Auction 2012 Catalogue. - The Heschel School

Auction 2012 Catalogue. - The Heschel School

Auction 2012 Catalogue. - The Heschel School


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<strong>2012</strong><br />


Tuesday, February 7, <strong>2012</strong><br />

14 Shevat 5772

<strong>The</strong> Abraham Joshua <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Annual <strong>Auction</strong><br />

Tuesday, February 7, <strong>2012</strong><br />

14 Shevat 5772<br />

Program<br />

6 – 9 pm<br />

Light Supper and Open Bar • Silent <strong>Auction</strong><br />

8 – 8:30 pm<br />

Scholarship Appeal<br />

Charity <strong>Auction</strong>eer: Jeff B. Rabin, Principal<br />

Artvest Partners LLC<br />

Silent <strong>Auction</strong> will remain open until 9 pm<br />

Tribeca Rooftop<br />

2 Desbrosses Street<br />

Proceeds from the <strong>Auction</strong> will go toward scholarships and<br />

enrichment programs at the school.


When you ar rive at Tribeca Roof top, please reg is ter with the auc -<br />

tion vol un teers. You will pick up your bid ding num ber/pad dle.<br />

Your pad dle is reg is tered in your name and must be used<br />

through out the eve ning to bid.<br />


Com pli men tary coat check is avail able in the reg is tra tion area.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Si lent Auc tion will be held in the Ball room. Be sure to check<br />

out “Spec tac u lar Show case” and “Hot Picks” in the Si lent Auc tion.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se pack ages in clude trips, par ties, and spe cial ac tiv i ties. Each<br />

item or pack age has been as signed a unique lot num ber as in di -<br />

cated in the cat a logue. Bid sheets for each lot con tain a de scrip -<br />

tion of the item, value of the lot, the open ing bid and the in cre -<br />

ments for suc ces sive bids. <strong>The</strong> Si lent Auc tion is also a time to<br />

en joy a light meal served by Petak's Glatt Kosher Fine Foods.<br />


Bid ding is easy! First, find the lot num bers for the items and pack -<br />

ages on which you would like to bid and then en ter your pad dle<br />

num ber. <strong>The</strong> high est bid for the lot wins, so you will want to keep<br />

check ing your bids to be cer tain yours is the high est! Please note<br />

that the Si lent Auc tion will close at 9:00 PM. All Si lent Auc tion<br />

win ners will be no ti fied by tele phone and email. Please note that<br />

all bids are fi nal af ter auc tion vol un teers mark bid sheets.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Schol ar ship Ap peal will be held at ap prox i mately 8:00 PM. Jeff<br />

B. Rabin, char ity auc tion eer, will pre side.<br />


Win a chance to plan a play date with your child and var i ous mem -<br />

bers of <strong>Heschel</strong>'s fac ulty and ad min is tra tion. Each raf fle ticket<br />

costs $25, and there is no limit to the num ber of raf fles you can en -<br />

ter. <strong>The</strong> more you buy the better your chances are to win!!!


You will be billed for your Auc tion pur chases af ter the event. You<br />

may pay by check or with Visa, MasterCard or Dis cover. You may<br />

col lect your pur chases in the Con fer ence Room in the Lower<br />

<strong>School</strong> Base ment on:<br />

• Thursday, February 9, <strong>2012</strong>: 3:00 – 4:30 PM<br />

• Friday, February 10, <strong>2012</strong>: 8:00 – 9:30 AM<br />

11:45 AM – 1:00 PM<br />

• Monday, February 13, <strong>2012</strong>: 8:00 – 9:30 AM<br />

3:00 – 4:30 PM<br />


We hope you en joy your eve ning. If you have any ques tions or<br />

need help, please speak with one of the Auc tion Vol un teers you<br />

will see cir cu lat ing dur ing the event.

Special Thanks<br />

A very special “Thank you” to the many, many individuals<br />

and companies that have donated goods and services<br />

to the <strong>Auction</strong>.<br />

Among those who deserve particular thanks are:<br />

Great Performances<br />

Abe Hendin<br />

Henry Meer<br />

Jeremy Merrin<br />

Jeff B. Rabin

Contents<br />

LIVE (1–9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13<br />

SPECTACULAR SHOWCASE (600–610) . . . . . . 19<br />

HOT PICKS (500–530) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

Hot Behind-the-Scenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

Hot Conversations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29<br />

Hot Food and Wine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

Hot Fun and Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33<br />

Hot Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35<br />

Hot Tickets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37<br />

Jewish Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38<br />

HESCHEL HEROES (1000–1026) . . . . . . . . . 41<br />

ISRAEL BOUND? (650–654) . . . . . . . . . . . 51<br />

PLACES TO GO (2000–2030) . . . . . . . . . . . 55<br />

Getaways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55<br />

Tours and Museums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61<br />

BE ENTERTAINED (2500–2539). . . . . . . . . . 67<br />

Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67<br />

Memorabilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74<br />

Sporting Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77<br />

PLAN THAT PARTY (3000–3017) . . . . . . . . . 81<br />

Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81<br />

Children’s Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

FOR THE HOME (4000–4061) . . . . . . . . . . 89<br />

Art & Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89<br />

Decor & Housewares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91<br />

For the Chef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94<br />

For Your Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96<br />

Judaica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98<br />

Professional Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99<br />

FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (5000–5065) . . 107<br />

Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107<br />

Clothing & Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110<br />

Family Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114<br />

Photographers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117<br />

Toys, Books, CDs, DVDs, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122<br />

CLASSES AND LECTURES (5500–5546) . . . . . 129<br />

For You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129<br />

For Your Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133<br />

FASHION AND JEWELRY (6000–6037) . . . . . 145<br />

Fashion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145<br />

Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147<br />

LOOK AND FEEL BETTER (7000–7061) . . . . . 155<br />

Beauty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155<br />

Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161<br />

Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166<br />

L’CHAIM (8000–8067) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173<br />

Dining In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173<br />

Dining Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176<br />

Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

LIVE<br />


LIVE (1–9)<br />

1 New York Rangers Zamboni Ride Experience<br />

Make a young Rang ers fan’s dream come true when he<br />

or she serves as Hon or ary Zamboni Rider at a NY Rang ers<br />

home game. You will re ceive four tick ets to at tend the<br />

Sunday, March 4, <strong>2012</strong>, 3 pm NY Rang ers vs Boston<br />

Bruins game. In ad di tion, your child will re ceive a per son -<br />

al ized score board wel come, gift bags and a ride on the<br />

Zamboni be tween pe ri ods—a mem ory of a life time!<br />

Note: Child must be be tween the ages of 8–14 to ride the Zamboni<br />

Courtesy of: Barbara and Allen Applbaum,<br />

FTI Consulting<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $1,200<br />

2 New York Rangers VIP Tickets and Signed<br />

Ryan Callahan Jersey<br />

Make it a night to re mem ber with these three VIP “On<br />

Glass” tick ets to the Rang ers vs. Dev ils on Mon day, March<br />

13, 7 PM Sec tion 1, Row AA, Seats 15–17. Ex clu sive Ac -<br />

cess to 1879 Club with seated din ing. Food and non-al -<br />

co holic bev er ages in cluded, Delta Club Ac cess as well as<br />

views of the Play ers Tun nel and TV Stu dio. In cludes a<br />

Ryan Callahan signed Jersey.<br />

Courtesy of: Shelley and Steven Einhorn<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $1,200<br />

3 Breakfast with Dan Doctoroff, Chief Executive Officer<br />

and President of Bloomberg L.P.<br />

Be gin your day at Bloomberg, the lead ing pro vider of fi -<br />

nan cial in for ma tion and en gage in a thought-pro vok ing<br />

con ver sa tion with CEO and Pres i dent, Dan Doctoroff.<br />

Join ing Bloomberg in 2008, Doctoroff led the Com pany<br />

through the fi nan cial cri sis by pur su ing an am bi tious in -<br />

vest ment strat egy, which in cluded ma jor en hance ments<br />

to its prod ucts, ser vices and tech nol ogy, start ing up new<br />

busi nesses and ac qui si tions such as Bloomberg<br />

Businessweek. Prior to join ing Bloomberg, Doctoroff was<br />

Dep uty Mayor for Eco nomic De vel op ment and<br />

LIVE | 13

14 | LIVE<br />

Re build ing for the City of New York. With Mayor Mi chael<br />

R. Bloomberg, Doctoroff led one of the city’s most dra -<br />

matic eco nomic resurgences, spear head ing the ef fort to<br />

re verse New York’s fis cal cri sis af ter the at tacks of 9/11<br />

through a five-bor ough eco nomic de vel op ment strat -<br />

egy. Dan and his wife Alisa are parents of <strong>Heschel</strong> alumni<br />

Jacob ’06, Ariel ’09, and Jenna ’10.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; up to 15 peo ple; lo ca tion is at<br />

Bloomberg L.P.<br />

Courtesy of: Alisa and Dan Doctoroff<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $700<br />

4 Tickets and Backstage Tour of <strong>The</strong> Book of Mormon<br />

En joy 2 house seat tick ets to what <strong>The</strong> New York Times<br />

deemed as “the best mu si cal of the cen tury.” Af ter the<br />

show, go back stage on a pri vate tour with the con duc tor<br />

of the show. This is sure to be a mem o ra ble evening!<br />

Note: Win ner to pro vide 5 date op tions and do nor will se lect one given<br />

show sched ule; min i mum of 3–4 weeks no tice to set up date; ex pires<br />

Sep tem ber 1, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Lisa and Howard Salzberg<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $500<br />

5 Betsey Johnson Fashion Show with Backstage Tour<br />

Grab a friend or your young as pir ing fash ion de signer<br />

and head to Lin coln Cen ter for the leg end ary Betsey<br />

John son Fash ion Show. <strong>The</strong>se two tick ets are for Mon day<br />

Feb ru ary 13, <strong>2012</strong> at 6 pm. Af ter the show you will head<br />

back stage to see all of the be hind-the-scenes action!<br />

Courtesy of: Betsey Johnson, Lulu Johnson<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $650<br />

6 Dinner at City Hall Restaurant with Adam Gopnik,<br />

Writer for <strong>The</strong> New Yorker<br />

Spend an eve ning with Adam Gopnik, writer for <strong>The</strong> New<br />

Yorker and ac claimed au thor of sev eral books, in clud ing<br />

his most re cent book, <strong>The</strong> Ta ble Co mes First: Fam ily,

France, and the Mean ing of Food. En joy an el e gant din ner<br />

for up to 16 peo ple in the Rose Room at City Hall Res tau -<br />

rant, owned by Heshel par ents Alicia and Henry Meer, lo -<br />

cated in the heart of TriBeCa. You and your guests will<br />

en joy a wine pair ing and chef’s tast ing menu crafted to<br />

fit your cu li nary style by chef/owner Henry Meer.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; must make din ner res er va tion at City<br />

Hall at least two months in ad vance<br />

Courtesy of: Adam Gopnik, Alicia and Henry Meer<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $1,600<br />

7 Set Visit to the Major Motion Picture Low Life and<br />

Drinks with Award-Winning Producer Greg Shapiro<br />

In vite a friend and see the be hind-the-scenes and live ac -<br />

tion of a set visit to the film cur rently in pro duc tion<br />

called Low Life (based on Luc Sante’s cel e brated so cial<br />

his tory about cor rup tion on the Lower East Side around<br />

the turn of the last cen tury), di rected by James Gray and<br />

star ring Acad emy Award-win ning ac tress Marion<br />

Cotillard, Jeremy Renner and Joaquin Phoe nix, fol lowed<br />

by drinks with Acad emy Award-win ning pro ducer Greg<br />

Shapiro (<strong>The</strong> Hurt Locker).<br />

Note: Valid for 2 peo ple; mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Alyssa Quint and Daniel Steinman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $750<br />

8 Saturday Night Live with Backstage Tour<br />

Live from New York, it’s Sat ur day Night! Head over to<br />

Rockefeller Cen ter to view a live tap ing of the leg end ary<br />

Emmy award-win ning late night com edy show, Sat ur day<br />

Night Live. Af ter the show, you and your 3 guests will<br />

have an op por tu nity to go back stage. This is an event<br />

worth stay ing up for!<br />

Note: Valid for 4 peo ple; must be at least 16 years old; mu tu ally agree -<br />

able date through May <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Ayala and John Podhoretz<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $1,800<br />

LIVE | 15

9 <strong>The</strong> William Kristol 60th Birthday Roast<br />

On Tues day, De cem ber 4, <strong>2012</strong>, <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent John<br />

Podhoretz and Com men tary Mag a zine, of which he is Ed i -<br />

tor in Chief, will be spon sor ing a full-blown roast of Wil -<br />

liam Kristol, the ed i tor of <strong>The</strong> Weekly Stan dard, at <strong>The</strong><br />

Plaza Ho tel. This will be the third an nual Com men tary<br />

Mag a zine Roast; the event has be come a high light on<br />

the New York so cial cal en dar. Laughs, sur prises, con ser -<br />

va tives mak ing fun of them selves, con ser va tives mak ing<br />

fun of lib er als, and Jews as far as the eye can see. You and<br />

three guests will be have VIP seats, and John will in tro -<br />

duce you and your guests to Kristol during the event.<br />

Courtesy of: Ayala and John Podhoretz<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $1,500<br />

16 | LIVE




SPECTACULAR SHOWCASE (60600 0–6 10) Lunch and Private Tour of the Mugrabi Art Collection<br />

In vite up to 3 friends for this ex clu sive one-hour tour of<br />

the pri vate col lec tion of the Mugrabi fam ily, who own<br />

the world’s larg est pri vate col lec tion of paint ings by<br />

Andy Warhol (over 800). <strong>The</strong>ir art col lec tion in cludes<br />

works by Basquiat, Re noir, Pi casso, Ro din, Ernst, Daumier,<br />

Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons. This tour will in clude a se -<br />

lec tion of the fam ily’s post-war and con tem po rary art<br />

col lec tion, housed in the Le ver House build ing. En joy a<br />

lunch at Casa Le ver ei ther be fore or af ter the tour!<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; date of tour sub ject to change; gift cer -<br />

tif i cate for $150 to Casa Le ver res tau rant<br />

Courtesy of: Casa Lever, David Mugrabi<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $500<br />

601 Dinner at Picholine<br />

En joy a cus tom de signed tast ing din ner for eight peo ple<br />

at Terrance Brennan’s world-re nowned Picholine, ac com -<br />

pa nied by rare wine pair ings. Dur ing din ner you will en -<br />

joy sev eral wines from vin tages of mul ti ple de cades from<br />

past <strong>Heschel</strong> Board Pres i dent Barry Winograd’s ex ten sive<br />

collection.<br />

Courtesy of: Joan and Barry N. Winograd, Picholine<br />

Fair Market Value: $4,500 Opening Bid: $2,250<br />

602 Host an Intimate Evening with Peter Beinart and<br />

Jonathan Alter<br />

In vite up to 10 friends for an eve ning of thought-pro vok -<br />

ing di a logue with award win ning jour nal ist and <strong>Heschel</strong><br />

par ent Pe ter Beinart. Beinart is an As so ci ate Pro fes sor of<br />

Jour nal ism and Po lit i cal Sci ence at the City Uni ver sity of<br />

New York and Se nior Po lit i cal Writer for <strong>The</strong> Daily Beast.<br />

He is the au thor of <strong>The</strong> Icarus Syn drome: A His tory of<br />

Amer i can Hu bris. His lat est book, <strong>The</strong> Cri sis of Zi on ism, is<br />

due out in the Spring of <strong>2012</strong>. Jon a than Al ter is an award<br />

win ning au thor, re porter, col um nist and tele vi sion an a -<br />

lyst. In May 2011, he be gan writ ing a weekly col umn that<br />


ap pears on Fri days for Bloomberg View, a new com men -<br />

tary site housed un der Bloomberg News. He spent 28<br />

years at Newsweek, where he was a long time se nior ed i -<br />

tor and wrote hun dreds of columns and features on a<br />

wide variety of subjects.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Jonathan Alter, Peter and Diana Beinart<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $450<br />

603 An Evening with Navah Perlman<br />

For adult clas si cal mu sic en thu si asts: “<strong>The</strong> Ro man tic<br />

Era”—Cho pin and Brahms will be the fo cus of this live pi -<br />

ano per for mance, dis cus sion, and cock tails for up to 12<br />

avid lis ten ers in the home of re nowned pi a nist and<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> par ent, Navah Perlman.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Robert Frost and Navah Perlman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $500<br />

604 Dinner and Conversation with Author Jodi Kantor<br />

Din ner with Jodi Kantor, the cel e brated New York Times<br />

re porter and au thor of <strong>The</strong> Obamas, the much-an tic i -<br />

pated, just-pub lished look at the First Mar riage.<br />

Kantor has been cov er ing the Obamas since 2007, writ -<br />

ing about their faith, friends, mar riage, roots, and fam ily,<br />

among other top ics. Kantor is the for mer ed i tor of <strong>The</strong><br />

New York Times Arts & Lei sure sec tion, a re cip i ent of a Co -<br />

lum bia Young Alumni Achieve ment Award, and one of<br />

Crain’s “Forty Un der Forty” New York ers. She ap pears reg -<br />

u larly on tele vi sion. Kantor will tell you what went on<br />

deep in side the White House as the pres i dent and first<br />

lady tried to grap ple with their new roles, ful fill lofty<br />

prom ises, live in side a mon u ment, raise chil dren in the<br />

spot light, and main tain some sem blance of their old<br />


lives. Din ner will be for 8 and hosted by <strong>Heschel</strong> par ents<br />

Nich o las Lemann and Judith Shulevitz in their home.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Jodi Kantor, Nicholas Lemann and<br />

Judith Shulevitz<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $850<br />

605 Let’s Play Ball!<br />

You and 2 chil dren/friends can en joy a NY METS base ball<br />

game with <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Ethan Orlinsky, Se nior Vice<br />

Pres i dent and Gen eral Coun sel of Ma jor League Base ball<br />

Prop er ties. Be gin the day with a “be hind the scenes” tour<br />

of Ma jor League Base ball’s of fices, which are filled with<br />

ex cit ing base ball mem o ra bilia. <strong>The</strong>n, head over to Citi<br />

Field with Ethan to meet with the METS Ex ec u tive Vice-<br />

Pres i dent and Gen eral Coun sel and take in a won der ful<br />

night at the ballpark.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Dana and Ethan Orlinsky<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $800<br />

606 Dinner and Discussion with Tax Policy Experts<br />

Prof. Michael J. Graetz and Dean David M. Schizer<br />

What do you think is the best way out of the cur rent eco -<br />

nomic cri sis? How can tax pol icy—a ma jor talk ing point<br />

in an elec tion year—af fect the coun try’s growth?<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> par ents, Da vid M. Schizer and his wife, Meredith,<br />

will host a con ver sa tion in their home over din ner for<br />

eight guests with prom i nent (and thor oughly en ter tain -<br />

ing) tax ex pert, Pro fes sor Mi chael J. Graetz. Be fore join -<br />

ing the Co lum bia Law <strong>School</strong> fac ulty in 2009, Graetz<br />

taught at Yale Law <strong>School</strong> and held sev eral po si tions in<br />

the U.S. De part ment of the Trea sury in clud ing Dep uty<br />

As sis tant Sec re tary for Tax Pol icy (1990–91). Graetz tes ti -<br />

fied twice be fore Con gress in 2011, ad vo cat ing a pro -<br />

posal to in sti tute a VAT, elim i nate the in come tax for all<br />

but the wealth i est Amer i cans, and sig nif i cantly re duce<br />


the cor po rate tax rate. Da vid Schizer, also a tax ex pert,<br />

has served as Dean of Co lum bia Law <strong>School</strong> since 2004.<br />

Prior to join ing the Co lum bia fac ulty, Dean Schizer was a<br />

tax law yer at Da vis Polk & Wardwell, clerked for As so ci ate<br />

Jus tice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the U.S. Su preme Court,<br />

and clerked for Judge Alex Kozinski on the U.S. Court of<br />

Appeals for the 9th Circuit.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Michael Graetz, Meredith and<br />

David Schizer, Steven M. Herman Glatt<br />

Kosher Catering<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $550<br />

607 Visit Camp David in Your Home!<br />

A pri vate show ing in your home for up to 15 peo ple of<br />

BACK DOOR CHANNELS, the un told story of how the Is -<br />

raeli-Egyp tian peace treaty came to pass. Treat your<br />

guests to a fab u lous ko sher din ner pre pared by Chef’s<br />

Ta ble and top off the eve ning with a dis cus sion about<br />

the movie with its dis trib u tor, and (sched ule per mits) di -<br />

rec tor and ex ec u tive pro ducer. Pre miered at Lin coln Cen -<br />

ter and re viewed in the New York Times, BACK DOOR<br />

CHANNELS is an amaz ing doc u men tary on what peo ple<br />

with the cour age of their con vic tions can ac com plish<br />

and a deep pic ture of how hu man relationships can<br />

affect world events.<br />

Note: Din ner in cludes passed hors d’oeuvres, a buf fet or served din ner<br />

and des sert; waitstaff is not in cluded but is re quired; film to be sched -<br />

uled on a mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Chef’s Table, Fisher Klingenstein Films<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $750<br />


608 Dish with Dr. Ruth<br />

You sup ply the ques tions and let Dr. Ruth sup ply the an -<br />

swers! You and 7 friends can spend an eve ning in your<br />

home with the leg end ary <strong>Heschel</strong> grand par ent Dr. Ruth<br />

Westheimer.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Dr. Ruth Westheimer<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $450<br />

609 Apple iPad 2 64GB with Navy Cover<br />

Courtesy of: Gila and Michael Goodman<br />

Fair Market Value: $800 Opening Bid: $400<br />

610 Food Network’s Hit Show Chopped<br />

In vite a friend to watch a live tap ing of the hit tele vi sion<br />

show, Chopped on the Food Net work. Chopped is a cook -<br />

ing com pe ti tion show that’s all about skill, speed and in -<br />

ge nu ity where four up-and-com ing chefs com pete be -<br />

fore a panel of three ex pert judges and take ev ery day<br />

items and turn them into an ex traor di nary three-course<br />

meal. You will have a chance to tour the set and go be -<br />

hind-the-scenes in the con trol room with <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent<br />

and the show’s Di rec tor, Mi chael Pearlman. Who knows,<br />

you may even get the chance to meet the Emmy Awardwin<br />

ning host, Ted Allen, and some of the show’s ce leb -<br />

rity Judges.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agreed upon date; tap ing runs through May 2, <strong>2012</strong> in<br />

the Food Net work Stu dios in the Chelsea Mar ket Build ing<br />

Courtesy of: Michael Pearlman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $400<br />




HOT PICKS (500–530) 500 Safety Patrol Duty<br />

Hand over your or ange vest and let <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Em ily<br />

Gindi walk your safety pa trol for you ei ther this spring or<br />

next fall in the school’s new lo ca tion!<br />

Courtesy of: Emily Gindi<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />

Hot Behind-the-Scenes<br />

501 Behind the Scenes Tour of In Style Magazine<br />

Ariel Foxman, Man ag ing Ed i tor of In Style Mag a zine,<br />

judge on Life time’s Pro ject Ac ces sory and a <strong>Heschel</strong> un cle,<br />

will take you and a friend on a pri vate guided tour of the<br />

mag a zine’s of fices in mid town. Last year’s win ner said<br />

that this tour was “not to be missed!” Who knows, you<br />

may even go home with some “swag.”<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Ariel Foxman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $250<br />

502 Private Tour of <strong>The</strong> Jewish Museum<br />

In vite 7 adults for a pri vate tour with the cu ra tor of<br />

Edouard Vuillard: A Painter and His Muses, 1890–1940. Ex -<br />

hibit runs from May 4 through Sep tem ber 23, <strong>2012</strong>. Ex hi -<br />

bi tion cat a logue included.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; for up to 8 adults<br />

Courtesy of: Lisa Rotmil and Alex Schmelzer,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Jewish Museum<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $250<br />

503 Private Tour and Reception of Hats: An Anthology by<br />

Stephen Jones<br />

A pri vate tour fol lowed by a glass of wine for up to 10<br />

peo ple of the ex hi bi tion “Hats: An An thol ogy by Ste phen<br />

Jones”—a col lab o ra tion be tween the Vic to ria and Al bert<br />

Mu seum in Lon don and Ste phen Jones, the world’s<br />


fore most hat de signer—at the Bard Grad u ate Cen ter<br />

(BGC) in New York City. This is the US de but for this ex hi -<br />

bi tion which dis plays over 250 hats cho sen with the ex -<br />

pert eye of the master milliner.<br />

Note: Ex hibit runs through April 15, <strong>2012</strong>; tour must be booked well in<br />

ad vance at a mu tu ally con ve nient time dur ing nor mal gal lery hours<br />

Courtesy of: Bard Graduate Center<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $300<br />

504 Sylvia Center at Organic Katchkie Farm<br />

En able 8 chil dren to ex pe ri ence the in valu able plea sures<br />

of healthy, sea sonal eat ing by bid ding on this Syl via Cen -<br />

ter ex pe ri ence. <strong>The</strong> Syl via Cen ter con nects chil dren with<br />

a joy ful food ex pe ri ence to learn about nu tri tion and<br />

health ful liv ing—all on Great Per for mances’ beau ti ful or -<br />

ganic farm, Katchkie Farm in Up state New York. <strong>The</strong> day<br />

be gins in New York’s Hud son Val ley with an in tro duc tion<br />

to the joys of grow ing your own food. <strong>The</strong> kids will ex -<br />

plore the veg e ta ble beds and green houses and will learn<br />

the value of nu tri tion from the Syl via Cen ter Ed u ca tors.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y may even learn a few handy farm ing tips from<br />

Farmer Bob! <strong>The</strong> kids will then pre pare their very own<br />

farm-fresh meal in the open-air kitchen. This ex pe ri ence<br />

shows them how easy and re ward ing eat ing from farm<br />

to ta ble can be! You get them to the farm. <strong>The</strong>n let<br />

nature do the rest!<br />

Note: Must ar range own trans por ta tion; must co or di nate a mu tu ally<br />

agree able date; valid June–Sep tem ber <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Great Performances<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $300<br />

505 Fast Money<br />

Visit a tap ing of Fast Money and meet host Ka ren<br />

Finerman. Bring up to 6 guests.<br />

Courtesy of: Fast Money<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />


506 Behind the Scenes Tour of CNN<br />

You and 3 of your friends will en joy a guided tour of<br />

CNN’s NY Stu dio. Learn the se crets and pro cess of re port -<br />

ing in to day’s 24/7 ca ble news en vi ron ment.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able time and date<br />

Courtesy of: Ethel and Barry Weintraub<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $250<br />

507 Tour of the Stock Exchange<br />

You and a guest can take a tour of the New York Stock<br />

Ex change with <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Lionel Mellul. Learn the<br />

ba sics of the fi nan cial mar ket from the in side while<br />

watch ing the ac tion first-hand on the trad ing floor.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; for 2 peo ple; must be at least 12 years<br />

old<br />

Courtesy of: Stephanie and Lionel Mellul<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $250<br />

Hot Conversations<br />

508 A Talk with <strong>Heschel</strong> Parent Mitch Silber, Author of <strong>The</strong><br />

Al Qaeda Factor: Plots Against the West<br />

Host a con ver sa tion in your home with Mitch ell D.<br />

Silber, Di rec tor of In tel li gence Anal y sis for the New York<br />

Po lice De part ment and au thor of the re cently pub lished<br />

book, <strong>The</strong> Al Qaeda Fac tor. <strong>The</strong> hor rific and dev as tat ing<br />

events of Sep tem ber 11, 2001 changed the world’s per -<br />

cep tion of Al Qaeda. What had been con sid ered a small<br />

band of rev o lu tion ary ter ror ists ca pa ble only of at tack ing<br />

West ern tar gets in the Mid dle East and Af rica sud denly<br />

dem on strated an abil ity to strike glob ally with enor mous<br />

im pact. Sub se quent plots per pet u ated the im pres sion of<br />

Al Qaeda as a highly or ga nized and rig idly con trolled or -<br />

ga ni za tion with re cruit ers, op er a tives, and sleeper cells in<br />

the West who could be ac ti vated on com mand. We now<br />

know, how ever, that the role of Al Qaeda in global<br />

jihadist plots has var ied sig nif i cantly over time. New York<br />


Po lice De part ment ter ror ism ex pert Mitch ell D. Silber ar -<br />

gues that to com pre hend the threat posed by the trans -<br />

na tional ji had move ment, we must have a greater and<br />

more nuanced understanding of the dynamics behind Al<br />

Qaeda plots.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; in cludes a signed copy of the book<br />

Courtesy of: Beth and Mitchell Silber<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $300<br />

509 A Talk in Your Home with Author and <strong>Heschel</strong> Parent,<br />

Peter Bregman<br />

Have you ever felt ex hausted at the end of a day only to<br />

re al ize that you still did n’t move for ward in the most im -<br />

por tant pri or i ties in work and in your life? <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent<br />

Pe ter Bregman can help! In vite your friends to your<br />

home and host Pe ter, au thor of 18 Min utes: Find Your Fo -<br />

cus, Mas ter Dis trac tion, and Get the Right Things Done. 18<br />

Min utes of fers you a way to struc ture your life—a year, a<br />

day, and a mo ment at a time—so that you can ac com -<br />

plish your most im por tant pri or i ties and skill fully ig nore<br />

the rest—leav ing you pro duc tive and sane, en joy ing a<br />

life of mean ing ful achieve ment. 18 Min utes is one of the<br />

top 10 Busi ness books of the sea son, ac cord ing to Pub -<br />

lish ers Weekly re view, and NPR’s Mar ket place named it the<br />

Best Busi ness Book of 2011. Con sis tently the most-read<br />

blogger at Har vard Busi ness Re view, Pe ter’s ar ti cles and<br />

com men tary ap pear fre quently in BusinessWeek, Fast<br />

Com pany, Forbes, CNN, NPR, <strong>The</strong> Fi nan cial Times and PBS.<br />

Also included is a signed copy of the book.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Peter Bregman and Eleanor Harrison<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $300<br />

510 An Evening With Abe Foxman<br />

Abe Foxman, the re nowned Na tional Di rec tor of the<br />

Anti-Def a ma tion League and <strong>Heschel</strong> grand par ent, will<br />

spend an eve ning with up to 20 peo ple in your home.<br />


Mr. Foxman is known through out the world as a leader in<br />

the fight against anti-Sem i tism, ha tred, prej u dice, big -<br />

otry and dis crim i na tion. His lively, de ci sive and riv et ing<br />

speak ing style prom ises a memorable evening.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Abe Foxman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $350<br />

511 A Talk with Scott Stringer about <strong>The</strong> Future of New<br />

York City<br />

Host Manhattan Bor ough Pres i dent Scott Stringer at a lo -<br />

ca tion of your choice for an eye open ing con ver sa tion<br />

about the city. Dur ing his nearly three de cades of pub lic<br />

ser vice, Mr. Stringer has achieved tan gi ble re sults for<br />

New York ers by forg ing di verse co ali tions and ad dress ing<br />

the City’s most en dur ing ur ban chal lenges. He has ded i -<br />

cated him self to mak ing Manhattan more af ford able and<br />

liv able, tack ling is sues such as hous ing, school over -<br />

crowd ing, pub lic safety, bal anced de vel op ment,<br />

sustainability and equal opportunities for underserved<br />

communities.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; for up to 4 peo ple<br />

Courtesy of: Manhattan Borough President Office<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $300<br />

512 Inside Briefing with the Northeast Political Director<br />

of AIPAC<br />

Host up to 12 peo ple in your home for a con ver sa tion<br />

about US-Is rael re la tions with Sharon Goldman, the<br />

North east Po lit i cal Di rec tor of AIPAC.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able time and date; food and drinks pro vided by<br />

the host<br />

Courtesy of: Sharon Goldman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />


Hot Food and Wine<br />

513 Peter Luger Steakhouse<br />

$350 gift cer tif i cate to ward din ner for four at Pe ter Luger.<br />

Note: Must make res er va tions with do nor at least one month in ad -<br />

vance; www.peterluger.com<br />

Courtesy of: Dawn Schefler Spiera and Robert Spiera<br />

Fair Market Value: $350 Opening Bid: $175<br />

514 Wine Tasting at Terroir—Murray Hill<br />

En joy a wine tast ing at one of the cool est wine bars in<br />

the city con ducted by the man GQ mag a zine called the<br />

cool est sommelier this side of the Aspetuck River. You<br />

and seven guests will be led on a merry jour ney of wine<br />

epiph a nies at Terroir—Murray Hill by Paul Grieco, Gen -<br />

eral Man ager and Sommelier, or known to his mother as<br />

the great est wine per son ever. Paul placed eighth in the<br />

Amer i can Sommelier As so ci a tion’s com pe ti tion to name<br />

the best sommelier in the country.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Paul Grieco<br />

