

II. * Derivative financial instruments (3 0 ) 85,892 58.958<br />

III. * Current accruals<br />

1. * Tax accruals (3 1 ) 15,805 21,205<br />

2. * Other current provisions (3 2 ) 81,093 67,543<br />

96,898 88,748<br />

tota l c u r r e n t l i a bi l i t i e s 1,190,991 1,219,201<br />

T o t a l 2,352,359 2,253,515

*)<br />

M arquard & Bah ls <strong>AG</strong><br />

C h a n g e s i n S t o c k h o l d e r s ´ E q u i t y 2 0 0 6<br />

( K) N o t e s<br />

Share<br />

capital<br />

Additional paid<br />

in capital<br />

Revenue<br />

reserve<br />

Reserve for<br />

changes in<br />

value<br />

E q u i t y J a n . 1 , 2 0 0 5 75,000 8,280 114,886 -3,545<br />

+/- Changes in valuation<br />

method 0 0 0 0<br />

+/- Correction of errors<br />

E q u i t y J a n . 1 , 2 0 0 5<br />

adjusted 75,000 8,280 114,886 -3,545<br />

+/- Exchange differences on translation<br />

of operations outside the Euro zone 0 0 0 -2,727<br />

+/- Fair value remeasurement of availablefor-sale<br />

financial instruments 0 0 0 0<br />

+/- Fair value remeasurement of cash<br />

flow hedges 0 0 0 2,166<br />

+/- Changes in scope<br />

of consolidation 0 0 0 0<br />

S u b-tota l<br />

C h a n g e s i n e q u i t y 0 0 0 -560<br />

+ Net profit (loss) 0 0 0 0<br />

- Dividend payments 0 0 0 0<br />

+ Increase in stockholders´ equity 0 0 59 0<br />

- Decrease in stockholders´ equity 0 0 0 0<br />

+/- Allocation to/from retained earnings 0 0 10,725 0<br />

E q u i t y D e c . 3 1 , 2 0 0 5 (2 5 ) 75,000 8,280 125,670 -4,105<br />

E q u i t y J a n . 1 , 2 0 0 6 (2 5 ) 75,000 8,280 125,670 -4,105<br />

+/- Exchange differences on translation<br />

of operations outside the Euro zone 0 0 0 0<br />

+/- Fair value remeasurement of cash<br />

flow hedges 0 0 0 3,068<br />

+/- Changes in scope<br />

of consolidation 0 0 0 0<br />

S u b-tota l<br />

C h a n g e s i n e q u i t y 0 0 0 3,069<br />

+ Net profit (loss) 0 0 0 0<br />

- Dividend payments 0 0 0 0<br />

+ Increase in stockholders´ equity 0 0 933 0<br />

- Decrease in stockholders´ equity 0 0 -15 0<br />

+/- Allocation to/from retained earnings 0 0 1,379 0<br />

E q u i t y D e c . 3 1 , 2 0 0 6 (2 5 ) 75,000 8,280 127,967 -1,037<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

page 06_07

O t h e r c o m p r e h e n s i v e i n c o m e<br />

Reserve<br />

for<br />

revaluation<br />

Currency<br />

translation<br />

adjustments<br />

Sub-total other<br />

comprehensive<br />

income<br />

Accumulated<br />

income<br />

Equity attributable<br />

to minority<br />

interest<br />

Total<br />

336 -11,421 -14,630 163,310 27,497 374,342<br />

0 0 0 7,711 0 7,711<br />

-37 -37<br />

336 -11,421 -14,630 170,984 27,497 382,016<br />

0 26,958 24,231 0 2,960 27,192<br />

0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

0 0 2,166 0 1,482 3,648<br />

0 16 16 -404 811 423<br />

0 26,974 26,414 -404 5,253 31,263<br />

0 0 0 51,525 9,611 61,136<br />

0 0 0 -10,335 -3,265 -13,601<br />

0 0 0 0 44 104<br />

0 0 0 -208 -244 -451<br />

0 0 0 -10,725 0 0<br />

336 15,553 11,784 200,837 38,896 460,467<br />

336 15,553 11,784 200,837 38,896 460,467<br />

0 -19,073 -19,073 -104 -2,346 -21,523<br />

0 0 3,068 0 313 3,381<br />

0 0 0 26 2,704 2,730<br />

0 -19,073 -16,005 -78 671 -15,412<br />

0 0 0 133,597 16,649 150,246<br />

0 0 0 -10,785 -6,114 -16,899<br />

0 7 7 0 890 1,830<br />

0 0 0 -9 -998 -1,022<br />

0 0 0 -1,378 0 0<br />

336 -3,513 -4,214 322,184 49,995 579,212

*)<br />

M arquard & Bah ls <strong>AG</strong><br />

I F R S- C o n s o l i d a t e d S t a t e m e n t s o f C a s h F l o w s a s o f D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 6<br />

( K) N o t e s<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

Liq uid assets<br />

as per balance sheets Jan 1. (2 4 ) 88,735 127.544<br />

N et in co m e 150,246 61,136<br />

+ I n co m e t a xes 31,007 21,681<br />

N et in co m e b efo r e t a x 181,253 82,817<br />

+ Depreciation and amortization 75,639 69,274<br />

+/- (Gains) losses on retirements of non-current assets –5,634 2,634<br />

+/- Changes on non-current provisions 5,130 3,510<br />

+ Interest paid 44,560 37,596<br />

- Interest received –5,850 -4,804<br />

+/- Changes in other non-cash items –8,269 23,915<br />

+/- (Gains) losses on de-consolidated of subsidiaries –26,503<br />

+/- Changes in inventories and receivables –44,695 -421,116<br />

+/- Changes in debt capital<br />

(without financial debt) 69,559 341,404<br />

- Income taxes paid (3 8 ) –27,820 -31,097<br />

- Interest paid –49,350 -36,989<br />

+ Interest received 6,264 4,530<br />

Fr e e o p e ra tin g c a s h flo w (3 8 ) 214,284 71,675<br />

- Cash outflows for additions to property, plant<br />

equipment and intangible assets –220,557 -165,715<br />

+ Cash inflows from sales of property, plant,<br />

equipment and other assets 16,252 7,567<br />

- Cash outflows for additions of consolidated<br />

subsidiaries (less received financial capital) -5,283<br />

+ Cash inflows for reversal of consolidated<br />

subsidiaries 40,834<br />

(less submitted financial capital) –530<br />

Cash flow from investment<br />

activities (3 8 ) –164,001 -163,431<br />

- Payments from divided distribution –16,899 -13,601<br />

+/- Changes in share capital 872 3,300<br />

+/- Cash inflows from borrowing 47,714 92,715<br />

- Retirements of current debt –75,112 0<br />

- Retirements of non-current debt –21,201 -42,996<br />

+ Cash inflows from other financial liabilities 3,929 3,645<br />

Cash flow from financing activities (3 8 ) –60,697 43,063<br />

* Change in cash and cash equivalents due to exchange<br />

rate movements –2,857 7,230<br />

* Change in cash and cash equivalents due to changes<br />

in scope of consolidation 0 2,654<br />

C h a n g e s in C a s h P o sitio n –13,272 –38,809<br />

L i q u i d a s s e t s<br />

as per balance sheets Dec. 31 75,463 88,735<br />

* Less marketable securities 2,554 2,554<br />

* Liquid assets (2 4 ) 72,909 86,181<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

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page 08_09

Notes<br />

C o n s o l i d a t e d F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s o f M a r q u a r d & B a h l s A G <strong>2006</strong><br />

( 1 ) B a s i s o f P r e p a r a t i o n o f t h e Fi n a n c i a l<br />

S t a t e m e n t s<br />

The consolidated financial statements of MARQUARD & BAHLS <strong>AG</strong> for the <strong>2006</strong> financial year<br />

were prepared in compliance with section 315a para. 3 HGB (“Handelsgesetzbuch” or German<br />

Commercial Code) under application of and in accordance with the International <strong>Financial</strong><br />

Reporting Standards (<strong>IFRS</strong> or IAS) and their interpretations (IFRIC or SIC) as adopted by the<br />

European Union.<br />

The consolidated financial statements were prepared in Euros.<br />

In order to improve meaningfulness and clarity, changes in the value of derivative<br />

financial instruments, to the extent that they arise from commodity forward contracts, are<br />

reported as part of sales or cost of sales. The classifications “Gain/loss on revaluation of hedged<br />

foreign currency loans” and “Group profit before tax” are reported as additional items. In addition<br />

- with corresponding adjustments to the amounts reported in the prior year - non-current prepaid<br />

expenses (prior year: K€ 5,384) and current prepaid expenses (prior year: K€ 8,135) are now<br />

reported under non-current and current receivables and other assets. Receivables and payables<br />

included in the prior year under inventories (K€ 5,678) and other current provisions (K€ 1,841)<br />

from construction contracts are now reported as separate items under current receivables and<br />

current liabilities. Receivables from derivative financial instruments of K€ 3 reported in the<br />

balance sheet in the prior year under non-current and other assets were reclassified to current<br />

asset financial derivatives. In addition, current liabilities to affiliated companies of K€ 750 and<br />

current liabilities to associated companies of K€ 826 included in the prior year under other current<br />

liabilities were reclassified to their own category within current liabilities. The interest component<br />

of K€ 1,037 that formed part of the increase in the provision for dismantling costs and was<br />

reported under other operating expenses in the previous year is reported under interest and<br />

similar expenses from the <strong>2006</strong> financial year onwards.<br />

In preparing these consolidated financial statements, MARQUARD & BAHLS has<br />

applied all <strong>IFRS</strong> that have been approved by the International Accounting Standards Board<br />

(IASB) and endorsed by the EU by the balance sheet date of 31 December <strong>2006</strong> and which are<br />

obligatory for financial years commencing from 1 January <strong>2006</strong>.

Accordingly, the following <strong>IFRS</strong> and changes to <strong>IFRS</strong> have not been applied:<br />

,, IAS 1: Presentation of <strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Statements</strong>, disclosures relating to management<br />

of capital<br />

,, <strong>IFRS</strong> 7: <strong>Financial</strong> Instruments, disclosures relating to financial instruments<br />

,, IFRIC 7: Applying the Restatement Approach under IAS 29, <strong>Financial</strong> Reporting in<br />

Hyperinflationary Economies<br />

,, IFRIC 8: Scope of <strong>IFRS</strong> 2<br />

,, IFRIC 9: Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives<br />

The above <strong>IFRS</strong> are being applied in the consolidated financial statements from 2007.<br />

As a result of the initial application of these new standards, MARQUARD & BAHLS does not<br />

expect any material effects on the balance sheet, income statement or cash flow statement.<br />

<strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> has been successfully operating in the international energy and oil<br />

business for several decades. The main business areas are mineral oil trading, tank terminals,<br />

aviation fueling and renewable energies. We also operate in the areas of service stations, lubricant<br />

trading, energy contracting, bunker supplies and petroleum analysis.<br />

The full address of the registered office is: Admiralitätstrasse 55, 20459 Hamburg,<br />

Germany.<br />

The consolidated financial statements and management report for the year ended 31<br />

December <strong>2006</strong> were proposed by the board of directors on 19 March 2007 and are to be approved<br />

by the supervisory board. Until they are approved, changes to the consolidated financial statements<br />

remain possible.<br />

The consolidated financial statements of MARQUARD & BAHLS <strong>AG</strong> together with a<br />

separate listing of holdings and the management report in compliance with section 315a HGB<br />

are made publicly available on the trade register of the Hamburg district court (HRB 51271) and<br />

the Federal Gazette.<br />

( 2 ) G r o u p o f c o n s o l i d a t e d c o m p a n i e s<br />

The consolidation group at 31 December <strong>2006</strong> encompasses a total of 107 fully consolidated<br />

companies (prior year: 106 companies). 26 affiliated companies (prior year: 27 affiliated<br />

companies) are not consolidated, as these companies, both individually and combined, are of<br />

subordinated significance to the presentation of a true and fair view of the balance sheet,<br />

income statement and cash flow. These companies are stated in the balance sheet at cost.<br />

19 companies (prior year: 26 companies) are valued using the equity method. Eight associated<br />

entities (prior year: six associated entities) are stated at cost instead of the equity method due<br />

to their subordinated significance. Four companies (prior year: two companies) are proportionally<br />

consolidated. The interests in these companies, Oiltanking Stolthaven Antwerp N.V., Antwerp,<br />

Belgium, Indian Oiltanking Limited, Mumbai, India, Consorcio Terminales, Lima, Peru, and Oiltanking<br />

Odfjell GmbH, Hamburg, Germany amount to 50 % in each case.<br />

An overview of the composition of the consolidation group is set out below:<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

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page 10_11

C o n s o l i d a t e d g r o u p<br />

3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 5<br />

* Fully consolidated companies<br />

* Inland 47 49<br />

* Foreign 60 57<br />

T o t a l 107 106<br />

* Companies valued under the equity method<br />

* Inland 11 18<br />

* Foreign 8 8<br />

T o t a l 19 26<br />

* Proportionally consolidated joint ventures<br />

* Inland 1 0<br />

* Foreign 3 2<br />

T o t a l 4 2<br />

As a result of the proportional interest in each of the joint ventures, the following assets, liabilities,<br />

expense and income items (without the investment, interest and tax items) are to be added to<br />

those of MARQUARD & BAHLS:<br />

A s s e t s , l i a b i l i t i e s ,<br />

e x p e n s e a n d i n c o m e i t e m s ( K)<br />

3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 5<br />

* Non-current assets 80,412 30,457<br />

* Current assets 25,453 13,346<br />

* Current provisions and liabilities 24,811 14,941<br />

* Non-current provisions and liabilities 31,446 11,339<br />

* Cash 994 700<br />

* Income 65,312 38,017<br />

* Expenses 52,362 33,497<br />

A significant change in the consolidation group arose from the sale of 50 % of the interest in<br />

Oiltanking Stolthaven Antwerp N.V., Antwerp, Belgium. As of 1 July <strong>2006</strong>, this company is partially<br />

consolidated into the group financial statements (up until 30 June <strong>2006</strong>: full consolidation). With<br />

a disposal price of € 36.9 million for the interest and the disposal of the assets and liabilities<br />

set out below, a profit on disposal of € 24.1 million arose:<br />

( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

* Non-current assets 37,152<br />

* Current assets 4,785<br />

* Cash 531<br />

* Provisions 11,797<br />

* Liabilities 17,852

The following table provides an overview of the material income statement and balance<br />

sheet items of the significant associated entities included at equity:<br />

( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

( 3 ) B a s i s o f c o n s o l i d a t i o n<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

