Authors Iain Begg | Gabriel Glöckler | Anke Hassel ... - The Europaeum

Authors Iain Begg | Gabriel Glöckler | Anke Hassel ... - The Europaeum Authors Iain Begg | Gabriel Glöckler | Anke Hassel ... - The Europaeum
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9 See Garabiol-Furet, M.-D. (2006) ‘Le Salaire Minimum Europeen: Un Projet Realisable?’, Fondation Robert Schuman, Questions d’Europe No. 43 ; Rasmussen, P.N. and Delors, J. (2006) The New Social Europe, report to the7th PES Congress, Porto, December; Schulten 2008 10 Regnard, P. (2008) ‘Minimum Wages 2008’ Statistics in Focus 105/2008 Eurostat European Commission. Scadplus, n.d., “Sufficient resources and assistance”, available online at: [ cha/c10609.htm]. 11 European Commission (2009) Industrial Relations in Europe 2008. Brussels 12 Begg, I., Berghman, J., Marlier, E., (2006) ‘First Semester Report 2006. Synthesis Report. Independent overview based on national reports of independent experts“, published on behalf of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Brussels. 13 Ibid. p. 8, 32. 14 European Commission (2007) “Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity:More and better jobs through flexibility and security. Communication from the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. 15 Watts, B. (2006) ‘Employment and welfare reform in the EU’ in Mullally, L. and O’Brien, N. Beyond the European Social Model. P.94. Open Europe online available at: [ pressrelease.aspx?pressreleaseid=14 16 European Commission (2009) ‘Communication For the Spring European Council’ commission_barroso/president/pdf/press_20090304_en.pdf 17 European Commission (2009b) ‘Employment Summit: 7 May 2009, Main Messages’ online available at: [http://] 18 European Union (2009) A ‘shared commitment for employment’: Commission initiates new strategy to tackle the employment impact of the crisis. 03.03.2009 Online available at: [ do?reference=IP/09/859&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en] 19 Castaneira, D. (2009) ‘HP France propose une baisse illimitée des salaires sans garantie sur l’emploi’ 18.03.2009 online available at: [] Chapter 10 1 Article 158 SEA: the Community shall develop and pursue its actions leading to the strengthening of its economic and social cohesion. In particular, the Community shall aim at reducing disparities between the levels of development of the various regions. 2 On 24 June 1988, the Council agreed on a regulation 2052/88 which put existing EU funds into the context of ‘economic and social cohesion’. 3 Previous periods allocation: € 65 billion (1989-93); € 159 billion (1994-99); € 213 billion (2000-06). See EC (2001), Working for the region, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 4 Division of Funds allocation: Period Total Allocation ERDF ESF EAGGF Others/FIFG 1989-1993 71368 34312 (49%) 20784 (29%) 11799 (16.5%) 4474 (6.3%) 1994-1999 162129 71488 (44%) 41975 (26%) 22059 (14%) 27150 (17%) 2000-2006 212061 123220 (58%) 65417 (31%) 20502 (9,6%) 2921 (1,4%) 5 Article 3 of regulation 1081/2006, states: “Within the framework of the Convergence and Regional competitiveness and employment objectives, the ESF shall support actions in Member States under the priorities listed below: f) pathways to integration and re-entry into employment for disadvantaged people, such as people experiencing social exclusion, early school leavers, minorities, people with disabilities and people providing care for dependent persons, through employability measures, including in the field of the social economy, access to vocational education and training, and accompanying actions and relevant support, community and care services that improve employment opportunities 6 Minority rights are an essential part of the fundamental human rights. But compared with the classical individual human rights there are specific features of minority rights that can only be exercised collectively (religious activities, cultural, education facilities, language rights, etc.). 7 Jackson Preece, J. (1997), “National minority rights vs. state sovereignty in Europe: changing norms in international relations?”, Nations and nationalism, vol 3, n. 3, pp. 345-64 8 On 6th February 1998, Claude Erignac, the regional prefect of Corsica, i.e. the most important French government official on the island, was shot dead in the streets of Ajaccio. Yvan Colonna, a Corsican nationalist linked to the FLNC, has been convicted for his assassination on 13 December 2007. 9 Law 2002-92 of 22 January 2002 in relation to Corsica. 10 The Greek Nationality Law N.3370, enacted in 1955, states in Chapter B, Section VI, Article 19: “A person of non-Greek ethnic origin leaving Greece without the intention of returning may be declared as having lost Greek nationality . . . The Ministry of Interior Affairs decides in these matters with the concurring opinion of the National Council.” 170 After the crisis: A new socio-economic settlement for the EU