Fair Market Value: $800 Opening Bid: $400<br />

515 Wine Tasting at Terroir—Tribeca<br />

En joy a wine tast ing at one of the cool est wine bars in<br />

the city con ducted by the man GQ mag a zine called the<br />

cool est sommelier this side of the Aspetuck River. You<br />

and seven guests will be led on a merry jour ney of wine<br />

epiph a nies at Terroir—Tribeca by Paul Grieco, Gen eral<br />

Man ager and Sommelier, or known to his mother as the<br />

great est wine per son ever. Paul placed eighth in the<br />

Amer i can Sommelier As so ci a tion’s com pe ti tion to name<br />

the best sommelier in the country.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Paul Grieco<br />

Fair Market Value: $800 Opening Bid: $400<br />


516 Wine Tasting at Terroir—E.Vil<br />

En joy a wine tast ing at one of the cool est wine bars in<br />

the city con ducted by the man GQ mag a zine called the<br />

cool est sommelier this side of the Aspetuck River. You<br />

and seven guests will be led on a merry jour ney of wine<br />

epiph a nies at Terroir—E.Vil by Paul Grieco, Gen eral Man -<br />

ager and Sommelier, or known to his mother as the<br />

great est wine per son ever. Paul placed eighth in the<br />

Amer i can Sommelier As so ci a tion’s com pe ti tion to name<br />

the best sommelier in the country.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Paul Grieco<br />

Fair Market Value: $800 Opening Bid: $400<br />

Hot Fun and Culture<br />

517 Private Concert with Noah Solomon of Soulfarm<br />

Want to make your up com ing spe cial oc ca sion even<br />

more spe cial? Noah Sol o mon (of the Moshav Band and<br />

Soulfarm) will en ter tain your guests with a 1-hour mu si -<br />

cal per for mance at the venue of your choice, large or<br />

small. He is an ac com plished singer, gui tar ist and per cus -<br />

sion ist, and per forms mu sic with a wide range of in flu -<br />

ences from blue grass and Med i ter ra nean, to rock and<br />

Latin, to He brew and Celtic folk mu sic. He has played at<br />

top ven ues around the world, re corded with Perry Farrell<br />

and Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, and opened for Bruce<br />

Hornsby, Shawn Colvin, Norah Jones and George Clinton,<br />

to name a few. Noah is a <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent and husband of<br />

PK-208 teacher, Lisa.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; per for mance can be ex tended for an ad -<br />

di tional fee www.soulfarm.net; www.moshavband.com<br />

Courtesy of: Noah Solomon<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $500<br />


518 Music Appreciation Workshop with Navah Perlman<br />

Bring clas si cal mu sic to life with this dy namic work shop<br />

led by re nowned pi a nist and <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent, Navah<br />

Perlman. Per fect for an en tire class; rec om mended for<br />

grades 2–12. <strong>The</strong> level of in struc tion will be ap pro pri ate<br />

to the grade level. An in struc tional mini-per for mance,<br />

mu sic ap pre ci a tion class with questions and answers.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Robert Frost and Navah Perlman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $350<br />

519 Your Photo in Times Square<br />

Com mem o rate your next mile stone with this once-in-alife<br />

time op por tu nity to flash your own photo and head -<br />

line on a bill board in the heart of Times Square. First,<br />

head to photoOp, a new and in no va tive con tem po rary<br />

por trait stu dio on the UWS, owned by <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent<br />

Na than Gindi, spe cial iz ing in chil dren and fam ily pho tos,<br />

where you will have a com pli men tary sit ting. In cluded in<br />

this pack age is a $100 print credit to wards your pho tos.<br />

One of your new pho tos from photoOp will then be dis -<br />

played in Times Square for 15 sec onds at least once over<br />

a 72-hour period.<br />

Note: Ex act time of photo dis play in Times Square can not be guar an -<br />

teed; do nor will pro vide the win ner with a time frame for the dis play<br />

Courtesy of: photoOp<br />

Fair Market Value: $825 Opening Bid: $400<br />


Hot Parties<br />

520 Private Party Space at Gallery 1200<br />

Look ing for a venue to plan your next cel e bra tion? Host<br />

a pri vate party for up to 35 guests at Gal lery 1200, lo -<br />

cated in Hoboken, NJ. Your gath er ing will in clude wine<br />

and passed ap pe tiz ers as well as live mu si cal en ter tain -<br />

ment. Com pli men tary park ing for your guests is also<br />

pro vided.<br />

Note: Ko sher food avail able; www.gallery1200.org<br />

Courtesy of: Gallery 1200, Richard and Beth Mason<br />

Fair Market Value: $2,500 Opening Bid: $1,250<br />

521 Party in the NEW Lower <strong>School</strong> or Middle <strong>School</strong> Gym<br />

Won der ing where to host your child’s next birth day<br />

party? Look no fur ther! <strong>The</strong> new <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s stateof-the<br />

art build ing will have the per fect venue for you.<br />

Choose from ei ther the Lower <strong>School</strong> or Mid dle <strong>School</strong><br />

gym and plan for a mem o ra ble event.<br />

Note: Four hour limit; 350 peo ple max i mum; ko sher food only; not valid<br />

Sat ur day eve nings<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $350<br />

522 Thanksgiving Day Parade Party<br />

Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Pa rade in style and<br />

com fort from Stacy and Ja son Helfstein’s apart ment on<br />

Cen tral Park West di rectly over look ing the pa rade route.<br />

En joy lox and ba gels while you watch the bal loons float<br />

by with out any push ing crowds or bad weather to in ter -<br />

fere. Sure to be a mem o ra ble experience!<br />

Note: Valid for one fam ily from 9am–12pm in the Helfstein home<br />

Courtesy of: Stacy and Jason Helfstein<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $300<br />


523 Havana Central at <strong>The</strong> West End<br />

Spice up your next gath er ing at Ha vana Cen tral. En ter -<br />

tain 30 of your friends for a three-hour “Cu ban” cock tail<br />

party fea tur ing Cu ban hors d’oeuvres. En joy an open bar<br />

and de li cious Cu ban cui sine and hot salsa mu sic all<br />

within a pri vate set ting at this Latin-Amer i can hot spot,<br />

all in the heart of New York City.<br />

Note: Based on avail abil ity; ar range ments must be made at least one<br />

month in ad vance; not avail able Oc to ber 1, <strong>2012</strong>–Jan u ary 1, 2013; tax<br />

and gra tu ity not included<br />

Courtesy of: Linda Blum and Jeremy Merrin<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $1,200<br />

524 A Private A Cappella Concert<br />

Are you a fan of <strong>The</strong> Maccabeats? Wait un til you hear<br />

Tizmoret! In vite Tizmoret, Queens Col lege Hillel’s awardwin<br />

ning a cappella troupe to your next cel e bra tion.<br />

Mem bers of this troupe (who in clude <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent<br />

Jeannie Fisher’s sis ter) will per form up to 4 songs at a lo -<br />

ca tion of your choice in NYC. Also in cluded are a copy of<br />

Tzimoret’s lat est CD and 2 tick ets to an up com ing<br />

concert.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date and time; mu tu ally agree able songlist;<br />

www.tizmoret.com<br />

Courtesy of: Tizmoret<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $350<br />

525 Mom’s Night Out at TaRoo<br />

Call on the hus bands and/or babysitters! Treat your self<br />

and friends to a pri vate party lav ish ing in fash ion and<br />

com pli men tary makeovers by a pro fes sional make-over<br />

art ist! In dulge your self with wine/cham pagne and ap pe -<br />

tiz ers. Shop to your heart’s con tent and know that your<br />

much loved pur chases are go ing to a great cause! TaROO<br />

will do nate 20% of the eve ning’s pro ceeds back to<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong>. TaROO will also give ev ery one of your guests<br />

who make a pur chase a won der ful goodie bag with<br />


fan tas tic trin kets in side. So get your friends and co horts<br />

to gether and en joy this fabulous night of indulgence!<br />

Note: Party to be hosted at 473 Am ster dam Ave be tween 82nd and 83rd<br />

Streets; mu tu ally agree able date; any Tues day or Wednes day eve ning<br />

from 6 to 10 pm; please pro vide a 2-week ad vance no tice to re serve the<br />

night de sired and please pro vide the num ber of guests at tend ing at<br />

least 1 week in advance<br />

Courtesy of: Taroo<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,500 Opening Bid: $500<br />

Hot Tickets<br />

526 Manon Opera at the Met<br />

Two Or ches tra seats (Row I) to “Manon” on Sat ur day<br />

March 31, <strong>2012</strong> at 8 pm at Lin coln Cen ter. Af ter the show<br />

take an ex clu sive back stage tour with As sis tant Di rec tor,<br />

Eric Einhorn (brother of Auc tion chair, Stacy Helfstein).<br />

Courtesy of: Shelley and Steven Einhorn<br />

Fair Market Value: $555 Opening Bid: $300<br />

527 Puppy Bowl Taping<br />

<strong>The</strong> big gest event on all fours is back! Puppy Bowl will re -<br />

turn for its 9th con sec u tive year with an all-star, all-ador -<br />

able cast that’s ready to mix it up on the grand grid iron<br />

of An i mal Planet Sta dium. Re ceive 5 back stage passes for<br />

a 1.5 hour tap ing. Get be hind the scenes at the tap ing of<br />

Puppy Bowl IV in the fall of <strong>2012</strong>. <strong>The</strong> show will air on<br />

Superbowl Sunday, Feb ru ary 3, 2013.<br />

Note: Must be 4 years or older; tap ing to oc cur some time in Oc to ber<br />

<strong>2012</strong> sub ject to sched ul ing<br />

Courtesy of: Melinda Toporoff<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />


Jewish Life<br />

528 An Evening with <strong>Heschel</strong> Parent<br />

Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove of Park Avenue Synagogue<br />

In vite up to 10 friends and host Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove for<br />

a talk in your home on a topic of your choice.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Debbie and Elliot Cosgrove<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $250<br />

529 From Alef to Zevaot: God’s Many Names in<br />

Jewish Law and Lore<br />

Host an in ti mate eve ning in your home for up to 20 of<br />

your friends with <strong>Heschel</strong> Par ent, Rabbi Jeremy<br />

Kalmanofsky of Ansche Chesed Syn a gogue. He will<br />

speak on “From Alef to Zevaot: God’s Many Names in<br />

Jew ish Law and Lore” or a topic of your choice.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Amy and Jeremy Kalmanofsky<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $250<br />

530 Membership to Congregation Shaare Zedek<br />

<strong>The</strong> Shaare Zedek com mu nity is of fer ing a one year com -<br />

pli men tary mem ber ship to this warm, wel com ing tra di -<br />

tional Egal i tar ian syn a gogue on the Up per West Side, let<br />

by <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Rabbi Bill Plevan. Mem ber ship in -<br />

cludes High Hol i days tick ets and mem ber prices on all<br />

pro grams for chil dren and fam i lies. Mem ber ship has its<br />

privileges!<br />

Note: www.sznyc.org<br />

Courtesy of: Congregation Shaare Zedek<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $250<br />




HESCHEL HEROES 1000 (1000–1026) Shannon Nagrodzki<br />

Take a trip to Scrib ble Press at 84th and Broad way with<br />

1-411 teacher Shan non Nagrodzki.<br />

Note: Valid for a week day af ter noon only; mu tu ally agree able date;<br />

win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Shannon Nagrodzki<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1001 Pamela Blomberg Schwartz<br />

En joy a lunch time pro ject and story for up to two chil -<br />

dren with Early Child hood Re source teacher Pamela<br />

Blomberg Schwartz.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; bring your own lunch<br />

Courtesy of: Pamela Blomberg Schwartz<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1002 Alexa Ferrara, Cochava Branigan and Illana Lloyd<br />

Pack a lunch and en joy an afterschool art pro ject over<br />

lunch with N-207 teach ers Alexa, Cochava and Illana.<br />

Feel free to in vite a few friends for this fun-filled ac tiv ity!<br />

Note: Up to 4 chil dren; mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Cochava Branigan, Alexa Ferrara,<br />

Illana Lloyd<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1003 Maxine Feldman-Cohen<br />

Two hours of sketch ing at Wave Hill for up to three chil -<br />

dren with Art Co or di na tor Maxine Feldman-Co hen.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Maxine Feldman-Cohen<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1004 Rebeca Rydel<br />

Whether your child needs to re in force his or her He brew<br />

skills, pre pare for a He brew test, or needs as sis tance with<br />

a pa per, pro ject or an oral pre sen ta tion, Mid dle <strong>School</strong><br />


teacher Rebeca Rydel will pro vide a 50-min ute He brew<br />

tu tor ing les son.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Rebeca Rydel<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1005 Stephanie Stavsky<br />

Take a break from the day and en joy lunch on the Up per<br />

West Side with 4-501 teacher Steph a nie Stavsky.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; up to two chil dren; win ner will cover any<br />

ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Stephanie Stavsky<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1006 Bev Shnaps-Morris and Liat Reisman Siegel<br />

Cre ative Time for Two! A 1.5-hour art class for two chil -<br />

dren in the mid dle school art room (all ma te ri als sup -<br />

plied) with <strong>Heschel</strong> News Ed i tor Bev Shnaps-Mor ris and<br />

MS Art Teacher, Liat Reisman Siegel.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; af ter noons only<br />

Courtesy of: Bev Shnaps-Morris, Liat Reisman Siegel<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1007 Rabbi Anne Ebersman<br />

Ju daic Stud ies Pro gram ming Di rec tor Rabbi Anne<br />

Ebersman will have a study ses sion with your child on his<br />

or her Bar/Bat Mitzvah Parsha or help with the Dvar<br />

To rah.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Anne Ebersman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />


1008 Linda Michelson<br />

A 1-hour cello les son for an adult be gin ner with MS<br />

Administrative As sis tant Linda Michelson.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; adult only; ab so lute be gin ner is fine<br />

Courtesy of: Linda Michelson<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1009 Lori Skopp<br />

Mid dle <strong>School</strong> Head Lori Skopp will tell an in ter ac tive<br />

story to a group of up to ten chil dren, 6 years old and up.<br />

<strong>The</strong> “Lori Story” is a 30-min ute long story told in your<br />

home or in the park and will fea ture the chil dren as the<br />

heroes in a par tic i pa tory ad ven ture in volv ing witches,<br />

drag ons and matzoh ball soup!<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Lori Skopp<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1010 Lea Ashear<br />

Bak ing cup cakes and do ing arts and crafts for up to 4<br />

chil dren with K-503 teacher Lea Ashear.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Lea Ashear<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1011 Riki Joselewitz<br />

A one-time He brew cook ing class for up to four chil dren<br />

in your child’s home with 1-411 teacher Riki Joselewitz.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; Mon day or Wednes day af ter school pre -<br />

ferred; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Riki Joselewitz<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />


1012 Marni Benichou<br />

Up to 3 chil dren are in vited to 2-409 teacher Marni<br />

Benichou’s home for a cook ing les son!<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Marni Benichou<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1013 Sandi Fein<br />

In vite a friend and spend an af ter noon at the mov ies<br />

with Lower <strong>School</strong> Re source Teacher Sandi Fein.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; up to two chil dren; win ner will cover any<br />

ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Sandi Fein<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1014 Dvora Flamholz<br />

In vite a friend for a fun playdate afterschool with K-504<br />

teacher Dvora Flamholz.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Dvora Flamholz<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1015 Etti Yammer Hen, Illy Massey, Lauren Abramowitz,<br />

Dara Bleshman<br />

K-506 teach ers Etti, Illy, Lauren and Dara will take up to<br />

six chil dren for an ice cream out ing af ter school.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Lauren Abramowitz, Dara Bleshman,<br />

Illy Massey, Etti Yammer Hen<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />


1016 Rhonda Avner<br />

Bring a friend or two and in vite school nurse Rhonda<br />

Avner into your kitchen for a challah bak ing ses sion.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; up to 4 chil dren; win ner will cover any<br />

ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Rhonda Avner<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1017 Al Rivers<br />

Up to six stu dents can spend an af ter noon af ter school<br />

with Of fice As sis tant Al Rivers play ing video games.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; week days only; win ner will cover any<br />

ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Al Rivers<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1018 Shula Bergman Harnoy<br />

A 30-min ute yoga class for up to 6 chil dren with PK-208<br />

teacher Shula Berg man Harnoy.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; yoga class will be held at the <strong>Heschel</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> from 3:30–4pm one day af ter school<br />

Courtesy of: Shula Bergman Harnoy<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1019 Tobi Abrahamson<br />

You and a friend can en joy an af ter noon of fun with<br />

3-505 teacher Tobi Abrahamson.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date and ac tiv ity; win ner will cover any<br />

ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Tobi Abrahamson<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />


1020 Lisa Schlusselberg<br />

Join N-210 teacher Lisa Schlusselberg for an ice cream<br />

out ing. Bring a friend for dou ble the fun!<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Lisa Schlusselberg<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1021 Lisa Morgenstern Solomon<br />

In vite a friend and en joy an af ter noon playdate with PK-<br />

208 teacher Lisa Morgenstern Sol o mon at 16 Han dles.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Lisa Morgenstern Solomon<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1022 Jessica Fink<br />

Storytime with Jessica! Grab a friend and take a trip with<br />

PK-208 teacher Jessica Fink to the lo cal NY Pub lic Li brary<br />

to read a story. Jessica will help you re ceive your very<br />

own li brary card.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Jessica Fink<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1023 Abby Rotenberg<br />

An ac tiv ity with Abby! In vite a friend and join 1-408<br />

teacher Abby Rotenberg to paint pot tery at MAKE and<br />

for frozen yo gurt to fol low.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Abby Rotenberg<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />


1024 Jacob Garmaise<br />

Up to 4 stu dents will join Mid dle <strong>School</strong> Tefillah co or di -<br />

na tor/teacher Ja cob Garmaise for ice skat ing and hot<br />

choc o late in Cen tral Park.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Jacob Garmaise<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1025 Gabi Rubinson<br />

2 Span ish classes with High <strong>School</strong> Span ish teacher Gabi<br />

Rubinson. May be used for in tro duc tory or ad vanced<br />

con ver sa tional Span ish or for tu tor ing.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Gabriel Rubinson<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />

1026 Gideon Levin<br />

Join 1-202 teacher Gid eon Levin for an af ter noon of fun<br />

at Barnes & No ble, fol lowed by des sert on the UWS. Up<br />

to 2 chil dren.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; win ner will cover any ex penses<br />

Courtesy of: Gideon Levin<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Each Raffle Ticket: $25<br />




ISRAEL BOUND? (650–654) 650 El Al Tickets to Israel<br />

Two non stop roundtrip econ omy tick ets on El Al Air lines<br />

to Is rael from ei ther JFK or New ark air ports. Travel is re -<br />

stricted to the fol low ing dates Feb ru ary 8–March 23,<br />

<strong>2012</strong>, April 23–June 13, <strong>2012</strong> and Oc to ber 18–De cem ber<br />

14, <strong>2012</strong>. <strong>The</strong> ap pli ca ble taxes (approx. $100 per ticket)<br />

are not in cluded.<br />

Note: tick ets are “L” class and sub ject to avail abil ity; non-en dors able,<br />

non-re fund able and non-trans fer able; no fre quent flier miles will be<br />

awarded<br />

Courtesy of: El Al Airlines<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $1,200<br />

651 A Conversation with Gabriela Shalev in Israel<br />

Join Pro fes sor Gabriela Shalev for a con ver sa tion with 6–<br />

10 peo ple on Is rael’s for eign re la tions. Pro fes sor Shalev, a<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> grand par ent, is cur rently the Dean of the Law<br />

<strong>School</strong>, and Pres i dent of the Higher Ac a demic Coun cil at<br />

Ono Ac a demic Col lege. Prof. Shalev com pleted a two<br />

year term (2008–2010) as Is rael’s Am bas sa dor to the<br />

United Na tions, the first woman in Is rael to hold this po -<br />

si tion. Since re turn ing to Is rael Prof. Shalev has joined<br />

sev eral ac a demic coun cils and pub lic bod ies and has<br />

been ap pointed to the Board of Di rec tors of Bank Leumi<br />

Le-Is rael Ltd. Prof. Shalev is a lead ing world ex pert on the<br />

sub jects of Con tract Law and Pro cure ment Con tracts and<br />

was a Pro fes sor of Law at the He brew Uni ver sity in Je ru -<br />

sa lem un til 2002 and Guest-Pro fes sor at uni ver si ties in<br />

North Amer ica, Eu rope and Can ada. Prof. Shalev pub -<br />

lished eleven books and over one hundred articles on<br />

Contract Law and Comparative Law.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date and lo ca tion in Is rael; win ner will be re -<br />

spon si ble for all ex penses and ar rang ing/pro vid ing a location<br />

Courtesy of: Gabriela Shalev<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $350<br />


652 Ir David (City of David)<br />

Pri vate tour for up to 12 peo ple of Ir Da vid, the bib li cal<br />

city of Je ru sa lem that was cap tured by King Da vid over<br />

3,000 years ago.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Eli Alony<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $250<br />

653 Private Tour of Beit Hatfutsot (<strong>The</strong> Diaspora Museum)<br />

Pri vate tour for up to 10 peo ple at Beit Hatfutsot, the Mu -<br />

seum of the Jew ish Peo ple. This unique global in sti tu tion<br />

tells the on go ing and ex traor di nary story of the Jew ish<br />

people.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Leonid Nevzlin<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $250<br />

654 Private Tour of Yad Vashem<br />

Pri vate tour for up to 6 peo ple with Sheryl Sil ver<br />

Ochayon a na tive New Yorker who made Aliyah over 20<br />

years ago. Sheryl is a child of a Ho lo caust sur vi vor and is<br />

also the cousin of <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent, Leslie Wolfowitz.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Leslie and Louis Wolfowitz,<br />

Sheryl Silver Ochayon<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />




PLACES TO GO (2000–2030)<br />

Getaways<br />

2000 <strong>The</strong> Verandah Resort and Spa (Antigua)<br />

7 nights of lux u ri ous ac com mo da tions, for up to two<br />

rooms. <strong>The</strong> Ve ran dah is an eco-friendly Ca rib bean beach -<br />

front re sort with two spec tac u lar white-sand beaches,<br />

four pools, na ture trails to his tor i cal Devil’s Bridge, three<br />

din ing op tions, ten nis and fit ness cen ter, non-mo tor ized<br />

wa ter sports, kids club and mini cin ema, and the world<br />

class Spa Tran quil ity. Per fect for those seek ing a ro man tic<br />

hide away or a fun fam ily va ca tion.<br />

Note: All res er va tions are sub ject to a man da tory sur charge of $125 per<br />

per son per day for adult and $60 per day for chil dren which pro vides<br />

com plete all-in clu sive re sort priv i leges, in clud ing din ing, bev er ages, re -<br />

sort fa cil i ties, ac tiv i ties, taxes and ser vice charges; guests choos ing to<br />

up grade to a higher suite cat e gory may do so for as lit tle as $40 per day;<br />

res er va tions are sub ject to avail abil ity, some re stric tions may apply;<br />

does not include airfare.<br />

Courtesy of: Elite Island Resorts<br />

Fair Market Value: $3,000 Opening Bid: $1,500<br />

2001 Palm Island Resort (<strong>The</strong> Grenadines)<br />

7 nights of lux u ri ous ac com mo da tions, for up to two<br />

rooms at the 5-star Ca rib bean pri vate is land re sort. An<br />

ex clu sive, 135-acre pri vate-is land hide away, sit u ated<br />

near the south ern tip of St. Vin cent and the Grenadines,<br />

of fers 5 daz zling white sand beaches, sump tu ous din ing,<br />

non-mo tored wa ter sports, nat u ral trails, ten nis, fit ness<br />

cen ter, free-form swim ming pool with waterfall, and spa<br />

treatment.<br />

Note: All res er va tions are sub ject to a man da tory sur charge of $140 per<br />

adult per day and $60 per day for chil dren which pro vides com plete allin<br />

clu sive re sort ame ni ties, in clud ing din ing, bev er ages, re sort fa cil i ties,<br />

ac tiv i ties, taxes and ser vice charges; guests choos ing to up grade to a<br />

higher suite cat e gory may do so for as lit tle as $40 per day; res er va tions<br />

are sub ject to avail abil ity, some re stric tions may apply; does not include<br />

airfare.<br />

Courtesy of: Elite Island Resorts<br />

Fair Market Value: $3,000 Opening Bid: $1,500<br />


2002 St. James’s Club & Villas (Antigua)<br />

7 nights of lux u ri ous ac com mo da tions, for up to two<br />

rooms at the 4-star Ca rib bean beach front re sort. Ex pe ri -<br />

ence a pri vate 100-acre pen in sula on Antigua’s south -<br />

east ern coast, where clear, tur quoise wa ter sur rounds<br />

your own pri vate oasis. Two mag nif i cent white sand<br />

beaches, six pools, four dis tinct res tau rants, non-mo tor -<br />

ized wa ter sports, ten nis and fit ness cen ter, su per vised<br />

kids’ ac tiv i ties, spa and nightly en ter tain ment. St. James’s<br />

Club will leave you with amaz ing island memories to last<br />

a lifetime.<br />

Note: All res er va tions are sub ject to a man da tory sur charge of $125 per<br />

adult per day and $60 per child per day which pro vides com plete all-in -<br />

clu sive re sort ame ni ties, in clud ing din ing, bev er ages, re sort fa cil i ties, ac -<br />

tiv i ties, taxes and ser vice charges; guests choos ing to up grade to a<br />

higher suite cat e gory may do so for as lit tle as $40 per day; res er va tions<br />

are sub ject to avail abil ity, some re stric tions may apply; does not include<br />

airfare.<br />

Courtesy of: Elite Island Resorts<br />

Fair Market Value: $3,000 Opening Bid: $1,500<br />

2003 150,000 American Express Points<br />

150K points which can be re deemed for any par tic i pat -<br />

ing Amer i can Ex press Re wards pro gram members.<br />

Courtesy of: Rachel & Arnon Rosan<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,500 Opening Bid: $750<br />

2004 Aspen in the Summer<br />

As pen has so much to of fer in the sum mer. <strong>The</strong> Jazz As -<br />

pen Snowmass Fes ti val runs from the end of June<br />

through July 7. So, book your flight and spend a week<br />

this sum mer (Sunday June 24–Sunday July 1, <strong>2012</strong>) in<br />

beau ti ful As pen at the Hyatt Grand in a one bed room<br />

unit with a pull out sofa. Sleeps 4. <strong>The</strong> unit in cludes a<br />

fully equipped kitchen, plasma & flat screened TVs, ac -<br />

cess to fit ness cen ter, a Ju nior Olym pic size pool and Bike<br />

& Sport equip ment rental. Don’t miss this op por tu nity to<br />


spend a week in As pen. <strong>The</strong> town is largely “sold-out” for<br />

this summer week.<br />

Courtesy of: Stacy and Jason Helfstein<br />

Fair Market Value: $6,500 Opening Bid: $1,500<br />

2005 Trump International Beach Resort (Miami, FL)<br />

Book a ro man tic week end away with a three night/four<br />

day stay for two in a De luxe Stu dio in Mi ami’s Trump In -<br />

ter na tional Beach Re sort. While you are there, pam per<br />

your selves with a 50 min ute cou ples massage.<br />

Note: Ex pires June 30, 2013; res er va tions based on avail abil ity; hol i day<br />

black out dates ap ply; res er va tions must be made at least one month in<br />

ad vance; www.trumpmiami.com; call spa to book appointment<br />

Courtesy of: Dezer Properties, LLC,<br />

Neomi and Michael Dezer<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,200 Opening Bid: $600<br />

2006 Excelsior Hotel on Thanksgiving Eve<br />

One night stay in a one-bed room suite for four peo ple at<br />

the Ex cel sior Ho tel fac ing 81st Street the night be fore<br />

Thanksgiving, Wednes day, No vem ber 21, <strong>2012</strong>. In vite up<br />

to 12 peo ple to join you to watch as the bal loons for the<br />

Thanksgiving Day Pa rade are blown up.<br />

Note: Sub ject to avail abil ity; must re serve be fore Sep tem ber 1, <strong>2012</strong>;<br />

www.excelsiorhotelny.com<br />

Courtesy of: Andrea and Harry Krakowski<br />

Fair Market Value: $500 Opening Bid: $250<br />

2007 New York City Hotels<br />

Two night stay at <strong>The</strong> Bentley (500 East 62nd Street) or<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mar cel at Gra mercy (201 East 24th Street).<br />

Note: Res er va tions must be made 30 days prior to ar rival; black out<br />

dates may ap ply; sub ject to avail abil ity; non trans fer able; valid through<br />

Au gust 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Amsterdam Hospitality Group<br />

Fair Market Value: $550 Opening Bid: $275<br />


2008 <strong>The</strong> Porsche Experience<br />

Imag ine spend ing a full day driv ing a Porsche 911<br />

Carrera Coupe around un der the skill ful guid ance of the<br />

coun try’s most ac com plished race driv ers. Ex pe ri ence a<br />

One-Day Pre ci sion Driv ing course at the Porsche’s Bar ber<br />

Motorsports Park lo cated out side of Bir ming ham, Al a -<br />

bama. Make it a true get away and stay at the Marriott<br />

Re nais sance Ross Bridge Golf Re sort and Spa, the host<br />

ho tel for the track. Ei ther be fore or af ter your driv ing<br />

adventure en joy a be hind the scenes tour of Manhattan<br />

Mo tor Cars—Porsche’s larg est New York deal er ship<br />

located in NYC with owner Brian Miller.<br />

Note: Non-re fund able and non-trans fer able; must be 21; ex pires<br />

December 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Manhattan Motor Cars<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,800 Opening Bid: $650<br />

2009 <strong>The</strong> Lodge at Woodloch (Hawley, PA)<br />

Voted as one of the 10 most lux u ri ous spas in the U.S. by<br />

Forbes Mag a zine. En joy a one night “Intro Spa Pack age”<br />

for 2 Guests Dou ble Oc cu pancy which in cludes: Ve randa<br />

De luxe room ac com mo da tions; 3 gour met meals each,<br />

plus all non-al co holic bev er ages; the use of spa and fit -<br />

ness fa cil i ties; and the op por tu nity to at tend all reg u larly<br />

sched uled classes and ac tiv i ties. Dur ing your stay en joy 4<br />

com pli men tary rounds of golf in clud ing cart and green<br />

fees at the beau ti ful Country Club at Woodloch Springs.<br />

Note: Res er va tions sub ject to avail abil ity; week end res er va tions re quire<br />

a 2 night min i mum stay; guests must be at least 16 years old or older;<br />

black out dates are De cem ber 26–Jan u ary 1; Golf voucher valid Tues day<br />

through Fri day only; no hol i days; to sched ule tee times con tact the golf<br />

shop at least 7 days in advance<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Lodge at Woodloch, Woodloch Resort<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,185 Opening Bid: $500<br />

2010 <strong>The</strong> Wilburton Inn—Manchester Village, Vermont<br />

En joy 2 nights lodg ing at this grand 20-acre coun try es -<br />

tate in his toric Man ches ter Vil lage, Ver mont owned by<br />


<strong>Heschel</strong> grand par ents, Dr. Al bert and Geor gette Le vis.<br />

<strong>The</strong> man sion was built in 1902 and re tains its pe riod de -<br />

tail and an tique fur nish ings. Break fast is in cluded as well<br />

as a pri vate tour of the Inn’s sculp ture gar dens. <strong>The</strong> inn<br />

fea tures mag nif i cent views of the Green Moun tains, fine<br />

din ing, ten nis, swim ming, walk ing trails and an extensive<br />

art collection.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able non-hol i day, off-peak date to be ar ranged ex -<br />

clud ing July; does not in clude tax and gra tu ity; ex pires Au gust 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Wilburton Inn<br />

Fair Market Value: $500 Opening Bid: $250<br />

2011 Walt Disney World Park Hopper Passes<br />

Re ceive 4 one-day, park hop per passes to the four Walt<br />

Dis ney World parks in Or lando, Fl—<strong>The</strong> Magic King dom,<br />

Dis ney-MGM Stu dios, EPCOT Cen ter and Dis ney An i mal<br />

King dom. One Park Hop per pass will get one per son into<br />

the parks for one day.<br />

Note: Can not be up graded nor can they be ap plied to wards a pack age<br />

to meet el i gi bil ity re quire ments.<br />

Courtesy of: Walt Disney World, Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $480 Opening Bid: $250<br />