) page 12_13<br />

* Revenues 264,311 375,201<br />

* Result for the year 6,600 5,574<br />

* Non-current assets 55,674 48,383<br />

* Current assets 55,218 48,720<br />

* Provisions 6,119 8,119<br />

* Liabilities and accruals 76,035 64,062<br />

* Equity 29,985 24,933<br />

The assets and liabilities as well as the items of the income statement of a total of<br />

eight (prior year: six) associated entities not valued under the equity method are immaterial<br />

both individually and in aggregate.<br />

All material subsidiaries, in which MARQUARD & BAHLS indirectly or directly holds more than<br />

50 % of the voting rights, have been fully consolidated in the group financial statements. In the<br />

case of two companies, they have been consolidated as a result of the factual exercise of control.<br />

For these companies, Oiltanking Seraya Pte. and Oiltanking Odfjell Pte., both of which are in<br />

Singapore, all commercial and operational decisions are made by the members of the board of<br />

directors appointed by MARQUARD & BAHLS.<br />

Material participating interests are valued using the equity method if a significant<br />

influence can be exerted; this is fundamentally the case where between 20 % and 50 % of voting<br />

rights are held.<br />

According to IAS 31.2, a joint venture exists if two or more partners carry out an<br />

economic activity under shared control. Control is the power to govern the financial and economic<br />

policies of an economic activity so as to gain benefits from it. Joint control is defined as the<br />

contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic entity. In accordance with the benchmark<br />

method, material jointly controlled entities are accounted for in the consolidated financial<br />

statements by proportional consolidation in accordance with IAS 31.30. One immaterial joint<br />

venture was stated at cost.<br />

In accordance with <strong>IFRS</strong> 3 “Business Combinations”, the capital consolidation is carried<br />

out using the purchase method. Under this method, the cost of the purchased interest is offset<br />

against the proportion of equity attributable to the parent company at the time of the acquisition.<br />

Any difference between the purchase cost and the attributable proportion of equity is allocated<br />

up to the amount of the fair value, independently of the attributable proportion to the<br />

subsidiary’s assets and liabilities. Correspondingly, the interests of the other shareholders are<br />

stated at the fair value of the share of equity attributable to them. The remaining difference,<br />

if it is a debit balance, is recognised as goodwill. Negative goodwill arising on consolidation is<br />

taken immediately to the income statement.

In relation to the goodwill balances offset against reserves as stated in the HGB<br />

consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2003, MARQUARD & BAHLS has made use of<br />

the exemption available under <strong>IFRS</strong> 1 and maintained the offsetting of the goodwill balances<br />

in the <strong>IFRS</strong> opening balance sheet as at 1 January 2004. Negative goodwill balances arising on<br />

consolidation prior to 1 January 2004 have been included in opening balance sheet retained<br />

profits.<br />

All material receivables and liabilities, revenues, expenses and income as well as intercompany<br />

profits and losses within the consolidation group are eliminated. Unrealised losses are<br />

eliminated in the same way as unrealised profits, but only to the extent an impairment does not<br />

exist.<br />

*) D i f f e r e n t B a l a n c e S h e e t D a t e<br />

The company Indian Oiltanking Limited, Mumbai, prepares its financial statements to 31 March<br />

every year. For consolidation purposes, interim financial statements to 31 December <strong>2006</strong><br />

and 2005 were prepared. Two associated entities prepare their annual financial statements to<br />

30 September every year. The recognition of these companies in the balance sheet under the<br />

equity method at 31 December <strong>2006</strong> was based on the financial statements for the year ended<br />

30 September <strong>2006</strong>. Interim financial statements to the group balance sheet date were not prepared<br />

on the grounds of immateriality.<br />

*) F o r e i g n C u r r e n c y C o n v e r s i o n<br />

The financial statements of the foreign companies included in the consolidated financial statements<br />

are converted in accordance with the concept of the functional currency. As all of the<br />

companies are economically independent, the conversion of the balance sheets is performed<br />

using the rate as at the balance sheet date. The individual items of the income statement are<br />

converted at the average rate for the year.<br />

Differences arising from conversion of assets and liabilities compared to the converted<br />

values of the prior year as well as conversion differences between the income statement and<br />

the balance sheet are reported directly to the “Cumulative translation adjustment” reserve<br />

under equity, without passing through the income statement. In the year of deconsolidation, the<br />

foreign exchange differences are transferred to the income statement.<br />

MARQUARD & BAHLS has made use of the exemption available under <strong>IFRS</strong> 1 and<br />

eliminated existing exchange differences on foreign companies, whose currency is not the Euro at<br />

the time of transition to <strong>IFRS</strong>, from the balance sheet item “Cumulative translation adjustment”<br />

and increased the retained earnings reserve correspondingly.<br />

149,6 00,000 km<br />

D i s t a n c e E a r t h – S u n<br />

M a i n t a i n i n g i n d e p e n d e n t t r a d e a n d f r e e d o m i n d e c i s i o n m a k i n g i s t h e b a s i s<br />

o f o u r s u c c e s s .

The average rate for the year is determined by taking the mid-rate of the daily currency<br />

rates of the past twelve months. The development of the significant exchange rates against the<br />

Euro is set out in the table below:<br />

Balance sheet rate<br />

average rate for the year<br />

C u r r e n c y 3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 5<br />

* EURO / US-Dollar (USD) 1.3178 1.1835 1.2555 1.2442<br />

* EURO / Singapore-Dollar (SGD) 2.0213 1.9688 1.9940 2.0698<br />

* EURO / British Pound (GBP) 0.6714 0.6871 0.6818 0.6838<br />

* EURO / Schweizer Franken (CHF) 1.6080 1.5553 1.5729 1.5481<br />

Foreign exchange differences from net investments in foreign business operations in<br />

<strong>2006</strong> amounted to – € 1.3 million (prior year: € 5.1 million), which in accordance with IAS 21.32<br />

were reported directly to equity.<br />

( 4 ) S i g n i f i c a n t R e c o g n i t i o n a n d<br />

M e a s u r e m e n t M e t h o d s<br />

*) C o n s i s t e n c y<br />

The recognition, measurement and consolidation methods set out below have been applied<br />

consistently in all periods reported in these financial statements. They have also been applied<br />

consistently by all of the companies included in the consolidated financial statements.<br />

*) C h a n g e s i n R e c o g n it i o n a n d V a l u a t i o n M e t h o d s<br />

In order to improve the presentation of the consolidated financial statements, under IAS 23 and<br />

in compliance with IAS 8, borrowing costs are being capitalised from the <strong>2006</strong> financial year. Via<br />

this change in accounting policy, the economically comparable circumstances of “purchase by<br />

contract for services and labour” and “self-build” of new tank stores and tank storage equipment<br />

are also subject to comparable accounting presentation. The change in accounting policy was<br />

applied retrospectively. At 1 January 2005, borrowing costs from prior years that had not yet<br />

been charged to the income statement as depreciation amounted to K€ 12,853. Taking account<br />

of deferred tax liabilities, an increase in the retained profit in the balance sheet of K€ 7,712<br />

arose. The following effects on the items of the opening balance sheet and balance sheet at 31<br />

December 2005 as well as the 2005 income statement arose:<br />

( K)<br />

0 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 5<br />

3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 5<br />

* Non-current assets 12,853 1,620 14,473<br />

* Profit for the year / retained profit 7,712 971 8,683<br />

* Provision for deferred taxation 5,141 5,790<br />

* Interest expenses –2,585<br />

* Depreciation 965<br />

* Deferred tax expense 649<br />

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*) C o r r e c t i o n o f E r r o r s<br />

In three cases, accounting entries that were based on the accounting treatment as at 31 December<br />

2005 were objectively incorrect. In compliance with IAS 8, these errors were corrected retroactively<br />

for the 2005 financial statements – taking account of deferred taxation in each case.<br />

The individual items relate to the following circumstances:<br />

,, In respect of the company East Anglian Fuel Oils Limited, London, Great Britain,<br />

goods for resale were stated at 31 December 2005 at an undervalued amount (market value): in<br />

addition, inventories in two regional stores were omitted entirely. The retroactive correction of<br />

these errors led to an increase of K€ 986 in the value of inventories at 31 December 2005 and a<br />

corresponding reduction in cost of sales. The profit for the year increased accordingly.<br />

,, In relation to the company Oiltanking Malta Ltd., Birzebuggia, Malta, tax credits<br />

for transacted investments were determined at an amount that was understated by K€ 5,953<br />

in 2005. Following the correction, the consolidated financial statements of OILTANKING GMBH<br />

to 31 December 2005 were adjusted. The non-current receivables and the consolidated profit<br />

for the year increased and taxes on profits decreased accordingly. Taking account of minority<br />

interests of K€ 1,786, the retained profit in the balance sheet increased by K€ 4,167.<br />

,, In addition, in respect of the company B.W.O.C. Limited, London, Great Britain,<br />

revenue and purchased goods amounting to K€ 37,511 were incorrectly offset against each other<br />

in the prior year. This error was adjusted in the 2005 consolidated income statement.<br />

*) E s t i m a t e s<br />

The preparation of the consolidated financial statements requires that, to a certain degree,<br />

estimates and assumptions are made which will influence the assets and liabilities recognised<br />

in the balance sheet, the disclosure of contingent liabilities at the balance sheet date and the<br />

reporting of income and expenditure during the period of the report. The actual amounts to be<br />

accounted for can deviate from these estimates. The estimates and assumptions on which they<br />

are based are subject to continual review. Corrections of estimates are reported in the period in<br />

which the estimate was reviewed and, where appropriate, additionally in subsequent periods if<br />

the adjustment also relates to later periods.<br />

*) R e v e n u e R e c o g n i t i o n<br />

Sales are recorded at the point in time at which the goods or services are provided. In the case of<br />

the supply of goods, this takes place at the point in time of the transfer of risk, for tank storage<br />

handling and aviation fuel supplies this is the point in time of supply. Storage revenues are<br />

apportioned by time.<br />

In the heating contracting segment, sales income is realised in the amount of the<br />

monthly instalments agreed with the customers. In addition, income is recognised in the amount<br />

of the estimated balance due at the end of the year.

In the case of partial completion of contracts by a proportionally consolidated entity,<br />

revenue is recognised to the extent of completion of each contract or after reaching a contractually<br />

agreed level of partial completion.<br />

Interest income is apportioned by time.<br />

*) C o n s t r u c t i o n C o n t r a c t s<br />

Revenues and profits from construction contracts are recognised according to the degree of<br />

completion (“percentage of completion method”). Construction contracts qualify as longterm<br />

if the performance of the contract covers a period of at least 12 months, taken from the<br />

point in time of the commencement of the work until the point in time at which the work is, in<br />

substance, completed.<br />

The degree of completion is derived from the relationship between the contract costs<br />

incurred by the end of the financial year and the current estimated total contract costs as at<br />

the end of the financial year (“cost-to-cost method”). Losses arising on construction contracts<br />

are recognised in full, irrespective of the degree of completion reached, in the financial year in<br />

which the losses are identified.<br />

Construction contracts that are accounted for under the percentage of completion<br />

method are, where appropriate, after deduction of the requested advance payment, reported<br />

under the item “Construction contracts” as part of current receivables or current liabilities.<br />

*) I n t e r e s t o n E x t e r n a l F u n d i n g<br />

Interest on external funding is reported as an expense. External funding costs incurred during the<br />

construction phase of tank storage projects are capitalised together with the costs of construction<br />

(€ 4.0 million, prior year: € 2.6 million).<br />

*) I n t a n g i b l e F i x e d A s s e t s<br />

Intangible fixed assets acquired for cash with a determinable useful life are capitalised at their<br />

acquisition cost and systematically amortised using the linear method over their useful lives of<br />

between three and 15 years. Intangible assets acquired for cash with an indefinite useful life are<br />

not systematically amortised, but are reviewed annually for indications of impairment.<br />

In accordance with the requirements of <strong>IFRS</strong> 3 “Business Combinations”, goodwill is no<br />

longer systematically amortised, but is reviewed annually for indications of impairment. <strong>IFRS</strong> 3<br />

is to be applied to all business combinations after 31 March 2004, but can, however, be applied<br />

earlier, if the goodwill has been treated in accordance with <strong>IFRS</strong> 3, with reference to IAS 36<br />

“Impairment of Assets”. As a result of <strong>IFRS</strong> 1 “First-time Adoption” combined with <strong>IFRS</strong> 3 “Business<br />

Combinations”, from 1 January 2004, systematic amortisation has not been carried out. All<br />

goodwill offset against retained earnings in accordance with the requirements of HGB remains<br />

unchanged in the <strong>IFRS</strong> opening balance sheet. In accordance with the impairment tests carried<br />

out as at 30 June <strong>2006</strong>, impairment write-downs amounting to K€ 586 (prior year: K€ 0) were<br />

necessary.<br />

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*) T a n g i b l e F i x e d A s s e t s<br />

Tangible fixed assets are stated at their acquisition or production cost less accumulated<br />

systematic depreciation. The linear depreciation method is applied. Additions during the year are<br />

depreciated on a time-apportioned basis. Low-value assets are written off in full in the year of<br />

acquisition. Additions and balance sheet recognition of technical plant and assets in the course<br />

of construction include planning and engineering services provided from within the group.<br />

Where significant parts of a fixed asset have different useful lives, they are treated as<br />

separate tangible assets and systematically depreciated (component accounting). Costs arising<br />

from the obligation to remove a tangible fixed asset when its use has come to an end are<br />

capitalised as part of acquisition costs at the time of acquisition or production.<br />

The useful lives of the intangible and tangible assets are set out in the following table:<br />

U s e f u l l i v e s o f t h e<br />

i n t a n g i b l e a n d t a n g i b l e a s s e t s<br />

( in years)<br />

U s e f u l l i f e<br />

* Licences, trade rights and similar rights<br />

(excluding software)<br />

3 to 15 years<br />

* Software 3 to 10 years<br />

* Office buildings 12 to 50 years<br />

* Operational buildings 12 to 40 years<br />

* Petrol station buildings 10 to 25 years<br />

* Tank constructions 40 years<br />

* Jetties 30 years<br />

* Pipelines 30 years<br />

* Petrol station equipment 3 to 16 years<br />

* Heating equipment 15 years<br />

* Other technical plant and machinery 10 to 25 years<br />

* Operating and other equipment 4 to 10 years<br />

The production cost of internally created assets encompasses the individual costs as well<br />

as the attributable material and production overheads including depreciation and amortisation.<br />

In addition, external funding costs during the construction phase are included in the production<br />

cost under IAS 23.<br />

Expenses relating to advance and basic planning arising in the context of investment<br />

projects are capitalised. They are depreciated according to the useful life of the investment<br />

project.<br />

Maintenance and repair costs are treated immediately as an expense. Regular major<br />

overhauls are capitalised as part of the related long-term asset under the concept of component<br />

accounting and depreciated over the period until the next major overhaul. Costs in respect of<br />

measures that lead to an extending of the benefit or an increase in the potential future benefits<br />

of an asset are capitalised as a matter of principle.

