RESEARCH UPDATES - UPM :: Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan

RESEARCH UPDATES - UPM :: Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan

RESEARCH UPDATES - UPM :: Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan


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<strong>RESEARCH</strong> <strong>UPDATES</strong>

PUBLICATIONS LIST (As of March 2008)<br />

Book<br />

2008<br />

1. Mohamed Ariff, Shamsher Mohamad Ramadilli Mohd, Taufiq Hassan and Annuar Md Nassir. 2008. Capital Markets In Malaysia. McGraw Hill (M)<br />

Sdn. Bhd<br />

2. Siti Manisah Ngalim, Rapiah Mohd Zaini, Asna Atqa Abdullah and Shabnam Mohamad Mokhtar. 2008. Partnership Accounting: Principles and<br />

Practice. McGraw Hill (M) Sdn. Bhd<br />

2007<br />

3. Fatimah Mohd Arshad, Nik Mustapha Raja Abdullah, Bisant Kaur and Amin Mahir Abdullah. 2007. 50 Years of Malaysian Agriculture:<br />

Transformational Issues Challenges & Direction. <strong>UPM</strong> Press<br />

4. Harlina Mohamed On and Rozanah Abd Rahman. 2007. Un<strong>dan</strong>g-Un<strong>dan</strong>g Perniagaan Malaysia. Kumpulan Usahawan Muslim Sdn. Bhd<br />

5. Khalid Abdul Rahim. 2007. Trade and Sustainable Development Lessons From Malaysia’s Experience. <strong>UPM</strong>, Press.<br />

6. Mohammad Shatar Sabran, Zulhamri Abdullah, Musa Abu Hassan, Mansor Abu Talib, Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori, Iza Dura Abdul Manan, Mansor<br />

Ahmad @ Ayob, Tuan Syed Agil Alsagoff, Abdul Halim Jusoh, Chan Swee Heng, Saiful Nujami Abdul Rahman, Zainor Izat Zainal, Paramasivam a/l<br />

Muthusamy, Suhaida Abd. Kadir and Samir Muhazzab Amin. 2007. Modul Keterampilan Graduan Finishing School. <strong>UPM</strong>, Press.<br />

7. Zainal Abidin Mohamed. 2007. <strong>Pengurusan</strong> Strategik. Utusan Publications & Distributors Sdn. Bhd..<br />

Cited Journal<br />

No. Journal Citation<br />

1. Shahnaz Ismail, Huson Joher Ali Ahmed, Annuar Md Nassir and Mohamad Ali Abdul Hamid. 2008. Why Malaysian Second Board Econlit<br />

Companies Switch Auditors: Evidence of Bursa Malaysia. International Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 13:123-130.<br />

2. Ng Siew Imm, Julie Anne Lee and Geoffrey N. Soutar. 2007. Are Hofstede’s and Schwartz’s Value Frameworks Congruent?. SSCI<br />

International Marketing Review, 24(2):164-180. 0.364<br />

3. Imbarine Bujang and Annuar Md Nassir. 2007. The Relevance of Gordon’s Model and Earnings Multiplier Approaches in Emerging Econlit<br />

Stock Market: Test with Appropriate Refinements. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol 7:140-152.<br />

4. Tan Hui Boon and C.W. Hooy. 2007. Knowledge Gap and Relative Efficiency of East Asia Countries.The Development of Econlit<br />

East Asian Countries Towards a Knowledge-Based Economy: A DEA Analysis. Journal of Asia Pacific Economy, 12(1):17-33.<br />

5. Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah, Kevin Onwuka and Muzafar Shah Habibullah. 2007. Is a Regional Trade Bloc a Prelude to Multilateral Trade Econlit<br />

Liberalization? Empirical Evidence From the ASEAN-5 Economies. Journal of Asian Economics, 18:384-402.<br />

6. Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori, Mohamad Ali Abdul Hamid, Siti Shaharatulfazzah Mohd Saad and Jonathan Gerard Evans. 2007. Audit Econlit<br />

Committee Authority and Effectiveness: The Perceptions of Malaysian Senior Managers. International Research Journal of Finance<br />

and Economics, 8 (March):41-56.<br />

7. Murali Sambasivan and Yau Wen Soon. 2007. Causes and Effects of Delays in Malaysian Construction Industry. International Journal of Scopus<br />

Project Management, 25:517-526.<br />

8. Marial Awou Yol and Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah. 2007. Estimating Exchange Rate and Bilateral Trade Balance Relationship:The SSCI / Scopus<br />

Experience of Sub-Sahara African Countries. South African Journal of Economics, 75(1):32-51. 0.290<br />

9. Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah, Raj Aggarawal and Chan Tze Haw. 2007. East Asian Real Exchange Rate and PPP:New Evidence From Econlit, Scopus<br />