<strong>2012</strong> SLS Hotel (Beverly Hills, CA)<br />

Ex pe ri ence the glam our of Beverly Hills in this new<br />

Phillippe Stark-de signed lux ury ho tel. En joy a one night<br />

stay at SLS Ho tel in Beverly Hills. <strong>The</strong> brand’s flag ship<br />

prop erty, this ho tel pro vides time less el e gance and a<br />

novel guest ex pe ri ence. <strong>The</strong> SLS Ho tel is a land mark of<br />

sleek so phis ti ca tion, just steps from the Beverly Cen ter,<br />

the spark ing store fronts of Ro deo Drive and fa vor ite ce -<br />

leb rity haunts. Mem ber of the Starwood Hotels and<br />

Resorts Group.<br />

Note: Valid un til June 15, <strong>2012</strong>, sub ject to avail abil ity and black out<br />

dates<br />

Courtesy of: SBE Hotel Group<br />

Fair Market Value: $500 Opening Bid: $250<br />


2013 One Weekend Night Stay at the Liberty Hotel Boston<br />

Week end Night Stay in a Court yard View King<br />

Guestroom at the Lib erty Ho tel Boston, once the sto ried<br />

Charles Street Jail. <strong>The</strong> Lib erty Ho tel has been named<br />

one of the top U.S. ho tels in Condé Nast Trav eler’s Read -<br />

ers’ Choice Awards and is in a fab u lous lo ca tion at the<br />

foot of Beacon Hill.<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Liberty Hotel Boston<br />

Fair Market Value: $450 Opening Bid: $150<br />

2014 Forty 1° North (Newport, RI)<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate. May be used to wards a stay at the<br />

hotel or as din ing credit at one of the two uniquelystyled<br />

res tau rants, Chris tie’s and <strong>The</strong> Grill.<br />

Note: Gra tu ity and tax not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Forty 1° North<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

2015 Whitewater Rafting<br />

Two tick ets for White water Raft ing on the Kennebec<br />

River in Maine at Ad ven ture Bound, Maine’s only youth<br />

and fam ily ad ven ture va ca tion des ti na tion.<br />

Note: Ad vanced res er va tion re quired; min i mum age is 10 years old<br />

Courtesy of: Adventure Bound<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

2016 NY Skyride<br />

See New York like you’ve never seen it be fore! En joy an<br />

ex pe ri ence for four to New York City’s only vir tual tour<br />

sim u la tor. Lo cated in the Em pire State build ing, it of fers a<br />

per fect sight see ing ex pe ri ence of New York City.<br />

Courtesy of: NY Skyride<br />

Fair Market Value: $168 Opening Bid: $85<br />


2017 New York Twilight Sail for Two<br />

A 2-hour Twi light Sail aboard the Clip per City Tall Ship,<br />

leav ing from the South Street Sea port, Pier 17.<br />

Note: Res er va tions are rec om mended 1 week prior to de sired sail date<br />

Courtesy of: Manhattan By Sail, Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $90 Opening Bid: $45<br />

Tours and Museums<br />

2018 Tour of Acme Smoked Fish<br />

In vite your friends or take your fam ily for this be hindthe-scenes<br />

tour of Acme Smoked Fish, owned by <strong>Heschel</strong><br />

par ent Em ily Gindi’s fam ily for over 50 years, in the pic -<br />

tur esque neigh bor hood of Greenpoint, Brook lyn, and re -<br />

ceive smoked fish for 6 people!<br />

Note: Valid for 6 peo ple; mu tu ally agree able week day; not valid Sep -<br />

tem ber–Oc to ber<br />

Courtesy of: Acme Smoked Fish Corporation<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />

2019 Today Show Tour<br />

In vite 3 friends and meet NBC To day Show Sunday Host<br />

Jenna Wolfe for a To day Show be hind-the-scenes tour!<br />

Note: Tour can oc cur on week day or week end; up to 4 peo ple to tal<br />

Courtesy of: Raquel Smith and Steve Herz<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $300<br />

2020 Floral Distric Tour<br />

Tour NYC’s fa mous and fab u lous flo ral dis trict. Take a 2hour<br />

stroll with <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Ava Soffer of <strong>The</strong> Chef’s<br />

Ta ble, who has planned events and de signed flow ers for<br />

20 years. Learn the ins and outs of the flo ral trade. Get<br />

whole sale re sources and see what’s new in the industry!<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Chef’s Table<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />


2021 Children’s Museum of the Arts<br />

Spend the day cre at ing at the Chil dren’s Mu seum of the<br />

Arts lo cated at 103 Charlton Street. Two fam ily passes—<br />

each ad mits up to four peo ple. Ad mis sion in cludes all<br />

ma te ri als and smocks.<br />

Courtesy of: Children’s Museum of the Arts<br />

Fair Market Value: $80 Opening Bid: $40<br />

2022 Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum<br />

Ad mis sion for 6 to the In trepid Sea, Air & Space Mu seum.<br />

In cludes tick ets for the XD <strong>The</strong> ater, an ex cit ing 4D<br />

ex pe ri ence.<br />

Courtesy of: Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

2023 Liberty Science Center<br />

Four passes to the Lib erty Sci ence Cen ter in Jer sey City.<br />

En joy their nine ex hi bi tion gal ler ies and over 100 handson<br />

ac tiv i ties and daily sci ence dem on stra tions.<br />

Note: Ex pires July 1, <strong>2012</strong>; may be re deemed at the box of fice sub ject to<br />

avail abil ity or by phone to re serve tick ets in ad vance<br />

Courtesy of: Liberty Science Center<br />

Fair Market Value: $64 Opening Bid: $30<br />

2024 Children’s Museum of Manhattan<br />

A one-year fam ily mem ber ship plus ad mis sion for up to<br />

2 ad di tional adult care givers. Mem ber ship in cludes free<br />

ad mis sion to al most 200 chil dren’s mu se ums around the<br />

coun try through the As so ci a tion of Chil dren’s Mu seum<br />

(ACM) Reciprocal Program.<br />

Courtesy of: Jennifer and Mark Pearlman<br />

Fair Market Value: $210 Opening Bid: $105<br />

2025 DiMenna Children’s History Museum<br />

Fam ily Day Pass to the new DiMenna Chil dren’s His tory<br />

Mu seum lo cated at the New York His tor i cal So ci ety. <strong>The</strong><br />


pass is for 2 adults and their chil dren. Also in cluded are a<br />

DiMenna Chil dren’s His tory Mu seum unique re cy cla ble<br />

lunch bag, a Lib erty the Dog plush stuffed an i mal, and a<br />

set of clas sic mar bles with a col or ful canvas pouch.<br />

Courtesy of: New York Historical Society<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

2026 Membership to the Brooklyn Museum<br />

This one year mem ber ship in cludes free gen eral ad mis -<br />

sion for two adults and up to four chil dren un der the age<br />

of 18, four com pli men tary park ing passes, in vi ta tions to<br />

Mem bers’ pre view re cep tions, and more.<br />

Note: Mem ber ship ex pires one year from the date of ac ti va tion<br />

Courtesy of: Brooklyn Museum<br />

Fair Market Value: $85 Opening Bid: $45<br />

2027 Wave Hill Membership<br />

A Fam ily/Dual Mem ber ship to Wave Hill of fers un lim ited<br />

free ad mis sion for 2 adults and their chil dren for one<br />

year, 4 guest passes, 3 park ing passes, spe cial Mem bers<br />

Only events and sales, re cip ro cal ben e fits at more than<br />

230 gar dens across the coun try, dis counts on Wave Hill<br />

con certs, lec tures and work shops, dis counts at re gional<br />

cul tural in sti tu tions and a 10% dis count on pur chases in<br />

the Wave Hill Shop and Cafe.<br />

Note: Com pleted mem ber ship form must be sent back to Wave Hill for<br />

pro cess ing and to re ceive ben e fits<br />

Courtesy of: Wave Hill<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $40<br />

2028 Historic House Trust of New York City<br />

“Fam ily Friend Mem ber ship” for two pro vides free ad mis -<br />

sion to the 23 his toric house mu se ums in their col lec tion.<br />

Also in cluded is the Chil dren’s Guide to His toric Houses<br />

in New York City Parks.<br />

Courtesy of: Historic House Trust of NYC<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />


2029 Fine Art and Antique Dealers Show<br />

Ten tick ets to <strong>The</strong> In ter na tional Fine Art and An tique<br />

Deal ers Show at the Park Av e nue Ar mory.<br />

Note: Tick ets are valid for fair en trance Oc to ber 19–25, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Haughton International Fairs<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

2030 <strong>The</strong> Korea Society<br />

Two Ex plore Mem ber ship cards to <strong>The</strong> Ko rean So ci ety,<br />

which gives free ad mis sion to most of the So ci ety’s pro -<br />

grams. Ad di tion ally, the mem ber ship pro vides the sub -<br />

scriber with dis counts on fees for pro grams, dis counts on<br />

Ko rean lan guage classes, in vi ta tions to mem bers-only<br />

pro grams, in vi ta tion to their New Year’s party and great<br />

dis counts at area res tau rants and other part ner or ga ni za -<br />

tions. Also in cluded is a <strong>2012</strong> cal en dar pro duced by the<br />

Ko rean Cul tural Ser vice NY and in cludes a calendar stand<br />

and a picture frame.<br />

Note: www.koreasociety.org<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Korea Society<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />




BE ENTERTAINED (2500–2539)<br />

Entertainment<br />

2500 Two VIP Tickets to ABC’s <strong>The</strong> View<br />

Grab a friend and head down to ABC Stu dios for the VIP<br />

treat ment as you and your friend par tic i pate in a live stu -<br />

dio tap ing of <strong>The</strong> View.<br />

Note: Win ner must give 3–4 weeks no tice for de sired date<br />

Courtesy of: ABC <strong>The</strong> View<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />

2501 Jon Stewart<br />

Laugh out loud with 2 VIP tick ets to the 9 time Emmy<br />

Award win ning Daily Show with Jon Stew art. By pass the<br />

line and get right in!<br />

Note: Must be a min i mum of 18 years old; tapes weeknights at 6 pm;<br />

must make ar range ments at least 3 weeks in ad vance<br />

Courtesy of: MTV Networks<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />

2502 Late Night with Jimmy Fallon<br />

Two VIP Tick ets for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.<br />

Note: Must be at least 17 years old; tap ing oc curs dur ing the day<br />

Courtesy of: Jennifer and Mark Pearlman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />

2503 Late Night with Jimmy Fallon<br />

Two VIP Tick ets for Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Take<br />

home 2 Late Night t-shirts, 2 mugs and a Late Night<br />

flying mon key toy.<br />

Note: Must be at least 17 years old; tap ing oc curs dur ing the day;<br />

mutually agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Alyssa Quint and Daniel Steinman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $225<br />


2504 Live! with Kelly<br />

Four VIP tick ets to Live! with Kelly.<br />

Note: To re deem con tact the of fice 2–3 weeks in ad vance<br />

Courtesy of: ABC Live! with Kelly<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $400<br />

2505 Late Show with David Letterman<br />

Two tick ets to a tap ing of the Late Show with Da vid<br />

Let ter man.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; must be at least 18 years old to at tend<br />

Courtesy of: Late Show with David Letterman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />

2506 <strong>The</strong> Colbert Report<br />

Two VIP tick ets to a tap ing of <strong>The</strong> Colbert Re port. <strong>The</strong><br />

show tapes Mon day through Thurs day. Ar rival time is at<br />

6:00pm.<br />

Note: Must be 18 years or older; re quested show date must be emailed<br />

at least two months in ad vance<br />

Courtesy of: Alyssa Quint and Daniel Steinman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />

2507 War Horse<br />

Two Or ches tra seats for Sat ur day March 24, <strong>2012</strong> at 8 pm<br />

at Lin coln Cen ter <strong>The</strong> ater. War Horse is the win ner of 5<br />

Tony Awards in clud ing Best Play.<br />

Courtesy of: Shelley and Steven Einhorn<br />

Fair Market Value: $270 Opening Bid: $135<br />


2508 <strong>The</strong> Vivian Beaumont <strong>The</strong>ater or <strong>The</strong> Mitzi Newhouse<br />

<strong>The</strong>ater—Lincoln Center<br />

Two House seat tick ets to any pro duc tion at <strong>The</strong> Vivian<br />

Beau mont <strong>The</strong> ater or <strong>The</strong> Mitzi Newhouse <strong>The</strong> ater at Lin -<br />

coln Cen ter.<br />

Note: Sub ject to avail abil ity; tick ets must be re deemed by April 22, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Holly and Sam Merrin<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

2509 Vital <strong>The</strong>atre Company<br />

Fam ily pass for four to the 2011–<strong>2012</strong> sea son at their<br />

Upper West Side the ater.<br />

Note: Not valid for Angelina Bal le rina <strong>The</strong> Mu si cal, Pinkalicious, <strong>The</strong> Mu -<br />

si cal, Angelina Bal le rina <strong>The</strong> Very Merry Hol i day Mu si cal, or other spe -<br />

cial events; sub ject to avail abil ity; pass ex pires April 22, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Vital <strong>The</strong>atre Company<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

2510 <strong>The</strong> Joseph Papp Public <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

En joy four tick ets to any show at Joe’s Pub. Joe’s Pub is<br />

part of <strong>The</strong> Jo seph Papp Pub lic <strong>The</strong> ater, lo cated in the<br />

East Vil lage.<br />

Note: All re quests are sub ject to avail abil ity; book in ad vance to en sure<br />

avail abil ity<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Joseph Papp Public <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

2511 New York City Ballet<br />

Two First Ring Cen ter tick ets (Row E 101–102) for the<br />

Saturday Feb ru ary 11, <strong>2012</strong>, 8 pm per for mance of<br />

Stravinsky Vi o lin Con certo, <strong>The</strong> Seven Deadly Sins and<br />

Vienna Waltzes.<br />

Courtesy of: Kathy and Daniel Roger<br />

Fair Market Value: $238 Opening Bid: $120<br />


2512 Alvin Ailey Dance <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

One pair of tick ets to see the Alvin Ailey Amer i can Dance<br />

<strong>The</strong> ater dur ing its De cem ber <strong>2012</strong> sea son at New York<br />

City Cen ter. <strong>The</strong> the ater is lo cated at 131 West 55th<br />

Street be tween 6th and 7th Av e nues in Manhattan.<br />

Note: Win ner will choose from a pre-se lected num ber of per for mance<br />

dates<br />

Courtesy of: Alvin Ailey American Dance <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

Fair Market Value: $180 Opening Bid: $90<br />

2513 New York Philharmonic<br />

Two Or ches tra seats for the New York Phil har monic valid<br />

for an eve ning con cert on one of the fol low ing dates:<br />

Feb ru ary 23 (Thurs.), Feb ru ary 25 (Sat.), Feb ru ary 28<br />

(Tues.), March 22–24 (Thurs.–Sat.), March 28–31 (Wed.–<br />

Sat.), April 12–14 (Thurs.–Sat.), April 17 (Tues.), May 19<br />

(Sat.), May 22 (Tues.)<br />

Note: Ex pires May 22, <strong>2012</strong>; based on avail abil ity; young Peo ple’s Con -<br />

certs, Very Young Peo ple’s Con certs, Cham ber Con certs, Spe cial Events<br />

Con certs and events out side of Avery Fisher Hall are not el i gi ble for this<br />

offer<br />

Courtesy of: New York Philharmonic<br />

Fair Market Value: $210 Opening Bid: $100<br />

2514 New York Philharmonic<br />

Two Or ches tra seats for the New York Phil har monic valid<br />

for an eve ning per for mance on one of the fol low ing<br />

dates: Feb ru ary 23 (Thurs.), Feb ru ary 25 (Sat.), Feb ru ary<br />

28 (Tues.), March 22–24 (Thurs.–Sat.), March 28–31<br />

(Wed.–Sat.), April 12–14 (Thurs.–Sat.), April 17 (Tues.),<br />

May 19 (Sat.), May 22 (Tues.), May 26 (Sat.).<br />

Note: Ex pires May 27, <strong>2012</strong>; based on avail abil ity; young Peo ple’s Con -<br />

certs, Very Young Peo ple’s Con certs, Cham ber Con certs, Spe cial Events<br />

Con certs and events out side of Avery Fisher Hall are not el i gi ble for this<br />

offer<br />

Courtesy of: New York Philharmonic<br />

Fair Market Value: $210 Opening Bid: $100<br />


2515 American Symphony Orchestra<br />

Two sub scrip tions to the Amer i can Sym phony Or ches -<br />

tra’s Van guard se ries at Car ne gie Hall in 2011–<strong>2012</strong> to<br />

see <strong>The</strong> Hunch back of No tre Dame on Sunday, March 18,<br />

<strong>2012</strong> at 2 pm and Crumb on Thurs day, April 19, <strong>2012</strong> at<br />

8 pm.<br />

Note: Gift cer tif i cate must be re deemed with the Amer i can Sym phony<br />

Or ches tra prior to concert<br />

Courtesy of: American Symphony Orchestra<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

2516 Murray Perahia Concert<br />

Pair of tick ets to the per for mance fea tur ing con cert pi a -<br />

nist Murray Perahia, who plays a va ri ety of clas si cal se lec -<br />

tions. Con cert is in Lin coln Cen ter’s Avery Fisher Hall on<br />

Sunday March 25, <strong>2012</strong> at 3 pm.<br />

Courtesy of: Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts<br />

Fair Market Value: $154 Opening Bid: $80<br />

2517 Two Tickets to Jazz at 92Y<br />

En joy an eve ning at “Jazz at 92Y,” with vo cal ist Sandy<br />

Stew art and pi a nist Bill Charlap, on Wednes day, Feb ru ary<br />

29, <strong>2012</strong>, 8 pm. This award-win ning duo, who just hap -<br />

pen to be mother and son, have a con nec tion that<br />

reaches the last row. <strong>The</strong>y’ll be joined by Harry Allen on<br />

sax o phone, Pe ter Wash ing ton on bass and Kenny Wash -<br />

ing ton on drums.<br />

Courtesy of: 92nd Street Y<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />


2518 Two Tickets to Kirill Gerstein at 92nd Street Y<br />

A pair of tick ets to see pi a nist Kirill Gerstein at the 92nd<br />

Street Y, per form ing works by BACH, BUSONI, KNUSSEN,<br />

WEBER, SCHUMANN, and LISZT on Sat ur day, April 21,<br />

<strong>2012</strong>, 8 pm.<br />

Courtesy of: 92nd Street Y<br />

Fair Market Value: $76 Opening Bid: $35<br />

2519 Two Tickets to Steven Isserlis and Robert Levin at<br />

92nd Street Y<br />

A pair of tick ets to see Ste ven Isserlis, cello, Rob ert Levin,<br />

forte piano, at the 92nd Street Y on Thurs day, May 10,<br />

<strong>2012</strong>, 8 pm. <strong>The</strong> duo will be per form ing an all-Bee tho ven<br />

pro gram as part of their se ries at 92Y, “Fo cus: Bee tho -<br />

ven’s Com plete Works for Cello and Pi ano with Ste ven<br />

Isserlis and Robert Levin.”<br />

Courtesy of: 92nd Street Y<br />

Fair Market Value: $58 Opening Bid: $30<br />

2520 A Night of Great Food and Hot Jazz for Four at<br />

Dizzy’s Club<br />

Great Per for mances, the lead ing New York City ca ter ing<br />

and events com pany, cooks up the in no va tive menu for<br />

Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola, Jazz at Lin coln Cen ter’s in ti mate<br />

jazz club. Ex ec u tive Chef Robb Garceau, in col lab o ra tion<br />

with Chefs Tim Sullivan and Thad Da vis, serves up a tasty<br />

blend of soul ful, south ern del i ca cies and fresh, sea sonal<br />

in gre di ents at Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola. This cu li nary set<br />

list fea tures se lect or ganic veg e ta bles grown lo cally on<br />

the com pany’s own Katchkie Farm lo cated in<br />

Kinderhook, NY. “Dizzy’s Club Coca-Cola is de signed to<br />

en ter tain peo ple in the spirit that Dizzy had...very wel -<br />

com ing,” Jazz at Lin coln Cen ter Ar tis tic Di rec tor Wynton<br />


Marsalis ex plains, “We just want people to have a good<br />

time.”<br />

Note: In cludes 3-course din ner and cover charge for 4 guests; in cludes 1<br />

cock tail and 1 glass of wine per guest; ex cludes gra tu ity; 3 weeks ad -<br />

vance res er va tions re quired; black out dates apply<br />

Courtesy of: Great Performances, Liz Neumark &<br />

Chaim Wachsberger<br />

Fair Market Value: $400 Opening Bid: $200<br />

2521 Dor Chadash’s Yom Ha’Atzmaut Party<br />

Four VIP tick ets for Dor Chadash’s an nual com mu nity<br />

wide Yom Ha’Atzmaut party at B.B. Kings on Wednes day,<br />

April 25, <strong>2012</strong>. En joy an eve ning which in cludes an open<br />

bar, light buf fet, live en ter tain ment and dancing.<br />

Note: Must be 21 years or older<br />

Courtesy of: Alon Harnoy and Shula Bergman Harnoy<br />

Fair Market Value: $400 Opening Bid: $200<br />

2522 Gotham Comedy Club<br />

Six passes for a night of com edy at one of the pre mier<br />

clubs in New York City! <strong>The</strong> club is lo cated at 208 West<br />

23rd Street.<br />

Note: Two bev er age min i mum per guest; not valid for spe cial events; ex -<br />

pires July 4, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Gotham Comedy Club<br />

Fair Market Value: $180 Opening Bid: $90<br />

2523 Gotham Comedy Club<br />

Four passes for a night of com edy at one of the pre mier<br />

clubs in New York City! <strong>The</strong> club is lo cated at 208 West<br />

23rd Street.<br />

Note: Two bev er age min i mum per guest; not valid for spe cial events; ex -<br />

pires July 4, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Gotham Comedy Club<br />

Fair Market Value: $120 Opening Bid: $60<br />


2524 Gazillion Bubble Show—<strong>The</strong> Next Generation<br />

Two tick ets are avail able on the fol low ing Sun days at<br />

noon: Feb ru ary 12, 19, and 26 and March 4.<br />

Note: Must e-mail 3 days in ad vance; ex pires March 7, <strong>2012</strong>; ad di tional<br />

tick ets for the show may be pur chased<br />

Courtesy of: Gazillion Bubble Show<br />

Fair Market Value: $130 Opening Bid: $65<br />

2525 <strong>The</strong> Broadway Comedy Club<br />

Six tick ets to <strong>The</strong> Broad way Com edy Club.<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Broadway Comedy Club<br />

Fair Market Value: $120 Opening Bid: $60<br />

2526 Comedy Sportz New York<br />

Are you a fan of Whose Line Is It Any way? If so, you’ll love<br />

Com edy Sportz New York! En joy 4 all in clu sive tick ets to<br />

a hi lar i ous au di ence in ter ac tive com edy com pe ti tion be -<br />

tween 2 teams of pro fes sional comedians.<br />

Note: Show takes place ev ery Sat ur day at 6pm<br />

Courtesy of: Comedy Sportz<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

Memorabilia<br />

2527 Custom Electric Guitar<br />

This is a cus tom elec tric archtop gui tar with a bound<br />

rose wood fretboard, rect an gu lar pearloid in lays and a<br />

photo-flamed ma ple style top with two F holes. This gui -<br />

tar started out as a ba sic Elec tric Archtop gui tar and it<br />

was pro fes sion ally cus tom ized and set up in NY with all<br />

new parts and hard ware. Ex cel lent Grover tun ers and a<br />

Buzz Feiten tun ing sys tem for ef fort less pre cise tun ing. A<br />

beau ti ful cus tom hand made Tor toise shell pickguard spe -<br />

cif i cally made for the in stru ment and an orig i nal du ra ble<br />

Bigsby Tremelo Sys tem in stalled for a great retro Rocka -<br />

billy/Rock n’ Roll feel with a cus tom fit ting Bigsby Bridge<br />


for ex cel lent in to na tion, PAF retro-style gui tar pick ups<br />

made to re sem ble the first elec tric humbucking pick ups<br />

made by Seth Lover in the 1950’s, a Dunlop strap-lock<br />

sys tem, and set up with 11 gauge D’ Addario EXL 115<br />

Blues/Jazz Rock Gui tar Strings that work great for all<br />

styles. This is a ver sa tile in stru ment that can be played as<br />

an elec tric or acous ti cally for han dling all styles of mu sic<br />

from Rock n’ Roll, to Jazz, to Pop and more. Set up by a<br />

pro and ready to play, this gui tar has a great look to it<br />

with a real “old school” feel that draws the eye. This in ter -<br />

est ing gui tar would make a great ad di tion to any player’s<br />

collection or as a wall piece in any home or office.<br />

Courtesy of: Adam Rella<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $500<br />

2528 Legendary Lou Reed<br />

For the true fan. iPod Clas sic pro grammed with mu sic<br />

curated by Lou Reed and au to graphed. One lim ited edi -<br />

tion Lou Reed Tour t-shirt signed by the art ist and 1 pair<br />

of Lou Reed Klipsch Sig na ture Au dio Edi tion head -<br />

phones. Lou Reed is an Amer i can Mas ter who was in -<br />

ducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996 and is<br />

a found ing mem ber of the leg end ary Vel vet Un der -<br />

ground. In Mr. Reed’s work with the Vel vet Un der ground<br />

and as a solo per former, Mr. Reed is rec og nized as one<br />

the fin est songwriters in his tory and is con sid ered<br />

among the most pro found in flu ences on mod ern rock<br />

mu sic. His lat est cre ation is the 2011 play LULU di rected<br />

by Rob ert Wil son and per formed at the Ber liner En sem -<br />

ble <strong>The</strong> ater. Mr. Reed’s songs from LULU have also re -<br />

sulted in the al bum re cord ing LULU, an his toric col lab o ra -<br />

tion with Metallica, and the mu sic video for the sin gle<br />

<strong>The</strong> View from this al bum was directed by award-winning<br />

director Darren Aronofsky.<br />

Courtesy of: Sabrina Silverberg and Tom Sarig<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $350<br />


2529 NY Rangers Autographed Hockey Stick<br />

Show your Rang ers pride with this one-of-a-kind hockey<br />

stick au to graphed by the en tire 2011–<strong>2012</strong> Rang ers<br />

team.<br />

Courtesy of: New York Rangers<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $350<br />

2530 New York Giants’ Eli Manning Autographed Photo<br />

Steiner Sports framed New York Gi ants Eli Man ning au to -<br />

graphed Superbowl XLII photo with Mi chael Strahan.<br />

Photo is 16" x 20" and co mes with Steiner Sports<br />

cer tif i cate.<br />

Courtesy of: Eli Eizak<br />

Fair Market Value: $425 Opening Bid: $215<br />

2531 New York Giants’ Osi Umenyiora Signed Poster<br />

Signed and framed signed poster of New York Gi ants Osi<br />

Umenyiora.<br />

Courtesy of: New York Giants Football<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $100<br />

2532 Replica Lithograph Autographed Poster of New York<br />

Jets’ Santonio Holmes<br />

Jets’ team cap tain and wide re ceiver Holmes was Super<br />

Bowl XLIII’s most valu able player. This poster is made in<br />

lim ited quan tity by the Jets and is not sold in stores.<br />

Courtesy of: New York Jets<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $100<br />

2533 Autographed Photo of Charles Barkley<br />

Named one of the 50 Great est Play ers in NBA His tory,<br />

Charles Barkley has fol lowed up his Hall of Fame bas ket -<br />

ball ca reer with an Emmy Award-win ning tele vi sion run.<br />

Courtesy of: John and Ayala Podhoretz<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $100<br />


Sporting Events<br />

2534 New York Yankees Tickets<br />

Four reg u lar sea son Yan kees tick ets for a mu tu ally agree -<br />

able date, in sec tion 123 or 124.<br />

Note: Must be re deemed by May 15, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Diane and David Hess, Wendy and Mitch<br />

Gross<br />

Fair Market Value: $800 Opening Bid: $400<br />

2535 Baseball in Brooklyn<br />

Four field level tick ets to a Brook lyn Cy clones game at<br />

MCU Park in Co ney Is land.<br />

Note: Tick ets avail able for any game dur ing the <strong>2012</strong> sea son (ex cept<br />

open ing) by mu tual agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Hank Amon and Karen Kolodny<br />

Fair Market Value: $60 Opening Bid: $30<br />

2536 New York Giants<br />

Two tick ets to a <strong>2012</strong>–2013 New York Gi ants game. Great<br />

seats on the 35 yard line, fac ing West (Sunny side) top<br />

deck.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Linda Blum and Jeremy Merrin<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />

2537 Washington Redskins vs. New York Giants<br />

Three tick ets in the 10th row, Sec tion 104 (di rectly be -<br />

hind Redskins bench) for the NY Gi ants vs. Wash ing ton<br />

Redskins game at FedEx Field in Wash ing ton dur ing the<br />

<strong>2012</strong>–2013 sea son. Date to be an nounced.<br />

Courtesy of: Bess and Leor Landa<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />


2538 New York Jets<br />

Two tick ets to any New York Jets game for the <strong>2012</strong>–<br />

2013 sea son. Seats are lo cated in Sec tion 217, Row 3,<br />

Seats 5 and 6. In cludes club ac cess and park ing.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able game<br />

Courtesy of: Dana and Adam Fine<br />

Fair Market Value: $550 Opening Bid: $300<br />

2539 New York Rangers<br />

Two sixth row, be hind-the-net tick ets for a mu tu ally<br />

agree able game dur ing the <strong>2012</strong>–2013 sea son.<br />

Courtesy of: Lauren Schor and Martin Geller<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />





PLAN THAT PARTY (3000–3017)<br />

Parties<br />

3000 Live Cocktail Piano Music<br />

Up to three hours of live mu si cal en ter tain ment on a Sat -<br />

ur day or Sunday night. Solo cock tail pi ano im pro vi sa tion<br />

will make a classy back ground to any party.<br />

Note: Must have a tuned pi ano; www.sashatheband.com<br />

Courtesy of: Sasha Papernik<br />

Fair Market Value: $340 Opening Bid: $170<br />

3001 Host A Party In Brooklyn<br />

Plan your next gath er ing in a cov ered gar den with 50 of<br />

your near est and dear est. En joy a pri vate three hour<br />

party at Pane e Vino, a charm ing Ital ian res tau rant on<br />

super trendy Smith Street in Carroll Gar dens, owned by<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> grand par ent Ervin Rosenfeld.<br />

Note: Food and bev er age not in cluded; not valid on Fri day or Sat ur day<br />

nights; must re serve at least one month in ad vance; no out side food or<br />

drink per mit ted<br />

Courtesy of: Ervin Rosenfeld<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,500 Opening Bid: $750<br />

3002 Molton Brown Private Pamper Party<br />

You and ten of your clos est friends will en joy a pri vate<br />

shop ping eve ning at Molton Brown Em po rium on Third<br />

Av e nue. En joy com pli men tary hand mas sage treat ments<br />

while they in dulge you with drinks, sweet treats and a<br />

de par ture gift. <strong>The</strong> win ner will re ceive a com pli men tary<br />

fine liq uid handwash and sooth ing hand lo tion set. It’s a<br />

great way to cel e brate a birth day or any spe cial oc ca sion<br />

you would like to share with friends.<br />

Note: Must sched ule in ad vance; mu tu ally agree able date;<br />

www.moltonbrown.com<br />

Courtesy of: Molton Brown<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />


3003 Not Your Average Bar—by Levy Lighting NYC<br />

Wow your guests with these two in ter ac tive bars for a<br />

party any where in Manhattan. <strong>The</strong> units are ex clu sive to<br />

