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or partner than others. Discussion about HIV/AIDS prevention is also more common among highly<br />

educated respondents than others. Twice as many urban than rural women and one and half times as<br />

many urban than rural men have discussed HIV/AIDS prevention with their spouse or partner. Residents<br />

of Addis Ababa are most likely to have discussed HIV/AIDS prevention with their spouse or partner.<br />

Respondents were also asked for their opinion on whether a person who knows she/he has the<br />

AIDS virus should be allowed to keep this information a secret or should make it available to the<br />

community. This could shed some light on the extent of stigma associated with HIV/AIDS and<br />

discrimination against people who have HIV/AIDS. Nearly twice as many women as men who have<br />

heard of AIDS believed that a person who knows that she/he has the AIDS virus should be allowed to<br />

keep this information a secret (Table 12.7). Younger women (15-24), those who have never married,<br />

Table 12.7 Social aspects of HIV/AIDS<br />

Percentage of women and men who have heard of AIDS by responses to questions on various social aspects of HIV/AIDS,<br />

according<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

to background characteristics, Ethiopia 2000<br />

Women<br />

________________________________________<br />

Men<br />

_______________________________________<br />

Percentage<br />

Percentage<br />

who believe Percentage who believe Percentage<br />

that the HIV who are that the HIV who are<br />

positive status willing to care positive status willing to care<br />

of a family for a relative of a family for a relative<br />

Background member should sick with member should sick with<br />

characteristic remain a secret AIDS Number remain a secret AIDS Number<br />

_________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Age<br />

25-29<br />

14.5 46.7 2,286 8.8 48.6 335<br />

30-39<br />

15.3 43.3 3,091 8.5 50.4 568<br />

40-49<br />

15.2 42.0 2,263 4.6 50.6 382<br />

50-59<br />

NA NA NA 7.7 48.8 281<br />

15-19<br />

20-24<br />

18.6<br />

17.5<br />

48.5<br />

45.6<br />

2,927<br />

2,443<br />

14.4<br />

8.3<br />

53.8<br />

46.5<br />

527<br />

397<br />

Current marital status<br />

Never married<br />

Ever had sex<br />

Never had sex<br />

Married or living together<br />

Divorced, separated,<br />

widowed<br />

Residence<br />

Urban<br />

Rural<br />

Region<br />

Tigray<br />

Affar<br />

Amhara<br />

Oromiya<br />

Somali<br />

Benishangul-Gumuz<br />

SNNP<br />

Gambela<br />

Harari<br />

Addis Ababa<br />

Dire Dawa<br />

Education<br />

No education<br />

Primary<br />

Secondary and higher<br />

18.9 53.9 2,971 12.2 55.6 949<br />

18.5 76.1 198 13.6 63.9 275<br />

19.0 52.3 2,774 11.6 52.2 674<br />

15.7 40.6 8,412 7.0 46.7 1,438<br />

14.6 53.8 1,627 9.9 47.3 102<br />

13.2 70.5 2,713 11.3 80.8 374<br />

17.1 38.7 10,297 8.7 44.7 2,115<br />

7.2 61.7 885 17.8 54.2 129<br />

13.9 78.1 119 5.5 50.5 31<br />

19.2 49.9 3,328 10.2 65.7 607<br />

14.3 36.8 5,039 8.9 37.2 1,011<br />

14.4 47.5 109 7.9 55.8 32<br />

32.3 42.6 111 16.1 55.5 28<br />

20.1 38.3 2,601 5.6 47.2 534<br />

31.4 63.9 28 22.1 56.9 5<br />

6.6 55.6 37 1.3 68.8 7<br />

12.7 82.3 677 11.1 91.2 93<br />

10.1 67.9 75 4.6 72.9 12<br />

16.6 39.5 9,303 8.2 46.3 1,262<br />

16.8 47.7 2,320 9.7 42.4 839<br />

13.1 80.1 1,387 10.5 79.0 388<br />

Total<br />

16.3 45.3 13,010 9.1 50.1 2,489<br />

__________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

NA = Not applicable<br />

168 * HIV/AIDS and Other STIs

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