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Télécharger la présentation - Mediathèque du congrès de High ... Télécharger la présentation - Mediathèque du congrès de High ...

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Comprendre et gérer une<br />

rupture coronaire après<br />


Dr G. ROBERT<br />

Clinique St Pierre<br />

Perpignan<br />


Comprendre <strong>la</strong> perforation:<br />

Quel type?<br />

Pour qui?<br />

Pourquoi?<br />

Quand?<br />

Cas clinique<br />

Comment <strong>la</strong> prévenir?<br />

Gestion <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> complication<br />


C<strong>la</strong>ssification <strong>de</strong>s perforations coronariennes<br />

ELLIS<br />

Type I : Cratère extraluminal sans extravasation<br />

Type II : Blush péricardique ou myocardique sans<br />

extravasation <strong>de</strong> jet <strong>de</strong> contraste<br />

Type III : Extravasation / jet <strong>de</strong> contraste à travers une<br />

perforation ( ≥ 1mm ) ou bien opacification d’une cavité<br />

anatomique ( ventricule , espace péricardique… )<br />


Type I : Tatouage épicardique sans extravasation <strong>de</strong> contraste<br />

Type II : Extravasation avec jet <strong>de</strong> contraste visible<br />

KINI<br />

Type I : Fukutomi type I<br />

Type II : Ellis type III<br />


Perforation coronaire: pour qui?<br />


In-Hospital Outcomes of Contemporary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention<br />

in Patients With Chronic Total Occlusion: Insights From the J-CTO Registry<br />

(Multicenter CTO Registry in Japan)<br />

Inci<strong>de</strong>nce, Predictors, Management,<br />

Yoshihiro Morino, Takeshi Kimura, Yasuhiko Hayashi, Toshiya Muramatsu,<br />

Masahiko Ochiai, Yuichi Noguchi, Kenichi Kato, Yoshisato Shibata, Yoshikazu<br />

Immediate<br />

Hiasa, Osamu Doi,<br />

and<br />

Takehiro<br />

Long-Term<br />

Yamashita, Takeshi<br />

Outcomes<br />

Morimoto, Mitsuru Abe,<br />

Following<br />

Tomoaki<br />

Hinohara, Kazuaki Mitsudo, for the J-CTO Registry Investigators<br />

Gra<strong>de</strong> III Coronary Perforation<br />

J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. Intv. 2010;3;143-151<br />

doi:10.1016/j.jcin.2009.10.029<br />

This information is current as of November 16, 2011<br />

R. Al The Lamee, online version A. of Ie<strong>la</strong>si, this article, A. along Latib, with updated C. Godino, information M. and Ferraro, services, is M.<br />

located on the World Wi<strong>de</strong> Web at:<br />

Mussardo, http://interventions.onlinejacc.org/cgi/content/full/3/2/143<br />

F. Arioli, M. Carlino, M. Montorfano, A. Chieffo<br />

and Antonio Colombo<br />

J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. Intv. 2011 ; 4 ; 87- 95<br />


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o<strong>de</strong>lrcumy<br />

ocomy,<br />

scu<strong>la</strong>r<br />

tuous<br />

The <strong>de</strong>vice causing perforation was an intracoronary balloon in<br />

50.0% (n 28) of patients with a compliant balloon used in<br />

53.6% (n 15) and a noncompliant balloon used in 46.4% (n <br />

13). Perforation occurred <strong>du</strong>ring pre-di<strong>la</strong>tion before stent imp<strong>la</strong>n-<br />