Levy Light ing. Guests are able to move im ages by touch -<br />

ing or mov ing over the sur face of the bar. Im ages can be<br />

pro vided by the cli ent or be from Levy Light ing’s ex ten -<br />

sive im age li brary. Show your guests some thing they<br />

have never seen!<br />

Note: Party space must have a freight el e va tor that can ac com mo date<br />

the bar which mea sures 42" high x 24" wide x 72" long.<br />

Courtesy of: Levy Lighting NYC, Ira Levy and Helene<br />

Safdie-Levy<br />

Fair Market Value: $3,500 Opening Bid: $1,500<br />

3004 Poker and Pool<br />

Plan your next party and sur prise your guest of honor<br />

with a new pool cue and a set of poker chips!<br />

Courtesy of: Blatt Billiard Corp.<br />

Fair Market Value: $210 Opening Bid: $100<br />

3005 Pole Position Raceway Party Package<br />

Pre tend you are Mario Andretti. En joy this awe some in -<br />

door kart rac ing lo ca tion. 1 Adult Party Pack age for 8<br />

peo ple lo cated in Jer sey City near Lib erty State Park.<br />

Courtesy of: Pole Position Raceway<br />

Fair Market Value: $640 Opening Bid: $320<br />


Children’s Parties<br />

3006 16 Handles Party for 10 (Kosher)<br />

Let the kids go wild (and come on, you know you want<br />

some too)! All you can eat yo gurt and top pings for up to<br />

10 peo ple. In cludes use of their pri vate space for 1 hour.<br />

Note: May not be used with any other dis counts; not for any “to go”<br />

yog urts<br />

Courtesy of: 16 Handles Frozen Yogurt<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

3007 Gelato Workshop Birthday Party (Kosher)<br />

Plan a tasty birth day party for 6 chil dren at Mia Chef<br />

Gelateria, a gour met ge lato café lo cated in Gra mercy.<br />

Your party will in clude a 1-hour ge lato-mak ing work shop<br />

mak ing 2 ge lato fla vors. Each child will take home 2 pints<br />

of ge lato plus a video clip from the event made by Noa<br />

Productions.<br />

Note: Must sched ule party at least 30 days in ad vance; ex pires June 16,<br />

<strong>2012</strong>; www.gelatomia.com<br />

Courtesy of: Mia Chef Gelateria<br />

Fair Market Value: $800 Opening Bid: $200<br />

3008 Birthday Bash at SPROUT<br />

Plan your next birth day party at this new UES play space.<br />

This won der ful space can ac com mo date up to 15 chil -<br />

dren and is ideal for for your first through fourth grade<br />

child. Snag some fun party fa vors at Fan tas tic Kids Toys<br />

with your $75 gift cer tif i cate (lo cated on Third Av e nue at<br />

84th St) and you’re still left with a $25 gift cer tif i cate to<br />

<strong>The</strong> Source (lo cated on Third Av e nue at 80th St) where<br />

you can pick up party sup plies and balloons.<br />

Note: Week days only; SPROUT only pro vides the space—food and en -<br />

ter tain ment are not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Fantastic Kids Toys, SPROUT, <strong>The</strong> Source<br />

Fair Market Value: $350 Opening Bid: $175<br />


3009 Birthday Party with Looney Louie<br />

Looney Louie is a NYC birth day party leg end! Let him<br />

come to your child’s next birth day party for a 45-min ute<br />

jug gling magic show with bal loons for the party. Pur -<br />

chase your party fa vors with a $35 gift cer tif i cate to Ori -<br />

en tal Trading.<br />

Note: Sub ject to avail abil ity; not valid for rain sen si tive events; good<br />

only in Manhattan, Brook lyn, Bronx and Queens<br />

Courtesy of: Looney Louie, Oriental Trading<br />

Fair Market Value: $335 Opening Bid: $170<br />

3010 Aviation Birthday Party<br />

Let Hobby Quest make your next birth day party a “soar -<br />

ing” suc cess! <strong>The</strong>y will pro vide the in struc tor, ma te ri als<br />

and 1.5 hours of ac tiv ity—model air plane build ing—<br />

while you pro vide the rest!<br />

Note: Max i mum 13 chil dren<br />

Courtesy of: Hobby Quest<br />

Fair Market Value: $275 Opening Bid: $140<br />

3011 Football Birthday Party<br />

A 90-min ute birth day party for 10 kids (can also be used<br />

for a pri vate class) at a lo ca tion of your choice with<br />

Coach Eddie.<br />

Note: Do na tion is for in struc tion only and does not in clude the cost of<br />

lo ca tion<br />

Courtesy of: Edward Woolsey<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />

3012 Milk and Cookies with Chef’s Table<br />

Treat your child’s grade to a de li cious chef’s ta ble of<br />

gooey choc o late chip cook ies and milk.<br />

Note: Ko sher; valid for one grade only<br />

Courtesy of: Chef’s Table<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $100<br />


3013 Chanukah Party with Chef’s Table<br />

Treat your child’s grade to a Chanukah party of latkes<br />

and ap ple sauce.<br />

Note: Ko sher; valid for one grade only<br />

Courtesy of: Chef’s Table<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $100<br />

3014 Pole Position Raceway Party Package<br />

Speed around the track at this in door kart rac ing lo ca -<br />

tion. 1 Rookie Party Pack age for 8 chil dren lo cated in Jer -<br />

sey City near Lib erty State Park.<br />

Courtesy of: Pole Position Raceway<br />

Fair Market Value: $320 Opening Bid: $160<br />

3015 Little Shop of Crafts<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate to ward a birth day party at ei ther<br />

location of Lit tle Shop of Crafts.<br />

Note: Valid Mon day–Fri day only; not valid hol i days; can’t be com bined<br />

with any other of fers; www.littleshopny.com<br />

Courtesy of: Little Shop of Crafts<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

3016 Craft Studio Party<br />

$100 to wards a party at <strong>The</strong> Craft Stu dio lo cated on Third<br />

Av e nue be tween 92nd and 93rd.<br />

Note: May only be used to ward a party; can not be used to ward a de -<br />

posit; limit 1 per cus tomer<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Craft Studio<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

3017 Ten Pints of Ben & Jerry’s<br />

Ten cou pons each re deem able for one free pint of Ben &<br />

Jerry’s. Come on, you know you can’t re sist!<br />

Note: Valid in su per mar kets or any where that Ben & Jerry’s is sold<br />

Courtesy of: Ben & Jerry’s<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />




FOR THE HOME (4000–4061)<br />

Art & Photography<br />

4000 Exclamation Point Glass Art<br />

Unique poured and mir rored glass piece from the 2011<br />

col lec tion mea sur ing 16" long x 4" wide.<br />

Courtesy of: Rob Wynne<br />

Fair Market Value: $3,000 Opening Bid: $750<br />

4001 “Whirl-O-Rama” by Andrew Reach, Artist Proof of<br />

Limited Edition<br />

20" x 20" Art ist Proof of Lim ited Edi tion, Ar chi val Inkjet<br />

Print on Somerset Vel vet Pa per. An drew Reach is a Pratt<br />

In sti tute-ed u cated ar chi tect who worked on such pres ti -<br />

gious pro jects as the Fort Laud er dale-Hol ly wood In ter -<br />

na tional Air port and the Fed eral Court house in Mi ami.<br />

Sev eral years ago, due to a de bil i tat ing ill ness, An drew<br />

found he could no lon ger work as an ar chi tect. As a re -<br />

sult, he turned to the world of com puter gen er ated art to<br />

ex press his cre ative en er gies. An drew’s work has been<br />

ex hib ited through out the United States, and is part of<br />

the per ma nent col lec tion of the Pa tri cia & Phillip Frost<br />

Art Mu seum, a Smith so nian af fil i ated museum. He is also<br />

the cousin of <strong>Auction</strong> Chair Skye Gabel.<br />

Note: www.andrewreach.com<br />

Courtesy of: Andrew Reach and Bruce Baumwoll<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,200 Opening Bid: $450<br />

4002 Work on Paper<br />

Un ti tled (draw ing) pas tel on pa per by Andrzej Nowacki.<br />

27" X 27".<br />

Courtesy of: Play Room Gallery, Rachel Stone<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,200 Opening Bid: $450<br />


4003 “Tradition” Monoprint<br />

Orig i nal, one-of-a-kind, hand pulled Fine Art Monoprint<br />

with Ink Trans fer, 2011. Ab stract im age of five filled kid -<br />

dush cups on a red kitchen coun ter, their shad ows and<br />

re flec tions. Text adapted from a poem by Aviva Manya<br />

Malz.<br />

Note: Framed, 21" X 27", www.kbmatter.etsy.com<br />

Courtesy of: Karin Bruckner<br />

Fair Market Value: $800 Opening Bid: $400<br />

4004 “Dawn Storm” Hand Blown Glass Globe<br />

El e gant hand blown stu dio art glass globe cre ated by<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Fos ter Padway.<br />

Courtesy of: Michal and Foster Padway<br />

Fair Market Value: $645 Opening Bid: $350<br />

4005 Baby Naming Certificate<br />

Hand made cus tom Jew ish baby nam ing cer tif i cate cre -<br />

ated just for you by art ist and <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent, Toby Riggi.<br />

Cer tif i cate will be de liv ered framed and gift wrapped.<br />

Note: Win ning bid der will choose from two de signs<br />

Courtesy of: Marby Designs<br />

Fair Market Value: $400 Opening Bid: $200<br />

4006 “Created Elohim” (Genesis 1:1), 1998<br />

Batya & Ben AmHaAretz, A/P 17/18, Stone Litho, Rives<br />

pa per 19" x 13". Leg end ary art ists Batya & Ben AmHaAretz<br />

are the sur re al ist duo who cur rently live in the mid-<br />

Hud son Val ley of NY. Dur ing the 1950s and 1960s, Ben<br />

worked with Dali, DuChamp, Saarinen, Eames, Broda -<br />

vitch. <strong>The</strong>y earned Mas ter’s de grees in Printmaking, and<br />

the fo cus of their work is To rah.<br />

Courtesy of: Chachom Institute<br />

Fair Market Value: $360 Opening Bid: $180<br />


4007 ”Dreaming of Shalom,” 1997<br />

Batya & Ben AmHaAretz, A/P (2nd state) 1/1, In ta glio,<br />

Rives BFK pa per 13" x 11". Leg end ary art ists Batya & Ben<br />

AmHaAretz are the sur re al ist duo who cur rently live in<br />

the mid-Hud son Val ley of NY. Dur ing the 1950s and 1960s,<br />

Ben worked with Dali, DuChamp, Saarinen, Eames, Broda -<br />

vitch. <strong>The</strong>y earned Mas ter’s de grees in Printmaking, and<br />

the fo cus of their work is To rah.<br />

Courtesy of: Chachom Institute<br />

Fair Market Value: $180 Opening Bid: $90<br />

4008 Clifford the Big Red Dog<br />

A car toon cel of Clif ford the Big Red Dog.<br />

Courtesy of: Chef’s Table<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

4009 Canvas on Demand<br />

Take your fa vor ite pho to graph and Can vas on De mand<br />

will trans form it into an amaz ing can vas work of art. $100<br />

gift cer tif i cate.<br />

Note: www.canvasondemand.com<br />

Courtesy of: Canvas On Demand<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

Decor & Housewares<br />

4010 Michael Aram Bowls<br />

Three beau ti ful Mol ten bowls in var i ous sizes: 13.5", 10.5",<br />

and a 6.5".<br />

Courtesy of: Michael Aram<br />

Fair Market Value: $457 Opening Bid: $230<br />


4011 Reed & Barton Crystal Ice Bucket and Pitcher<br />

Adorn your ta ble with this beau ti ful set from the Soho<br />

Col lec tion. In cludes a crys tal hand cut ice bucket and<br />

tongs along with a crys tal hand cut 20 oz pitcher.<br />

Courtesy of: Wynne Enterprises<br />

Fair Market Value: $285 Opening Bid: $150<br />

4012 Reed & Barton Crystal Pitcher<br />

Two-li ter Eu ro pean hand cut crys tal pitcher from the<br />

Soho col lec tion.<br />

Courtesy of: Wynne Enterprises<br />

Fair Market Value: $219 Opening Bid: $110<br />

4013 Turkish Glass Bowl and Plates<br />

Hand made Turk ish 16" glass bowl with 4 match ing<br />

salad/des sert plates.<br />

Note: Handwash only<br />

Courtesy of: Red Pomegranate<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

4014 Reed & Barton Centerpiece Bowl<br />

13" Eu ro pean hand cut crys tal cen ter piece bowl from the<br />

Equi nox col lec tion.<br />

Courtesy of: Wynne Enterprises<br />

Fair Market Value: $162 Opening Bid: $85<br />

4015 80 pc. Dinnerware, Flatware and Glassware Set<br />

This el e gant white set in cludes ser vice for 8 in din ner -<br />

ware, flat ware and glass ware. Makes for a great Pass over<br />

set!<br />

Courtesy of: 10 Strawberry Street<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />


4016 80 pc. Dinnerware, Flatware and Glassware Set<br />

This el e gant white set in cludes ser vice for 8 in din ner -<br />

ware, flat ware and glass ware. Makes for a great Pass over<br />

set!<br />

Courtesy of: 10 Strawberry Street<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

4017 Enamel and Metal Salad Bowl<br />

Alu mi num salad bowl with hand ap plied enamel con -<br />

tain ing white mother of pearl dec o ra tion. Hand wash<br />

only.<br />

Courtesy of: Wynne Enterprises<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

4018 Reed & Barton Crystal Carafe<br />

Full lead crys tal ca rafe from the Soho col lec tion.<br />

Courtesy of: Wynne Enterprises<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

4019 Hebrew Mantel Clock<br />

Hand made one-of-a-kind 8" man tel clock made from<br />

solid cherry by <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent, Marc Mes sen ger. Ra dio<br />

con trolled move ment with glass front. <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

logo and He brew dial.<br />

Courtesy of: Selene and Marc Messenger<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

4020 Reed & Barton Crystal Bowl<br />

Beau ti ful hand cut 10" crys tal cen ter piece bowl from the<br />

Equi nox col lec tion.<br />

Courtesy of: Wynne Enterprises<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />


4021 Reed & Barton Crystal Candlesticks<br />

8" Eu ro pean hand cut crys tal can dle sticks from the<br />

Tango col lec tion.<br />

Courtesy of: Wynne Enterprises<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

4022 Reed & Barton Crystal Vase<br />

9" Eu ro pean hand cut crys tal vase from the Equi nox<br />

col lec tion.<br />

Courtesy of: Wynne Enterprises<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

For the Chef<br />

4023 Reed & Barton Andover Pearl 65 Piece Set<br />

Flat ware set 18/10 ser vice for 12 with 5 es sen tial serv ing<br />

pieces and a hand some wood chest to store.<br />

Courtesy of: Reed & Barton<br />

Fair Market Value: $275 Opening Bid: $150<br />

4024 Tracy Porter Dishware<br />

Ar te sian Road Col lec tion 11" cake stand and Ar te sian<br />

Road Col lec tion Pea cock con di ment server.<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Zrike Co.<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

4025 Tracy Porter Dishware<br />

Dip bowl set with 4 bowls and a tray.<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Zrike Co.<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $40<br />


4026 Mario Batali Salt and Pepper Mill<br />

12’’ solid ma ple salt and pep per mill with ma hog any<br />

stain, hand crafted.<br />

Courtesy of: Vic Firth<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

4027 Keurig B-40 Coffee Brewer & K-Cups<br />

Keurig B-40 Cof fee Brewer with Quiet Brew and 4 Car -<br />

tons of K-Cups.<br />

Courtesy of: Green Mountain Coffee Roasters<br />

Fair Market Value: $160 Opening Bid: $80<br />

4028 A Jolt of Java<br />

Brew your own cof fee from Oren’s Daily Roast and take<br />

your cof fee to go in these beau ti ful por ce lain travel<br />

mugs. In cludes 4 as sorted mugs in var i ous col ors and a<br />

gift cer tif i cate for 4 freshly roasted half pounds of Oren’s<br />

Daily Roast coffee.<br />

Note: Ex cludes rare cof fees<br />

Courtesy of: Oren’s Daily Roast, Waechtersbach<br />

Fair Market Value: $95 Opening Bid: $45<br />

4029 For the Tea Lover<br />

Green ce ramic sin gle “O” tea pot. Makes 4 cups of tea. In -<br />

cludes satchel of 3 ex otic tea bags plus a dec o rated tea<br />

gift box with 36 sa chets.<br />

Courtesy of: Allan Harari<br />

Fair Market Value: $95 Opening Bid: $45<br />

4030 Tea Time<br />

Coral ce ramic sin gle “O” tea pot. Makes 4 cups of tea. In -<br />

cludes satchel of 3 ex otic tea bags and 4 var i ous fla vored<br />

teas with 12 tea bags of each.<br />

Courtesy of: Allan Harari<br />

Fair Market Value: $82 Opening Bid: $40<br />


4031 Tea Pot Gift Set<br />

Tea Pot gift set. In cludes 2 kinds of tea and small white<br />

tea pot.<br />

Courtesy of: Allan Harari<br />

Fair Market Value: $36 Opening Bid: $20<br />

4032 Tea Pot Gift Set<br />

Tea Pot gift set. In cludes 2 kinds of tea and small red tea<br />

pot.<br />

Courtesy of: Allan Harari<br />

Fair Market Value: $36 Opening Bid: $20<br />

4033 Ceramic Tea Pot<br />

Yel low ce ramic sin gle “O” tea pot. Makes 4 cups of tea. In -<br />

cludes a satchel of 3 ex otic tea bags.<br />

Courtesy of: Allan Harari<br />

Fair Market Value: $30 Opening Bid: $15<br />

For Your Library<br />

4034 Box of Bestsellers<br />

Stock up on these 15 bestsellers from Ran dom House,<br />

Inc. In cluded in this pack age are: UNBROKEN by Laura<br />

Hillenbrand, THEN AGAIN by Di ane Kea ton, CATHERINE<br />

THE GREAT by Rob ert Massie, DECODED by Jay-Z, START<br />

SOMETHING THAT MATTERS by Blake Mycoskie, founder<br />

of TOMS, GAME OF THRONES by George R.R. Mar tin, THE<br />

MONEY CLASS by Suze Orman, and more!<br />

Courtesy of: Julie Grau<br />

Fair Market Value: $400 Opening Bid: $200<br />

4035 Digital Camera and Photo Book<br />

Cap ture those cher ished mo ments with a Canon<br />

Powershot A490 with 4GB SD mem ory card, camera case<br />

and tab le top tri pod. Turn your trea sured mem o ries into a<br />

time less keep sake with a per son al ized 14-page photo<br />


ook. Cre ate your cus tom photo book on-line in min utes<br />

and en joy it for a lifetime.<br />

Courtesy of: Darren Schiff<br />

Fair Market Value: $160 Opening Bid: $80<br />

4036 Digital Camera and Photo Book<br />

Cap ture those cher ished mo ments with a Canon<br />

Powershot A490 with 4GB SD mem ory card, cam era case<br />

and tab le top tri pod. Turn your trea sured mem o ries into a<br />

time less keep sake with a per son al ized 14-page photo<br />

book. Cre ate your cus tom photo book on-line in min utes<br />

and en joy it for a lifetime.<br />

Courtesy of: Darren Schiff<br />

Fair Market Value: $160 Opening Bid: $80<br />

4037 Digital Camera and Photo Book<br />

Cap ture those cher ished mo ments with a Canon<br />

Powershot A490 with 4GB SD mem ory card, cam era case<br />

and tab le top tri pod. Turn your trea sured mem o ries into a<br />

time less keep sake with a per son al ized 14-page photo<br />

book. Cre ate your cus tom photo book on-line in min utes<br />

and en joy it for a lifetime.<br />

Courtesy of: Darren Schiff<br />

Fair Market Value: $160 Opening Bid: $80<br />

4038 Digital Camera and Photo Book<br />

Cap ture those cher ished mo ments with a Canon<br />

Powershot A490 with 4GB SD mem ory card, camera case<br />

and tab le top tri pod. Turn your trea sured mem o ries into a<br />

time less keep sake with a per son al ized 14-page photo<br />

book. Cre ate your cus tom photo book on-line in min utes<br />

and en joy it for a life time.<br />

Courtesy of: Darren Schiff<br />

Fair Market Value: $160 Opening Bid: $80<br />


4039 Amazon Kindle Reader<br />

Read all of your fa vor ite books and mag a zines with the<br />

Am a zon Kin dle Reader! Co mes with a 6" dis play and<br />

black neo prene sleeve.<br />

Courtesy of: Stacy and Jason Helfstein<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

4040 AdoramaPix Photo Book<br />

Turn your trea sured mem o ries into a time less keep sake<br />

with a per son al ized 14-page photo book. Cre ate your<br />

cus tom photo book on-line in min utes and en joy it for a<br />

life time.<br />

Courtesy of: Darren Schiff<br />

Fair Market Value: $25 Opening Bid: $15<br />

4041 For the Book Lover<br />

Add to your book col lec tion with a $25 gift card to<br />

Barnes and No ble and a $15 gift cer tif i cate to <strong>The</strong> Bank<br />

Street Book store.<br />

Courtesy of: Bank Street Bookstore, Barnes & Noble<br />

Fair Market Value: $40 Opening Bid: $20<br />

Judaica<br />

4042 Enamel and Swarovski Crystal Candlesticks<br />

Hand painted and adorned with Swarovski crys tals. Beau -<br />

ti ful can dle sticks for Shabbat.<br />

Courtesy of: Wynne Enterprises<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />

4043 Handmade Tzedakah Box<br />

A beau ti ful brass tzedakah box with hand painted<br />

enamel and adorned with Swarovski crys tals.<br />

Courtesy of: Quest Gifts and Design, Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />


4044 Pewter Candlesticks<br />

One pair of pew ter hur ri cane can dle sticks per fect for<br />

your shabbat ta ble—hand made in the USA by Em pire<br />

Silver.<br />

Courtesy of: Empire Silver<br />

Fair Market Value: $175 Opening Bid: $90<br />

4045 Beautiful Handknit Kippot<br />

Kippot for kids! 6 pieces knit lov ingly by a <strong>Heschel</strong><br />

grand par ent.<br />

Courtesy of: Sara Shapiro-Plevan and William Plevan<br />

Fair Market Value: $90 Opening Bid: $45<br />

4046 Chanukiah<br />

A chanukiah made in Is rael and signed by the art ist.<br />

Note: No ex changes<br />

Courtesy of: West Side Judaica<br />

Fair Market Value: $79 Opening Bid: $40<br />

Professional Services<br />

4047 <strong>The</strong> Start of a Tiny Nest<br />

Eight hours of de sign con sul ta tion and pro duc tion on a<br />

nurs ery or child’s play room.<br />

Note: www.mytinynest.com<br />

Courtesy of: My Tiny Nest<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,600 Opening Bid: $800<br />

4048 3-Hour Session with an Architectural Designer<br />

Assaf Leib is a suc cess ful ar chi tec tural de signer in New<br />

York City. Leib will share ideas, sketch cre ative op tions<br />

and pro vide you with a better so lu tion for your space.<br />

From con cep tion to com ple tion, Leib man ages all as -<br />


pects of re mod el ing pro jects and al ways ex ceeds his cli -<br />

ent’s expectations.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; must sched ule ses sion at least 10 days in<br />

ad vance; www.leibdesigns.com<br />

Courtesy of: Leib Designs<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,000 Opening Bid: $500<br />

4049 Buy My Eye Interior Design Consultation<br />

<strong>The</strong> 2-hour Buy My Eye In te rior De sign con sul ta tion is<br />

the ideal so lu tion to help sim plify the “do it your self” in -<br />

te rior de sign pro cess and, more im por tantly, keep it fun!<br />

In-per son con sul ta tion at your home or of fice is of fered<br />

in hourly time blocks ac cord ing to your spe cific needs.<br />

Note: Rec om mended by Elana Genger; in Manhattan only;<br />

Mon day–Fri day 9am–6pm<br />

Courtesy of: Perianth Interior Design<br />

Fair Market Value: $450 Opening Bid: $225<br />

4050 Buy My Eye Interior Design Consultation<br />

<strong>The</strong> 2-hour Buy My Eye In te rior De sign con sul ta tion is<br />

the ideal so lu tion to help sim plify the “do it your self” in -<br />

te rior de sign pro cess and, more im por tantly, keep it fun!<br />

In-per son con sul ta tion at your home or of fice is of fered<br />

in hourly time blocks ac cord ing to your specific needs.<br />

Note: Rec om mended by Elana Genger; in Manhattan only;<br />

Mon day–Fri day 9am–6pm<br />

Courtesy of: Perianth Interior Design<br />

Fair Market Value: $450 Opening Bid: $225<br />

4051 Your Amazing Space<br />

Pro fes sional or ga niz ing ser vices for your home or of fice.<br />

1 hour of con sul ta tion and 2 hours of ser vices.<br />

Note: Rec om mended by Jeannie Fisher; ex pires June 1, <strong>2012</strong>;<br />

www.youramazingspace.com<br />

Courtesy of: Your Amazing Space<br />

Fair Market Value: $400 Opening Bid: $200<br />


4052 Done and Done NYC<br />

Two pro fes sional or ga niz ers will come to your home for 4<br />

hours and help get the chaos un der con trol!<br />

Note: Rec om mended by Bev Shnaps-Mor ris<br />

Courtesy of: Done and Done NYC<br />

Fair Market Value: $400 Opening Bid: $200<br />

4053 Organization by Dena<br />

Two hours of or ga ni za tional ser vices. <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent<br />

Dena Mauthner will help you min i mize the clut ter, as sist<br />

with pa per man age ment, and bring or der to any area of<br />

your home or of fice.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; only in Manhattan<br />

Courtesy of: Organization by Dena<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />

4054 One Week at the Country Canine Spa (Canterbury, CT)<br />

One week of dog board ing at Quinebaug Ken nels’ pre -<br />

miere ken nel and train ing fa cil ity. Board ing in cludes all<br />

day play time with other dogs and two long ex er cise ses -<br />

sions a day. Groom ing ser vice also included!<br />

Note: Shut tle ser vice not in cluded; www.quinebaugkennels.com<br />

Courtesy of: Quinebaug Kennels<br />

Fair Market Value: $275 Opening Bid: $150<br />

4055 Lucky Lil’ Darlings<br />

En joy a 6-month mem ber ship and 5 hours of babysitting<br />

from Lucky Lil’ Dar lings a de pend able, fully-in sured, elite<br />

fam ily care so lu tions com pany equipped with hand-se -<br />

lected, stel lar sit ters. LLD was es tab lished to help busy<br />

fam i lies re spond to life’s daily de mands and pro vide topqual<br />

ity fam ily care for your Lucky Lil’ Dar lings.<br />

Note: Must reg is ter by April 7, <strong>2012</strong>; max i mum of 3 chil dren; ex pires<br />

June 30, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Lucky Lil’ Darlings<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />


4056 Parenting Session on a Topic of Your Choice<br />

Strug gling with sib ling ri valry? Want to learn more about<br />

rais ing kids with a healthy self es teem? Come with your<br />

ques tions on any parenting topic for a one hour ses sion<br />

with Car o lyn H. Meyer-Wartels, a Li censed Clin i cal So cial<br />

Worker with over 15 years of ex pe ri ence help ing par ents,<br />

chil dren and fam i lies. Ms. Meyer has ap peared as an ex -<br />

pert on ABC News; has authored sev eral ar ti cles; and is a<br />

reg u lar speaker for lo cal and na tional schools and or ga -<br />

ni za tions. Ms. Meyer is also a mother of two chil dren.<br />

Note: Rec om mended by Dana Fine and Jeannie Fisher<br />

Courtesy of: Carolyn Meyer-Wartels<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

4057 Technology Help by Abe Hendin, At Your Speed<br />

Need help with your per sonal or home of fice tech nol -<br />

ogy? Call the <strong>Heschel</strong> com puter guy known as the “Abeinator.”<br />

I keep tech nol ogy hum ming at <strong>Heschel</strong>, and<br />

would be de lighted to bring my many years of ex per tise<br />

to you. Mac, Win dows, and mo bile de vice prob lem solv -<br />

ing, pre-pur chase con sul ta tion and sys tem setup, switch -<br />

ing from Win dows to Mac or vice versa, net work ing so lu -<br />

tions, data re cov ery, backup and re store, tu tor ing,<br />

database design and more.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; valid for two hours of ser vice in<br />

Manhattan or Brook lyn; www.yourspeed.com<br />

Courtesy of: Abe Hendin, AtYourSpeed Consulting<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

4058 Technology Help by Abe Hendin, At Your Speed<br />

Need help with your per sonal or home of fice tech nol -<br />

ogy? Call the <strong>Heschel</strong> com puter guy known as the “Abeinator.”<br />

I keep tech nol ogy hum ming at <strong>Heschel</strong>, and<br />

would be de lighted to bring my many years of ex per tise<br />

to you. Mac, Win dows, and mo bile de vice prob lem solv -<br />

ing, pre-pur chase con sul ta tion and sys tem setup, switch -<br />

ing from Win dows to Mac or vice versa, net work ing<br />


so lu tions, data re cov ery, backup and re store, tu tor ing,<br />

database design and more.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; valid for two hours of ser vice in<br />

Manhattan or Brook lyn; www.yourspeed.com<br />

Courtesy of: Abe Hendin, AtYourSpeed Consulting<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

4059 Perhaps Coaching and Training<br />

Two hour ses sion of coach ing for a per sonal or work re -<br />

lated goal with Pauleen Ward Brown, the founder of Per -<br />

haps Coach ing.<br />

Note: Will travel to meet you in Manhattan, or work can hap pen on<br />

Skype or on the phone; ex pires April 30, <strong>2012</strong>;<br />

www.perhapscoaching.com<br />

Courtesy of: Perhaps Coaching<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

4060 Canine Styles<br />

$75 gift cer tif i cate to ward groom ing or mer chan dise at<br />

any lo ca tion (Lexington Av e nue be tween 81st and 82nd<br />

Streets, Lexington Av e nue be tween 63rd and 64th<br />

Streets, Broad way at 80th Street and Green wich Ave at<br />

West 11th Street).<br />

Courtesy of: Canine Styles<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $40<br />

4061 Fancy Care Cleaners<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate to this clean ers lo cated at 88th and<br />

Broad way.<br />

Note: Ex pires De cem ber 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Fancy Care Cleaners<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />






Camps<br />

5000 Camp Modin (Belgrade, Maine)<br />

$5000 credit to wards a <strong>2012</strong> Camp Modin en roll ment.<br />

Camp Modin is the old est Jew ish camp in New Eng land,<br />

sit u ated in the pris tine wil der ness of Maine’s beau ti ful<br />

Bel grade Lakes re gion, owned and op er ated by <strong>Heschel</strong><br />

par ents Lisa and Howard Salzberg and cur rently cel e -<br />

brat ing its 90th sea son. Camp ers en joy a com mu nity ori -<br />

ented en vi ron ment in which they can learn, grow and<br />

de velop life long friend ships, all in a Jew ish cul tural en vi -<br />

ron ment. Camp Modin em ploys pro fes sional teach ers,<br />

men tors and coun sel ors, all ded i cated to wards mak ing a<br />

dif fer ence in the lives of chil dren. <strong>The</strong> camp is ACA ac -<br />

cred ited and ko sher.<br />

Note: Must be a cur rent reg is tered fam ily for the <strong>2012</strong> sea son;<br />

www.modin.com<br />

Courtesy of: Camp Modin, Lisa and Howard Salzberg<br />

Fair Market Value: $5,000 Opening Bid: $2,500<br />

5001 JCC Day Camp<br />

One four-week ses sion at the JCC Day Camp in Pearl<br />

River (June 19–July 22, <strong>2012</strong> or July 25–Au gust 19, <strong>2012</strong>).<br />

Note: Can only be used by a new camper; must reg is ter by June 1, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: JCC in Manhattan<br />

Fair Market Value: $3,000 Opening Bid: $1,500<br />

5002 Teen Hampton<br />

Two weeks at Teen Hampton camp, ex clu sively for teens<br />

en ter ing 6th through 10th grades.<br />

Note: Ap pli ca ble for <strong>2012</strong> sum mer and can not be used as a credit or re -<br />

deemed for cash or re sold; one fam ily only<br />

Courtesy of: Teen Hampton<br />

Fair Market Value: $3,000 Opening Bid: $1,500<br />


5003 Deer Mountain Day Camp<br />

Credit for two weeks of camp at Deer Moun tain Day<br />

Camp dur ing the <strong>2012</strong> sum mer sea son. Deer Moun tain<br />

pro vides trans por ta tion to/from Manhattan, as well as<br />

other se lect areas.<br />

Note: Valid for new fam i lies only; ex pires June 1, <strong>2012</strong>; voucher is nontrans<br />

fer able; www.deermountaindaycamp.com<br />

Courtesy of: Deer Mountain Day Camp<br />

Fair Market Value: $2,000 Opening Bid: $1,000<br />

5004 Ramah Day Camp in Nyack<br />

$300 tu i tion credit on a full or sec ond ses sion en roll ment<br />

for sum mer <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Courtesy of: Ramah Day Camp in Nyack<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />

5005 <strong>The</strong> Art Farm Camp<br />

One week of sum mer camp for the week of June 25–29,<br />

<strong>2012</strong> in Bridgehampton for ages 3–15.<br />

Note: Valid for that week only; child can come for 2, 3 or 5 days; no re -<br />

turns or ex changes<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Art Farm<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,360 Opening Bid: $700<br />

5006 NY Kids Club’s Summer Adventure Camp<br />

2 weeks of NY Kids Club’s <strong>2012</strong> sum mer camp! Mon day–<br />

Fri day be tween 9am–12pm for chil dren be tween the<br />

ages of 2.5–6 years old. This sum mer, the chil dren will<br />

fol low the Olym pic torch as they climb the Great Wall of<br />

China, dis cover the jun gles of Brazil and ex plore the pyr -<br />

a mids of Egypt. Nur tur ing coaches lead Olym pic games<br />

and fit ness ac tiv i ties in clud ing gym nas tics, sports time<br />

and mar tial arts. Chil dren’s imag i na tions will be in spired<br />

through the matic art pro jects, cre ative move ment and a<br />


one-of-a kind in ter ac tive the ater ex pe ri ence celebrating<br />

each week’s theme.<br />

Note: Only valid for sum mer camp; if full weeks are not a good fit, con -<br />

tact NY Kids Club for op tions<br />

Courtesy of: NY Kids Club<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,160 Opening Bid: $600<br />

5007 92nd Street Y Camp Yomi or Yomi Seniors<br />

25% off tu i tion for one child dur ing the sum mer of <strong>2012</strong><br />

at Camp Yomi or Yomi Se niors at 92nd Street Y. This cer -<br />

tif i cate does not en sure a space in camp. Dis count de -<br />

pends on spe cific camper ses sion/fees.<br />

Note: Reg is tra tion must be com pleted sep a rately and by June <strong>2012</strong>;<br />

www.92y.org<br />

Courtesy of: 92nd Street Y Camps<br />

Fair Market Value: $800 Opening Bid: $400<br />

5008 Fencers Club Summer Day Camp<br />

One week of Fenc ers Club Sum mer Day Camp lo cated at<br />

229 West 28th Street. A great chance for kids to com bine<br />

morn ings of en ter tain ing ed u ca tional ac tiv i ties with af -<br />

ter noons en gaged in the ex cit ing, fast-paced sport of<br />

modern fencing.<br />

Note: One child for one week; to be used in sum mer <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Fencers Club<br />

Fair Market Value: $700 Opening Bid: $350<br />

5009 Gymnastics Summer Camp<br />

One week of <strong>2012</strong> full day gym nas tics sum mer camp<br />

pro vided by NYC Elite Gym nas tics lo cated at 421 East<br />

91st Street (M–F 9am–3:30pm).<br />

Note: Ages 5 and up<br />

Courtesy of: NYC Elite Gymnastics<br />

Fair Market Value: $550 Opening Bid: $250<br />


5010 A Week of Tap Camp<br />

One week of Tap Camp ei ther Au gust 13–17, <strong>2012</strong> for<br />

ages 5–8 with 0–3 years of ex pe ri ence, or Au gust 20–24,<br />

<strong>2012</strong> for ages 8–13 with 3 or more years of ex pe ri ence.<br />

<strong>The</strong> stu dio is lo cated at 154 Chris to pher Street.<br />

Courtesy of: American Tap Dance Foundation<br />

Fair Market Value: $495 Opening Bid: $250<br />

5011 <strong>The</strong> Baseball Center<br />

One week of half day sum mer camp.<br />

Note: Ex pires De cem ber 21, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Baseball Center NYC<br />

Fair Market Value: $425 Opening Bid: $225<br />

5012 Central Park Sports<br />

One week at Cen tral Park Sports Sum mer Pro gram. <strong>The</strong><br />

pro gram pro vides ath letic ac tiv ity and in struc tion in a<br />

non-com pet i tive en vi ron ment to chil dren ages 3–10.<br />

Camp ers re ceive ba sic in struc tion from lo cal coaches<br />

and col lege ath letes in a va ri ety of sports (soc cer, base -<br />

ball, bas ket ball, vol ley ball, la crosse, foot ball etc.) as well<br />

as su per vi sion in clas sic park games such as frisbee,<br />

capture the flag and more.<br />

Note: Sub ject to avail abil ity; valid for sum mer <strong>2012</strong>;<br />

www.centralparksportscamp.com<br />

Courtesy of: Central Park Sports<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />

Clothing & Accessories<br />

5013 Stokke® Xplory® Stroller in Navy<br />

Stokke® Xplory® stroller’s in no va tive de sign brings your<br />

child closer to par ents and away from dust. <strong>The</strong> in no va -<br />

tive height optimizes eye con tact and bond ing be tween<br />

par ent and baby, and tod dlers en joy a more in ter est ing<br />

pan oramic view. Just as ex cit ing, the height al lows it to<br />


func tion as a high chair so din ing out, meet ing friends at<br />

a café and other so cial ac tiv i ties are more en joy able for<br />

all. Be ing higher up also means easy han dling for par ents<br />

in car ing for the child—no need to bend over! Easy to<br />

ma neu ver and ex tremely sta ble, it also fea tures ad just -<br />

able 2-way seat ing, a foot rest that grows with the child,<br />

and 2-wheel mode for car ry ing the stroller up and down<br />

stairs. <strong>The</strong> Stokke® Xplory® stroller is the only urban<br />

stroller you’ll ever need.<br />

Courtesy of: Lisa and Howard Salzberg<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,100 Opening Bid: $550<br />

5014 Tomato Red iCandy “Peach” Model Stroller<br />

This model is new to the mar ket and co mes from the<br />

award-win ning Brit ish com pany iCandy known for its in -<br />

no va tive, func tional and styl ish prod ucts that keep both<br />

your baby’s de vel op ment and health in mind. This light -<br />

weight com pact stroller al lows you to fold with one hand<br />

and can be con verted to al low ba bies to face for ward or<br />

back wards. <strong>The</strong> stroller can also con vert into a dou ble as<br />

your fam ily grows. A great ver sa tile stroller in a cheerful<br />

red color.<br />

Courtesy of: Lisa and Howard Salzberg<br />

Fair Market Value: $900 Opening Bid: $450<br />

5015 Stokke Tripp Trapp® High Chair<br />

Not only does Tripp Trapp® grow with your child, it can<br />

be ad justed to cus tom fit your child’s body through its<br />

unique depth and height ad just able seat and foot plate.<br />

This en ables com fort able and cor rect er go nomic seat ing<br />

for chil dren of any age. Chair in cludes baby set for 6+<br />

month old in fant. Color: natural.<br />

Courtesy of: Lisa and Howard Salzberg<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />


5016 For the Knitter<br />

This bas ket in cludes ten 100 gram hanks of<br />

NORO Kogarashi color #4 (multicolor) yarn. A fab u lous,<br />

lux u ri ous, quick-knit yarn made of 51% Silk, 49% Wool by<br />

Eisuku Noro, the grand mas ter spin ner. Also in cluded are<br />

one Jenny Wat son “City Girl” book, One Noro Vol ume 28<br />

Fall book, and two sets of knit ting needles.<br />

Courtesy of: Leah and Joshua Wurzburger<br />

Fair Market Value: $245 Opening Bid: $125<br />

5017 Camp Modin Apparel Pack<br />

$200 credit to ward Camp Modin ap parel.<br />

Note: www.modin.com<br />

Courtesy of: Camp Modin, Lisa and Howard Salzberg<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

5018 Monogrammed Beach Bag<br />

Me dium sized vi nyl mono grammed beach bag.<br />

Note: Item takes 4–6 weeks from date of or der; www.babyjaxgifts.com<br />

Courtesy of: Jax Gifts<br />

Fair Market Value: $190 Opening Bid: $95<br />

5019 Crewcuts Lemlem Dresses<br />

Two cus tom Lemlem dresses spe cif i cally for Crewcuts.<br />

Sizes: 10 years and Large.<br />

Note: No re turns or ex changes<br />

Courtesy of: J.Crew<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

5020 Baby Brezza<br />

Pre par ing your own baby food is easy with the Baby<br />

Brezza One Step Baby Food Maker!<br />

Courtesy of: Baby Brezza Enterprises<br />

Fair Market Value: $99 Opening Bid: $50<br />


5021 Infinity<br />

$75 gift cer tif i cate to this high end girls (ages 4–16)<br />

cloth ing store.<br />

Courtesy of: Infinity<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $40<br />

5022 Taroo Too<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate to this ador able kids cloth ing bou -<br />

tique lo cated at 1480 First Av e nue at 77th Street.<br />

Courtesy of: Taroo Too<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

5023 Over the Shoulder Baby Sling<br />

Courtesy of: Harry and Clarissa Uvegi<br />

Fair Market Value: $60 Opening Bid: $30<br />

5024 <strong>Heschel</strong>wear for the Whole Family<br />

Show your school pride with a tie dye <strong>Heschel</strong> tote filled<br />

with good ies for the whole fam ily!<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>Heschel</strong> Parents’ Association<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

5025 <strong>Heschel</strong>wear for the Whole Family<br />

Show your school pride with a can vas <strong>Heschel</strong> tote filled<br />

with good ies for the whole fam ily!<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>Heschel</strong> Parents’ Association<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

5026 West Side Kids<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate.<br />

Courtesy of: West Side Kids<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />


5027 Doodle Doo’s<br />

One chil dren’s hair cut at the beau ti ful and spa cious chil -<br />

dren’s sa lon and toy store lo cated at 11 Chris to pher<br />

Street.<br />

Courtesy of: Doodle Doo’s<br />

Fair Market Value: $35 Opening Bid: $20<br />

5028 Cozy’s Cuts for Kids<br />

One child’s hair cut at any of the Cozy’s Cuts for Kids<br />

lo ca tions.<br />

Courtesy of: Cozy’s Cuts for Kids<br />

Fair Market Value: $29 Opening Bid: $15<br />

5029 Mabel’s Labels<br />

Never lose an other sippy cup or lunchbox con tainer<br />

again! “Sticky La bels” are du ra ble, wa ter proof la bels for<br />

iden ti fy ing lunch con tain ers, bot tles, toys, sports equip -<br />

ment and much more. You will re ceive 45 per son al ized<br />

la bels in your choice of multi-color de signs or 3 solid<br />

palettes.<br />

Note: Ex pires March 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Mabel’s Labels<br />

Fair Market Value: $21 Opening Bid: $10<br />

Family Fun<br />

5030 Chelsea Piers<br />

Four Gold Pass ports to Chelsea Piers. In cludes: Health<br />

Club Day Pass, $15 Tee Time Card, and Ad mis sion to Gen -<br />

eral Ice Skat ing, Tod dler Ad ven ture Pass, 5 Bat ting Cage<br />

To kens, and free bowl ing shoe rental (with pur chase of<br />

game).<br />

Note: Ex pires in 6 months<br />

Courtesy of: Chelsea Piers Management, Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $240 Opening Bid: $120<br />


5031 Scribble Press Family Membership<br />

En joy a year-long fam ily mem ber ship which grants up to<br />

3 chil dren, 2 par ents and 1 care giver free stu dio ac cess at<br />

any Scrib ble Press lo ca tion. Mem ber ship ben e fits also in -<br />

clude $50 off a birth day party, $25 off a cus tom art book,<br />

10% off all classes and camps, and 10% off all mer chan -<br />

dise. Also in cluded is a $50 gift certificate.<br />

Courtesy of: Jeffrey Mann and Skye Gabel,<br />

Scribble Press<br />

Fair Market Value: $170 Opening Bid: $85<br />

5032 <strong>The</strong> Little Orchestra Society<br />

Four tick ets to a Lolli-Pops or Happy Con certs for Young<br />

Peo ple per for mance of your choice.<br />

Note: Sub ject to avail abil ity<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Little Orchestra Society<br />

Fair Market Value: $160 Opening Bid: $80<br />

5033 French Institute Alliance Francaise<br />

En joy a fam ily mem ber ship to FIAF. Mem ber ship ben e fits<br />

in clude: free ad mis sion to CinémaTuesdays; full ac cess to<br />

the Haskell Li brary; dis counted tick ets to all FIAF cul tural<br />

events; in vi ta tions to spe cial Mem bers’ only events; spe -<br />

cial dis counts with part ner or ga ni za tions; and much<br />

more.<br />

Note: Must ac ti vate mem ber ship by No vem ber 7, <strong>2012</strong>; mem ber ship is<br />

for up to 2 adults and 4 chil dren<br />

Courtesy of: French Institute Alliance Francaise<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />


5034 Family Membership at Make Meaning<br />

<strong>The</strong> fam ily mem ber ship in cludes free ad mis sion for 5<br />

peo ple for an en tire year for any Make Mean ing lo ca tion,<br />

$50 off a Make Mean ing birth day party, $25 off a Make<br />

Mean ing class and 10% off re tail.<br />

Courtesy of: Make Meaning<br />

Fair Market Value: $149 Opening Bid: $75<br />

5035 Symphony Space Membership<br />

Sym phony Space of fers a wide range of pro gram ming<br />

through out the year that in cludes mu sic, dance, lit er a -<br />

ture, the ater and film. Mem ber ship in cludes 15%–30%<br />

dis counts on Sym phony Space pro duced events for 2<br />

adults and up to 4 chil dren, se lect mer chan dise, as well<br />

as tasty drinks and treats at Bar Thalia. Also, mem bers re -<br />

ceive ben e fits from neigh bor hood ven dors, pri or ity ad -<br />

mis sions to an nual Wall to Wall mar a thons, mem ber tick -<br />

ets pre-sales, sub scrip tion pri or i ties, special promotions<br />

and more.<br />

Note: Ac ti vate mem ber ship no later than 12/1/<strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Symphony Space<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

5036 Broadway Playhouse<br />

2 tick ets to Yip Harburg at Merkin Con cert Hall on Sunday<br />

March 18, <strong>2012</strong> at 11 am. En joy in ven tive lyr ics from<br />

Broad way and Hol ly wood. Ex pe ri ence sing alongs, in ter -<br />

ac tive games and a mini musical.<br />

Note: Tick ets must be re served by Feb ru ary 15, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Kaufman Center/ Lucy Moses <strong>School</strong><br />

Fair Market Value: $40 Opening Bid: $20<br />

5037 Poppy Seed Players<br />

2 tick ets to see the Poppy Seed Play ers in Shle miel<br />

Crooks—A Pass over Mu si cal on Sunday April 1, <strong>2012</strong> at 11<br />

am. A boy and his dog stop the ghost of Pha raoh from<br />

ru in ing Pass over in this warm-hearted fam ily mu si cal<br />


ased on the books of award-win ning au thor Anna<br />

Olswanger.<br />

Note: Tick ets must be re served by Feb ru ary 15, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Kaufman Center/ Lucy Moses <strong>School</strong><br />

Fair Market Value: $40 Opening Bid: $20<br />

5038 Artie Bennett Book Reading<br />

Award win ning and best sell ing chil dren’s book au thor,<br />

Artie Bennett, will read out of his pop u lar chil dren’s book<br />

in your home and will give the win ner in scribed cop ies<br />

of his pop u lar books <strong>The</strong> Butt Book and Poopendous!<br />

Note: Read ing will take place in the win ner’s home on a mu tu ally<br />

agreeable date<br />

Courtesy of: Artie Bennett<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />

Photographers<br />

5039 A Page Right Out of a Magazine<br />

A pic ture is worth a thou sand words...and the ones you<br />

will get af ter this photo shoot will be too amaz ing to ac -<br />

tu ally put into words! Let two <strong>Heschel</strong> par ents and pro -<br />

fes sion als get your fam ily photo-ready. In vite for mer<br />

Vogue and Cos mo pol i tan fash ion ed i tor and <strong>Heschel</strong><br />

par ent, Danielle Levy, into your closet to out fit your fam -<br />

ily and get them ready for their photo shoot. And let<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> par ent and pro fes sional pho tog ra pher, Fiona<br />

Aboud make your pho to graphic dreams come true.<br />

Fiona’s work has ap peared in Time, <strong>The</strong> New York Times<br />

Mag a zine, and Sports Il lus trated. Your fam ily pho tos will<br />

end up look ing like pages right out of a mag a zine! Af ter<br />

the fun fam ily photo shoot you will re ceive a link with all<br />

of the high-res o lu tion images for you to download.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date and lo ca tion<br />

Courtesy of: Fiona Aboud, Danielle Levy<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $350<br />


5040 Kramer Portraits<br />

Gift cer tif i cate for Le Pe tite Por trait. One 14 inch Mas ter -<br />

piece Por trait on can vas with art ist hand painted de tail -<br />

ing of a child (up to 8 chil dren, ages three to sev en teen<br />

years of age). <strong>The</strong> photo will be pho to graphed in their<br />

stu dio at the Four Sea sons Ho tel in New York City by<br />

Steven Kramer.<br />

Note: Dates avail able: March 9, 10, 11; April 14, 15; May 19, 20; June 9,<br />

10; July 14,15; Au gust 11, 12; Sep tem ber 8, 9; Oc to ber 20, 21; No vem ber<br />

16, 17, 18; De cem ber 27, 28, 29, 30<br />

Courtesy of: Kramer Portraits<br />

Fair Market Value: $3,500 Opening Bid: $1,500<br />

5041 Lifestyle Family Photography Session<br />

1-hour pho tog ra phy ses sion in clud ing disc of the highres<br />

o lu tion ed ited im ages and one 16x20 can vas print.<br />

Note: Ses sion must be booked by Au gust <strong>2012</strong> and must be used within<br />

one year from auc tion<br />

Courtesy of: Stacey Ilyse Photography<br />

Fair Market Value: $2,000 Opening Bid: $1,000<br />

5042 Izik Mishan Photography<br />

Two hour fam ily/chil dren photo shoot in your home with<br />

pho tog ra pher Izik Mishan, hus band of K-506 teacher Illy<br />

Massey. In cluded is a CD of the im ages.<br />

Courtesy of: Izik Mishan Photography<br />

Fair Market Value: $700 Opening Bid: $350<br />

5043 Short Family Film<br />

Five min ute pro duc tion qual ity film to be pro duced from<br />

home me dia vid eos and pho tos. Each hour of raw foot -<br />

age makes 3–5 min utes of film.<br />

Courtesy of: Lemongrove Productions Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $625 Opening Bid: $315<br />


5044 Modern Family Photography by Kenneth Chen<br />

This gift cer tif i cate is re deem able for one Mod ern Fam ily<br />

Pho tog ra phy ex pe ri ence, which in cludes three ap point -<br />

ments—Plan ning Con sul ta tion, Por trait Sit ting, Show -<br />

room Ap point ment and a tab le top pho to graph, en -<br />

hanced, fin ished, ar chi val mounted and ready for<br />

framing.<br />

Note: First time cli ents only; sit ting will take place from 2/21/<strong>2012</strong>–<br />

5/15/<strong>2012</strong>; DVDs and dig i tal files are not pro vided; ship ping and han -<br />

dling is not in cluded; travel fee will ap ply for lo ca tions be yond the New<br />

York City area<br />

Courtesy of: Kenneth Chen Portraits<br />

Fair Market Value: $600 Opening Bid: $300<br />

5045 Modern Family Photography by Kenneth Chen<br />

This gift cer tif i cate is re deem able for one Mod ern Fam ily<br />

Pho tog ra phy ex pe ri ence, which in cludes three ap point -<br />

ments—Plan ning Con sul ta tion, Por trait Sit ting, Show -<br />

room Ap point ment and a tab le top pho to graph, en -<br />

hanced, fin ished, ar chi val mounted and ready for<br />

framing.<br />

Note: First time cli ents only; sit ting will take place from 2/21/<strong>2012</strong>–<br />

5/15/<strong>2012</strong>; DVDs and dig i tal files are not pro vided; ship ping and han -<br />

dling is not in cluded; travel fee will ap ply for lo ca tions be yond the New<br />

York City area<br />

Courtesy of: Kenneth Chen Portraits<br />

Fair Market Value: $600 Opening Bid: $300<br />

5046 Fred Marcus Photography<br />

Fam ily por trait, which in cludes one 11x14 cus tom por -<br />

trait for a fam ily of up to 6 peo ple.<br />

Courtesy of: Fred Marcus Photography and<br />

Videography<br />

Fair Market Value: $600 Opening Bid: $300<br />


5047 Fred Marcus Photography<br />

Fam ily por trait, which in cludes one 11x14 cus tom por -<br />

trait for a fam ily of up to 6 peo ple.<br />

Courtesy of: Fred Marcus Photography and<br />

Videography<br />

Fair Market Value: $600 Opening Bid: $300<br />

5048 Leshem Loft Family Portrait Session<br />

Stu dio ses sion with Is raeli art ist, Yaron Leshem, whose<br />

work is part of the per ma nent col lec tion of the MoMA.<br />

Ses sion in cludes two 8”x10” prints.<br />

Note: Stu dio only; ex pires Oc to ber 31, <strong>2012</strong>; mu tu ally agree able dates<br />

Courtesy of: Leshem Loft, LLC<br />

Fair Market Value: $595 Opening Bid: $300<br />

5049 Classic Kids Photography<br />

Com pli men tary photo ses sion for up to two sub jects and<br />

one 8 x 10 hand made ar chi val black and white print at<br />

the Up per East Side studio.<br />

Note: Not valid Oc to ber 1–De cem ber 1; valid at UES lo ca tion only<br />

Courtesy of: Classic Kids Photography<br />

Fair Market Value: $595 Opening Bid: $300<br />

5050 Classic Kids Photography<br />

Com pli men tary photo ses sion for up to two sub jects and<br />

one 8 x 10 hand made ar chi val black and white print at<br />

the Up per East Side studio.<br />

Note: Not valid Oc to ber 1–De cem ber 1; valid at UES lo ca tion only<br />

Courtesy of: Classic Kids Photography<br />

Fair Market Value: $595 Opening Bid: $300<br />


5051 Classic Kids Photography<br />

Com pli men tary photo ses sion for up to two sub jects and<br />

one 8 x 10 hand made ar chi val black and white print at<br />

the new Up per West Side studio.<br />

Note: Re deem able Wednes day through Fri day only; not valid Oc to ber<br />

1–De cem ber 1; valid at UWS lo ca tion only<br />

Courtesy of: Classic Kids Photography<br />

Fair Market Value: $595 Opening Bid: $300<br />

5052 Sarah Merians Photography and Video Company<br />

A week day stu dio photo ses sion with Sa rah Merians.<br />

Pack age in cludes a set of 4” x 6” proofs and on line view -<br />

ing gal lery.<br />

Courtesy of: Sarah Merians Photography and Video<br />

Company<br />

Fair Market Value: $450 Opening Bid: $225<br />

5053 Family Photo Shoot at PhotoOp<br />

Take your fam ily to photoOp, a new and in no va tive con -<br />

tem po rary por trait stu dio on the UWS, owned by<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Na than Gindi, spe cial iz ing in chil dren<br />

and fam ily pho tos, where you will have a com pli men tary<br />

sit ting. In cluded in this pack age is a $100 print credit to -<br />

wards your pho tos. PhotoOp was re cently named the<br />

Best Chil dren’s Fam ily Photo Stu dio in New York by New<br />

York Mag a zine in their “Best of New York” issue.<br />

Courtesy of: photoOp<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />


5054 Portrait Bug<br />

Take your fam ily to the Up per West Side’s Por trait Bug<br />

stu dio for a photo ses sion. You will re ceive the La dy bug<br />

Por trait Pack age which in cludes half hour photo shoot,<br />

one 8x10 photo, two 5x7 pho tos, one set of 8 wal lets and<br />

10% off all à la carte pur chases.<br />

Note: Ex pires De cem ber 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Portrait Bug<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

Toys, Books, CDs, DVDs, etc.<br />

5055 Sesame Street Extravaganza!<br />

This ex ten sive Ses ame Street pack age in cludes an Elmo<br />

doll, Murray doll, the ex clu sive 40 year an ni ver sary<br />

Honkers doll, an Abby Cadabby doll, the 2010 com plete<br />

Sha lom Ses ame 12-DVD bun dle, A-to-Zoo Wii video<br />

game, Cookie’s Count ing Car ni val Nintendo DS video<br />

game and Elmo Twin Bell Alarm Clock.<br />

Courtesy of: Sesame Street Workshop<br />

Fair Market Value: $325 Opening Bid: $165<br />

5056 Electric Slot Car Race Set<br />

Ex pe ri ence the high-speed thrills of the hit movie “Cars”<br />

for your self with Carrera’s Go!!! Race-o-Rama. With ap -<br />

prox i mately 18 feet of track, this race course co mes with<br />

two 1:43-scale race cars based on the film char ac ters<br />

Light ning McQueen and Chick Hicks. With twists, turns,<br />

ramps, and even places where the two rac ing cars can<br />

col lide, it’s a thrill ing race from start to fin ish. Well de -<br />

signed and easy to build, Carrera is one of the pre mier<br />

track-rac ing com pa nies in the world, and this track<br />

proves their ex per tise. <strong>The</strong> 26 track pieces come in a va ri -<br />

ety of shapes, in clud ing hair pin turns and a pit stop area.<br />


<strong>The</strong>y lock to gether us ing a bolt sys tem, which makes the<br />

track easy to assemble.<br />

Note: In cludes Light ning McQueen race car, Chick Hicks race car, 26<br />

track pieces, 2 con trol lers, and ac ces so ries. For ages 8 and up<br />

Courtesy of: Carrera of America Inc<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

5057 KidKraft Savannah Dollhouse<br />

Dec o rated like a true South ern man sion, the el e gant<br />

Kidkraft Sa van nah Dollhouse is sure to pro vide hours of<br />

fun, imag i na tive play. <strong>The</strong> sturdy dollhouse is made out<br />

of wood, has 4 lev els, 6 rooms of open space and a full<br />

out door pa tio area. Wide win dows show dolls from mul -<br />

ti ple points of view al low ing mul ti ple chil dren to play at<br />

once. KidKraft Sa van nah Dollhouse ac com mo dates all<br />

fash ion dolls up to 11.5" tall.<br />

Courtesy of: KidKraft<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

5058 Magnetic Artist Easel<br />

48" height ad just able wooden ea sel with chalk board and<br />

mag netic dry erase board. In cludes a 18" x 75' pa per roll.<br />

Courtesy of: Alex Toys<br />

Fair Market Value: $154 Opening Bid: $80<br />

5059 Jewish Book Basket<br />

Ten Jew ish con tent or themed chil dren’s books for all<br />

hol i days and oc ca sions. In cludes books such as <strong>The</strong> Bed -<br />

time Sh’ma, Jo seph and the Sab bath Fish, <strong>The</strong> Lit tle Red<br />

Hen and the Pass over Matzah, and much more.<br />

Courtesy of: Sara Shapiro-Plevan and William Plevan<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />


5060 Bundle of Toys<br />

As sort ment of toys for chil dren over 6. Pack age in cludes<br />

Nerf Re ac tor, Cra nium Scribblish, Crayola Toy Story Glow<br />

Board, Glee Magic 8 Ball and Barbie Pink La bel “Ja cob”<br />

from <strong>The</strong> Twi light Saga—New Moon.<br />

Courtesy of: Anonymous<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

5061 Highlights for Children Magazine<br />

El e men tary age High lights for Chil dren Prod uct Gift Pack<br />

of 10 mag a zines and a one-year sub scrip tion to High -<br />

lights or High lights High Five.<br />

Note: Must sub scribe by May 7, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Highlights for Children<br />

Fair Market Value: $70 Opening Bid: $35<br />

5062 Highlights for Children Magazine<br />

El e men tary age High lights for Chil dren Prod uct Gift Pack<br />

of 10 mag a zines and a one-year sub scrip tion to High -<br />

lights or High lights High Five.<br />

Note: Must sub scribe by May 7, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Highlights for Children<br />

Fair Market Value: $70 Opening Bid: $35<br />

5063 KidKraft Puzzle Bundle<br />

In cludes 2 Judaica puz zles and 2 Chanukah puz zles.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se puz zles are made of wood and easy to piece to -<br />

gether. <strong>The</strong>y make a great gift to give dur ing the hol i day<br />

sea son.<br />

Courtesy of: KidKraft<br />

Fair Market Value: $60 Opening Bid: $30<br />


5064 KidKraft Puzzle Bundle<br />

In cludes 2 Judaica puz zles and 2 Chanukah puz zles.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se puz zles are made of wood and easy to piece to -<br />

gether. <strong>The</strong>y make a great gift to give dur ing the hol i day<br />

sea son.<br />

Courtesy of: KidKraft<br />

Fair Market Value: $60 Opening Bid: $30<br />

5065 Moey’s Music Party<br />

Au to graphed copy of Moey’s Mu sic Party DVD and CD: A<br />

Fairy Tale Lark in Cen tral Park. 15 up dated mu si cal fairy<br />

tales by Me lissa Le vis, in clud ing Goldilocks, Snow White<br />

and Lit tle Red Rid ing Hood.<br />

Courtesy of: Moey’s Music Party<br />

Fair Market Value: $25 Opening Bid: $15<br />





CLASSES AND LECTURES (5500–55 46)<br />

For You<br />

5500 Adult Piano Lessons with <strong>Heschel</strong> Parent &<br />

Professional Pianist Pamela Goldberg Rabin<br />

Have n’t you al ways wanted to learn to play the pi ano?<br />

Pro fes sional pi a nist and <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Pamela<br />

Goldberg Rabin will teach 3 one-hour long pi ano les sons<br />

in her home, be gin ner or non-be gin ner (op tion to con -<br />

tinue les sons with Pamela af ter wards).<br />

Note: Les sons to be given on school days, M–F, be fore 3PM<br />

Courtesy of: Pamela Goldberg Rabin<br />

Fair Market Value: $450 Opening Bid: $225<br />

5501 Knitting Class and Package for You & Your Child<br />

En joy a two hour knit ting class for you and your child (10<br />

years and older) at <strong>The</strong> Yarn Com pany on the UWS. <strong>The</strong><br />

Yarn Com pany’s new co-own ers and sib lings, Tavy and<br />

Assaf Ronen, who took over the leg end ary Up per West<br />

Side yarn store in 2011, have cre ated a mod ern and clean<br />

gal lery space brim ming with cre ative en ergy. To help you<br />

get started you will re ceive 10 beau ti ful balls<br />

of white Deb bie Bliss Eco Baby—100% or ganic cot ton.<br />

Enough yarn to make a hat, car di gan, or blan ket plus<br />

the Deb bie Bliss Baby Spring/Sum mer book and two sets<br />

of knitting needles.<br />

Note: Must reg is ter for class in ad vance; classes are held on Sun days<br />

either 12:30–2:30 pm or 3:00–5:00 pm<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Yarn Company,<br />

Leah and Joshua Wurzburger<br />

Fair Market Value: $210 Opening Bid: $100<br />

5502 Needlepoint Lesson at <strong>The</strong> Yarn Company<br />

En joy a two hour nee dle point les son for an adult at <strong>The</strong><br />

Yarn Com pany on the UWS. <strong>The</strong> Yarn Com pany’s new coown<br />

ers and sib lings, Tavy and Assaf Ronen, who took<br />

over the leg end ary Up per West Side yarn store in 2011,<br />

have cre ated a mod ern and clean gal lery space<br />


im ming with cre ative en ergy. To help get you started<br />

on your nee dle point you will have a choice of a can vas<br />

for a small tallit cover or kippah.<br />

Note: Choose from two class times on Sunday af ter noon 12:30–2:30 pm<br />

or 3:00–5:00 pm<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Yarn Company<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

5503 Cooking Class<br />

In vite up to 3 friends for a fun cook ing les son in your<br />

home with ko sher chef Aviva Schnei der.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; up to 4 peo ple to tal; sup plies in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Aviva Schneider<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

5504 Challah Baking Workshop<br />

In vite 3 friends and head over to <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Ulrika<br />

Cit ron’s kitchen. She and <strong>Heschel</strong> alumni par ent Suzy<br />

Appelbaum will share their challah rec i pes and bak ing<br />

tech niques with you. An in for ma tive and fun hands-on<br />

workshop!<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date; up to 4 peo ple<br />

Courtesy of: Suzy Appelbaum, Ulrika Citron<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />

5505 Dumplings Anyone?<br />

Learn how to make dump lings with <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent<br />