*) L e a s i n g<br />

In respect of leasing transactions, MARQUARD & BAHLS acts almost exclusively as a lessee.<br />

Lease agreements in the heating contracting segment are, in some cases, classified as finance<br />

leases with the consequence that the leased heating equipment is capitalised as economic<br />

property at the amount of the present vale of the lease instalments during the non-cancellable<br />

term of the lease and at the beginning of the lease period a corresponding liability to the lessor<br />

is recognised in the balance sheet. All other leasing contracts are treated as operating leases;<br />

the ongoing lease instalments are charged immediately as an expense.<br />

*) E n t i t i e s v a l u e d u s i n g t h e E q u i t y M e t h o d<br />

a n d O t h e r F i n a n c i a l A s s e t s<br />

Material equity investments over which a significant influence can be exerted are accounted for<br />

by use of the equity method. In doing so, the accounting policies of MARQUARD & BAHLS are<br />

also fundamentally applied to associated entities.<br />

Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries are stated at their acquisition cost, as<br />

no active market exists for these companies and their fair value cannot be reliably determined<br />

at a justifiable expense. Loans are stated at their amortised cost. All financial assets are written<br />

down where they are subject to a permanent diminution in value. Where it can be demonstrated<br />

that the reason for the diminution in value no longer exists, the write-down is reversed.<br />

*) I m p a i r m e n t o f F i x e d A s s e t s<br />

Long-term assets are reviewed for recoverability as soon as current market developments and<br />

budgeted figures indicate potentially that the net book value of an asset or a group of assets<br />

may exceed its attributable value. If the net book value exceeds the higher of the net disposal<br />

proceeds and the present value of the estimated future cash flows from the use of the asset, a<br />

write-down impairment is applied.<br />

back.<br />

If the reason for the impairment write-down no longer exists, the asset value is written<br />

In the <strong>2006</strong> financial year, there were no triggering events.<br />

In the context of the annual impairment test, goodwill and other intangible assets<br />

with an indefinite useful life of the cash generating units were reviewed for their recoverability.<br />

According to IAS 36 “Impairment of Assets”, a reduction in value via an impairment write-down<br />

must be carried out if the recoverable amount of a cash-generating unit is lower than its carrying<br />

amount. MARQUARD & BAHLS identified its cash generating units as the individual operative<br />

companies in each country (profit centre).<br />

MARQUARD & BAHLS determined the recoverable amount as the value in use for all<br />

cash generating units. In doing so, the starting point was the expected recoverable cash flows<br />

over a projection period corresponding to the interpreted long-term business policy and longterm<br />

investment of 15 years. This projection encompassed, for each cash-generating unit, all<br />

significant parameters from a cash flow perspective. For each of the business areas, uniform<br />

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projection premises such as significant exchange rates, the development of staff costs, planned<br />

investments and maintenance costs were taken as a basis. These were expanded to include the<br />

projection data specific to the business area, which are based on the known and contractually<br />

fixed key data at the time of the determination of the value in use. To the extent that they are<br />

not set by known contracts, growth parameters were not assumed.<br />

The expected cash flows were discounted using a rate of 12 %, taking account of interest<br />

and capital repayments. The net present value of the cash flows resulting from the discounting<br />

was compared with each of the net book values of the cash generating units. This is determined<br />

as the difference between the attributable assets including goodwill and liabilities.<br />

The impairment test in accordance with IAS 36 in the <strong>2006</strong> financial year gave rise to<br />

an impairment write-down requirement of K€ 589 (prior year: K€ 0).<br />

*) I n v e n t o r i e s<br />

In accordance with IAS 2, inventories are valued at the lower of the purchase or production cost<br />

and their market value at the balance sheet date. In determining purchase cost, the average<br />

value method is generally applied. There were no material valuation corrections required at<br />

31 December <strong>2006</strong>.<br />

As a departure from this policy, the inventories of the companies that were classified<br />

as commodity broker-traders are valued in accordance with IAS 2.3 (b) at fair value (market<br />

value) less selling expenses.<br />

*) R e c e iv a b l e s a n d o t h e r A s s e t s<br />

Receivables and other assets are stated in the balance sheet at their amortised cost. In order to<br />

account for individual risks, specific valuation write-downs are made.<br />

*) D e f f e r e d T a x a t i o n<br />

In accordance with IAS 12, deferred tax assets and liabilities for all temporary differences<br />

between group accounting values and tax values are recognised. In addition, deferred tax assets<br />

are recognised in respect of useable tax losses. The effects of changes in the rate of taxation<br />

on deferred tax assets and liabilities are reflected in the charge for taxation in the period in<br />

which the tax legislation is changed. Valuation adjustments are made where the realisation of a<br />

deferred tax asset is improbable.<br />

*) I F R S C o n v e r s i o n R e s e r v e<br />

The <strong>IFRS</strong> conversion reserve includes all changes in equity not passing through the income statement<br />

and included in the opening <strong>IFRS</strong> balance sheet at 1 January 2004 as a result of the conversion<br />

from German accounting regulations to the International <strong>Financial</strong> Reporting Standards (<strong>IFRS</strong><br />

and IAS) and their Interpretations (SICs and IFRICs) as issued by the International Accounting<br />

Standards Board (IASB) and adopted by the EU.

*) R e s e r v e f o r C h a n g e s i n V a l u e<br />

The reserve for changes in value includes changes in the fair value of financial instruments from<br />

cash flow hedges, of interest swaps and of net investments in foreign business operations, together<br />

with the related deferred tax effects.<br />

*) R e s e r v e f o r R e v a l u a t i o n<br />

The reserve for revaluation is connected with the transition consolidation of a company,<br />

which was brought in to the consolidated financial statements for the first time under the full<br />

consolidation principles in the 2004 financial year after the increase in the holding in voting<br />

rights from 49 % to 100 %. The change in equity of the company determined under <strong>IFRS</strong>, to<br />

the extent that it relates to the purchase of the first tranche, was recorded in the reserve for<br />

revaluation.<br />

*) P e n s i o n P r o v i s i o n s<br />

MARQUARD & BAHLS has taken advantage of the exemption available under <strong>IFRS</strong> 1 and included<br />

all actuarial gains and losses arising from defined benefit commitments at the time of conversion<br />

from HGB to <strong>IFRS</strong> in the <strong>IFRS</strong> opening balance sheet (fresh start).<br />

Defined benefit pension and healthcare provision obligations are valued using the<br />

projected unit credit method as required by IAS 19 “Employee Benefits”. In doing so, adjustments<br />

to future salaries and pensions are taken into account. The service cost for the beneficiaries<br />

arises from the systematic development of the benefits provision. Differences between the<br />

systematically determined pension obligations and the present value of the benefits and pensions<br />

at the end of the year are allocated over the average remaining working lives of the beneficiaries,<br />

to the extent that they exceed 10 % of the obligation. The pension obligations in Germany are<br />

determined by taking account of the biometric calculation principles in accordance with the<br />

2005 Heubeck reference tables. Pension obligations outside of Germany are determined taking<br />

into account country specific accounting principles and parameters. Deduction of the as yet<br />

unaccounted for actuarial gains and losses results in the pension provisions.<br />

The defined contribution obligations of MARQUARD & BAHLS are charged as an<br />

expense in the period in which payment is made.<br />

*) O t h e r P r o v i s i o n s<br />

Other provisions are accounted for in accordance with IAS 37 “Provisions, Contingent Liabilities<br />

and Contingent Assets”, and IAS 19 “Employee Benefits”. A provision is recognised in the balance<br />

sheet if the group has a legal or constructive obligation arising from past events and it is probable<br />

that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation. If the effect<br />

is material, long-term provisions are discounted. The discount rate applied is 5.5 %.<br />

Costs arising from the obligation for the rectification of environmental damage are<br />

provided for if the claim is probable and the costs can be reliably estimated. The provisions are<br />

adjusted via the income statement as a result of knowledge gained from continual investigations<br />

and also during the course of the rectification measures. The amount of the individual provisions<br />

is influenced by factors such as the degree of contamination, the required rectification measures<br />

and further requirements of authorities or private individuals.<br />

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*) L i a b i l i t i e s<br />

Long-term liabilities and financing liabilities are stated in the balance sheet at amortised cost.<br />

Short-term liabilities are recognised at their repayment or fulfilment value.<br />

*) F i n a n c i a l I n s t r u m e n t s<br />

As well as originating financial instruments such as trade accounts receivable and payable and<br />

financial receivables and liabilities, derivative financial instruments are also classified under<br />

financial instruments.<br />

*) D e r i v a t i v e F i n a n c i a l I n s t r u m e n t s<br />

Derivative <strong>Financial</strong> Instruments are predominantly used for hedging purposes against risks from<br />

changes in market prices of goods for resale and foreign currency exchange rates as well as interest<br />

rates. The transactions are entered into on international commodity futures markets as well as<br />

with banks and trading houses with first-class credit ratings, within the context of determined<br />

limits. Only marketable instruments with sufficient market liquidity are used. Consequently, material<br />

credit risks do not exist. The use of derivative financial instruments is subject to constant<br />

risk control.<br />

In accordance with IAS 39, all derivative financial instruments are stated at fair value in<br />

the financial statements, whereby the fair value states the effect on profits that a realisation of<br />

the derivative at the balance sheet date would have, independent of the underlying transaction.<br />

As a result of the volatility of value determining market data, the derivative financial instrument<br />

fair values determined as at the balance sheet date can differ substantially from the currently<br />

realisable amounts. The fair value of the foreign currency forward contracts is calculated on the<br />

basis of applicable spot rates at the balance sheet date combined with premiums and discounts<br />

relative to the agreed forward contract rate. In the case of interest swaps, valuation is performed<br />

on the basis of fair values provided by the contract partners. The market value of options and<br />

futures for commodities are determined daily by reference to the corresponding futures contract<br />

market.<br />

Derivatives are included in the balance sheet at fair value in accordance with IAS 39<br />

classified as derivative financial instruments or liabilities from derivative financial instruments.<br />

Initial balance sheet recognition takes place on the day of the trade and they are removed from<br />

the balance sheet on the day of their realisation.<br />

Changes in their fair values are recognised immediately in the income statement,<br />

expenses and income that arise from unrealised gains and losses on derivative financial instruments<br />

for the hedging of foreign currency risks are reported under the income statement item “Result<br />

from changes in value of financial instruments”. The unrealised gains and losses from these<br />

transactions are counteracted by an opposing movement in value of the recorded underlying<br />

transaction.<br />

Derivative financial instruments are entered into almost exclusively on the basis of<br />

standardised outline contracts for financial forward contracts.

Hedge Accounting is practised only for the hedging of interest rate change risks in<br />

respect of underlying transactions bearing interest at variable rates by entering into interest<br />

swaps: The effective part of the change in fair value of these interest swaps is reported under<br />

the reserve for changes in value after deduction of the effects of deferred tax. Ineffective parts<br />

are reported in the income statement. In addition, hedge accounting takes place for the hedging<br />

of net investments in foreign business operations. Foreign exchange fluctuations from the<br />

hedged volume of the loans that are denominated in the same currency as the net investment<br />

are reported directly to the reserve for changes in value net of their deferred tax effects and<br />

without passing through the income statement.<br />

*) O r i g i n a t i n g F i n a n c i a l I n s t r u m e n t s<br />

Investments in non-consolidated subsidiaries are stated at their acquisition cost, as no active<br />

market exists for these companies and a fair value cannot be reliably determined at justifiable<br />

cost.<br />

Outstanding loans, receivables and liabilities are stated at amortised cost. This relates<br />

specifically to<br />

,, Loans<br />

,, Trade accounts receivable and payable<br />

,, Non-current and current other assets and liabilities with the exclusion of receivables<br />

and liabilities relating to tax and construction contracts<br />

,, Securities<br />

The fair values of the originating financial instruments to be provided additionally in<br />

the notes to the financial statements correspond with the amortised cost values or deviate by<br />

only negligible amounts. In the absence of an active market, it was not possible to determine the<br />

attributable fair value of one of the loans reported under other non-current liabilities. A determination<br />

of the attributable fair value by means of other valuation methods was not carried out.<br />

Initial balance sheet recognition of all originating financial instruments takes place on<br />

the day of the trade. The accounting entry takes place as soon as MARQUARD & BAHLS has<br />

entered into a contractual relationship in respect of a financial instrument. Removal from the<br />

balance sheet takes place on repayment or expiry of the financial instrument.<br />

*) E m b e d d e d D e r i v a t i v e F i n a n c i a l I n s t r u m e n t s<br />

One group company has entered into refreshment and replenishment agreements with the<br />

national strategic petroleum reserve. These agreements provide that for a fixed period, the company<br />

takes fixed quantities of mineral oil products at fixed prices, in order to replenish them and keep<br />

them fresh. For the same period, the same products at the same prices or qualitatively different<br />

products, taking account of price differentials, are to be supplied back to the strategic petroleum<br />

reserve. The return of goods obligation is valued in accordance with IAS 39.10 et seq., as an<br />

embedded derivative at its attributable fair value (market value).<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

page 22_23

7 7 8,7 00,000 km<br />

W e a r e c o m m i t t e d t o o u r s h a r e h o l d e r s , e m p l o y e e s a n d<br />

b u s i n e s s p a r t n e r s , b u t n o t b o u n d t o o t h e r i n s t i t u t i o n s .<br />