11 Sitaropoulos, N. (2005), “Freedom of Movement and the Right to a Nationality v. Ethnic Minorities: The Case of ex Article 19 of the Greek Nationality Code”, European Journal of Migration and Law, 6, pp. 205. 12 After article 19 of the Greek Citizenship Code other similar discriminatory laws have been repealed, such as those that deprived ethnic Turks of basic rights of property and occupation (see the Human Rights Watch World Report for Greece, 1993). 13 The 1920 Autonomy Act was followed by laws in 1951 and 1991 that expanded the scope of autonomy. The Islands have autonomous legislative and executive bodies; the Finnish government controls foreign affairs, customs and currency and the judicial system, with the Islands having autonomy in all other areas. 14 All ten CEECs have signed the convention; whereas Belgium, Greece, Luxembourg and Netherlands have signed, but not ratified it. France has not even signed it. See asp?NT=157&CM=&DF=&CL=ENG. 15 See 16 European Council, Directive 2000/43/EC Implementing the Principle of Equal Treatment between Persons Irrespective of Racial or Ethnic Origin, 2000. 17 Visi, B. (2008) “Minority rights in the new member states after enlargement”, in “Democracy, populism and minority rights”, H. Swoboda, J. Wiersma (eds.), Renner Institut, p.79. 18 They state that “membership requires that the candidate country has achieved stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and the respect for and protection of minorities”. 19 Kymlicka, W. & Opalski (2001), M., Can Liberal Pluralism Be Exported ? Oxford : Oxford University Press.p 374. 20 Hughes, J. and Sasse, G. (2003), “Monitoring the Monitors: EU Enlargement Conditionality and Minority Protection in the CEECs”, Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, 2003. p12. 21 Guglielmo, R. and William Waters, T. (2005), “Migrating Towards Minority Status: Shifting European Policy Towards Roma”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 43. Number 4. pp 763–86 22 EC (2004), “Equality and non-discrimination in an enlarged European Union” Green Paper 23 PHARE was the main instrument to support the accession of Eastern Europe countries in the last two EU enlargements of 2004 and 2007. 24 Two examples of programmes financed by the PHARE are the following: a) € 17 million, co-financed by the Hungarian government, were allocated to improve the level of participation in education for Roma/Sinti under the 1999 and 2001 programme for Hungary; b) A minority tolerance programme, co-financed by the Slovak government and totaling €2.3 million, was financed to train 450 local Slovak public administration representatives and opinion-makers on minority issues and conflict resolution. See EC (2004), “Review of the European Union Phare Assistance to Roma Minorities” Interim Evaluation of Phare Support Allocated in 1999-2002 and Implemented until November 2003, European Commission Directorate-General Enlargement, Directorate E – Evaluation Unit. 25 The IPA’s countries are Croatia, Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo. 26 Hughes, J. and Sasse, G. (2003), “Monitoring the Monitors: EU Enlargement Conditionality and Minority Protection in the CEECs”, Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, 2003 27 As quoted in Guglielmo, R. and William Waters, T. (2005), “Migrating Towards Minority Status: Shifting European Policy Towards Roma”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 43. Number 4. pp 763–86 Internet sources: Cohesion Policy: CoE Directorate General of Social Cohesion: European Social Funds: Rodri´Guez-Pose A. (1998) Dynamics of Regional Growth in Europe: Social and Political Factors. Clarendon, New York, NY. Social Cohesion Development Division: Strategy for Social Cohesion 2001: Strategy for Social Cohesion 2004 (Revised): RevisedStrategy_en.pdf End notes/references 171

9 See Garabiol-Furet, M.-D. (2006) ‘Le Salaire Minimum Europeen: Un Projet Realisable?’, Fondation Robert<br />

Schuman, Questions d’Europe No. 43 ; Rasmussen, P.N. and Delors, J. (2006) <strong>The</strong> New Social Europe, report to<br />

the7th PES Congress, Porto, December; Schulten 2008<br />

10 Regnard, P. (2008) ‘Minimum Wages 2008’ Statistics in Focus 105/2008 Eurostat European Commission.<br />

Scadplus, n.d., “Sufficient resources and assistance”, available online at: [<br />

cha/c10609.htm].<br />

11 European Commission (2009) Industrial Relations in Europe 2008. Brussels<br />

12 <strong>Begg</strong>, I., Berghman, J., Marlier, E., (2006) ‘First Semester Report 2006. Synthesis Report. Independent<br />

overview based on national reports of independent experts“, published on behalf of the European Commission,<br />

DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Brussels.<br />

13 Ibid. p. 8, 32.<br />

14 European Commission (2007) “Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity:More and better jobs through<br />

flexibility and security. Communication from the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic<br />

and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.<br />

15 Watts, B. (2006) ‘Employment and welfare reform in the EU’ in Mullally, L. and O’Brien, N. Beyond the<br />

European Social Model. P.94. Open Europe online available at: [<br />

pressrelease.aspx?pressreleaseid=14<br />

16 European Commission (2009) ‘Communication For the Spring European Council’<br />

commission_barroso/president/pdf/press_20090304_en.pdf<br />

17 European Commission (2009b) ‘Employment Summit: 7 May 2009, Main Messages’ online available at: [http://<br />]<br />

18 European Union (2009) A ‘shared commitment for employment’: Commission initiates new strategy to tackle the<br />

employment impact of the crisis. 03.03.2009 Online available at: [<br />

do?reference=IP/09/859&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en]<br />

19 Castaneira, D. (2009) ‘HP France propose une baisse illimitée des salaires sans garantie sur l’emploi’ 18.03.2009<br />

online available at: []<br />

Chapter 10<br />

1 Article 158 SEA: the Community shall develop and pursue its actions leading to the strengthening of its economic<br />

and social cohesion. In particular, the Community shall aim at reducing disparities between the levels of<br />

development of the various regions.<br />

2 On 24 June 1988, the Council agreed on a regulation 2052/88 which put existing EU funds into the context of<br />

‘economic and social cohesion’.<br />

3 Previous periods allocation: € 65 billion (1989-93); € 159 billion (1994-99); € 213 billion (2000-06). See EC<br />

(2001), Working for the region, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.<br />

4 Division of Funds allocation:<br />

Period Total Allocation ERDF ESF EAGGF Others/FIFG<br />

1989-1993 71368 34312 (49%) 20784 (29%) 11799 (16.5%) 4474 (6.3%)<br />

1994-1999 162129 71488 (44%) 41975 (26%) 22059 (14%) 27150 (17%)<br />

2000-2006 212061 123220 (58%) 65417 (31%) 20502 (9,6%) 2921 (1,4%)<br />

5 Article 3 of regulation 1081/2006, states: “Within the framework of the Convergence and Regional competitiveness<br />

and employment objectives, the ESF shall support actions in Member States under the priorities listed below: f)<br />

pathways to integration and re-entry into employment for disadvantaged people, such as people experiencing<br />

social exclusion, early school leavers, minorities, people with disabilities and people providing care for dependent<br />

persons, through employability measures, including in the field of the social economy, access to vocational<br />

education and training, and accompanying actions and relevant support, community and care services that<br />

improve employment opportunities<br />

6 Minority rights are an essential part of the fundamental human rights. But compared with the classical individual<br />

human rights there are specific features of minority rights that can only be exercised collectively (religious<br />

activities, cultural, education facilities, language rights, etc.).<br />

7 Jackson Preece, J. (1997), “National minority rights vs. state sovereignty in Europe: changing norms in<br />

international relations?”, Nations and nationalism, vol 3, n. 3, pp. 345-64<br />

8 On 6th February 1998, Claude Erignac, the regional prefect of Corsica, i.e. the most important French government<br />

official on the island, was shot dead in the streets of Ajaccio. Yvan Colonna, a Corsican nationalist linked to the<br />

FLNC, has been convicted for his assassination on 13 December 2007.<br />

9 Law 2002-92 of 22 January 2002 in relation to Corsica.<br />

10 <strong>The</strong> Greek Nationality Law N.3370, enacted in 1955, states in Chapter B, Section VI, Article 19: “A person of<br />

non-Greek ethnic origin leaving Greece without the intention of returning may be declared as having lost Greek<br />

nationality . . . <strong>The</strong> Ministry of Interior Affairs decides in these matters with the concurring opinion of the<br />

National Council.”<br />

170<br />

After the crisis: A new socio-economic settlement for the EU

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