Vivian Kenvin in your home. You won’t want to miss out<br />

on this rare op por tu nity to learn all about dump lingmak<br />

ing; the dump lings can be pre pared by steam ing,<br />

boil ing or fry ing and can be filled with ei ther veg e ta bles,<br />

meat or a com bi na tion of both.<br />

Note: Win ner will cover any ex penses; mu tu ally agree able day and time<br />

Courtesy of: Vivian Kenvin<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />


5506 Book Club Moderated by Acclaimed Author<br />

Mary Johnson<br />

Host your next book club with Mary John son, the au thor<br />

of the cel e brated mem oir An Un quench able Thirst: Fol -<br />

low ing Mother Teresa in Search of Love, Ser vice, and an Au -<br />

then tic Life. <strong>The</strong> au thor will at tend your book club meet -<br />

ing via Skype to dis cuss her her alded book. Voted best<br />

mem oir of 2011, this book de scribes John son’s twenty<br />

years as a nun in the or der founded by Mother Teresa of<br />

Cal cutta. <strong>The</strong> pub lisher will do nate cop ies for ev ery<br />

mem ber in your book group and also at tend to facilitate<br />

the discussion.<br />

Note: Au thor will par tic i pate via SKYPE<br />

Courtesy of: Julie Grau, Mary Johnson<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />

5507 <strong>The</strong> Art Students League of New York<br />

One month of a full ba sic time class at the Art Stu dents<br />

League. <strong>The</strong> League is lo cated at 215 West 57th Street.<br />

Note: Reg is tra tion, ma te rial and locker fees not in cluded; buyer re spon -<br />

si ble for dif fer ence if the course ex ceeds $210<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Art Students League of NY<br />

Fair Market Value: $210 Opening Bid: $100<br />

5508 Two Tickets to Elie Wiesel: Return to the Akeda—<br />

Why I Love Isaac<br />

Don’t miss the op por tu nity to learn from No bel Lau re ate<br />

Elie Wiesel on Wednes day May 16, <strong>2012</strong>, 8 pm at the 92<br />

St. Y, as he shares his thoughts on the most time less and<br />

rel e vant Bi ble tale to our gen er a tion. Dis cover the<br />

deeper mean ing of Abra ham’s near sac ri fice of his son<br />

Isaac and the broader con text of this piv otal tale through<br />

the en chant ing stories of Wiesel.<br />

Courtesy of: 92nd Street Y<br />

Fair Market Value: $80 Opening Bid: $40<br />


5509 Two Tickets to Growing up Jewish in Apartheid in<br />

South Africa<br />

Join the 92 St Y on Wednes day, March 21, <strong>2012</strong>, 7:30 pm,<br />

for a lec ture with cham pi on ship run ner Lorraine<br />

Abramson as she shares her unique ex pe ri ences grow ing<br />

up as a gifted Jew ish ath lete un der the Apart heid sys tem<br />

of South Af rica, and gives a first-hand ac count of her<br />

grow ing un ease with the sys tem of so cial in equal ity that<br />

both cel e brated and ex cluded her. She is the au thor<br />

of My Race: A Jew ish Girl Grow ing up Un der Apartheid in<br />

South Africa.<br />

Courtesy of: 92nd Street Y<br />

Fair Market Value: $58 Opening Bid: $30<br />

5510 Two Tickets to <strong>The</strong> Incredible True Wallenberg Story:<br />

How One Man Saved Thousands of Jews<br />

On Thurs day March 1, <strong>2012</strong> at 7:30 pm, at the 92 St Y dis -<br />

cover the tale of a fear less young Swede whose ef forts<br />

saved Hun gar ian Jews from cer tain death at the hands of<br />

Adolf Eichmann. Raoul Wallenberg was one of the true<br />

heroes to emerge dur ing the Nazi oc cu pa tion of Eu rope.<br />

On the one hun dredth an ni ver sary of his birth, get the<br />

in side scoop from award-win ning au thor Kati Marton<br />

who pas sion ately wrote the grip ping bi og ra phy of the<br />

cou ra geous man who dis played ex traor di nary hu man ity<br />

dur ing one of history’s darkest periods.<br />

Courtesy of: 92nd Street Y<br />

Fair Market Value: $58 Opening Bid: $30<br />


5511 Two Tickets to Elie Wiesel: <strong>The</strong> Greatness of Rabbi<br />

Eliezer ben Hyrcanus<br />

Join the 92 St Y for an en light en ing eve ning with No bel<br />

Lau re ate Elie Wiesel on Thurs day May 24, <strong>2012</strong> at 8 pm as<br />

he shares his wis dom and in sight about “Rabbi Eliezer<br />

the Great,” one of the most prom i nent and re vered of the<br />

Rab binic sages.<br />

Courtesy of: 92nd Street Y<br />

Fair Market Value: $80 Opening Bid: $40<br />

For Your Child<br />

5512 Chamber Music Education with Navah Perlman<br />

Par tic i pate in this unique work shop of live cham ber mu -<br />

sic per for mance and dis cus sion in the home of re -<br />

nowned pi a nist and <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent, Navah Perlman. For<br />

up to six stu dents and their par ents. Rec om mended for<br />

grades 5–12.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Robert Frost and Navah Perlman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $300<br />

5513 Apple Seeds Red Apple Membership<br />

Ap ple Seeds of fers a state-of-the-art in door play ground<br />

with over 100 chil dren’s classes per week and an award<br />

win ning day camp. <strong>The</strong> mem ber ship in cludes un lim ited<br />

ac cess to in door play grounds and guest passes as well as<br />

ad vance reg is tra tion and 10% dis count on classes,<br />

camps and events.<br />

Note: Call at least 24 hours in ad vance to re deem cer tif i cate; lim ited to<br />

chil dren new born–5 years old; no cash value and can not be ex changed<br />

for other goods or services<br />

Courtesy of: Apple Seeds<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,200 Opening Bid: $600<br />


5514 Kidville Class and Silver Membership<br />

Full Se mes ter 45-min ute class and a full year Sil ver Mem -<br />

ber ship at Kidville! Choose from hun dreds of classes: Lit -<br />

tle Mae stros, My Big Messy Art Class, Big Mus cle Play -<br />

time, Kidville Tum blers, and more.<br />

Note: Ex pires Fall Se mes ter <strong>2012</strong>; non-trans fer able<br />

Courtesy of: Kidville<br />

Fair Market Value: $800 Opening Bid: $400<br />

5515 Three Little Birds Music<br />

Full ses sion of mu sic class at this UES stu dio.<br />

Courtesy of: Three Little Birds Music<br />

Fair Market Value: $612 Opening Bid: $310<br />

5516 A Tune a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!<br />

Two hours of pri vate vi o lin les sons on the Up per West Side.<br />

Note: Les sons can be split into four 30 min ute ses sions; les sons to be<br />

held at the in struc tor’s stu dio on the UWS by 86th Street<br />

Courtesy of: June’s Violin Workshop<br />

Fair Market Value: $180 Opening Bid: $90<br />

5517 Guitar Lessons<br />

Three one-hour gui tar les sons with Adam Rella.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally con ve nient lo ca tion in Manhattan or Queens<br />

Courtesy of: Adam Rella<br />

Fair Market Value: $360 Opening Bid: $180<br />

5518 NYC Guitar <strong>School</strong><br />

One month of NYC Gui tar <strong>School</strong>’s kids and teens group<br />

“Rock Gui tar” pro gram where kids and teens learn to play<br />

gui tar by ac tu ally play ing their fa vor ite rock songs! One<br />

hour per week at NYC Gui tar <strong>School</strong>, lo cated at 251 West<br />

30th Street.<br />

Note: Ages 8–17<br />

Courtesy of: NYC Guitar <strong>School</strong><br />

Fair Market Value: $120 Opening Bid: $60<br />


5519 Chess Lessons with David Goodman<br />

Two 1-hour chess les sons in your home with In ter na -<br />

tional Chess Mas ter and af ter school chess teacher, Da vid<br />

Good man. Da vid is a for mer World Un der-18 Cham pion<br />

and the co au thor of sev eral books on chess.<br />

Courtesy of: David Goodman<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

5520 Chess Lessons with Evan Rosenberg<br />

Two 1-hour chess les sons with Evan Rosenberg in your<br />

home. Evan has been teach ing chess for 12 years. He has<br />

the Na tional Mas ter ti tle and one In ter na tional Mas ter<br />

norm. In 2000, He was the Na tional Twelfth Grade<br />

Cham pion.<br />

Courtesy of: Evan Rosenberg<br />

Fair Market Value: $160 Opening Bid: $80<br />

5521 Chess Lesson with Dylan McClain<br />

A one-hour chess les son in your home with New York<br />

Times Staff Ed i tor in the Busi ness Sec tion, Chess Col um -<br />

nist and <strong>Heschel</strong> Af ter <strong>School</strong> chess teacher Dylan<br />

McClain. Dylan is a World Chess Fed er a tion Mas ter rank -<br />

ing in the top 200 of the United States.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Dylan McClain<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

5522 Chess Lesson with Dylan McClain<br />

A one-hour chess les son in your home with New York<br />

Times Staff Ed i tor in the Busi ness Sec tion, Chess Col um -<br />

nist and <strong>Heschel</strong> Af ter <strong>School</strong> chess teacher Dylan<br />

McClain. Dylan is a World Chess Fed er a tion Mas ter rank -<br />

ing in the top 200 of the United States.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Dylan McClain<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />


5523 Kids in Sports<br />

$500 credit to wards one of Kids in Sports’ classes.<br />

Note: Can not be used to wards a birth day party or camp<br />

Courtesy of: Kids in Sports<br />

Fair Market Value: $500 Opening Bid: $250<br />

5524 Two Swim Lessons<br />

Two one-hour pri vate swim les sons with in struc tor Mark<br />

Ulrich. Mark spent 17 years as a com pet i tive swim mer<br />

and 13 sum mers as a Jones Beach life guard. Les sons can<br />

take place at the West Side YMCA or at a pool of your<br />

choice (in Manhattan only). All lev els welcome!<br />

Courtesy of: Mark Ulrich<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

5525 Swim Lesson<br />

One hour of swim in struc tion for up to 3 chil dren at a<br />

mu tu ally agreed upon lo ca tion. <strong>The</strong> in struc tor also has<br />

two lo ca tions on the East Side that can be used if<br />

needed.<br />

Note: May be di vided into two half hour les sons;<br />

www.swimtasticnyc.com<br />

Courtesy of: SWIMtasticnyc<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

5526 Skate With Me<br />

Hour long roller, in-line, or skate board ing les son for 2<br />

peo ple. <strong>The</strong> les son can take place at Cen tral Park,<br />

Riverside Park, Carl Schurz Park, Chelsea Piers or City Ice<br />

Pa vil ion.<br />

Note: Ad mis sions/rental fees not in cluded at some lo ca tions; sub ject to<br />

avail abil ity; www.skatewithme.com<br />

Courtesy of: Skate With Me<br />

Fair Market Value: $140 Opening Bid: $70<br />


5527 Hebrew Lessons<br />

Three one-hour He brew tu tor ing les sons for any age<br />

given by na tive Is raeli speaker and <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent, Dorit<br />

Lan dau Shapira.<br />

Note: Les sons will be given at do nor’s apart ment on the UWS on week -<br />

days be tween the hours of 4–6 pm<br />

Courtesy of: Dorit Landau Shapira<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />

5528 Tae Kwon Do<br />

One month of un lim ited Tae Kwon Do. Uni forms are<br />

pro vided.<br />

Note: Ages 4 and up, all lev els wel comed; new stu dents only; ex pi ra tion<br />

Sep tem ber 1, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: JJ Kim’s Tae Kwon Do<br />

Fair Market Value: $370 Opening Bid: $185<br />

5529 Modern Martial Arts<br />

En joy one month of kids’ ba sic classes for one child at the<br />

220 East 86th Street lo ca tion. In cludes a uni form.<br />

Note: New stu dents only; non-re fund able; non-trans fer able<br />

Courtesy of: Modern Martial Arts<br />

Fair Market Value: $355 Opening Bid: $180<br />

5530 Asphalt Green Class<br />

$200 to wards a child’s swim or sports class.<br />

Courtesy of: Asphalt Green<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

5531 Jodi’s Gym<br />

$250 gift cer tif i cate to wards a ses sion at Jodi’s Gym,<br />

located at 84th and Sec ond Av e nue.<br />

Note: www.jodisgym.com<br />

Courtesy of: Jodi’s Gym<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />


5532 Super Soccer Stars<br />

One-time out door pri vate soc cer class for up to 5 kids.<br />

One of Super Soc cer Stars’ ex cit ing coaches will lead the<br />

chil dren through en gag ing drills and games de signed to<br />

teach ba sic soc cer skills while build ing self-con fi dence in<br />

a fun and non-com pet i tive environment.<br />

Note: Class date, time and lo ca tion are sub ject to avail abil ity; must ar -<br />

range at least one week in ad vance; re quests for spe cific coaches may<br />

be sub mit ted but are not guar an teed; chil dren must be within 18<br />

months of age of each other<br />

Courtesy of: Super Soccer Stars<br />

Fair Market Value: $120 Opening Bid: $60<br />

5533 Just4Kids Art Class<br />

$100 off a kids, teens, or tod dlers art class dur ing the<br />

win ter, spring or fall se mes ter at <strong>The</strong> Art Stu dio NY,<br />

located at 145 West 96th Street.<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Art Studio NY LLC<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

5534 Exclusive HiArt! Discount<br />

$200 off any sum mer or fall <strong>2012</strong> HiArt! class. <strong>The</strong> stu dio<br />

is lo cated at 227 West 29th Street.<br />

Note: Ex pires Au gust 30, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Hi Art!<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

5535 Ballet Academy East<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate to wards child or adult classes.<br />

Courtesy of: Ballet Academy East<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />


5536 Children’s Yoga Classes<br />

5 pack of yoga classes at Lil Yogi’s NYC.<br />

Note: www.lilyogisnyc.com<br />

Courtesy of: Lil Yogi’s NYC<br />

Fair Market Value: $165 Opening Bid: $85<br />

5537 Discovery Programs<br />

$100 dis count on one in fant or tod dler art, gym nas tics,<br />

bal let, tae kwon do or play park class for the Spring,<br />

Sum mer or Fall <strong>2012</strong> se mes ter.<br />

Note: www.discoveryprograms.com<br />

Courtesy of: Discovery Programs, Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

5538 New York Kids Club<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate to be used to wards a class, camp, or<br />

birth day party at any New York Kids Club lo ca tion.<br />

Note: Can not be com bined with other cer tif i cates<br />

Courtesy of: New York Kids Club<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

5539 FasTracKids Enrichment Center<br />

$150 off classes or a sum mer camp pro gram.<br />

FasTracKids® is a proven in no va tor in in ter na tional early<br />

child hood. It en cour ages chil dren to dis cover a love of<br />

learn ing in a fun and in ter ac tive set ting. For ages 2½–7.<br />

Sev eral lo ca tions, in clud ing the UWS and UES.<br />

Note: New fam i lies only<br />

Courtesy of: FasTracKids Enrichment Center<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />


5540 Enopi Classes<br />

$150 off Enopi math and read ing tu tor ing classes (ages<br />

3+). Enopi is Asia’s lead ing Math pro gram from Ko rea.<br />

Enopi is es sen tially a small-group tu tor ing pro gram with<br />

a ra tio of only 3 stu dents with 1 teacher.<br />

Note: New fam i lies only<br />

Courtesy of: Enopi Math and Reading<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

5541 TenMarks<br />

One year free sub scrip tion to TenMarks on line math pro -<br />

grams, the per fect way for stu dents to prac tice, re fresh<br />

and learn math. <strong>The</strong> TenMarks ap proach to math in stills<br />

con fi dence and im proves stu dent math achieve ment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> award win ning pro grams are avail able for grades 3<br />

12, and are mapped to all 50 states’ standards.<br />

Courtesy of: TenMarks<br />

Fair Market Value: $89 Opening Bid: $45<br />

5542 Guaranteed Perfect 2400 SAT<br />

Col lege Wiz ard will pri vately tu tor any stu dent via Skype<br />

les sons un til a per fect 2400 SAT is achieved, as long as<br />

the stu dent is con tin u ing to practice.<br />

Note: Les sons via Skype; stu dent must do all as signed home work to<br />

keep guar an tee in force<br />

Courtesy of: College Wizard<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,500 Opening Bid: $500<br />

5543 CATES College Essay Workshop<br />

CATES Tu tor ing of fers a three day work shop to fo cus on<br />

writ ing the col lege es say, re sume, com mon ap pli ca tion<br />

and col lege in ter view skills. Ex pe ri enced tu tors and col -<br />

lege ad vi sors will fa cil i tate the process.<br />

Note: Choose from these dates for the work shop—Au gust 13–15, 17–<br />

19, 20–22; ex pires Au gust 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: CATES, LLC<br />

Fair Market Value: $950 Opening Bid: $475<br />


5544 Brain Power Package<br />

A Cog ni tive Skills As sess ment, 3 one-hour Brain Train ing<br />

Ses sions and 1 “Un lock <strong>The</strong> Ein stein” by Ken Gibsch,<br />

founder of learningRx.<br />

Courtesy of: LearningRx<br />

Fair Market Value: $650 Opening Bid: $325<br />

5545 <strong>The</strong> Princeton Review<br />

Three hours of pri vate tu tor ing with one of <strong>The</strong> Prince ton<br />

Re view’s stan dard level tu tors. <strong>The</strong> stu dents have the<br />

luxury of choos ing their own sched ule and be ing<br />

tutored in the com fort of their own home.<br />

Note: Tu tor ing hours are re stricted to PSAT, SAT, or ACT tu tor ing only<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Princeton Review<br />

Fair Market Value: $480 Opening Bid: $240<br />

5546 SEEDS Tutoring<br />

A free as sess ment and 1 tu tor ing ses sion<br />

Courtesy of: SEEDS Tutoring<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />





FASHION AND JEWELRY (6000–6037)<br />

Fashion<br />

6000 Alpaca Cape with Mink Whip Stitch All Around<br />

Dark navy blue.<br />

Courtesy of: Robert Payne Furs<br />

Fair Market Value: $750 Opening Bid: $375<br />

6001 Lauren Vidal Jacket<br />

Black fall jacket size me dium by French de signer Revital<br />

Vidal.<br />

Courtesy of: Lauren Vidal<br />

Fair Market Value: $475 Opening Bid: $240<br />

6002 Edit NYC<br />

Lo cated in the his toric Car ne gie Hill dis trict on<br />

Manhattan’s Up per East Side, the Edit town house bou -<br />

tique, de signed by re nowned ar chi tect Chris to pher<br />

Barriscale, cre ates a warm and in vit ing at mo sphere<br />

where guests can re lax and make them selves at home.<br />

Treat your self to some thing new with this $500 gift card.<br />

Note: www.editnewyork.com<br />

Courtesy of: Edit, Steven Eisman and Valerie Feigen<br />

Fair Market Value: $500 Opening Bid: $250<br />

6003 Private Shopping Event at JCREW—CREWCUTS<br />

In vite 9 friends and en joy a pri vate shop ping ex pe ri ence<br />

which in cludes 15% off at CREWCUTS on the Up per East<br />

Side on Wednes day March 21, <strong>2012</strong> be tween 8:30–10am.<br />

Note: 10 peo ple max i mum; valid only at the 87th and Mad i son store<br />

Courtesy of: JCREW CREWCUTS<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $200<br />


6004 Bergdorf Goodman<br />

Pre pare for Spring with a trip to Bergdorf Good man<br />

where you will meet with Necha Treitel, an ex pe ri enced<br />

fash ion con sul tant on the 3rd floor. You will have a $150<br />

gift card to start off on your new Spring ward robe.<br />

Courtesy of: Dana and Adam Fine, Necha Treitel,<br />

Stacy and Jason Helfstein<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $100<br />

6005 Bloomingdale’s<br />

$50 gift card<br />

Courtesy of: Bloomingdale’s<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

6006 Bloomingdale’s<br />

$50 gift card<br />

Courtesy of: Bloomingdale’s<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

6007 Denim Habit<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate for this trendy store. May be used at<br />

any of their three lo ca tions.<br />

Note: www.denimhabit.com<br />

Courtesy of: Denim Habit<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

6008 La Di Da Boutique<br />

$20 gift card to wards a hat, purse or jew elry at this<br />

unique bou tique on Broad way be tween 88th and 89th<br />

Streets.<br />

Courtesy of: La Di Da<br />

Fair Market Value: $20 Opening Bid: $10<br />


Jewelry<br />

6009 Holsten Jewelers<br />

$500 gift cer tif i cate to one of Westchester’s pre mier jew -<br />

el ers lo cated in Scars dale, NY.<br />

Note: www.holstenjewelers.com<br />

Courtesy of: Holsten Jewelers<br />

Fair Market Value: $500 Opening Bid: $250<br />

6010 Samuel B. Collection Woman’s Bracelet and Ring<br />

Woman’s brace let crafted from ster ling sil ver and 18k<br />

gold with color stone match ing ring.<br />

Courtesy of: Diamonds and Dials<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,010 Opening Bid: $500<br />

6011 Lauren G. Adams Children’s Jewelry Set<br />

Chil dren’s rho dium pink enamel heart pen dant with a<br />

match ing rho dium plated white flow ered and pink ban -<br />

gle, and a pair of rho dium enamel pink heart ear rings.<br />

Courtesy of: Diamonds and Dials<br />

Fair Market Value: $295 Opening Bid: $150<br />

6012 Diamond Hoops<br />

14K white gold hoops with 98 di a monds. <strong>The</strong> di a monds<br />

are SI2 in clar ity and one carat in to tal weight.<br />

Courtesy of: Lisa and Daniel Rose<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,495 Opening Bid: $750<br />

6013 Diamond Stud Earrings<br />

.75 carat to tal weight in 14k white gold with halo round<br />

set ting.<br />

Courtesy of: Diamonds and Dials<br />

Fair Market Value: $795 Opening Bid: $400<br />


6014 Champagne Topaz Earrings<br />

<strong>The</strong> ear rings fea tured are com posed of semi pre cious<br />

stones (cham pagne to paz) and 14kt gold fill. <strong>The</strong>y will<br />

add spar kle and daz zle to any out fit.<br />

Courtesy of: Jennifer Daniels<br />

Fair Market Value: $230 Opening Bid: $115<br />

6015 Tiffany Earrings<br />

One pair of ster ling sil ver Jew ish star ear rings.<br />

Courtesy of: Lori and Doug Roseman<br />

Fair Market Value: $175 Opening Bid: $90<br />

6016 Tiffany Earrings<br />

One pair of ster ling sil ver Jew ish star ear rings.<br />

Courtesy of: Lori and Doug Roseman<br />

Fair Market Value: $175 Opening Bid: $90<br />

6017 Pearl Earrings<br />

Fac ets ster ling sil ver pearl fresh wa ter stud ear rings.<br />

Pearls are 8mm wide, weigh 1.9 grams and come with a<br />

Fac ets cer tif i cate and a box. Push backs.<br />

Courtesy of: Ralph PJ Diamond/Facets Collection<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

6018 Shaya NYC Earrings<br />

<strong>The</strong> “Big Box” ear rings are hand-ham mered and signed<br />

by Shaya Mehubad, an Is raeli jew eler cur rently work ing<br />

in New York City. <strong>The</strong> wire is 14K gold filled and the<br />

square links are 18K gold plated.<br />

Courtesy of: Shaya NYC<br />

Fair Market Value: $60 Opening Bid: $30<br />


6019 Diamond Circular Pendant<br />

14K white gold neck lace with 3 di a mond cir cles. <strong>The</strong><br />

diamonds are SI clar ity and are one carat to tal weight.<br />

Courtesy of: Lisa and Daniel Rose<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,495 Opening Bid: $750<br />

6020 Diamond Hamsa Necklace<br />

14kt gold di a mond hamsa and chain con tain ing .27tw<br />

points of di a monds.<br />

Courtesy of: Leo Ingwer Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,000 Opening Bid: $500<br />

6021 Customized Gold and Diamond Silhouette of Your<br />

Child(ren)<br />

Pro vide a pro file im age of your child and let <strong>Heschel</strong><br />

parent and jew eler Limor Senker cre ate a one-of-a-kind<br />

14k Gold and Di a mond Sil hou ette cus tom ized with your<br />

child’s im age on a 14k gold 18" Cav iar Ball Chain.<br />

Note: For one sil hou ette only; can or der/add more sil hou ettes for an ad -<br />

di tional cost<br />

Courtesy of: Love Rocks NY<br />

Fair Market Value: $945 Opening Bid: $475<br />

6022 Shema Pendant<br />

14K rose gold Shema pen dant on an 18" rose gold chain.<br />

Note: http://shema-or.com<br />

Courtesy of: Shema Or by Orna Simkhai<br />

Fair Market Value: $560 Opening Bid: $280<br />

6023 Phillip Gavriel Necklace<br />

Hand made in It aly. This neck lace fea tures an 18k gold<br />

bow de sign with a nat u ral rose quartz gem stone. <strong>The</strong><br />

gem stone is a 14mm round briolette and weights 8<br />

carats in to tal weight. <strong>The</strong> chain fea tures an ad just able<br />

de sign that fits up to a 20" neck line. <strong>The</strong> piece co mes<br />


with a cer tif i cate of au then tic ity and is signed with the<br />

designer trademark.<br />

Courtesy of: Phillip Gavriel<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />

6024 Wondo Genet Pendant<br />

Hand framed pen dant with tur quoise and gar net<br />

cabochon stones on 18 inch ster ling chain.<br />

Courtesy of: Birabiro<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />

6025 Custom Engraved Necklace<br />

Cus tom En graved gold fill neck lace on a fancy sat el lite<br />

chain.<br />

Note: Ex pires De cem ber 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Erica Sara Designs<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

6026 Love Pendant<br />

Ster ling sil ver rose gold plated pen dant with cu bic<br />

zirconias.<br />

Courtesy of: Maya B<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

6027 Hamsa Necklace<br />

Ster ling sil ver rose gold plated hamsa charm with cu bic<br />

zirconias.<br />

Courtesy of: Maya B<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

6028 Shaya NYC Necklace<br />

<strong>The</strong> “Lillian” neck lace is hand-ham mered and signed by<br />

Shaya Mehubad, an Is raeli jew eler cur rently work ing in<br />


New York City. <strong>The</strong> chain is 14K gold filled and the square<br />

links are 18K gold plated.<br />

Courtesy of: Shaya NYC<br />

Fair Market Value: $95 Opening Bid: $50<br />

6029 Black Diamond Ring<br />

Hand made with 18k gold and chan nel set black<br />

di a monds.<br />

Note: Win ner may send ring to Eli Halili for siz ing<br />

Courtesy of: Eli Halili<br />

Fair Market Value: $2,100 Opening Bid: $850<br />

6030 Phillip Gavriel Ring<br />

This ring by de signer Phillip Gavriel is part of the<br />

Byzantine Col lec tion and fea tures straw berry pink sap -<br />

phires with a to tal carat weight of 0.30. <strong>The</strong> ring fea tures<br />

an en graved or nate fil i gree de sign in ster ling sil ver and is<br />

ac cented by 18k yel low gold. <strong>The</strong> ring is signed by the<br />

designer.<br />

Courtesy of: Phillip Gavriel<br />

Fair Market Value: $400 Opening Bid: $200<br />

6031 Jorg Gray Men’s Watch<br />

Jorg Gray men’s JG6500 watch. This is the same watch<br />

that Pres i dent Barack Obama wears. <strong>The</strong> back of the<br />

watch con tains a spe cial en grav ing com mem o rat ing the<br />

Pres i dent’s in au gu ra tion.<br />

Courtesy of: Diamonds and Dials<br />

Fair Market Value: $795 Opening Bid: $400<br />

6032 Fendi Watch<br />

Swiss made, quartz move ment woman’s watch with<br />

brown logo and em broi dered fab ric strap.<br />

Courtesy of: Diamonds and Dials<br />

Fair Market Value: $595 Opening Bid: $300<br />


6033 Creations Bracelet<br />

Eb ony wood brace let with am e thyst and di a mond ball<br />

and evil eye bead hand made by <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Stacy<br />

Helfstein.<br />

Courtesy of: Creations by Stacy Helfstein<br />

Fair Market Value: $700 Opening Bid: $350<br />

6034 Creations Bracelet<br />

He ma tite brace let with rosecut di a mond ball hand made<br />

by <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Stacy Helfstein.<br />

Courtesy of: Creations by Stacy Helfstein<br />

Fair Market Value: $600 Opening Bid: $300<br />

6035 Hamsa Bracelet<br />

Ster ling sil ver gold plated hamsa pen dant with cu bic<br />

zirconias.<br />

Courtesy of: Maya B<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $40<br />

6036 Peace Sign Bracelet<br />

Ster ling sil ver gold plated peace sign with cu bic zirconias<br />

on a black braided brace let.<br />

Courtesy of: Maya B<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $40<br />

6037 Love Bracelet<br />

Ster ling sil ver rose gold plated with cu bic zirconias.<br />

Courtesy of: Maya B<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $40<br />





LOOK AND FEEL BETTER (7000–7061)<br />

Beauty<br />

7000 CoolSculpting by Zeltiq<br />

Freeze away fat with 1 CoolSculpting treat ment by<br />

Zeltiq. Treat ment takes place at the of fice of Dr. Aron<br />

Kressel lo cated at 629 Park Av e nue.<br />

Note: Sub ject to clin i cal ap pro pri ate ness; for use on ab do men and<br />

flank; ex pires June 1, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Aron Kressel<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,500 Opening Bid: $750<br />

7001 Laser Hair Removal<br />

$500 to ward la ser hair re moval by Steph a nie Goldman at<br />

Con tem po rary La ser lo cated at 123 West 79th Street.<br />

Courtesy of: Contemporary Laser, Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $500 Opening Bid: $250<br />

7002 Absolute Purity Diamond Facial<br />

Re new and re vi tal ize your skin with a<br />

microdermabrasion treat ment fol lowed by an Ab so lute<br />

Pu rity Di a mond fa cial at the Tracie Martyn Sa lon lo cated<br />

at 101 Fifth Avenue.<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Tracie Martyn Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />

7003 Lia Schorr Skin Care Spa<br />

Gift cer tif i cate for one mas sage and one man i cure at the<br />

Lia Schorr Skin Care Spa lo cated at 686 Lexington<br />

Av e nue.<br />

Note: www.liaschorr.com<br />

Courtesy of: Lia Schorr Skin Care, Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />


7004 Lia Schorr Skin Care Spa<br />

Gift cer tif i cate for one fa cial and one ped i cure at the Lia<br />

Schorr Skin Care Spa lo cated at 686 Lexington Av e nue.<br />

Note: www.liaschorr.com<br />

Courtesy of: Lia Schorr Skin Care, Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

7005 Simone France Sandwich Cleansing System<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sand wich® is the Simone France sig na ture skin care<br />

treat ment, de vel oped by Simone af ter 45 years of handson<br />

ex pe ri ence giv ing her fa mous fa cials. It’s an anti-ag -<br />

ing, skin firm ing treat ment that works in har mony with<br />

the nat u ral needs of the skin and the lon ger you use it,<br />

the better your skin will be come. It in cludes one soap,<br />

scrub, and cream.<br />

Courtesy of: Simone France Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $115 Opening Bid: $60<br />

7006 Simone France Sandwich Cleansing System<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sand wich® is the Simone France sig na ture skin care<br />

treat ment, de vel oped by Simone af ter 45 years of handson<br />

ex pe ri ence giv ing her fa mous fa cials. It’s an anti-ag -<br />

ing, skin firm ing treat ment that works in har mony with<br />

the nat u ral needs of the skin and the lon ger you use it,<br />

the better your skin will be come. It in cludes one soap,<br />

scrub, and cream.<br />

Courtesy of: Simone France Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $115 Opening Bid: $60<br />


7007 Paul Mole<br />

Treat that spe cial man in your life to “<strong>The</strong> Works,” which<br />

in cludes a hair cut, shave, man i cure and shoe shine at<br />

Paul Mole lo cated on Lexington Av e nue be tween 73rd<br />

and 74th.<br />

Note: Gra tu ity not in cluded; all ser vices must be used in one visit; ap -<br />

point ment pre ferred; must pres ent gift cer tif i cate at time of purchase<br />

Courtesy of: Paul Mole Barber Shop<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

