Bhikkhunīsaṁyutta Thematic Discourses about Nuns - Ancient ...

Bhikkhunīsaṁyutta Thematic Discourses about Nuns - Ancient ...

Bhikkhunīsaṁyutta Thematic Discourses about Nuns - Ancient ...


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Atha kho Māro Pāpimā<br />

Then the Wicked Māra<br />

The <strong>Thematic</strong> <strong>Discourses</strong> <strong>about</strong> <strong>Nuns</strong> - 8<br />

Somāya bhikkhuniyā bhayaṁ chambhitattaṁ lomahaṁsaṁ uppādetukāmo,<br />

desiring to give rise to fear, terror, and horror in the nun Somā,<br />

samādhimhā cāvetukāmo, yena Somā bhikkhunī tenupasaṅkami,<br />

desiring to drive her out of concentration, approached the nun Somā,<br />

upasaṅkamitvā Somaṁ bhikkhuniṁ gāthāya ajjhabhāsi:<br />

and after approaching he addressed the nun Somā with a verse:<br />

“Yaṁ taṁ isīhi pattabbaṁ ṭhānaṁ durabhisambhavaṁ,<br />

“That place 8 which has been attained by the seers is hard to obtain,<br />

Na taṁ dvaṅgulapaññāya, sakkā pappotum-itthiyā.” ti<br />

No woman, with her two-finger wisdom, 9 is able to attain it.”<br />

Atha kho Somāya bhikkhuniyā etad-ahosi:<br />

Then it occurred to the nun Somā:<br />

“Ko nu khvāyaṁ manusso vā amanusso vā gāthaṁ bhāsatī?” ti<br />

“Who is this, a human or a non-human, speaking this verse?”<br />

Atha kho Somāya bhikkhuniyā etad-ahosi:<br />

Then it occurred to the nun Somā:<br />

“Māro kho ayaṁ Pāpimā<br />

“This is the Wicked Māra<br />

mama bhayaṁ chambhitattaṁ lomahaṁsaṁ uppādetukāmo,<br />

desiring to give rise to fear, terror, and horror in me,<br />

samādhimhā cāvetukāmo, gāthaṁ bhāsatī.” ti<br />

desiring to drive me out of concentration, who speaks this verse.”<br />

Atha kho Somā bhikkhunī Māro ayaṁ Pāpimā iti viditvā,<br />

Then the nun Somā having understood: This is the Wicked Māra,<br />

8 Comm: ṭhānan-ti Arahattaṁ; place means Worthiness.<br />

9 Comm: dvaṅgulapaññāyā ti parittapaññāya, yasmā vā dvīhi aṅgulehi kappāsavaṭṭiṁ gahetvā<br />

suttaṁ kantanti, tasmā itthī dvaṅgulapaññā ti vuccati; two-finger wisdom means having little<br />

wisdom, because having grabbed the cotton with her two fingers she spins thread, therefore<br />

a woman has two-finger wisdom is said.

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