D i s t a n c e S u n – J u p i t e r<br />

*) R i s k M a n a g e m e n t o f F i n a n c i a l R i s k s<br />

The risk management of the group concerns itself, in addition to operative risks such as activity,<br />

country and environmental risks, primarily with market risks, which, specifically, are caused by<br />

fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices. It is group policy<br />

to continually observe, quantify and hedge against these fluctuations, with the aim of avoiding<br />

risks that endanger continued existence and to avoid fluctuations in cash flow and income that<br />

are determined by commodity procurement and sale price as well as by foreign exchange and<br />

interest rates. The hedging of these market risks is achieved to a high degree with derivative<br />

financial instruments.<br />

*) L i q u i d i t y R i s k<br />

Liquidity risk denotes the risk of being able to procure sufficient financial resources in order to<br />

meet liabilities as they arise. An essential instrument for the controlling of liquidity risk is an<br />

exact financial projection, prepared by each of the operative companies. In this manner, funding<br />

requirements and bank credit lines are determined.<br />

The financing of operating resources is performed by the group Treasury department.<br />

A daily offsetting of group internal balances is carried out by the central clearing function.<br />

Companies with cash surpluses make them available to companies requiring funds. This reduces<br />

the volume of external financing and achieves an optimal net interest charge.<br />

*) C r e d i t R a t i n g R i s k<br />

The credit rating risk denotes asset losses that can arise from the non-fulfilment of contractual<br />

obligations of individual business partners. The credit rating risk of the business partners is<br />

hedged largely by pledges, trade credit insurance, bank guarantees and letters of support.<br />

In relation to derivative financial instruments the credit rating risk is restricted to<br />

transactions with a positive market value and, in respect of these, to the replacement cost.<br />

Derivative transactions are entered into almost exclusively on the basis of standardised contracts<br />

relating to financial futures transactions. Accounts receivable from brokers on commodity<br />

futures markets are transacted via secured accounts. A broker credit rating risk does not exist.<br />

*) D e f a u l t R i s k<br />

The maximum default risk at 31 December <strong>2006</strong> amounts to approximately € 740 million<br />

(prior year: approximately € 720 million).

*) C h a n g e i n V a l u e R i s k<br />

As a result of the volatility of the price of mineral oil products, goods inventories, contracts for<br />

the sale and purchase of goods and goods related derivative financial instruments are subject to<br />

a continual risk of change in value. Priced physical positions (procurement and sale contracts,<br />

inventories, as well as return of goods obligations) are therefore, to the extent that no natural<br />

hedging exists, hedged by corresponding opposing transactions in this context via commodity<br />

futures markets and as a consequence secured against risk. Only to a limited degree are the<br />

management of the operative companies entitled to enter into controlled risk positions.<br />

In this context, commodity future contracts are transacted in USD.<br />

*) F o r e i g n C u r r e n c y R i s k<br />

The largest foreign currency position in the group is in US Dollars.<br />

A natural foreign currency hedge arises in the business segment MABANAFT from funds<br />

received from the sale of goods in US Dollars being used for the purchase of goods in US Dollars.<br />

In the business segment OILTANKING the foreign currency risk is hedged in the context of a<br />

‘double strategy’. At the level of the subsidiary companies, open foreign currency positions from<br />

the issuing of loans are hedged with the help of cross-currency interest rate swaps. Countering<br />

this at the group level is a “natural hedging”, whereby the issuing of loans is financed by<br />

private placement which brings about opposing foreign currency effects. For a partial amount<br />

of € 36.3 million (prior year: € 40.7 million) of such investments in foreign business operations,<br />

hedge accounting in accordance with IAS 39 is applied (cash flow hedge). Other open positions<br />

are mainly hedged by entering into currency swaps. Hedge accounting for currency swaps does<br />

not take place.<br />

Investment finance is controlled by the group finance department. The taking out of<br />

loans is, in part, executed in the operative companies in the currency of the company’s income,<br />

in order to avoid exchange rate risks.<br />

*) I n t e r e s t R i s k<br />

MARQUARD & BAHLS differentiates between cash flow risk (the risk that interest income and<br />

expense change disadvantageously) in respect of variable interest bearing financial instruments<br />

and net present value risk in respect of fixed interest financial instruments. The cash flow risk is<br />

hedged by entering into interest swaps, whilst the net present value risk remains unhedged.<br />

In respect of non-interest bearing financial instruments, no interest risk exists. In the<br />

case of an increase of 1% in the interest rate, the net interest charge from the variable interest<br />

bearing financial instruments would increase by approximately € 0.1 million per annum (prior<br />

year: approx. € 3 million per annum).<br />

( 5 ) S i g n i f i c a n t A s s u m p t i o n w i t h s i g n i f i c a n t<br />

R i s k o f C h a n g e i n V a l u e<br />

The consolidated financial statements of MARQUARD & BAHLS <strong>AG</strong> also include the following<br />

material items, whose method of valuation is substantially dependent on underlying assumptions<br />

and estimates:<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

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page 24_25

*) I n v e n t o r i e s a n d R e t u r n o f G o o d s O b l i g a t i o n s<br />

Inventories and obligations for the return of goods are valued under the broker-trader option<br />

and also as embedded derivatives at their fair value (market prices). The value actually realised<br />

can differ significantly from the value recognised in the consolidated balance sheet as a result<br />

of volatile market prices. The material risk is limited by implemented hedging instruments. The<br />

book value of inventories at the balance sheet date amounted to approximately € 458 million<br />

(prior year: approximately € 440 million) and the book value of the return of goods obligations<br />

amounted to approximately € 16 million (prior year: approximately € 18 million).<br />

*) P e n s i o n P r o v i s i o n s<br />

The actuarial calculation of the pensions obligation is based upon assumptions in respect of<br />

discount rates, expected returns on scheme assets, salary increases, pension increases and mortality<br />

rates. In addition, changes in the assumed trends in health costs are taken into account. These<br />

assumptions can differ from the actual data, specifically as a result of a change in economic<br />

environment and a change in the market conditions as well as changes in the assumptions on<br />

which the trends in health costs are based, e.g. from health reforms.<br />

A change of 0.1 % in the assumed discount rate leads to a change of approximately<br />

K€ 500 in the present value of the pension obligation. This variance does not give rise to a material<br />

influence on the future expense for pensions.<br />

The book value of the pension provisions amounted to approximately € 36 million at<br />

31 December <strong>2006</strong> (prior year: approximately € 36 million).<br />

*) F i x e d A s s e t W r i t e - d o w n s<br />

In the context of the annual impairment test, goodwill and other intangible assets are reviewed<br />

for their recoverability.<br />

The recoverability review involves performing a valuation on the basis of the entity’s<br />

projection using market or entity specific discount rates and expected growth rates and foreign<br />

currency exchange rates. The related assumptions can be subject to changes, which could lead<br />

to valuation corrections in future periods. The intangible assets recognised in the balance sheet<br />

as at 31 December <strong>2006</strong> amount to approximately € 22 million (prior year: approximately € 25<br />

million).<br />

*) P r o v i s i o n s f o r E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n<br />

Provisions are made for the rectification of environmental damage, provided the related claim<br />

is probable and the costs can be reliably estimated. The amount of the individual provisions is<br />

influenced by factors such as the degree of contamination, the required rectification measures<br />

and further requirements of authorities, businesses or private individuals. Changes in these factors<br />

could lead to the necessity to adjust the amount of the provision. The major part of the provisions<br />

relates to obligations for the rectification of environmental damage at the production facilities,<br />

old locations and waste disposal sites of the business. As at 31 December <strong>2006</strong>, provisions for<br />

environmental protection of approximately € 7 million were included in the balance sheet (prior<br />

year: € 9 million).

*) R e a l i t i o n o f D e f e r r e d T a x A s s e t s<br />

The calculation of deferred tax balances is performed on the basis of tax rates, which, according<br />

to current legislation, will apply at the point in time at which the temporary differences will<br />

reverse as well as estimates of taxable future earnings. Possible changes in tax rates or future<br />

income differing from the assumed amount can lead to the realisation of deferred tax assets<br />

becoming improbable, making a valuation correction necessary. Deferred tax assets recognised<br />

in the balance sheet at 31 December <strong>2006</strong> amounted to approximately € 19 million (prior year:<br />

approximately € 18 million).<br />

*) U s e f u l L i v e s o f F i x e d A s s e t s<br />

Tangible fixed assets and intangible fixed assets acquired for cash with limited useful lives are<br />

recognised at their purchase or production cost and systematically depreciated or amortised on a<br />

linear basis over their useful lives. In determining the useful lives, factors such as consumption,<br />

ageing, technical standards, contract periods, changes in demand and availability of raw materials<br />

are taken into account. Changes in these factors can bring about a shortening of the useful life of<br />

an asset. In this situation, the remaining net book value would be depreciated or amortised over<br />

the new remaining useful life, which would lead to higher annual depreciation or amortisation<br />

charges. The total book value of intangible and tangible fixed assets at 31 December <strong>2006</strong><br />

amounted to approximately € 1,005 million (prior year: approximately € 944 million).<br />

( 6 ) M a t e r i a l A c q u i s i t i o n s<br />

There were no material acquisitions in the <strong>2006</strong> financial year.<br />

( 7 ) M a t e r i a l D i s p o s a l s<br />

By contracts dated 20 March <strong>2006</strong> and 21 July <strong>2006</strong>, MARQUARD & BAHLS disposed of a 50 %<br />

interest in Oiltanking Antwerp N.V., Antwerp, Belgium for a cash price of € 36.9 million with<br />

economic effect from 1 January <strong>2006</strong>; the loss of control and the resulting transition from full<br />

consolidation to partial consolidation took place on 1 July <strong>2006</strong>. A book profit of € 24.1 million<br />

arose from the sale of the interest.<br />

In addition, in the <strong>2006</strong> financial year, the 50 % interest in the heating contracting<br />

company WGB-Wärme GmbH & Co. KG as well as the 50 % interest in the company with unlimited<br />

liability was sold at a price of K€ 3,935. A profit of K€ 2,423 arose from the deconsolidation.<br />

384,400 km<br />

D i s t a n c e E a r t h – M o o n<br />

O u r f i n a n c i a l s o u n d n e s s a n d o u r f l a t d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g s t r u c t u r e s g i v e u s<br />

t h e a b i l i t y t o c a p t u r e m a r k e t o p p o r t u n i t i e s .<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

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page 26_27

Commentary<br />

C<br />

o f M a r q u a r d & B a h l s A G <strong>2006</strong><br />

o m m e n t a r y o n t h e C o n s o l i d a t e d I n c o m e S t a t e m e n t<br />

( 8 ) R e v e n u e s aft e r D e d u c tio n of Min e ra l Oil Ta x<br />

Revenues by business segment are as follows:<br />

S a l e s a f t e r d e d u c t i o n o f<br />

m i n e r a l o i l t a x ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Oiltanking 341,282 316,995<br />

* Mabanaft 10,465,225 8,175,567<br />

* Cargo and barge trading 3,609,120 2,850,300<br />

* Wholesale trading 4,865,270 3,534,752<br />

* Retail trading 1,949,415 1,753,914<br />

* Heating contracting 41,420 36,601<br />

* Skytanking 19,674 15,972<br />

* Other 7,846 1,745<br />

T o t a l 10,834,027 8,510,279<br />

The revenues of the business area OILTANKING include revenues from construction<br />

contracts of K€ 43,529 (prior year: K€ 43,528).<br />

Revenues by geographical region are as follows:<br />

S a l e s b y r e g i o n ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Germany 3,850,056 3,811,309<br />

* Europe 5,282,218 3,996,812<br />

* Asia 78,285 70,504<br />

* North America 1,574,932 585,807<br />

* South America 48,536 45,847<br />

t o t a l 10,834,027 8,510,279<br />

Revenues are reported after the deduction of mineral oil tax of K€ 969,144 (prior year:<br />

K€ 1,140,679).