Panel Data Test. Global Economic Review, 36(2):103-119.<br />

10. Jothee S. and Annuar Md Nassir. 2007. The Speed of Share Price Adjustment to Corporate Announcements: A Bursa Malaysia Experience Scopus<br />

on Final Dividend Announcements. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 7:7-21.<br />

11. Tang Hong Peng , Muzafar Shah Habibullah and Puah Chin Hong . 2007. Stock Market and Economic Growth in selected Asian Countries Scopus<br />

European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 7:43-52.<br />

12. Nor Aziah Abu Kasim and Robert W. Scapens. 2007. Corporatisation and Accounting Change The Role of Accounting and Accountants in Scopus<br />

a Malaysian Public Utility. Management Accounting Research Journal, 18(2):209-247.<br />

13. Muzafar Shah Habibullah, A.M. Dayang Affizah , Wan Azman Saini Wan Ngah and Hirnissa Mohd Tahir. 2007. Stochastic Convergence in Econlit<br />

a Growth Triangle: Some Empirical Evidence Using Panel Unit Root Test. Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics,<br />

7(1):45-52.<br />

14. Ong Hway Boon and Muzafar Shah Habibullah. 2007. The ASEAN-5 Economic Alliance: A Time Varying Convergence Analysis. Econlit<br />

International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issues 8:97-106.<br />

15. Tan Siow Hooi and Muzafar Shah Habibullah. 2007. Business Cycles and Monetary Policy Asymmetry:An Investigation Using Science Citation<br />

Markov-Switching Models. Physica A, Issues 380:297-306. Index 1.311<br />

16. Ng Siew Imm, Julie Anne Lee and Geoffrey N. Soutar. 2007. Tourist’ Intention to Visit a Country: The Impact of Cultural Distance. SSCI<br />

Tourism Management, 28:1497-1506. 0.560<br />


17. Law Siong Hook. 2007. Openness and Financial Development: Panel Data Evidence From Various Stages of Economic Development. Econlit<br />

Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 6(2):145-165.<br />

18. Norlida Hanim Mohd Salleh, Ahmad Shuib, Law Siong Hook, Zaleha Mohd Noor and Sridar a/l Ramachandran. 2007. An ARDL Model of Econlit<br />

Tourism Demand For Malaysia By Major ASEAN Countries. IIUM Journal of Economics and Management, 15(1):1-28.<br />

19. Amna Awad, Fatimah Mohd Arshad, Mad Nasir Shamsudin and Zulkornain Yusop. 2007. The Palm Oil Import Demand in MIddle East and Scopus<br />

North African (MENA) Countries. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 19 (2/3):143-169.<br />

20. Lee Chin, Azali Mohamed, Zulkornain Yusop and Mohammed Yusoff. 2007. The Monetary Model of Exchange Rate: Evidence From SSCI / Econlit<br />

The Philippines. Applied Economics Letters, 14:993-997. 0.227<br />

21. Murali Sambasivan and Ng Yun Fei. 2007. Evaluation of Critical Success Factors of Implementation of ISO 14001 Using Analysis Hierarchy SSCI / Scopus<br />

Process (AHP): A Case Study From Malaysia. Journal of Cleaner Production, xx:1-10. 0.762<br />

22. Muzafar Shah Habibullah and Law Siong Hook. 2007. Crime and Financial Economic Variables in Malaysia: Evidence From Vector Econlit<br />

Error-Correction Model. Journal of Social and Economic Policy, 4(2):295-308.<br />

23. Muzafar Shah Habibullah and V. Sivabalasingam. 2007. Stochastic Convergence Among The Malaysian States: Application of Panel Unit Econlit<br />

Root Tests. Indian Development Review, 5(1):249-259.<br />

24. Haslinda Abdullah, Raduan Che Rose, Arfah Salleh and Naresh Kumar. 2007. Measuring and Managing Performance Improvement in the Scopus<br />

Manufacturing Sector. European Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1):157-166.<br />

25. Haslinda Abdullah, Raduan Che Rose and Naresh Kumar. 2007. Human Resource Development Practices in Malaysia: A Case of Scopus<br />

Manufacturing Industries. European Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2):37-52.<br />

26. Chong C.K., Zulkornain Yusop and Law Siong Hook. 2007. Export-Led Growth Hypothesis: New Evidence From Thirlwall’s Idea. Econlit<br />

The Philippine Review of Economics, XLIV(1):123-148.<br />

27. Raduan Che Rose, Naresh Kumar and Hazril Izwar Ibrahim. 2007. The Effects of Manufacturing Strategy on Organizational Performance. Scopus<br />

European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, Issue 9:38-47.<br />

28. Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah and C.W. Hooy. 2007. Exchange Rate Volatility and Export and The Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence From Econlit<br />

South Korea and ASEAN-5. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 10(2):237-264.<br />

29. Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah and Evan Lau. 2007. Regime Changes and The Sustainability of Fiscal Imbalance in East Asian Countries. SSCI<br />

