English 12 Syllabus (pdf) - Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High ...

English 12 Syllabus (pdf) - Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High ...

English 12 Syllabus (pdf) - Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High ...


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<strong>English</strong> <strong>12</strong><br />

Mrs. Duval<br />

Course Description:<br />

o <strong>English</strong> <strong>12</strong> is designed to help improve reading comprehension and<br />

communication through writing. It is also designed to help build skills<br />

necessary to prepare for the workforce and other plans outside of high school.<br />

o This course is a full year and is worth one credit.<br />

Course Outline:<br />

o First Semester:<br />

- Grammar and Spelling<br />

- Writing Assignments<br />

- Speech<br />

- Novel<br />

o Second Semester:<br />

- Interview<br />

- Writing Assignments<br />

- Grammar and Spelling<br />

- Novel<br />

Materials:<br />

o You need to bring these materials to class everyday:<br />

- Folder and notebook<br />

- Pen or pencil<br />

- Textbook (<strong>English</strong> for the World of Work)<br />

- Assignment Notebook (planner)<br />

Grades:<br />

o Your grade will be based on daily assignments, tests, projects, and<br />

participation.<br />

o Grading Scale:<br />

100-90% A<br />

89-80% B<br />

79-70% C<br />

69-60% D<br />

59% or Below F<br />

Homework:<br />

o If homework is assigned, it is automatically due the next day unless I tell you<br />

otherwise. For example, homework given on Monday is due at the start of<br />

class on Tuesday.

<strong>English</strong> <strong>12</strong><br />

Mrs. Duval<br />

Late Work:<br />

o If a daily assignment is turned in one day late, you will receive 50% credit.<br />

For example, if homework is assigned on Monday, due on Tuesday, and you<br />

turn it in on Wednesday, then it will be considered late; therefore, resulting<br />

in half credit.<br />

Make-up Work:<br />

o Make up work will be accepted (for full credit) if you have an excused<br />

absence. *Remember, you get a one-day make-up for each day your absence<br />

is excused.<br />

o If you have an unexcused absence, you do not receive any credit for daily<br />

work, unless it is a quiz or a test.<br />

Extra Credit:<br />

o Extra credit is not offered in my class; therefore, it is important to complete<br />

all daily work and adequately prepare for tests and quizzes.<br />

Classroom Rules:<br />

o Come to class On Time and Be Prepared (have materials ready)<br />

o Follow Directions<br />

o Respect each other’s property and opinions<br />

o No Food or Drink in class, except water<br />

o Wait to hear the words, “Pack up,” before putting your materials away at the<br />

end of class<br />

o Always try your best!<br />

Consequences:<br />

o Verbal Warning (2)<br />

o Detention after school with Mrs. Duval<br />

o Phone call home and possible meeting<br />

o Referral to SAO<br />

**Any type of threatening or severe behavior will result in an immediate<br />

referral to SAO.

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