( 9 ) O t h e r O p e r a t i n g I n c o m e<br />

O t h e r o p e r a t i n g i n c o m e ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Cost refunds 11,165 5,481<br />

* Compensation refunds 1,824 2,237<br />

* Foreign exchange gains 20,581 17,402<br />

* Income from the sale of interest in Oiltanking Stolthaven 24,080 0<br />

* Income from the sale of interest in WGB 2,423 0<br />

* Income from the reversal of provisions 2,813 2,480<br />

* Amounts written back on tangible fixed assets 82 656<br />

* Rental income 1,509 1,272<br />

* Receipt of written-off receivables and removal<br />

of liabilities 1,487 860<br />

* Profit from disposal of fixed assets 3,195 549<br />

* Sundry 10,834 6,100<br />

T o t a L 79,993 37,037<br />

Income from foreign exchange differences is reported on a gross basis. In respect of<br />

the reported income from foreign exchange differences, there are opposing foreign exchange<br />

losses, which should be evaluated as one item from an economic perspective.<br />

The sundry other operating income includes a number of individual items.<br />

( 1 0 ) C o s t o f S a l e s<br />

*)<br />

C o s t o f s a l e s ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

* Cost of raw materials, supplies<br />

and purchased goods 10,205.979 7,999,975<br />

* Cost of purchased servives 91,712 86,864<br />

T o t a l 10,297,691 8,086,839<br />

( 1 1 ) P e r s o n n e l E x p e n s e s<br />

P e r s o n n e l e x p e n s e s ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Wages and salaries 130,060 109,653<br />

* Social contribution, pension charges<br />

and support 25,301 21,942<br />

* (of which for pensions) (6,365) (6,332)<br />

T o t a l 155,361 131,595<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

page 28_29

Pension charges include predominantly expenses arising from payments into defined<br />

contribution pension schemes. The interest element from the valuation of pension obligations is<br />

also reported under this item.<br />

( 1 2 ) O t h e r O p e r a t i n g E x p e n s e s<br />

O t h e r<br />

o p e r a t i n g e x p e n s e s ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Selling expenses 14,980 15,638<br />

* Freight costs 35,335 12,041<br />

* Service recharges 4,205 2,778<br />

* Writing-off and valuation correction of receivables 4,550 4,692<br />

* Storage costs 19,052 11,672<br />

* Loss on disposal of fixed assets 938 3,182<br />

* Auxiliary personnel expenses 6,458 6,845<br />

* Third party costs 9,465 6,049<br />

* Legal and advisory costs 9,753 10,014<br />

* Foreign exchange losses 8,248 14,053<br />

* Rent and occupancy costs 6,012 6,329<br />

* Operating taxes 9,314 13,232<br />

* Motoring expenses 6,298 5,647<br />

* Insurance 6,351 5,885<br />

* Bank charges 5,605 6,080<br />

* Postage and communication costs 4,159 4,332<br />

* Travel and representation costs 9,045 8,249<br />

* Sundry 18,419 13,271<br />

T o t a l 178,187 149,989<br />

Sundry expenses include a number of individual items such as expenses for office supplies,<br />

charges, subscriptions and IT expenses.<br />

( 1 3 ) F i n a n c i a l R e s u l t<br />

F i n a n c i a l r e s u l t ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Income from investments 171 147<br />

* Income from companies accounted for using the<br />

equity method 2,690 3,088<br />

I n v e s t m e n t r e s u l t 2,861 3,235<br />

* Income from fixed asset investments in securities<br />

and loans 813 278<br />

* Other interest and similar income 5,849 4,804<br />

* Interest and similar charges –44,560 –37,596<br />

* Amounts written off of financial investments –259 –54<br />

N e t i n t e r e s t –38,157 –32,568<br />

* Change in value of derivative financial instruments 2,315 –1,220<br />

* Gain/loss on revaluation of foreign currency loans 1,132 838<br />

O t h e r f i n a n c i a l R e s u l t 3,447 –382<br />

T o t a l –31,849 –29,715

In the year under review, income from companies accounted for using the equity<br />

method includes profits amounting to € 3.7 million (prior year: € 3.7 million) and losses of € 1.0<br />

million (prior year: € 0.6 million). The dividend distributions of the companies included “at equity”<br />

amount to € 2.5 million (prior year: € 2.5 million).<br />

Interest and similar charges relate predominantly to short-term trading finance in<br />

respect of MABANAFT and long-term investment loans in respect of OILTANKING.<br />

The result from the change in the value of derivative financial instruments comprises<br />

positive changes in value of K€ 7,758 (prior year: K€ 2,500) and negative changes in value<br />

of K€ 5,443 (prior year: K€ 3,900) in respect of currency and interest swaps as well as crosscurrency<br />

interest swaps.<br />

The gain/loss on revaluation of hedged foreign currency loans includes the income<br />

statement proportion of the foreign currency valuation of a loan included under other long-term<br />

liabilities (+ K€ 7,578, prior year: - K€ 10,268) and the fair value adjustment of a cross currency<br />

interest swap (- K€ 6,446, prior year: + K€ 11,106) for the purpose of hedging the loan.<br />

( 14 ) T a x o n P r o f i t s<br />

Short and long-term deferred tax balances for German companies are determined using a total<br />

tax rate of 40 %, comprising corporation tax of 25%, solidarity surcharge of 5.5 % and an average<br />

trade tax rate of 18 %. The deferred tax calculations of the foreign companies were based on the<br />

country-specific tax rates.<br />

The total tax charge comprises the following:<br />

T a x o n p r o f i t s ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Current tax 14,539 13,985<br />

* of which domestic tax 6,373 7,053<br />

* of which foreign tax 8,166 6,932<br />

*Deferred tax 16,468 7,696<br />

* of which domestic deferred tax 6,516 –3,015<br />

* of which foreign deferred tax 9,952 10,711<br />

T a x o n P r o f i t s 31,007 21,681<br />

The effective tax rate in the <strong>2006</strong> financial year amounts to 17 %. An analysis of the<br />

difference between the actual charge and the expected tax on profits arising from a consolidated<br />

tax rate of 40 %, comprising corporation tax, solidarity surcharge and trade tax is set out below:<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

page 30_31

Reconciliation of theoretical<br />

to actual income tax expense ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Group profit before tax 181,254 82,817<br />

* Expected tax on profits with a group tax rate of 40 % –72,502 –33,127<br />

* Differences from varying tax rates 15,298 8,661<br />

* Trade tax effects –1,038 –809<br />

* Adjustment of deferred tax balances as a result of changes in tax rates 1,528 –573<br />

* Non-taxable income 30,066 10,138<br />

* Permanent differences –859 860<br />

* Non-deductible expenses –3,098 –2,368<br />

* Tax from previous years 915 –191<br />

* Movements from valuation adjustments to<br />

deferred tax assets –1,300 –5,900<br />

* Results from equity investments –284 997<br />

* Other tax effects 656 –80<br />

* Consolidation effects –389 711<br />

T a x o n P r o f i t s –31,007 –21,681<br />

In accordance with the balance sheet orientated determination of deferred tax balances,<br />

the following deferred tax assets arise under <strong>IFRS</strong> for the individual balance sheet items:<br />

D e f e r r e d t a x a s s e t s ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Intangible assets 852 290<br />

* Other non-current assets 205 354<br />

* Other participating interests and remaining investments 2,604 0<br />

* Receivables and other assets 4,754 1,068<br />

* Tax losses brought forward and tax credits 35,880 33,732<br />

* Provisions and liabilities 42,467 30,472<br />

* Other 5,439 4,082<br />

S u b - T o t a l 92,201 69,998<br />

* (of which long-term) (47,414) (43,972)<br />

* Valuation corrections –30,451 –27,529<br />

* Offsetting in individual companies –42,815 –24,948<br />

d e f e r r e d T a x A s s e t s 18,935 17,521<br />

Due to the results of the past and expectations regarding similar results in the future,<br />

it is probable that future taxable profits are sufficient for the realisation of the deferred tax<br />

assets. In respect of the element of deferred tax assets for which this assumption is not valid, a<br />

corresponding valuation write-down was applied.

In accordance with the balance sheet orientated determination of deferred tax balances,<br />

the following deferred tax liabilities arise under <strong>IFRS</strong> for the individual balance sheet items:<br />

D e f e r r e d t a x l i a b i l i t i e s ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Intangible assets 202 239<br />

* Tangible fixed assets 85,434 95,670<br />

* Other participating interests and remaining investments 301 1,993<br />

* Receivables and other assets 37,472 16,200<br />

* Provisions and liabilities 17,605 7,965<br />

* Other 9,598 2,042<br />

S u b - T o t a l 150,612 124,109<br />

* (of which long-term) (101,358) (93,893)<br />

* Offsetting in individual companies –42,815 –24,948<br />

D e f e r r e d t a x L i a b i l i t i e s 107,797 99,161<br />

The amount of tax losses not recognised is set out below:<br />

T a x l o s s e s ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

* Domestic losses<br />

* Corporation tax 7,704 12,776<br />

* Trade tax 77,615 68,204<br />

* Foreign losses 44,983 35,681<br />

The domestic losses can be carried forward indefinitely; the foreign losses can<br />

predominantly be carried forward indefinitely. Foreign losses of K€ 9,346 expire from 2011 and<br />

later.<br />

It is assumed that future profit distributions and disposals of participating interests<br />

will not give rise to material tax charges. Consequently, no deferred tax liabilities have been<br />

recognised in respect of these items.<br />

In total, deferred tax balances of K€ 475 were recognised without passing through the<br />

income statement. In doing so, deferred taxes of K€ 624 from the fair value adjustment of interest<br />

swaps and K€ 1,445 from the cash flow hedging of foreign net investments was reported directly<br />

to the reserve for changes in value without passing through the income statement. An amount<br />

of K€ 2,544 was recorded on the foreign currency offset account without passing through the<br />

income statement.<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

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page 32_33

( 1 5 ) A v e r a g e E m p l o y e e N u m b e r s<br />

During the <strong>2006</strong> financial year, MARQUARD & BAHLS had an average of 3,798 employees<br />

(prior year: 3,707 employees), of which an average of 752 employees (prior year: 529 employees)<br />

were in joint ventures. Included in the total number of employees are 946 employees (prior year:<br />

1,084 employees), of which 804 are industrial employees (prior year: 954 industrial employees),<br />

of the Moldavian group company.<br />

The structure of the average employee numbers of the group is set out below:<br />

2 0 0 6 2 0 0 5<br />

A v e r a g e e m p l o y e e n u m b e r s<br />

Number % Number %<br />

* Employees<br />

* Industrial 2,193 58 2,248 61<br />

* Salaried 1,605 42 1,459 39<br />

T o t a l 3,798 100 3,707 100<br />

* Distribution by Region<br />

* Germany 721 19 709 19<br />

* Europe (excluding Germany) 1,573 41 1,672 45<br />

* North America 377 10 331 9<br />

* South America 500 13 482 13<br />

* Asia 627 17 513 14<br />

T o t a l 3,798 100 3,707 100<br />

* Distribution by Business Segment<br />

* Mabanaft 1,494 39 1,601 43<br />

* Oiltanking 1,942 51 1,780 48<br />

* Skytanking 235 6 186 5<br />

* Other segments 127 3 140 4<br />

T o t a l 3,798 100 3,707 100<br />

108,200,000 km<br />

D i s t a n c e S u n – V e n u s<br />

O u r f o c u s i s n o t s h o r t - t e r m p r o f i t m a x i m i z a t i o n , b u t o n l o n g - t e r m ,<br />

p r o f i t a b l e g r o w t h .

Commentary<br />

o f M a r q u a r d & B a h l s A G <strong>2006</strong><br />

C o m m e n t a r y o n t h e C o n s o l i d a t e d B a l a n c e S h e e t<br />

( 1 6 ) I n t a n g i b l e F i x e d A s s e t s<br />

I n t a n g i b l e<br />

f i x e d a s s e t s<br />

( K)<br />

Licences,<br />

trade and<br />

similar<br />

rights<br />

Goodwill<br />

Advance<br />

payments made<br />

on intangible<br />

assets<br />

T o t a l<br />

*)<br />

Purchase cost<br />

As at 01.01.2005 38,591 0 70 38,661<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership 5 2,777 0 2,782<br />

* Foreign exchange movements 1,210 0 0 1,210<br />

* Additions 3,151 1,348 7 4,506<br />

* Disposals –1,244 0 0 –1,244<br />

* Transfers 169 0 –49 120<br />

As at 31.12.2005 41,882 4,125 28 46,035<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership 870 1 0 871<br />

* Foreign exchange movements –1,208 0 0 –1,208<br />

* Additions 1,285 0 18 1,303<br />

* Disposals –1,523 0 0 –1,523<br />

* Transfers 5 –326 –28 –349<br />

As at 31.12.<strong>2006</strong> 41,311 3,800 18 45,129<br />

Amortisation<br />

As at 01.01.2005 16,596 0 0 16,596<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership 1 0 0 1<br />

* Foreign exchange movements 777 0 0 777<br />

* Amortisation 2005 3,938 14 0 3,952<br />

* Disposals –763 0 0 –763<br />

* Transfers 0 0 0 0<br />

As at 31.12.2005 20,549 14 0 20,563<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership –173 0 0 –173<br />

* Foreign exchange movements –768 0 0 –768<br />

* Amortisation <strong>2006</strong> 4,989 88 0 5,077<br />

* Disposals –1,288 0 0 –1,288<br />

* Transfers –40 0 0 –40<br />

As at 31.12.<strong>2006</strong> 23,269 102 0 23,371<br />

Net book value 31.12.<strong>2006</strong> 18,042 3,698 18 21,758<br />

Net book value 31.12.2005 21,333 4,111 28 25,472<br />

Net book value 31.12.2004 21,995 0 70 22,065<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

Seite 34_35

As at 31 December 2005, intangible fixed assets included an amount of K€ 2,777 in<br />

respect of a difference arising from a preliminary purchase price allocation which was allocated<br />

in the prior year as goodwill arising from the capital consolidation of a Belgian subsidiary<br />

acquired in 2005 in the aviation fuelling segment. In <strong>2006</strong>, K€ 326 of this difference was allocated<br />

to an equity accounted investment of this subsidiary. The remaining difference of K€ 2,451 was<br />

conclusively assigned to goodwill.<br />

( 17 ) T a n g i b l e F i x e d A s s e t s<br />

T a n g i b l e<br />

f i x e d a s s e t s<br />

( K)<br />

Land<br />

and<br />

buildings<br />

Technical<br />

plant and<br />

machinery<br />

Other assets,<br />

operating<br />

and<br />

office<br />

equipment<br />

Advance<br />

payments<br />

and assets<br />

under<br />

construction<br />

T o t a l<br />

Purchase cost<br />

As at 01.01.2005 147,693 1,081,058 66,768 64,468 1,359,987<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership 0 3,156 529 331 4,016<br />

* Foreign exchange movements 4,263 62,139 3,010 2,153 71,565<br />

* Additions 6,038 60,791 8,117 74,420 149,366<br />

* Disposals –368 –9,353 –6,761 –99 –16,581<br />

* Transfers –2,634 76,167 1,463 –75,155 –159<br />

As at 31.12.2005 154,992 1,273,958 73,126 66,118 1,568,194<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership –5,213 –58,809 –923 2,925 –62,020<br />

* Foreign exchange movements –3,866 –37,703 –2,038 –2,538 –46,145<br />

* Additions 4,598 53,686 8,710 131,080 198,074<br />

* Disposals –286 –10,004 –5,099 –185 –15,574<br />

* Transfers 6,549 80,197 343 –87,066 23<br />

As at 31.12.<strong>2006</strong> 156,774 1,301,325 74,119 110,334 1,642,552<br />

Depreciation<br />

As at 01.01.2005 58,176 467,923 42,039 385 568,523<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership 0 2,682 276 0 2,958<br />

* Foreign exchange movements 656 21,632 1,591 40 23,919<br />

* Depreciation 2005 5,935 52,376 6,642 55 65,008<br />

* Disposals –300 –5,751 –4,446 –55 –10,552<br />

* Write-backs 0 –656 0 0 –656<br />

* Transfers –6,224 6,241 –16 0 1<br />

As at 31.12.2005 58,243 544,447 46,086 425 649,201<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership –2,941 –27,690 –747 0 –31,378<br />

* Foreign exchange movements –796 –13,651 –1,084 –50 –15,581<br />

* Depreciation <strong>2006</strong> 5,841 56,503 6,939 0 69,283<br />

* Disposals –190 –7,880 –3,496 –110 –11,676<br />

* Write-backs –82 0 0 0 –82<br />

* Transfers 462 –443 21 0 40<br />

As at 31.12.<strong>2006</strong> 60,537 551,286 47,719 265 659,807<br />

Net book value 31.12.<strong>2006</strong> 96,237 750,039 26,400 110,069 982,745<br />

Net book value 31.12.2005 96,749 729,511 27,040 65,693 918,993<br />

Net book value 31.12.2004 89,517 613,135 24,729 64,083 791,464<br />

The significant investments in technical plant and machinery relate to increases in<br />

capacity in the tank storage facilities in Singapore, Malta, Amsterdam and the US Gulf coast. In<br />

addition, investments were also made in petrol stations and heat generating equipment.