Economic Modelling, 24:878-894. 0.425<br />

30. Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah and Evan Lau. 2007. Dynamics of Fiscal and Current Account Deficits in Thailand: An Empirical Investigation. Econlit<br />

Journal of Economic Studies, 34(6):454-475.<br />

31. Hamizun Ismail and Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah. 2007. Malaysia’s Current Account Deficits: An Intertemporal Optimization Perspective. Econlit, Scopus<br />

Empirical Economics, -:1-22.<br />

32. Tan Siow Hooi, Muzafar Shah Habibullah, Azali Mohamed and Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah. 2007. Testing for Financial -Led, Export-Led Scopus<br />

and Import-Led Growth Hypotheses on Four Asian Emerging Economics. International Journal of Economics and Management,<br />

1(3):307-335.<br />

33. Zaleha Mohd Noor, Norashidah Mohamed Nor and Judhiana Abd Ghani. 2007. The Relationship Between Output and Unemployment in Scopus<br />

Malaysia: Does Okun’s Law Exist. International Journal of Economics and Management, 1(3):336-343.<br />

34. Norlida Hanim Mohd Salleh, Redzuan Othman and Sridar a/l Ramachandran. 2007. Malaysia’s Tourism Demand From Selected Countries: Scopus<br />

The ARDL Approach to Cointegration. International Journal of Economics and Management, 1(3):344-362.<br />

35. Mohd Rusli Yacob , Ahmad Shuib, Mohd Farid Mamat and Alias Radam. 2007. Local Economic Benefits of Ecotourism Development in Scopus<br />

Malaysia The Case of Re<strong>dan</strong>g Island Marine Park. International Journal of Economics and Management, 1(3):363-384.<br />

36. Jow Wai Yen, Loo Sin Chun, Sazali Zainal Abidin and Bany Ariffin Amin Nordin. 2007. Earnings Management Practices Between Scopus<br />

Government Linked and Chinese Family Linked Companies. International Journal of Economics and Management, 1(3):385-404.<br />

37. Noor Azman Ali, Fauziah Mahat and Mohamed Zairi. 2007. HRM Issues in Quality Initiatives (or Public Private Partnership) Implementation Scopus<br />

Process and Perception of Value for Money. International Journal of Economics and Management, 1(3):434-449.<br />

38. Tee Keng Kok, Juliet Roper and Kate Kearins. 2007. Corporate Social Reporting in Malaysia: A Qualitative Approach. International Journal Scopus<br />

of Economics and Management, 1(3):450-472.<br />

39. Suhaimi Ab Rahman. 2007. Islamic Law and Modern Guarantees in Malaysia. International Journal of Economics and Management, Scopus<br />

1(3):473-497.<br />

40. Norashidah Mohamed Nor, Nor Ghani Md Nor, Ahmad Zainuddin Abdullah and Suhaila Hj. Abd Jalil. 2007. Flexibility and Small Firms’ SSCI<br />

Survival: Further Evidence From Malaysian Manufacturing. Applied Economics Letters, 14:931-934. 0.227<br />


Non Cited Journal<br />

No.<br />

Journal<br />

2008<br />

1 Hashanah Ismail. 2008. Case of Public Reprimands. Corporate Ownership & Control , 5(2):188-192.<br />

2 Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori, Shamsher Mohamad Ramadilli Mohd and Siti Shaharatulfazzah Mohd Saad. 2008. Audit Committee Support and Auditor<br />

Independence. The ICFAI Journal of Corporate Governance, VII (1):52-65<br />

2007<br />

1 Taufiq Hassan, Shamsher Mohamad Ramadilli Mohd and Fatimah Mohd Arshad. 2007. Informational Efficiency of The Malaysian Crude Palm Oil Futures<br />

Contracts. The ICFAI Journals of Derivatives Markets, IV(2), April:58-71.<br />

2 Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori, Yusuf Karbhari and Annuar Md Nassir. 2007. Auditor Appointment, Rotation and Independence: Some Evidence From Malaysia.<br />

The ICFAI Journal of Audit Practice, IV(1):7-27.<br />

3 A.M. Dayang Affizah , Alias Radam and Siti Baizura Joh Zakaria. 2007. The Economics of Recreational Park Convervation: A Case Study of Bako National Park.<br />

The ICFAI Journal of Environmental Economics, V(1):44-56<br />

4 Zaidah Mustaffa, Md. Zabid Abdul Rashid and Murali Sambasivan. 2007. Strategic Roles of Foreign Multinational Subsidiaries in Malaysia. International Journal<br />

of Management and Decision Making, 8(2-4):268-289<br />

5 Lee Chin, Azali Mohamed and K.G.P Matthews. 2007. The Monetary Approach to Exchnage Rate Determination for Malaysia. Applied Financial Economics<br />