Caractéristiques cliniques<br />

24465 pts / 56 perforations type 3<br />

Table 1. Baseline Clinical Characteristics (n 56)<br />

Age, yrs 66.5 12.1<br />

Male sex 44 (78.6)<br />

Ejection fraction 55.8 9.1<br />

Prior myocardial infarction 25 (44.6)<br />

Prior PCI 22 (39.3)<br />

Prior CABG 6 (10.7)<br />

Unstable angina (CCS IV) 4 (7.1)<br />

Stable angina (CCS I–III) 46 (82.2)<br />

Silent ischemia (CCS 0) 6 (10.9)<br />

Multivessel disease 42 (76.4)<br />

Renal impairment (p<strong>la</strong>sma creatinine 1.4 mg/dl) 4 (7.1)<br />

Cardiovascu<strong>la</strong>r risk factors<br />

Family history of coronary artery disease 22 (39.3)<br />

Hypertension 35 (62.5)<br />

Hypercholesterolemia 38 (67.9)<br />

Current smoker 5 (8.9)<br />

Diabetes mellitus 8 (14.3)<br />

Al-Lamee et<br />

Data<br />

al. J.Am.Coll.Cardiol.Interv.<br />

presented as percentages<br />

2011<br />

and absolute numbers or mean SD.<br />

v<br />

v<br />

v<br />

( % )<br />

CABG coronary artery bypass graft; CCS Canadian Cardiovascu<strong>la</strong>r Society; PCI percuta-<br />


90<br />

Al-Lamee et al.<br />

Gra<strong>de</strong> III Coronary Perforation During PCI<br />

JACC:<br />

Caractéristiques <strong>de</strong>s lésions traitées<br />

Table 2. Lesion Characteristics (n 56)<br />

Vessel<br />

Left anterior <strong>de</strong>scending 25 (44.6)<br />

Circumflex 7 (12.5)<br />

Right coronary artery 13 (23.2)<br />

Intermediate 1 (1.8)<br />

First diagonal 3 (5.4)<br />

Second diagonal 1 (1.8)<br />

Obtuse marginal 3 (5.4)<br />

Septal 1 (1.8)<br />

Saphenous vein graft 2 (3.6)<br />

Lesion location<br />

Ostial 4 (7.1)<br />

Proximal 22 (39.2)<br />

Mid 26 (46.4)<br />

Distal 4 (7.1)<br />

Lesion and vessel morphology<br />

Type A 0<br />

Type B1 2 (3.6)<br />

Type B2 24 (44.6)<br />

Type C 29 (51.8)<br />

Chronic total occlusion 16 (28.6)<br />

Significant calcification 13 (23.2)<br />

Small vessel 2.5 mm 18 (32.1)<br />

Al-Lamee et al. J.Am.Coll.Cardiol.Interv. 2011<br />

Data presented as percentages and absolute numbers or mean SD.<br />

v<br />

v<br />

v<br />

grafts (InSitu<br />

sota) with 3-,<br />

and 19-mm le<br />

performed in<br />

successful in<br />

patients (n <br />

formed in 1<br />

perforation. A<br />

16.0% (n <br />

rupture in 44.<br />

were required<br />

39.3% (n 2<br />

resuscitation<br />

overall intrapr<br />

The character<br />

treatment are<br />

Predictors of g<br />

logistic regress<br />

coronary perfo<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l was 0.7<br />

Hosmer-Leme<br />

confirming go<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l that est<br />

predictors of p<br />

7<br />

In-hospital ou<br />

patient had an

122.8). Most patients (n 44, 95.7%) were asymptomatic at<br />

follow-up with symptoms of stable angina in the remain<strong>de</strong>r<br />

(n 2, 4.3%). The in-stent restenosis rate was 38.5% (n 10)<br />

Causes et actions principales<br />

Table 4. Characteristics of Gra<strong>de</strong> III Coronary Perforation (n 56)<br />