Technical plant and machinery includes heat generating equipment amounting to<br />

K€ 189 (prior year: K€ 1,899) that has been capitalised in the balance sheet under finance<br />

leases.<br />

The additions to assets under construction relate principally to commenced capacity<br />

expansion measures at the tank storage locations in Amsterdam, Antwerp, Malta and also the<br />

US Gulf coast.<br />

( 1 8 ) I n v e s t m e n t s a c c o u n t e d f o r u n d e r t h e<br />

E q u i t y M e t h o d a n d o t h e r I n v e s t m e n t s<br />

I n v e s t m e n t s<br />

( K)<br />

Equity<br />

accounted<br />

entities<br />

Interests in<br />

affiliated<br />

companies<br />

Participation<br />

interests<br />

Loans to<br />

entities in<br />

which a<br />

participating<br />

interest is<br />

held<br />

Fixed asset<br />

security<br />

investments<br />

Other<br />

loans<br />

Other<br />

investments<br />

T o t a l<br />

Purchase cost<br />

As at 01.01.2005 24,248 8,421 126 1,702 134 3,781 14,164<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership 390 -3,286 0 0 335 0 -2,951<br />

* Foreign exchange movements 388 247 0 0 16 127 390<br />

* Additions 4,229 1,084 58 1,859 0 709 3,710<br />

* Disposals -2,558 -2,530 -51 0 -3 -1,656 -4,240<br />

* Transfers -3,355 3,349 6 -1,678 0 1,719 3,396<br />

As at 31.12.2005 23,342 7,285 139 1,883 482 4,680 14,469<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership -1,240 -4,026 0 0 0 8,770 4,744<br />

* Foreign exchange movements -318 108 -5 -1 -12 -44 46<br />

* Additions 5,064 7,909 3,715 438 2 376 12,440<br />

* Disposals -3,204 -51 0 0 -106 -2,433 -2,590<br />

* Transfers 325 0 0 148 0 -148 0<br />

As at 31.12.<strong>2006</strong> 23,969 11,225 3,849 2,468 366 11,201 29,109<br />

Amounts written off<br />

As at 01.01.2005 4,055 3,697 28 0 108 963 4,796<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

* Foreign exchange movements 5 0 0 0 16 0 16<br />

* Write-downs 2005 649 0 0 0 0 54 54<br />

* Disposals 0 -2,392 -28 0 0 -29 -2,449<br />

* Transfers -67 67 0 0 0 0 67<br />

* Write-backs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

As at 31.12.2005 4,642 1,372 0 0 124 988 2,484<br />

* Change in consolidated<br />

group membership -3 -67 0 0 0 0 -67<br />

* Foreign exchange movements -3 0 0 0 -12 -1 -13<br />

* Write-downs <strong>2006</strong> 1,020 0 0 109 0 150 259<br />

* Disposals 0 -51 0 0 -107 -167 -325<br />

* Write-backs -548 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

As at 31.12.<strong>2006</strong> 5,108 1,254 0 109 5 970 2,338<br />

Net book value 31.12.<strong>2006</strong> 18,861 9,971 3,849 2,359 361 10,231 26,771<br />

Net book value 31.12.2005 18,700 5,913 139 1,883 358 3,692 11,985<br />

Net book value 31.12.2004 20,193 4,724 98 1,702 26 2,818 9,368<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

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Seite 36_37

*) O t h e r I n v e s t m e n t s<br />

Investments in affiliated companies and other participating investments are stated at their<br />

acquisition cost less impairment write-downs.<br />

The composition of other loans is as follows:<br />

O t h e r i n v e s t m e n t s<br />

Nominal amount<br />

Recipient<br />

Term<br />

Interest rate<br />

( %)<br />

Book value<br />

( K)<br />

*)<br />

* KE 8,770 Oiltanking Stolthaven 2007–2018 5,735 8,770<br />

* KGBP 35 Business partner 2007 0 35<br />

* KUSD 1,739 Petroperu 2007–2010 0 660<br />

* KE 766 Various Various Various 766<br />

T o t a l 10,231<br />

The loan to Petroperu does not bear interest. It was discounted at 8.25 %.<br />

The other loans to various recipients relate mainly to loans to petrol station tenants<br />

(K€ 217) and loans amounting to K€ 439 provided as finance in the heating contracting segment.<br />

All of the other loans bear interest at market rates.<br />

( 19 ) N o n - c u r r e n t R e c e i v a b l e s a n d o t h e r<br />

n o n - c u r r e n t A s s e t s<br />

The non-current receivables and other assets comprise the following items:<br />

*)<br />

N o n - c u r r e n t r e c e i v a b l e s a n d<br />

o t h e r n o n - c u r r e n t a s s e t s ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

* Trade accounts receivable 238 162<br />

* Receivables from employee benefit insurance policies 5,524 5,651<br />

* Tax receivables 29,477 12,070<br />

* Prepaid expenses 5,294 5,384<br />

* Other long-term receivables 2,202 175<br />

T o t a l 42,735 23,442<br />

The non-current tax receivables relate solely to taxes on profits. They include mainly<br />

investment tax credits amounting to K€ 29, 474 (prior year: K€ 10,697).<br />

The non-current prepaid expenses relate predominantly to rent paid in advance and<br />

investment subsidies to petrol station tenants.

( 2 0 ) I n v e n t o r i e s<br />

Included under inventories are goods for resale and, to a small extent, raw materials and supplies<br />

as well as replacement parts, additives and heating oil dye. In the case of companies that are<br />

classified as commodity broker traders, goods for resale are stated at their attributable fair value<br />

(market prices) less sale costs (€ 425 million, prior year: € 395 million); the remaining goods<br />

for resale and raw materials and supplies are stated at their purchase cost or fair value at the<br />

balance sheet date, if it is lower than the purchase cost. At the balance sheet date, write-downs<br />

to the lower attributable fair value amounting to € 18.5 million (prior year: € approximately<br />

10 million) were applied.<br />

( 2 1 ) C u r r e n t R e c e i v a b l e s a n d o t h e r<br />

c u r r e n t A s s e t s<br />

*)<br />

C u r r e n t r e c e i v a b l e s<br />

a n d o t h e r c u r r e n t a s s e t s ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

* Trade accounts receivable 536,728 624,530<br />

* Receivables from affiliated companies 1,440 1,236<br />

* Receivables from associated companies 3,710 3,023<br />

* Receivables from entities in which a participating interest<br />

is held 9 0<br />

* Tax receivables 24,298 22,165<br />

* Other receivables and current assets 27,824 29,165<br />

* Receivables from construction contracts 8,596 5,677<br />

T o t a l 602,605 685,796<br />

In the main, the current receivables and other current assets do not bear interest or<br />

bear interest at low market rates.<br />

Accounts receivable from affiliated companies and from associated companies include<br />

a small amount of trading receivables.<br />

The tax receivables arise predominantly from tax refund claims in respect of advance<br />

payments of tax, which exceed the actual tax liabilities for the year under review, as well as<br />

sales tax. In total, K€ 14,991 (prior year: K€ 12,941) relates to taxes on profits.<br />

Other current receivables and other assets include i. a. receivables from broker transactions<br />

(K€ 2,813, prior year: K€ 8,008), supplier debit balances (K€ 1,816, prior year: K€ 1,220),<br />

damage compensation claims (K€ 4,848, prior year: K€ 6,347), and receivables from a number<br />

of individual circumstances. Also included are current prepaid expenses amounting to K€ 9,106<br />

(prior year: K€ 8,135).<br />

Revenues included under receivables from construction contracts in the period under<br />

review amounted to K€ 43,529 (prior year: K€ 43,528). In respect of projects running at the<br />

balance sheet date, the total of the costs incurred and reported profits amounts to K€ 8,178<br />

(prior year: K€ 4,201). No advance payments received were reported at the balance sheet date<br />

(prior year: K€ 35), the amount of receivables from retentions amounted to K€ 419 (prior year:<br />

K€ 1,061).<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

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Seite 38_39

Valuation write-downs to current receivables and other assets in the amount of € 12.8<br />

million (prior year: € 13.6 million) have been made. The related expense charged under other<br />

operating expenses in the year under review amounts to € 4.6 million (prior year: € 4.7 million).<br />

( 2 2 ) D e r i v a t i v e F i n a n c i a l I n s t r u m e n t s<br />

The derivative financial instruments relate to interest swaps, cross-currency interest swaps, forward<br />

currency contracts and commodity forward contracts, inward and outward supply contracts,<br />

and similar contracts, as well as embedded derivatives. Hedge Accounting under IAS 39 is<br />

not applied.<br />

The interest derivatives relate to an interest swap in respect of a nominal amount of<br />

€ 4,000,000. The market value at 31 December <strong>2006</strong> amounts to K€ 103 (prior year: K€ 0).<br />

The cross-currency interest swaps comprise the following:<br />

C r o s s - c u r r e n c y<br />

i n t e r e s t<br />

s w a p<br />

Currency<br />

Nominal<br />

volume<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong><br />

Market value Nominal Market value<br />

( K) volume<br />

( K)<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong> 31/12/2005 31/12/2005<br />

* Cross-currency interest swap USD 67,626,000 1,847 0 0<br />

T o t a l 1,847 0<br />

*)<br />

The following foreign currency forward contracts are reported:<br />

F o r e i g n<br />

c u r r e n c y f o r w a r d<br />

c o n t r a c t s<br />

Currency<br />

Amount<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong><br />

Market value<br />

Market value<br />

( K) Amount<br />

( K)<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong> 31/12/2005 31/12/2005<br />

*)<br />

* Sale SGD 46,150,000 20 0 0<br />

* Sale USD 82,254,363 1,083 0 0<br />

* Sale CHF 13,840,000 18 14,890,000 10<br />

* Purchase SGD 4,500,000 14 0 0<br />

* Purchase USD 7,500,000 2 21,140,416 137<br />

M a r k e t v a l u e s 1,137 147<br />

The composition of the commodity forward contracts is as follows:<br />

C o m m o d i t y f o r w a r d c o n t r a c t s<br />

( K)<br />

Market value<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong><br />

Market value<br />

31/12/2005<br />

*)<br />

* Capital market positions 11,538 4,188<br />

* Swaps 2,134 10,066<br />

* Purchase and sale contracts 74,762 5,642<br />

* Embedded derivatives 13,004 2,404<br />

T o t a l 101,438 22,300

( 2 3 ) S e c u r i t i e s<br />

Securities are stated at their amortised cost. They relate to fixed interest bearing securities,<br />

which fall due in 2007.<br />

( 2 4 ) C a s h a n d C a s h E q u i v a l e n t s<br />

Cash and cash equivalents include cheques, cash balances and bank account balances. The bank<br />

account balances bear interest at normal market rates.<br />

( 2 5 ) E q u i t y<br />

*) S h a r e C a p i t a l<br />

The fully paid share capital of MARQUARD & BAHLS <strong>AG</strong> amounts to € 75,000,000. It is subdivided<br />

into 2,500,000 no par value shares.<br />

*) A d d i t i o n a l P a i d i n C a p i t a l<br />

Additional paid in capital includes an amount of € 5,343,750 of the group parent company<br />

reported in accordance with section 272 para. 2 HGB and SGD 6,250,000 of the group apportioned<br />

additional paid in capital of Oiltanking Odfjell Pte., which relates to the introduction of capital<br />

by the external shareholders to strengthen the capital base in 2001. Positive goodwill balances<br />

arising on consolidation from subsidiaries acquired up until 31 December 2003 have been offset<br />

in this account.<br />

*) R e t a i n e d E a r n i n g s<br />

The retained earnings reserve encompasses the <strong>IFRS</strong> conversion reserve created at the time of<br />

conversion to <strong>IFRS</strong> on 1 January 2004 as well as other retained earnings reserves accounted for<br />

under the local accounting law of the relevant companies. They include predominantly profit<br />

allocations from the result for the year or earlier years, against which, in particular, positive<br />

goodwill balances on consolidation of subsidiaries acquired up until 31 December 2003 have<br />

been offset.<br />

*) R e s e r v e f o r C h a n g e s i n V a l u e<br />

The reserve for changes in value developed in 2005 and <strong>2006</strong> as follows:<br />

R e s e r v e<br />

f o r c h a n g e s<br />

i n v a l u e ( K) 01/01/2 0 0 5<br />

Change in<br />

cash flow<br />

hedge re:<br />

interest<br />

swaps<br />

Change in<br />

cash flow<br />

hedge re:<br />

foreign net<br />

investments Other 31/12/2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

* Fair value of cash flow hedges -4,972 2,836 -4,545 0 -6,681<br />

* Other 0 0 0 2 2<br />

* Deferred tax 1,426 -670 1,818 0 2,574<br />

T o t a l -3,546 2,166 -2,727 2 -4,105<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