Letters, 3:91-94.<br />

6 Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori, Yusuf Karbhari, Mohamad Ali Abdul Hamid and Annuar Md Nassir. 2007. The Wealth Effect of Announcement of Audit Committee<br />

Formation:Evidence From Malaysian Listed Firms. The ICFAI Journal of Audit Practice, IV(2):42-58.<br />

7 Fikriyah Abdullah, Taufiq Hassan and Shamsher Mohamad Ramadilli Mohd. 2007. Investigation of Performance of Malaysian Islami Unit Trust Funds:<br />

Comparison with Conventional Trust Performance. Managerial Finance, 33(2):142-153.<br />

8 Bany Ariffin Amin Nordin and Carl B. McGowan. 2007. Does The Announcement of Changes in the Statutory Reserve Requirement Provide Relevant Economic<br />

News for the Malaysian Stock Market?. Southwestern Economic Review, 34(1):187-193.<br />

9 Wong Swee Kiong, Khalid Abdul Rahim, Mad Nasir Shamsudin and K. Kuperan. 2007. Export Market Competitiveness of Eco-Friendly Pepper Production in<br />

Malaysia. The ICFAI Journal of Environmental Economics, V(2):69-82.<br />

10 Hairuddin Mohd Amin, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Mohd Ariff Hussein and Alias Radam. 2007. An Economic Evaluation of IPM Practices in Cabbage Production in<br />

Cameron Highlands, Pahang. Economic and Technology Management Review, 2:11-22<br />

11 Alias Radam, Lee Yen Cher, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed and Jinap Selamat. 2007. Consumers’ Willingness To Pay Towards Food Safety: The<br />

Case of Meat Consumption. Economic and Technology Management Review, 2:63-74<br />

12 Alias Radam, Lee Yen Cher, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed and Jinap Selamat. 2007. Consumers’ Perception and Attitudes Towards Food<br />

Safety: The Case of Meat Consumption. The ICFAI Journal of Consumer Behavior, II (2):26-38.<br />

13 Fatimah Mohd Arshad and Mad Nasir Shamsudin. 2007. Food Marketing in Malaysia: Transformational Issues and Policy Implications. Economic and<br />

Technology Management Review, 2:45-62.<br />

14 Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori, Yusuf Karbhari and Mohamad Ali Abdul Hamid. 2007. The Impact of Regulatory Sanctions to Auditor Independence: Some<br />

Evidence From Malaysia. The ICFAI Journal of Audit Practice, IV(3):29-49<br />

15 Muzafar Shah Habibullah. 2007. Seasonality, Cointegration and Error-Correction: Some Results Using Taiwanese Monetary Data. The Indian Journal of<br />

Economics, 87 (346) Part 3:453-472.<br />

16 M. Dayang Affizah , Muzafar Shah Habibullah and Puah Chin Hong . 2007. Regional Income Convergence in East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA): Results<br />

From Three Approaches of Cointegration Analysis. Journal of International Economic Review, 1(1):63-74.<br />

17 Wan Azman Saini Wan Ngah, A.M. Dayang Affizah , Law Siong Hook and Muzafar Shah Habibullah. 2007. Stock Price and Exchange Rate Interaction: The<br />

Case of The Philippines. The ICFAI Journal of Applied Economics, 6(3):7-16.<br />

18 Wan Azman Saini Wan Ngah, Muzafar Shah Habibullah, Law Siong Hook and A.M. Dayang Affizah . 2007. Stock Prices, Exchange Rates and Causality in<br />

Malaysia: A Note. The ICFAI Journal of Financial Economics, 5(1):7-13.<br />

19 Law Siong Hook and Tan Hui Boon. 2007. Finance and The Distribution of Income in Developing Countries. Journal of International Economic Review, 1(1):75-<br />

89.<br />

20 Shamsher Mohamad Ramadilli Mohd, Taufiq Hassan and Mohamed Ariff. 2007. Research in an Emerging Malaysian Capital Market: A Guide to Future<br />

Direction. International Journal of Economics and Management, 1(2):173-202.<br />

21 Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori and Shamsher Mohamad Ramadilli Mohd. 2007. Audit Committee Reporting: Current Practices of Companies Listed on the Kuala<br />

Lumpur Stock Excange (Bursa Malaysia). International Journal of Economics and Management, 1(2):203-227.<br />

22 Marial Awou Yol. 2007. Testing Monetary Model of Exchange Rates in Emerging Economies: New Evidence From ASEAN 5+2 Countries. International Journal<br />

of Economics and Management, 1(2):263-284.<br />


23 Yasmine Merican, Zulkornain Yusop, Zaleha Mohd Noor and Law Siong Hook. 2007. Foreign Direct Investment and The Pollution in Five ASEAN Nations.<br />

International Journal of Economics and Management, 1(2):245-261<br />

24 Arfah Salleh, Badriyah Minai and Nor Aziah Abu Kasim. 2007. Are Accounting Teachers Receptive Towards Integration of Technology in Accounting Education.<br />

Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants, April 2007:9-15.<br />

25 Marial Awou Yol and Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah. 2007. International Capital Mobility and Saving-Investment Correlations: Evidence From Emerging and<br />

Developing Economies. International Review of Business Research Papers, 3(3):379-390.<br />

26 Siti Shaharatulfazzah Mohd Saad, Jonathan Gerard Evans, Zulkarnain Muhamad Sori and Mohamad Ali Abdul Hamid. 2007. Audit Committee Resources,<br />

Appointment and Future Scope: Some Evidence From Malaysia. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 9:1450-2887.<br />

27 Rozanah Abd Rahman. 2007. Contractor’s Liability As Occupier of Premise To Trespasser In Safety At Work Cases. Master Builders Journal, 2nd Quarter:72-74.<br />

28 Hashanah Ismail. 2007. Wither the External Audit in Corporate Governance. Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants, June/<br />

August:15-17.<br />

29 Alias Radam, Mohd Ariff Hussein, Hairuddin Mohd Amin and Mad Nasir Shamsudin. 2007. Technical Effiiciency of Chinese Cabbage Farm in Cameron<br />

Highland Malaysia. The ICFAI Journal of Agricultural Economics, IV(4):7-19.<br />

30 Cheng Fan Fah and Mohamed Ariff. 2007. Abnormal Returns of Bank Stocks and Their Factor Analyzed Determinants. Journal of Accounting-Business &<br />

Management, 14:1-16<br />

31 Raduan Che Rose and Naresh Kumar. 2007. Blockade for Career Advancement in Japanese Organization Abroad: The Case of Malaysian Subsidiaries.<br />

American Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(1):8-13.<br />

32 Loo See Beh and Raduan Che Rose. 2007. Linking QWL and Job Peformance:Implications for Organizations. Performance Improvement Journal, 46(6):30-35<br />

33 Haslinda Abdullah, Raduan Che Rose and Naresh Kumar. 2007. Human Resource Development Strategies: The Malaysian Scenario. Journal of Social Science,<br />

3(4):213-222.<br />

34 Arfah Salleh, Raduan Che Rose, Naresh Kumar and Lu Chee Peng. 2007. Readiness in Meeting Globalization Challenges: A Case of Accounting Firms in<br />

Malaysia. Journal of Social Science, 3(4):176-184.<br />

35 Lim Kian Ping and Azali Mohamed. 2007. Episodic Non-Linear Behaviour of Bilateral Malaysian Ringgit-U.S. Dollar Spot Rate. Journal of International Economic<br />

Review, 1(1):25-48.<br />

36 Siah Kim Lan, Zulkornain Yusop and Law Siong Hook. 2007. China and ASEAN-5 Bilateral Trade Relationship. Sunway Academic Journal, 4:85-98.<br />

37 Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah, Khong Wye Leong Roy and Chan Tze Haw. 2007. Dynamic Financial Linkages of Japan and Asean Economies: Evidence Based<br />

on Real Interest Parity. International Journal of Management Studies, 14(1):23-48.<br />

38 Taufiq Hassan, Shamsher Mohamad Ramadilli Mohd, Mohamed Ariff and Annuar Md Nassir. 2007. Stock Index Futures Prices and the Asian Financial Crisis.<br />

International Review of Finance, 7(3):119-141.<br />

39 D. Agus Harjito, Fauzias Mat Nor and Bany Ariffin Amin Nordin. 2007. Hubungan Polisi Hutang, Pemilikan Dalaman <strong>dan</strong> Polisi Dividen Sebagai Mekanisme<br />

Pengawasan Masalah Agensi di Malaysia. Jurnal <strong>Pengurusan</strong>, 26:3-24.<br />

40 Shamsher Mohamad Ramadilli Mohd and Taufiq Hassan. 2007. Asian Derivative Markets: Research Issues. The International Journal of Banking and Finance,<br />