Device causing rupture<br />

Compliant balloon 15 (26.8)<br />

Mean balloon artery ratio 1.3 0.2<br />

Noncompliant balloon 13 (23.2)<br />

Mean balloon artery ratio 1.3 0.3<br />

Stent <strong>de</strong>livery system 10 (17.8)<br />

Cutting balloon 4 (7.1)<br />

Directional atherectomy 2 (3.6)<br />

Rotab<strong>la</strong>tion 2 (3.6)<br />

Hydrophilic wire 2 (3.6)<br />

Nonhydrophilic wire 8 (14.3)<br />

Action following rupture<br />

Pericardiocentesis 16 (28.6)<br />

Emergency intra-aortic balloon pump 11 (19.6)<br />

Heparin reversal 24 (42.9)<br />

Al-Lamee et al. J.Am.Coll.Cardiol.Interv. 2011<br />

Data presented as percentages and absolute numbers or mean SD.<br />

v<br />

v<br />

( % )<br />

to have<br />

One pa<br />

therapy<br />

imp<strong>la</strong>nt<br />

with dru<br />

with <strong>la</strong>t<br />

in<strong>de</strong>x pr<br />

treated w<br />

recovery<br />

PTFE s<br />

and was<br />

Table 5.<br />

Coronar<br />

Type B2/<br />

Coronary<br />

Rotab<strong>la</strong>ti<br />

Intravasc<br />

8<br />

CI confi

Facteurs prédictifs <strong>de</strong> perforations<br />

OR 95% CI for OR p Value<br />

Type B2 / C lesions 3.75 1,47 – 9,60 0,006<br />

Coronary occlusion 1.91 1,02 – 3,60 0,045<br />

Rotab<strong>la</strong>tor 3,47 1,57 – 7,58 0,002<br />

IVUS gui<strong>de</strong>d proce<strong>du</strong>re 5,36 3,10 – 9,25 < 0,001<br />

Al-Lamee et al. J.Am.Coll.Cardiol.Interv. 2011 9

Successful 1 (100)<br />

CABG and surgical repair of perforation 9 (16.0)<br />

Résultats immédiats<br />

Successful 4 (44.4)<br />

Multiple treatment methods used 22 (39.3)<br />

Overall successful treatment of rupture 50 (87.7)<br />

Proce<strong>du</strong>ral complications n 56<br />

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 11 (19.6)<br />

Death 2 (3.6)<br />

In-hospital complications n 54<br />

Acute stent thrombosis 1 (1.9)<br />

Necessity for CABG 2 (3.7)<br />

Death 8 (14.8)<br />

Combined proce<strong>du</strong>ral and in-hospital events n 56<br />

Myocardial infarction 24 (42.9)<br />

Major adverse cardiac event 31 (55.4)<br />

Data presented as percentages and absolute numbers or mean SD.<br />

Al-Lamee et al. J.Am.Coll.Cardiol.Interv. 2011<br />

GPI glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors; other abbreviations as in Table 1.<br />



JANUARY 2011:87–95<br />

Résultats à long terme<br />

Table 7. Long-Term Outcome During the Follow-Up Period<br />

( % )<br />

Follow-up n = 46<br />

Months 38.1 (7.6–122.8)<br />

Months of <strong>du</strong>al antip<strong>la</strong>telet therapy 1.0 (0–6.0)<br />

Angiographic follow-up obtained 26 (56.5)<br />

Angina CCS c<strong>la</strong>ss<br />

Unstable angina (CCS IV) 0<br />

Stable angina (CCS I–III) 2 (4.3)<br />

Asymptomatic (CCS 0) 44 (95.7)<br />

Restenosis 10 (38.4)<br />

Death following discharge 7 (15.2)<br />

Cardiac <strong>de</strong>ath 3 (6.5)<br />

Myocardial infarction 2 (4.3)<br />

Need for CABG 2 (4.3)<br />

Target lesion revascu<strong>la</strong>rization 6 (13.0)<br />

Target vessel revascu<strong>la</strong>rization 9 (19.6)<br />

Stent thrombosis 4 (8.6)<br />

Major adverse cardiac event 19 (41.3)<br />

Al-Lamee et Data al. J.Am.Coll.Cardiol.Interv. presented as percentages 2011 and absolute numbers, mean SD, or median (interquartile<br />

range).<br />

11<br />

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Perforation coronaire: pour quoi?<br />

le ou les coupables(s) potentiel(s)<br />

Le gui<strong>de</strong> 0,09<br />

La fraise<br />

Le ballon après « fraisage »<br />

La son<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> stimu<strong>la</strong>tion<br />

… l’opérateur?<br />


Perforation coronaire: quand?<br />

Procé<strong>du</strong>re à chaud ou à froid<br />

Procé<strong>du</strong>re à chaud:<br />

Pb <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> lésion résistante ou non<br />

franchissable / angu<strong>la</strong>tion / petit vaisseau<br />

Fraise <strong>de</strong> petit calibre en 1 ière intention<br />

Procé<strong>du</strong>re à froid:<br />

Pb d’indication >>> pb technique<br />


Perforation coronaire: quand?<br />

Immédiate ou retardée<br />

Immédiate<br />

Retardée car non vue d’emblée:<br />

Echo si instabilité clinique et/ou hémo<br />

Contrôle CORO<br />

Surveil<strong>la</strong>nce USIC<br />


Comprendre <strong>la</strong> perforation:<br />

Pour qui?<br />

Pourquoi?<br />

Où?<br />

Quand?<br />

Cas clinique<br />

Comment <strong>la</strong> prévenir?<br />

Gestion <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> complication<br />



