Blessed Be Your Name - Indian Hills Community Church

Blessed Be Your Name - Indian Hills Community Church Blessed Be Your Name - Indian Hills Community Church


How Is the Bible Different From Other Religious Books? God speaks to us in the Bible, which makes it different from all other books. • When God created man, His design included the ability to communicate. • God chose to speak to Adam through the use of words. • Written communication is often the record of verbal communication. • The Word of God can be understood through the normal use of grammar with an awareness of the historical contexts, just as you would read a book or newspaper. • Understanding the Bible is possible because the words God uses are meant to clearly communicate God’s Words, not obscure it. The Bible does not completely reveal everything there is to know about God, but it gives us the necessary information to know Him intimately. The Bible expresses God’s will, His expectation of us, and the promise of future blessing or judgment. God wrote the Bible over a period of 1500 years, through 40 different men. The Bible is divided into 66 books and has the unique distinction of being without error and is unchanging. “But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by the act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God” (1 Peter 1:20-21). The Bible Answers the Major Questions of Life • The Bible reveals how mankind came into existence, our purpose for living, and our destiny. • The Bible reveals God’s truth, which is applicable and sufficient for our daily needs. • The Bible provides comfort, 10 security and hope to those who obey its truth. “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Study the Bible at Indian Hills • Studying the Word of God is at the heart of all worship services at Indian Hills Community Church. • The Word of God is required food for our spiritual growth. • The pastor/teacher explains each verse, paragraph, chapter and book as the Bible is taught. • Applying the truth of Scripture to our lives should be our objective as we learn the Bible. The worship of God occurs in the context of God’s truth. Discovering the truth is exciting, life-changing and available to everyone. Please join us at Indian Hills Community Church next Sunday as we look into God’s Word together and discover the Truth. Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry Our kindergartner through fifth grade students are studying the same Scripture each week. Sunday School In Sunday school this morning our children studied John 6:1-14 and learned about Jesus feeding the five-thousand. Children’s Church In Children’s Church our children learned about the flood as they studied Genesis 6:5–7:24. The principle we hope they came away with is that God judges man for his sins. Parental Reinforcement As you talk with your children, be sure to ask them about what they learned today in Sunday School and Children’s Church. It will be good for them to review the truths they studied and it will stretch their memories as they verbalize the biblical account and principle they learned. 11

How Is the Bible Different From Other<br />

Religious Books?<br />

God speaks to us in the Bible,<br />

which makes it different from all<br />

other books.<br />

• When God created man, His<br />

design included the ability to<br />

communicate.<br />

• God chose to speak to Adam<br />

through the use of words.<br />

• Written communication is<br />

often the record of verbal<br />

communication.<br />

• The Word of God can be<br />

understood through the<br />

normal use of grammar with<br />

an awareness of the historical<br />

contexts, just as you would<br />

read a book or newspaper.<br />

• Understanding the Bible is<br />

possible because the words<br />

God uses are meant to clearly<br />

communicate God’s Words,<br />

not obscure it.<br />

The Bible does not completely<br />

reveal everything there is<br />

to know about God, but it gives us<br />

the necessary information to<br />

know Him intimately.<br />

The Bible expresses God’s<br />

will, His expectation of us, and<br />

the promise of future blessing or<br />

judgment.<br />

God wrote the Bible over a<br />

period of 1500 years, through 40<br />

different men. The Bible is<br />

divided into 66 books and has the<br />

unique distinction of being<br />

without error and is unchanging.<br />

“But know this first of all,<br />

that no prophecy of Scripture is a<br />

matter of one’s interpretation, for<br />

no prophecy was ever made by<br />

the act of human will, but men<br />

moved by the Holy Spirit spoke<br />

from God” (1 Peter 1:20-21).<br />

The Bible Answers the Major Questions of Life<br />

• The Bible reveals how<br />

mankind came into existence,<br />

our purpose for living, and<br />

our destiny.<br />

• The Bible reveals God’s truth,<br />

which is applicable and<br />

sufficient for our daily needs.<br />

• The Bible provides comfort,<br />

10<br />

security and hope to those<br />

who obey its truth.<br />

“All Scripture is inspired by<br />

God and profitable for teaching,<br />

for reproof, for correction, for<br />

training in righteousness; so that<br />

the man of God may be adequate,<br />

equipped for every good work” (2<br />

Timothy 3:16-17).

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