5(1):1-26<br />


Faculty’s Research Grants Approved<br />

1. Science Funds Grants 2007/2008<br />

Project Leader<br />

Project Title<br />

Project No.<br />

Amount Approved(RM)<br />

Han Chun Kwong<br />

Success Strategies in the Knowledge-Based and<br />

Innovation. Economy: A Critical Appraisal of National<br />

and Organizational Initiatives Using Structurational<br />

And Complexity Methodologies<br />

01-01-04-<br />

SF0689/5450032<br />

157,978.00<br />

Abdul Rahim Abdul<br />

Samad<br />

The Environmental and Economic Impact of SFM<br />

Practices on the Growth of Malaysian Wood-Based<br />

Industry<br />

04-01-04-<br />

SF0159/5450033<br />

82,896.00<br />

Azali bin Mohamed<br />

An Econometric Appraisal of Single Currency Models<br />

On Asian Countries<br />

04-01-04-<br />

SF0289/5450034<br />

113,152.00<br />

Khalid Bin Abdul Rahim<br />

The Social Costs and Benefits of Peatland Cultivation<br />

towards Sustainable Agricultural Development<br />

04-01-04-<br />

SF0293/5450035<br />

144,003.00<br />

Law Siong Hook<br />

Financial Development, Poverty and Human Capital<br />

in Malaysia<br />

04-01-04-<br />

SF0310/5450036<br />

49,896.00<br />

Wong Foong Yee<br />

Assessing Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior toward<br />

Local Agricultural Products<br />

04-01-04-<br />

SF0322/5450037<br />

94,996.00<br />

Ahmad Zubaidi<br />

Baharumshah<br />

Exchange Rate, Monetary Fundamentals and<br />

Development Strategies for the ASEAN Countries<br />

04-01-04-<br />

SF0414/5450038<br />

45,945.00<br />

Marial Awou Yol<br />

Capital Mobility And Saving-Investment Correlation:<br />

The Experience Of Southeast Asian Economies<br />

04-01-<br />

04SF0424/5450039<br />

45,098.00<br />

Lailawati Binti Mohd<br />

Salleh<br />

Effective Leadership Communication In Malaysian<br />

Organizations<br />

04-01-04-<br />

SF0691/5450041<br />

78,594.00<br />

Zakariah Abdul Rashid<br />

A General Equilibrium Analysis Of Economic Impacts<br />

Of High Energy Prices In Malaysia<br />

04-01-04-<br />

SF0726/5450042<br />

70,314.00<br />

Arfah Salleh<br />

Efficiency and Productivity of Malaysian Seaports:<br />

Theory, Measurement, and Policy Analysis<br />

NA<br />

129,650.00<br />

Mohd Azhar Abdul<br />

Karim<br />

Comparative Advantage and International<br />

Competitiveness of the Malaysian Manufacturing<br />

Industries<br />

NA<br />

79,075.00<br />

Murali Sambasivan<br />

Theoretical and Empirical Studies to Model Supply<br />

Chain Relationships in Malaysia Manufacturing and<br />

Service Sector<br />

NA<br />

40,750.00<br />

Foong Soon Yau<br />

Intellectual Capital (IC) Management: Identifying,<br />

Measuring and Reporting of Intellectual Capital<br />

NA<br />

115,650.00<br />

Foong Soon Yau<br />

A Framework for Assessing Quality of Reporting<br />

of Intellectual Capital Assets in Annual Reports for<br />

Companies<br />

NA<br />

60,000.00<br />


2. Research University Grants Scheme (RUGS) 2007<br />

Project Leader<br />

Project Title<br />

Project No.<br />

Amount Approved(RM)<br />

Azali Mohamed<br />

A Financial Social Accounting Matrix for the<br />

Intersectoral Model for Poverty Analysis in Malaysia<br />

06/01/07/0245RU /<br />

91245<br />

119,000.00<br />

Bany Ariffin Amin<br />

Noordin<br />

The Impact of Pyramidal Structure on Firm’s Capital<br />

Structure In A Small-Open Asian Economy<br />

06/01/07/0248RU /<br />

91248<br />

34,000.00<br />

Muzafar Shah<br />

Habibullah<br />

The Underground Economy in Malaysia: Estimation,<br />

Economic and Policy Implication<br />

06/01/07/0271RU /<br />

91271<br />

109,700.00<br />

Zulkarnain Muhamad<br />

Sori<br />

Do Auditor Independence Matters? The Malaysian<br />

Perspective<br />

06/01/07/0297RU /<br />

91297<br />

40,300.00<br />

Ahmad Zubaidi<br />

Baharumshah<br />

ASEAN Fiscal and Monetary Responses to Rising Oil<br />

Prices<br />

06/01/07/0241RU /<br />

91241<br />

38,600.00<br />

Azman Hassan<br />

Markup and Market Power in Malaysian<br />

Manufacturing Industries<br />

06-02-07-0380RU /<br />

91385<br />

30,000.00<br />

Cheng Fan Fah<br />

Abnormal Returns of Bank Stocks and Their Factor-<br />

Analysed Determinants For Australia<br />

06-02-07-0383RU /<br />

91388<br />

30,000.00<br />

Hasri Mustafa<br />

An Ethnographic Study of the Local Accounting<br />

Management Control on Religious Conception and<br />

The Systems of Accountability<br />

06-02-07-0387RU /<br />

91392<br />

18,500.00<br />

Khairil Wahidin Awang<br />

The Malaysian Hotel Industry Environmental, Industry<br />

Structure and Competition , 2006 and 2007<br />

06-02-07-0392RU /<br />

91397<br />

25,000.00<br />

Lee Chin<br />

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), Trade Liberalization,<br />