Seite 40_41

R e s e r v e<br />

f o r c h a n g e s<br />

i n v a l u e ( K) 01/01/2 0 0 6<br />

Change in<br />

cash flow<br />

hedge re:<br />

interest<br />

swaps<br />

Change in<br />

cash flow<br />

hedge re:<br />

foreign net<br />

investments Other 31/12/2 0 0 6<br />

*)<br />

* Fair value of cash flow hedges -6,681 1,525 3,613 0 -1,543<br />

* Other 2 0 0 0 2<br />

* Deferred tax 2,574 -624 -1,445 0 505<br />

T o t a l -4,105 901 2,168 0 -1,036<br />

In the <strong>2006</strong> financial year, an amount of K€ 316 was transferred from the reserve for<br />

changes in value to the income statement.<br />

*) R e s e r v e f o r R e v a l u a t i o n<br />

The reserve for revaluation is connected with the transition consolidation, which was brought in<br />

to the consolidated financial statements for the first time under the full consolidation principles<br />

in the 2004 financial year after the increase in the holding in voting rights of a company from<br />

49 % to 100 %. The change in equity of the company determined under <strong>IFRS</strong>, to the extent that<br />

it relates to the purchase of the first tranche, was recorded in the reserve for revaluation.<br />

*) P r o f it f o r t h e Y e a r<br />

For distributions to the shareholders of MARQUARD & BAHLS <strong>AG</strong>, according to the German<br />

commercial code, the result stated in the annual financial statements of MARQUARD & BAHLS <strong>AG</strong><br />

under German accounting law is the authoritative amount.<br />

For the <strong>2006</strong> financial year, the board of directors of MARQUARD & BAHLS <strong>AG</strong> proposes<br />

to distribute a dividend of approximately € 11.8 million (prior year: € 10.8 million) and retain<br />

the remaining profit for the year in reserves. This corresponds to a dividend of € 4.72 per share.<br />

As a result of the distribution of the dividend, there are no consequences for MARQUARD &<br />

BAHLS in respect of taxes on profits. The recognition of the dividend as a liability under financial<br />

liabilities will not take place until after the passing of the resolution at the annual general<br />

shareholders’ meeting of MARQUARD & BAHLS <strong>AG</strong>.<br />

*) Fo r e ig n C u r r e n c y C o n v e r sio n Diffe r e n c e s<br />

The difference arising from foreign currency conversion which reflects movements in exchange<br />

rates and their effects on tangible fixed assets, provisions and various components of equity was<br />

offset with an amount of K€ 1,300 from the valuation of foreign net investments not passing<br />

through the income statement. Deferred tax of K€ 520 in respect of this item was also reported<br />

under the foreign currency offset account without passing through the income statement.<br />

*) M i n o r i t y I n t e r e s t<br />

Profits and losses from the result for <strong>2006</strong> relating to minority interest of € 16.6 million (prior year:<br />

€ 9.6 million) were accounted for. In total, the composition of minority interests is set out below:<br />

*)<br />

M i n o r i t y<br />

i n t e r e s t ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

* Share of minority interest in equity 40,013 31,414<br />

* Share of minority interest in profit for the year 9,982 7,482<br />

T o t a l 49,995 38,896

( 2 6 ) L o n g - t e r m L i a b i l i t i e s<br />

Long-term liabilities comprise the following:<br />

*)<br />

L o n g - t e r m l i a b i l i t i e s ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

* Bank liabilities 252,139 236,722<br />

* Liabilities to associated entities 951 0<br />

* Other long-term liabilities 146,196 163,092<br />

T o t a l 399,286 399,814<br />

Other long-term liabilities include principally a private loan issued in 2004 in the USA,<br />

which runs until 2019 and has a nominal value of USD 130 million. A partial amount of USD 30<br />

million is repayable from the year 2010, with the remaining amount falling due at the end of the<br />

loan. In addition, long-term liabilities arise from leasing contracts classified as finance leases as<br />

well as income collected in advance in the heating contracting segment.<br />

All of the liabilities bear interest. The interest rates lie in the range of 3.59 % to 6.04%.<br />

The reported loans with interest rates below the market rate are immaterial in their amount and<br />

stated at nominal value in the balance sheet.<br />

At 31 December <strong>2006</strong>, the financial liabilities have the following maturities:<br />

F i n a n c i a l l i a b i l i t i e s ( million)<br />

3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 6<br />

*)<br />

* 2008 42<br />

* 2009 31<br />

* 2010 127<br />

* from 2011 199<br />

T o t a l 399<br />

At the balance sheet date, MARQUARD & BAHLS has confirmed unused credit lines<br />

with banks with a term of under one year amounting to € 536 million (prior year: € 778 million)<br />

and long-term unused credit lines of € 510 million (prior year: € 100 million).<br />

149,598,000,000 km<br />

D i s t a n c e E a r t h – S a t u r n<br />

W e k n o w t h a t c h a n g e i s t h e n a t u r e o f b u s i n e s s , a n d w e l o o k<br />

t o i t w i t h c o n f i d e n c e . .<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

Seite 42_43

( 2 7 ) L o n g - t e r m P r o v i s i o n s<br />

Long-term provisions developed as follows:<br />

L o n g - t e r m<br />

p r o v i s i o n s<br />

( K)<br />

Pensions<br />

Compensation<br />

Environment<br />

Dismantling<br />

costs<br />

Other<br />

T o t a l<br />

*)<br />

0 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 6 36,336 6,107 2,296 29,419 714 74,872<br />

* Change in membership of the<br />

consolidated group -870 -2,685 0 -954 -67 -4,576<br />

* Exchange differences -180 -1 0 -69 -55 -305<br />

* Consumption -1,915 -85 0 -47 -585 -2,632<br />

* Reversal -92 0 0 -26 0 -118<br />

* Increase 3,089 556 0 2,813 1,421 7,879<br />

* Adjustment -47 0 0 0 0 -47<br />

3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 36,321 3,892 2,296 31,136 1,428 75,073<br />

The environmental provisions relate to the elimination of toxic waste, rectification and<br />

water pollution control measures. Further, these provisions include costs for decontamination,<br />

emissions control and inspection.<br />

The dismantling costs relate to the obligations arising on the expiry of rental contracts<br />

for tank stores, petrol stations and heating supply contracts to remove the installed tank facilities,<br />

petrol stations and heat generation equipment.<br />

In respect of the dismantling costs and environmental provisions, the outflow of<br />

economic benefits is long-term and the provisions are therefore discounted and reported in<br />

the balance sheet under long-term liabilities. Uncertainties exist in particular in relation to the<br />

dismantling costs regarding the actual costs arising.<br />

Other provisions relate to a number of individual items.<br />

Within the long-term provisions, an amount of approximately € 2 million falls due for<br />

payment within one year.<br />

( 2 8 ) P r o v i s i o n s f o r P e n s i o n s a n d<br />

s i m i l a r O b l i g a t i o n s<br />

Provisions for pensions relate exclusively to provisions for defined benefit pension obligations.<br />

They relate principally to benefit entitlements under the company pension scheme, which<br />

MARQURD & BAHLS has granted to employees in Germany in the past. In addition, pension<br />

provisions relating to pension obligations arising from conversion of salaries amounting to<br />

K€ 5,473 (prior year: K€ 5,828) are included.<br />

The amount of the pension benefits is based on the number of years’ service and<br />

income. The benefit entitlements in Germany are – with few exceptions – financed exclusively by<br />

provisions. In relation to entitlements arising from salary conversions, employee benefit insurance<br />

policies have been entered into.<br />

At approximately 84 % (prior year: 86 %), the predominant part of the pension provision<br />

relates to Germany. A total of 204 domestic employees (prior year: 207) are entitled to pensions.

The valuation and balance sheet recognition of the pensions obligations and the<br />

expenditure necessary to meet these obligations is carried out in accordance with the projected<br />

unit credit method prescribed by IAS 19 “Employee Benefits”. Under this method, not only the<br />

known pensions and acquired benefits as at the balance sheet date are accounted for, but also<br />

the expected future growth of these determining values.<br />

The development of the present value of the benefits arising from pension commitments,<br />

all of which have been determined in accordance with IAS 19, taking account of future<br />

salary increases is set out in the following table:<br />

D e v e l o p m e n t<br />

o f p r e s e n t v a l u e ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

D e f i n e d b e n e f i t o b l i g a t i o n<br />

a t t h e B e g i n n i n g o f t h e Y e a r 42,330 39,100<br />

* New commitments 759 426<br />

* Change in membership of the consolidated group -657 392<br />

* Service cost: present value of the benefit earned in the<br />

financial year 449 594<br />

* Interest charge on already acquired entitlements 2,105 1,912<br />

* Actual gains and losses 64 1,450<br />

* Pension payments –1,499 –1,544<br />

D e f i n e d b e n e f i t o b l i g a t i o n<br />

a t t h e E n d o f t h e Y e a r 43,551 42,330<br />

*)<br />

A reduction of 0.10 percentage points in the interest rate to 4.90 % increases the<br />

above stated defined benefit obligation (DBO) at the valuation date of 31.12.<strong>2006</strong> to K€ 44,074.<br />

This represents an increase of 1.20 %.<br />

The long-term development of the defined benefit obligation from the time of conversion<br />

to the <strong>IFRS</strong> accounting regulations stated in the balance sheet under pension provisions is set<br />

out in the table below:<br />

D e v e l o p m e n t o f<br />

f u n d e d s t a t u s<br />

( K) 31/12/2 0 0 6 31/12/2 0 0 5 31/12/2 0 0 4 31/12/2 0 0 3<br />

* Defined benefit obligation 43,551 42,330 39,100 32,871<br />

* Scheme assets 1,464 0 0 0<br />

* Funded status 42,087 42,330 39,100 32,871<br />

* Gains and losses not yet reported in<br />

*)<br />

the income statement 5,766 5,994 4,698 0<br />

B a l a n c e s h e e t a p p r o a c h 36,321 36,336 34,402 32,871<br />

Obligations for defined benefit entitlements amounting to K€ 1,464 were reduced<br />

by the present value of existing employee benefit insurance policies that are pledged to the<br />

employees; the amount by which the present value of this scheme asset exceeds the pension<br />

provision was charged to the income statement in the amount of K€ 59.<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

Seite 44_45

The total expense for defined benefit pension commitments, reported under personnel<br />

expenses, comprises the following:<br />

*)<br />

N e t p e n s i o n c h a r g e ( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

* Service cost: present value of the benefits earned in the<br />

financial year 449 594<br />

* Interest charge: increase in the present value of already<br />

acquired entitlements 2,105 1,912<br />

* Amortisation of actuarial losses 288 154<br />

T o t a l 2,842 2,660<br />

For the 2007 financial year, a total expense for defined benefit pension obligations of<br />

approximately € 3 million is anticipated.<br />

Apart from the expected return on assets, the assumptions on which the costs<br />

and actuarial valuation of the obligations are based are set out as weighted averages in the<br />

following table:<br />

Assumptions for costs and<br />

actuarial valuation ( %)<br />

Germany<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

Germany<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

Foreign<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

Foreign<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

* Discount rate at year-end 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.50<br />

* Long-term salary increases 2.00 2.00 3.50 3.50<br />

* Long-term pension expense 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00<br />

* Contribution basis dynamic 1.25 1.25 0.00 0.00<br />

* Fluctuation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00<br />

The assumptions applied for each country were determined under uniform principles on<br />

the basis of the significant economic conditions. Due to the uniform balance sheet recognition<br />

of the pension obligations of MARQUARD & BAHLS, a uniform discount rate was applied outside<br />

of Germany.<br />

( 2 9 ) C u r r e n t L i a b i l i t i e s<br />

Current liabilities comprise the following:<br />

( K)<br />

2 0 0 6<br />

2 0 0 5<br />

*)<br />

F i n a n c i a l l i a b i l i t i e s<br />

* Bank liabilities 280,391 363,439<br />

O t h e r c u r r e n t l i a b i l i t i e s<br />

* Trade accounts payable 556,628 538,870<br />

* Current tax liabilities 126,142 140,345<br />

* Liabilities to affiliated companies 1,228 750<br />

* Liabilities to associated entities 404 826<br />

* Liabilities to entities in which a participating interest<br />

is held 1 0<br />

* Liabilities from construction contracts 7,989 1,840<br />

* Other current liabilities 35,418 25,425<br />

T o t a l 727,810 708,056

Bank liabilities include current account overdraft balances and the current element<br />

of capital repayments on long-term loans. The liabilities bear interest at between 4.48 % and<br />

6.50 %.<br />

None of the trade accounts payable bear interest.<br />

The tax liabilities relate to mineral oil tax, sales tax (VAT) and customs duties as well<br />

as payroll and church taxes. In addition, current tax liabilities included liabilities for taxes on<br />

profits amounting to K€ 574 (prior year: K€ 154).<br />

The other current liabilities, to the extent of K€ 2,636 (prior year: K€ 2,448) relate to<br />

other loans, K€ 5,183 (prior year: K€ 5,114) relates to advanced payments received, K€ 4,504<br />

(prior year: K€ 2,929) relates to subscriptions to the national strategic petroleum reserve,<br />

K€ 2,795 (prior year: K€ 894) relates to customer credit balances and K€ 6,265 (prior year:<br />

K€ 7,475) relates to liabilities in connection with wages and salaries. A number of individual<br />

liabilities are also included. The liabilities are predominantly non-interest bearing.<br />

( 3 0 ) L i a b i l i t i e s f r o m D e r i v a t i v e<br />

F i n a n c i a l I n s t r u m e n t s<br />

Liabilities from derivative financial instruments comprise foreign currency and interest swaps,<br />

cross currency interest swaps and commodity forward contracts. With the exception of cash<br />

flow hedges for some interest swaps, hedge accounting under IAS 39 is not applied.<br />

The composition of the currency swaps is as follows:<br />

C u r r e n c y<br />

s w a p s<br />

Currency<br />

Amount<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong><br />

Fair Value<br />

Fair Value<br />

( K) Amount<br />

( K)<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong> 31/12/2005 31/12/2005<br />

*)<br />

* Sale SGD 46,200,000 -152<br />

* Sale USD 7,584,642 -7 66,557,927 -265<br />

* Purchase SGD 29,000,000 -2 3,000,000 -6<br />

* Purchase USD 197,799,534 -4,526 3,000,000 -1<br />

F a i r V a l u e -4,535 -424<br />

At the balance sheet date, the following interest swaps were in existence:<br />

I n t e r e s t<br />

s w a p s<br />

Currency<br />

Nominal<br />

Volume<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong><br />

Fair Value Nominal Fair Value<br />

( K) Volume<br />

( K)<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong> 31/12/2005 31/12/2005<br />

EURO 70,071,119 -1,390 99,226,157 -4,364<br />

SGD 78,785,347 -1,261 87,051,667 -2,081<br />

USD 5,000,000 -1 310,000 -61<br />

-2,652 -6,506<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

Seite 46_47

At the balance sheet date, cross currency interest swaps comprised the following:<br />

C r o s s c u r r e n c y<br />

i n t e r e s t<br />

s w a p<br />

Currency<br />

Nominal<br />

Volume<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong><br />

Fair Value Nominal Fair Value<br />

( K) Volume<br />

( K)<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong> 31/12/2005 31/12/2005<br />

SGD 96,000,000 -953 0 0<br />

USD 207,064,820 -20,407 170,663,000 -16,377<br />

HUF 1,120,000,000 -77 1,280,000,000 -41<br />

-21,437 -16,418<br />

The composition of liabilities from commodity futures transactions is as follows:<br />

C o m m o d i t y<br />

f u t u r e s t r a n s a c t i o n s<br />

( K)<br />

Fair Value<br />

31/12/<strong>2006</strong><br />

Fair Value<br />

31/12/2005<br />

* Capital market positions -12,844 -4,002<br />

* Swaps -2,666 -9,116<br />

* Purchase and sale contracts -41,160 -669<br />

* Embedded Derivatives -366 -21,635<br />

* Other -233 -188<br />

*) T o t a l -57,269 -35,610<br />

In some cases, hedge accounting under IAS 39 was applied to interest swaps. For all<br />

other derivative financial instruments, hedge accounting was not applied.<br />

( 3 1 ) T a x P r o v i s i o n s<br />

Tax provisions developed as follows:<br />

T a x p r o v i s i o n s<br />

( K)<br />

*)<br />

0 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 6 21,205<br />

* Change in membership of consolidation group -2,155<br />

* Consumption -12,123<br />

* Reversal -269<br />

* Increase 9,883<br />

* Foreign currency adjustments -737<br />

3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 15,804<br />

The tax provisions relate to taxes on profits and other local taxes in the amount of<br />

K€ 9,063 (prior year: K€ 13,408).