« Mieux vaut un raccommodage qu’un trou » <br />

proverbe éthiopien <br />

JC MACIA <br />

Département <strong>de</strong> Cardiologie <br />


Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

Porteuse JR4 6F, gui<strong>de</strong> Whisper, ballons MAVERICK 2 2.5*12, 2.5*9, 3*9 mm

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

Porteuse JR4 6F, gui<strong>de</strong> Whisper, ballons MAVERICK 2 2.5*12, 2.5*9, 3*9 mm

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

Porteuse AL1 6F, gui<strong>de</strong> BHW, ballons C et NC <strong>de</strong> 3mm <br />

Echec <strong>de</strong> pose <strong>de</strong> stent MICRODRIVER 2.5*8 <br />


-­‐>ROTABLATOR <br />

Porteuse AL1, gui<strong>de</strong> BHW, ballon <br />

Maverick OTW 2.5*9 mm, gui<strong>de</strong> Rota <br />

wire Extra support, <br />

Rotalink 1.5 mm: <br />

-­‐progression sur 4 passages dans les <br />

angu<strong>la</strong>eons, <br />

-­‐difficultés sur CD2, <br />

-­‐retrait pareel <strong>du</strong> gui<strong>de</strong> proche <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> <br />

paree floppy, <br />

-­‐fraisage en re<strong>la</strong>eve <strong>de</strong>saxaeon par <br />

rapport à <strong>la</strong> lumière, <br />

-­‐retrait « acci<strong>de</strong>ntel » <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> totalité <strong>du</strong> <br />

matériel en DYNAGLIDE, <br />

-­‐passage d’un gui<strong>de</strong> Whisper« à <strong>la</strong> <br />

volée » après une injeceon « test »….. <br />

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

2 Inf<strong>la</strong>eons prolongées avec un ballon MAVERICK 2 <strong>de</strong> 3*15 mm (15 minutes)

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

2 Inf<strong>la</strong>eons prolongées avec un ballon MAVERICK 2 <strong>de</strong> 3*15 mm (15 minutes)

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

Echec <strong>de</strong> pose d’un JOSTENT <strong>de</strong> 3*16 mm, drainage péricardique <br />

Steneng « Conveneonnel » DRIVER 3*18, 3*24, 3.5*18, 3.5*12 et 3*9 mm

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

Echec <strong>de</strong> pose d’un JOSTENT <strong>de</strong> 3*16 mm, drainage péricardique <br />

Steneng « Conveneonnel » DRIVER 3*18, 3*24, 3.5*18, 3.5*12 et 3*9 mm

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

Echec <strong>de</strong> pose d’un JOSTENT <strong>de</strong> 3*16 mm, drainage péricardique <br />

Steneng « Standard » DRIVER 3*18, 3*24, 3.5*18, 3.5*12 et 3*9 mm

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

Echec <strong>de</strong> pose d’un JOSTENT <strong>de</strong> 3*16 mm, drainage péricardique <br />

Steneng « Conveneonnel » DRIVER 3*18, 3*24, 3.5*18, 3.5*12 et 3*9 mm

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

Echec <strong>de</strong> pose d’un JOSTENT <strong>de</strong> 3*16 mm, drainage péricardique <br />

Steneng « Conveneonnel » DRIVER 3*18, 3*24, 3.5*18, 3.5*12 et 3*9 mm

Madame HC, 81 ans <br />

HTA, Hypercholestérolémie, IMC 30, AOMI <br />

SCA ST-­‐, troponine + <br />

ECG: T-­‐ inférieur, ECHO: VG normal <br />

RESULTAT ! <br />

EVOLUTION : Troponine 1.5, retrait <strong>du</strong> drain J1, FA paroxyseque, Soree J6 post <br />

procé<strong>du</strong>re, DCD à 84 ans d’un adénocarcinome colique

Comprendre <strong>la</strong> perforation:<br />

Pour qui?<br />

Pourquoi?<br />

Où?<br />

Quand?<br />

Cas clinique<br />

Comment <strong>la</strong> prévenir?<br />

Gestion <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> complication<br />