Financial Liberalization and Economic Integration:<br />

Evidence From Malaysia and a Group of Countries<br />

06-02-07-0393RU /<br />

91398<br />

30,000.00<br />

Mohani Abdul<br />

SMEs Perceptions Towards Halal Policy In Increasing<br />

The Market Share and Market Competitiveness<br />

06-02-07-0399RU /<br />

91404<br />

30,000.00<br />

Normaz Wana Ismail<br />

The Intra Regional Trade in ASEAN 5: A Gravity<br />

Approach<br />

06-02-07-0405RU /<br />

91410<br />

26,000.00<br />

Sazali Zainal Abidin<br />

Impact of Oil Price Increase on Economy and Major<br />

Sectors: Evidence From Malaysia<br />

06-02-07-0412RU /<br />

91417<br />

30,000.00<br />

Shamsudin Ismail<br />

Bank Lending to the Agriculture Sector<br />

06-02-07-0414RU /<br />

91419<br />

20,000.00<br />

Suhaila Abdul Jalil<br />

Strategic Investment in Excess Capacity: Implication<br />

of Globalization<br />

06-02-07-0419RU /<br />

91424<br />

30,000.00<br />

Syed Kadir Alsagoff<br />

Effect of Performance Feedback and Re-Think<br />

Reasoning on Illusion of Control Among Working<br />

Executives and Graduate Students in Kelang Valley<br />

06-02-07-0421RU /<br />

91426<br />

30,000.00<br />

Taufiq Hassan<br />

The Value Relevance of Accounting Matric, Corporate<br />

Governance and Earning Management Attributes: A<br />

Longitudinal Study<br />

06-02-07-0422RU /<br />

91427<br />

30,000.00<br />

Yusniyati Yusri<br />

Factors Affecting Taxpayer’s Acceptence of e-Filing<br />

System<br />

06-02-07-0426RU /<br />

91431<br />

13,000.00<br />

Zaiton Ali<br />

The Performance of Real Estate Investment Trusts<br />

(REITs) in Malaysia<br />

06-02-07-0427RU /<br />

91432<br />

20,000.00<br />


3. Fundamental Research 2007<br />

Project Leader<br />

Project Title<br />

Project No.<br />

Amount Approved(RM)<br />

Muzafar Shah<br />

Habibullah<br />

Crime and economics Conditions in Malaysia: An<br />

Econometric Investigation<br />

03-01-07-027FR /<br />

5523028<br />

60,000.00<br />

Ruhana Busu<br />

The Impact of People, Organization, Technology<br />

and Logistic elements On Supply Chain Performance<br />

Management (SCPM) Effectiveness in Food Manufacturing<br />

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia<br />

03-01-07-028FR /<br />

5523029<br />

60,000.00<br />

Siti Manisah Ngalim<br />

Effective Industrial Training of Malaysian Higher Education<br />

03-01-07-029FR /<br />

5523030<br />

60,000.00<br />

Abdul Rahim Abdul<br />

Samad<br />

The Economic Impact of Complience with New Logging<br />

System on the Growth of Malaysian Wood Based Industry<br />

03-01-07-030FR /<br />

5523031<br />

60,000.00<br />

Fatimah Mohamed<br />

Arshad<br />

Determinants of Agriculture’s Relative Decline in Malaysia<br />

03-01-07-031FR /<br />

5523032<br />

65,000.00<br />

Alias Radam<br />

Validating SERVPERF Model in Government Agencies<br />

03-01-07-197FR /<br />

5523197<br />

30,000.00<br />

Noor Azman Ali<br />

Validation of the Quality of Worklife Model in Government<br />

Agencies<br />

03-01-07-198FR /<br />

5523198<br />

30,000.00<br />

Zulkornain Yusop<br />

Private Capital Flows, Financial Development and Economic<br />

Growth in Developing Countries<br />

03-01-07-199FR /<br />

5523199<br />

25,000.00<br />

Norashidah Mohamed<br />

Nor<br />

The Impact of Unemployment of GDP in ASEAN Countries<br />

Based on Okun’Law<br />

03-01-07-200FR /<br />

5523200<br />

28,260.00<br />

Zaleha Mohd Noor<br />

Returns to Human Capital in Adult Learning: A Case of<br />

Executive Bachelor Programme at The Faculty of Economics<br />

and Management, <strong>UPM</strong><br />

03-01-07-201FR /<br />

5523201<br />

30,000.00<br />

Ahmad Shuib<br />

An Exploration of the Statisfaction Model: Relationship<br />

Between Recreation Density and User Satisfaction<br />

03-01-07-202FR /<br />

5523202<br />

25,700.00<br />

Wong Kong Yew<br />

The Construction of Tourism Industrial Development<br />

Lifecycle Model: An Exploratory Investigation<br />

03-01-07-203FR /<br />

5523203<br />

28,000.00<br />

Tan Hui Boon<br />

Effects of Bank Credit and Currency Mismatch in Exports<br />

