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Nominees for<br />

the Tourism<br />

Innovator 2009<br />

We acknowledge the capable companies<br />

which have developed innovative<br />

and quality tourist products and which<br />

are competitive among both the foreign<br />

tourists visiting Estonia and domestic<br />

tourists.<br />


(ECB – <strong>ESTONIAN</strong> CONVENTION BUREAU)<br />

MTÜ Eesti Konverentsibüroo (ECB – Estonian<br />

Convention Bureau) established in 2008 is the<br />

roof organisation of the conference tourism, the<br />

aim of which is to introduce Estonia at the foreign<br />

markets as the international destination of<br />

conference and increase the number of conferences<br />

held in Estonia, by contributing to the decrease<br />

in seasonality of tourism demand and<br />

growth in the number of foreign tourists. The<br />

task of the Estonian Convention Bureau is the<br />

promoting and creating of the image of Estonia<br />

as the conference country, advising the clients<br />

and assisting in planning of the events and international<br />

cooperation. ECB is the neutral Estonian-side<br />

partner for the international<br />

associations, possessing the role of advisor and<br />

information mediator. ECB is the first instance<br />

to where the conference organiser, company,<br />

association, travel agent or event marketing<br />

company located in the foreign country turns to<br />

get the objective overview of the Estonian conference<br />

opportunities.<br />

ECB represents the companies directly or indirectly<br />

related to the organisation of the conferences<br />

and the state and local governments.<br />

Today the organisation has 25 members. For the<br />

first time in Estonia the public and private sector<br />

have gathered their resources: local governments<br />

of the largest conference cities (Tallinn,<br />

Tartu and Pärnu) and the private entrepreneurs<br />

with different interests (hotels, travel agents,<br />

event organisers, airline company Estonian Air,<br />

leisure centre Solaris) to jointly actively market<br />

the possibilities of Estonia as the conference<br />

country at the foreign markets. Also, the Estonian<br />

Convention Bureau has cooperation with the<br />

state, local government and research establishments,<br />

non-profit organisations and movements.<br />

The result is a very good sample of the cooperation<br />

of the private and public sector which has<br />

a considerable impact on the development of<br />

the Estonian tourism.<br />

Prior to the foundation of the Estonian Convention<br />

Bureau in Estonia there has not been joint<br />

active marketing activities of the conference opportunities<br />

and attracting the new conference<br />

clients to Estonia.<br />

Conference tourism is considered the tourism<br />

sector with internationally very high potential<br />

which in addition to the increase of export also<br />

contributes to the creating of the image of the<br />

state. Approximately 14 000 regular conferences<br />

of international associations are held in the<br />

world which constantly search for new destinations.<br />

Many of these conferences could be also<br />

organised in Estonia. In addition to the novelty<br />

as the conference destination Estonia has conference<br />

places required for organising, hotels<br />

and the advanced technological equipment.<br />

The development of conference tourism is important<br />

for Estonia to decrease the seasonality<br />

of tourism and increase the export of tourism<br />

products. According to the recent statistics the<br />

conference tourist spends in average 565 USD<br />

a day and 2568 USD per conference (ICCA data<br />

for 2008).<br />

The Estonian Convention Bureau is the member<br />

of the international roof organisation ICCA<br />

(International Congress & Convention Association)<br />

since 2008.<br />


The entrepreneurs from Tori created the voluntary<br />

cooperation network “Tori Kuradid“ (Tori<br />

Devils) for providing the tourism services with<br />

the following members: KlaaraManni Holiday<br />

House (Klaara Manni), Tori Hiking Centre (Santon<br />

OÜ), Tori Hobusekasvandus OÜ, Tori handicraft<br />

chamber (Arteljee OÜ), Sookolli Diner (FIE<br />

Maigi Loite), Matogard OÜ, FIE Anne Borkvel,<br />

Rahnoja Hunting Association (Aadi Saar), Madi<br />

farmhouse (FIE Ülle Parm). The initiator of the<br />

association is KlaaraManni Holiday House. In<br />

cooperation with 4-7 entrepreneurs the integral<br />

moments of experience through the local heritage,<br />

nature and cultural story are offered to<br />

the visitors through the activities.<br />

The joint activity is the outstanding sample of<br />

the local cooperation where the entrepreneurs<br />

cross market each other’s products to win the<br />

clients and offer them the best service with the<br />

diverse choice of services. By combining the different<br />

services (accommodation, active holiday,<br />

different activities, catering etc.) the original and<br />

varied product package is offered to the clients,<br />

being flexible at the same time and by making<br />

maximum use of the strengths of the district.<br />

The cooperation network is a voluntary self-initiative<br />

association. The precondition of influential<br />

functioning of the network is the fact that all<br />

participants are equally strong partners who<br />

have clearly developed differentiated services<br />

and who are interested in strengthening of the<br />

sustainability of the district through the joint activities.<br />

There is cooperation with the local government<br />

to make Tori rural municipality and<br />

Soomaa district more attractive.<br />

4 different main packages are offered which<br />

can be always also recombined by considering<br />

the clients’ wishes, weather, client’s profile<br />

etc. The packages have been built based on the<br />

topic (go rather to hell, spa of country woman,<br />

hunter’s stories in Tori bog, master class of<br />

handicraftsmen at the edge of hell) and involve<br />

the important sightseeing and natural resources<br />

of the district. The events and activities<br />

are carried out with the local guide sharing<br />

information and stories regarding the district.<br />

The guests are actively involved in all activities<br />

by enabling them to get closer familiar with the<br />

peculiarity of Tori district and at the same time<br />

experience the joy of joint activities through<br />

personal direct experience.<br />

Different services have been connected with<br />

each other: canoe trips on Soomaa rivers<br />

(Navesti–Pärnu River), horse riding, trips with<br />

horse carriage, sauna pleasures (terrestrial or<br />

ferry sauna), development of needlework skills<br />

in handicraft chamber with instructor, hunter’s<br />

stories near Tori bog with picnic from the local<br />

caterer etc. The local raw materials are used in<br />

the food list, the providers of services are all<br />

local entrepreneurs.<br />

The cooperation network functions proceeding<br />

from the principles of saving tourism and practices<br />

green way of thinking (sorting of garbage,<br />

notifying the guests of the principles and rules<br />

of saving use of nature, taking care of the cleanliness<br />

of the surrounding, organising the events<br />

without so-called traces).<br />

The sale through cooperation network improves<br />

the quality of providing the service and the route<br />

of the client as the client can comfortably book<br />

all services from one service provider, regardless<br />

of the service provider the client first contacts.<br />

The feedback system has been used in<br />

client service, on the basis of which the development<br />

activities of products and services and<br />

the improvement of service quality take place.<br />

Most of the clients are the Estonian citizens,<br />

the percentage of foreign tourists is lower as<br />

there are less of them in the rural districts. In<br />

order to increase the percentage of foreign<br />

tourists there is cooperation with the accommodation<br />

establishment of the City of Pärnu to<br />

provide the products of nature tourism to the<br />

city and spa tourist. •<br />


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