7008 Rosangela Skin Care and Spa<br />

En joy a 60 min ute Bra zil ian fa cial in clud ing steamer, ex -<br />

trac tion and mask. <strong>The</strong> sa lon is lo cated at 1200<br />

Lexington Av e nue be tween 81st and 82nd Street.<br />

Note: Please re quest Rosangela when mak ing ap point ment; ex pires De -<br />

cem ber 23, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Rosangela Skin Care and Spa<br />

Fair Market Value: $90 Opening Bid: $45<br />

7009 Jade Beauty and Wellness Spa<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate to the Spa lo cated at 2573 Broad way<br />

be tween 96th and 97th Streets.<br />

Courtesy of: Jeffrey Mann and Skye Gabel<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

7010 Max Wax<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate for the wax ing of your choice. <strong>The</strong> sa -<br />

lon is lo cated at 167 West 74th Street.<br />

Note: Can not be used to wards prod ucts<br />

Courtesy of: Max Wax<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />


7011 MELT Method For Pain Relief and Flexibility<br />

Three pri vate ses sions of MELT Method in your home.<br />

<strong>The</strong> MELT Method uses spe cially cre ated small balls and<br />

soft roll ers to rebalance your ner vous sys tem and<br />

rehydrate your con nec tive tis sue, pro tect ing your body<br />

from wear and tear. MELT is for any one who wants to<br />

slow down the ag ing pro cess and live better.<br />

Courtesy of: Gentlework Fitness<br />

Fair Market Value: $315 Opening Bid: $160<br />

7012 Cutler Salon<br />

Hair cut with styl ist Dean Holcombe and a color ser vice<br />

with Mercedez at the in ter na tion ally re nowned Cut ler<br />

Sa lon lo cated at 47 West 57th Street.<br />

Note: Ser vices are non-trans fer able and only valid for color and cut ser -<br />

vices; may not be used for prod ucts or cash back<br />

Courtesy of: Cutler Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $400 Opening Bid: $200<br />

7013 Louis Licari<br />

En hance your beauty with high lights by Paige at the<br />

Louis Licari sa lon lo cated at 693 Fifth Av e nue.<br />

Note: No sub sti tu tions; ex pires Au gust 7, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Louis Licari<br />

Fair Market Value: $310 Opening Bid: $155<br />

7014 Lovella Salon<br />

High lights and a hair cut at Lovella Sa lon at its new<br />

location on West 72nd Street.<br />

Note: Tax in cluded; does not in clude gra tu ity; West Side lo ca tion only;<br />

ex pires April 30, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Lovella Hair Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $287 Opening Bid: $145<br />


7015 Lovella Salon<br />

High lights and a hair cut at Lovella Sa lon at its new<br />

location on West 72nd Street.<br />

Note: Tax in cluded; does not in clude gra tu ity; West Side lo ca tion only;<br />

ex pires April 30, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Lovella Hair Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $287 Opening Bid: $145<br />

7016 Red Market Salon<br />

A new late night sa lon lo cated in the Meatpacking Dis -<br />

trict at 32 Gansevoort Street. Part sa lon, part lounge, Red<br />

Mar ket is truly a world class pack age of qual ity and cre -<br />

ative style. En joy your Balayage hair col or ing tech nique<br />

for a set of full high lights.<br />

Courtesy of: Red Market Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $235 Opening Bid: $135<br />

7017 Valery Joseph Salon<br />

Hair cut and man i cure at the Valery Jo seph Sa lon lo cated<br />

at 1044 Mad i son Av e nue.<br />

Note: Mon day–Thurs day only; ex pires Au gust 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Valerie Joseph Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $225 Opening Bid: $115<br />

7018 Keratin Treatment<br />

At home Ker a tin treat ment by Pa tri cia Brown.<br />

Note: Rec om mended by Lisa Rotmil; Manhattan only;<br />

valid for new cli ents only<br />

Courtesy of: Patricia Brown<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />


7019 Brazilian Blowout in Your Home<br />

Choose ei ther a Pe ter Coppola Ker a tin treat ment or a<br />

Bra zil ian Ker a tin treat ment. House call only.<br />

Note: Rec om mended by Dana Fine; valid M–F in Manhattan only<br />

Courtesy of: Gaetano Ruvion<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

7020 Marie Robinson Salon<br />

Sin gle pro cess color at the sa lon lo cated at 155 Fifth Av e.<br />

Courtesy of: Marie Robinson Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $175 Opening Bid: $90<br />

7021 Shaggy Hair Salon<br />

Deep con di tion ing and blow out with hair styl ist Oren<br />

Lazanski at this sa lon lo cated at East 80th Street and 3rd<br />

Av e nue.<br />

Courtesy of: Shaggy Hair Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $120 Opening Bid: $60<br />

7022 Jeffrey Stein Salon<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate to the sa lon at 2345 Broad way<br />

between 85th and 86th Streets.<br />

Note: May be used for ser vices or prod ucts; no cash back<br />

Courtesy of: Jeffrey Stein Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

7023 Robert Stuart Salon<br />

One hair cut (in cludes sham poo, con di tioner, and<br />

blowdry/style) with any reg u lar styl ist at this sa lon<br />

located at 82nd and Co lum bus Avenue.<br />

Note: Ex pires July 7, <strong>2012</strong>; not valid on Sat ur days;<br />

www.robertstuartsalon.com<br />

Courtesy of: Robert Stuart Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $95 Opening Bid: $50<br />


7024 Oleg Katz Salon<br />

Gift cer tif i cate for a reg u lar man i cure and ped i cure at this<br />

sa lon lo cated at 88th and Broadway.<br />

Courtesy of: Oleg Katz Salon<br />

Fair Market Value: $37 Opening Bid: $20<br />

Fitness<br />

7025 Elliptical Machine<br />

No more ex cuses! Own your own Vi sion Fit ness S7100<br />

Elliptical or choose an avail able fit ness ma chine of equal<br />

value ($2,500) from Fit ness Show rooms. If you choose<br />

the S7100 El lip ti cal, its smaller foot print makes it the<br />

perfect ad di tion to your home.<br />

Note: May be used for an other item of equal value;<br />

www.fitnessshowrooms.com<br />

Courtesy of: Dezer Properties, LLC<br />

Fair Market Value: $2,500 Opening Bid: $1,250<br />

7026 Dahon Folding Bike<br />

A gift card to Sid’s Bi cy cle Shop (in Murray Hill or<br />

Chelsea) for a Dahon Fold ing Bike, or any other bi cy cle,<br />

up to $750 value. <strong>The</strong> Dahon Fold ing bike is per fect for<br />

city liv ing. Good on all ter rains and folds for easy stor age<br />

and por ta bil ity.<br />

Note: May be used for an other item of equal value<br />

Courtesy of: Dezer Properties, LLC<br />

Fair Market Value: $750 Opening Bid: $375<br />

7027 Soul Cycle Holiday Starter Kit<br />

Kit in cludes 5 in spir ing classes at New York City’s pre -<br />

miere full-body in door cy cling stu dio, pair of socks,<br />


andana, t-shirt (for men) or tank top (for women), free<br />

shoes and wa ter (for all 5 classes).<br />

Note: Soulcycle ac count re quired to re deem classes; please visit<br />

www.soul-cy cle.com to reg is ter<br />

Courtesy of: Soul Cycle<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

7028 Five Spin Classes at Flywheel<br />

Five rides at Fly wheel Sports. In cludes com pli men tary<br />

shoes, wa ter and towel.<br />

Note: No ex pi ra tion date; www.flywheelsports.com<br />

Courtesy of: Flywheel<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

7029 Reebok Sports Club Membership<br />

A 3-month Reebok Sports Club NY mem ber ship. This in -<br />

cludes ini ti a tion fee!<br />

Note: Cer tif i cate must be ac ti vated on or be fore Au gust 31, <strong>2012</strong>; first<br />

time mem bers only; com pli men tary mem ber ship time may not be ap -<br />

plied to a cur rent mem ber account<br />

Courtesy of: Reebok Sports Club, NY<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,866 Opening Bid: $400<br />

7030 Equinox Membership<br />

Three months all-ac cess Equi nox mem ber ship.<br />

Courtesy of: Equinox<br />

Fair Market Value: $793 Opening Bid: $400<br />

7031 Clay Health Club and Spa<br />

A 3-month mem ber ship and 1 per sonal train ing ses sion<br />

to Clay Health Club lo cated at 25 West 14th Street.<br />

Note: www.insideclay.com<br />

Courtesy of: Clay Health Club and Spa<br />

Fair Market Value: $625 Opening Bid: $315<br />


7032 Crunch Membership<br />

Three-month Crunch Fit ness mem ber ship.<br />

Note: Re deem by June 1, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Crunch Fitness<br />

Fair Market Value: $300 Opening Bid: $150<br />

7033 Three Personal Training Sessions at Crunch Fitness<br />

Jumpstart your work out rou tine with three per sonal<br />

train ing ses sions at Crunch Fit ness with Rich ard Louis, a<br />

2009 USA body build ing cham pion and Mr. Uni verse<br />

com pet i tor.<br />

Note: Ex pires May 29, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Richard Louis<br />

Fair Market Value: $400 Opening Bid: $200<br />

7034 Personal Kickboxing Sessions<br />

Three one-hour pri vate box ing/kick box ing train ing ses -<br />

sions at Punch Fit ness Cen ter lo cated at 1015 Mad i son<br />

Av e nue be tween 78th and 79th Streets.<br />

Note: www.punchfitnesscenter.com<br />

Courtesy of: Punch Fitness Center<br />

Fair Market Value: $455 Opening Bid: $230<br />

7035 Two Private Yoga OR Training Sessions<br />

Al low per sonal trainer Jennifer Hessmer to cus tom ize<br />

your work out with ei ther two pri vate train ing ses sions or<br />

two pri vate yoga ses sions in your home or gym. Suit able<br />

for ei ther chil dren (at least 8 years old) or for adults.<br />

Jennifer is an East Coast In struc tor Train ing <strong>School</strong><br />

(ECITS) and Amer i can Coun cil on Ex er cise (ACE) Cer ti fied<br />

Per sonal Trainer, USA Track and Field Level 1 Run ning<br />

Coach and a Pre and Post-Na tal care instructor.<br />

Note: Rec om mended by: Debby Paull; mu tu ally agree able dates; suit -<br />

able for chil dren at least 8 years old to adults;<br />

www.jenniferhessmer.com<br />

Courtesy of: Jennifer Hessmer<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />


7036 Four Private Yoga Classes with Jen Whinnen<br />

Jen Whinnen is a Yoga Al li ance E-RYT (Ex pe ri enced Reg -<br />

is tered Yoga Teacher) yoga teacher with over 16 years of<br />

ex pe ri ence. She is the founder and di rec tor of Three Sis -<br />

ters Yoga, a dy namic, cre ative and open-hearted teacher<br />

train ing pro gram. Teach ers that have trained un der Jen<br />

have gone on to open their own yoga stu dios, cre ate<br />

their own busi nesses, teach all over the world and share<br />

their love of yoga wher ever they can. Jen’s Vinyasa<br />

classes are rooted in her Iyengar and Ashtanga/Vinyasa<br />

train ing. She weaves to gether classes that are an a tom i -<br />

cally con cise and safe while still be ing chal leng ing, lib er -<br />

at ing and fun. <strong>The</strong>se ses sions will take place in Jen’s stu -<br />

dio lo cated at 135 West 29th Street be tween 6th and 7th<br />

Av e nues.<br />

Note: Ses sions must be sched uled in ad vance<br />

Courtesy of: Jen Whinnen<br />

Fair Market Value: $800 Opening Bid: $400<br />

7037 Private Fitness Training<br />

Two ses sions of pri vate fit ness train ing with mas ter<br />

“super slow” in struc tor and med i cal spe cial ist, Rick<br />

Swanson.<br />

Note: Rec om mended by Allen Applbaum; can not be com bined with<br />

another gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: Rick Swanson<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />

7038 Private Fitness Training<br />

Two ses sions of pri vate fit ness train ing with mas ter<br />

“super slow” in struc tor and med i cal spe cial ist, Rick<br />

Swanson.<br />

Note: Rec om mended by Allen Applbaum; can not be com bined with<br />

another gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: Rick Swanson<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />


7039 Private Fitness Training<br />

Two ses sions of pri vate fit ness train ing with mas ter<br />

“super slow” in struc tor and med i cal spe cial ist, Rick<br />

Swanson.<br />

Note: Rec om mended by Allen Applbaum; can not be com bined with<br />

another gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: Rick Swanson<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />

7040 Small Group Personal Training<br />

1 hour per sonal fit ness train ing for you and up to 2<br />

friends in your home or build ing gym.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: EFT Personal Training LLC<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

7041 Personal Training<br />

1 hour per sonal train ing ses sion in your home or build -<br />

ing gym with Lisa Snow, ACE and NSCA cer ti fied.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: EFT Personal Training LLC<br />

Fair Market Value: $110 Opening Bid: $55<br />

7042 Nalini Method Private Duet: Parent/Child<br />

Training Session<br />

En joy a par ent/child per sonal Nalini Method train ing<br />

session—Yoga, Pilates, strength train ing, aer o bics, and<br />

bal let barre wrapped up into one hour of healthy fun!<br />

<strong>The</strong> stu dio is lo cated at 248 West 60th Street be tween<br />

10th and 11th Av e nues, right around the cor ner from the<br />

new <strong>Heschel</strong> building!<br />

Courtesy of: Nalini Method<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />


7043 Unlimited One Month Nalini Method Membership<br />

Nalini Method is an in tense, one-hour fit ness class that<br />

fuses Yoga, Pilates, strength and re sis tance train ing, aer o -<br />

bics and bal let barre. <strong>The</strong> stu dio is lo cated at 248 West<br />

60th Street be tween 10th and 11th Av e nues, right<br />

around the cor ner from the new <strong>Heschel</strong> building!<br />

Note: Mem ber ship ex pires one month af ter start date;<br />

www.nalinimethod.com<br />

Courtesy of: Nalini Method<br />

Fair Market Value: $350 Opening Bid: $175<br />

7044 Pure Yoga<br />

One month mem ber ship to Pure East and Pure West.<br />

Note: Valid for first time us ers only; nontransferable<br />

Courtesy of: Pure Yoga<br />

Fair Market Value: $170 Opening Bid: $85<br />

7045 Pure Yoga<br />

One month mem ber ship to Pure East and Pure West.<br />

Note: Valid for first time us ers only; nontransferable<br />

Courtesy of: Pure Yoga<br />

Fair Market Value: $170 Opening Bid: $85<br />

7046 Yoga Lesson<br />

One hour of pri vate yoga in your home with ex pe ri enced<br />

and in sight ful in struc tor, Nina Kate Grekin.<br />

Note: Ap pro pri ate for all; mu tu ally agree able date<br />

Courtesy of: Nina Kate Grekin<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

Health<br />

7047 Oz Signature Nutrition Program<br />

Kick off your weight loss pro gram with 6 months of nu tri -<br />

tion con sul ta tion with Oz Gar cia, Ph.D. Oz is rec og nized<br />

as the world’s lead ing au thor ity on healthy ag ing. As<br />


“nu tri tion ist to the stars” Oz is the go-to nu tri tion ist for<br />

A-List ce leb ri ties and For tune 100 CEO’s. Some of his<br />

celebrity cli ents in clude Hil ary Swank, Kim Cattrall, Heidi<br />

Klum, Winona Ryder, Ve ron ica Webb and Na omi Camp -<br />

bell. His unique and cus tom ized ap proach to nu tri tion<br />

and anti-ag ing cou pled with more than 30 years of ex pe -<br />

ri ence has made Oz one of the most rec og niz able names<br />

in the in dus try. He has lec tured all over the world and<br />

has been a pi o neer in the study of nutrition and antiaging.<br />

Note: Must book first ap point ment by Au gust 1, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Personal Best Inc.<br />

Fair Market Value: $8,000 Opening Bid: $4,000<br />

7048 Tanya Zuckerbrot Nutrition and Associates<br />

Diet fads come and go; but the F-Fac tor ap proach is<br />

based on a sci en tific un der stand ing of anat omy and<br />

phys i ol ogy, and these prin ci ples don’t change with the<br />

tides of di et ing. Whether you’re look ing to shed pounds<br />

or lead a health ier life style, F-Fac tor can help you achieve<br />

your goals. Kick start your weight loss pro gram with a<br />

start up pack age with nu tri tion ist Rebecca Baer. This in -<br />

cludes a one hour ini tial con sul ta tion, 1 fol low up visit<br />

(1.5 hours) where you will re ceive a per son al ized eat ing<br />

plan, and 4 ad di tional follow up visits (half hour each).<br />

Note: In cludes a signed copy of Tanya’s book; www.ffactordiet.com<br />

Courtesy of: Tanya Zuckerbrot Nutrition and<br />

Associates<br />

Fair Market Value: $3,500 Opening Bid: $1,750<br />

7049 Dr. Norman Rowe, MD<br />

A con sul ta tion and a $2,000 gift cer tif i cate to plas tic<br />

surgeon Dr. Nor man Rowe.<br />

Courtesy of: Norman Rowe<br />

Fair Market Value: $2,000 Opening Bid: $1,000<br />


7050 Cosmetic and Dermatologic Evaluation<br />

Board cer ti fied Der ma tol o gist and <strong>Heschel</strong> Par ent, Ste -<br />

phen L. Comite M.D., F.A.A.D, will give a com pli men tary<br />

cos metic con sul ta tion and cos metic pro ce dures or med i -<br />

cal eval u a tion at his of fice in Mid-Town. Among treat -<br />

ments that can be per formed are: Botox, la ser hair re -<br />

moval, Restylane, Radiesse, Juvederm, Sculptra. Gen eral<br />

med i cal der ma tol ogy con di tions in clud ing eval u a tion<br />

and po ten tial treat ment of acne, skin growths and skin<br />

cancer can be treated as well.<br />

Note: $600 gift cer tif i cate in cludes $100 for cos metic con sul ta tion and<br />

$500 in cos metic or med i cal ser vices; cos metic treat ments can be per -<br />

formed on men and women; med i cal treat ments can be per formed as<br />

needed on men, women and children<br />

Courtesy of: Stephen Comite<br />

Fair Market Value: $600 Opening Bid: $300<br />

7051 MELT Method For Pain Relief and Flexibility<br />

This 1.5 hour party for 10 peo ple will in clude in vi ta tions,<br />

a class about the MELT hand and foot tech nique, 10<br />

miniMELT method hand and foot tech nique balls and<br />

mini kits for your guests. <strong>The</strong> MELT Method uses spe cially<br />

cre ated small balls and soft roll ers to rebalance your ner -<br />

vous sys tem and rehydrate your con nec tive tis sue, pro -<br />

tect ing your body from wear and tear. MELT is for any one<br />

who wants to slow down the ag ing pro cess and live<br />

better.<br />

Note: up to 10 peo ple; mu tu ally agree able dates; at the lo ca tion of<br />

your choice<br />

Courtesy of: Gentlework Fitness<br />

Fair Market Value: $1,500 Opening Bid: $500<br />

7052 Periodontal Consultation<br />

Periodontal ex am i na tion and con sul ta tion with Dr.<br />

Charles Kaner lo cated at 30 East 40th Street. Ser vices in -<br />


clude 1 set of dig i tal ra dio graphs and 1 clean ing. An<br />

Oral-B elec tric tooth brush is also included.<br />

Courtesy of: Charles and Tamara Kaner<br />

Fair Market Value: $855 Opening Bid: $430<br />

7053 Professional Tooth Whitening<br />

Pro fes sional tooth whit en ing tray sys tem fab ri cated in<br />

Dr. Da vid Weinstein’s East Side of fice.<br />

Courtesy of: David Weinstein<br />

Fair Market Value: $600 Opening Bid: $300<br />

7054 Pediatric Dental Visit<br />

1 pe di at ric ex am i na tion, clean ing and x-rays by Dr. Ruby<br />

Gelman lo cated at 49 West 12th Street.<br />

Courtesy of: Ruby Gelman DMD Pediatric Dentistry<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />

7055 Orthodontic Evaluation at Pediatric Dentistry<br />

One child or adult orth odon tic eval u a tion at the of fice of<br />

Dr. Rob ert Peracchia lo cated at 327 Cen tral Park West.<br />

Note: please bring the gift cer tif i cate in or der to re deem;<br />

ex pires May 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Pediatric Dentistry and West Side<br />

Orthodontics<br />

Fair Market Value: $180 Opening Bid: $90<br />

7056 Child Care Visit at Pediatric Dentistry<br />

One child exam, pro phy laxis (clean ing), and flu o ride<br />

treat ment at the of fice of Dr. Rob ert Peracchia lo cated at<br />

327 Cen tral Park West.<br />

Note: please bring the gift cer tif i cate in or der to re deem;<br />

ex pires May 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Pediatric Dentistry and West Side<br />

Orthodontics<br />

Fair Market Value: $180 Opening Bid: $90<br />


7057 For Your Pearly Whites<br />

1 Sonicare air flosser,1 WaterPik wa ter flosser, 1 Sonicare<br />

DiamondClean elec tric tooth brush and 18 adult<br />

tooth brushes.<br />

Courtesy of: Madison Avenue Dental<br />

Fair Market Value: $400 Opening Bid: $200<br />

7058 Oral-B Electrical Toothbrush<br />

1 Oral-B elec tri cal tooth brush.<br />

Courtesy of: Charles and Tamara Kaner<br />

Fair Market Value: $120 Opening Bid: $60<br />

7059 Spinal Exam at Carnegie Chiropractic<br />

One-on-one con sul ta tion, ex am i na tion, dig i tal spi nal<br />

scan and x-ray with a sec ond day fol low up re port of<br />

findings.<br />

Note: Ex pires April 30, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Eileen Claman and Larry Butler, Carnegie<br />

Chiropractic<br />

Fair Market Value: $230 Opening Bid: $115<br />

7060 Sterling Optical<br />

$200 gift cer tif i cate to Ster ling Op ti cal for eye exam, con -<br />

tact lens exam, frames, or lenses.<br />

Courtesy of: Sterling Optical<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

7061 <strong>The</strong> Eye Man<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate for ei ther an eye exam or frames. <strong>The</strong><br />

Eye Man is lo cated at 2264 Broad way.<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Eye Man<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />


L’CHAIM<br />


L’CHAIM (8000–8067)<br />

Dining In<br />

8000 Dinner Party for 12 by Petaks Glatt Kosher Catering<br />

Let <strong>Heschel</strong> un cle Gary Ru bin, who ca tered the White<br />

House Chanukkah party and this year’s auc tion, pre pare<br />

din ner for you and your friends! This cock tail party style<br />

din ner for 12 in cludes passed hors d’oeuvres (meat,<br />

chicken and veg e tar ian), veg e ta ble crudités, mini tapas<br />

and flatbreads, fresh sliced fruit, and mini past ries. In -<br />

cludes one wait staff, pa per goods and soda.<br />

Note: Must be sched uled 30 days in ad vance; ex cludes hol i days and<br />

Shabbat<br />

Courtesy of: Petak’s Glatt Kosher Catering of<br />

Fair Lawn, NJ<br />

Fair Market Value: $630 Opening Bid: $320<br />

8001 Foremost RAM Shabbat Dinner<br />

Din ner for 10 peo ple, which in cludes soup, chicken, veg -<br />

e ta bles and po ta toes, fresh fruit and cook ies.<br />

Note: Food de liv ery only; does not in clude staff; con tact the of fice 2<br />

weeks prior to de sired date; not valid dur ing Pesach.<br />

Courtesy of: Foremost RAM Caterers<br />

Fair Market Value: $500 Opening Bid: $250<br />

8002 Delicious Catered Dinner for Six<br />

Fab u lous chef and ca terer Shoshana Quint will come to<br />

your home and pre pare a four course din ner for up to six<br />

peo ple.<br />

Note: Not valid Sat ur days, Sun days or hol i days; mu tu ally agree able<br />

date; win ner to pur chase in gre di ents from a shop ping list provided<br />

Courtesy of: Shoshana Quint<br />

Fair Market Value: $350 Opening Bid: $175<br />

L’CHAIM | 173

8003 Homemade Challahs by <strong>Heschel</strong> Parent<br />

Adina Wagman<br />

Let <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Adina Wagman adorn your Shabbat<br />

ta ble for four weeks with two freshly baked challahs.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able dates and de liv ery lo ca tion; do no need to be<br />

con sec u tive weeks<br />

Courtesy of: Adina Wagman<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $125<br />

8004 Homemade Challahs by Chef and <strong>Heschel</strong> Parent<br />

Katja Goldman<br />

Let <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent Katja Goldman adorn your Shabbat<br />

ta ble with two freshly baked challahs.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able dates; de liv ery on west side only<br />

Courtesy of: Katja Goldman and Michael Sonnenfeldt<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $50<br />

8005 Homemade Challahs by <strong>Heschel</strong> Parent<br />

Jennifer Daniels<br />

En joy two freshly baked Challahs over two Shabbat<br />

week ends. You choose the dates and let <strong>Heschel</strong> par ent<br />

Jennifer Daniels help you pre pare for Shabbat with these<br />

de li cious home made loaves.<br />

Note: Mu tu ally agree able dates and de liv ery lo ca tion<br />

Courtesy of: Jennifer Daniels<br />

Fair Market Value: Priceless Opening Bid: $75<br />

8006 Trader Joe’s<br />

$180 gift card<br />

Note: Can be re deemed at any TJ’s lo ca tion, in cludes two gift cards (one<br />

for $100 and one for $80)<br />

Courtesy of: Fran and Michael Bast, Trader Joe’s<br />

Fair Market Value: $180 Opening Bid: $90<br />

174 | L’CHAIM

8007 Fischer Bros. & Leslie Shabbat Dinner<br />

Shabbat din ner for 10 peo ple, in clud ing roasted chick -<br />

ens, three soups, 5–6 sides, des sert and challah.<br />

Note: In cludes de liv ery in Manhattan; not valid on hol i days<br />

Courtesy of: Fischer Bros. & Leslie<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

8008 Seasons (Kosher)<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Note: In store only; full value must be re deemed dur ing one visit only; no<br />

change or credit given<br />

Courtesy of: Seasons<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8009 Park East Kosher Butcher<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: Park East Kosher Butchers<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8010 <strong>The</strong> Kosher Marketplace<br />

$75 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Note: Valid in store only<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Kosher Marketplace<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $40<br />

8011 Fresh Direct<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: FreshDirect.com<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8012 Fresh Direct<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: FreshDirect.com<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

L’CHAIM | 175

8013 Zabar’s<br />

$50 gift card<br />

Courtesy of: Zabar’s<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

Dining Out<br />

8014 David Burke<br />

$250 gift cer tif i cate to any Da vid Burke res tau rant.<br />

Courtesy of: Olessia Kantor and Leonid Nevzlin<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />

8015 Carlos & Gabby’s (Kosher)<br />

Ko sher ca terer Carlos & Gabby’s of Riverdale will ca ter a<br />

party for 15 peo ple. Pack age in cludes pa per goods,<br />

nachos & salsa, caesar salad, mini burritos, mini bur gers<br />

and more.<br />

Note: De liv ery within Manhattan in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Carlos & Gabby’s<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />

8016 Russian Tea Room<br />

$250 gift cer tif i cate to the leg end ary res tau rant, lo cated<br />

at 150 West 57th Street.<br />

Note: Ex pires Jan u ary 4, 2013<br />

Courtesy of: Russian Tea Room<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />

8017 Le Marais (Kosher)<br />

$200 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Note: Gra tu ity is not in cluded; not valid in butcher shop<br />

Courtesy of: Le Marais<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

176 | L’CHAIM

8018 Da Umberto Ristorante<br />

$200 gift cer tif i cate for din ner<br />

Note: Gra tu ity and tax are not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Da Umberto Ristorante<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

8019 <strong>The</strong> Smith Restaurant<br />

$200 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Note: Gra tu ity and tax are not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Jeffrey Lefcourt and Glenn Harris<br />

Fair Market Value: $200 Opening Bid: $100<br />

8020 Morton’s Steakhouse<br />

$150 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Note: Gra tu ity and tax are not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Morton’s <strong>The</strong> Steakhouse<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

8021 Palm Too<br />

A $150 gift card to the Palm Too res tau rant, lo cated at<br />

840 Sec ond Av e nue.<br />

Note: Gra tu ity not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Palm Too<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

8022 Artisanal<br />

$150 gift cer tif i cate.<br />

Courtesy of: Artisanal<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

L’CHAIM | 177

8023 <strong>The</strong> Mayflower Inn<br />

Din ner for two at the pres ti gious 5 star 5 di a monds prop -<br />

erty in Wash ing ton, Con nect i cut. Din ner in cludes house<br />

wines.<br />

Note: Res er va tion re quired; sub ject to avail abil ity<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Mayflower Inn<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

8024 Matsuri Restaurant<br />

$150 Gift Cer tif i cate to Matsuri, one of New York’s most<br />

unique and loved Jap a nese res tau rants. Lo cated in <strong>The</strong><br />

Mar i time Ho tel in Chelsea.<br />

Courtesy of: Matsuri<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

8025 Tao NY<br />

$125 gift card<br />

Note: Gra tu ity and tax are not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Tao NY<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

8026 Rue 57<br />

$125 gift card<br />

Note: Gra tu ity and tax are not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Rue 57<br />

Fair Market Value: $125 Opening Bid: $65<br />

8027 <strong>The</strong> Alicart Restaurant Group<br />

$100 gift card to be used at Car mine’s, Vir gil’s, Artie’s or<br />

Gabriela’s.<br />

Courtesy of: Carmine’s<br />

178 | L’CHAIM<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50

8028 <strong>The</strong> Mermaid Inn<br />

A gift cer tif i cate for $100 at the Mer maid Inn—Up per<br />

West Side lo ca tion.<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Mermaid Inn<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8029 Crumbs Bake Shop (Kosher)<br />

$100 gift card to be used at any Crumbs’ lo ca tion<br />

Courtesy of: Crumbs Bake Shop<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8030 <strong>The</strong> Parlor Steakhouse<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Note: Gra tu ity and tax are not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: <strong>The</strong> Parlor Steakhouse<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8031 Trattoria di Vino<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: Trattoria di Vino<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8032 Milk N Honey (Kosher)<br />

Ex ec u tive break fast for 10. Beau ti ful break fast dis play of<br />

their hand-rolled ba gels, freshly made muf fins and past -<br />

ries, and sea sonal fruit plat ter. In cludes cream cheese,<br />

but ter and jam.<br />

Note: In cludes de liv ery in Manhattan only; one time use only, no cash<br />

value, no sub sti tu tion<br />

Courtesy of: Milk N Honey<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

L’CHAIM | 179

8033 Hana’s Pizza on the UES (Kosher)<br />

Five 12’’ cheese pies<br />

Note: Ex pires De cem ber 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Hana’s Pizza<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8034 Pret a Manger<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Note: 10 cer tif i cates for $10 each<br />

Courtesy of: Pret a Manger<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8035 Coffee at JOE<br />

20 drink vouch ers for any JOE lo ca tion.<br />

Courtesy of: JOE<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8036 Chocolat Moderne<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate for Chocolat Moderne. Pur chases can<br />

be made at their re tail lo ca tion in the Flat iron Dis trict or<br />

from their website.<br />

Note: Good for value of mer chan dise; not ap pli ca ble for taxes or ship -<br />

ping costs; may not be com bined with other of fers, dis counts or<br />

pro mo tions<br />

Courtesy of: Dezer Properties, LLC<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8037 Chocolat Moderne<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate for Chocolat Moderne. Pur chases can<br />

be made at their re tail lo ca tion in the Flat iron Dis trict or<br />

from their website.<br />

Note: Good for value of mer chan dise; not ap pli ca ble for taxes or ship -<br />

ping costs; may not be com bined with other of fers, dis counts or<br />

pro mo tions<br />

Courtesy of: Dezer Properties, LLC<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

180 | L’CHAIM

8038 Five Guys Burgers and Fries<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: Five Points Partners, LLC<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8039 Dinosaur Bar-B-Que<br />

$100 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: Dinosaur Bar-B-Que<br />