and Growth in Malaysian and Other Asian Countries<br />

03-01-07-204FR /<br />

5523204<br />

29,650.00<br />

Hashanah Ismail<br />

Corporate Governance and The Audit Process<br />

03-01-07-205FR /<br />

5523205<br />

25,000.00<br />

Ahmad Zainuddin<br />

Abdullah<br />

Entry and Profits Determinants in Local Banking Market: A<br />

Vintage Model Approach<br />

03-01-07-206FR /<br />

5523206<br />

30,000.00<br />

Asna Atqa Abdullah<br />

Industrial Training in Accounting Education<br />

03-01-07-207FR /<br />

5523207<br />

25,000.00<br />

Suhaimi Abd Rahman<br />

Law of Guarentees: The Impact of Classical Interpretations<br />

on Modern Islamic Banking and Legal Practices<br />

03-01-07-208FR /<br />

5523208<br />

29,920.00<br />

Hamimah Hassan<br />

Market Orientation and Tourism Services in Malaysia<br />

03-01-07-209FR /<br />

5523209<br />

30,000.00<br />

Badriyah Minai<br />

Technology Adoption in Accounting Education<br />

03-01-07-210FR /<br />

5523210<br />

30,000.00<br />


Samsinar Md Sidin<br />

A Multitheoretical Perspective of Children’s Source if<br />

Influence in Family Purchase Decision Making<br />

03-01-07-211FR /<br />

5523211<br />

25,400.00<br />

Nor Aziah Abu Kasim<br />

The Role of Customer Relationship Management in<br />

Echancing Organisational Performance in Hotel Industry<br />

03-01-07-212FR /<br />

5523212<br />

25,000.00<br />

Nor Azlina Kamarohim<br />

Diffusion / Adoption, Culture And Trust: A Conceptual<br />

Framework of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia<br />

05-10-07-279FR/<br />

5523279<br />

20,000.00<br />

Ahmad Zubaidi<br />

Baharumshah<br />

Empirics of Economic Growth in ASEAN Countries: A Panel<br />

Analysis<br />

04-10-07-351FR /<br />

5523351<br />

60,000.00<br />

Mohd Kamel Idris<br />

Research Culturalization Practices in Malaysian Public<br />

Universities<br />

04-10-07-352FR /<br />

5523352<br />

60,000.00<br />

4. Newly Appointed Lecturer Research Grant Scheme 2007<br />

Project Leader<br />

Project Title<br />

Project No.<br />

Amount Approved(RM)<br />

Lee Chin<br />

Consumer Price Indices Convergence Among Malaysian<br />

Region<br />

5315912<br />

8,000.00<br />

Roslinda Rahman<br />

Stock Split: Trading Range Hypothesis and Wealth Effect<br />

5315913<br />

10,000.00<br />

Fauziah Abdul Rahman<br />

Stock Repurchase: Impact on Liquidity and Volatiliy of<br />

Firm’s Stock<br />

5315914<br />

8,500.00<br />

Ong Tze San<br />

Performance Measurement System in Service and<br />

Manufacturing Industry of Malaysia<br />

5315915<br />

10,000.00<br />

Mohd Rusli Yacob<br />

Valuing Ecotourism Development in Marine Park, Malaysia:<br />

A Choice Modeling Approach<br />

5315916<br />

10,000.00<br />

Rashid Abdullah<br />

The Transferability of Japanese Soft Technology in the<br />

Malaysian Automotive Industry Through Technology<br />

Transfer<br />

5315917<br />

10,000.00<br />

5. Other Research Grants:<br />

Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (FAMA)<br />

Project Leader<br />

Project Title<br />

Amount Approved(RM)<br />

Fatimah Mohamed Arshad<br />

Mad Nasir Shamsudin<br />

Azizah Othman<br />

Siti Rahayu Hussin<br />

New Agrofood Marketing System: Structural and Impact Analysis<br />

Food Consumption and Demand Analysis<br />

Post Harvest Technology and Value Added Possibilities for Fruits and<br />

Vegetables<br />

Consumers’ Purchasing Behaviour Towards Fresh Produce<br />

RM218,912.95<br />

RM399,861.35<br />

RM321,981.94<br />

RM199,405.46<br />

Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad (Bank Rakyat)<br />

Project Leader<br />

Fatimah Mohamed Arshad<br />

Project Title<br />

Penilaian Prestasi Koperasi Pertanian Terpilih<br />

Amount Approved(RM)<br />

300,000.00<br />

Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry<br />

Project Leader<br />

Project Title<br />

Amount Approved(RM)<br />

Fatimah Mohamed Arshad<br />

Pelan Imbangan Bayaran (BOT) bagi Kementerian Pertanian <strong>dan</strong> Industri Asas Tani<br />

226,304.30<br />


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