Lecture notes for Introduction to Representation Theory

Lecture notes for Introduction to Representation Theory

Lecture notes for Introduction to Representation Theory


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y<br />

θ(a 1 , . . . , a n ) = a 1 y 1 + · · · + a n y n<br />

where {y i } is a basis of X ⊕ . θ is clearly surjective, as k → A. Thus, the dual map θ ⊕ : X −⊃ A n⊕<br />

is injective. But A n⊕ ∪ = A<br />

n<br />

as representations of A (check it!). Hence, Im θ ⊕ ∪ = X is a subrepresentation<br />

of A n . Next, Mat di (k) = d i V i , so A = r i=1 d iV i , A n = r i=1 nd iV i , as a representation of A.<br />

Hence by Proposition 2.2, X = r i=1 m i V i , as desired.<br />

Exercise. The goal of this exercise is <strong>to</strong> give an alternative proof of Theorem 2.6, not using<br />

any of the previous results of Chapter 2.<br />

Let A 1 , A 2 , ..., A n be n algebras with units 1 1 , 1 2 , ..., 1 n , respectively. Let A = A 1 A 2 ...A n .<br />

Clearly, 1 i 1 j = ζ ij 1 i , and the unit of A is 1 = 1 1 + 1 2 + ... + 1 n .<br />

For every representation V of A, it is easy <strong>to</strong> see that 1 i V is a representation of A i <strong>for</strong> every<br />

i {1, 2, ..., n}. Conversely, if V 1 , V 2 , ..., V n are representations of A 1 , A 2 , ..., A n , respectively,<br />

then V 1 V 2 ... V n canonically becomes a representation of A (with (a 1 , a 2 , ..., a n ) A acting<br />

on V 1 V 2 ... V n as (v 1 , v 2 , ..., v n ) ⊃ (a 1 v 1 , a 2 v 2 , ..., a n v n )).<br />

(a) Show that a representation V of A is irreducible if and only if 1 i V is an irreducible representation<br />

of A i <strong>for</strong> exactly one i {1, 2, ..., n}, while 1 i V = 0 <strong>for</strong> all the other i. Thus, classify the<br />

irreducible representations of A in terms of those of A 1 , A 2 , ..., A n .<br />

(b) Let d N. Show that the only irreducible representation of Mat d (k) is k d , and every finite<br />

dimensional representation of Mat d (k) is a direct sum of copies of k d .<br />

Hint: For every (i, j) {1, 2, ..., d} 2 , let E ij Mat d (k) be the matrix with 1 in the ith row of the<br />

jth column and 0’s everywhere else. Let V be a finite dimensional representation of Mat d (k). Show<br />

that V = E 11 V E 22 V ... E dd V , and that i : E 11 V ⊃ E ii V , v ⊃ E i1 v is an isomorphism <strong>for</strong><br />

every i {1, 2, ..., d}. For every v E 11 V , denote S (v) = ◦E 11 v, E 21 v, ..., E d1 v. Prove that S (v)<br />

is a subrepresentation of V isomorphic <strong>to</strong> k d (as a representation of Mat d (k)), and that v S (v).<br />

Conclude that V = S (v 1 ) S (v 2 ) ... S (v k ), where {v 1 , v 2 , ..., v k } is a basis of E 11 V .<br />

(c) Conclude Theorem 2.6.<br />

2.4 Filtrations<br />

Let A be an algebra. Let V be a representation of A. A (finite) filtration of V is a sequence of<br />

subrepresentations 0 = V 0 → V 1 → ... → V n = V .<br />

Lemma 2.8. Any finite dimensional representation V of an algebra A admits a finite filtration<br />

0 = V 0 → V 1 → ... → V n = V such that the successive quotients V i /V i−1 are irreducible.<br />

Proof. The proof is by induction in dim(V ). The base is clear, and only the induction step needs<br />

<strong>to</strong> be justified. Pick an irreducible subrepresentation V 1 → V , and consider the representation<br />

U = V/V 1 . Then by the induction assumption U has a filtration 0 = U 0 → U 1 → ... → U n−1 = U<br />

such that U i /U i−1 are irreducible. Define V i <strong>for</strong> i ⊂ 2 <strong>to</strong> be the preimages of U i−1 under the<br />

tau<strong>to</strong>logical projection V ⊃ V/V 1 = U. Then 0 = V 0 → V 1 → V 2 → ... → V n = V is a filtration of V<br />

with the desired property.<br />


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