Fair Market Value: $100 Opening Bid: $50<br />

8040 Mae Mae Cafe<br />

Lunch date for six at the warm and in ti mate Mae Mae<br />

Cafe op er ated by ca ter ing com pany Great Per for mances.<br />

It is sit u ated in a quiet cor ner of Hud son Square in New<br />

York City and serves sea sonal chef spe cials, panini, des -<br />

serts, a full cof fee menu and loose-leaf teas. Mae Mae<br />

Cafe grows over 40 va ri et ies of the most de li cious or -<br />

ganic veg e ta bles in their 60-acre Katchkie Farm in<br />

Kinderhook, NY. <strong>The</strong>y also source pro duce, meat, fish and<br />

dairy prod ucts from other lo cal grow ers and pur vey ors.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir com mit ment to in no va tive cui sine and sus tain able<br />

prac tices con nects Mae Mae Cafe to the land and to<br />

savor its gifts.<br />

Note: Gra tu ity not in cluded; in cludes 1 ap pe tizer for ta ble; 1 en tree, 1<br />

des sert and 1 non al co holic drink per guest; 1 week ad vance res er va tion<br />

required<br />

Courtesy of: Great Performances<br />

Fair Market Value: $90 Opening Bid: $45<br />

L’CHAIM | 181

8041 For Your Sweet Tooth<br />

In dulge your self (or some one else!) with these sweet<br />

treats: a $25 gift cer tif i cate to Screme Ge lato (Ko sher), 5<br />

vouch ers for cup cakes at Crumbs (Ko sher) and a $25 gift<br />

card to Jamba Juice.<br />

Note: Crumbs: only one cup cake per cus tomer;<br />

Screme: valid at any lo ca tion<br />

Courtesy of: Crumbs Bake Shop, Jamba Juice, Screme<br />

Gelato Bars<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $35<br />

8042 EIGHTEEN (Kosher)<br />

$75 gift cer tif i cate can be used to wards din ing, ca ter ing,<br />

Shabbat to go, de liv ery or take out.<br />

Note: Tax and gra tu ity is not in cluded; cer tif i cate can not be used in con -<br />

junc tion with any other pro mo tion; ex pires Au gust 7, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: EIGHTEEN Restaurant<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $40<br />

8043 Candle 79<br />

$75 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Note: Gra tu ity and tax are not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Candle 79<br />

Fair Market Value: $75 Opening Bid: $40<br />

8044 Ben’s Deli (Kosher)<br />

$72 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Note: Gra tu ity and tax are not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Ben’s Restaurant Group<br />

Fair Market Value: $72 Opening Bid: $35<br />

8045 My Most Favorite Food (Kosher)<br />

Lunch for two up to $70.<br />

Note: Gra tu ity not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: My Most Favorite Food<br />

Fair Market Value: $70 Opening Bid: $35<br />

182 | L’CHAIM

8046 Pane e Vino<br />

En joy brunch for two at this charm ing Ital ian res tau rant<br />

on ul tra trendy Smith Street in Carroll Gar dens, owned by<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> grand par ent Ervin Rosenfeld.<br />

Note: Al co holic bev er ages in cluded; tax and gra tu ity not in cluded;<br />

reservations required<br />

Courtesy of: Ervin Rosenfeld<br />

Fair Market Value: $60 Opening Bid: $30<br />

8047 Kosher Advantage<br />

One year mem ber ship to Ko sher Ad van tage, which saves<br />

you up to 15% at over 250 ko sher mar kets and res tau -<br />

rants in the New York area.<br />

Note: Must be re deemed by De cem ber 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Courtesy of: Kosher Advantage<br />

Fair Market Value: $60 Opening Bid: $30<br />

8048 Let’s Do Lunch on the UWS<br />

En joy lunch at French Roast with a $30 gift cer tif i cate<br />

and Artie’s Deli with a $25 gift cer tif i cate.<br />

Note: For din ing in store only; no change, no take-out or de liv ery<br />

Courtesy of: Artie’s Delicatessen, French Roast<br />

Fair Market Value: $55 Opening Bid: $30<br />

8049 Blockheads<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: Blockheads<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

L’CHAIM | 183

8050 Wolf and Lamb Steakhouse (Kosher)<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate. Lo cated in the heart of Mid town<br />

Manhattan, this ko sher steak house is great for busi ness<br />

meet ings or fam ily cel e bra tions.<br />

Note: Gra tu ity not in cluded; valid dur ing din ner only;<br />

www.wolfandlambsteakhouse.com<br />

Courtesy of: Wolf & Lamb Steakhouse<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

8051 Glaze Teriyaki<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Note: Gra tu ity and tax are not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Glaze Teriyaki<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

8052 Meat Me (Kosher)<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate to this new steak house on the UWS.<br />

Courtesy of: Meat Me<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

8053 Big Daddy’s<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate.<br />

Note: Gra tu ity is not in cluded.<br />

Courtesy of: Big Daddy’s<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

8054 Gift Certificates to Abigael’s and Estihana (Kosher)<br />

En joy a $25 gift cer tif i cate to Abigael’s on Broad way and<br />

a $25 gift cer tif i cate to Estihana.<br />

Courtesy of: Abigael’s on Broadway, Estihana Oriental<br />

Restaurant and Sushi Bar<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

184 | L’CHAIM

8055 Maadan (Kosher)<br />

$36 gift cer tif i cate to this res tau rant in Teaneck, NJ.<br />

Courtesy of: Maadan<br />

Fair Market Value: $36 Opening Bid: $20<br />

8056 Noi Due Cafe (Kosher)<br />

$36 gift cer tif i cate<br />

Courtesy of: Noi Due Cafe<br />

Fair Market Value: $36 Opening Bid: $20<br />

8057 Fish and Sip<br />

$25 gift cer tif i cate to Fish and Sip, lo cated in Pros pect<br />

Heights, Brook lyn<br />

Courtesy of: Fish and Sip<br />

Fair Market Value: $25 Opening Bid: $15<br />

Wine<br />

8058 2008 Winograd Wine<br />

One case of 2008 Winograd Wine, a wine made from<br />

pinot noir grapes from the Olsen Fam ily Vine yard<br />

(Willamette Val ley, Or e gon). <strong>The</strong> wine was made at City<br />

Win ery in New York with par tic i pa tion by Board Pres i -<br />

dent Barry Winograd. It is a full-bod ied “Burgundian”<br />

styled pinot noir, aged in the Winograd bar rel, made<br />

of new French Oak. It’s a Winograd fam ily fa vor ite, and<br />

will con tinue to age nicely for several years.<br />

Courtesy of: Joan and Barry N. Winograd<br />

Fair Market Value: $500 Opening Bid: $250<br />

L’CHAIM | 185

8059 Kosher Winery Tour in Napa Valley<br />

En joy a pri vate tour and a tast ing for six peo ple at<br />

Hagafen Cel lars and take home one case of Hagafen Cel -<br />

lars 2007 Es tate Bot tled Syrah.<br />

Note: Ship ping cost for wine is not in cluded<br />

Courtesy of: Hagafen Cellars<br />

Fair Market Value: $500 Opening Bid: $250<br />

8060 Baron Herzog Cabernet Sauvignon (Kosher)<br />

En joy a case of Baron Herzog Caber net Sau vi gnon Wine.<br />

Courtesy of: Herzog Wine Cellars<br />

Fair Market Value: $156 Opening Bid: $80<br />

8061 Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon<br />

Sil ver Oak Napa Val ley Caber net Sau vi gnon<br />

Courtesy of: Diamonds and Dials<br />

Fair Market Value: $250 Opening Bid: $125<br />

8062 Ducru Beaucaillou<br />

A red wine that is pro duced at Château Ducru-<br />

Beaucaillou in France and is clas si fied as one of fif teen<br />

Deuxièmes Crus (Sec ond Growths) in the orig i nal Bor -<br />

deaux Wine Of fi cial Clas si fi ca tion of 1855.<br />

Courtesy of: David and Micheline Stamler<br />

Fair Market Value: $155 Opening Bid: $80<br />

8063 Kistler Curvee Natalie Pinot Noir Silver Belt Vineyard<br />

2009<br />

Re ceived 90–93 points by the wine ad vo cate Rob ert<br />

Parker who de scribed the wine as “sim i larly made, but<br />

more Volnay-like, the 2009 Pinot Noir Curvee Natalie Sil -<br />

ver Belt Vine yard is more tightly struc tured, but it re veals<br />

at trac tive rasp berry and black cherry fruit in ter twined<br />

with loamy soil and for est floor undertones.”<br />

Courtesy of: Bess and Leor Landa<br />

Fair Market Value: $150 Opening Bid: $75<br />

186 | L’CHAIM

8064 Kistler Chardonnay Parmalee Hill Vineyard Stone Flat<br />

Sonoma Coast 2009<br />

Re ceived 93–95 points by the wine ad vo cate Rob ert<br />

Parker who de scribed the wine as a wine that “ex hib its<br />

more trop i cal fruit (or ange mar ma lade, pine ap ple and<br />

hon eyed cit rus), me dium to full body, good acid ity as<br />

well as el e gance and a se ri ously en dowed personality.”<br />

Courtesy of: Bess and Leor Landa<br />

Fair Market Value: $120 Opening Bid: $60<br />

8065 Bartenura Rosso Toscano 2010 (Kosher)<br />

One case of Bartenura Rosso Toscano made from 100%<br />

Sangiovese grapes. <strong>The</strong> me dium in ten sity, red color and<br />

vi o let shades sig nal fruity berry notes that im part a lin -<br />

ger ing bou quet.<br />

Courtesy of: Acker, Merrill and Condit<br />

Fair Market Value: $120 Opening Bid: $60<br />

8066 Columbus Avenue Wines and Spirits<br />

$50 gift cer tif i cate to this won der ful neigh bor hood li -<br />

quor store lo cated at 96th and Co lum bus. <strong>The</strong>y have a<br />

fan tas tic se lec tion of Kosher wines!<br />

Courtesy of: Columbus Avenue Wines & Spirits<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

8067 Book + Bottle of Champagne<br />

In cludes “<strong>The</strong> Wine Guy” by Andy Besch and a bot tle of<br />

Pol Roger Brut<br />

Courtesy of: West Side Wine<br />

Fair Market Value: $50 Opening Bid: $25<br />

L’CHAIM | 187

Con di tions of Sale<br />

1. All si lent auc tion and live auc tion pack ages must be picked<br />

up from the 2nd floor con fer ence room at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Heschel</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> on:<br />

• Thursday, February 9, <strong>2012</strong>: 3:00 – 4:30 PM<br />

• Friday, February 10, <strong>2012</strong>: 8:00 – 9:30 AM<br />

11:45 AM – 1:00 PM<br />

• Monday, February 13, <strong>2012</strong>: 8:00 – 9:30 AM<br />

3:00 – 4:30 PM<br />

Goods must be paid for in full at the time of pick-up. In ad di -<br />

tion, at pick-up, all out stand ing pay ments for a buyer’s use of<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> Hero raf fle tick ets will be due and pay able. Buyer<br />

may pay for his/her pur chases with Visa, MasterCard or Dis -<br />

cover, as well as per sonal checks and cash.<br />

2. It will be the re spon si bil ity of win ning bid ders to in sure that<br />

there is no dam age done to pri vate homes do nated by par -<br />

ents and friends of <strong>The</strong> Abra ham Joshua <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />

Win ning Bid ders will be re quired to sign a waiver form. Pri -<br />

vate homes of fered may or may not have ko sher kitch ens.<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> Abra ham Joshua <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong> does not bear any re -<br />

spon si bil ity should any items be come in valid due to fore clo -<br />

sure, change in op er a tions, or acts of nature.<br />

4. Un less oth er wise spec i fied, trans por ta tion is not in cluded in<br />

trip pack ages, and gra tu ity, taxes, and li quor are not in cluded<br />

in res tau rant packages.<br />

5. <strong>The</strong> auc tion eer's writ ten re cord de ter mines the win ning bid -<br />

der of each and ev ery lot of the Live Auc tion.<br />

6. Sales are fi nal and sub ject to the terms and con di tions stip u -<br />

lated by the do nors. All items have been do nated to <strong>The</strong><br />

Abra ham Joshua <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong> and are sold by the school<br />

and not the do nor. Pur chas ers may not ask for re funds or ex -<br />

changes from do nors or the <strong>School</strong>.<br />

7. Un less oth er wise spec i fied, all auc tion items must be re -<br />

deemed within 1 year af ter Feb ru ary 7, <strong>2012</strong>. Un less oth er -<br />

wise spec i fied, dates and times are to be ar ranged at the mu -<br />

tual con ve nience of do nor and buyer. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong> is<br />


not re spon si ble for any ven dor/store that may cease op er a -<br />

tions af ter the <strong>Auction</strong> date.<br />

8. All listed val u a tions are fur nished by the do nors, and <strong>The</strong><br />

Abra ham Joshua <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong> is not re spon si ble for the<br />

ac cu racy of the figures.<br />

Disclaimers<br />




















<strong>The</strong> Abraham Joshua <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Roanna Shorofsky, Head of <strong>School</strong><br />

Board of Trustees 2011–<strong>2012</strong><br />

Trustees<br />

Jacob W. Buchdahl<br />

Katja B. Goldman<br />

Robert R. Goodman<br />

Robert Imershein<br />

Amy Kalmanofsky<br />

Vivian Sun Kenvin, PA Rep.<br />

Karen Kolodny<br />

Beth Goldberg Nash<br />

Marcella Rosen<br />

Susan Levin Schlechter<br />

Maksim Stavinsky<br />

Mark I. Tsesarsky<br />

Jeffrey L. Verschleiser<br />

Executive Committee<br />

Joel Citron<br />

President<br />

Ariela R. Dubler<br />

Vice President<br />

Joel Ackerman<br />

Treasurer<br />

Leslie Dezer Salmon<br />

Secretary<br />

Alisa R. Doctoroff*<br />

Jonathan S. Kern<br />

Shira Nadich Levin*<br />

Steven Shapiro<br />

Barry N. Winograd*<br />

Honorary Trustees<br />

Virginia Bayer*<br />

Ria Gruss<br />

Susannah <strong>Heschel</strong><br />

Terry Ann Krulwich*<br />

Rabbi Judah Nadich, z"l<br />

Rebecca Shahmoon Shanok**<br />

Seth M. Siegel<br />

Alan B. Slifka, z"l<br />

Peter A. Geffen, Founder<br />

*Former President<br />

**Founding President<br />


<strong>The</strong> Auc tion Com mit tee ex tends warm est thanks to all of the<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong> fam i lies whose ex traor di nary sup port and help<br />

have made this event possible.<br />

192<br />

<strong>Auction</strong> Chairs<br />

Skye Gabel<br />

Stacy Helfstein<br />

Yana Lukeman<br />

Solicitation Chairs<br />

Dana Fine<br />

Elana Genger<br />

Emily Gindi<br />

Lisa Salzberg<br />

Volunteer Coordinator<br />

Leah Elalouf Wurzburger<br />

Invitation & Catalog Cover Art & Design<br />

Nicole Duval<br />

Merchandise Registrar & Post Event Distribution<br />

Vanessa Kroll Bennett<br />

Publicity<br />

Susan Ellman<br />

Display<br />

Flo Kagan<br />

Melissa Sutton

<strong>Auction</strong> Committee<br />

Anthony Chiafullo • Estee Dezer-Gurwitz • Michelle Feig<br />

Jeannie Fisher • Patty Goldman • Limor Gutkind • Diane Hess<br />

Natasha Lalezarian • Bess Landa • Jen Leinwand • Danielle Levy<br />

Rebecca Lindenbaum • Holly Merrin • Tanya Meyers • Orit Orgel<br />

Merav Renas • Toby Riggi • Rachel Rosan • Maura Rosberger<br />

Lisa Rose • Helene Safdie-Levy • Meredith Schizer<br />

Wendi Schwartz • Yona Shoshan • Ava Lang Soffer<br />

Dawn Spiera • Amy Steiner • Robin Unterberg • Clarissa Uvegi<br />

Adina Wagman • Alison Wishengrad • Paula Wynne<br />


Abraham Joshua <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>Auction</strong> Donors<br />

We would like to thank the following Donors<br />

for making our auction a success.<br />

10 Strawberry Street<br />

16 Handles Frozen Yogurt<br />

92nd Street Y<br />

92nd Street Y Camps<br />

ABC <strong>The</strong> View<br />

Abe Foxman<br />

Abigael’s on Broadway<br />

Fiona Aboud<br />

Tobi Abrahmson<br />

Lauren Abramowitz<br />

Acker, Merrill and Condit<br />

Acme Smoked Fish<br />

Corporation<br />

Adina Wagman<br />

Adventure Bound<br />

Alex Toys<br />

Jonathan Alter<br />

Alvin Ailey American<br />

Dance <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

American Symphony<br />

Orchestra<br />

American Tap Dance<br />

Foundation<br />

Karen Kolodny and<br />

Hank Amon<br />

Amsterdam Hospitality Group<br />

Barbara and Allen Applbaum<br />

Apple Seeds<br />

194<br />

Suzy Appelbaum<br />

Artie’s Delicatessen<br />

Artisanal<br />

Lea Ashear<br />

Asphalt Green<br />

Rhonda Avner<br />

Baby Brezza Enterprises<br />

Ballet Academy East<br />

Bank Street Bookstore<br />

Bard Graduate Center<br />

Barnes & Noble<br />

Fran and Michael Bast<br />

Peter and Diana Beinart<br />

Ben & Jerry’s<br />

Marni Benichou<br />

Artie Bennett<br />

Ben’s Restaurant Group<br />

Shula Bergman<br />

Big Daddy’s<br />

Birabiro<br />

Blatt Billiard Corp.<br />

Dara Bleshman<br />

Blockheads<br />

Pamela Blomberg Schwartz<br />

Bloomingdale’s<br />

Blue Man Group

Cochava Branigan<br />

Eleanor Harrison and Peter<br />

Bregman<br />

Brooklyn Museum<br />

Patricia Brown<br />

Karin Bruckner<br />

Eileen Claman and Larry Butler<br />

Camp Modin<br />

Candle 79<br />

Canine Styles<br />

Canvas On Demand<br />

Carlos and Gabby’s<br />

Carmine’s<br />

Carnegie Chiropractic<br />

Carrera of America Inc<br />

Casa Lever<br />

CATES, LLC<br />

Central Park Sports<br />

Chachom Institute<br />

Chef’s Table<br />

Chelsea Piers Management,<br />

Inc.<br />

Children’s Museum of the Arts<br />

Ulrika Citron<br />

Classic Kids Photography<br />

Clay Health Club and Spa<br />

College Wizard<br />

Columbus Avenue Wines &<br />

Spirits<br />

Comedy Sportz<br />

Stephen Comite<br />

Congregation Shaare Zedek<br />

Contemporary Laser, Inc.<br />

Debbie and Elliot Cosgrove<br />

Cozy’s Cuts for Kids<br />

Creations by Stacy Helfstein<br />

Crumbs Bake Shop<br />

Crunch Fitness<br />

Cutler Salon<br />

Da Umberto Ristorante<br />

Deer Mountain Day Camp<br />

Denim Habit<br />

Dezer Properties, LLC<br />

Diamonds and Dials<br />

Dinosaur Bar-B-Que<br />

Discovery Programs, Inc.<br />

Alisa and Dan Doctoroff<br />

Done and Done NYC<br />

Doodle Doo’s<br />

Andrea Eastman<br />

Anne Ebersman<br />

Edit<br />

Edward Woolsey<br />

EFT Personal Training LLC<br />

EIGHTEEN Restaurant<br />

Shelley and Steven Einhorn<br />

Valerie Feigen and Steven<br />

Eisman<br />

Eli Eizak<br />

El Al Airlines<br />

Eli Halili<br />

Elite Island Resorts<br />

Emily Gindi<br />

Empire Silver<br />

Enopi Math and Reading<br />

Equinox<br />

Erica Sara Designs<br />


Estihana Oriental Restaurant<br />

and Sushi Bar<br />

Fancy Care Cleaners<br />

Fantastic Kids Toys<br />

Fast Money—Karen Finerman<br />

FasTracKids Enrichment<br />

Center<br />

Sandi Fein<br />

Maxine Feldman-Cohen<br />

Fencers Club<br />

Alexa Ferrara<br />

Dana and Adam Fine<br />

Jessica Fink<br />

Fischer Bros. & Leslie<br />

Fish and Sip<br />

Fisher Klingenstein Films<br />

Five Points Partners, LLC<br />

Dvora Flamholz<br />

Flywheel<br />

Foremost RAM Caterers<br />

Forty 1° North<br />

Abe Foxman<br />

Ariel Foxman<br />

Fred Marcus Photography and<br />

Videography<br />

French Institute Alliance<br />

Francaise<br />

French Roast<br />

FreshDirect.com<br />

Navah Perlman and<br />

Robert Frost<br />

Gallery 1200<br />

Jacob Garmaise<br />

Gazillion Bubble Show<br />

196<br />

Lauren Schor and<br />

Martin Geller<br />

Gentlework Fitness<br />

Glaze Teriyaki<br />

Sharon Goldman<br />

David Goodman<br />

Gila and Michael Goodman<br />

Adam Gopnik<br />

Gotham Comedy Club<br />

Michael Graetz<br />

Julie Grau<br />

Great Performances—<br />

Liz Neumark<br />

Green Mountain Coffee<br />

Roasters<br />

Nina Kate Grekin<br />

Paul Grieco<br />

Wendy and Mitch Gross<br />

Hagafen Cellars<br />

Hana’s Pizza<br />

Allan Harari<br />

Shula Bergman Harnoy and<br />

Alon Harnoy<br />

Jeffrey Lefcourt and<br />

Glenn Harris<br />

Haughton International Fairs<br />

Stacy and Jason Helfstein<br />

Etti Yammer Hen<br />

Abe Hendin—<br />

AtYourSpeed Consulting<br />

Raquel Smith and Steve Herz<br />

Herzog Wine Cellars<br />

<strong>Heschel</strong> Parents’ Association<br />

Diane and David Hess<br />

Jennifer Hessmer

Hi Art!<br />

Highlights for Children<br />

Historic House Trust of NYC<br />

Hobby Quest<br />

Holsten Jewelers<br />

Infinity<br />

Intrepid Sea, Air and<br />

Space Museum<br />

Ir David Foundation—<br />

Eli Alony<br />

Ivy Sage Education<br />

Izik Mishan Photography<br />

Jamba Juice<br />

Jax Gifts<br />

JCC in Manhattan<br />


Jeffrey Stein Salon<br />

Jennifer Daniels<br />

JJ Kim’s Tae Kwon Do<br />

Joan and Barry N. Winograd<br />

Jodi’s Gym<br />

JOE<br />

Betsey Johnson<br />

Lulu Johnson<br />

Riki Joselewitz<br />

June’s Violin Workshop<br />

Stacy and Jason Helfstein<br />

Amy and Jeremy Kalmanofsky<br />

Tamara and Charles Kaner<br />

Jodi Kantor<br />

Kaufman Center/<br />

Lucy Moses <strong>School</strong><br />

Kenneth Chen Portraits<br />

Vivian Sun Kenvin and Fred<br />

Kenvin<br />

KidKraft<br />

Kids in Sports<br />

Kidville<br />

Korean Cultural Society NY<br />

Kosher Advantage<br />

Andrea and Harry Krakowski<br />

Kramer Portraits<br />

Aron Kressel<br />

La Di Da<br />

Bess and Leor Landa<br />

Late Show with David<br />

Letterman<br />

Lauren Vidal<br />

Le Marais<br />

LearningRx<br />

Leib Designs<br />

Judith Shulevitz and Nicholas<br />

Lemann<br />

Lemongrove Productions Inc.<br />

Leo Ingwer Inc.<br />

Leshem Loft, LLC<br />

Gideon Levin<br />

Levy Lighting NYC—<br />

Helene Safdie-Levy and<br />

Ira Levy<br />

Danielle Levy<br />

Lia Schorr Skin Care, Inc.<br />

Liberty Science Center<br />

Lil Yogi’s NYC<br />

Lincoln Center for the<br />

Performing Arts<br />

Little Shop of Crafts<br />

Illana Lloyd<br />


Looney Louie<br />

Louis Licari<br />

Richard Louis<br />

Love Rocks NY<br />

Lovella Hair Salon<br />

Lucky Lil’ Darlings<br />

Maadan<br />

Mabel’s Labels<br />

Madison Avenue Dental<br />

Make Meaning<br />

Manhattan Borough President<br />

Office<br />

Manhattan By Sail, Inc.<br />

Manhattan Motor Cars<br />

Skye Gabel and Jeffrey Mann<br />

Marby Designs<br />

Marie Robinson Salon<br />

Beth and Richard Mason<br />

Illy Massey<br />

Matsuri<br />

Max Wax<br />

Maya B<br />

Dylan McClain<br />

Meat Me<br />

Alicia and Henry Meer<br />

Stephanie and Lionel Mellul<br />

Linda Blum and Jeremy Merrin<br />

Holly and Sam Merrin<br />

Selene and Marc Messenger<br />

Carolyn Meyer-Wartels<br />

Mia Chef Gelateria<br />

Michael’s Restaurant<br />

Michael Aram<br />

198<br />

Linda Michelson<br />

Milk N Honey<br />

Modern Martial Arts<br />

Moey’s Music Party<br />

Molton Brown<br />

Morton’s <strong>The</strong> Steakhouse<br />

MTV Networks<br />

David Mugrabi<br />

My Most Favorite Food<br />

My Tiny Nest<br />

Shannon Nagrodzki<br />

Nalini Method<br />

Olessia Kantor and Leonid<br />

Nevzlin<br />

New York Giants Football<br />

New York Historical Society<br />

New York Jets<br />

New York Kids Club<br />

New York Philharmonic<br />

New York Rangers<br />

Noi Due Cafe<br />

NY Kids Club<br />

NY Skyride<br />

NYC Elite Gymnastics<br />

NYC Guitar <strong>School</strong><br />

Oleg Katz Salon<br />

Oren’s Daily Roast<br />

Organization by Dena<br />

Oriental Trading<br />

Dana and Ethan Orlinsky<br />

Michal and Foster Padway<br />

Palm Too<br />

Pane e Vino-Ervin Rosenfeld

Sasha Papernik<br />

Park East Kosher Butchers<br />

Paul Mole Barber Shop<br />

Jennifer and Mark Pearlman<br />

Pediatric Dentistry and<br />

West Side Orthodontics<br />

Perhaps Coaching<br />

Perianth Interior Design<br />

Personal Best Inc.—<br />

Danielle Pashko<br />

Petak’s Glatt Kosher Catering<br />

of Fair Lawn, NJ<br />

Phillip Gavriel<br />

photoOp<br />

Picholine<br />

Play Room Gallery<br />

Sara Shapiro-Plevan and<br />

William Plevan<br />

Ayala and John Podhoretz<br />

Pole Position Raceway<br />

Portrait Bug<br />

Pret a Manger<br />

Prime KO<br />

Punch Fitness Center<br />

Pure Yoga<br />

Quest Gifts and Design, Inc.<br />

Quinebaug Kennels<br />

Shoshana Quint<br />

Pamela Goldberg Rabin<br />

Ralph PJ Diamond/<br />

Facets Collection<br />

Ramah Day Camp in Nyack<br />

Bruce Baumwoll and<br />

Andrew Reach<br />

Red Market<br />

Red Pomegranate<br />

Reebok Sports Club, NY<br />

Reed & Barton<br />

Adam Rella<br />

Al Rivers<br />

Robert Payne Furs<br />

Robert Stuart Salon<br />

Kathy and Daniel Roger<br />

Rachel and Arnon Rosan<br />

Rosangela Skin Care and Spa<br />

Lisa and Daniel Rose<br />

Lori and Doug Roseman<br />

Evan Rosenberg<br />

Abby Rotenberg<br />

Norman Rowe<br />

Gabriel Rubinson<br />

Ruby Gelman DMD<br />

Pediatric Dentistry<br />

Rue 57<br />

Russian Tea Room<br />

Gaetano Ruvion<br />

Rebeca Rydel<br />

Lisa and Howard Salzberg<br />

Sarah Merians Photography<br />

and Video Company<br />

Sabrina Silverberg and<br />

Tom Sarig<br />

Saturday Night Live<br />

SBE Hotel Group<br />

Dawn Schefler Spiera and<br />

Robert Spiera<br />

Darren Schiff<br />

Meredith and David Schizer<br />

Lisa Schlusselberg<br />


Lisa Rotmil and<br />

Alex Schmelzer<br />

Bev Shnaps-Morris<br />

Aviva Schneider<br />

Screme Gelato Bars<br />

Scribble Press<br />

Seasons<br />

SEEDS Tutoring<br />

Sesame Street Workshop<br />

Shaggy Hair Salon<br />

Gabriela Shalev<br />

Dorit Landau Shapira<br />

Sara Shapiro-Plevan and<br />

William Plevan<br />

Shaya NYC<br />

Shema Or by Orna Simkhai<br />

Liat Reisman Siegel<br />

Beth and Mitchell Silber<br />

Simone France Inc.<br />

Skate With Me<br />

Lori Skopp<br />

Lisa Morgenstern Solomon<br />

and Noah Solomon<br />

Katja Goldman and<br />

Michael Sonnenfeldt<br />

Soul Cycle<br />

SPROUT<br />

Stacey Ilyse Photography<br />

Micheline and David Stamler<br />

Stephanie Stavsky<br />

Alyssa Quint and<br />

Daniel Steinman<br />

Sterling Optical<br />

Steven M. Herman Glatt<br />

Kosher Catering<br />

200<br />

Rachel Stone<br />

Super Soccer Stars<br />

Rick Swanson<br />

SWIMtasticnyc<br />

Symphony Space<br />

Tanya Zuckerbrot Nutrition<br />

and Associates<br />

Tao NY<br />

Taroo<br />

Taroo Too<br />

Teen Hampton<br />

TenMarks<br />

Todd Thaler<br />

<strong>The</strong> Art Farm<br />

<strong>The</strong> Art Students League of NY<br />

<strong>The</strong> Art Studio NY LLC<br />

<strong>The</strong> Baseball Center NYC<br />

<strong>The</strong> Broadway Comedy Club<br />

<strong>The</strong> Craft Studio<br />

<strong>The</strong> Eye Man<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Heschel</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> Jewish Museum<br />

<strong>The</strong> Joseph Papp<br />

Public <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

<strong>The</strong> Korea Society<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kosher Marketplace<br />

<strong>The</strong> Liberty Hotel Boston<br />

<strong>The</strong> Little Orchestra Society<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lodge at Woodloch<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mayflower Inn<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mermaid Inn<br />

<strong>The</strong> Parlor Steakhouse<br />

<strong>The</strong> Princeton Review<br />

<strong>The</strong> Source

<strong>The</strong> Tracie Martyn Salon<br />

<strong>The</strong> Vital <strong>The</strong>atre Company<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wilburton Inn<br />

<strong>The</strong> Yarn Company<br />

<strong>The</strong> Yoga Collective<br />

<strong>The</strong> Zrike Co.<br />

Three Little Birds Music<br />

Tizmoret<br />

Melinda Toporoff<br />

Trader Joe’s<br />

Trattoria di Vino<br />

Necha Treitel<br />

Mark Ulrich<br />

Clarissa and Harry Uvegi<br />

Valerie Joseph Salon<br />

Vic Firth<br />

WABC-Live! with Kelly<br />

Liz Neumark and<br />

Chaim Wachsberger<br />

Waechtersbach<br />

Walt Disney World, Inc.<br />

Wave Hill<br />

David Weinstein<br />

Ethel and Barry Weintraub<br />

West Side Judaica<br />

West Side Kids<br />

West Side Wine<br />

Dr. Ruth Westheimer<br />

Wheel of Fortune<br />

Wolf & Lamb Steakhouse<br />

Leslie and Louis Wolfowitz<br />

Woodloch Resort<br />

Leah and Joshua Wurzburger<br />

Wynne Enterprises<br />

Rob Wynne<br />

Your Amazing Space<br />

Zabar’s<br />

We apologize in advance for any errors contained in the <strong>Auction</strong> <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong>. In our<br />

effort to list all donors and solicitors, we realize that we may have inadvertently left out a<br />

name or misspelled a name or company. Despite extensive proof-reading, errors can<br />

occur due to the very tight deadline under which the catalogue is published. Please<br />

accept our sincere apologies for any errors that remain.<br />



<strong>The</strong> Abraham Joshua <strong>Heschel</strong> High <strong>School</strong><br />

Joseph and Sylvia Slifka Building<br />

20 West End Avenue • New York, NY 10023<br />

Joseph Slifka Middle <strong>School</strong> Building<br />

314 West 91st Street • New York, NY 10024<br />

Miriam & Isaac Blech Early Childhood Center<br />

Henry Lindenbaum Lower <strong>School</strong><br />

270 West 89th Street • New York, NY 10024<br />

212-595-7087<br />


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