( 3 2 ) O t h e r P r o v i s i o n s<br />

Other provisions developed as follows:<br />

O t h e r<br />

p r o v i s i o n s<br />

( K)<br />

Personnel<br />

Environment<br />

Late<br />

Invoices<br />

Return<br />

Obligations<br />

Other<br />

T o t a l<br />

*)<br />

0 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 0 26,714 3,269 14,119 18,463 4,978 67,543<br />

* Change in membership of<br />

consolidation group -807 0 0 0 -5 -812<br />

* Transfers 47 0 -10 0 10 47<br />

* Exchange rate differences -166 0 -433 0 -85 -684<br />

* Consumption -21,245 -330 -11,883 -18,131 -3,195 -54,784<br />

* Reversal -1,058 0 -549 -332 -756 -2,695<br />

* Increase 28,440 180 22,703 15,912 5,243 72,478<br />

3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 31,925 3,119 23,947 15,912 6,190 81,093<br />

The provisions for personnel expenses include mainly provisions for wages, salaries and<br />

social security contributions, pre-retirement arrangements, employment anniversary obligations<br />

and other accrued personnel costs.<br />

The provisions for environmental protection measures and reconstruction obligations<br />

relate to the removal of toxic waste, rectification and water pollution control measures. These<br />

provisions also include costs in respect of decontamination, emissions control and inspection.<br />

The provision for return obligations relates to borrowed quantities of trading goods.<br />

They are stated at fair value.<br />

Other provisions relate to a number of individual items.<br />

( 3 3 ) C o n t i n g e n t L i a b i l i t i e s<br />

C o n t i n g e n t l i a b i l i t i e s ( K)<br />

3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 5<br />

* Guarantees 9,525 14,600<br />

* (of which, in respect of associated companies) (5,423) (9,780)<br />

Up to the time of the preparation of the balance sheet, there were no claims arising<br />

from guarantees.<br />

Fixed assets with a book value of € 128 million (prior year: € 321 million) provide security<br />

for liabilities by the granting of charges and encumbrances on real estate.<br />

In addition, liabilities of the companies consolidated into the group financial statements<br />

are secured by charges on inventories and investments. At 31 December <strong>2006</strong>, their carrying value<br />

amounts to approximately € 183 million (prior year: approximately € 45 million). Guarantees<br />

have also been given and assignments on receivables granted.<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

Seite 48_49

The secured liabilities relate to bank liabilities and trade accounts payable, as well as<br />

return obligations.<br />

( 3 4 ) O t h e r F i n a n c i a l O b l i g a t i o n s<br />

Purchase order commitments in respect of investments at the balance sheet date amount to<br />

approximately € 76 million (prior year: approximately € 36 million).<br />

Rental and leasing charges in the <strong>2006</strong> financial year amounted to approximately<br />

€ 19 million (prior year: approx. € 19 million). These expenses relate to the rental of floor-space<br />

and buildings at tank storage facilities and petrol station sites as well as rent for administrative<br />

offices. The analysis of future rental and leasing payments is set out below:<br />

R e n t a l a n d<br />

l e a s i n g p a y m e n t s<br />

( million)<br />

< 1 y e a r<br />

1 – 5 y e a r<br />

> 5 y e a r<br />

* Future rental and leasing payments 18 69 179<br />

On the exercise of existing rental agreement extension options, in particular for tank<br />

storage locations, the annual rent expense increases by approximately € 28 million.<br />

( 3 5 ) L e a s i n g<br />

Via one of its subsidiaries in the heating contracting segment, the company is a lessee in respect<br />

of heat generation equipment. The leasing contracts are normally entered into for a term of<br />

15 years, corresponding to the heat supply contracts. The majority of the long-term leasing<br />

contracts provide options for their extension, some leasing contracts include purchase options.<br />

The obligations from leasing contracts during their non-cancellable rental period are set out in<br />

the following table:<br />

L e a s i n g<br />

( K)<br />

F i n a n c e L e a s e<br />

O p e r a t e L e a s e<br />

*)<br />

* Term:<br />

* < 1 year 36 395<br />

* 1– 5 years 160 263<br />

* > 5 years 63 0<br />

T o t a l 259 658<br />

* Included interest element -59<br />

P r e s e n t V a l u e o f O b l i g a t i o n 200<br />

( 3 6 ) E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n<br />

The activities of MARQUARD & BAHLS are subject worldwide to all locally applicable environmental<br />

protection laws and conditions. These usually include upper limits for the emission of<br />

pollutants into the air and water as well as requirements for the handling of dangerous materials<br />

and waste and their disposal. Additionally, as a result of legislation or precedents set by local<br />

courts, companies or private individuals are able to make demands applicable to MARQUARD<br />

& BAHLS. The board of directors assumes that the group acts in accordance with all applicable<br />

environmental laws and requirements.

In order to confirm this, the board of directors of the parent company, <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong>, has<br />

put a framework of policies in place regarding the environment, health and safety and quality<br />

(HSSE framework), which is binding worldwide on all operative units. The implementation of the<br />

framework is reviewed by internal audit.<br />

A group-wide information system provides all up to date necessary information to the<br />

board of directors regarding significant events in respect of inventory holdings, handling and<br />

transport of MARQUARD & BAHLS goods.<br />

At 31 December <strong>2006</strong>, MARQUARD & BAHLS was obligated in various locations under<br />

the local authorities to rectify environmental damage. It is group policy to recognise provisions<br />

for all costs for the rectification of environmental damage, provided that the claim is probable<br />

and the costs can be realistically estimated. The provisions are adjusted through continual<br />

investigation and from knowledge gained during the course of the rectification measures. The<br />

amount of the individual provisions is influenced by factors such as the extent of the pollution,<br />

the required rectification measures and the additional requirements of authorities, companies<br />

or private individuals. The provisions for environmental damage measures amount in total to<br />

€ 6.7 million in the year under review (prior year: € 9.4 million). Of this amount, the provision<br />

for the largest individual case at group locations in Belgium amounts to € 3.6 million (prior year:<br />

€ 5.9 million).<br />

Potential changes in the law could, in the future, lead to MARQUARD & BAHLS being<br />

exposed to further rectification requirements. From the current position, the company is unable<br />

to provide a further estimate of the additional expense or the range of any possible expense<br />

over and above the amounts already provided. The likelihood of such an expense being material<br />

is considered to be small.<br />

( 3 7 ) R e l a t e d P a r t y D i s c l o s u r e s<br />

MARQUARD & BAHLS receives only an immaterial level of services from its non-consolidated<br />

affiliated and associated companies and also provides services to them only to an immaterial<br />

extent. The total income and expenses from such services supplied and received each amount to<br />

less than K€ 100 (prior year: less than K€ 100).<br />

In the 2005 and <strong>2006</strong> financial years, a shareholder of MARQUARD & BAHLS <strong>AG</strong> granted<br />

two loans of € 2 million each to a group company, bearing interest at the market rate. The loans<br />

fall due for repayment in 2010 and 2011. The interest charge amounts to K€ 111 (prior year:<br />

K€ 33).<br />

All goods and services supplied to and received from related parties were transacted at<br />

prices as if they were with a third party (‘arm’s length’).<br />

The remuneration of the ten members of the management of the company, comprising<br />

the board of directors and authorised company representatives as well as the directors of the<br />

companies OILTANKING GMBH and MABANAFT GMBH & CO. KG, and the three members of<br />

the supervisory board amounted to K€ 13,847 (prior year: K€ 9,132). In addition, an amount of<br />

K€ 80 (prior year: K€ 85) was charged in respect of management pension obligations.<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

Seite 50_51

In the <strong>2006</strong> financial year, an amount of K€ 8 (prior year: K€ 95) was charged in<br />

respect of long-term obligations to other related parties.<br />

existed:<br />

At the balance sheet date, the following receivables from and payables to related parties<br />

R e c e i v a b l e s<br />

a n d p a y a b l e s ( K)<br />

3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 6 3 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 5<br />

* Accounts receivable from affiliated and associated<br />

companies 5,150 4,259<br />

* Accounts payable to affiliated and associated<br />

companies, as well as participating interests 1,633 1,576<br />

* Other liabilities 4,000 2,000<br />

* Liabilities to minority shareholders 0 74<br />

* Other short-term provisions for obligations to<br />

management 3,817 6,000<br />

* Other long-term provisions for obligations to related<br />

parties 2,251 2,253<br />

* Long-term provisions for obligations to management 803 723<br />

( 3 8 ) S u p ple m e n t a r y Dis clo s u r e s t o t h e C a s h Flo w<br />

St a t e m e n t<br />

The liquid assets reported in the cash flow statement relate exclusively to the cash and cash<br />

equivalents stated in the balance sheet.<br />

In the cash flow statement, cash movements for the <strong>2006</strong> financial year as well as for<br />

the prior year are analysed, separated by cash in and out flows arising from ordinary activities,<br />

investment activities, and financing activities. Effects arising from changes in group membership<br />

and foreign exchange movements on cash balances are reported separately.<br />

Under the item income taxes paid, payments to both domestic and foreign tax authorities<br />

are reported.<br />

Cash flows from investing activities include additions to tangible fixed assets and fixed<br />

asset investments, as well as own work capitalised.<br />

Reported under financial activities are funds received from capital increases and cash<br />

out flows as a result of dividend payments.<br />

Cash flows from ordinary activities include the effects of payments of taxes on profits<br />

after tax refunds of € 27.8 million (prior year: € 31.0 million) as well as interest payments of<br />

€ 43.0 million (prior year: € 32.4 million).<br />

As a result of the sale of the 50% interest in Oiltanking Antwerp N.V. for a price of<br />

€ 36.9 million, a cash flow of € 36.4 million arose from the assets of € 42.5 million (of which<br />

cash of € 0.5 million) and liabilities of € 29.7 million being removed from consolidated net assets.

( 3 9 ) S ig n ific a n t Ev e n t s a f t e r t h e<br />

B a l a n c e S h e e t D a t e<br />

There are no significant events after the balance sheet date.<br />

In April <strong>2006</strong>, the new Bolivian government announced the nationalisation of the<br />

country’s hydrocarbon resources as well as the businesses active in the production, transport,<br />

refining, storage and distribution of mineral oil. This nationalisation is to be implemented<br />

via majority holdings of the Bolivian state oil company in these companies. The activities of<br />

MARQUARD & BAHLS in Bolivia can also be affected by this nationalisation. As these planned<br />

nationalisations are not without compensation and should take place via the sale of business<br />

interests at market prices determined by expert valuations, only a relatively low risk exists for<br />


( 4 0 ) B o a r d of Dir e c t o r s a n d S u p e r vis o r y B o a r d<br />

B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s<br />

* The board of directors of the company comprises:<br />

* Aart W. Lokhorst, Seevetal (CEO)<br />

* Dr. Claus-Georg Nette, Hamburg (CEO)<br />

S u p e r v i s o r y B o a r d<br />

* The supervisory board consists of:<br />

* Hellmuth Weisser, Hamburg (Chairman), Kaufmann (business diploma)<br />

* Rolf A. Kirchfeld, Hamburg, Bankkaufmann (banking diploma)<br />

* Dr. Klaus Asche, Hamburg, Kaufmann (business diploma) (until 14 June <strong>2006</strong>)<br />

* Benedikt Niemeyer, Düsseldorf, Kaufmann (business diploma) (from 14 June <strong>2006</strong>)<br />

M a r q u a r d & B a h l s A G<br />

H a m b u r g , 1 9 M a r c h 2 0 0 7<br />

A ar t W. Lokhor st<br />

Dr. Claus-Georg Net te<br />

, C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O f f i c e r , C h i e f F i n a n c i a l O f f i c e r<br />

* <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> , Holding<br />

)<br />

Seite 52

*)<br />

Co l o p h o n<br />

Published by _ <strong>Marquard</strong> & <strong>Bahls</strong> <strong>AG</strong> (Hamburg)<br />

Contact _ Corporate Communications, corporate_communications@mbholding.com<br />

Concept & Design _ Karin Warzecha (Oering/Holst.), Cornelia Horn (Hamburg)<br />

Illustrations _ Bernhard Kunkler (Freiburg)<br />

The <strong>IFRS</strong> <strong>Financial</strong> Statement is also published in german. The german version is authoritative.

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