Prévention<br />

Respect <strong>de</strong>s CI<br />

Evaluation <strong>du</strong> rapport B/R<br />

Expérience au service <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> technique<br />


Prévention: Evaluation <strong>du</strong><br />

rapport B/R<br />

Pt non éligible pour une éventuelle chir<br />

Lésions complexe 3T avec mauvais VG<br />

TC complexe non protégé<br />

Lésion angulée > 45°, surtout Cx<br />

Lésion > 30 mm, surtout petit vx<br />


Prévention: Expérience au<br />

service <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> technique<br />

Guiding coaxial 6 ou 7F<br />

Intérêt IVUS / OCT + imagerie <strong>de</strong> qualité<br />

Contrôle permanent distalité gui<strong>de</strong><br />

Ratio fraise/artère 0,5 à 0,6<br />

Résultat gui<strong>de</strong> en p<strong>la</strong>ce en > 2 inci<strong>de</strong>nces<br />

Ne pas retar<strong>de</strong>r <strong>la</strong> technique et …<br />

Savoir s’arrêter …<br />


Gestion <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> perforation:<br />

Travail d’équipe / Centre expérimenté<br />

Cardio interventionnel:<br />

maintenir gui<strong>de</strong> + gonfler un ballon<br />

déci<strong>de</strong>r au + vite correction<br />

drainage péricar<strong>de</strong> + manœuvres d’assistance si<br />

nécessaire<br />

2 ième Cardio en salle: écho en salle + réa<br />

Anesthésiste/Réanimateur:<br />

Maintien état hémod<br />

Sédation +/- VA<br />


Gestion <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> perforation type 3:<br />

les moyens<br />

Toujours une longue inf<strong>la</strong>tion avec ballon<br />

occlusif<br />

Stent couvert<br />

Stent conventionnel ou superposition <strong>de</strong><br />

stents<br />

Ballon <strong>de</strong> perfusion + chir en urgence<br />

dans les cas extrêmes<br />


worse short-term outcomes in patients with coronary<br />

perforation and that these agents should be used with<br />

caution in high-risk proce<strong>du</strong>res (5).<br />

Study limitations. There are some limitations of this study:<br />

Perforation coronarienne <strong>de</strong> type 3<br />

Stratégie thérapeutique<br />

1) it was a retrospective study; 2) the popu<strong>la</strong>tion size was<br />

An interventional cardiologist must be prepared for this<br />

iatrogenic event; all teams should be equipped with the<br />

necessary skills and technology required for treatment and<br />

should be prepared to react quickly and efficiently in the<br />

event of perforation. Despite treatment measures, this<br />

Al-Lamee et al. J.Am.Coll.Cardiol.Interv. 2011 35<br />

Figure 3. Flowchart for the Treatment of Gra<strong>de</strong> III Coronary Perforation Based on Our Experience

Symposium Boston Scientific<br />

25 janvier 2012 ; 17h – 19h Salle Endoume<br />

Le Rotab<strong>la</strong>tor : plus <strong>de</strong> vingt ans et pas une ri<strong>de</strong> !<br />

L’histoire d’un c<strong>la</strong>ssique dont on ne peut se passer.<br />

Modérateurs : P. Dupouy (Antony), V. Stratiev (St Denis), P. Meyer (St-Laurent-<strong>du</strong>-Var)<br />

Quelles indications en 2012 ? P. Meyer (St-Laurent-<strong>du</strong>-Var)<br />

Rotab<strong>la</strong>tor en bail-out sur échec d’angiop<strong>la</strong>stie P. Commeau (Ollioules)<br />

Tips & Tricks<br />

- Comment apprivoiser le gui<strong>de</strong> ? B. Huret (Caen)<br />

- Technique <strong>de</strong> fraisage P. Brunel (Nantes)<br />

- Quand s’arrêter <strong>de</strong> fraiser pour compléter au ballon? M. Gi<strong>la</strong>rd (Brest)<br />

Comprendre et gérer les complications<br />

- Rupture <strong>de</strong> coronaire G. Robert (Perpignan)<br />

- La coronaire ne circule plus T. Lhermusier (Toulouse)<br />

- La fraise bloquée ne revient pas P. Meyer (St Laurent <strong>du</strong> Var)<br />


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